• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,391 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 85: The Competition

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Steve approached the group of cheering pegasi, eyes squarely on the one they were following after, who soaked in their shouts and cries of glee with a smile and a laugh. The Crafter’s teeth grit in anger.

He pushed ponies aside as he made his way toward her, pointedly ignoring their exclamations of anger as he finally began to draw near to his target.

“Rarity!” He called upon finally getting close enough. Said unicorn glanced at him, her brows furrowing before she turned away with a scoff.

“And what do you want, Steve?” She asked, crossing her forelegs over her chest.

“I want to know what the fuck your problem is!” At his statement, Rarity whipped back around to face him.

“I beg your pardon!?”

“You heard me! Ever since you got those fancy wings, you’ve been acting like a total bitch!”

This drew a gasp from the surrounding pegasi, Rarity included. One of them, a stocky red stallion, stepped forward, a look of anger on his face.

“Now hold on just a-”

Steve, only a second later, threw out a hand, his outstretched finger nearly poking the stallion’s eye out. “Can it, Dusty Mcgee! This is between me and her!” Dropping his arm back down to his side, Steve focused back on the mare flying just in front of him. “Look, admittedly, I haven’t known you that long, so I’m not exactly all that knowledgeable about how you normally act. But it doesn’t take a genius to know that ever since you got those wings, you haven’t given one thought to your friends!”

She scoffed. “Oh please! Sure, I’ve been giving these wings a lot of attention, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve been ignoring the girls.”

“Oh really?” Steve asked, eyebrow raised. “In that case, tell me this. What are your wings made of?”

The question caught Rarity off-guard, her smile falling slightly as she put a hoof to her chin in thought.

“Erm, well, I don’t quite recall-”

“Gossamer and morning dew, or at least that’s what your friend Twilight said earlier.” Steve answered. “Next question. “Who’s idea was it to visit this place, the Weather Factory?”

Rarity’s smile returned. “Rainbow Dash’s, of course.”

“Wrong. It was Applejack who wanted to see where the weather was made. Dash only agreed with her.”

The mare’s face fell even more, but Steve continued, shaking his head slightly in disappointment.

“For fuck’s sake, do you even remember why you and the others came up here in the first place?” He asked, voice calmer and quieter than it had been only a moment before.

“W-well, of course. We came up here for Rainbow Dash.”

“And why did you come up here to help Rainbow Dash?”

“Because I’m her friend, of course!” Rarity answered, brows knit together in anger. “What exactly are you trying to get at, Steve?”

“I’ll get to that in a second. Firstly, while yes, you did come here because Dash is our friend, there was one other reason, one that involved Dash. What was it?”

“I, there was, I don’t think there was any other reason for-”

“You were supposed to help Dash relax before the competition.” Steve answered. “However, on the contrary, you have made her even more stressed than she was already, especially with you saying you were going to participate today.”

“What are you talking about? I would’ve definitely noticed if something was wrong with Rainbow Dash.”

“Well, apparently not, ‘cause you haven’t noticed a damn thing!” Steve yelled, his furious gaze boring into the mare. “Honestly, Dash has been stressed out all day, probably because she still hasn’t pulled off that stupid Sonic Boom, or whatever the Nether it’s called, and you constantly drawing attention to your stupid wings has only worsened the problem! While I’m not exactly a people, or rather pony person, even I can see that Dash is seriously stressed out over the competition today! For fucks’ sake, I don’t think she was this stressed out when she volunteered to participate in a fight that she knew would probably get her killed! That right there tells me exactly how much today means to her, and, instead of helping her, you’ve just been blowing her and the rest of the girls off all day!”

Rarity gaped at him for a moment before shaking her head furiously. “I, I have not been ‘blowing them off’ Steve. I have simply-”

“Of the four questions I asked you, you only really got one correct! I don’t know how grades work in Equestria, but back home, 25% was considered a failing grade! I’m starting to think you care about those damn wings of yours than your actual friends!”

