• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Battle: Party

"D... Did you say G... God of D... Destruction?!" Krillin asked, though at the same time he couldn't help but feel a wave of pure fear and terror wash over his body, because if they did something that annoyed Rainbow and Applejack's father he could easily blow the entire planet to pieces.

"I did," Vegeta replied, though as he answered he offered his friend a smile, as he already knew that Beerus wouldn't destroy the Earth, because it was the planet his daughters had grown up on and they had friends here that they would miss if the planet was erased, "don't worry about it Krillin, he's not about to do anything your thinking about."

"Indeed." Beerus spoke up, to which he glanced over at Krillin, finding that Goku's closest friend must have traded fighting for raising his daughter and spending time with his wife, as he had some black hair on his head, "I may have only awaken from my slumber an hour or two ago, but I'm not here on business... I came because I wanted to reunite with my daughters, and because I was invited to the party."

Vegeta nodded as Krillin, in his confusion, simply walked over to one of the tables that had been put out in preparation for the party, though at the same time he took stock of the expressions that everyone was wearing. Most of the Z Warriors were shocked by who was standing in front of them, and what his occupation was, while at the same time coming to terms with the fact that they were finally meeting Rainbow and Applejack's father. What seemed strange to him was the fact that only two of his friends weren't shocked by the news; Gohan seemed to be pretending to be shocked, making him wonder if he had learned something while he was on Shin's planet during the battle with Super Buu, and Piccolo was completely unfazed by what was happening in front of him.

A few seconds later, however, he felt a hand on his shoulder and found that Kakarot was beckoning for him to walk over to another area of the party, to which he slipped away from the main area and followed his friend towards the pool area that was above where the others were standing.

"When were you going to tell us who their father was?" Goku asked, though at the same time he stared at Vegeta, as he knew that this sort of knowledge would be have been useful over the years.

"It wasn't my secret to reveal." Vegeta replied, knowing that his friend was annoyed that he had kept this information to himself, though at the same time he had merely followed the wishes of his best friends, as they had wished to keep who their father was a secret to avoid being asked certain questions, "Though something is bothering me a tiny bit; Piccolo and Gohan aren't as phased as the others are."

"You don't think..." Goku said, though at the same time he cut himself off, because he would have expected his son to tell him such an information piece of information once he learned it, if he had actually learned who Rainbow and Applejack's father was before the others did.

"I think its safe to say that we both learned who their father was," a voice said, to which Piccolo walked up the stairs and stopped near the two Saiyans, though at the same time he simply smiled at them, "I don't know how Gohan figured it out, and personally I'm not about to ask him about it, but I learned who their father was when I merged with the old Kami all those years ago, during the time when Cell was a threat. When I learned that information I was told to keep my mouth shut and wait until something like this happened... though I thought that you would like to know how I figured it out."

Vegeta chuckled for a moment, because he had forgotten that the girls had told him that Mr. Popo had been watching over them while they were in Chronoa's enchanted sleep, which meant that Kami must have asked about them at some point in time. It was something that he had overlooked, but at the same time he wasn't too annoyed with missing it, as the girls were happy and there was no reason for him or the others to ruin their reunion, to which he, Kakarot, and Piccolo walked back down to the party. When they rejoined the group, however, Vegeta found that Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale had separated from Beerus, though they were still standing near him with a smile on all of their faces. Chronoa, Whis, and Shin were watching them as well with a smile on all of their faces, indicating that they were pleased with what was happening in front of them.

A few seconds later the group of seven moved out of the middle of the area and claimed one of the larger tables for themselves, to which the rest of the rest of the party goers resumed having fun, while some made sure to keep their eyes on Beerus in case something happen.

"Its good to see you again dad," Rainbow said, though at the same time she could tell that out of all of them, only one of them was actually nervous about what was going on at the moment, and that was Gale, "I'm sorry that I almost accused you of not coming to the party."

"Its fine Rainbow, you have nothing to apologize for," Beerus replied, to which he waved his hand in a dismissing manner, indicating that he wasn't sad or annoyed over what he had heard before he revealed himself, "Part of that is actually my fault, because I actually slept in a little longer than I originally intended and Whis had to wake me up this time around. Once I remembered what today was, however, I got out of my bed, washed up after all the years I spent asleep, ate a light morning meal, and departed from my planet... so I could reunite with the two of you, as well as meet the newest addition to our family."

