• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,372 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 8: Only a Minor Setback

Now, without further adieu, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Steve ran, lungs pumping as his heart raced, either one of the colts currently tucked under his arms each giving yelps as they were jostled from the rough ride. Sparing a glance back, Steve gave a shriek as the Ursa Major roared, shaking the very ground they stood on. He pushed himself harder, not willing to let himself get caught in it’s pearly white teeth.

“How much farther is it Mr. Monster?!”, the small green colt asked worriedly. If his memory was correct, the little guy’s name was Snips. His compatriot on Steve’s other side was Snails. A rather unfortunate name, but regardless. Steve was snapped out of his thoughts as the Ursa roared again.

“Not much farther. So, tell me” Steve began, dodging past trees and shrubbery, jumping over large roots. “What possessed you two illiterates to try and wake that thing up!!” Steve yelled, quickly jerking his head in the direction of the beast.

“We wanted to prove the Great and Powerful Trixie could vanquish it, just like in her stories!” Snips explained, like Steve was supposed to know who that was.

“And who the fu-, uh, frick is she supposed to be?!” Steve questioned, front-flipping over a large, fallen trunk.

“She’s only the most powerful and magical unicorn in, like, ever!! How could you not have heard of her?” Snips exclaimed. Steve rolled his eyes and gave a frustrated sigh.

“Been a little busy with my own life. You know, fighting ponies and having to skulk around like I’m some common criminal. Forgive me if I don’t keep up with the latest celebrities.” Snips response was cut short by his friend.

“Mr! It’s getting closer! How much farther?!” At the question, Steve glanced back at their pursuer. Shit, it was getting closer. Turning back, he continued running, trying his best to not drop his cargo. He knew he could run faster, but that meant the possibility of accidentally dropping one or both of the colts. Sure, he could’ve left them and gotten away, but he wouldn’t. They were children and definitely innocent, if Steve’s observations of them told him anything. He didn’t harbor any resentment toward them.

He’d come across the two, both running for their lives, when he’d been in the middle of monster hunt. Such hunts usually just consisted of him looking and defeating monsters for resources, like Wood Wolves or Giant Spiders. There were a few creatures that were left out of such hunts, like deer and the peaceful kind of bears. He only hunted monsters that intended to harm him. That being said, he’d kitted out in an diamond chestplate and leggings, along with his best gear, as the monsters in this land were nothing to scoff at. Not to say his land was a joy-ride, but while this worlds monsters were large, tough and less prominent, his world’s monsters were, in a quote, “belligerent and numerous.”

Suddenly, Steve broke through the tree line, immediately setting off down the path, the Ursa nipping on his heels. With the town now in sight, Steve pushed for the final stretch, hoping he could make it before it caught up to them.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t.

Circle: Dodge

Steve instinctively rolled to the side as a massive paw slammed into the ground where they’d been just moments before. Steve enacted the Serpentine Maneuver he mostly used on Skeletons back home, only now, he used it to avoid a giant, blue super-bear. Managing to evade it’s attacks, he quickly put the colts on the ground.

“Hurry up! Run to town and warn them. I’ll try and stall it here!” Steve yelled to the pair. Just like that, they ran off.

D-Pad Up: Sword

Square: Slash

Pulling out his sword, he swung his blade, cutting into its forearm, making it roar in pain. In retaliation, it swung it’s huge arm into the ground, causing a shockwave effect that knocked Steve into the air, causing him to land hard on his back.

Damage Received: - 2 damage. 32 health remaining.

Groaning, Steve shot back to his feet. Looking up at the Ursa, that looked down at the Crafter in anger, Steve’s brain raced to come up with a plan.

Circle: Dodge

Square: Slash

Steve dodged an attacking arm, swiping at the offending limb. Back-pedalling, his eyes searched for any sort of flaw, a weakness he could exploit. But the towering creature seemed to be invincible. His attacks were barely making a dent, serving more to annoy the beast rather than injure it.

