• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,372 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 15: Lost and Found (Part 3)

Now, without further adieu, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Steve carried Derpy, holding her wounded body against his chest. Neither had said a word, him because he was focused on getting back to their home, and Derpy because she was too busy sobbing into his shirt. Steve grit his teeth in anger at what that prick had done to her.

Under the cover of night, Steve eventually made it to her home. The lights were on, signifying Dinky was probably still up. Trying the door, he found it locked. Happy she had listened to him, but still slightly frustrated, he gently knocked.

“Hello? Dinky? It’s me, Steve. Your mom’s here.” There was a hurried shuffling on the other side, some clicking and the door swung open, revealing the small unicorn filly. Her eyes were watering, but a smile was present on her face at the sight of the pair. However, that smile fell and turned into fear when she saw the state her mother was in.

Walking in, Steve gently laid Derpy on the couch. Sighing to himself, he turned to Dinky.

“Dinky, I need some soup, some muffins and a fluffy blanket.” She didn’t question him, immediately setting off to find what he requested. Turning back to his charge, he brought her face tear-stained face up to look at him. He winced at the black eye and bruises she sported.

L1: Potion Select: Healing Potion (Level 2)

Withdrawing a potion of healing, Steve swiftly uncorked the bottle.

“C’mon, Derpy. Drink this. It’ll make you feel better.” She nodded shakily, and gripped the bottle. Tipping back her head, she gulped down the red liquid. Immediately, Steve saw the bruises on her face and body fade. Taking the empty bottle back, he stored it just as Dinky came back with a fluffy blanket and a plate of three muffins.

“The soup is warming up right now, Mister Steve.” He nodded, and grabbed the muffins and blanket. Placing the plate on the nearby table, he unfolded the blanket.

“Hey Derpy, could you sit up a little?” She responded by doing just that, allowing Steve to wrap the blanket around her. Picking up the pony burrito, he gently laid her down. All the while, she didn’t say a word. Steve looked her in her eyes. They were blank. He sighed, knowing exactly what was wrong. She was terrified. And after what had happened, he didn’t blame her.

“Derpy, it’s okay. Your safe.” Steve spoke, softly. She didn’t respond, causing him to sigh again. Steps to his right made him turn his head. Dinky trotted in, a bowl of soup clutched in her magical grip. Nodding his head in thanks, he grabbed the bowl, setting that too on the table, next to the muffins. Standing up, he spoke.

“Derpy, I’ll be right back. Just need to talk to your daughter for a moment. Make sure to eat something.” Turning, he walked to the kitchen. “C’mon Dinky.” Curious, she followed.

Once in the kitchen, he faced Dinky and knelt. Putting a hand on her shoulder, he sighed and thought on how best to tell her what had happened. Dinky waited patiently.

“Dinky, I wish I knew a better way to tell you this, but I don’t, so here it is. Your mom, has been through a lot tonight. Probably more than she’d ever gone through in her entire life, combined. She’s hurt, not physically, I healed her, but mentally. I know you may not understand, but…”

“I got it.” She interrupted. This made Steve raise an eyebrow in confusion. Sighing, she walked out of the kitchen, only to return with a book. She hoofed it over to Steve. Grabbing it, he turned it over to the front cover.

“Psychology and the Pony Mind?” Steve wondered aloud.

“Chapter 5.” She responded simply. Steve shrugged and turned to the proper page.

“Oh. Mental Trauma and its Effects.” Steve read aloud. Looking up and closing the book, he gave Dinky a curious look.

“You read this? No offense, but this doesn't seem like a very interesting book.” She chuckled and blushed.

“Yeah, but I found it interesting.” Steve shrugged.

“So, you know your mom is really hurt, right?” She nodded.

“Good, that means you can help her when I can’t. Look, I’ve seen this before, so I know it affects everyone differently. Right now, she needs to feel she’s safe, and she needs you.” Dinky nodded.

“Are you leaving?” She asked. Steve pondered for a moment, but shook his head.

“No. This all happened because of me, so I’ll make sure she’s okay, at least for tonight.” Dinky’s eyes widened.

“What do you mean this is your fault?” Steve sighed.

