• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,372 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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Old Times Sake

Hey guys, Ruthim345 here, or, well, I suppose Alex works just as well.

It’s late as hell, and I should likely be asleep already, but I wanted to share a few words with, whoever is still reading these things. I’ll be posting the second part of the synopsis soon, but I wanted to get this out first. This, little moment of transparency.

But firstly…


Thank all of you, from those who read this story and enjoyed it, to those who saw it as how I saw it. A fairly average story, from a fairly average guy.

I’m sorry I cut its life short, and while I tried to resurrect it with Block by Block, the feedback I received showed that, despite my best effort, A Crafter’s Dream as a whole would never be what I’d wanted it to be, not working by myself, as an already fairly average writer. Dialogue always felt forced or OOC, action was too fast or didn’t make sense, and the lore I tried building had so many plot holes, if you shined a light through it, it’d look like the nights sky.

Which is why I’m grateful that there were so many of you who were able to look past all of those mistakes and saw what I never could see: a great story, put in the hands of a high schooler who didn’t have half the writing skill necessary to back it up.

I’m sure most of my followers are dead accounts or are accounts that haven’t logged on in years. Hell, I haven’t written anything on this site in years. But for those of you who are still around. I’d like to ask you for a favor.

Just…let me know you’re still here, eh? For old times sake.

Signing off,

Comments ( 97 )

Heh, for better or worse, we enjoyed your story no matter how many plotholes it had :moustache:
So for old times sake:
It LIVES! (Nice to see you again Alex)

You put in a strong effort, that counts for a lot. Over 200K words man, that's authorial grit and no mistake.

Got the passion for it eh? Just need that little bit of a spark, and maybe something with a bit more of a lore foundation to build on.

Still here, and always will be, never won't not be here.

I had a great time reading this story.
Wherever your heart may go, just know your story was at the very least, above average. Venerable Ro is right, 200k is not to be scoffed at.

It will always be nice to see you, Alex, just remember to follow your heart and whatever passion it holds.

It was a hell of a ride mate, regardless of flaws :eeyup:
For old times sake: Happy to craft, no matter where it ends. :pinkiesad2:

Still here, and will continue to be that way until I'm forced off, one way or another!

Still here. Sad it ended but loved the story. I will remain till the time either I pass or you take it down. May you find tons of diamonds amongst the world Alex!

I'm most definitely not here, I have never read this story. I most certainly have not read this story more than once, no sir. And I most definitely don't still love the story because I never read or loved it in the first place. The reason I'm absolutely, certainly, positively not here, not still supporting you, and not still loving this story, is because I am in fact a figment of your imagination. Just a stray thought put into form in your mind, in fact, I'm certain that if you check back later, this post you think you are reading will have vanished. Gone, as you mind had forgotten the thought... Have a good day :)

Still here!

Still here, and thanks for all the fish.

This "complete" deserves a blog post.:pinkiehappy:

Still here at the background lurking. :pinkiesad2:

Still here, keeping the text alive.

Very sad to see the story end, but glad to see it complete.

Take your time.

May you have plenty of it.:pinkiehappy:

Hello there I was one of the few people who joined your discord. I never minded the plotholes all that much and thought the story was decently well written.
I always thought it was a shame that you decided to leave this site, even if for good reasons.
I do hope that you once again try writing again as I feel that you have the makings of an amazing storyteller.

hope you are doing well.

I enjoyed the story for what it was. Simply a story. Did it occasionally go out the window at times? Yes. But then again, stories do tend to do that at times. Especially with magic and weird inter dimensional strangeness.
It was all just good fun, and you didn't take the story too seriously. I have seen a few that do that. Take the story too seriously or try too much. Yours was fun. Odd, but fun.

I hope you enjoy your time my good sir Alex. Being an adult is being an adult. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy things on the way man.

Plot holes are just storage space for the readers to fill with fan theories.

I enjoyed it for what it was. A fun ride that lasted way longer than almost any other minecraft crossover I've seen. Thank you for your words and hard work.

We're still here dude!
We didn't come for "Profesional" writing or stories. We came here because we enjoyed your story.
We came because the writer was enjoying themselves. Which also resulted to us also having fun.

