• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Resurrection: Betrayal

"So, Frieza," Goku commented, taking in Frieza's new form for a few more moments, as he and Vegeta were interested in what they were seeing, before they started fighting once more, "what do you call this transformation?"

"You know, I was so focused on improving my empire, and getting my training done, that something like that completely slipped my mind," Frieza replied, though at the same time he glanced down at his golden colored body, where he decided that it couldn't hurt to call his transformation by the color, "Maybe I should call this my 'Golden' Form, like my Final Form."

"Or maybe we should call it 'Golden Frieza'." Vegeta added, though at the same time he prepared himself, as he was sure that the fight would be starting any moment now, where he noticed that his companion was doing the same thing as Frieza started to refocus on the two of them.

"Not to be vain, but I actually like the sound of that," Frieza said, as he actually liked the term that Vegeta had used to label his new transformation, which seemed to be the both of what he had said and who he was, "Very well then, from this day forwards this will be known as my Golden Frieza Form... though I am eager to see how it measures up to two Saiyans that are using their new Super Saiyan Blue transformation."

Goku and Vegeta nodded before they raced towards where Frieza was standing, though when they reached their target, and threw a punch at him, Frieza held up both of his hands and stopped their fists in the process, where the air vibrated with their energies clashing for a few seconds. That was followed by the two of them swinging their other fists through the air, where Frieza moved out of the way and let their fists pass by where he had been standing moments ago while at the same time releasing both of the Saiyans. The instant that happened both Goku and Vegeta came at him once more, where they unleashed a fury of punches at their target, though at the same time Frieza found that he might be on a higher speed than either of them, as he was able to see their attacks coming and could avoid the attacks with some ease... though the only problem was that sometimes the two Saiyans used their tag-team tactic to their advantage and slipped a few jabs passed his defenses.

A few moments later the two of them punched his elbows, which were protecting his face at the moment, and he went flying through the air for a few moments, but when he corrected himself he noticed that his opponents were trying a different tactic and were coming from two separate directions at two different speeds. He quickly deduced that Vegeta was the faster of the two at the moment, which made him reconsider his brief calculations, but he raised his defenses and blocked the incoming attack, before he grabbed onto Vegeta and threw him away from where he was floating. A few seconds later he dodged the incoming attacks that Goku was throwing at him until he grabbed one of them, where he kicked Goku in the chest and sent him flying into the wall of the nearest plateau... where he took the chance and loosed a series of Death Beams, which had low power since he wasn't trying to kill either of them, and the part of the plateau Goku had been sent into exploded.

A few more seconds passed before Goku, who was completely unharmed at this point, floated out of the wrecked plateau and stared at Frieza with a smile on his face, though at the same time Frieza glanced back for a second and found Vegeta doing the same thing from a different angle. Despite the fact that he had been able to dodge the attacks that had been coming his way earlier, and separate the two Saiyans for a moment, he knew that they could change the course of the battle if they so desired... which was why he was staying on the defensive, unless he spotted another opening like the one he had just used.

"I was right, your new power is incredible," Goku said, though at the same time he and Vegeta dropped back into their battle stances, as they were eager to see the full extent of the power that was inside the person that was currently floating between them, "Let's kick things up a notch."

That was rapidly followed by them flying through the air as they reached where Frieza was floating, where they started throwing punches at him, though they did so in a manner that told anyone that was watching that they were great at working as a team. Frieza could already tell that the two Saiyans were an impressive team, one that anyone, save Lord Beerus, would be hard pressed to beat in battle, but at the same time he suspected that there might be some weaknesses in their dynamic. The problem was finding out what that weakness was and how he could use it against them, but at the same time he stayed on the defenses and only blocked the punches that were coming at him, while letting a few attacks of his own fly when he found an opportunity.

One such opening appeared when he punched Vegeta in the chest and knocked him backwards for a few moments, as Goku came at him with both of his fists raised, to which Frieza grinned as he locked his hands with Goku's hands and let their energies struggle against each other while Vegeta corrected himself and watched them with interest. A few seconds passed before Frieza grinned as he turned his hands and forced Goku to spin around in the air, though when he was upside down, with a look of shock on his face, Frieza released him and struck Goku's gut with his right elbow. That was, however, immediately followed by Goku swinging his foot and struck Frieza in the side of his head, where the two of them separated from each other for a few seconds before the battle resumed... and Vegeta, who had been left out of what they had just done, joined them a few moments later.

