• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,372 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 64: The King Without a Crown (Part 1)

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Circle: Dodge

Square: Punch

Steve rolled to the side, avoiding the sweep kick that Commander Typhoon nearly hit him with. Shooting to his feet, he pulled back his fist and launched himself at the hippogriff. With a single flap of his wings, Typhoon dodged backwards, making the Crafter’s attack fall short.

X: Jump

Triangle (Hold): Roundhouse Kick

Triangle: Kick

Leaping forward, Steve threw a powerful roundhouse kick that managed to catch the commander in the side, sending him rolling. Pressing his advantage, he threw another kick that knocked the hippogriff’s head to the side.

Pushing past the dizziness from the blow, Typhoon rushed forward, body-slamming Steve hard.

Damage Received - 4 damage. 16 health remaining.

Hitting the ground back-first, Steve brought his knees up to his chest before rolling forward and jumping up onto his feet, just in time to see Typhoon’s incoming punch.

Circle + Square: Tackle

Side-stepping the attack, Steve wrapped his arms around Typhoon’s barrel, clamping his wings to his sides. Lifting him up, Steve slammed him into the ground with enough force to leave a noticeable impression in the dirt.

The commander coughed, having gotten the air knocked out of him. He stumbled backwards, trying to get some distance between him and the Crafter. However, Steve wasn’t going to let this happen.

Square x 4: Punch Combo

Rushing forward, Steve landed a heavy blow against the commander’s cheek, knocking his head to one side. Delivering two more swift punches, both of which landed, the Crafter brought down his elbow, attempting to hit the commander square in the back of the head.

However, before the attack landed, the hippogriff managed to roll to the side. Using his momentum, he whirled around and bucked Steve in the chest, the blow sending the Crafter rolling.

Damage Received - 3 damage. 13 health remaining.

Sliding to a stop, Steve groaned as he pushed himself to his feet, just in time to see Typhoon flying at him, claws outstretched and a determined look on his face.

Circle: Block

X (Hold) + Triangle: Curb Stomp

Reaching forward, Steve grabbed the commander’s outstretched hooves, keeping the attack from landing, though he did slide backwards from the force, his feet digging grooves in the dirt. Throwing the hippogriff to the side, he leapt upwards while simultaneously bringing up one leg for a stomp to his opponent’s ribs. Typhoon, however, managed to evade the blow, pushing off the ground to gain some distance between himself and the Crafter. Instead, Steve’s attack landed on bare dirt, the force creating a deep impression in the earth.

Rushing forward, Typhoon tackled Steve, sending the both of them rolling. They came to a stop with Steve flat on his back, grappling with the hippogriff.

Mash Square!!

Though caught off-guard, Steve’s superior strength made it easy to overpower his opponent and kick him off.

X: Jump

Square: Punch

Rolling backwards onto his feet, Steve leapt forward, fist pulled back before he sent it flying forward, straight into Typhoon’s cheek. The Crafter felt something give way slightly beneath his knuckles as the blow landed, sending the commander flying through the air before hitting the ground, hard.

Coughing, Typhoon struggled to get to his feet. Pressing a claw to his bottom jaw, he winced and let out a pained groan.

“You good?” Steve asked.

“I-” He began, but stopped and winced. He closed his eyes in concentration for a moment before he turned his head and spit out one of his teeth, along with a decent amount of blood. The Crafter’s eyes widened.

“Holy shit! Are you-!?”

Typhoon cut him off. “It’s fine. That last hit you gave me just knocked out a tooth, is all. Could’ve been worse.”

Rubbing a hand against the back of his neck, Steve gave a small shrug. “Yeah, I guess.”

L1 (Hold): Potion of Healing II

Sighing, the Crafter rummaged around in his inventory a bit before finally finding what he was looking for. Withdrawing the potion from his Inventory, he handed it over to Typhoon, who looked at the bottle for a moment before glancing at Steve with a confused look.

“What is that?” He asked.

“It’s a potion of Healing.” Steve responded. “It heals injuries and such. Figured I should give you one since, you know.”

