• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,391 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 43: Cause and Effect

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

‘Well that isn’t ideal.’ The silence was broken, at least for Steve, when a voice spoke from the back of his head, causing the Crafter to jerk slightly from the unexpected sound. Trench gave him a confused look.

“What is it?” He asked, but Steve wasn’t paying attention to him anymore, now focused on the familiar voice.

‘Nightmare Steve? Is that you?’ Steve asked in his mind.

‘Yeah, it’s me. Sorry if I haven’t been very talkative, I’m still getting used to being in a body now, especially yours. Oh, and for future references, try not to get yourself injured please. I feel the pain just as much as you do, and that fall you took earlier hurt.’ The Nightmare spoke, sounding slightly miffed.

Steve winced. ‘Sorry.’

‘It’s fine man. I'm pretty tough. Anyways, what’s your plan for Princess Moonbutt?’

Steve repressed a chuckle. ‘One, awesome nickname. I’m gonna call her that next time I see her. Second, I’m not quite sure on what to do next. I’ll have to get back to you on that.’

Steve could feel the Nightmare shrug. ‘Alright. I’ll be here when you need me, but until then, I’ll try and stay quiet so I won’t distract you.’

‘Got it.’

“Steve?!” Trench asked/shouted, finally managing to drag the Crafter’s attention away from his inner conversation.

“Yeah? What is it?”

Trench gave him a concerned expression. “You seemed really out of it for a minute there. Are you okay?”

Steve nodded. “Yeah, just having a conversation with the Nightmare.” It only occurred to the Minecraftian that he hadn’t informed anyone of Nightmare Steve’s existence when Trench's expression morphed into one of horror as he jumped backwards.

“What!?” He yelled, immediately dropping into a defensive stance.

Steve stepped forward, hands out in a placating manner as he tried to explain. “Listen, listen! Nightmares aren’t as bad as you guys thought they were. At least, not all of them. The one inside me right now isn’t evil. In fact, he’s what allowed me to win against Herobrine in the Mindscape! Remember that smokey form I took? That was him.”

“But what about all those side effects? The pain and the nausea?” Trench inquired, eyebrows furrowed.

“That was because I was fighting against him, because I thought he was evil. My body and mind were rejecting his presence, which caused the side effects that you mentioned.” When Trench’s distrusting expression remained, Steve sighed and rubbed a hand against his face. “Look, I know you have bad experiences with Nightmares, with the whole ‘Nightmare Moon’ incident and all, and I understand your uneasiness. That's why I’m not asking you to trust him. I’m only asking that you trust me. Please.”

Trench was silent for a short while, continuing to stare at Steve. Finally, he sighed and responded. “Alright. I trust you Steve, and if you think the Nightmare can be trusted, then I suppose that’s good enough for me.”

Steve smiled. “Thank you.”

Trench gave a small grin in return, before turning to walk down the hall. “No problem. Now c’mon, we should get moving.”

“Where are we going?” Steve asked as he followed behind the stallion.

“I may have a plan on how to get you out of here.”

* * * * *

Steve peeked around the corner, checking to see that the coast was clear. Upon seeing that the hallway was empty, he slowly walked forward, eyes looking all around for any signs of movement. Following just behind the Crafter was Trench. The duo snuck down the hall as quietly as they could, ears listening for sounds of any sort. After a few minutes, they arrived at an intersection, quickly looking both ways for any guards before crossing.

“Remind me again what we’re looking for?” Steve asked, taking a moment to glance back at Trench.

“We’re looking for one of the dumbwaiter access points littered around the castle. Those things are really useful in getting from one floor to another quickly, and since we had them enlarged due to the Minotaur incident two years back, they should be able to fit you.”

Steve gave the General a raised eyebrow. “Minotaur incident?”

Trench sighed as he answered. “The main purpose of the dumbwaiter is to transport food and supplies from one floor to another quickly and easily. Turns out minotaurs really, really, love their food.” The stallion gave a shudder. “I pity the poor souls that had to clean the bathrooms after their visit.”

“What exactly is a minotaur?” Steve questioned.

“Minotaurs are these big, bull-like beings that stand on two legs like you. They are strong and tough but not the most intelligent creature you’ll ever meet, except for a few rare ones. Sir Nog, one of the members of the Black Claw that you met, is a minotaur.”

“Oh. I always wondered what he was, but never found the right time to ask. Anyway, these dumbwaiters are big enough to fit a minotaur?” Steve asked.

Trench shook his head. “Nah, they’re only big enough to transport enough food to satisfy King Minos and his entourage should they be staying here. But that should be big enough to fit you.”

Steve nodded in response and the duo continued walking down the hall. However, only a few minutes later, right before they were about to go around a corner, they were stopped in their tracks by a furious yell.


The shout was so sudden and unexpected, Steve stumbled backwards into Trench, nearly sending the both of them to the floor. Managing to recover, Steve pressed himself against the wall before hesitantly peeking his head around the corner.

His gaze was met by the livid form of Princess Luna. She stood tall, wings flared out as she glared down at some poor guard that quivered beneath her. Two of those thestral guards stood by her side, silent. Her horn glowed and the guard was lifted up in her magical grip to look her straight in the eye.

Steve barely managed to put out his arm to stop Trench from rushing forward to the aid of his fellow guard. When Trench looked up at him, the Crafter softly shook his head, before turning back to the scene.

You were the one assigned to watch the creature, guard, so we will ask again!! Where is he!!?