"Dad, this is our little sister Gale Wind," Applejack spoke up, though at the same time Gale smiled at the mention of her name, because she had always been interested in who their father was, especially after meeting Chronoa and having a brief explanation with her once she became of age, "she joined the family eleven years ago, shortly after the defeat of the villain called Cell. There are some things that we'll have to tell you about, though something tells me that we'd be talking for days on end until we got to the end of the story."

Beerus nodded his understanding, though at the same time he didn't say a single word about Gale's history, because he wanted his daughters to believe that he had been sleeping for the last thirty-nine years and hadn't been watching them, to which he was happy that Gohan had kept his promise to keep his mouth shut. At the same time, however, Chronoa said that it wouldn't hurt if Rainbow and Applejack started the tale of their adventures, starting with when they woke up and what they did once they realized that they were on Earth. Gale, upon hearing that there was more to their adventures than what she had been told, asked to hear that part of the story as well, to which Rainbow and Applejack nodded their heads and started talking about the day they encountered the Z Warriors.

Since they were actually sitting near one of the food tables, however, Beerus insisted that they get something to eat while they caught up, though that involved Beerus collecting a plate of pasta, a bowl of rice balls that had steam coming off of them, several types of fish that he had never tried before, and a number of other dishes that he had never eaten. Once they had all of the dishes they wanted to eat, and the utensils necessary to eat them, Chronoa and Whis also returned to the table with a number of drinks, indicating that they knew someone was going to be needing them. The moment the table was ready Rainbow and Applejack started taking turns with their first adventure, the arrival of Vegeta and a certain Saiyan on Earth, before they moved onto their quest on Namek.

While his daughters talked Beerus nodded his head every now and then, laughed at something he found humorous, commented on what his daughters did in battle, and overall kept quiet while they told their tale. At the same time, however, he had to ignore the pain in his heart when he heard the telling of how Frieza killed Rainbow, while offering the girls the face of a saddened parent. Whis, Chronoa, and Shin, who could have seen the fight occur without actually sitting in the house they constructed, remained silent as they listened to the retelling of the story, while also noticing that Beerus cut his food into appropriate sizes and ate them like a normal person.

Out of the corner of his eye Beerus noticed a trio of kids, a young girl that was wearing a teal trench coat, a small dog that was walking on two legs and was wearing a ninja suit, and a young boy, maybe an imp judging by his blue skin, being escorted away from the Capsule Corp building by Trunks and Goten. From what Beerus knew the trio wasn't friends with the Z Warriors or his daughters, to which he mentally decided to keep an eye on what they were doing, though at the same time he returned his attention to his daughters.

"We really didn't see the end of the fight between Vegeta, Goku, and Frieza, but we heard what happened afterwards," Applejack finished, eventually coming to an end of the story that involved the first major fight of their lives, while at the same time noticing that Gale was saddened by what she had heard, to which she hugged her little sister for a moment before turning back to her father, "After that we peacefully lived on Earth with the rest of our friends, until Frieza made his return with his father, King Cold, though they were then thwarted by Future Trunks, who called himself Xeno at the time we first encountered him."

"I see." Beerus said, to which he raised his napkin to his mouth and wiped off the sauce that was on his lips, while at the same time considering adding some of these dishes to what was made in his temple, before he turned to his daughters, "I'm sad to hear that Frieza forced you both into fighting with him, when you weren't prepared for such a fight, and killed Rainbow in the process, though I am happy to hear that someone had the bright idea to use the Dragon Balls and wish everyone back to life. If I had been there, well..."

"We know, Frieza would be erased from existence," Rainbow stated, though at the same time she smiled, because she could already imagine the look on Frieza's face when he realized that she and Applejack had been telling the truth, if they ever saw him again anyway, "though, now that I've said that, there is something that we should show you... but I think we can wait until after the party. There's no reason to ruin Bulma's party with some fighting, especially after all the effort she put into making this happen in the first place."

Beerus nodded his head in agreement, because it would have been rude of them to ruin Bulma's big day with a simple sparring match between him and his daughters, and the last thing he wanted the Z Warriors to think was that he was a rude father. At the same time, however, he already knew what Rainbow wanted to show him, as he was interested in facing off against someone that possessed the Avatar of Destruction, as there hadn't been someone like that in a long time and he couldn't remember much about that fight. He still found it odd for there to be two people who had access to the Avatar, but at the moment he simply overlooked what was in front of his eyes and focused on his daughters... who insisted on him dancing with the rest of the group once Bulma announced a change of tone for the party.

