• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Planet Arlia

Whis walked through his Lord's temple for what seemed like the thousandth time since Chronoa had put Rainbow Dash and Applejack in an enchanted sleep, his mind remembering everything that he and Beerus had done with the two girls when they were awake. He recalled all the times that he spent training them, teaching them how to fight and defend themselves, while also putting aside some time to teach them how to read their opponents. Neither of the girls were very skilled in terms of what he had been trying to teach them, but that was to be expected when it was only him, Shin, Prince Vegeta, and their father that they fought. He was sure that the girls would eventually grow into their abilities and truly hone their talents, but for now there was nothing he could do but wait for them to awaken.

A few days after they had put the girls in their enchanted sleep, and Beerus falling asleep shortly after them, Whis had been visited by Chronoa and Shin, who had come to Beerus' planet with someone they both called Mr. Popo, though from what he could tell the man was either an incredibly powerful fighter or a powerful demon. It was unusual for Whis to be unable to pinpoint what someone was, but in the matter of Chronoa's friends he decided that it was best not to mettle in who she was entrusting the girls to. The three of them had gently removed the girls for easier transport to Earth, where they would be put somewhere safe until the alarm finally went off. Once the Kais, and their mysterious friend, had taken the girls outside the temple did Whis truly feel alone for the first time in his entire existence.

Some days he spent walking around the temple, letting his body walk through its normal routine while he thought about the girls and the planet they had been sent to. Other days were spent simply sitting on the couch and looking at all of the books that Chronoa and Shin had given to the girls, to which he decided to see if Rainbow's favorite stories were any good. After finding all of the books that had been created, and making sure that they were in order, Whis opened the first one up and used some of his seemingly endless spare time to read the book. Eventually he had passed through all of the books and returned to his normal routine, though there were times where he would stop outside Beerus' bedroom door and imply stand there for hours on end.

There were also days where he left the planet and ventured to another one, namely the Sacred World of the Kais, just so he could have some sort of company while he waited for his Lord's alarm to go off. Chronoa visited him from time to time whenever he was on Beerus' planet, where she would tell him what year it was, in the off chance that he had forgotten, before sticking around the temple and staring at the bedrooms that the girls had used. It was during one of Chronoa's visits that she told him that she was creating some sort of viewing room on Shin's planet, to which she explained that the two of them had set up an area that was like the dojo on Planet Meka, though this one was more of an actual building that mimicked Beerus' temple.

Whis would have normally questioned why they were bothering with such a thing, but he didn't because of the fact that they all wanted to see how the girls progressed through their adventure. He knew that Chronoa would have picked the perfect spot that didn't interfere with the flow of history, so the building was someplace where others wouldn't see it... in the off chance that someone other than a Kai or Beerus and Whis were to visit it. Instead of questioning her reasoning Whis decided to ask if she and Shin needed his assistance in creating the area, though he was slightly amused when Chronoa replied that a decent sized crystalline surface would make the perfect screen for them.

That was roughly followed by Whis heading back to Planet Meka, which had yet to be destroyed, and starting the search for something that the Kais could use. It didn't take him long to find a long piece of crystal, one that was as wide as he was tall, so he collected it with his power and returned to Shin's world. From there they separated the crystal in half, creating a smooth plane that they could use to see whatever image was shown on it as clear as day. After that they had Whis collect a variety of pieces that they needed, though they waited weeks or even months between items, making him return to his duties until they called upon him once more.

That was until one day, years after the girls had been put in their enchanted sleep, Chronoa approached Whis with a large smile on her face, which told him that they were nearing the time she had set for the alarms.

"We're drawing closer to the time I set for the alarms," Chronoa said, a smile appearing on Whis' face as they walked up the ramp that would take them to Beerus' room, "In just a few days the girls will wake up and begin their adventure... I'm going to admit it, but I am actually excited to see all of our training pay off."

"Lord Beerus will be excited to hear that its time to wake up," Whis replied, to which he stared at the door that separated them from the God of Destruction, "I have been waiting for this day for so long..."