Circle: Dodge

Steve rolled to the side in an attempt to escape another attack. Unfortunately, it seemed it learned his moves. Giant claws wrapped around Steve’s form, pinning his arms, and sword, to his side, leaving only his head and neck poking out of the Ursa’s diamond-clad grip. Grunting and squirming, he tried and failed to get out of it’s grasp as it moved him closer to its mouth as its jaws opened wide, revealing many shiny white teeth, all waiting to chew Steve down to nothing but some bones and gristle.

Square: Slash

Eager to escape such a grisly death, Steve pulled with every ounce of strength in his body, wrenching his sword free. Slashing down, he cut a deep gash in two of the Ursa’s claws, making it roar in surprise and pain. Opening its paw, Steve gripped the Ursa’s arm just before falling. Pulling himself up, he ran along it’s arm, evading it’s attempts to knock him off.

Circle: Dodge

Upon reaching its head, it tried to squish him with its massive paw. Sliding under the swipe, he latched his free hand onto the fur just behind it’s head, getting him out of range of being bitten. The Ursa rose to its hind legs, an ability Steve was unaware it had, and roared, throwing it’s paws onto it’s back, trying to get Steve off. One it’s paws got lucky and hit Steve, knocking him onto the ground below.

Damage Received: - 14 damage. 18 health remaining.

Hitting the ground, Steve rolled for a short distance before coming to a stop on his stomach, groaning. Looking up, he saw that, much to his horror, the Ursa was already nearly upon him. At least, until a bolt of bright blue magic blasted it across the face, knocking it’s muzzle to the side. Slowly, its head turned back in the direction the blast had come from, as did Steve’s. What he saw shocked him.

A small group of ponies had arrived. There was Twilight Sparkle, the new town librarian. She was accompanied by a light blue mare, wearing a ridiculous looking purple wizard hat and cloak. Behind the pair was three ponies, two white unicorns and one gray pegasus, all equipped with golden armor and helmets. All three wielded spears. Steve reasoned they were guards or warriors or some sort.

The wizard mare suddenly shot another blast of magic, this one doing the same damage as Steve’s attacks had been. Little. Angered, the Ursa charged at the group letting out an ear-tingling roar. The two unicorns horn’s lit up as their expressions displayed their fear, teeth grit and eyes wide. The pegasus reaffirmed his grip on the spear.

D-Pad Right: Bow and Arrow

Square (Hold): Critical Shot

Equipping his bow, Steve knocked an arrow, pulling it back, before letting it fly. The arrow slammed right into the Ursa’s butt. The Ursa slid to a stop as it roared in pain and, rather funnily, clutched it’s posterior with a massive paw, it’s head swirling around to glare at Steve.

Square: Shoot

Knocking another arrow, he fired it straight into its shoulder. It seemed to barely react to this, choosing instead to switch targets, charging at Steve, the ground rumbling with each step.

D-Pad Left: Fishing Rod

Putting away his bow, he equipped his fishing rod, and began, going against every instinct in his body, running towards the Ursa.

X (Hold): Rod Zip

Pulling back his arm, he threw it forward, casting the hook. Sailing through the air, the hook managed to catch on the fur of the bear’s shoulder. Pulling hard, Steve flew through the air, zooming towards the Ursa. Reaching out an arm, he caught onto the fur, securing himself on it.

Square: Hook

Catching the hook on the thick fur of its shoulder, Steve ran, letting the rope on his rod continue running. Running behind it’s head, Steve dodged multiple swipes, running around, then swinging around. After doing this three times, he stood back where he started, with three lines of string running around the Ursa’s neck. With every ounce of strength in his body, Steve tugged.

