• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,373 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

  • ...

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 86: Freefalling

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Time seemed to slow to nearly a standstill.

Steve ran toward the edge of the balcony, hand outstretched as if to catch the plummeting mare in front of him. As Dash fell, Steve noticed that she too was reaching toward him, hoof outstretched in some vain hope that he would be able to reach her in time, even though it was clear to both of them that he wouldn’t.

Out of the corner of his eye, Steve saw Dash’s friends now standing up in their seats, an expression of horror on each of their faces. He couldn’t see Celestia, as she was currently behind him, but he imagined she wore a similar countenance.

As Steve neared the edge, his mind raced to think of a plan.

He had no ender pearls. With all of the Enderman back in Minecraftia, Steve realized that he was working with a limited number of ender pearls and, as such, had stopped carrying them on him.

The only pair of elytra in existence was in Minecraftia, locked in an ender chest.

All he had was the one potion of Slow Fall that he’d had the foresight to pack.

Steve grit his teeth as Dash fell past him, her terrified scream bringing forth a bout of fear in his gut.

He heard Celestia call his name, but he didn’t respond, or even look at her. He couldn’t, because right then, every moment mattered.

X: Jump

Without a word, Steve leapt, his feet leaving the stable ground in favor of empty, open air. He stared downwards, not just at his plummeting friend, but at the ground, which lay so, so, so far beneath him. Steve only had enough time to think ‘Shit, that’s high,’ before time suddenly resumed, gravity took effect and he, too, fell.

* * * * *

Steve tumbled end over end as he fell, the constant switching between up and down doing nothing to help the queasy feeling in his stomach.

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, fuck’ Steve thought, desperately trying to stabilize himself.

‘STEVE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK????!!!!’ Onyx yelled, Steve barely able to hear the Nightmare’s voice over the sound of wind rushing past his ears.

‘Not now, Onyx. Gotta focus here.’ Steve replied, finally managing to stop his rolling. Looking down, he saw Rainbow Dash falling a pretty fair distance below him, legs spread eagle and one wing flapping uselessly. He grit his teeth, mind racing to think of a way to get down to her.


‘No I didn’t.’ Steve calmly replied. ‘I brought a potion of Slow Falling, remember? As a precaution.’

‘....Oh.’ Onyx lamely replied. The Nightmare was silent for a moment before he continued. ‘I apologize for yelling. I was freaking out.’

‘Clearly.’ Steve responded, allowing a grin to grace his lips for a moment before focusing back on the task at hand. ‘Now that you’ve calmed down, I need your help. We only have so long before Dash hits the ground, and we need to get to her before that happens.’ As he spoke, Steve noticed just how quickly the ground seemed to be approaching. Swallowing his fear, he continued. ‘Any ideas?’

It took Onyx a moment, but eventually he spoke. ‘Well, with the way Rainbow Dash is falling, she’s creating a larger surface area, which is causing her to fall at a slower speed than us. Unfortunately, it won’t be enough for us to get to her in time. However, if we were to reduce our air resistance enough, then we could probably reach her.’

‘Great!’ Steve responded. ‘Now just word that so I understand what the fuck you’re saying.’

A sigh. ‘Press your arms and legs together, and keep them there.’

Steve nodded before following the Nightmare’s orders, squeezing his arms and legs tightly together. Immediately, he felt himself begin to pick up speed, the distance between Dash and himself beginning to lessen.

‘It’s working!’ He exclaimed with a grin. However, the smile fell when he noticed the ground, growing steadily closer. ‘Fuck. If this works, we’re gonna be cutting pretty damn close!’

‘Steve, something’s approaching!’ Onyx warned.

‘What!?’ The Crafter exclaimed before glancing upwards. Much to his shock, he saw a trio of pegasi, all three of which were wearing those blue suits and goggles, speeding down towards him and Dash.

‘The Wonderbolts!’

One of the pegasi, a pony with a navy blue mane and a pair of light blue wings, went for Steve, quickly getting behind him and hooking his forelegs under his arms. The pegasus managed to slow, then stop Steve’s fall altogether, though the Crafter could hear him straining with the effort.

“Wait!!” He yelled, struggling slightly. “Dash is-!”

“She’s, urk, fine!” The pegasus replied, panting heavily. “Spitfire and Thunder have got her!”

Steve looked down to that the other two pegasi had indeed gotten Rainbow Dash. In the time that he’d been distracted with the pegasus saving him, the other Wonderbolts had already caught up to Dash. The injured mare had been placed on the back of a fiery-maned pegasus, while the other, a black-furred pony with a two-toned grayish mane attended to her.