Whis pressed his hand against the metallic door and gently pushed it open, to which he and Chronoa entered Beerus' bedroom and spotted him sleeping on one of his floating beds. Even from the entrance they could hear him snoring, which was actually normal when Beerus slept for an extended amount of time, though the only thing different about the room this time was that there were no alarm bombs floating around the room. The explosion the bombs produced was usually enough to wake Beerus whenever he went to sleep for fifty years at the minimum, though he also saved them for special occasions. The fact that there were none around the room at the moment meant that he trusted Whis' ability to wake him up when the time came, which was why Whis and Chronoa were there to begin with.

Whis beckoned for Chronoa to remain where she was standing for the moment before he levitated himself up to the location of his Lord's bed, to which he simply let out a small cough, the one that he used to get the attention of those around him, though that was swiftly followed by Beerus shifting in his bed and snapping one eye open to look at him.

"Oh, good morning Whis," Beerus said, letting out a yawn as he stretched his arms and legs, though a smile appeared on his face when he noticed Chronoa standing near the door to his room, "and good morning Chronoa. Am I correct in assuming that its almost time for Rainbow and Applejack to wake up?"

"Indeed you are Lord Beerus," Whis replied, to which he levitated the two of them down to the floor so they could walk over to where Chronoa was standing, "Chronoa and Shin have completed their work on building a room where the four of us can watch the girls as they go about their adventures, without having to worry about anyone interrupting us."

"That is good to hear," Beerus commented, though it was clear that he was extremely eager to see his daughters in action, "though before we go anywhere I need to use the washroom... got to clean myself up after sleeping for, um..."

"For twenty-three years, Lord Beerus," Chronoa said, though she knew that the God of Destruction would want to wash up and eat something before they went on their way, "Today is October 30, in Age 762."

"Its still just a cat nap to me," Beerus replied, though he wasn't surprised by how exact Chronoa was about the time, considering what she watched over, "Now then, I'll be right back in ten or twenty minutes."

Chronoa didn't mind the fact that Beerus wanted to get cleaned up before they left his temple, as it allowed her some time to calm herself down before they watched the beginning of the girls' adventure. If he hadn't suggested getting cleaned up, and washing the dust off of his body, she would have suggested it, but she was glad that he had remembered to do so before they departed from the temple. Thirty minutes later Whis, and a freshly cleaned Beerus, returned to where she was standing, to which the three of them departed from the temple and began their journey to Shin's world. Shin was making sure that everything was ready for their arrival, as well as making sure that they had enough food to last them until they needed to get more, though Chronoa knew that it would be soon because Beerus was no doubt hungry from his slumber.

As they traveled through the space between planets, however, Chronoa noticed that Beerus was looking around them every now and then, as if he was looking for a specific planet.

"Is something wrong Lord Beerus?" Chronoa asked, though she had the feeling that she knew which planet the God of Destruction was searching for at the moment.

"I don't see Planet Vegeta anywhere," Beerus commented, letting out a sigh as he stopped trying to locate the missing planet, though it was clear that something else was bothering him, "Well, that's going to be a ball of bad news when I get to see the girls again."

Chronoa realized that, while he had been looking for Planet Vegeta, Beerus was actually trying to locate the exact location of the young Prince that had befriended his daughters. A smile actually appeared on her face, because this might very well be one of the few times that she could correct the God of Destruction without pissing him off at all.

"Actually, Prince Vegeta isn't dead," Chronoa replied, causing Beerus to look at her for a moment, "I did some searching and found that the 'mission' King Vegeta sent his son and Nappa on was actually a clever rouse to get him off the planet before Frieza destroyed it. Unfortunately most of the Saiyans perished in the destruction of their planet, though I know a few of them managed to survive because they were off world for their own various reasons. Would you like to see him for yourself?"

"At this point I have every reason to trust what you tell me, especially after everything you did for me and the girls," Beerus said, though he stared at the planets for a moment, almost as if he was trying to come to a decision on something, "but you make a valid point, we should make sure that the Prince is alive and well."

"That's good to hear, because I have the echo of one of his latest visits to another planet," Chronoa stated,to which a blue crystal floated around her for a moment, before she grabbed it and stashed it back in her pocket, "Its dated for February of this year, though he's been doing nothing else but flying through space... so in reality there's not a lot for me to show you, Whis, and Shin."

