• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,391 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

  • ...

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 81: Finishing up

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Three Days Later

The house was nearly done.

Steve had been working for nearly three days straight, stopping only to either eat or sleep, and even then, he rarely did that.

Derpy and Dinky had stopped by as well, the Crafter pausing his work temporarily to talk to them for a bit. He’d made sure not to tell them about what had happened with Onyx and the Nightmother, not wanting Derpy to get worried. The pegasus mare had seemed just the tiniest bit suspicious when he’d told her that ‘he just hadn’t left the Evefree for a few days,’ but Steve would take her suspicion over her worry. Besides, he was technically telling the truth. Kinda. Sorta.

Shaking himself from his thoughts, he looked over his home. His hard work had nearly paid off, with the house almost completed, save for a majority of the roof and some of the furnishings.

Steve glanced up to see that the sun was just past the summit, signifying it was the afternoon.

“If I work fast, I should be done before nightfall.” He muttered, looking back down at his home. He stood on a bit of wood scaffolding that he’d placed down to make the job of building the roof easier. Unfortunately, due to the fact that he 1) didn’t have any bamboo and 2) he had no idea where to obtain said bamboo, he’d had to rely on straight wood blocks to act as a replacement of sorts.

The wooden planks creaked slightly as he walked on top of them, but he paid it no mind. While he was no scientist, he’d seen enough to know that while not all of the physics from Minecraftia worked like they did in Equestria, some did. Case in point, the fact that Steve’s house was still standing, where by Equestrian physics, it never would’ve gotten past the first story.

Steve placed down another stair block, making sure it was positioned correctly to look just like the several dozen other stair blocks he’d already placed, trying to create the impression of a slanted roof. It was difficult, sure, but Steve was confident that it would be worth it in the end.

Placing down the last stair block in his hand, he quickly opened up his Inventory to get the other stack, placing it in his Hotbar. Closing his Inventory, he reached into his pocket, where the stack of wood stairs were waiting. Bringing them out, Steve let out a sigh as he started working again.

* * * * *

Four Hours Later Because I Doubt You All Want to Read the Entire Building Process

Steve sat back against his crafting table, panting. A hand wiped his brow, coming back slightly wet with sweat. He let out a sigh.

“I can fight through hordes of enemies with relative ease.” He spoke, tone dripping with irritation. “I can shrug off blows like they were nothing, and go several days with no sleep. And yet it’s building shit,” He yelled, pointing at his home. “that exhausts me!”

The house in question stood at three stories tall. The first story walls were comprised of cobblestone, with two glass windows on either side of the dual sets of double doors, between which two torches were stuck in the wall. The second walls, as well as the balcony that encompassed it, were also made of wood, with oak wood fencing that was separated by regular intervals of cobblestone pillars. The third story was smaller in size, with a giant window on the opposite side from where the chimney stack came through. Though as of then the house was pretty much empty, the various torches Steve had placed inside to light it up gave the building a feeling of liveliness that made the Crafter smile.

‘It looks good.’ Onyx commented.

“Well, I sure as the Nether hope so.” Steve responded. “I did spend half a week building this place, after all.”

‘Indeed. Now, all you need to do is furnish it and it will be good to go.’

“Yeah.” The Crafter muttered, looking up at the sky. In the time he’d spent finishing off the roof, the sun had nearly set, creating a beautiful sunset that stretched over the horizon. “But not tonight. Tonight I think I’ll just pass out. Get to work tomorrow. Besides, I’ve got a furnace, crafting table, and my bed. That’ll be more than enough to survive until tomorrow.”

‘That’s true.’ Onyx agreed.

Getting to his feet, Steve dusted himself off. Using his pickaxe and axe, he picked up his furnace and crafting table, as well as his bed. Opening his front door, he stopped for a moment to look at the wide open room, barren of absolutely everything, save for a few scattered torches. He glanced over to his left, where the cobblestone fireplace sat.