The effect was instantaneous. The cords tightened, effectively cutting off it’s air supply. It’s claws instinctively went to it’s throat, trying and failing to get it’s claws under the rope, but alas, it’s thick claws were useless such a task. It stood on its hind legs, trying to breath, but Steve pulled harder still. This thing had nearly killed him multiple times, and probably would’ve razed the town to the ground, killing dozens of innocents. In short, Steve wasn’t gonna let go till this thing was dead and gone.

It’s eyes were weakly blinking, showing it was getting close to the end. At this point, Steve realized the thing could’ve easily knocked him off, and get it’s breath back, but for whatever reason, it hadn’t. Probably working on instinct alone.

Suddenly, Steve felt a bolt of magic slam into him like a brick wall, knocking him and his fishing rod, which magically reeled itself it, off it’s back onto the ground below. He slammed into the ground with impressive force, knocking the wind out of him.

Damage Received: - 9 damage. 9 health remaining.

Rolling onto his back, Steve coughed as he got his breath back. As he did so, he heard a peaceful tune playing through the air. Looking up, he saw a very strange sight. Twilight’s horn was glowing, somehow making the, admittedly beautiful noise. However, it seemed to have a rather strange effect on the Ursa. The Ursa was shaking, and it’s knees were buckling. Suddenly, a large container floated over in the Ursa’s direction. Suddenly, before the giant bear falls to the floor, it’s lifted up and given the large container, then the Ursa proceeds to suckle the damn thing like it was a baby. Then, it just starts floating out of sight. Just, Twilight just starts levitating that son of a bitch away, just like that. Steve’s mouth is open wide in shock as he watches the Ursa slowly disappear from sight.

L1 (Hold): Potion Select: Healing Potion (Lvl. 2)

Health Restored - 12 health. 21 health remaining.

Getting to his feet, Steve pulled out a Healing Potion, tipping back the glass and downing the bottle. Feeling his wounds heal, he put the bottle away and looked at the group of ponies. To his horror, they were making their way, Twilight Sparkle and those three guards.

“Oh, shit.” Steve muttered to himself, as he watched them come closer. He didn’t bother running. If Twilight could do that to the Ursa, he didn’t stand a chance running.

D-Pad Up: Sword

When they got to a small distance away, Steve unsheathed his sword. This caused the four ponies to stop and gain looks of apprehension and nervousness.

“Who the fuck knocked me off the damn Ursa?” Steve asked simply. This request, or maybe how he phrased seemed to shake them up a bit. After a few tense moments, Twilight responded.

“That was me. You were killing the poor thing, so I had to stop you from doing so.” Steve barked out a laugh.

“Miss Twilight, if you had any sense in that head of yours, you’d see that thing is not poor in any shape or form.”

“You will not speak with that tone, creature! Show respect!” the pegasus guard yelled. Steve’s gaze narrowed on said guard.

“Pony Kind as a whole lost my respect a long ass time ago.” he responded honestly. “I’ve done nothing to warrant it, but you ponies seem to hate me anyways. Tell me, did Snips and Snails tell you how they got back?”

Twilight’s eyebrows furrowed and she shook her head.

“When you get back, ask them. I’m leaving. Fuck you guys.” With that, Steve turned around and started to walk off. Twilight’s power may make him nervous, but right now, he had no fucks to give.

“We can’t let you do that. We have orders to take you in to the Princesses.” Turning back to the guards, Steve gave them a deadpan expression.

“Tell your Princesses to shove it.”

Circle: Dodge

Circle: Dodge

Steve rolled to the side just as the pegasus charged at him, dodging the attack. Pulling out an Ender Pearl, Steve threw it towards the forest as he sidestepped another attack, this time from a unicorn. Before he knew it, he teleported to the landing spot of the Pearl.

Damage Received - 3 damage. 18 health remaining.

Grunting from the landing, Steve immediately took off into the forest, disappearing inside.

Author's Note:

Hey, so I had a ton of free time today, so I started writing another chapter. I actually managed to finish it, somehow.:pinkiehappy:
Anyway, let me know what you think in the comments, I always enjoy reading the stuff you guys say.

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