Rarity gasped in shock. “You… you.” She sputtered, trying to find the right words. “How dare you accuse me of not caring about my friends!”

“No, how dare you for being so blind that, not only can you not see the problem, you refuse to acknowledge it, even when it’s right in front of your damn face! And if you care about your friends so much, tell me this!” Steve spread his arms wide. “Where are they?!”

Rarity opened her mouth to speak, but after a moment, shut it again before looking around. As she did so, her expression became more and more panicked.

“I...I.. They were-”

“They’re in the other room, where you left them behind.” The Crafter stated, gesturing a thumb backwards towards the room he’d just left.

Steve could see the mare visibly flinch as she slowly descended, coming to sit on the ground. She stared at the cloudy floor, a look of shock and horror on her face.

“Ah. Seems like I’m finally getting through to you, huh?” Steve spoke, his words laced with the smallest tinges of venom. He knew he was probably being a little cruel, but he sure didn’t give a shit.

“But, but, I mean, I didn’t leave them behind.” Rarity murmured quietly. “I, I thought they were-”

“Thought they were what?!” Steve yelled, causing every pony around him to flinch slightly. “Please, tell me what reason you have for blowing off your ‘best friends’ in favor of flaunting those damn, Notch-forsaken wings all day!”

The white mare stared at the ground, a few scarce tears beginning to trail down her face. Steve’s heart clenched at the sight of the tears he’d caused. Justified as he was, the Crafter couldn’t help but feel bad for what he’d said. The feeling of guilt began to outgrow the satisfaction he felt in his gut. He pursed his lips, his angry expression fading away.

He sighed, rubbing his face with his hand. “Look, Rarity. Like I said before, I’m not your friend. If I was, I’d probably be trying to spare your feelings a little bit more, but the fact of the matter is, I’m not your friend, and you needed to hear it. I’d rather you be sad and/or angry now than have to feel those same feelings ten times over later on because frankly, you will feel like that later on, if you continue with how you’ve been acting. Pride won’t get you anywhere Rarity, except alone with no one giving a shit about you.” Sighing, Steve took a step back from the mare, shoving his hands in his pockets.

“But, I guess in the end, it’s your choice Rarity. I can’t tell you how to live. That’s all on you. However, I can inform you of your two current options, at least from the way I see it. One, You can stay here, flaunting those wings to your heart’s content, with all of the fame and praise you could ask for. Or two, you can go back to the pe-, er, ponies you’ve been friends with for who knows how long, who, as far as I know, are still waiting in the other room.” Steve looked at the mare for a moment, hoping she would answer him. However, she didn’t respond, instead continuing to stare blankly at the ground. The Crafter sighed as he slowly began walking away. “And while you make your choice, I’m going to go ahead and head on back. Got to see how my friend Dash is doing.”

The sound of Steve’s footsteps echoed through the otherwise silent room as he headed toward the exit and, upon reaching it, went through.

* * * * *

Steve let out a sigh as he walked down the rather busy cloud road, shoving the now empty bottle into his Inventory. Shadows passed overhead as the pegasi that didn’t notice him went about their daily lives. Those that did stared at him with wide, fearful eyes.

Steve didn’t mind too much. He’d expected such a reaction, after all.

Shaking his head slightly, he looked down at the floor as he walked.

‘So, we’re going to meet up with the girls at the stadium at 2 o’clock, which is in…’ He looked around before spotting a clock hanging on a wall on a nearby building. ‘little less than an hour. the only problem we seem to have is that I don’t have a clue as to where said stadium is.’

‘That’s why you should’ve asked where the stadium was before leaving like that.’ Onyx replied.

Steve furrowed his brow. ‘Dude, you saw what I saw. Even if they didn’t say anything, I could see how nervous they were. It was best that I give them some space for a little while.’

‘Maybe. Still, I think it would be beneficial if you’d talked things out with them instead.’

‘I will.’ Steve responded. ‘I just, needed to clear my head first.’

