• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,373 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 74: A Whole New World (Part 1)

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Steve gasped suddenly as his eyes shot open and he quickly sat upwards. However, he would come to regret it only a moment later as a sharp, agonizing pain flared up in his chest. Biting his tongue to keep from crying out, Steve instead groaned and rolled onto his side, clutching his chest. Coughing, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it to see what was causing the pain.

There, in the center of his chest, was a large, dark purple bruise. Immediately, his mind flashed to when the Nightmare had stuck its cold hand into his chest, removing Onyx by force. Steve gingerly touched the wound, wincing slightly as merely poking it caused another spike of pain. Laying his head back on the ground, he took a moment to catch his breath before reaching into his Inventory and withdrawing the first food item he saw. A loaf of bread.

Scarfing it down, Steve let out a sigh as his enhanced regeneration took effect and he saw the bruise beginning to fade.

Regeneration effect gained. + 1 health every 5 seconds

Groaning, he got to his feet and took a look around.

He was in a forest, it looked like, though it didn’t look like any forest Steve had ever seen before. The trees surrounding him were pale in color, and the leaves were dark and gray. The grass beneath his boots felt cold, and dry. Glancing up, Steve saw that there wasn’t any sky, just an empty expanse of blackness, dotted with what looked like stars. Even though there was no sun or moon, it wasn’t dark, at least, not as dark as it should have been.

“Looks familiar.” Steve muttered to himself. He thought about it a bit more, and his eyes widened in realization.

“The Void.” He muttered. “It looks just like the Void.”

The last time Steve had ever seen the Void had been when he’d gone back to the End to revive the previously slain Ender Dragon, though that had been many years ago. Even then, the image of the End’s cold, lifeless landscape and the dark abyss that surrounded it had been burned into his memory.

Steve’s eyebrows furrowed slightly as a random thought occurred to him.

“Abyss.” A pause. Then, he grinned. “I get it now.” He let out a small chuckle. “Well played Abyss.”

Shaking himself from his thoughts, he quickly did a look-over of his Inventory. Besides his sword, shield, bow and fishing rod, he also had just under a stack of cobblestone, a bunch of wood, some sticks, a crafting table, a couple lumps of coal, 11 iron ingots, several more loaves of bread, some carrots, and a dozen melon slices.

The Crafter grimaced at the lack of gear and supplies he had.

“Of course.” He muttered. “I’m stuck in wherever the Nether it is that I am, and I don’t have shit.” Taking another look, he sighed and moved the crafting table and iron ingots to his hotbar. Dismissing his Inventory, he placed the crafting table down. Pulling out the iron, he quickly placed eight of them down. After a moment, they glowed white and morphed together, forming an iron chestplate. Picking it up, Steve slipped it on.

Armor equipped - Iron Chestplate. Max Health increased to 26.

Tapping the chestplate a few times, Steve gave a small nod of affirmation. Withdrawing his axe, he swung into the crafting table, breaking it after a few hits. Sliding his axe over his shoulder, he picked up the table and stored it away.

“Now.” He muttered. “Where to go?” He looked all around, but found that there was nothing around him that could possibly give him any hints as to where to go. Rubbing a hand against his face, he sighed.


Steve immediately looked back up as he heard a distant explosion. He waited, hoping that he wasn’t just imagining things. A few moments later, there was another explosion, coming from his left.


Turning in the direction the noise was coming from, Steve didn’t waste a second before he started running, grass crunching loudly with each step.

* * * * *

Circle: Dodge

Square: Punch

Square: Punch

Circle + Square: Tackle

Steve rolled to the side, quickly dodging the Nightmare’s punch. Rushing forward, Steve punched the Nightmare in the side, then in the face, making them stumble back in pain. Lunging towards his opponent, the Crafter latched onto them, taking them to the ground as he put them in a choke-hold.

Mash Square!

The Nightmare squirmed and fought to break Steve’s grip, but the Crafter wasn’t having any of it. After a minute or two, the Nightmare’s motions slowed, then stopped. After waiting a few moments more, Steve released the out-cold Nightmare, groaning in pain as he got back to his feet. Once he did, he quickly checked the other Nightmares to make sure they were actually unconscious.

He’d come across them only a few minutes before, just past the edge of the forest. As it had turned out, the four Nightmares laying incapacitated on the floor were responsible for the explosions. When Steve had finally come across them, they had been laughing and yelling, with two of them firing off bolts of magic that exploded when they made contact. Before Steve could move on, one of them happened to spot him and, well, they thought it would be a good idea to try and ‘get the fucker!’ Safe to say, it hadn’t turned out well for them.

Sighing, Steve turned and started walking away, ignoring the pain in his side where he’d gotten hit pretty bad. He picked up his sword, which had been knocked from his hands during the battle.