Steve let out a sigh of relief. ‘She’s okay. She’s fine. Now we just need to get to-’ His train of thought was interrupted when he suddenly slipped a little bit, his heart jumping at the sudden and unexpected movement. Glancing back at the pegasus carrying him, Steve’s eyes widened when he saw the strained look on his face.

‘He can’t carry me out of here.’ He realized. ‘At best, we’ll be able to make it to the ground without turning into a fine paste.’

‘Indeed, but at the rate his strength is depleting, if it continues, he won’t be able to do even that.’

“Hey! You can’t carry me up there!!” Steve yelled. “Not on your own!!”

The pegasus gave a nearly imperceptible nod before he shouted to his fellow Wonderbolts. “Hey, *grunt* Thunderlane!” He panted heavily. “I, need some help over, here!!”

Both Thunderbolts, as well as Dash, looked over at the struggling pegasus, all three of their eyes widening.

“Got it!! Hold on Soarin!” The black-furred pegasus, assumedly named Thunderlane, yelled back before racing towards the pair.

L1 (Potion Select): Potion of Slow Falling

Steve let out yet another sigh of relief before he reached into his Inventory to withdraw his only potion of Slow Falling. Uncorking the bottle, he lifted it to his lips. He had only begun to drink it when several things happened.

Steve slipped from the Soarin's grip, the Wonderbolt’s strength finally spent. Thunderlane, with a sudden, reflexive burst of speed, dashed towards the pair, one hoof grabbing (again, how do they do that?) the back of Steve’s shirt while the other grasped his fellow Wonderbolt by his jumpsuit. Unfortunately, the sudden drop, combined with the even more sudden stop only a moment later, caused the potion of Slow Falling to jump out of his grip, staying suspended for a moment in mid-air, before it fell. Steve stared at the falling bottle until it became too small for him to see.


‘Agreed.’ Onyx spoke.

Steve glanced back at the pegasus holding him. It was hard to see, due to the suit, but he could tell that Thunderlane was not doing well. It wouldn’t be long before he too tired out and ended up in the same state as the pegasus he was holding.

“Thunderlane! Hold on!” The fiery-maned pegasus yelled, flying over to them. However, with Dash on her back, her speed was heavily reduced.

Thinking quickly, Steve assessed the situation.

‘Alright, so there’s two pegasi, and three people in need of rescue.’ He glanced over at Soarin, who was panting heavily, wings hanging limply by his sides. The Wonderbolt with Dash on their back came over and lifted the exhausted pony up, straining slightly as they did so. ‘There’s no way he’ll be able to recover in time, and I can’t risk Dash with her wing the way it is.’ Quickly opening his Inventory, he searched for something to use, something he could use to help resolve the situation. He found it.

‘My emergency water bucket!’ He thought gleefully. ‘If they let me go, then I can use the water to break my fall!’

‘Will that work?’ Onyx inquired, to which Steve nodded.

‘Yeah. It’s a cool trick I learned a while ago for whenever I was exploring ravines. Granted, it’s very dangerous, as you need to be able to place the water at exactly the right time. If you don’t, then there’s nothing to break your fall, and you end up going splat.’

‘Fantastic.’ Onyx sarcastically replied. Grinning, Steve glanced back at the three pegasi who weren’t completely out of it.

“Let me go.”

All three of them jerked back in shock at his words.

“What?” The fiery-maned Wonderbolt asked. Thunderlane looked like he wanted to ask as well, but was too busy trying to keep himself and Steve aloft to do so.

“Steve, what are you doing?!” Dash cried out. The Crafter gave the mare a small grin.

“Dash, there’s only two pegasi here who can fly, and that’s not enough to get us all out of here. If you drop me, then you guys can still get them out of here.”

“What?! No!” Dash cried out, trying and failing to reach for Steve. “Don’t!”

“Don’t worry about me Dash.” The Crafter spoke, giving her a thumbs up. “I’ll be okay.” With that, he jerked his head back, smacking the leg that Thunderlane had been holding him with. The hit, combined with the fact that the pegasus’ hold on him had already been weakened, caused the hoof to let go of the Crafter.