“I can see it now.” He spoke. “A living room, right there in front of the fireplace. A few chairs, maybe one of those couches, like the one Derpy has.” He turned to the middle of the room, grinning as the scene came to life in his vision. “A kitchen would go great right there. I’m thinking stone slabs for the countertop, with some chests for storage and a cauldron or two for washing dishes. And since I’ll be cooking food, a smoker would be better suited here than a regular furnace.” His gaze wandered to the right-most side of the room, where the staircase leading to the second floor was. “And of course, what’s a kitchen without a dining room? I’m thinking something small-ish, but functional, in case I’m having friends over, if I ever do. What do you think, Onyx?”

‘I don’t know, Steve. I’m not really into interior design.’

“Well, neither am I.” The Crafter replied, shrugging. “Anyways, that can wait ‘till morning. In the meantime, sleep.” With that, Steve walked up the staircase to the second floor. At the front of the room were the ladders that lead up to the third story, where Steve’s room was to be.

Climbing up the wooden rungs, he flipped open the trap door and climbed up, shutting the door behind him. He took a look around the room, which was just as empty as the rest. Shrugging to himself, he walked over to the middle of the room and swiftly placed down his crafting table, his furnace and his bed. Sitting down on the slightly bouncy wool bed, he sighed.

“You know, it feels good to finally have a house.” He muttered. “And not that hole in the wall I’ve been living in for the last few months, I mean an actual, brick-and-mortar house. Makes me feel… well, makes me feel like I’m home.”

‘...I take it that’s not a feeling you are used to?’ Onyx hesitantly asked.

“Well, it used to be, but not anymore.” Steve sighed before giving a shrug. “Eh, you get used to it after a while. Anyways, I’m going to sleep. You, uh, do whatever the Nether it is you do whenever I’m asleep.” He thought for a moment, brows furrowed. “Actually, what is it that you do when I’m sleeping?”

‘I guard your body.’

“Yeah, but doesn’t that get boring after a while?”

‘Oh, extremely. But as they say, better safe than sorry, right?’

“...Fair point, Onyx. Goodnight.”

‘Goodnight, Steve.’

Pulling back the red blanket, Steve tucked himself into his bed, pulling the covers up to his shoulders as he turned onto his side. It wasn’t long before his eyelids grew heavy and sleep took him.

* * * * *

Creak, clunk.

Steve shut the door behind him, stepping out into the early morning sunlight. Letting out a sigh of contentment, he started off down the path towards the metal gate that granted access to his property. As he did so, however, his gaze quickly caught sight of a familiar green earth pony mare, with a dark blonde mane. She seemed to be waiting at the gate, though she hadn’t quite caught sight of the Crafter yet.

Steve sighed, taking a moment to check his Inventory to see what was in his Hotbar. He quickly found what he was looking for and closed his Inventory before focusing back on the mare.

It wasn’t until he had opened the gate that Fine Print finally looked up at him.

“Oh! Hello there Mr. Steve! How are-?”

“How long have you been waiting here?” Steve inquired.

“Oh, uh, just a few hours.” She responded, shrugging nonchalantly. The Crafter stared at her for a few moments.

“Huh.” He muttered before shaking his head. “Anyways, you’ll be happy to know that since we last talked, I have acquired a building permit.” He withdrew the parchment from his Inventory, holding it in front of the mare, who looked it over.

“That’s great!” She exclaimed, grinning. “But, if you don’t mind me asking, where did you get the bits?”

“Reparations.” The Crafter replied. The mare’s smile fell.


“Yeah. Princess Celestia felt really bad for everything that happened, so on top of the house, she gave me a 25,000 bit check, 300 of which was spent on getting said permit.”

“...Oh.” Fine Print hesitantly responded. “I see.” She was silent for a few moments before she shook her head and looked back at Steve, only to see that he was walking away. “Wha, where are you going?”