Another minute passed before the three of them headed towards what could have been a volcano at some point in the past, but due to the planet's condition it was likely that it wasn't going to activate at all, to which they landed on the rocky surface of the interior and continued fighting. As they exchanged blows Frieza dodged everything that was coming his way, though he also found that the vast majority of his blows were either stopped in their path or he did no damage to whoever he was targeting. That was until he pulled his arms back and swung at both his opponents, though when they noticed that he had energy gathered around his hands they moved out of the way almost instantly, allowing his energy to carve through the ground and leave two long gashes in the ground they were fighting on... where Frieza also noticed that the gashes pierced the wall of the dead volcano as well.

"Was that a little too much power?" Frieza asked, though at the same time he was actually pleased with the results of his training, as he wasn't even worried about the fact that he couldn't wound either of his opponents all that much, "I'm still getting used to the power of my new transformation."

"We can see that," Vegeta commented, though as he said that he smiled, because despite the fact that it was clear that Frieza's new form was burning through more power than his body could supply, at least to him and Kakarot, the former tyrant was still doing a good job of keeping up with them, "Now then, I think its time we truly got the party started."

Frieza grinned as both of the Saiyans came at him again, though this time around he found that they were actually using all of their power against him, as some of their attacks had the same power that he was used to feeling and the remainder of their attacks were slightly stronger than what he was used to. From that fact he could determine that both of the Saiyans had been holding back a little bit, to see how much power he commanded in his Golden Frieza Form, but despite that fact he found himself grinning. Based on what he knew both of the Saiyans had been training on Lord Beerus' planet, which meant that either Whis or Beerus himself had been training them since they had encountered the God of Destruction... so it made sense that they would have gained a lot of power in such a short amount of time, but it only made this fight much more exciting.

Since he was in an even better mood than he had been moments ago he grabbed onto Goku and sent him flying into the air above the volcano, where he and Vegeta followed after him and the three of them resumed what they had been doing since they had all transformed... while at the same time moving away from the volcano.

"It appears that Frieza is much stronger than he was all those years ago, when he was on Namek," Applejack stated, staring at the person that had killed her sister when they were only children, though at the same time Frieza and their friends shook the air around them as they fought, "though despite the fact that this is pretty much a rematch of what happened on Namek, where he fought Goku and Vegeta together, it appears that they will have him on the ropes in the next couple of minutes."

"I wonder if he would be willing to fight with the two of us for a few minutes, after he's recovered from this fight," Rainbow commented, though at the same time she let a little bit of lightning flicker around her right pointer finger and thumb, as despite the fact that Frieza claimed to harbor no ill feelings towards the Saiyans she suspected that something bad might be coming their way soon.

"I'm not sure if Frieza would jump at the chance to challenge you two again, or pale at the thought of fighting you," Beerus said, though at the same time he watched as Goku and Vegeta continued their assault while Frieza switched between defense and offense, while his senses told him that something was coming as well, "After all, he freaked out the moment he heard that the two of you were my daughters and that you had been telling him the truth while you were fighting him on Namek."

"Okay, but that doesn't explain how he knew who our parents were when he wouldn't listen to us," Rainbow replied, though as she glanced over at Applejack for a moment she noticed that her sister was thinking about something, to which she thought about what their father had said and almost smacked her head, "I can't believe that I didn't notice it right away; the only way Frieza could have believed we're your daughters is if something important, in Frieza's eyes, told him that we were what we claimed to be... and that only person is you."

"Well, I wasn't thinking straight after you were killed on Namek," Beerus stated, recalling the pain he had felt when he had watched her die like that, while at the same time still being thankful that Frieza hadn't done Applejack in at the same time, "After Frieza died on Earth I paid him a little visit in Hell and explained that you two were my daughters and told him that, should he find himself revived by the Dragon Balls, he should stay away from Earth... and it appears that our talk has helped him see that there is another path for him to walk."