Another thing that Beerus had forgotten about was dancing, as he hadn't done something like this for a really long time, though Yamcha quickly changed the tone of dancing to break dancing... which Beerus remembered well and started busting out the moves that he knew, surprising his daughters for a moment, before they cheered him on. As Beerus let his body move through the motions, however, he wondered when the last time he had done this had been, though the only thing that came to mind was a couple of thousand years ago when he visited a planet that was on the border of Frieza's empire. What he remembered was dancing at a party and accidentally breaking a 'priceless' vase, to which the Queen of the planet called the guards on him... and then he blew them all up, as was the nature of the old Beerus.

He mentally sighed as he came to a stop, as he was still ashamed at how the old version of him had acted to the people of his universe, though at the same time he noticed that Mr. Satan, who was a little buzzed at the moment, got up from his seat and pointed at him.

"Hey, you there!" Mr. Satan stated, to which everyone else stopped cheering and looked at him, though it was clear that they were wondering what had gotten into the man, "How... how would you like a match with me?"

"A match you say?" Beerus playfully asked, because based on what he knew of the man he could restrict himself to the lowest level of his power and still do some serious damage to him, though at the same time he wasn't about to say anything about that, as he wanted to see what Mr. Satan did next.

"I'm pretty good," Mr. Satan exclaimed, to which he started punching and kicking at the air, as if he was trying to make himself be more intimidating than he was, before he fell flat on his back and hit the ground.

"Oh dad, you're embarrassing us." Videl said, though at the same time she rushed to her father's side to be sure that he was okay and hadn't suffered any injuries, before she turned towards Beerus and bowed her head a tiny bit, "Lord Beerus, I would like to apologize for my father's rudeness."

"Its quite alright," Beerus replied, though at the same time he used his left hand to lightly push against the ground and move himself into the air, to which he spun around for a few seconds before landing on his feet, before he turned back to Videl and smiled at her, "I came here to party and have fun with my daughters, so I would have denied his request to have a fight... oh, and there's no reason to call me 'Lord' today. I'm just a simple guest, just like everyone else."

With that said Beerus returned to the table that his family was sitting at and noticed that they had brought some of those Takoyaki Balls over to where they were sitting, to which Beerus mentally chuckled for a moment. When he had said that there were likely going to be a large number of food items that he was going to like on Earth, as that was one reason behind his light breakfast, he was finding that almost everything that had been prepared today was cooked by master chefs. For a moment he wondered if he could convince Whis to ask some of the chefs what the recipe was so they could replicate it back at home, or maybe even offer them a job of some sort... but he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he bit into one of the balls and enjoyed the flavor.

A few minutes later, when everyone was done dancing and had returned to their various tables, Bulma disappeared for a few moments, though at the same time Beerus used the opportunity to observe the other members of the Z Warriors while they were chatting. Thankfully most of them were ignoring him, as they hadn't come to talk with him yet and were giving him the time he wanted to spend with his daughters, though he honestly expected one of them to have walked up to them at some point. In fact the only people keeping an eye on him were Goku and Vegeta, though while he knew that Vegeta wanted to make sure his friends were happy he suspected that Goku was still trying to figure out what he had said about him pushing his limits... and becoming a Super Saiyan God.

Beerus found it humorous that he had accidentally let the term slip while he was talking to Goku and the Saiyan had done nothing to try and figure out what it meant... though he suspected that Goku's mind was still trapped on discovering that he was Rainbow and Applejack's father, as well as Gale's father now that they had been introduced to each other.

His thoughts were interrupted when the nearby stage's curtains pulled themselves back and revealed that Bulma was on the stage, though it appeared that she was starting a bingo tournament and started listing off the prizes that could be won by anyone that participated. From what he could tell there was a plane, some sort of medieval castle, and a number of other prizes that eventually lead to the fourth, third, second, and first place prizes. Bulma had pictures of the first three prizes, which revealed that the fourth place prize was some sort of suit that was apparently expensive, the third place prize happened to be a very rare collectable item that was worth quite a lot of money, and the second place prize was a decent sized diamond that, form what he heard, was even more expensive than the third place prize.

The first place prize, however, was something that really caught Beerus' attention, because the moment Bulma pulled the cloth covering off of what was brought out to her, by some people that she must have hired some time before the party started, Beerus noticed that the prize was the seven Dragon Balls of Earth.

"The Dragon Balls? What an interesting choice for the first place prize," Beerus commented, though at the same time his trained eyes noticed something that no one else had noticed yet, besides the fact that the three young kids were shaking when they saw the wish granting spheres.

