• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,373 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

  • ...

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 19: In the Dark of the Night

Now, without further adieu, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream


Steve jumped off the roof, landed in a crouch, his diamond-clad boots making a heavy thudding noise against the ground. He took off immediately, eyes searching for any signs of her following him. His ears picked up the sound of beating wings, but it didn’t sound close. That meant he had time before she found him again.

Quickly removing any armor, as to help in staying out of sight, he ran down the street, the darkness of midnight helping to hide his movements. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough.

“Creature! Thou will pay for thou's transgressions!” Luna’s voice carried across the way. Looking back, sight enhanced by the effect of a Night Vision potion, he saw the dark blue alicorn, her gaze focused on him. Eyes widening, Steve sped off, trying his best to avoid the angry pony. But he was running out of options.

She was blocking the way to his home, and he didn’t know of anyway to get past her. Right now, she was forcing him in the direction of the one place he didn’t want to go. The Ponyville Barracks, where every single being that wanted him captured or dead currently resided. He didn’t know if this was intentional, or a complete fluke. He hoped it was the latter, so he wouldn’t have to worry about 30-ish guards, a griffon, a thestral, whatever the Nether that guy Nog was, a freaking dragon, and a angry, temperamental alicorn to either fight or escape. Honestly, if it came to that, he’d have to run. Sure, he had armor, and weapons, but he had a single Healing potion, one Strength potion, and a Regeneration potion. Sure, it could get him by, but not in such a large scale fight.

A bolt of magic narrowly missed his head, encouraging him to run faster. Coming over a hill, he saw, much to his chagrin, a platoon of guards, maybe 15 or so, all armed and waiting. Behind them, the four from before, Riz, Aura, Nog and Thorn, stood a few paces behind, all armed to the teeth in armor and weapons. Even the fricking dragon had a metal chestplate and leg guards, wielding a large broadsword. Nog, while still holding his battle-axe, had some type of canvas armor, with metal studding. Riz and Aura had similar armor to the guards, however, instead of gold, it was a silvery metal, probably iron.

“The creature is inbound!” Steve heard one of the guards call. “Weapons up! All unicorns, Operation Artillery!” Suddenly, bolts of magic, shining like the stars, flew up over the guards, sailing through the air, before heading right towards Steve. His eyes widened.

Circle: Dodge

Circle: Dodge

Circle: Dodge

Circle: Dodge

Steve hurriedly dodged the blasts as they rained down, exploding the ground on impact. Rolling, he got to his feet, only to have to dodge again as another blast would’ve ripped him apart. Taking a quick glance behind him, he saw that Luna had disappeared. Smirking, he saw the opportunity to run, turning around and running in the opposite direction from the guards.

Only to smack face first into a barrier.

Circle: Dodge

Groaning, he rolled as a bolt nearly hit him. Getting to his feet, he looked at the wall that had magically appeared. Gritting his teeth, he realized this wall was meant to keep him in range of the magic bolts. While looking around, he saw the wall was fencing off the citizens homes and buildings, leaving him open in the street. Looking up, he saw another volley of magic shooting up, ready to rain down upon him. Lowering his gaze, he saw, in the moonlight, all of them, the guards, Luna, the group, all of them, looking at him expectantly, as if they were just waiting for him to give up.

Pulling out his diamond shovel, he felt a his lips twitch as a faint smirk appeared on his face.

“Here’s hoping they were lenient with their barrier.” He muttered. Raising his shovel, he dug into the dirt. After two hits, the floor beneath him crumbled. After a few more, he had dug himself four blocks down, hurriedly placing two dirt blocks above him to cover his entrance. Not wasting a second, he quickly dug in the opposite direction. After he had dug a little ways, he dug his way back to the surface.

Jumping back onto ground level and covering the hole with dirt, he turned back to his attackers. They all looked at him, with expressions of awe, confusion and frustration. Giving them a smirk, and flipping them the middle finger, he ran off.

* * * * *

Steve ran down the familiar path, eager to both make it back home to get some rest after the rather stressful night he’d had, and to get as far away from the town as quickly as possible. Eventually, he figured they weren’t going to get him and he slowed down his pace to a jog. He still wanted to get home, as he didn’t want to have to fight any monsters that wanted him as a midnight snack.

Suddenly, Steve heard a sound. It sounded very familiar. Like a mixture of a crack of thunder, and an Enderman’s teleportation. Wait…

Damage Received - 5 damage. 15 health remaining.

Steve felt a blast of magic catch him right in the back, making him fly forward, skidding along the forest floor. Shooting to his feet, he groaned at the pain as his gaze focused on his attacker. Well, attackers.

Much to his surprise and horror, Luna, and the Mismatch group were on the path, standing a few feet behind were he’d been. Luna’s horn was glowing while her eyes were narrowed.

“Creature! We…”

“Steve.” The simple word made the group blink in confusion. Riz was the first to ask.

“What?” Steve sighed.

“My name is Steve. You all keep calling me ‘Creature’ and ‘Bipedal’ and stuff. Figured you’d at least have the decency to call me by my name.” Luna huffed.

“We have no care for your name, Creature.” She stated. Steve chuckled.

“Huh. Weird. Figured you of all people would care about names, Nightmare Moon.”

Circle: Dodge

Steve sidestepped to the right as a large blast of magic flew at him, knocking a small tree to the floor. She stepped forward, horn glowing threateningly.

“Call us by that name again, Creature, and you will become nothing more than a splotch of blood.”

D-Pad Up: Sword

Steve didn’t respond, choosing instead to unsheathe his sword, the blade glowing blue in the darkness. He swiftly slid his diamond chestplate and leggings on.

