• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,373 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 28: A Queen's Terror (Part 1)

Now, without further adieu, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Steve wasn’t sure how long they sat there on the cool grass, Aura sobbing into his chest. It seemed like time was at a standstill, and in the Mindscape, maybe it was. Trench had joined in on the hug, one hoof wrapped around either of them, eyes closed with a solemn expression on his face. Neither Steve nor Trench moved an inch, seemingly comfortable in the embrace, listening as the choked sobs slowly lessened into just simple tears and quiet breathing as her grip on Steve went slack.

Peering down, Steve saw she had actually cried herself into a slumber. Sighing, Steve gently shook off Trench’s hoof as he re-adjusted his grip. Standing up, he carried the dark mare as he had carried Derpy all those days ago, after her capture and subsequent rescue. Trench looked up at him, gaze looking over the thestral in his arms.

“That was close. Too close.” He spoke, a mixture of relief and worry in his voice.

“Yeah.” Steve agreed simply.

“I thought for a second you didn’t get her, that she was going to actually…” Trench didn’t finish his sentence, but Steve more than understood.

“For a second, neither did I.” Steve sighed. “I nearly missed her.” He didn’t inform Trench on how close it had been. In reality, he had been mere centimeters from missing her. It was far too close for comfort.

Suddenly, there was a loud, “BING!!”, and just like before, a large wooden door appeared in the grass beside them. Trench let out a sigh of relief.

“Nice. Looks like our ticket out of here has arrived.” He looked at Steve, as well as the mare in his grip. “Should we wait for her to wake up before we leave, or would it be better to leave?” Steve thought for a moment before responding.

“Let’s head out. There’s nothing here for her but bad memories and guilt. Besides, I don’t want to find out the hard way that these doors have a time limit.” Trench nodded in agreement, before trotting up and opening the door. Without a second thought, he walked through, closely followed by Steve, Aura asleep in his arms.

* * * * *

Just as before, they found themselves in the dark room, and just as before, the door they had entered was gone. Now only five remained. Steve looked around the room with a grim expression on his face, before gently setting the mare down on the ground. Sitting down next to her, he looked at her rather calm expression, despite the tears staining her face. Sighing, he rubbed a hand to his face.

“You alright?” Steve heard from his left. Looking at Trench, he let a deadpan expression take over his features.

“Seriously?” He asked incredulously. Trench let out a humorless chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck.

“Yeah, sorry, dumb question. Just wanted to break the silence.” He muttered, looking down. Steve sighed.

“Y’know, silence isn’t always a bad thing.” Trench looked at him with a questioning gaze, making him continue. “I’ve known a lot of people who would always try to find something to talk about. But sometimes, silence isn’t a bad thing. Good friends don’t always have to always talk. Sometimes they can just sit around and enjoy the silence. You get me?” Trench nodded and remained silent for a short time. After a few minutes, he spoke.

“Are we friends, Steve?” Trench asked. He looked at the stallion, before groaning and putting his face in his hands.

“Dammit man, that’s not an easy question to answer.” He said. Groaning slightly, he sat up straight. “Look, you’re not a bad dude. I can see that. You do your job well, you genuinely care about others, and you’re not an asshole. But at the same time, despite it not being your fault, most likely, I can’t get the image of you hurting Derpy out of my head. I’m just conflicted, I guess.” Looking over, he saw Trench looking down at the floor in guilt. Steve smirked as he put a hand on the stallions head and patted it, garnering a curious gaze. “But I think after what we’ve done together, and you clearly trying to redeem yourself, I can call us friends.” Trench’s guilty expression morphed into a smile.


Before Steve could respond, they heard a small groan from their left. Snapping their heads to the side, they saw a certain mare was starting to wake up. Turning, Steve gently edged closer as Aura came around.

She sat up and put a hoof to her head, letting out a small groan. “Aw, Faust that hurts.” SHe said, eyes still closed. Upon opening them, they immediately grew wide as they took in the dark room. She turned her back to the pair, having not seen them yet as she looked around.