Rainbow and Applejack looked at each other, as they had pretty much been told that their father had threatened the dead tyrant with the possibility of erasure after Future Trunks had killed him, something that would take some time getting used to. At the same time, however, they couldn't help but marvel at the change that had occurred within Frieza, as he actually sounded polite when he was talking with their father, he seemed to treat his soldiers better than the ones they had encountered on Namek, and he seemed to be having fun sparring with Goku and Vegeta, instead of fighting them to the death. Sure, he was still the person that was in charge of a massive empire that was pulling itself back together, but even so it almost looked like he was a completely different person, one that was still determining where he stood in the universe and whose side he was on.

They both determined that it might be impossible for Frieza to become a good person, like the Saiyans had done in three years, but at the same time it was clear that he was no longer on the side of evil... which only made them wonder what was going through the former tyrant's head at the moment.

Frieza, on the other hand, was enjoying himself for the first time in a really long time, as he dodged and parried some of the punches that were coming his way, while at the same time making sure that his opponents knew that he wasn't tapped out by attacking them as well. Goku and Vegeta responded well to his attacks, as they sometimes came at him one at a time, other times they came at him together, but while he knew that his punches had to be doing some damage he also knew that it would take more than this to seriously wound them. As such he started changing up his attack pattern by firing small energy bursts, usually ten to twenty of them at a time, at the two Saiyans and, while they were either knocking them away from where they were standing or blasting them apart with their own energy blasts, he would back away and use a different technique against them.

Since he only had four actual techniques at his disposal, the Death Beam, Death Ball, Death Cannon, and the Death Saucers, his options were limited, but at the same time he knew that his opponents had a few named techniques as well, thus evening the playing field. He didn't feel like using the Death Ball, as that might accidentally blow a good portion of this planet to pieces if he wasn't careful, or another one if the Saiyans bounced it into space, and the Death Beams really weren't doing anything at the moment. Because that left him with only two attacks, one being a beam type attack like Goku's Kamehameha and the other being the same type of skill that Krillin used to slice off a part of his tail, he decided that the Death Saucers were the best way to go... and then reflected that, at some point in the future, he was likely going to rename all of his attacks so better reflect his new position in the universe.

Once he had determined which course of action he was going to take, and was preparing the proper amount of energy for a few saucers, he noticed the last of his previous attacks fall apart, to which he waved his hands and ten saucers formed around him, before he sent them flying towards Goku and Vegeta.

The Saiyans saw them coming and, instead of blasting the saucers apart, they turned around and flew through the air, where Frieza watched as they used the environment around them to force all of the saucers to explode, though Frieza had designed them this time around to not cut up whoever they came into contact with. The old Frieza would have tried to use them to carve his enemies to pieces, but since he was enjoying himself, and knew that they might do this more in the future, he wanted them to remain in one piece. That didn't mean that he was going to take it easy on them, considering that they had learned from Whis or Beerus, but they were definitely holding their own in this fight... and that was allowing him to enjoy what was happening around him at the moment.

Once the last of his attacks had been dealt with, and the two Saiyans came towards him, Frieza reacted appropriately and punched the two of them in the face, allowing the air to shake once more, but this time around they didn't go flying through the air and simply turned and looked at him. The first thought that crossed his mind was that something was wrong, mainly that he must not have trained enough with his new transformation to match the power of the Super Saiyan Blue form that Goku and Vegeta had unlocked during their own training. The second thought that crossed his mind was that the tables had turned on him, as it appeared that fate was now favoring the Saiyans at the moment, but even if that was true he knew that they were perfect sparring partners and would aid him in mastering his own transformation if they were to do this again in the future.

The two Saiyans raised one of their hands, Goku using his right and Vegeta using his left, before they stopped when they were level with Frieza's chest, though they followed that by them switching their outstretched hands into fists and punched him in the chest... causing him to stagger as he coughed for a few seconds, confirming that he must have not trained enough with this new transformation of his. They then followed that up by kicking him towards the ocean that was below them, though when Frieza reached the top of the water he used his power to stop himself from heading under the waves, where he stared up at the two Saiyans... who were moving their hands into the stances for their signature attacks.

"Galick Gun," Vegeta said, though at the same time his energy flared into the area around him as the black lightning gathered around his purple colored energy sphere, indicating that he was charging his attack.

"Ka... me..." Goku called out, to which he brought his hands to his right side of his body, which was opposite of Vegeta powering his attack up with his hands being on the left side of his body, though at the same time his energy sphere flared to life as well, "ha... me..."

