• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,372 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

  • ...

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 69: Heading In

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

It was late. Darkness had long since covered the town of Ponyville, the cloud cover overhead blocking out most of the moonlight. Anypony who wished to travel at such a time would have to rely on the lamp-posts, which dimly lit the cobblestone roads at regular intervals.

Steve watched from the window by his seat as the train slowly came to a stop at the station, the doors opening not long after. Getting to his feet, the Crafter took one last glance at the ponies who shared his car.

There were four of them. Three mares and a stallion. It was a far cry from the dozen or so that had been there when he’d first boarded in Canterlot, the others moving to a different train car at some point during the ride. Even now, the four ponies in the car watched him with fear and distrust in their eyes.

He gave them a nod and a wave. “Goodbye. Thank you for all the pleasant company.” His voice carried just the barest hint of sarcasm. With that, he stepped out of the car.

Once outside, he took a deep breath as he glanced around. Along with him, several other ponies had also gotten off. Most noticed him immediately, and those that didn’t quickly did. He gave them a quick wave before he started walking away.

“Um, excuse me?” A voice spoke up, prompting the Crafter to stop and look behind him. A unicorn mare stood a few feet away. She had dark orange fur, with a pure white mane. For a moment, Steve felt like he’d seen the mare before, but he quickly shook the thought away before responding to the mare.

“Yes?” He asked. “What is it?”

Her sky-blue eyes glanced away for a moment before focusing back on him.

“You are the ‘Monkey of the Everfree,’ correct?”

He shrugged. “Not a monkey, but I get what you mean. And yes, I suppose that’s me. What do you need?”

“N-nothing. I was just- I was wondering what you were doing here.”

“Ah.” Steve spoke with an even tone. “Well, you see, I got a house.”

“... A house?”

He nodded. “Yeah, one here in Ponyville. Got it as a gift from Princess Celestia for everything I’ve gone through.”

She quirked an eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Oh you know, the usual. The multiple cases of guard assault, being hunted by said guards, having a kill-squad sicced on me, along with a few other things. Honestly, I try not to think too much about it.” He said, shrugging. “Brings up memories I’d much rather forget about.”

The mare’s eyes were wide and her jaw hung open.

“Wh… What?”

Steve inwardly winced. ‘Probably shouldn’t be dumping all this on a pony I met five seconds ago.’

“Uh, nothing. Just ignore me. Sometimes my mouth moves before I want it to.” Steve responded with a wave of his hand. “Anyways, if that’s all, I should be going. It’s getting late and I still don’t know where my house actually is.”

“You don’t know where it is?” The mare asked, seeming confused.

“Well, I know where it is.” Steve responded as he fished through his Inventory for the piece of paper Celestia had given him at the train station in Canterlot, just before he’d left. Upon pulling it out, he quickly looked the document over. “It’s, uh, 3491 Baulk Avenue.” He glanced back up at the mare. “The only problem is, I have no idea where that is.”

“Baulk Avenue? Well, that’s not very far from here. Just take a right off of Alfalfa Boulevard, go on for about a block, then you’ll be there.”

Steve nodded as he looked down the street. “Okay. A right at Alfalfa, then walk for a block. Got it.” Stuffing the paper back into his Inventory, he glanced back at the mare. “Thank you, Miss…?”

“O-oh. I’m Amber Dust.” The mare spoke.

“Got it. Thanks for the help, Amber Dust.” With that, he began walking away.

“You’re welcome.” He heard Amber reply. At this, he glanced back at her, giving her a small wave as he walked away.

* * * * *

‘Steve, forgive me for asking, but why are you going to the house Celestia gave you this late at night?’ Nightmare Steve asked. ‘Would it not have been better to stay in Canterlot until morning and then leave?’

“Yeah, probably. But I didn’t want to stay in Canterlot any longer if I have things to do here in Ponyville. I’ve always hated staying in big, fancy castles anyways.” Looking up at the next street sign, his eyes widened when he saw that it said “Alfalfa Boulevarde.” Upon reaching it, he turned to the right and continued walking.