“The guards targeted your mom because she was my friend. They thought they could figure out where I lived from her.” Steve looked back in the direction of the living room and sighed, a expression of guilt present on his face.

“I don’t blame you, Mister Steve. And I don’t think Mom could ever blame you for what happened either.” Dinky spoke from behind him. Turning his head, he gave her a unbelieving look.

“No offense, but I find it hard to believe she won’t. You weren’t there. She looks better now, but that whole experience will scar her, possibly for life. I deserve to be blamed.” Dinky looked up, looking like she wanted to argue, but Steve spoke before she could.

“Anyway, kid, I don’t know if your mom has a bed time for you, but I think it’s time you got some sleep. And don’t worry about your mom. I’ll stay with her out here. I don’t want to risk moving her, not while she’s still fragile.” Dinky sighed but didn’t argue, moving on to, presumably, her room. Steve turned and started to walk to the living room.

“Mr Steve?” Steve stopped and looked at Dinky. She had her head poked out of a doorway with a worried expression on her face.

“She’ll be alright, right? My mom.” It broke Steve’s heart, to see such a good kid scared like that. The least he could do was reassure her. He smiled.

“Of course.” She smiled and went back into her room. Steve felt his smile drop. In truth he didn’t know. Problems in the mind always eluded him.

Walking into the room, he saw Derpy had fallen asleep, covered in the blanket. Smiling, Steve gently sat on the couch, tucking his head onto a large pillow. Tired from the day’s events, Steve fell asleep.

He was in too deep a sleep to feel the blanket-covered pony shift and cuddle against him in the night, a faint smile present on her sleeping form.

* * * * *

Steve blinked his eyes, groaning at the light that invaded his sight. Rubbing a hand on his face, he sat up and stretched, popping his back. Looking over to his side, he saw, to his horror, Derpy wasn't there. Only a mussed up blanket remained, left spread out on the couch. Shooting to his feet, Steve set off, searching for his friend.

He didn't have to look for long. To his surprise, he found both mother and daughter in the kitchen. Dinky was sitting at the dining table, while Derpy was at the stove, cooking something. Upon his entry, both mares and filly smile widely at him.

“Hey Steve. I was beginning to think I would have to wake you up myself. Breakfast is almost ready.” Derpy stated, turning back to the hot pan on the stove. Steve raised an eyebrow in confusion. Hesitantly, he sat down in the chair besides Dinky.

“Hey Derpy, Dinky. How are things going with you gals?” Steve
asked, eyes looking in Derpy's direction, a slight hint of concern present on his features. She looked back at him and winced slightly from the look he was giving her. Looking to her daughter, she spoke.

“Hey Dinky, sweetie? Could you go to your room for a moment? Steve and I need to talk for a bit.” Dinky nodded in understanding, and swiftly left the room. A few moments later, Steve heard the sound of her door closing. Sighing, Steve slowly walked towards her.

“Look Miss Derpy, I understand if you hate me now because of what I …? He was swiftly interrupted as Derpy latched herself onto his, giving him a big hug. Stepping back in surprise, he looked down at the mare in confusion as she looked up at him, a smile on her face.

“Dinky told me you blame yourself. I couldn’t imagine why, until she told me how you said it was your fault that I was imprisoned.” Steve looked away, an expression of guilt on his face. “Steve, look at me.” He didn’t, until her hoof reached up and turned his head to look at her. “I don’t blame you. You didn’t want me to go through that. You weren’t the one that put me through that.”

Steve opened his mouth to protest, but she continued.

“I saw what you did. You fought tooth and hoof to get to me. You risked your life to save me from that dirt-bag of a General. How could I possibly even dislike you?” She asked, the beginnings of tears in her eyes. Steve looked down at her, surprise and happiness in his face. Kneeling down, he smiled and gave her a big hug, arms wrapping around her. She readily returned the hug, content to stay there in his comforting grasp.

Steve felt something latch onto his arm. Looking up, he smiled as he saw Dinky, hugging his arm, a smile on her muzzle. Steve readjusted his grip, allowing the filly to get into the hug as well. The trio sat there, hugging each other, letting everything else fade away.