“Oh.” The hippogriff spoke, taking the bottle from Steve’s grasp. Pulling out the cork, he sniffed the contents. “Huh. Smells like watermelon.”

“Well, one of the main ingredients is a glistering melon, so it makes sense.”


Taking one last look at the red-ish liquid inside, the hippogriff shrugged before downing the red-ish liquid. Upon finishing off the bottle, a gentle yellow glow overtook the hippogriff, who looked down at himself in surprise. After a moment, the glow faded, revealing that the scrapes and bruises he’d previously sported had disappeared as well.

“Whoa.” He remarked as he looked over his freshly healed body. Testing his jaw a few times, he looked at Steve with a surprised expression. “That thing was powerful. It healed pretty much all my wounds.”

“Well, that’s its job, after all.”

“Yeah.” Putting a claw to his chin in thought, he pondered for a few moments before glancing up at Steve. “Do you happen to have another one?”

Steve shook his head. “No. That was my last one. Why?”

“Well, these potions seem to be very strong. Hippogriffia has more than a few high-tier alchemists, so if they could examine one of those potions, they could probably replicate it.”

“Ah.” Steve nodded, understanding the hippogriff’s reasoning. “Well, if I had the stuff, I could make them here, but unfortunately, I didn’t grab the materials before I left home.”

The hippogriff’s eyes widened. “You made them?”

Steve nodded. “Yeah. While the one alchemist that I’ve met can make some pretty good stuff, I find that my simple potions have much stronger effects. Though, at the same time, I couldn’t hope to ever make some of the stuff she makes on a daily basis.”

“Well, no wonder you were able to fight off the guards for as long as you did. You can fight well, you can take a hit, you can brew powerful potions and make strong weapons and armor. You’re basically a one-griff army.”

“One man army.” Steve quietly corrected. “And yeah, I am. I thought I mentioned that during the summit?”

“Oh that’s right, you did.” Typhoon spoke. “I apologize, it’s just with everything I’ve seen and heard today, I’m having a bit of trouble keeping track of everything.”

Steve nodded. “Yeah, I imagine today had more than a few eye-opening revelations.”

The hippogriff chuckled. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

“Steve?” A familiar voice spoke up from the side, causing both him and Typhoon to look over. Standing nearby was Princess Celestia, with Queen Nova and her daughter Princess Skystar next to her.

Typhoon stood up straight, giving a small salute. “Your highnesses. How may I assist you?”

Steve, on the other hand, straightened his back and waved to the three royals, a small smirk on his lips. “Hey. What’s going on?”

Celestia answered, a deadpan expression on her face. “Well, I was looking for you after the summit, but found that you seemed to have disappeared. That was, however, when I asked Queen Nova is she had any idea where you might’ve gone. Much to my surprise, she told me that you and Commander Typhoon had gone to the Royal Guard training grounds to spar.”

The Crafter nodded. “Yeah, we did. When we first met this morning, the commander here thought that I was, in his words, ‘underwhelming,’ so I offered to spar him, see if I could change his mind.” He turned to Typhoon. “So, what do you think now?” He asked, a small smirk on his face.

The hippogriff smirked as he rolled his eyes. “I will admit, my first impression of you was dead wrong. You are quite a formidable opponent, Steve.”

“Thank you.” The Crafter thanked, before looking at Celestia. “So, with that over and done with, I assume there was a reason you were looking for me?”

She nodded. “Yes. There is something that I wished to talk with you about.” She glanced at Queen Nova. “Thank you for your assistance.”

The Hippogriff queen smiled and shook her head. “It was nothing. It’s the least I could do, considering…” She glanced at Steve but quickly turned away before Steve could meet her gaze. “Well, nevermind.” She cleared her throat. “Commander, Skystar and I were going to see Canterlot today and would like you to accompany us.”

Typhoon nodded. “Of course your majesty.” Walking over to them, he bowed before Celestia. “Goodbye, Your Highness.” Standing up, he looked at Steve and gave a small smile. “And goodbye to you, Steve. I thank you for the fight.”

Steve quirked an eyebrow. “Why? I knocked your tooth out.”