“Besides, it was best that I left during the night. It hasn’t even been a day since I was interviewed by those newspeo-ponies, which means that the public still doesn’t know anything about me except what they’ve heard in the last few months. Just look at how the ponies on the train acted.” Steve spoke, remembering the fearful looks he’d gotten. Sighing, he shook his head. “There’s a lot of work that needs to happen before the ponies fully trust me. It isn’t gonna happen in a day.”

‘That’s true.’ Nightmare Steve agreed. There was silence for a moment or two afterwards, then the Nightmare spoke again. ‘Up ahead.’

Steve glanced up to see that the road ended in a T formation, Alfalfa Boulevard cutting into Baulk Avenue.

“Great. Now…” He glanced down the road to his left, then did the same to his right. “Which way do I go?”

‘This would’ve been much easier if you had just accepted the Ponyville map Celestia tired to give you.’

“I didn’t think I needed it. I’ve been around long enough to know the basics, so I thought I could find it no problem.” Steve responded. “It’s only know that I realize that may have been a mistake on my part.”


The Crafter deadpanned. “And you’re sarcasm is not appreciated!”

“You keep talking to yourself like that, ponies will start to think you’re crazy!” A old, gruff, crotchety voice spoke up. Steve, caught off-guard, jumped slightly as he whirled around to face whoever had just spoke.

On the porch of a nearby house sat the outline of a pony. The house’s porchlights weren’t on, so Steve couldn’t quite make out any discernable features about the assumed (due to the pony’s voice) stallion.

“Who are you?” The Crafter called as he slowly approached.

“Oh, I’m nopony special. Just an old stallion enjoying the cool night air.” The figure responded. “Who might you be?”

Steve furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

“Do you not know who I am?” He asked. The stallion shook his head.

“Nope. Don’t rightly know. I never forget a voice, you see, and I know I’ve never heard your’s.”

“My voice? What would-?”

‘Steve.’ The Nightmare spoke up. ‘Look at his eyes.’

The Crafter did so, and suddenly, it all came together. The reason why the porchlight’s weren’t on, why the stallion both didn’t mind the darkness, and hadn’t recognized Steve or even made some mention about how strange he looked all made sense.

The pony was blind.

His eyes were white pools of milky white, barely visible in the blackness, but still there. Steve stopped.

“Oh.” He muttered.

“Oh?” The stallion echoed, most likely giving Steve a confused look.

“Nothing.” The Crafter hastily responded. “It’s just, your eyes.”

The old pony chuckled. “Yep. Blind in one eye, can’t see out the other.” He tapped the side of his head with one hoof. “Had an accident back when I served in the Royal Guard. Me and my squad had gotten into a spat with a Manticore mother on accident. I took a hit meant for somepony else. Cost me my sight.” He sighed and shrugged. “Magic wasn’t as advanced back then. Now-a-days, if that happened, they’d just get some unicorn to cast a spell, then you’d be right as rain. For me, however, well it was a different story.”

Steve looked at the stallion, an expression of sympathy on his face. “...I’m sorry.”

The stallion chuckled again. “For what, my friend? It was a long time ago, and I’ve gotten used to it over the years. Really, it’s not so bad anymore.”

“Still, I can’t imagine what it would be like if I just suddenly couldn’t see anymore. I’m not sure what I’d do.”

“Oh, pshaw!” The stallion gave an overdramatic scoff. “Admittedly, my hearing isn’t what it used to be, but you sound like a strong, young pony. I’m sure you’d pull through.”

Steve almost informed the stallion about how he was not, in fact, a pony, but he eventually decided against it. Instead, he gave a shrug as he smirked. “Eh, probably. Just roll with the punches, right?”

The stallion laughed. “Ha, indeed. My old drill instructor, Corporal Digger, she used to say something similar.” He chuckled. “Yes, she sure was tough on us recruits. Expected our best, and nothing less.” Slowly, his smile fell and his white, sightless eyes trailed down to the ground. “Because back then, well, we had to be.”

Steve knew better than to ask what he meant, even though he really wanted to know what the stallion was talking about.

‘Steve, it is getting very late. I suggest you wrap this up and move on. You still do not know where the house actually is.’ The Nightmare spoke.

