• Published 3rd Feb 2019
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A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

  • ...

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 91: History

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Step, step, step.



“Hey Steve.” Spoke a quiet, familiar voice. Steve grinned slightly, but didn’t turn around. Instead he focused his gaze on the surrounding cityscape, of the buildings, some darkened, most lit up, creating a quite beautiful patchwork of lights that reminded Steve of the night sky above.

‘Forgot how beautiful Ironwood is at night.’ Steve thought before responding.

“Hey Lilly. What are you doing up here?”

“I could ask you the same thing.” She replied. “Figured you would be downstairs, enjoying the party.”

Steve shrugged. “I was. Just came up here to think a little. I’ll be back down in a bit.”

A sigh, followed by the footsteps softly approaching. The Crafter felt a hand on his shoulder, and he glanced back. His indigo eyes met her pale gray gaze.

“Steve.” Her voice was soft, and her eyes were full of understanding, as if she knew exactly what he was feeling. “It’s alright. We’ve been friends for years, and we’ve been through thick and thin together. You can talk to me about anything.”

Steve opened his mouth to speak, the words right on the tip of his tongue. But the longer he hesitated, the harder it was to say the words. Eventually, he just sighed and looked away. “It’s nothing. I’ll be fine.”

He didn’t have to look to know she was giving him a look of disbelief. “Steve, I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you, but you’re a horrible liar. What’s wrong?”

Steve shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong, Lilly.”

He heard her let out an exasperated sigh before she spoke. “Alright fine, Mr. I-keep-everything-to-myself, how about a deal?”

Steve glanced at her, brow furrowed in confusion as he turned to look at her once more. “A deal?”

Lilly nodded. “Uh-huh. A deal. If I tell you a secret of mine, you have to tell me what’s bothering you.”

“I, what? Why would you…?”

“Because I know something’s bothering you, and you have a nasty habit of keeping your problems locked away.” Lilly responded with a deadpan expression.

“No I don’t. I mean, sure, there have been a few instances where I…” Steve trailed off when he noticed her gaze harden.

“A few instances? Really?” She raised one finger. “The destruction of Mush Isle, your home village, which caused you to go on a miniature, one-man campaign against any and all mobs you came across, which nearly got you, me and Miranda killed.” She raised another finger. “The Ember Mines collapse, where you took it upon yourself to free the trapped miners and take on those fuckers that were responsible.” She raised a third finger. “Alex’s death.”

That last one made Steve flinch slightly, memories of the fiery Crafter resurfacing after months of being pushed down and repressed. The female Crafter sighed and put a hand on his shoulder again. “Please Steve. I just want to help you. All of us do. I can’t think of a single person downstairs that doesn’t owe you in some way, or rather, they would owe you if you actually expected payment for saving them. We want to help you, but we can’t if you don’t let us.”

“This, it isn’t something they can help with. It’s, personal.” Steve replied.

“Well, is it something I can help with?” She inquired.

‘Yes.’ “No, probably not.” He spoke, pushing the lie to the back of his head.

“...Are you sure?”

Steve was ready to lie. He was ready to look her straight in the eye and say yes. And yet, when he did look her in the eye, he found he couldn’t. Maybe it was her small, kind smile, or the genuine sincerity in her voice, but either way, Steve couldn’t bring himself to lie to her. Not again.

Slowly, he shook his head. “No… No, I’m not sure at all.”

She nodded, ever-so-slightly. “Do you want to tell me?”

Steve was silent for a while. In reality, he really didn’t want to. Oh, by Notch he didn’t want to. But then, he remembered a conversation he and a friend of his, Roland, had a few weeks prior.

‘You never know a good thing till it’s gone Steve.’ The gray-haired Crafter spoke, a sad look in his eyes. ‘I waited too long, and I lost my chance. Don’t make the same mistake I did. If you’re given the chance, take it. You won’t get another one.’

He sighed. ‘Roland, I really hope you’re right about this.’

Steve gave a quick nod before taking a deep breath and lifting his gaze up to meet hers.