Beerus merely nodded his head and left them fly through space in silence once more, though he had to wonder what had happened to Prince Vegeta after the destruction of his planet and the majority of the Saiyan race. He had the feeling that Vegeta hated the being responsible for the entire event, the tyrant Frieza, while at the same time he was sure that General Nappa had likely allied themselves with the tyrant in an effort to stay alive. No doubt Vegeta still disliked Nappa with a passion, though to be honest it seemed like everyone, be they Saiyans or someone else, disliked the former general. Though after a few minutes of thinking about the general, and everything he had done, Beerus cleared his mind and focused on what they were doing at the moment.

Eventually the group arrived at the Sacred World of the Kais, in an area that Beerus knew that he had never been to before, though that was before Shin rushed out of the nearby structure and beckoned them all inside. When they entered the building they noticed that it was definitely like the dojo back on Planet Meka, though there was some sort of prep area that looked like it was used for cooking. Opposite of that room was the area that they would be using to watch the girls, to which Beerus discovered that the screen they were going to use was a rather large crystal. Chronoa tapped the stone with the smaller one and suddenly a picture appeared on it as the lights seemed to lower towards a more darker atmosphere, as if they were actually going to be watching everything as it happened.

Beerus grinned as he collected something from the food platters, which he learned had been made by Shin's bodyguard, the mysterious Kibito, ahead of time and reflected to at least praise his cooking skills when he had the chance to do so, before he sat on one of the couch cushions and settled in for whatever Chronoa wanted to show them. Shin and Chronoa followed suit, getting themselves something to snack on as well before they took their own seats, though what really surprised Beerus was the fact that Whis set his scepter by the wall, picked up something to eat like everyone else, and actually sat down on the cushion across from Beerus. The God looked at his attendant in wonder for a moment, because he seemed more relaxed than he remembered, but then smiled and beckoned for Chronoa to start up the echo.

The moment the sound started up they all watched as the picture on the crystal moved, to which it actually made it look like they were watching what had happened in real time instead of watching an echo.

Vegeta, now thirty years old, sat back in his saiyan pod as it traveled through the space between planets, while at the same time trying to ignore the oaf whose pod was flying near his own. Most days it was rather easy to ignore Nappa entirely, as the former general liked to think about what their lives would have been like had their planet not blown up one day. Other days it was hard to ignore the man, as he was either messing up whatever mission they were on or saying something annoying that just pissed him off. Then there were the days where Nappa tried to counsel him, where he tried to tell Vegeta that he should ignore the memories he had made in the three years before his planet's destruction and stop wasting his energy on what Nappa referred to as his 'imaginary' friends.

On those days Vegeta found it incredibly hard to fight the urge to simply obliterate Nappa where he was standing and wipe his existence from the face of the universe. He knew that Rainbow Dash, Applejack, their father and his attendant, and the Kais hadn't been something that he had imagined, because imaginary enemies don't actually leave behind bruises or the feeling of friendship. After the destruction of his home world he almost expected the girls to find him and rescue him from Nappa, but from what he could tell both the girls and those that watched over them simply disappeared from his life. Despite having encountered the girls a few times, and going on a mission with them, Nappa had been quick to write them up as a set of imaginary friends, much to Vegeta's annoyance.

Vegeta's thoughts were interrupted when he heard something in the background, to which he returned to simply staring out at the planets they were passing and turned towards what the offending noise had been. That was when he discovered that his pod was actually low on fuel, meaning that they wouldn't be able to reach their destination without heading down to one of the nearby planets and refueling on the surface. The recharge time would take them ten minutes total, provided they found a partially inhabitable planet in their immediate area and didn't waste days trying to find one. Even though he knew all of this, and how to fix the situation he found himself in, it still pissed him off to no end that the person who was supposed to recharge their pods before their big journey failed to do his job.

"Goddammit Nappa," Vegeta growled, his eyes darting over to the other pod that was flying near his, to which he wondered if he could get away with pausing his for a moment and just destroy Nappa's from behind.

"Did you say something Vegeta?" Nappa said, though he was speaking through the communicator, which Vegeta had been sure he had switched off until he actually needed it on, "My 'Vegeta' Sense went off a second ago, so I know someone was talking about me."

"I was only remarking on the fact that you never seem to listen to what I tell you anymore," Vegeta replied, thankful that the oaf hadn't heard what he had actually said.