D-Pad Up: Sword

Sheathing it over his shoulder, he walked over to the treeline. Taking a deep breath, he stepped past.

What met his gaze was the sight of what looked like a town. It reminded Steve of Ponyville, just with a much more dark color scheme. That, and Ponyville didn’t have a castle, whereas this town did. It was large, gray and imposing, with a clear ‘no nonsense’ feel to it. Steve clenched his fists, eyebrows furrowed.

“If this Nightmother is gonna be anywhere, she’ll probably be there. And if she’s there, then Onyx probably will be too.” Steve took another look at the town. “I just need to get there without getting killed.” He sighed. “But how?”

After thinking about it for a moment, Steve opened his Inventory again. Looking it over, his gaze eventually landed on his shovel and pick-axe. After thinking for a moment, a grin slowly began to make its way onto his face.

“I got an idea.”

* * * * *

Chur, chur, che. Chur, chur, che.

Steve stepped forward, taking a breath before raising his shovel again.

Chur, chur, che. Chur, chur, che.

Sighing, he wiped his brow, his arm coming back brown from the dirt covering his face.

“Ugh. I hate tunneling.” He muttered to himself. “But this is probably the best way for me to get to the castle.” Quickly scarfing down a melon slice to sate his steadily growing hunger, Steve picked up his shovel once again and got back to work.

Chur, chur, che. Chur, chur che.

He stepped forward again.

Chur, chur, che. Chur, chur, che.


Suddenly, the dirt gave way to stone. Steve grinned at his progress and swiftly traded his shovel for his pick-axe. Bringing it back, he slammed it into the hard rock in front of him, breaking it in only a few hits. After traveling a few blocks forward, Steve began mining upwards. He was three blocks up when he destroyed a block of stone and was met by empty space above that, from which a faint light shone through.

Grinning, Steve reached up and grabbed onto the ledge above him before pulling himself up into the room above him. After getting to his feet, he turned and covered the hole he’d made with a spare piece of cobblestone.

“Sure, it doesn’t match, but hopefully no one notices.” He muttered to himself before taking a look around.

It appeared he was in some sort of giant hallway, not too different from the ones he’d walked through back in Canterlot, if Canterlot Castle was dimly lit at all times. Steve looked up and down the halls, but he couldn’t see very far due to the darkness.

“Considering how Nightmares have some sort of inherent night vision effect, I guess they don’t have much need for lights.” Steve muttered to himself. “Guess I’ll have to trust my gut when it comes to navigating this place.”

After taking one final glance around, Steve started walking forward, hoping he was going the right way.

* * * * *

Circle: Dodge

Steve ducked his head as a dark bolt of magic flew over him, blowing up the ground just in front of him.

X: Jump

Leaping over the newly formed hole, he hit the ground running, bolts of magic raining down around him.

“Are you all blind or are you missing on purpose!!?” A voice roared from behind Steve. “One of you should’ve gotten him already!!”

“Maybe they just have bad aim!!” Steve called back at whoever it was that was yelling. A moment later, his instincts flared up, causing Steve to look back and see a black, swirling orb flying straight towards him.

X: Jump

Circle + Square: Counter

Leaping up, Steve whirled around in mid-air, sword at the ready. Right when the orb came into range, he swung hard, smacking it into the wall beside him. Hitting the ground, Steve stumbled slightly but managed to keep his footing.

“Wait, did he-?” Steve heard, followed by a much louder voice.


Only a few moments later, a massive explosion ripped through the hallway, the force sending Steve flying through the air. Caught off-guard, Steve couldn’t right himself before he slammed into the ground hard.

Damage Received - 2 damage. 21 health remaining.

Coughing, Steve groaned as he got back to his feet. Looking back at where the explosion had come from, he saw that a massive chunk of the floor and wall had been taken out, along with part of the ceiling. His eyes widened.

“Holy shit. If that had hit me…” He trailed off, not wanting to even finish the thought. Shaking his head, he turned around and began running again, his boots thumping against the cold stone floor beneath him.

He continued running for a while, hoping in his gut that he was going the right way. But after a good half-hour, Steve was beginning to think he was lost.

He stood in the middle of an intersection, looking all around for which way to go. Gritting his teeth, he gave a frustrated sigh.

“Where the Nether do I go?” He growled quietly.

Suddenly, he heard what sounded like a clatter coming from the hall to his right. Thinking fast, he hid behind a nearby column, pressing his back against it and hoping that he hadn’t been seen.

About a minute later, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Peeking around the column, Steve saw a small group of Nightmares appear from the darkness, though these ones looked different than any other that Steve had ever encountered. They all wielded strange-looking spears, egg-white in color, which contrasted heavily with the Nightmares' more dark appearance. They also wore armor, which appeared to be made of some dark gray metal that Steve didn’t recognize. As they passed by, the Crafter listened in on their conversation.

