• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,372 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 49: Making Amends (Part 2)

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Steve stood silently, staring at the mess of bandages and blue fur that lay on the hospital bed in front of him. His eyes, normally deep indigo in color, now appeared to be more gray in color. His arms hung by his sides, fists clenched.

Red Heart glanced over at the silent Crafter for a moment before letting out a small sigh as she walked over to her charge. Lifting up her clipboard, she took a few quick notes about Rainbow Dash’s condition as well as checking her bandages before deeming everything was alright. Leaving the clipboard on a nearby desk, she slowly trotted over to Steve, who’s gaze hadn’t left the pegasus since he’d walked in.

“I, I’ll give you two some time alone.” She spoke, voice soft. Steve merely nodded in response. Sighing, she made her way out of the room, the door creaking slightly as it closed behind her. After that, silence filled the room once more.

Steve wasn’t sure how long he stood there. It felt like hours before he finally steeled his nerves enough to make his way over to Dash. Standing next to the bed she was laying on, he winced as he looked over her comatose form.

While most her was still covered by bandages, what wasn’t sheltered from sight didn’t seem to be faring much better. Fur was missing from some places, revealing the peach-colored skin beneath. A few scars could be seen, crisscrossing here and there. The more Steve looked, the more the guilt made his stomach twist and turn.

“I, I’m sorry Rainbow Dash.” He muttered, voice barely above a whisper. Putting out a hand, he gently patted her head, being careful not to touch or jostle the bandages that covered most of her face. Sighing, he lowered his arm as he turned away, head hanging low. Walking over to the entrance of the room, he opened the door with barely a sound, taking one last glance at his friend before closing the door behind him. Sighing once more, he released the door handle and began walking down the hall, footsteps quietly echoing along the tiled floor.

‘It’s not your fault you know.’ Nightmare Steve spoke in his mind, voice soft. Steve didn’t respond, continuing to look down at the floor as he walked. ‘You did everything you could, Steve. You battled through various Nightmares, you took on Herobrine, the god of the night. For crying out loud, you took a sword to the chest and still managed to get back up.’ At this, the Crafter opened his mouth to speak, but Nightmare Steve beat him to it. ‘And yes, Miss Dash was severely wounded during the battle, I will not deny that. But if it weren’t for you, she most likely would’ve died, or worse.’

Steve rubbed a hand against his face as he sighed. ‘I guess. I still feel terrible, though.’

‘Yeah, I know. Remember, I can feel what you feel.’

The Crafter’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. ‘Wait, what? I thought you could only feel pain, like when I get hurt or something.’

‘Steve, we are connected both in body and soul. What you feel, I feel, whether it be pain, trauma, emotions, anything. It’s how Nightmare beings become stronger after all, by feeding on the emotions of their hosts.’

‘Wait, feeding? You eat emotions?’ Steve questioned.

‘Yes, but not in the way you eat physical food. Beings such as me kind of, absorb it from their hosts. While a whole manner of emotions will suffice, we gain much more from negative ones, such as anger, hate, sadness and fear.’

Steve hesitated for a few moments before responding. ‘...You know what, fuck it. I’m in a world of pastel-colored ponies that reside in a country that’s ruled by two Princess’ that move the fucking sun and moon. I just came back from fighting a literal god in some place called the Mindscape, and now I have a Nightmare sharing my body with me that feeds on emotions because that makes sense. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if some reality altering deity showed up to destroy the world and kill everyone.’

‘Ah, I assume you are referring to Discord?’

The Nightmare’s words made Steve stop cold, hand resting frozen on the handle to the door leading out of the hospital. That single name forced a memory to resurface in his head. He remembered Herobrine, dying in the ground. He had mentioned a few names of, assumedly, villains Steve would have to face in the future. One of those names had been Discord. Closing his eyes, the Crafter let out a small, ragged sigh.

‘Discord? Who exactly is that?’

‘He is the god of chaos, mischief incarnate. Many years ago he ruled over Equestria, making it a place of mayhem and disharmony. After a long and fierce battle with Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, he was turned into a stone statue by the Elements of Harmony and placed under guard at Canterlot Castle. As far as I know, he remains there.’

‘Fantastic!’ The Crafter exclaimed in his mind, sarcasm heavy in his tone. ‘Can’t wait for when he inevitably breaks free, since one way or another I’ll more than likely have to fight him.’

‘With all due respect, I do not see us winning that fight. While you are indeed very strong, Discord is far more powerful than you.’

‘So was Herobrine.’ Steve stated firmly. It was a few seconds before the Nightmare responded.


Steve waited for the Nightmare to continue, but after a minute of nothing, he realized his companion wasn’t going to talk. Sighing, he pulled open the door, stepping out into the midday sun. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a kinda choked gasp. He didn’t even have time to look up before something small plowed into him with a cry of “Mr. Steve!!”, knocking him flat on his back.

Groaning, he propped himself up on his elbows to see who exactly had hit him. To his utter shock, there, latched to his chest and sobbing, was Dinky Hooves. Caught off-guard, Steve could only stare at the crying filly with his mouth hanging open.

“Dinky!” A voice cried out, making the Crafter glance upwards to see two other ponies standing only a few feet away.

The first was a young filly, with a dark pink mane and peach colored fur. Her butter-yellow eyes stared at him with a mixture of fear, confusion and wonder.

The second was a mare, with a dark orange mane and a tan coat of fur. On her flank was an image of a bushel of carrots. Her lime green eyes were wide with what looked like surprise and wonder. Steve actually recognized her from the carrot stand he’d seen a few times around Ponyville. If he remembered correctly, her name was Carrot Top.