The Crafter glanced back at her. “The Everfree forest.”

Her eyes widened. “The Everfree Forest?! Why in Equestria would you want to go there?!”

“I don’t want to, I have to. All of my shit is there. Still gotta transfer it all over, and I’d rather get that part over and done with since as you know, the Everfree isn’t exactly what you would call pleasant.”

“Well, of course, everypony knows that. It’s just, you’re not going by yourself, are you?”

“Yeah, I am.” Steve responded, nodding. However, he chuckled when the mare’s expression morphed into one of horror. “What? I’ve been living there for months now and I’m still kicking. What’s one more trip in and out?”

“I, suppose you have a point.” She spoke with a tone of resignation. “I apologize. I know it’s none of my business, but I can’t help but be worried.”

“Nah, it’s fine. Thanks for worrying, even though you don’t really know me.” Steve let out a small sigh, looking down the still empty street.

‘Where is everyone?’ He thought to himself before shaking his head.

“Well, anyways, I suppose I should get going.” The Crafter said, glancing back at the mare. “So, I guess I’ll see you around, Miss Fine Print.”

“Very well, Mr. Steve.” She responded, nodding. “I wish you luck in the Everfree.”

Smiling, the Crafter nodded once before turning and walking away, turning at the end of the street and disappearing from Fine Print’s sight. The mare in question continued to look at where she’d last seen the Crafter before letting out a sigh as she turned and began trotting away.

Roughly ten minutes later, she arrived at a rather quaint looking office building. It was one story tall, with a simple brown paint job and a set of double-doors, next to which sat a large glass window. A sign hung over the doors that read, ‘Ponyville Home Association Office.’

Fine Print walked inside and was immediately greeted by the sight of the main lobby, where several ponies sat in chairs, presumably waiting for their name to be called. Of the ponies waiting, Fine Print only recognized a few, like Cream Heart, who was waiting with her introverted son Button Mash, or Sassaflash, who seemed just a tad bit irritated, though for what reason, Print didn’t know.

She walked past the lobby and over past the main desk, where her co-worker Deed, a unicorn stallion with a pale white coat of fur and gray mane, sat.

“Hey Deed, is she in?” Fine Print inquired, to which the stallion nodded.

“Yep. Should I tell her you’re coming?”

She shook her head. “No, no, you don’t have to. She knows I’m coming.”

Deed looked at her with a raised eyebrow, but nodded all the same. “Alright. Go ahead and head on in then.”

“Thanks.” She responded as she trotted by the unicorn. At the far side of the room, past all of the small cubicles where her other coworkers sat talking with ponies about whatever it was they were talking about, was her destination. The office where her boss, Miss Gladys Sharp, was.

Fine Print knocked twice on the door.

“Come in!” Came the swift reply, and Print entered the office.

At the desk sat a unicorn mare, whose navy blue fur was almost entirely covered by the suit she wore. She had a long black mane and a pair of light blue eyes, which were narrowed slightly at Fine Print.

“Ah! Fine Print. It’s good to see you.” She spoke. “What do you need?”

“I need to talk to you about him.”

“Oh? And who is it exactly that you need to talk to me about?” Gladys inquired, though Fine Print knew from the mare’s expression that she knew exactly who Print was talking about.

“I’m talking about Mr. Steve. I talked with him this morning and learned a few things.”

“Oh? Is that so?” The mare leaned forward, a smirk on her face. “Well, tell me what it is you learned. And don’t leave anything out.” Her smirk grew a bit, Fine Prints gut twisting slightly as it did. “I want to know everything.”

Author's Note:


This chapter was so hard to finish, especially with everything that's been going on. But hey, I got it done! And now, with more plot!

Side note, anyone who knows the movie where Gladys Sharp's name came from deserves a medal. (Hint: It's a cartoon about hedges)

Anyways, as always, thank you all for reading and be sure to let me know what you all think in the comments!

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