‘...Fair enough. Still, we should probably ask for directions to the stadium.’

He sighed. ‘Alright, give me a sec.’

Looking around, Steve quickly spotted a trio of pegasi standing and talking nearby. Considering that they weren’t looking at him, they either didn’t care, or had been too busy talking to notice the Crafter slowly approaching them.

“Uh, excuse me?” Steve inquired once he’d gotten close enough. The three pegasi all turned towards him, eyes widening in fear and shock upon seeing him. “So, I’m a bit lost and could use so-”

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” All three of them screamed before taking off, somehow leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.

Cough, cough. “Ugh.” Steve grunted, waving the dust away with an arm. “Yeah, not sure what I was expecting.” Sighing, Steve was about to set off again when Onyx spoke up.

‘Steve, a familiar magical aura is approaching. I believe it’s Princess Celestia.’

‘What!?’ The Crafter mentally exclaimed, before he felt someone’s presence land behind him. Turning around, he saw it was indeed none other than Celestia herself, along with four Royal Guard pegasi, two coming to stand on either side of the alicorn.

“Hello there Steve.”

“Sup Celestia.” He replied, waving. “What are ya doing in Cloudsdale?”

“Oh, I’m here to watch ‘The Best Young Flyers’ Competition’” She responded. “And you?”

“Same thing. I’m gonna be rooting Dash on when she flies today.”

“Oh! You’re here with Dash? Where is she?”

Steve pursed his lips, but responded. “As far as I know, she and the rest of her friends are at the stadium. I’m heading there now, actually, but I don’t know where it is exactly.”

“Well, not to worry. I will be more than glad to take you there.” She leaned down slightly, her back level with Steve’s lower torso. “Climb on.”

The Crafter’s brow lifted as his expression became one of surprise. “Uh, are you sure? Granted, I’m not the most knowledgeable about pony society, but this doesn’t seem like something that royalty should be doing.”

Celestia chuckled. “And you would be right. However, while I am royalty, you are my friend. Besides,” She whispered, leaning in towards Steve so that her guards wouldn’t hear. “you are royalty as well, are you not?”

Steve hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh as he climbed onto the alicorn’s back, just behind her neck and in front of her wings. After making sure he was secure, Celestia took off, the four guards following close behind.

They had only been in the air for a few minutes when Steve saw what looked like their destination. It was a large, coliseum-like arena, much like one that Steve had once seen in the desert town of Drysville back in Minecraftia, except that stadium had been made of sandstone, while the one currently in front of him was, of course, made of clouds.

As they neared it, Steve could see dozens, perhaps over a hundred ponies in the stands. On a nearby cloud stood a cerulean-furred pegasus with a white and gray mane. The stallion wore a black shirt and sunglasses, as well as some contraption on his head, with a little gray ball that stood in front of his mouth.

“Fillies and gentlecolts!!” The stallion spoke, though his voice was amplified so that everyone around could easily hear it. “Please rise and join me in welcoming our beloved Princess Celestia!!!!”

As he spoke, the alicorn, with Steve in tow, lowered onto a fancy-looking cloud balcony, the guards following suit. Tucking her wings in, Celestia began waving at the crowd as Steve slid off her back and onto the ground next to her.

“Please welcome our celebrity judges for ‘The Best Young Flyers’ Competition,’ The Wonderbolts!!!” The stallion cried out as six blue-suited pegasi soured over him, flying so fast they left smoke trails in their wake. The six did some fancy flying theatrics before ending it off with a loud ‘Bang!’ as a firework exploded.

The already loud cheering coming from the stands increased ten-fold.

Steve himself was smirking and clapping as the Wonderbolts flew over to stand on some nearby clouds.

“And now,” The announcer continued. “Let’s find out who will take the prize as this year’s Best Young Flyer!!!”

* * * * *



A sigh. ‘Oh for- Steve!’ Onyx yelled.

The Crafter’s eyes shot open as he sat up. ‘What!? What is it?!’ He groggily asked Onyx.