“Oh no, I thought that was a nightmare. Am I really…?” She was interrupted by Steve loudly clearing his throat, causing her to whirl around.

“Trench, S-Steve? What are you doing here? Where are we?” She asked, hastily getting to her hooves.

“Whoa, whoa, just calm down.” Steve said, with his hands out in a placating manner. “Just calm down. We’re in the Mindscape, far as we know.” Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“Mindscape? What the buck is that? The last thing I remember, I was having a nightmare, then” She looked at the pair with narrowed eyes. “You both were there. How were you both there? I thought only Princess Luna had the ability to enter dreams!” Steve contemplated how best to answer her question

“We were put in a coma by some dude named Herobrine and Steve here has been freeing us one by one by facing and beating our worst nightmares.” And Trench just took the direct route. Steve sighed.

“Yeah, that just about sums it up.” He muttered in agreement, rubbing a hand against his face. Looking at Aura, her expression showed just how much she didn’t understand. “Look, don’t expect a whole lot of answers from us, We’re just as confused about most of this as you are.”

“Well, how did you both get out?” She asked. This time, Steve answered.

I didn’t. He never put me in a coma. I got Trench out after finding him caught in his nightmare and after I fought off a horde of mist-wolves, which nearly got both of us killed.”

“What do you mean ‘killed’? I didn’t think you could die in the Dreamscape.” Aura responded, confused.

“Maybe not in the Dreamscape, but the Mindscape is a lot different, from what I’ve seen. I don’t know for sure what death here means for us in the real world, but I don’t want to find out.” Trench and Aura both nodded at the Crafter’s words. “That’s one of the reasons why I was trying so hard to save you when you nearly, y’know, did it.”

Aura looked up at him a small hin of irritation present on her face. “What were the other reasons?” She asked, curious.

“The other reason is because suicide is never the correct answer. I know things were pretty bad for you, but you should never resort to that as a solution.” Aura grit her teeth.

“Well, I’m sorry, alright!? I didn’t want to, but at the time, I didn’t see much choice! It hurt, so, so badly! Do you know what it feels like to feel like your drowning, with no hope of rescue!? Do you know what it’s like to feel like the whole damn world is on crushing down on you!? Do you!!?” Aura yelled, a sad fury in her eyes as she stomped closer to him. Steve’s response, however, stopped her dead in her tracks.

“More than you could ever know.” He said as he looked down at her with an angry expression on his face, his fist clenched. That was all he said, before walking over to a random door, throwing it open, and walking straight through.

Neither pony talked for a few, tense moments. Finally, Trench broke the silence with a sigh.

“C’mon.” He said, before walking towards the open door. Aura frowned at the stallion.

“What?” She asked, indignantly. Trench sighed again, then looked at the thestral with a frown on his face.

“Steve and I risked our lives to make sure you came out alive. Steve risked falling off the cliff to save you. I don’t care what you went through, you owe it to him to help free everypony else. So c’mon.” And with that, he trotted through the door.

Aura groaned, muttered, but eventually, she followed suit.

* * * * *

Steve walked through town in the late evening sun. It was a ghost town. Windows were barred shut, shutters drawn and doors locked tight. Adding insult to injury, a tumbleweed lazily blew by in the wind. He barely noticed this, as he was still trying to bury the anger brought up by the thestral mare. His fists were clenched as he repressed the painful memories that had resurfaced.

Steve, save me!!

We can still do this!! Come on!!

We aren’t going to survive this, are we Steve?

Steve grit his teeth as he used the most useful skill he’d ever acquired; suppressing his feelings. He took deep breaths, slowly managing to calm himself.

Finally shoving it down, he sighed and looked around, suddenly aware of how barren the town and road was. He quirked an eyebrow, eyes searching for any signs of life, but they found none. Steve kept his guard up as he walked through town, on the lookout for anything.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of a distant crash. Snapping his head in that direction, he immediately took off. He ran down the empty road, looking for the source of the noise. He eventually found it. He arrived in front of a house, with it’s door busted down and muffled yelling coming from inside. Steeling himself, he wasted no time in running inside.