"Is that so?" Nappa asked, though even though Vegeta couldn't see his face he knew that Nappa had to be smiling at the moment, "Then tell me what I did wrong this time, oh mighty Prince of the Saiyans."

Vegeta had to hold back his anger again, because every single time Nappa mentioned that he was the Prince of the Saiyans he did so in a mocking tone. The only reason he held onto his title was because it reminded him of his father, one of the greatest warriors his race had ever known and, more importantly, the person that introduced him to the girls that would become his best friends. There was no reason for Vegeta to even call himself the Prince of all Saiyans anymore, not where there were only five of them left in the entire universe, though he had to remind himself that the number was now four. Raditz, who had gone to Earth to check up on his brother Kakarot, was now dead and that left just Kakarot, Nappa, and Vegeta... though there was also Vegeta's younger brother Tarble, who has been missing ever since he was banished.

Vegeta made sure to keep his brother's existence from everyone, though he had the feeling that he was long dead at this point... making the count decrease to three living saiyans. Though once Vegeta was done with his count he returned to what Nappa had said, to which he prepared to tell him what he had done wrong.

"You were supposed to make sure that the pods were ready for our journey," Vegeta finally said, though he did his best to remain calm in the situation he found himself in, "instead of me finding out that we barely have enough power to make it even halfway to our destination. So tell me Nappa, how are we going to fix this 'situation' that you've put us in?"

"We stop at a nearby planet and have some fun!" Nappa declared, though the way he said the words made Vegeta think that this had been the oaf's plan the entire time.

Vegeta was about to remark that there were no sufficiant planets around them to refuel at, though that was before the scanners in his pod indicated that they were actually closing in on a planet that had the type of atmosphere they needed to refuel their pods. The planet itself had the appearance of a large ball of wet clay, or maybe a ball of dirt, but the readings indicated that they could refuel there and that was good enough for Vegeta... though he was still a little pissed. He pressed a button on one of the consoles and both of the pods turned towards the planet, to which they raced towards the surface and impacted the ground around them when they landed.

The moment they had reached their destination the pods opened their doors and Vegeta pulled himself out to stretch his legs while he waited for the pods to recharge... to which he came face to face with a barren wasteland that had a few ruins scattered about the place.

"What a mess," Nappa commented, looking around the area they had landed in and finding nothing more than the ruins, "There's not much to this place, is there?"

"It looks like someone already conquered this planet," Vegeta replied, though his mind immediately flashed to the tyrant that he and Nappa worked under at the moment, "Well then, I guess we'll be uninterrupted while the pods are charging."

As Vegeta remained by the pods Nappa walked over to one of the nearby stone structures and touched one of the pillars, to which it crumbled the instant his hand touched the pillar's surface, though that was followed by Nappa returning to where they landed.

"Are you sure we can't just explore a little bit and take control of the world?" Nappa asked, though his tone let Vegeta know what he was thinking about, "We could always find whoever conquered the planet and take it from them, then sell it to Lord Frieza for a decent price."

"I doubt Frieza would pay much for a planet that's already in a state of ruin like this one," Vegeta said, though that pleased him, because it meant that the planet wouldn't suffer the same fate as his own home planet... not for some time anyway.

"So can I look around?" Nappa asked, to which his eyes looked around the area for any structures that were stable, as if he was looking for something that would tell them what had happened to this planet.

"If it will get you out of my hair, then yes." Vegeta immediately answered, knowing that it would at least get the man away from him so he could reflect on what was happening at the moment, while hoping that there was something on this planet that would kill Nappa.

Before Nappa could say anything, or let out his usual 'yay' when Vegeta approved of one of his activities, Vegeta's scouter beeped for a moment as the ruins behind them shook, though that was followed by two large worm like creatures, with blue skin no less, erupting out of the ground and coming to a stop behind them. That was when Vegeta noticed that there were armed riders on the worms, one on each to be exact, though he could tell that the natives were likely thinking that they were hostile invaders... which was correct in Nappa's case. Vegeta had learned to think first before doing something stupid, though Nappa was the type to fight first and ask questions later depending on the situation they were in.

Regardless of that fact Vegeta knew that someone was going to get hurt by the time he and Nappa left the planet, though he had the feeling that it was going to be the natives.

