• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,373 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

  • ...

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 96: Transit

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream


There was a loud blowing of a horn as a colorful train pulled into Ponyville station. Steve sat up slightly from his seat on a nearby bench, watching as the locomotive came to stop. A moment later, four sets of doors on four different train cars opened outward, allowing the ponies waiting inside to leave.

Steve’s gaze wandered over the mares and stallions exiting the train, but found nothing worth really noting. He saw a few vaguely familiar faces, probably having seen them around town, and that was it.

Soon enough, everyone had departed, and Steve stood up from his seat just as he heard the conductor shout from the front of the train.

“All aboard!!!”

Nearby waiting ponies began making their way towards the train, but stopped short when they saw the taller, much more imposing Minecraftian doing the same. Steve was the first to arrive at the doors, being met with a rose-gold colored earth pony stallion with a scruffy white mane that was covered by a conductor’s hat. He wore a dark blue vest with a white collar and a red tie. The pony was fiddling with some sort of pamphlet, so he failed to notice the approaching Crafter until he was mere feet away.

“Hello?” Steve asked, one eyebrow raised. The stallion glanced up, his confused expression swiftly morphing into one of shock.

“Sweet Celestia!!” He cried, falling backwards onto his rear.

“I suppose so.” Steve deftly responded. The stallion looked up, brow furrowed in confusion.


Steve shook his head. “Nothing. Bad joke. Anyways, I guess you’re supposed to take my ticket?”

“Uh, I, yes?”

“You don’t sound too sure of that.”

“No, I-” The earth pony stopped, took a breath, then continued. “Sorry sir, you just caught me off-guard. Yes, I’m the pony who’s taking your ticket.”

“Alright then.” Steve responded, nodding as he withdrew the small piece of paper from his Inventory before handing it to the stallion. He looked it over for a moment, nodding to himself all the while, before ripping off a small piece from the bottom and handing it back.

“Okay, everything looks good. Have a good ride sir.”

“Thanks.” The Crafter replied, walking past the doors and into the train car, taking a look around as he did so.

The interior of the car was simple. There were five large cushioned benches on either side with a large piece of beautifully crafted green glass in the middle, making two seats, one on either side. In the middle was a long stretch of green carpet that ran down the aisle, stopping just before a door on the opposite side of the car. Lamps were stationed at regular intervals, hanging from the amber-colored wood, though they weren’t in use, given that it was late morning.

Steve walked down the aisle, choosing a seat on the other end of the car, away from the entrance. He sat down heavily, the wooden legs of the bench creaking ever-so-slightly from his weight. Glancing up, he saw other ponies enter the car, though he could tell from the looks they were giving him that they didn’t feel comfortable.

‘Well, tough luck.’ Steve thought as he closed his eyes, leaning his head back until it gently tapped the glass backing of the seat. ‘My ticket was paid for, so I got every right to be here. I mean, I didn’t pay for it, but Celestia did, so-’

Steve’s train of thought was interrupted by the distinct sound of something landing on the seat next to him. Opening his eyes, he glanced over to his right, curious to see what it was. A pair of big, golden eyes looked back at him. They just so happened to be connected to a mint green colored unicorn mare with a light cyan and white colored mane. Steve’s gaze flickered to her flank, spotting the mare’s Cutie Mark, which looked like a golden lyre. She was sitting right beside him, much too close for comfort, and grinning up at him with a big, almost creepy smile.

“Uhhhhhhh, can I help you?” Steve asked, scooting away from the mare.

“Lyra! What are you doing?” Said a voice from the front of the car. The mint green unicorn’s smile lessened ever-so-slightly as both she and Steve looked up to find the voice’s owner. Coming towards them, with an annoyed expression on her face, was a beige-colored earth pony mare, with pink and blue mane. Her sky blue eyes were narrowed at the mare beside him (apparently named Lyra).

“Oh, hey Bon Bon!” Lyra responded, waving a hoof before pointing at Steve. “Check it out!”

Steve looked down at the mare, brow furrowed in both confusion and irritation, before glancing back at Bon Bon.

“I’m sorry, what the Nether is going on?” The Crafter asked. He looked at Lyra. “Why were you smiling at me like I’m your prized possession? Because if I’m being honest, it’s a little off-putting, and by a little, I mean it’s really freaking off-putting.”

Lyra opened her mouth to respond, but was swiftly interrupted by Bon Bon, who shoved a hoof in the unicorn’s mouth. “Oh, don’t mind her!” Bon Bon exclaimed, waving her other hoof. “She just gets really excited when she sees something or someone new and interesting.

“Mmff, mfff!” Lyra tried to say, only for Bon Bon to take her by the shoulder.

“Very sorry to bother you. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have to find our seats.”

Before Steve could say or do anything, Bon Bon had pulled Lyra through the door just behind him, which led to the next car. The door shut with a heavy thunk.

The Crafter sat there for a moment, staring at the door.



‘Was just wondering if you sensed anything off about those two.’

‘I couldn’t sense anything out of the ordinary.’ The Nightmare replied. ‘From what I could tell, they’re just weird.’


“Last call!! The train will depart in one minute!”

Steve’s gaze whipped towards the other side of the train car at the sudden shout, only to see the stallion who’d taken his ticket to be waving at something. After the minute had expired, and no new ponies had entered, the stallion grabbed the handle of the train door and closed it. Steve heard the familiar call of the train’s horn, accompanied by a dull but steady rumble, only a few moments before the car jolted ever-so-slightly, and began to move. He looked out the window and saw that Ponyville was moving, slowly at first, but quickly picking up speed. Of course, he knew that Ponyville wasn’t actually moving, but from his perspective, that’s what it looked like.