What met his gaze caused his jaw to drop. Two unicorns stood off to one side of the room, backs turned to him, wearing a similar armor to what Aura had been wearing when he’d first met her, a heavy-looking steel armor and helmet. Their horns glowed as their telekinesis held someone, a pegasus stallion. An earth pony, wearing the same armor as the unicorns, was currently pounding the shit out of the pegasus while he was held in the unicorns field of magic, unable to defend himself. They didn’t notice Steve walk in, too busy on their task.

After another punch, the earth pony stopped his beating and stood straight, a vicious smirk on his muzzle.

“By the order of The Queen, you are under arrest for treason and conspiring against royalty!” At this moment, Steve decided it was time to intervene. He didn’t care what the pegasus had done, he didn’t like the smile on the guard’s face.

“Ahem.” Everypony in the room whirled around, with the exception of the pegasus, who seemed to have passed out, to stare at the Steve. He had a evil grin on his face and had a chair in his grip as a makeshift weapon.

“Would you like your beatdowns all at once, or one at a time?”

* * * * *

Trench and Aura walked through town, concerned at the lack of life in the town. They looked around, hoping to find either Steve, or anypony really. Trench looked around, spear sheathed, but guard up in case they would have to fight. Again. Really, at this point, it was just a matter of when, not if.

Suddenly, as they were walking, there was a loud crashing noise and the form of an unconscious unicorn, wearing a set of heavy, silvery armor, was sent flying through the air before slamming into the dirt.

They stared at the prone form for a second or two before the sound of somepony clearing their throat was heard. Looking up, they saw Steve, sporting a few bruises on his face and arms, carrying a pegasus over his shoulder and holding what looked like a broken chair leg in his hand.

“What the buck happened to you?” Trench asked. Steve shrugged his shoulders.

“Just doing a little clean up. Do you think you could fix this guy up?” He asked Trench as he laid the pegasus on the ground, revealing the bruises and scrapes he had.

“Whoa.” Aura spoke. “What happened to him?”

“I’m not sure. But, I have a feeling it was more than just a simple case of police brutality.” Standing up straight, Steve looked down the road before turning back to the pair. “Oi, you two stay here for a second. I’m going to explore a bit more. Maybe find someone to talk to.” He started walking off.

“Steve, wait.” Aura spoke, causing him to stop, not turning around. “I’m sorry. About what I said. You were trying to help me, Tartarus, you saved my life, and I didn’t even say thanks. So I’m sorry, and thank you, for saving me.” Steve stood stock still for a bit. After a moment, he glanced back, and gave the thestral mare a smirk.

“No problem. Just doing my job.” And with that he walked off.

* * * * *

Steve had no such luck with finding anyone. He would’ve thought the town was deserted, except for the barely seen movement behind closed doors and locked windows. He’d thought about knocking on a door or something, but figured that wouldn’t work, considering the welcome he’d received.

As he strolled, he suddenly stopped, sensing the familiar feeling of eyes watching him. Whirling around, his gaze searched over the houses and buildings, but found nothing. But the feeling remained. Gritting his teeth, he stepped forward.

“C’mon! I know your there!! Quit hiding like a sissy!!”


Then the silence was broken by a faint sound. Almost like a quiet whistle. Then he felt something gently prick him in the neck. Jerking to the side, he snagged whatever it was and pulled it out to look at it. It was a dart, with a small green tip. All of the sudden, his sense’s began blaring, “DANGER!!” but they were strangely muted.

He looked up and tried to look for the culprit, but found it hard to do so, as his vision was swimming. Stumbling, he struggled to stay upright, but failed and fell to a knee. Upon trying to get up, he flopped onto the floor, finding he couldn’t feel his anything. His vision began to darken as a set of hooves stepped into his line of sight. That was the last thing he saw as he blacked out, hearing a single sentence.

“Take him in.”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! Tell me what you all think in the comments.

Yes, I actually read them. Far more than it's probably healthy to be doing. :pinkiehappy:

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