"You are trespassing on Arlian Territory," one of the riders proclaimed, though it sounded like he and the other rider had been scouting around the area and might have found them on accident, "make one move and we'll blast you."

"It was a good day to go hunting after all," the second rider said, though that only made Vegeta want to get back in his pod and leave this world behind, because it appeared that these guys weren't good fighters if they used blasters and rode giant worms, "Let's give them a proper welcoming. Surrender peacefully or face the consequences."

That was when the two riders drew what appeared to be some sort of sword, arming themselves against both Nappa and Vegeta, though neither saiyan seemed to care at the moment. Though the mention of a surrender gave Vegeta an idea that would allow them to figure out what happened to the planet... by talking with any of the prisoners that had been captured recently. He took one look at Nappa and knew that the man wanted to have a fight, but all Vegeta did at the moment was tap his companion on the shoulder and shake his head in the 'no' fashion. That made Nappa hold his hands out as the two riders jumped off of their mounts, to which they were handcuffed and began the journey towards what the natives called a pit of some kind.

Nappa's grin widened at the mention of a fighting pit, because that meant that he'd be able to kill something before their departure, though all Vegeta wanted was to find who was responsible for the state of this planet and end their rule.

It took them an hour or two for the Arlian soldiers to bring them to their intended destination, of course that was after locking Vegeta and Nappa in a cage that their mounts dragged behind them, though Vegeta was glad to be near the end of their journey for the moment. After a few twists and turns through the underground tunnels, along with passing by several more guards, the riders that had 'captured' them locked them in a cell and informed them that they didn't have to worry about rats, as their cellmates had already eaten them, before walking away. Nappa muttered something about beating the guy up when they finally made their escape, though before Vegeta could make a retort he hear someone call them ugly, to which both he and Nappa turned around and faced one of the inmates, the one that happened to have a golden band on his right arm.

Vegeta noticed that this particular Arlian was the only one that seemed to have any authority to him, as the others stopped talking when he spoke and he referred to their captor as a tyrant king, informing Vegeta that this was the person he had been seeking the entire time. From what little information the person said, besides the new ruler using prisoners for entertainment and stealing the former king's bride on the day they were to be married, Vegeta was able to figure out that there had been some sort of war prior to him and Nappa landing on the planet. Apparently the new king, who was called Moai, and his entire army were basically banished Arlians, who had been exiled based on the charges of performing 'wicked crimes', that eventually gathered together and declared war on the peaceful kingdom, to which they overthrew it in a single day.

Once Vegeta had everything he needed to know, and then some, he snapped the cuffs that had been placed on his wrists, to which Nappa did the same, before tearing off the door to the cell they were in and making their way towards the arena. Along the way Vegeta let his companion knock out whoever they encountered, provided they had the red eyes that indicated they served under the tyrant king, while he merely walked forward with his hands crossed. When they reached the end of the tunnel that would take them into the arena Vegeta had them stop for a moment, noticing that someone was talking with who he assumed was King Moai.

"Ugh, I'm suffering from royal boredom," the tyrant king said, wiping his mouth with a piece of cloth, indicating that he must have recently finished a meal.

"Sire, earlier today we captured two aliens," one of the other Arlians told the king, to which it appeared that the king's interest level was elevated a little bit, "they're in the dungeon now."

"Aliens?" King Moai asked, though his tone revealed what his next words were before he even said them, "Have the guards bring them to the arena immediately. Maybe they can provide some entertainment fit for a king."

"Don't bother wasting your time with the guards," Vegeta loudly said, to which both he and Nappa walked into the arena and approached what appeared to be the king and queen's thrones, "we're already here. Your guards had an... unfortunate... accident, so they'll be out of commission for a while."

"How dare you! Soon it will be your turn to meet an 'unfortunate accident'," the king fired right back at them, though it was clear that he was staring at Nappa and not even bothering to look at Vegeta, "Yes, we'll test the big one with the shiny head against our champion.... and save the little one for last, he won't be any good at fighting."