“Lilly, I-”

“...love you.”

Steve was frozen, in both body and mind. His legs refused to move, and his brain was shocked into silence at the words that had just left the pegasi’s mouth.

‘...what?’ He thought. Eventually, after an indeterminate amount of time, Steve managed to force his body to turn around.

Dash was still smiling in her sleep, completely unaware of the words she’d just said.

‘Onyx, did-’ Steve took a deep breath. ‘Did I just hear that? Did I just hear her say-?’

‘That she loves you?’ The Nightmare replied. ‘Indeed you did, and I must say, it’s about time too.’


‘Yes. I know you never put the pieces together, because despite everything, you are quite oblivious, but I discovered a little while back that Miss Dash here harbors feelings for you.’

‘Wait, you did? How long have you known?’

‘Since the events in Cloudsdale.’ Onyx responded. Steve narrowed his gaze.

‘You’ve known for a week, and you didn’t think to tell me?!’

‘Would you have believed me?’

Steve was about to respond, but after thinking for a moment, slowly shook his head. ‘No, probably not. I probably would’ve just thought you were messing with me.’

‘Exactly. I knew telling you wouldn’t have done anything, so I resolved to wait until you’d found out yourself, like you just did today.’

Steve nodded slightly as he slowly approached the sleeping mare. With a sigh, he sat down on the floor a foot or two away, staring at the peaceful pegasus with a blank expression on his face.

‘...Steve? Are you alright?’ Onyx hesitantly asked.

“I, I don’t know.” The Crafter replied. “I’m just, I don’t know, trying to figure out what I’m supposed to do now.”

‘What do you mean?’

“Well, I just figured out that one of my arguably best friends is apparently in love with me. Onyx, I’m still not quite used to having friends again, so how am I supposed to deal with, well, this?” Steve gestured at Dash.

‘Well, do you return her feelings?’ The Nightmare inquired.

“I…” Steve stopped. He thought about Onyx’s question.

Did he?

He definitely cared a lot about her, but he also cared about a lot of people. But did he feel something more about her? Did he love her?

Steve wasn’t very experienced with love. In his 17 years of existence, there was only one girl who’d ever caught his eye. Lillian Bloodleaf, or Lilly for short. She’d been one of Steve’s first friends, and had been through thick and thin with him. The two had grown close, and eventually after Steve confessed his love to her, (and her’s to him) the two had started dating. However, it wasn’t meant to be. During the Diamond Wars, Lilly, a general in Ironwood’s army, was killed in battle when her and her platoon were defending a few of Ironwood’s mining villages. When Steve had found her, well, there was no blow he’d ever taken that pained him as much as learning of Lilly’s death had.

Steve closed his eyes as a dull ache filled his chest. It had been nearly a decade and a half since her death, but it still affected him. Shaking his head, Steve focused back on the matter at hand, the question of whether or not he loved Rainbow Dash.

And if Steve was being honest with himself, he didn’t know.

“I, don’t know.” Steve spoke, hesitantly.

‘You don’t know?’ Onyx reiterated.

The Crafter shook his head. “No. Maybe I do, and I’m just subconsciously hiding those feelings, but what I feel for Dash doesn’t feel like love love. It’s more like, the love I feel for my friends, and family. The love I feel for Trench, for Celestia, for you.” Steve sighed. “Maybe, over time, we could be something more, but right now, I can’t imagine Dash as anything other than a good friend.”

‘I see.’ Onyx spoke. ‘Well, if that is your answer, and you feel it is the truth, then I suppose I have no argument. However, what do you intend to do, now that you know about Miss Dash’s feelings?’

Steve thought for a moment before answering.

“First, I’ll see if she remembers saying what she did when she wakes up, since she was drunk, and could very well forget about saying anything. If she does remember, we’ll talk. If she doesn’t I’ll pretend she never said anything. If she wants to tell me, then I’ll have it be on her own terms, not told to me when she’s drunk off her ass.”

‘So, will we be waiting for her to wake up then?’ Onyx inquired.