Armor equipped - Diamond Chestplate. Max Health increased to 28.

Armor equipped - Diamond Leggings. Max Health increased to 34.

Pulling back his sword, he dropped into a fighting stance.

“Let’s see you try. I’ll take all of you, right now.”



They ran at him, raising their weapons and letting out battle cries. Steve took a step back to reinforce his stance. When they finally got within distance, he moved.

Circle + Square: Counter

Circle: Block or Dodge

Triangle (Hold): Roundhouse Kick

Square x 4: Slash Combo

Nog’s battle-axe sliced down, intent on cutting the Crafter in two. Raising his blade, he deflected the attack while sliding under the large creature. While sliding, he sliced his sword, cutting into the back of Nog’s knee, sending him into a kneeling position as he let out a cry of pain. Getting to his feet, he rolled to avoid a magic bolt that slammed into the earth. Holding his arm down, he spun, clobbering the griffon with a roundhouse kick. Back on his feet in an instant, Steve brought his blade back, before slashing forward, smacking Riz hard in the muzzle, making him fall back. Aura moved to attack, but Steve slammed the flat end into her head, before slashing her twice across her armored chest, sending her rolling.

Steve felt something surround him, making his skin tingle. He was lifted off the ground, before being slammed into the ground multiple times. He groaned with each time his body met the ground. Eventually, he was released, letting him collapse to the floor.

Damage Received - 12 damage. 17 health remaining.

Groaning, he got back to his feet, only to find a large black claw about to cut him to ribbons.

Circle: Dodge

Rolling backwards, he managed to dodge the swipe.

Circle: Dodge

Square: Slash

Circle + Square: Counter

Steve sidestepped another attack, reciprocating with a quick slash to the dragon’s outstretched arm, which cut through Thorn’s scales rather easily. Roaring, Thorn tried again, bringing back both arms for a crushing double blow. Taking advantage of the opening, Steve dashed forward. Jumping up, he swung his blade, sending it crashing into the dragon’s jaw. There was a loud Crack! and Thorn fell back, crying out in pain and cradling his jaw. Groaning, Thorn got back up and glared at Steve with a furious anger in his eyes as he spat out two bloodied teeth. Even his companions had their eyes widened in fear and nervousness.

“Oh shit.” Steve muttered.

Circle: Dodge

Steve immediately leapt to the side as a large ball of flame shot at him. It whizzed past him, exploding upon contact with a nearby tree, causing it to send out a gust of flame that nearly burned Steve’s back.

“Hey! Are you fucking crazy?! Are you trying to burn the whole forest to the ground?!” Steve yelled in anger.

“I’ll burn it down with you in it!” Thorn roared. Instantly, a dark blue aura surrounded the flaming tree, causing the flames to go out instantly.

“Thorn!” Luna called out, catching everyone’s attention. “I agree, we must catch the creature, but we mustn't destroy every living thing in the forest to do it! Control thy anger!” She yelled as she reprimanded the dragon.

“Yeah!” Steve joined in. “I’m sure you all don’t want this to drag-on!” Steve let a smirk form as his opponents all looked at him with deadpan expressions. Slowly, Luna’s horn glowed.

Circle: Dodge

Steve leapt to the side as a bolt of magic shot past where he had stood only moments before. Steve raised his sword.

“What? Did that joke just not, cut it?” He asked, not letting the cheeky grin fall. This time, a small laugh came from the griffon, Riz. This brought everyone’s attention to him, making him look around nervously.

“What? That was kinda good.”

“Thank you Rizworth! If we weren’t sworn enemies right now, maybe we’d get along. Unfortunately, we kinda have to fight.” Steve said, dragging their attention back to him.

“Anyway, you guys want to continue this? Or, do you guys just wanna, I don’t know, take a day? Maybe relax and come back ready to fight in a day or so? How’s that sound?” Steve offered. His response was every single one of them getting into their respective battle stances. He sighed and got into his.

“Alright. Let’s get this over with.”

Square (Hold): Whirlwind

Steve gripped his blade and whirled his body around, blade out, hitting everything that got near. Aura tried to attack, but was unable to get in close, instead getting smacked back hard.

Steve came to a stop, only to get sidelined as Nog’s war-axe slammed him in the chest, sending him flying back.

Damage Received - 7 damage. 10 health remaining.

Steve got to his feet, only to get a blast of magic straight to the chest. He flew back, slamming into the ground, rolling for a few feet before coming to a stop on his stomach. Groaning, he got up, only to receive a buck to the face from Aura.

Damage Received - 3 damage. 7 health remaining.

Steve flipped over, landing hard on his back. Coughing, he rolled over, spitting blood. Letting out a shaky breath, he became aware of the sound of hoofsteps coming close. He lifted his head up, to see Luna coming close, her horn glowing.

“Thou are severely wounded, Creature. Thou cannot possibly continue to fight. Concede.” Steve laughed. Reinforcing his grip on his sword, he slowly stood, wiping his mouth.

“No. I will always fight. Even if there’s no hope. Even if I’m sure I’ll die, I will always fight, to my last breath.” He pulled back his sword, ignoring the pain that flowed through him. “So c’mon then! You want me dead, so c’mon! Fight!” Steve ran forward, sword pulled back, voice yelling at the top of his lungs, knowing in his gut he probably wouldn’t survive. In return, they all ran forward, intent on the fighting to begin again, with the expectation that the creature would not survive the fight.

Until the ground exploded.

Author's Note:

Hey, thank you all for reading! Tell me all what you guys and gals think in the comments.:rainbowlaugh:

Also, don't hate, cliffhangers may become a regular thing, dunno. Depends on what I feel. :pinkiecrazy:

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