However, as all things must, they were forced to end the hug when Derpy suddenly shot up.

“The muffins are burning!” Just like that, she was at the stove, hurriedly pulling out a dozen blackened muffins. “Oh no!” She groaned. Steve simply chuckled. She turned her head to look at him, a expression of mock hurt on her face.

“What, are you laughing at my misfortune!” She inquired, sounding a lot like a certain white unicorn. Steve laughed.

“Oh wow, you sound just like Miss Rarity!” He chuckled. She simply smiled, as her daughter laughed along with Steve. Grumbling, she moved to grab some flour to make some more, before Steve's hand intercepted her hoof, gripping the bag of flour instead. Smirking down at the mare, he spoke.

“Let me, Miss Derpy. After all, such an exquisite mare like yourself must not dirty your hooves.” He replied, bowing low, putting on a fancy accent, making both ponies in the room laugh loudly at the display. Standing back up, he grabbed some bowls and utensils.

“Let’s get to work.”

* * * * *

After some time, the pair had been thoroughly covered in a mixture of flour, sugar, and egg. After cleaning themselves up, they set to cleaning up while Dinky was busy reading in her room. Derpy washed, while Steve dried and put away the dishes. They were both silent, content to work without talking. Until, Steve broke the silence with a hesitantly asked question.

“Sorry for not asking earlier, but, are you okay Derpy?”She stopped. Steve turned his head to look at her, waiting for her response.

“No. If I’m being honest, I’m not.” She turned to look at him, the look in her eye similar to what it had been last night. “I’m scared, Steve. I’m terrified that the Royal Guard would do that to anypony. I know, and I trust that you will protect me. I know. But you won’t always be around to protect me and Dinky, will you?” Steve opened his mouth to respond, closed it, then shook his head, regretfully. She sighed.

“That’s why I’m scared. I can’t prove they did anything wrong because I don’t have any proof, those guards are out to get you, and by connection, me, and the only being on this planet that has the means and will to protect my family is wanted as a criminal.” Sitting down, she let out a shuddering sigh. “When did my life get so stressful?” Steve looked down at the mare, feeling guilt bloom in his chest. Not knowing what to do, he hugged her. Feeling her hooves wrap around him, he spoke gently.

“I don’t know all the answers. I may be strong, and fast, and powerful, but I’m not a god,or some all-powerful being. At the end of the day, I’m just me, the last member of a extinct species. But I promise you. I will fight to my last breath to protect you and Dinky. And you can trust the promise of a Crafter.” He felt her tightened her grip.

“Thank you.”

* * * * *

Celestia and Luna gazed in horror at the sight before them. Eight beds, all filled with Royal Guards, all sporting various injuries. They were all unconscious, healing from their injuries. Their gazes took on the hurt and pain they were all in.

“How many, Sister?” Luna asked. Celestia sighed.

“The total guards hospitalized are 22. Two are in critical condition. Luckily, there were no deaths.” Luna gasped.

“This, this was not an attack. This was a massacre.” Luna spoke. Her sister nodded.

“Indeed. Even the general was not conscious, and any guards that were not injured or present don’t know what happened, only that the Creature was responsible.” Luna growled.

“Sister, this calls for desperate measures. I wish to enact Black Claw.” Celestia’s eyes widened, but as she was about to respond, she pondered the idea. Sighing, she looked at her sister, eyes narrowed in seriousness.

“Luna, that initiative is a worst-case scenario. They are given all access to anything they wish. They have an authority level just below ours. Are you sure this is the correct thing to do?” Luna took one more glance at the guards, and nodded her head. Celestia gave a nod in response and sighed.

“I will inform them immediately. May Faust have mercy on the Creature’s soul.”

Author's Note:

Hey, thanks for reading. Don't worry about Derpy, she'll be alright. Eventually. And if anyone is wondering why Dinky is hecka smart, I imagine the fillies aren't that young, somewhere around ten to eleven years old, and I've met some smart ten year-olds.:twilightsheepish:

Hey, foreshadowing!! Yeah, the Black Claw are gonna be a real pain in the a$$ later on. And yes, just as the name implies, they're are not ponies. But what are they? Only time will tell. Or the next chapter. Either one.

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