“Yeah.” Steve replied, nodding. “If she does remember, then it would be best to talk about this in an environment that’s more comfortable for her.” The Crafter took a bit of a look around. “In the meantime, I think this place could do with a bit of clean up, don’t you think?”

‘That it does.’

Without another word, Steve got to work, being careful that his cleaning did not disturb the mare sleeping nearby.

* * * * *

Trench let out a loud sigh as he rubbed his face with two hooves.

‘Buck me sideways.’ He thought as he glanced up at Princess Celestia, who was sitting opposite him. The alicorn in question merely gave him a hard, but calm look. The pair were sitting in the Captain’s Quarters at the Ponyville Barracks. Derpy, as far as Trench knew, had been taken to the hospital to check her out after ramming into that wall.

“General Trench.” She eventually spoke.

Trench took a deep breath before responding. “Yes Your Majesty?”

“Do you know why you’re here?”

“Yeah. It’s because of what happened earlier today with Miss Derpy.”

“Indeed. However, I am still quite lost as to what exactly happened today with Miss Hooves. So please General, tell me what happened.”

“I… It’s a long story, your majesty, and to be honest, Princess Celestia, it’d probably be better for Steve to tell you the whole thing.”

“We have time, General, not to worry. But why would it be better for Steve to tell me?”

Trench let out a humorless chuckle. “Cause he actually remembers what happened.” The alicorn gave him a confused look, prompting the stallion to explain. “Your Majesty, do you remember a few months, when Steve attacked the Ponyville Barracks?”

She nodded, albeit a bit hesitantly. “Yes, I doubt anypony in Ponyville has forgotten about that.”

“You remember why he attacked?”

She nodded again. “Yes, because Miss Hooves had been detained illegally and was being threatened for information.”

“And you know who did it, right? The threatening?” At this, Celestia shook her head sadly.

“Unfortunately, I do not. I tried finding out from those who were at the barracks that night, but for some reason, not a single one knew who had been interrogating Miss Hooves that night. Even Sure Shot, despite somehow having inside knowledge of the event, told me he did not know, while under a Truth spell. Nopony knows who did that to poor Derpy.”

“I do.” Trench spoke. The alicorn straightened up at his words.

“You do?”

The stallion nodded. “Yeah. I don’t remember either, but this was what Steve told me.” He took a deep breath. “He said that I was the one who interrogated her. He said that I was the one that threatened her, and hit her. He told me that that night, he was going to kill me. He was going to kill me right then and there, and to be honest Princess, I wouldn’t have blamed him.” Trench shook his head, tears springing up in the corners of his eyes. “The only reason why I’m still alive is because Derpy begged Steve to let me live. She begged him to not kill her captor. Me.”

Trench let his gaze fall in shame. “I don’t remember doing it Princess. I don’t remember any of it, and I think that’s worse. Because Steve was only there for a few minutes, when I think we’d had her in custody for a few hours. I don’t want to think about what I did to her during that time. I really don’t. I just, the reason I wanted to talk to her today was because Steve suggested I do so last week. He said that maybe it might help, I don’t know, like help her not to be utterly terrified of me.” Trench sighed. “But we both saw what happened today. There’s no way it’ll happen. Not now, not in a million years.”

The pair sat in silence for a while, neither so much as speaking. Eventually Trench, confused by the alicorn’s silence, looked up to see her looking at him with a blank expression. Trench furrowed his brow slightly.

“Uh, Princess?”

“There is something I must do, Trench Digger.” Celestia spoke suddenly, with a voice akin to steel. “I will return later, and until I do, you are not to leave this room. Is that understood?”

Trench silently nodded, gaze falling back to the floor. “Yes, your Majesty.”

Without another word, the alicorn left the room, leaving the sorrowful stallion by himself. And in the solitude of that room, Trench let a few scarce tears fall.

Author's Note:

So, uh yeah. Sorry if any of you wanted Steve to love her back, but I just don't feel like he would yet. Dunno about later on though.

Anyways, thank you all for reading, and be sure to let me know what y'all think in the comments.

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