A good story isnt mainly about having a clear understanding of the lore or plot, It's about making the readers interested in the story. And boy there were Alot of people who were interested, Heck even had a Nostalgia moment

If you managed to do that then are you really just an average writer?

Just keep doing what you love and have fun during the process!

I was reading your story ever since the first chapter, and it was good. Don't put yourself down. Even if you never want to write again, be proud of what you did. I sure will be.

I enjoyed the story, and I don't think it'll ever leave my tracking shelf, this old Saiyan is here to stay.

I may not have followed you, but I did track the story back when, and I'm glad I saw this just before it left recently updated on the home page.

Honestly, was this the best story I ever read? No. But I have read (or stopped reading) far, far worse, and I enjoyed the story while it lasted. And no offense to the amazing authors out there, but if you come to fimfic for professional level writing, you're in the wrong place. Alot of people come here as hobbyists and whatnot. Does your story have plot holes? Yeah, so what? That's probably closer to the norm, people don't come here to win any writing awards, we come here to have fun, laugh, chill, whatever we want, really. So what I say, don't get caught up in all these mistakes or could-have-beens, just be happy that you did what you did and made people smile, laugh, maybe even cry.

You did good, and thats good enough.

I may not have followed you, but i rather enjoy this story i found it fun to read and a really good play on the Minecraft world.
don't give up you have talent for righting.

This was a good story as I remember, I am sad to see that it's dead, but I enjoyed it. If ever you have the thought to rewrite it, or reboot it, then I am certain that you will have plenty of people who are happy to read it!

Still here, and waiting for the day Steve's pick swings once more.

Was sad to see this die.. but I'm happy you at least said something. Have a great life.

Still here reading things, this was fairly good and I am sad to see it wont go further. However glad to see you :)

Well I'm not going anywhere. Still so much to read! An escape from toxic social media. And like Twilight says...

Thanks for this, Alex. Just remember, you did a wonderful job as a writer, and many of us can agree with that. It's sad that you could not continue this amazing story, but we're still happy to have read it. From one amateur writer to another, you and many others have inspired me to write my own story that I hope will one day reach its end.

Thank you. For everything, Alex, Steve. Thank you. :pinkiesad2:

still here like my first minecraft world i know you feel like this story ain't that great but your wrong very few stories have kept my attention this long i haven't been this invested in a story since lord of the rings sure every sentence may not be perfection but it doesnt need to your effort is clearly shown you put in the effort way more than alot of authors would do most stories would be just canceled and ignore all questions but you on the other hand actually care thank you sorry for going on and on keep moving forward block by block =) hope you doing well and try to take a big relaxing break for all your work

Yes there is a lot of us still here, reading, commenting, and likening storys. Hope you write more soon.

Still here, enjoyed it for what it was. Don't put yourself down, you did fine!

Yep, still here, nice to see you update 🙂

Still here!

I wish I could help, as I myself was an editor that would help with ideas as well. However, having a kid sucks up all the time I would need to provide the service I used to.

Stay strong, and come back to us when you're ready.

Still here! Poppin around the multiverse of Fimfiction. Don’t sell yourself short, this story is absolutely amazing and well put together. A few plot holes are to be expected, nobody is perfect. Stay safe out there!

Do you really think you could get rid of any of us:trixieshiftright:

I'll always be here. Watching, waiting.

Still here. Enjoyed the story, never expected it to be perfect just entertaining and you succeeded at that. Hope life treats you well. o7

Still here lurking.

I'm still here lessening to music and playing game wi'll I read, I loved this story and still do! may time and fate be with you!

Don't worry, many of us are still going strong!

Still kicking

It was a good story, and while I feel feel like there could have been so much more, giving it an ending was far better than leaving it as unfinished or canceled.

You did great my guy.

Dis 'Ere Humie or Khaos Plague haz yet ta putz me down mate, no worriez 'ere!

I hunger for knowledge and entertainment.


Reporting in

O7 we are here! Still one of my favorite stories!

I’m still here actually enjoyed the story you were telling.

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