"You know about the Dragon Balls?" Applejack asked, though as she spoke Beerus noticed that she seemed concerned about something, as if expecting his sudden knowledge of the Dragon Balls to mean something.

"I know about the Namekian Dragon Balls," Beerus answered, knowing that something like this could easily lead either Rainbow or Applejack to determine that something was up, but he hoped his answer pleased them, "and, if my memory serves me right, the person that is serving as Kami for this planet is a Namekian. It only stands to reason that there would be another set of Dragon Balls on Earth, once you take into consideration who Kami is... though there is something that no one has noticed yet."

"And what would that be?" Rainbow inquired, though at the same time she and Gale looked around the sky, as if they were expecting someone to crash the party, which made Beerus mentally chuckle for a moment.

"One of them, the Four Star Ball to be exact, is missing," Beerus replied, though he made sure to raise his voice a little more, just so everyone else could hear him, while at the same time he wondered where it had wandered off to.

It was at that point that the three kids he had been watching decided that it was time that they leave the party and escape before someone caught them, to which they were immediately stopped by Trunks as he pulled on the young girl's shoulder. That motion, however, was followed by the missing Dragon Ball falling out of where the girl had been hiding it, though before anyone could react Beerus moved through the space between his family's table and where Trunks was standing. He appeared near Trunks and the three kids for a moment, though not a few seconds later he grabbed the Dragon Ball as it bounced off the ground, to which he floated over to the stage and returned it to where it was supposed to be... before he returned to the table that his family was sitting at.

As the group settled down, and the three kids groaned over a missed chance or something, Chronoa held up something that Beerus wasn't expecting, a set of Bingo tickets, one for each of them to be exact, that she had collected while Beerus and the girls had been hugging earlier. Beerus looked at the prizes that were sitting up on the stage, or rather the pictures of the majority of the prizes, and determined that even if he, Whis, Chronoa, or Shin won something they could either gift it to Rainbow, Applejack, or Gale, or just gift it to one of their friends. Since he was here to have fun, and catch up with his daughters, Beerus decided that there was no harm in trying his hand at playing the game, to which he picked the ticket in the middle of the bunch and simply waited for the numbers to come up.

As the numbers started appearing on the screen, and Beerus knocked a few of them out, he noticed that Piccolo was upset about the exact numbers that were coming up, until he finally crumpled up the ticket he had been given and dropped out of the game. Some of the others were happy with their numbers, despite not actually getting the numbers they needed, while those that weren't playing the game carefully watched for someone to declare that they had a row of five numbers. Of course that was before something happened to Beerus that he wasn't expecting... he had, somehow, gotten a row of five numbers, in the middle row no less, and his daughters urged him to go claim his prize.

A few minutes later, after someone had checked out his numbers to be sure that he had actually gotten the same numbers that had flashed on the screen, he was sitting at the table with the seven Dragon Balls... though he honestly had no idea if he was even going to use them, as he had everything that he could have wished for already.

"So dad, what are you going to wish for?" Rainbow asked, though at the same time Applejack and Gale joined her in looking at Beerus, who was simply staring at the seven wish granting spheres.

"I do not know." Beerus replied, to which he looked at his daughters for a moment, while at the same time wrapping an arm around Chronoa, who smiled at him in turn, "I have been reunited with you, my beloved daughters, and the love of my life has been patiently waiting for me to awaken so we can be a family again. Anything else that the Dragon Balls might be used for, such as wishing for power, wealth, and bringing someone back from the dead, mean nothing to me... so I might just gift them to someone that actually needs the dragon to grant a different wish."

"You could always ask Shenron about your dream," Chronoa commented, to which Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale raised their eyebrows, as this was the first time they had heard something about a strange or unusual dream, "you know, about Super Saiyan God."

Beerus nodded his head in understanding, as he hadn't thought about using the power of Shenron to figure out the meaning of his dreams and determine who the Super Saiyan God from his dream was, though at the same time he didn't care enough to use them just yet. He was going to wait until the party was over, and Bulma said that it was over, before he even bothered using the Dragon Balls, as he was more interested in spending time with his daughters than summoning the Eternal Dragon. The other guests were a little shocked that he wasn't summoning the dragon immediately, though they could understand that he didn't have a wish in mind yet and was simply thinking before he bothered to do anything.

"Beerus, have you had a chance to sample some of Earth's pudding?" Whis inquired, though at the same time the girls stared at him for a moment, wondering why he was changing from this Super Saiyan God to the pudding that Bulma had ordered for the party.