‘Okay, okay. Got it. Give me a sec.’ Steve responded.

“Anyways, while it’s been real nice talking to you, I still have to find my house before it get’s too late.”

“Oh, of course. Don’t let me keep you, Mr...?”

The Crafter grinned. “Steve. My name’s Steve.”

The stallion’s expression morphed into one of confusion. “Steve? Well, that sure is a strange name for a pony.”

“Well, good thing I’m not a pony then, eh?”

“You’re, not… what?” The stallion inquired, befuddled. Steve chuckled.

“Here, hold out your hoof. I’ll show you.”

After a moment of hesitation, the stallion eventually held out one hoof. Steve knelt down, then gently grasped it as though he was doing a handshake, immediately eliciting a gasp from the stallion as he hastily withdrew his foreleg.

“What?” He muttered. “Who are you? What are you?”

“Me? Oh, I’m no one. Just a guy, living his life as best he can, no different from everyone else.” Steve stood back up once again. “Well, I should be going. It was nice talking to you. See ya around.” With that, the Crafter turned and walked away into the night.

* * * * *

2,880 seconds later

Steve walked up to the iron gate that barred entry from any who sought entrance. He looked part the metal bars and towards the large structure which the fences surrounded. The cloud cover overhead parted for just a moment, long enough for the moon to shine through and reveal what the building looked like. Steve quickly looked down at the paper in his hand, before looking back up at the house in front of him.

“That’s the one.” He muttered to himself.

X (Hold): Power Jump

Crouching low, he leapt up and over the iron fencing, landing in a kneeling position on the other side. Standing up, he quickly crossed the front yard over to the front door. The door itself looked rather simple, with a rectangularish bottom and middle, and a curved top. Steve reached over, grabbing the doorknob and twisting before pushing the door.

It didn’t budge.

He stared at the handle for a moment before he remembered.

“Oh right! The key!” He scoffed and smacked himself in the forehead. Reaching into his Inventory, he quickly withdrew the iron key that Celestia had given him. Putting it into the lock, he twisted it. There was a soft clanking sound. Pulling the key out, he slipped it back into his Inventory as he grabbed the doorknob once again. He pushed, and this time, the door swung open, creaking ever-so-slightly as it did so.

Steve stepped inside, crouching as he did so.

It was dark, forcing him to have to fumble around for the switch that would turn on the lights. Upon finally finding it, he flipped the switch.

Bright light immediately flared up from the ceiling, lighting up the whole room. Steve squinted at first, waiting for his vision to get accustomed to the light. Once he was, he decided to look around.

The house was big. Steve counted several rooms, including a kitchen, dining room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a main room at the front of the house, and a basement. Overall, it wasn’t too different from his own home back in his world, surprisingly enough, though it lacked the map room and subbasement that his old house had, as well as the attic loft.

“Well, I gotta say.” He muttered to himself as he walked through the front room of the house towards the dining room. “This place is nice.” He ducked under the doorway into the dining room. “Though it’s pretty clear that this place wasn’t built with someone of my height in mind.”

‘In their defense, I don’t think the builder’s knew that a being from another world was going to end up living in a house that they built.’

“True.” Steve responded as he withdrew his diamond axe, the head of which glowed purple. “Still, I think a bit of remodeling is in order, don’t you?”

The Nightmare sighed. ‘Long night it is, then?’

“Yep!” He spoke, hefting the axe over his shoulder as he grinned. “Let’s get started.”

Author's Note:

Hey y'all! I'm back. Vacation was fun. And awesome. And the food was great. And all that.

Anyways, here's another filler chapter. I'm sorry, but I assure you, all of this is necessary before we get to the action. Just bear with me.

Also, I have a question for you guys and gals and everyone else. When Steve meets Amber Dust, he briefly feels like he's seen her before. That's because he has. So the question is, where did he first see her?

If you know, feel free to comment down below where in this story we first see her.

(Hint: We never actually learned her name until this chapter.)

Anyways, that's it for me. As always, thank you all for reading, and be sure to let me know what you all think in the comments!

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