Soon enough, Ponyville was no longer in sight, and Steve’s gaze was met with nothing but long stretches of rolling green hills and open plains, as well as the occasional river. With nothing to really look at, Steve pulled his gaze from the window and instead took a look at the other occupants of the train car.

Only to find that there were none. Steve was the sole occupant of the train car.

Steve let out a sigh. “Well, not sure what I was expecting.”

‘Me neither.’ Onyx spoke. ‘Though I thought at the very least that ponies would know not to fear you, especially after what you said at the press conference was published.’

“People fear what they don’t understand.” Steve replied sadly. “Doesn’t matter what’s true, it’s what they think is true that matters. At least to them, the public. I try to determine what’s true before making any decisions, but as you know, sometimes even I fall short.”

‘But at least you try.’

Steve smirked, nodding. “Yeah. At least I try.”

* * * * *

Dear Steve,

It has been some time since I was last in Ponyville, or since you have been in Canterlot. I hope that everything has gone well for you in that time, and that you are doing alright.

Unfortunately, as you have probably already figured, the purpose of this letter isn’t so we can catch up. I need your help. Equestria needs your help.

There is a threat coming. A threat that puts all of Equestria, even the whole world, at risk. His name is Discord.

Enclosed with this letter is a roundtrip train ticket. Come to Canterlot, please. There is much we must talk about.


Her Majesty, Princess Celestia.

(q. Raven Inkwell)

Steve stared down at the letter in his hand. He’d read it more than a few times ever since he’d received it via mail earlier that morning. And each time he read it, he got more and more worried, and for a number of reasons.

For one, Celestia was telling him about a coming threat, Discord, just two days after he’d had a dream/vision about Discord coming back. Secondly, she’d said in the letter that he was a threat not just against Equestria, but against the whole world. Steve wouldn’t describe Celestia as the type of person to really exaggerate, so if she was saying Discord was a huge threat, then he was.

Sighing, he slipped the letter back into his Inventory before looking back out the window, hoping the scenery rushing by the window would help to quell the uneasy feeling in his gut.

“Another big fight, and once fucking again I find myself mixed up in it all.” Steve whispered. Letting out a heavy sigh, he let his forehead rest on the cold glass of the window.


Steve turned his head upon hearing the sound of the door opening just behind him. Much to his surprise, the first thing to make its way through the doorway was a cart. Said cart was full of various (hopefully) food items, most of which Steve didn’t recognize. The next thing to come through the door was the pony pushing the cart. It was an older mare, with a faded cyan blue mane and off-white fur. Her eyes, golden in color, were partially closed. That changed when she fully stepped into the train car and took a look around.

“What in the…” She murmured, her gaze wandering around the room. Once she saw Steve, she gasped slightly and took a step back. “Oh!”

“You okay?” He asked, though he knew she was fine. She nodded.

“U-um, yes, I’m okay. You just, surprised me, is all.”

“What, got something on my face?” Steve inquired, a joking smile informing the mare he was joking. She chuckled.

“No, you just, surprised me, is all.”

“Understandable.” Steve replied, nodding. “I doubt you see people like me every day. Or ever, for that matter.”

“That’s true.” The mare laughed. “Don’t believe I’ve ever seen somepony like you before.” She cleared her throat, then gestured to the food-laden cart she was pushing. “Would you like anything from the trolley?”

“I….” His gaze once again wandered over the cart. “...don’t know. What would you recommend?”

“Well, I have some muffins of various varieties, I have soda pop, gummy Princesses, some-”

“Wait, hold on.” Steve interrupted. “I’m sorry, ‘Gummy Princesses?’”

The mare nodded. “Uh-huh. I have Princess Celestia, who’s white-cherry flavored, Princess Cadence, she’s strawberry flavored, and the newest addition, Princess Luna, who’s blue raspberry flavored.” She held out one of each of the gummies. “Would you like one? They’re three bits each.”

Steve grinned, laughing a bit as he nodded. “Yeah, I‘ll take two Princess Celestia’s.” He fished six bits out of his Inventory before handing them to the mare and taking the two small packaged gummies. He slipped them into his Inventory.

“Anything else?” The mare inquired. Steve thought for a moment, then shook his head.

“No, I think that’s about it. Thank you, Miss…?”

“Oh, my name is Sweet Scent.”

“Fitting.” Steve commented, bringing a small laugh from the mare.

“Yes, I suppose it is.” A moment later, there was a faint beeping noise. The mare jolted ever-so-slightly before pulling out a small watch. “Oh, bother.” She muttered before glancing at Steve. “Well, I hate to cut this short, but I must be going. We will be arriving at Canterlot soon.”

“No problem.” Steve replied, waving a hand. “Don’t let me keep you.”

Nodding, the mare pushed her cart along, moving out the door on the other side of the room before disappearing from sight. Steve smiled, even as the door closed.

“Nice mare.” He muttered. “Good to know not every pony that sees me is going to run scared.”

‘Indeed.’ Onyx agreed. He was silent for a moment, then spoke again. ‘Steve, may I ask you something?’

“Sure. What is it?”

‘Why did you buy two gummies?’

Steve quirked a brow, but answered the Nightmare. “One for myself, and one for Celestia. Why?”

‘Oh. No reason. Was just curious.’

Steve furrowed his brow in confusion, but decided to leave it. If it was really important, Onyx would tell him. Instead, the Crafter laid back in his seat and closed his eyes, resolving the take a moment to rest before the train arrived at Canterlot, knowing that if things went as bad as they usually did, he’d need all the sleep he could get.

He was right, of course.

Author's Note:

Welp, here you go. Another chapter, another day of Mac n' Cheese for lunch.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and be sure to let me know what you all think in the comments!

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