Steve was brought out of his thoughts when Dinky’s cries died down and she spoke.

“Where w-were y-you?” She asked, voice quiet. Looking down at her, Steve’s breath caught in his throat when he saw her tear stained face looking up at him. “I-I waited, just l-like you wanted. I w-waited, and waited b-but you never came back. I t-thought something h-happ-ppened. W-when I woke up, I, I thought you would come back. You, you would come back and check o-on us. To make sure we were a-alright. But y-you never came.” She buried her face into his chest. “I thought you had died.” That last sentence came out as little more than a whisper, making Steve’s stomach plummet.

“I,” Steve hesitated. “I’m sorry Dinky. I wanted to come back, trust me, I did. But I got hurt pretty bad. Luckily, the doctors and nurses up in Canterlot Hospital took care of me.”

“Huh?” Dinky asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Why were you in Canterlot?”

“Long story. Not to worry, I’ll explain later, okay?”

Sniff, Sniff. “Okay.” She agreed, nodding her head with a small smile.

“Um, Dinky honey?” The mare spoke, garnering both Steve and Dinky’s attention. “Would you mind introducing me to your friend?”

“Uh, yeah. I’m kinda confused.” The filly spoke in agreement.

“Oh yeah, I forgot.” Climbing down from Steve’s chest, the filly sat down on the ground. “Mr. Steve, this is Ms. Carrot Top, mommy’s friend. Ms. Carrot Top, this is Mr. Steve, both mine and mommy’s friend. Berry Pinch, this is my friend Mr. Steve.”

Carrot Top stared at Dinky for a few moments before looking at Steve, a look of realization on her face. “Wait a minute. You mean you’re Steve, as in the Steve that defeated three dozen Royal Guards without breaking a sweat? All to save a wrongly accused friend that was being threatened with rape?”

Steve looked at her, confusion evident on his face. “How did you…?”

“Derpy told me a few days after it happened. I insisted that she take it to the Crown, but she didn’t, for whatever reason.”

“She was worried that taking the issue to the Princess would only make things worse.” Steve spoke, voice soft. “And honestly, I don’t blame her for thinking that.”

Carrot Top raised an eyebrow, displaying her confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Well, think about it from her perspective. The Royal Guard is supposed to protect the citizens of Equestria. But instead, they arrest her, hurt her and threaten her with rape in order to get information. It’s totally understandable that she wasn’t too trusting at the time.”

The mare mulled it over for a few moments before sighing and nodding her head. “Yes, I suppose that makes sense.”

“Yeah.” There was silence for a few moments before Steve spoke again. “Hey Dinky?” The filly looked up at him with a curious gaze. “How is your mom doing? I haven’t seen her since, well, you know.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Dinky’s eyes darkened, and she looked away. This single motion made Steve’s insides twist. The smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a look of apprehension.

“Um, well she’s, uh…” The filly stumbled over her words, each word making his stomach clench more and more.

“She's been acting very strange for a few days.” Carrot Top butted in, seeing that the filly was having trouble. Steve looked up at her, confusion and worry evident on his face.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean she's been acting weird. She barely goes outside anymore, except for shopping or for her job. And whenever she sees a Royal Guard, she runs the other direction.” She sighed, putting a hoof to her face as she did so. “I’ve tried asking her what happened, but, unfortunately, no dice.”

“I know what happened.” Steve muttered, shaking his head sadly.

“Wait, you do?” Carrot asked, a hint of eagerness in her tone. The Crafter nodded. “Well, what happened?”

“Well, it’s a bit of a long story, so listen up, please.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “Well, it all started on the day of The Running of the Leaves…”

*Roughly an hour and a half later*

“After that, we went to Ponyville’s library, where I heard from Spike that Rainbow Dash was in the hospital. I decided to visit her, you know, to check up on her. On my way out, I ran into you guys, and well, you know the rest.”

“Whoa.” Carrot Top spoke, eyes wide. “That sounds, intense.”

“And trust me, it was. Very much so. But anyways, that’s why she’s like that. She very nearly died at the hands, er, rather hooves, of someone she feared to her very core. She lived, luckily, but only barely, which probably traumatized her, from what you’ve told me.”

“Yeah. That makes sense.” Carrot Top rubbed the back of her head. “I just, that sounds like the stuff you read about in stories and such, not the kind of stuff that actually happens in real life.”

“Yeah, I guess so. But, after a while, you get used to…”

‘Steve, an unknown magical aura has locked onto our position.’ Nightmare Steve suddenly spoke, causing the Crafter to shoot to his feet as he looked around.

“What’s wrong Steve?” Dinky asked, tone worried. He glanced down to see the two fillies and mare looking at him with concern.

“I don’t know. I think…?” Suddenly, Steve’s vision darkened and he felt a familiar tugging sensation in his gut. There was a big flash, and he suddenly found himself back in the Ponyville Library, bookshelves full of books lining the walls.

“What the…?” He began.

“Hello.” Spoke a dreadingly familiar voice. Whirling around, Steve’s eyes widened in shock.

Princess Luna glared at the Crafter, horn glowing a midnight blue. Next to her stood Princess Celestia, who had a rather irritated look on her face as she glared at her sister. Trench and Sure Shot were nowhere to be found.

“How about thou and I have a chat?”

Author's Note:

I'm not sure if you all were aware, but I recently posted a story called "Pick-axe man", because I was bored and was watching Piemations. I didn't think it would do as well as it did, but since it did, expect a sequel within the next week or so.
Anyways, thank you all for reading and be sure to tell me what you all think in the comments!

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