‘You fell asleep Steve.’

‘Oh.’ He replied, rubbing his eyes with a hand as he got to his feet. Looking out into the arena, he saw a purple-ish pegasus mare doing some fancy loopty-loops. ‘Shit, I didn’t miss Rainbow Dash, did I?’

‘No, fortunately. She has yet to make an appearance, and it’s admittedly a bit worrying, considering that it’s this late in the competition.’

‘Yeah, but I’m sure she’ll be fine.’

“And now, for our final competitor of the day, contestant number 15!!” The announcer declared. Only a moment later, Rainbow Dash emerged from behind the cloud curtains, coming to hover in the middle of the arena.

“WOOHOO!!!!!” Steve cheered, throwing his arms up as he grinned. “GO RAINBOW DASH!!!!”

Celestia, though slightly startled by the sudden, loud cheering, grinned at the Crafter before turning back to watch.

Dash looked around at the crowd, visibly nervous. After a moment, she shook her head, expression morphing into one of determination as she took off, heading towards a series of cloud pillars. She swerved around the pillars, going back and forth in a snake-like pattern. Steve grinned as he continued to cheer the pegasus on, confidant that she would be fine.

However, his smile fell when Dash accidentally bounced off of one of the pillars, sending her face planting into the stadium wall, which, despite the fact that it was made of clouds, acted like it was solid ground and stopped her short.

Steve winced, silently pleading for Dash to be okay. Shaking her head, she happened to glance upwards. Steve followed her gaze to see that her friends were actually sitting on one of the cloud benches near to where the mare had crashed. The Crafter’s heart lifted slightly when he saw Rarity sitting among them, her wings folded against her sides. However, while Steve was glad the unicorn had made the right call, he was more worried about his friend.

“Poor Dash.” Steve muttered, watching as the pegasus managed to recover rather quickly. “Not only did she crash, she did it right in front of her friends.”

“Yes, I did notice that Rainbow Dash seemed, well, very nervous when she flew out.” Celestia spoke, tone displaying her concern. Is something going on with her?”

“A little bit.” Steve answered as Dash flew upwards to some nearby clouds, spinning around them which, in turn, caused them to spin as well. “She’s been trying to do this thing called, like a Sonic Rainbow, or something, and she hasn’t managed to pull it off yet.”

“You mean a Sonic Rainboom?” Celestia inquired, to which Steve nodded.

“Yep, that’s the one. She’s been trying to do it all morning, but so far, I don’t think she’s-”

As Dash was spinning around a nearby cloud, she was suddenly sent hurtling head over hooves away from it. The cloud, still spinning, began speeding towards where Celestia and Steve both stood.

D-Pad Down: Shield

Steve’s eyes widened as he withdrew his shield and moved in front of the alicorn.

Circle: Perfect Block

“Look out!” He cried as the cloud hit his shield dead on, the impact, while causing the cloud to disperse, forced him to stumble backwards into the alicorn directly behind him. Luckily, she held her ground, keeping Steve on his feet as he lowered his shield, gaze searching for his friend.

She was hovering in the middle of the arena, an expression of fear etched onto her face. However, after a moment, she shook her head, steeling her nerves for whatever was to come next. She took a deep breath, then prepared to fly upwards to do whatever it was she had planned.

But something happened.

It was hard to tell from such a distance, but Steve was sure he saw one of her wings, her left one, begin to twitch. This happened for a moment, before he saw Dash’s expression morph into one of pain as the twitching suddenly worsened. She began to lose altitude, haphazardly trying to make it to the nearest outcropping of cloud. But, it was too far away.

Her eyes, wide with terror, suddenly met Steve’s horrified gaze. The next moment, her wing seized up, folding up against her side.

And then she was gone.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took me so long to post, I was trying so hard to get it out by yesterday, but alas, time waits for no one.

Anyways, thank you all for reading and be sure to let me know what you all think in the comments!

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