"So it has come to this... a clash of energy beams," Frieza commented, though as he said that he lifted his right hand and pointed it towards the two Saiyans, while at the same time he raised his left hand and placed it on his right arm as the rest of his power flared to life in front of his hand, "Death... CANNON!"

The moment the word left his mouth he released the energy he had been gathering, to which an energy beam, that shared the same coloration of the other attacks he had, burst out of the area he had been pooling his energy around and raced towards where the two Saiyans were floating.

"FIRE!" Vegeta shouted, to which he swung both of his hands towards the area that the emperor was floating in, which was followed by his beam of energy bursting out of where he had been gathering it and it raced down towards the ocean below them.

"HAAAAAAA!" Goku called out, though at the same time he finished charging his beam attack and leveled his hands with where Frieza was floating, to which he released a beam of energy that moved alongside Vegeta's attack.

Frieza watched as the Saiyan's energy beams swirled together a few seconds before colliding with his own attack, to which the area between them shook as their attacks battled for supremacy, causing the cliff near them to shake for a few seconds before it started to fall apart. He wasn't sure how much power the two Saiyans were pouring into their attacks at the moment, but he was using the entirety of his remaining energy to try and at least beat them in some manner, which was causing some sweat to fall down the side of his face. That was seconds before the center of the beams started moving towards him, despite his best efforts at pouring out all of his remaining energy, and soon it was coming down towards where he was floating... though before he could move the beams broke through his own and collided with him, sending him into the ocean before exploding seconds later.

Goku and Vegeta, seeing their attack succeed in such a manner, stopped powering their attacks and let the light fade, though as they rested a tiny bit they both noticed that the waves were dying down... and a few moments passed before they spotted Frieza pulling himself from the water. The two of them smiled as they descended down to where Frieza was and landed on both of his side, to which they gently raised him up and carried him to the top of the plateau they had been fighting near. They were surprised to find that Frieza didn't even try to tell them off for such a thing, but it was either because he was exhausted or it was because of the fact that he was truly turning over a few leaf and was putting his trust in the two of them.

A few seconds later they landed on the same area they had been on when they started their fight, though as Frieza wheezed for a few seconds he took a few deep breaths and steadied himself, where he powered down to his Final Form and stared at them... to which Goku and Vegeta did the same thing and reverted back to their original forms.

"I... should have... trained more... with that form," Frieza said, though at the same time he took a few seconds between sets of words, as he was more tired than he had ever been before this day.

"Don't worry about it," Goku replied, though as he spoke he stood in front of Frieza and placed a hand on his shoulder, while at the same time Vegeta moved to the side so he could call the others over and tell them that the battle between them was over, "It took some time for Vegeta and I, as well as our sons, to fully master the first Super Saiyan transformation, despite the fact that Goten and Trunks took to it much faster than we did. In time you'll be able to control your new transformation to the same extent and fight in it for a longer period of time, which means that we'll have an even more epic battle once you reach that point."

Frieza pulled himself to his full height and looked up at Goku for a few moments, as he believed that the Saiyan might actually be offering to help him master his new transformation, but before he could actually say anything in response to that a laser pierced his chest... and went right into Goku's chest as well, causing the two of them to stagger for a few seconds before they collapsed on the ground.

"Kakarot! Frieza!" Vegeta shouted, though while he was shocked to find that he was actually concerned about the person that blew up his home planet, mainly because he knew that they needed to give the new Frieza a chance before deciding whether they liked him or not, he wondered who would do such a thing.

Rainbow, Applejack, and the rest of their group had the same thought that Vegeta was thinking at the moment, but as they all took to the air, however, they noticed Sorbet walking out from the area he had been hiding in, where there was some smoke coming from the ring on his right hand. Everyone from Universe 7 was more than willing to give the new Frieza a chance, considering that he had taken the effort to change since his resurrection, but they had known that some of his forces likely hadn't taken to the new changes he had imposed. Sorbet was a prime example of an evil underling that wanted the empire to remain the same, which explained one of the reasons why he had gone through the effort to resurrect his former master... and that meant there was something going through his mind that made him decide to betray Frieza like this.

"S... Sorbet..." Frieza coughed out, though he was honestly surprised to find that one of his soldiers would betray him in such a manner, especially after the man had gone through the effort to resurrect him and bring him back to full health four months ago, "H... How DARE... YOU... BETRAY ME!"