Before Vegeta could even say a word Nappa raised two fingers in the direction of the champion's head and gathered his ki for a few seconds, to which he blew the Arlian's head clean off. That was swiftly followed by King Moai calling in his ten finest warrior, the one that had mastered the art of using ki, to which they surrounded the two of them and opened fire by loosing their blasts from their mouths. Because of the difference in power between the ten Arlians and both Vegeta and Nappa, there wasn't a single scratch on either of their suits of armor when the smoke cleared. That didn't stop the king from ordering his men to kill them anyway, to which Nappa accessed his ki once more, allowing a faint line of energy to wrap around him as the ground around them shook.

That was promptly followed by Nappa raising two fingers towards the sky and unleashing an attack that devastated the entire area around them, while killing all of the guards that had been ordered to kill them.

"Goddammit Nappa, I said that you could knock them out... and yet you disobeyed me and killed them anyway," Vegeta said, growling for a moment, while ignoring the sound of gears that were in the background.

"Hey Vegeta, look at the big bug," Nappa said, causing Vegeta to turn towards the direction he was pointing and find another creature for Nappa to fight, "Can I play with it?"

"Sure, just don't..." Vegeta started, though that was followed by Nappa tearing off one of the creatures fingers, causing it a great deal of pain apparently, before loosing a ki blast from his hand that ended up turning the creature to dust, "...kill it... goddammit Nappa."

"No... that's impossible," King Moai stated, though that was before he turned tail and ran up the stairs to hid behind his throne, which only served to annoy Vegeta further considering that the Arlian was supposed to be a decent warrior if he conquered the whole planet in a single day.

Vegeta flicked his fingers for a moment and the rubble around him lifted into the air, to which he pieced the tyrant king's chest with one of the more sharper pieces before burying him under the rest of it, ending his reign in an instant. With the deed done Vegeta let out a sigh that he had been holding the entire time he and Nappa had been in the arena, though that was followed by Vegeta tapping a button on his scouter to call their pods to them. As they waited for their pods to come to them the former king of Arlia walked out of the dungeon and proclaimed that they were heroes for what they had done in saving the planet from the tyrant king, though he even went to the effort to say that they would be forever welcome on Planet Arlia.

Vegeta actually felt a little better for saving the people, including the former king and his wife, from the tyrant king, though he said nothing as he and Nappa entered their pods and resumed the journey to Planet Earth. Usually when they found a planet that Frieza likely wouldn't want someone blew it up, but this time Vegeta decided that they would just leave it alone as their pods moved away from the planet. What didn't help him was not an hour after leaving the planet his pod informed him that planet Arlia no longer existed, while hearing Nappa happily exclaim that he got a deposit from Frieza for the planet they had conquered. Vegeta had no idea when Nappa had found the time to contact the tyrant they worked under, but he guessed that he must have done it as they were landing... and that Frieza had been in the area around the planet the entire time.

As they flew through space once more Vegeta let his mind turn back to his friends, Rainbow and Applejack, where he once again wondered what they would think of him if they could see him now. He let out another sigh and turned off his communicator, preferring to keep his thoughts to himself without having Nappa bother him some more, before he turned on the system that would allow him to sleep until they were mere days away from Planet Earth. The last thing that reached his ears before he went to sleep was the silence that he always welcomed, to which a small smile appeared on his face before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"That's where the echo ends," Chronoa said, retrieving the crystal fragment as the scene finished playing, though that was followed by her tapping the crystal with her hand, "Just give me a few seconds and I'll have this calibrated to show the girls."

Beerus watched as Chronoa fiddled with the crystal that she and the others had built, watching the scene change from Vegeta in space to some sort of circular lookout. The area they were zeroing in on had a few palm trees and a fair number of bushes and plants, though there was a nicely sized building siting in the middle of the entire place. He already knew that this had to be the place where the girls were sleeping, entrusted into the care of whoever Chronoa's contact was, though that didn't stop him from being eager to see what happened next. He was somewhat surprised that Vegeta didn't do much fighting while they were on Arlia, though he guessed that the Prince had his reasons for not wanting to go all out or dirty his hands.

He was also glad to see that whatever effect his girls had originally had on Vegeta was still there, however little the influence was, though he also had to wonder how the girls would react if they ever crossed paths with their friend. He knew one thing as he stared at the building that his daughters were resting in, the real journey was about to begin... and he was sure that there were going to be some emotional moments, for everyone around him and for the girls.

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