"No, I haven't had some yet..." Beerus said, though at the same time he came to a decision, to which he pulled himself from his chair and turned towards the dessert table, "I think some dessert will help me come to a decision regarding the use of the Dragon Balls."

Beerus walked away from the table and approached the large table that all of the desserts were resting on, though when he looked around he noticed nothing that resembled pudding, to which he turned towards one of the staff members and asked if there were any more containers of pudding. The staff member apologized for there not being any on the table and said that someone had taken the last tray of them to his table, to which he pointed out the person responsible for taking all the pudding. Somehow Beerus knew that it was Majin Buu that had taken the pudding, though the staff member pointing him out confirmed his suspicions... to which he sighed as he walked over to where Buu was sitting, who was already eating one of the pudding cups.

"Excuse me, Majin Buu," Beerus said, causing the fat pink creature to look at him for a moment, though he did so after he had swallowed the scoop of pudding he had pulled out of the cup he was focused on, "Would you mind sharing a few of those pudding cups with me and my family?"

"No," Buu relied, to which he pulled another scoop out of the cup he was currently eating and devoured it, while at the same time ignoring Beerus altogether, "All belong to Buu!"

Beerus glared at Majin Buu for a few moments, knowing that in another time line he would have lashed out at Buu for not sharing the pudding with him, but instead he took a deep breath and walked away from the table for a few seconds, to which he walked back over to where Chronoa was sitting. Fortunately Chronoa knew what Beerus was thinking, as she got up and collected the package that she had prepared for today, before the two of them returned to where Buu was sitting, though at the same time Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale followed after their parents. The Z Warriors, however, watched the group as they approached the table that Buu was sitting at, to which they wondered what was going to happen next... and if a fight was going to break out.

"Majin Buu, allow me to offer you a trade," Beerus said, to which Chronoa set the package down and opened it, where everyone noticed that she had prepared some pudding that looked more special than what Bulma had ordered, "My beloved Chronoa makes some of the most delicious Chocolate Trifle cups that I have ever tasted, though I am willing to trade a few cups for some of the cups that you have."

Buu stared at Beerus for a few seconds, as if he was considering what he had just heard, before glancing at one of the cups that Chronoa had made before she and the others had come to Earth, to which he picked one up at Gale's urging and scooped some into his mouth. Buu remained that way for a few more seconds, chewing on the bit he had put into his mouth before eventually swallowing it and remaining his stare, which caused Gale and the others to worry for a moment. A few seconds later Buu smiled and carefully pushed the tray of pudding he had taken towards Beerus, who gladly accepted the tray as Chronoa moved the package she had prepared in front of Buu... though as the two gods moved back towards their table both Rainbow and Applejack knew something was up.

The sisters returned to their table and gladly accepted the cups that were passed to them, though Gale looked at Rainbow and Applejack for a few seconds, who were silently eating the pudding that was in front of them while they thought about what had just happened. Gale was still new to the family, so she had no idea that their father had been sleeping since they first entered the enchanted sleep that their mother had put them in, but at the same time they had learned something interesting. Chronoa had made the same Chocolate Trifle only a few times in the past, the first time being when she created the dessert while all the other times were when specific events happened... though none of the times she made any were when their father were around.

Beerus, unaware of what he had just done, continued to eat his pudding and see what the dessert tasted like when it was made on Earth, instead of being made by his beloved Chronoa, who was smiling as she watched the rest of the group while they ate their pudding.

"Hey dad, I have a question." Rainbow said, though at the same time she focused her gaze on the pudding that was in front of her, though at the same time she could tell that Applejack was nodding her head a tiny bit, indicating that her sister was silently agreeing with what she was doing.

"Really?" Beerus said, though as he said that he wiped his mouth clean with a napkin and put the spoon down beside the cup, before he turned towards Rainbow, as he was curious as to what sort of question she could have, "Go ahead and ask away."

"How long have you been awake?" Rainbow asked, though as the question reached the ears of everyone around them, however, everyone else stopped what they were doing and looked at the group, though all of them had a look of curiosity on their faces.

Beerus paused for a moment, wondering what he had said or what he had done that had tipped off his daughters to the fact that he had been awake the entire time, but instead of freaking out he merely coughed and collected his thoughts, while at the same time studying everyone that was looking at them... or, more specifically, looking at him.

"W... What makes you think that I've been awake for more than a few hours?" Beerus replied in kind, hoping to figure out what he had done before he said anything more, especially since Whis and Shin were a little shocked by the fact that one of his daughters had sniffed his lie out.