The stallion quivered as he answered. “I-I d-don’t know ma’am. I-it escaped, somehow.”

This seemed to only make the alicorn angrier. “How could it have!!? It was restrained to the bed with enchanted hoof cuffs!! We placed the enchantment ourselves, so it didn’t just break out of them!!

“T-the entire bed was g-gone and the w-window was broken. It must’ve escaped that way while s-still attached t-to the bed.”

Luna stared at the guard for a few moments longer before growling and dropping him to the floor.

“Find it, now. Do not fail me again.” She warned, voice returning to normal. The guard hurriedly nodded and ran off down the hall. For a short while, the Princess and her guards stood in silence before she turned to them.

“Colonel Pinch, Lieutenant Silver.” At their names, both thestrals stood to attention. “We have a job for both of you. Earlier today, General Trench of the Solar Guard came before us and asked that we call off the trial for the creature, who he calls Steve. Find him and bring him to us. We think he may have aided the creature in its escape.”

“Yes Princess.” They replied. There was silence for a few moments. “If I may ask Princess, what if he is responsible for the creatures escape?” One of the thestrals asked, its feminine tone indicating it was a mare.

Luna hesitated for a few seconds before responding. “Then the dungeons will have one more occupant today. Now, we will take our leave. Our sister must be attended to.” With that, her horn glowed and she disappeared in a flash of light. Not long after she was gone, both thestrals took to the air and flew off down the hall, leaving the Minecraftian and stallion by themselves.

“What?” Trench growled quietly to himself, drawing Steve’s attention. “She… She… That bitch!!” The Crafter jerked back slightly at the hostility in the stallions voice, eyebrows raising. “First, she refuses to even acknowledge my claims to your innocence, and now she wants to imprison me because of suspicion!? Buck that!!” He spoke loudly, breathing heavily.

“You okay dude?” Steve asked hesitantly.

Trench gave him a deadpan expression. “Steve, there are so many things that are going wrong right now. You’re wanted for crimes you didn’t commit, as am I. Princess Luna, formerly Nightmare bucking Moon, is in charge of the kingdom after being on the moon for a thousand years, and to top it all off, Princess Celestia is in a bucking coma, so no, I’m not okay!”

“Wait what? Celestia’s in a coma?” Steve inquired, voice displaying his concern.

Trench gave a heavy sigh before responding. “Yeah, she is. She got hurt pretty badly in that last fight against Herobrine. She’s okay, physically, but she still hasn’t woken up. On the bright side, the best and the brightest unicorns are on the case, so she should be alright in the long run.”

“Well, I hope she gets better. I didn’t know her very long, but she seems like a good person. Pony. Whatever.”

Trench let out a quiet laugh as his grim expression faded. “I do too Steve. Maybe when she wakes up, she can finally clear your name, once and for all.”

Steve chuckled. “Yeah, that’ll be the day.” Sighing, he peeked around the corner to ensure it was still empty, which it was. Nodding to himself, he glanced back at Trench. “C’mon. Let’s get moving.”

With that, the duo continued on, unaware of the pair of eyes that watched them from above, hidden from sight.

“I can't believe it!" It spoke to itself in a loud whisper. "I gotta go tell the others!”

* * * * *

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The four mares sat in the hospital room. No words were spoken, silence hanging over them like a dark cloud. They could only look on, unable to do anything, as their friend Rainbow Dash lay unconscious in the hospital bed, wires and tubes connecting into her at various locations. Bandages covered her body from head to toe, leaving very little of her cyan blue fur uncovered.

She had been discovered a few days prior, by Applebloom, in a field just outside Sweet Apple Acres, near death with many grievous injuries. The poor filly had cried for hours, nearly unconsolable. Dash’s friends weren’t faring much better.

Pinkie’s hair was straight, having lost its curlyness the moment she’d heard. She hadn’t smiled in just as long, which was unheard of for the party mare. She hadn’t thrown any parties either, barely leaving Sugarcube Corner unless it was to check up on her friend's progress.

Applejack was pushing through, as she had to. She threw herself into her work, keeping herself distracted by taking on more and more of the workload. It helped, but only so much.

Rarity had rarely left her boutique since she’d heard, working herself to the bone. She had finished every single one of her pre-orders, and now spent most of her time making more and more dresses.

Twilight Sparkle coped as she always had. By reading. And when one lives in a library, there isn’t a short supply of books at hooves length. She was constantly reading, or if it wasn’t that, she was reorganizing the book keeping system for the umptieth time. Usually, her assistant Spike would complain about the excess of work he had to do. But he saw the sadness in her eyes. He saw the tears she wiped away when she thought he wasn’t looking. He knew this was just her way of coping with the near loss of her friend. As much as he disliked work, he loved his surrogate sister much more, and so he endured without complaint.

Fluttershy, well, nopony had heard from her since she had received the news of Rainbow Dash’s condition, and she’d decided to hole up inside her cottage. Various attempts to reach the mare had been fruitless.

There was a hush over the town ever since Dash had been found. The guards were out on patrol more, despite the capture of the creature Steve. Some said that he was the one who attacked her. Others said it was something else, something evil. Frankly nopony knew what to think. They only knew one thing.

Things were changing.

Author's Note:

This chapter is mostly just some filler to help progress the story, but don't worry! There will be plenty of action in the next chapter!

Anyways, thank you for reading and be sure to let me know what you all think in the comments

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