Steve heard Dash shout his name as he fell, but he didn’t look up at her. He imagined that she had some sort of horrified look on her face, probably thinking he was sacrificing himself for her and the Wonderbolts. (Which is technically true, just not in the way she was thinking.) While Steve felt bad about not informing her of his plan, there had been no telling of how much longer Thunderlane could’ve kept them both aloft before his strength gave out as well, so Steve had wasted as little time as possible before knocking himself free.

‘I’ll make sure to apologize and make it up to her later.’ He thought to himself as he faced the swiftly-approaching ground. ‘In the meantime, better get ready.’ He quickly withdrew his bucket of water, gripping it tightly as he continued to fall. Taking a deep breath, he steadied his nerves, preparing himself so that when the time came, he wouldn’t screw up and get himself killed.

Suddenly, Steve heard something akin to a roar, followed closely by a near ear-splitting explosion, bright colors shining across the sky on either side.

‘Steve, I’m picking up on a huge explosion of magic from above us! Something’s heading right for us!!”

Steve’s eyes widened before he glanced upward. Much to his shock and amazement, he saw what looked like a supercharged Dash heading straight for him at incredible speeds, leaving a trail of rainbows in her wake.

“Holy shit.” Steve muttered.

‘That must be the Sonic Rainboom that Rainbow Dash was talking about.’ Onyx spoke, sounding just as awed as Steve was. ‘Looks like she managed to pull it off.’

As she quickly approached, Steve saw the absolutely livid look on her face, causing him to wince.

‘Shit, she doesn’t look happy.’

‘Well, I don’t imagine she would be very happy after watching you throw your life away. Granted, you had a plan, but she doesn’t know that.’

Only a moment later, Rainbow Dash had caught up to the Crafter, quickly scooping him up in her forehooves before turning right back around and heading back towards the arena. The almost instant transition from falling to his (possible) death to flying back up to the Cloudsdale stadium left Steve reeling slightly. In the blink of an eye, they passed the trio Wonderbolts (one of whom was still being carried) on their way back towards the arena.

Upon entering the stadium, Steve was surprised when she didn’t stop, instead continuing on past the crowds of ponies, up over the sides of the arena, and down towards the clouds outside. Upon getting close enough, she dropped Steve, who landed quietly on the floor, before landing herself.

For a few moments she just stood there, facing away from the Crafter. Steve pursed his lips, staying silent for a few moments before attempting to speak.


“Don’t.” Rainbow Dash spoke, her voice, though quiet, easily displaying the anger she was feeling. “Just, don’t, right now Steve.”

“Look, I understand that you’re mad about what I did down there, but I-”

“I’m not mad Steve.” She spoke. The Crafter blinked in surprise.

“You’re not?”

“No, because mad doesn’t begin to describe how I feel!!!” She cried out, whirling around to glare furiously at the Crafter. “I don’t think there’s a word in all of Equestria that could properly say what I’m feeling, and if there is, I sure as hay have never heard of it!!!” She stalked forward, poking her hoof into Steve’s chest. “Do you have any idea what it felt like, watching you fall!!? And even worse, knowing that it was you who made Thunderlane let go of you!?!? I was terrified, and then I was angry, and then I was both, and then, then….” She faltered a bit, stumbling on her hooves.

“Dash?” Steve asked in concern. “Are you- Shit!” He cut himself off as the mare pitched forward, Steve only barely managing to catch her before she hit the ground. Placing her on the ground, he turned the mare onto her back before he began looking her over.

“Onyx, I need a check up. How’s she looking?”

A moment of silence, then the Nightmare responded. ‘She appears to be mostly fine. However, her left wing is showing signs of internal damage, and her magic reserves are almost entirely depleted.’

“Fuck, okay.” Steve muttered. “Wing damage I could fix,if I had any damn healing potions. Knew I should’ve packed a couple. However, I don’t know how to fix the magic reserves.” Steve pursed his lips as he continued to look over the unconscious mare for a few moments before coming to a decision. “We gotta get her to a hospital. Right now, they’re our best bet for helping her.”

Picking her up, Steve gently cradled the mare in his arms.

“Just hold on Dash.” He murmured to the mare. Taking a quick look around, Steve sighed and ran off.

Author's Note:

Wow! Got two chapters done in one week! Been a while since that's happened.

Anyways, if any of you have any questions or complaints about the physics of this chapter, please, for the sake of my sanity, I ask you take it at face value. (For crying out loud, it's a story about a video game character in a magical world filled with technicolor ponies. If you're looking for realism, you're in the wrong place.)

Anyways, as always, thank you all for reading, and be sure to let me know what you all think in the comments.

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