“...looking where I was going, you can let it go.” One of them spoke.

“Yeah, but seeing you beef it was worth every second of training, Seeo. I’m not letting that go anytime soon.”

“Guys, we gotta get moving.” Yet another Nightmare spoke. “The Nightmother will be judging the traitor soon, and she expects us there soon. We don’t have time to dilly-dally.”

“Wait, weren’t we supposed to check out what that explosion was?” One asked.

“Eh, probably just some recruits fucking around in the armory.” The Nightmare that had spoken first, Seeo, responded. “Wouldn’t be the first time. I’m sure the Captain is taking care of it.”

“Alright then. Let’s get moving.”

With that, the Nightmares pace increased, and they quickly left the intersection, turning down the hall to Steve’s left.

The Crafter waited for them to get far enough away before he followed.

* * * * *

Steve poked his head around the corner. There, not far down the hall, was the door to the room where the group of Nightmares he’d been trailing had disappeared into. After a quick check to make sure he was in fact alone, he slowly crept over to the unguarded door. Grasping the door handle, he took a deep breath before gently opening the door, just enough for him to peek inside.

A bright shined through, temporarily blinding him. Blinking a few times to let his vision adjust, he shook his head and looked inside.

What he saw was a large, open room, with what appeared to be dozens, perhaps even a hundred Nightmares, of various shapes and forms. Some had armor like the Nightmares Steve had followed, others wore dark, fancy suits, surprisingly enough.

On the far end of the room, sitting in a great throne, was a tall, imposing being. The Nightmother. Shadow-like tendrils sprouted from her head like hair, held down by a silvery tiara. In one hand she held a large scepter, while her other hand tapped ominously on one arm of her throne, filling the other-wise silent room. Her glowing white eyes were narrowed in a glare, focused on the Nightmare currently kneeling before her.

Steve’s eyes widened. ‘Onyx.’ He thought.

The Nightmare wasn’t moving, save for a few small movements Steve only barely saw. From what the Crafter could see, Onyx was alright, but Steve couldn’t be sure.

Suddenly, the Nightmother spoke.


After a few moments, Onyx sat up straight and looked down at the Nightmother, who continued.

“You have committed crimes against the Hollow, crimes that have not been committed since the first reign of Nightmare Moon over a thousand years ago. As such, I have more than enough reason to smite you where you stand.”

Steve’s eyes widened in shock. Without a second thought, he readied himself to charge into the room, sword at the ready, but what the Nightmother said next made him stop short.

“But I will not.”

All of the sudden, an uneasy murmuring began among the surrounding Nightmares, all of them asking exactly what Steve was currently asking himself.


“But this is not because you deserve mercy, as you do not. However, there is something I require of you.”

“...What would that be, Nightmother?” Onyx hesitantly asked, tone worried.

“It has come to my attention that due to the mistake of a few of my Retrievers, your previous host was transported to our realm.”

Onyx gasped.

“According to them, your host is well-trained and dangerous, capable of taking down a high-ranking Retriever. My offer to you is this. Help us find your previous host, and eliminate him.”

Steve grit his teeth and narrowed his eyes. ‘That bitch!’

“If you do so and succeed, you will receive a lighter punishment. Refuse, and you will die.”

She leaned down towards Onyx, a small grin on her face.


For a few moments, Onyx didn’t respond. Then, he sighed.


The Nightmother’s smile fell. “No?”

“No.” Onyx repeated, shaking his head. “Steve is my friend, and I’d rather die than betray him.”

The Nightmother frowned. “Very well. You have made your choice.” She motioned for two armored Nightmares standing nearby. “Guards. Execute him.” The Nightmares gave a single nod before they began walking towards Onyx.

However, they were interrupted by a loud slam as Steve kicked open the set of double doors. Every eye immediately turned to face his direction, the Nightmares gasping in shock at his sudden appearance. The Crafter stalked forward towards the Nightmother, a fire burning in his eyes.

“How?” The Nightmother asked, looking at the Crafter in shock. “How did you get here?”

“I walked.” Steve replied with a smirk, causing the Nightmother to growl.

“Insolent, little…” She shook her head, before looking at Onyx. “Well, Nightmare, it appears to me your services are no longer required. Now, I can kill two birds with one stone.” With that, the guards began moving towards Steve, who now stood a short distance from Onyx.

D-Pad Up: Sword

Steve reached over his shoulder and withdrew his sword, the blue blade glowing brightly. Both of the guards stopped and the Nightmother drew back slightly.

“That blade...” She spoke softly. “What are you?”

Steve narrowed his gaze at the Nightmother.

“I’m Steve. Last King of Minecraftia. Slayer of Herobrine.” He pointed the tip of his sword at her. “And you, mother fucker, have pissed me off.”

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