"You aren't the Frieza that I wanted to bring back," Sorbet said, though at the same time he stared down that Frieza, while also ignoring everyone else that was around him as he focused on the former tyrant, "You were supposed to come back to life, get stronger than either Son Goku or Vegeta, and then install a new level of fear into the hearts of both your subjects and the other planets that we already control. You were supposed to make your empire great again and return it to its former glory, but instead you decided to change the structure of our army in an attempt to turn us into a force of justice... like those idiotic Saiyans that decided to turn on you. We aren't warriors of justice, like those Saiyans and the Galactic Patrol, rather we are a force of evil that will eventually shroud the entirety of the universe and rule everyone with an iron fist.

Don't worry Lord Frieza, I'll make sure that you are placed in a stasis pod after we leave this planet behind, where you will remain until I can figure out how to restore you to your former persona... and then we'll invade Earth and erase it from the universe."

"Excuse me for a moment," a voice said, though that was followed by Krillin, of all people, appearing behind Sorbet for a moment, to which he kicked him in the right side of his head, sending him away from where Goku and Frieza were resting... and sending him into the waiting hands of Beerus, who was wearing an angry look on his face at the moment.

"Krillin, they're fading fast," Vegeta said, to which he turned towards his Earthling friend, while at the same time already feeling that both Kakarot and Frieza could die if nothing aided them, "Do you have the Senzu Beans?"

Krillin nodded and pulled out the pouch containing the beans that he and his friends used whenever a threat came to the Earth and they needed to restore their stamina, heal their wounds, and, in the case of Goku and Vegeta, allow them to take advantage of their genetics to further empower themselves. He carefully removed one of the beans and placed it inside Goku's mouth, to which his friend chewed on it for a few seconds before his wound closed before their eyes, though that was followed by him getting up from where he was resting. He then glanced at the wounded body of Frieza for a few seconds, remembering that this was the person responsible for killing him when he was on Namek, and for a moment he considered letting him die as that memory resurfaced... but one look from Goku and Vegeta, two of the people that had been wronged by the former tyrant, told him otherwise.

He let out a sigh and pulled out a second Senzu Bean, to which he prepared himself as he slipped the bean into Frieza's mouth and watched as the emperor chewed on it for a few seconds... though that was followed by him gently picking himself up off the ground and looked down at his chest, where he discovered there was no indication that he had been wounded.

"That's... that's like our regeneration tanks, only it takes a few seconds for the healing factor to take effect," Frieza commented, as he was amazed by the effects of the Senzu Beans that Goku and his friends had depended on in the past, before his anger returned as he turned towards Sorbet, "Lord Beerus, do you mind if I reward Sorbet for his actions?"

Beerus sensed that death was coming for Sorbet, something that he could easily get behind considering what had just happened, to which he nodded his head and shoved the man he was holding forward, though at the same time everyone that gathered around them backed away. At the same time Frieza raised his right hand and loosed a small white energy ball, about the size of a marble, through the air until it phased into Sorbet's body, where he raised his hand and forced the traitor into the air above them. He then forced Sorbet through the air until he was a great distance above them, where he spread his hand to stop him in his tracks, though at the same time that gave Sorbet time to plead for his life as he struggled against his power. Frieza then let out a sigh as he collapsed his hand into a fist, allowing the energy inside Sorbet to expand and detonate, tearing apart the man that had resurrected him in an explosion that rocked the top of the nearby mountain peak... though he lowered his hand not a few seconds later.

"So, what do we do now?" Krillin asked, as while he was sure that Goku and Vegeta wanted to continue their fight with Frieza, after his energy had been restored, he could tell that all three of them were thinking about something different.

"Now we should take a break and have something to eat," Frieza commented, though at the same time he turned towards the Saiyans and their friends, who all seemed interested in what he was about to say, "I have a base, maybe twenty minutes away from here, where we can have something to eat and discuss some of the changes I have made to my empire... as I'm sure that they'll interest a few of you."

Goku and Vegeta had to admit that they were interested in whatever the emperor wanted to talk about and, since no one seemed to be speaking against what Frieza was saying, they agreed to join him on whatever planet or moon his base was located on. After all, there were questions that they wanted answers to and it appeared that Frieza was more than willing to give them those answers over a meal, while at the same time they knew that he was hoping to bury the hatchet between the three of them and the others he had wronged over the years before his death on Earth.

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