He chuckled. “That may be, but regardless, it was one of the toughest fights I’ve fought in a while. It was, well, refreshing, I suppose. So thank you.”

Steve nodded. “No problem. See ya around.”

With that, all three hippogriffs walked off down the hall, soon disappearing from sight, leaving Steve and Celestia alone.

“So,what did you want to talk to me about?” The Crafter inquired.

“Come with me. We’ll walk and talk.” Celestia spoke, already walking away. Jogging a bit to catch up with her, Steve soon walked side by side with the Solar Diarch.

“So, what was it?” He asked again.

“I was thinking a lot about what you said. About your story and such. And I have a few questions that I would like to ask you.”

Steve nodded. “Okay. What do you want to ask?”

“How old are you, Steve?”

Steve quirked an eyebrow at the rather strange question. “Uh.” He put a hand to his chin in thought. “You know, now that I think about it, I’m not entirely sure.”

Celestia gave him a confused look. “What? You don’t remember?”

“Well, I stopped keeping track after, well, after it all went down. Didn’t see the purpose in celebrating my birthdays by myself, I guess.”

Celestia winced.

“Let’s see.” Steve muttered, racking his brain. “I was three when the Diamond Wars happened. It was about a year and a half after that when the First Mob War began, which ended two-ish years later. The Nightbane Massacre happened a year later, which jump started the Second Mob War, which went on for another three years. That war ended about seven or so years ago, which means that I’m about…” He did some quick calculations. “17-ish years old.”

“What!!??” Celestia yelled, the force of her shout nearly sending the Crafter to the floor. “There’s no way you can possibly be 17!!”

“What do you mean? Why not?”

“Because if you were, that means you would’ve been fighting a war when you were 4 and a half years old! That isn’t possible!”

“Why not? I was more than old enough.” Steve responded, not quite sure why she was making such a big deal out of it.

‘Steve.’ Nightmare Steve spoke up. ‘I believe that the Princess is unaware of how you’re species came into existence.’

The Crafter’s eyes widened. ‘That’s right!’

“Oh, wait, I forgot you didn’t know!” Steve exclaimed.

“Know what?” Celestia inquired.

“Well, you see, my kind is different from yours in a lot of ways, obviously. One of those ways is how a Crafter comes into existence. You see, when a Minecraftian is made, we aren’t born in the same sense as ponies. We kinda just, wake up, with no memories and only the most basic knowledge on how to survive. We also never age, so our bodies never change, physically speaking.”

“So, you mean…?”

“I’ve always looked like this, from the moment I woke up, to now. I’ve changed a lot as a person, sure, but my body has always stayed the same. Well, except for the scars, but that’s a different story.”

“Oh.” The Solar Diarch commented. “That is, very strange.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Celestia chuckled. “Well, I suppose I shouldn’t be all that surprised. You are a very strange being, after all.”

Steve gave an overdramatic shrug as he shot her a grin. “What can I say? Ya got me there.” Chuckling lightly, he shoved his hands in his pockets. “So, what else did you want to ask me?”

The Princess thought for a moment before responding.

“It was during the summit, when you were describing yourself, you began to call yourself something, but cut yourself off. I think it started with a ‘k’ or something. I was just wondering what it was you said.”

Steve didn’t respond for a little while. Celestia, confused, glanced over at the silent Crafter.

“Steve? What’s..?”

“I gave up that title long ago, Celestia. And I’d rather die than to ever take it up again.”

“What? What title?”

“I told you, during the summit, that I led 6,000 of my kind, the very last of my kind, into what would be their final battle. Tell me, what kind of title would that require, in your opinion?”

“Well, for something like that, it would take a king.” Celestia responded simply, then stopped. Her eyes widened and she stared at the Crafter with shock. “Wait. Steve, were you-?”

“I was, once.” The Crafter interrupted. “Not anymore. Which, I mean, no duh, right?” Steve said with humorless chuckle. “How can I be a king if there isn’t anyone left to rule?”

Celestia didn’t have a response.

Author's Note:

Wow, this took forever. Thank you all for being patient with me, this was a doozy of a chapter.

Anyways, thank you all for reading and be sure to let me know what ya'll think in the comments!

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