"Easy," Rainbow replied, to which she beckoned to the pudding that Buu had been eating, the special one that their mother only made for special occasions, "you knew about mom's special Chocolate Trifle, something that she only makes every now and then depending on what's happening around us."

"The first time mom let us taste it was when she nailed the flavor and mastered the dessert," Applejack explained, adding her two cents to the conversation, while at the same time knowing that the others wanted some information on what was going on, "that was years ago, when we returned from Namek after Frieza was defeated. Two other times she made the dessert were when we defeated Cell and Kid Buu, and there were a few other instances where she brought out the Chocolate Trifle. Basically Rainbow's saying that you could have only known about the dessert if you've been awake for longer than a day..."

Beerus stared at his daughters for a moment, wondering if he should just confess to being awake for more than a few hours at most, before noticing that the Z Warriors were also staring at his table, as if they were expecting him to either confirm or deny Rainbow's question. After a few seconds he sighed and knew that this was all his fault for Rainbow and Applejack figuring out his secret so easily, especially after all the trouble he and the others went through to keep it a secret from them since they woke up.

"I woke up a few days before you did," Beerus finally replied, to which a look of shock appeared on both Rainbow and Applejack's faces, though not a few seconds later the rest of the Z Warriors were wearing the same face, as they were also shocked by his declaration, "which also happened to be a few days before Vegeta landed on Earth all those years ago."

"Why?" Rainbow asked, though at the same time some tears appeared in her eyes, because she had to wonder what they had done wrong to spend all these years apart from their father, all while he had apparently been watching them the entire time, "What did we do to deserve growing up without you?"

"Beerus wanted the two of you to grow up without him always standing over you and intimidating your enemies," Chronoa commented, causing the girls to turn towards her for a moment, while at the same time Vegeta nodded his end in understanding, as he had pieced together what was going on, "All four of us, especially Beerus, sacrificed our own happiness so the two of you could grow into the fighters that you are today, as you are strong and independent... and you accomplished your current level of power with your own training and determination. If Beerus had been watching over you Frieza would have run away and Namek wouldn't have been destroyed, Cell would have been put down before he even started his rampage, and Majin Buu would have either been erased or gained the power to destroy the entire universe... what I mean is that, by staying on the sidelines and observing you, your father gave the two of you the time you needed to learn your own fighting styles and develop your own skills."

"So you knew what happened on Namek," Applejack said, to which she sighed as she leaned back against her chair, though while she knew that Rainbow was upset, and was wiping some of the tears from her eyes, she understood why their father had done what he did, "What was the point of going to sleep for the prophecy, when you were just going to wake up before the appointed time and watch over us?"

"Prophecy?" Gale asked, though at the same time she could tell that there were others that were interesting in what they were talking about, as some people understood why Beerus had decided to let his daughters go on their own adventure without him backing them, "What prophecy?"

"Thirty-nine years ago our Seer, the Oracle Fish, told Beerus that an arch-rival would appear on this exact day," Whis answered, though as he spoke up he smiled at the group, as it appeared that everyone was gathering around their table to hear what they were discussing, "Four years ago, after the defeat of Kid Buu, Beerus admitted that he was having dreams that involved him fighting someone that he called a 'Super Saiyan God', though he never figured out who this mysterious Saiyan was."

"Then why don't you ask Shenron who this Super Saiyan God is?" Bulma asked, to which everyone looked over at her for a moment, while some of them nodded their head in understanding, especially since they knew that Beerus had won a few minutes ago, "I mean, you won the Dragon Balls, so it should be easy for the Eternal Dragon to answer your question and call this Super Saiyan God to Earth... or take you to where he is."

Beerus was a little surprised that Bulma was so willing to have her party interrupted in such a manner, though as he opened his mouth to say something he noticed that Rainbow and Applejack, who had been devastated by the truth in their own way, were now curious about the Super Saiyan God. When he considered that the only gods his daughters had encountered were him, Chronoa, Shin, and Whis, he had to think that part of the reason behind their curiosity was because they wanted to meet whoever this person was. Chronoa, on the other hand, tapped his shoulder, the silent indication that he should give it a try and that if Shenron knew nothing it wasn't like they were wasting time... to which he sighed and nodded his head.

That was followed by Beerus and his family taking the seven Dragon Balls, one a piece oddly enough, and followed Bulma up to the pool area that was above where the party had been taking place... though when they arrived at their destination they put them down in a pile and backed away, leaving Beerus in front of the wish granting orbs.

"Come forth, Shenron," Beerus called out, remembering the incantation, if it could even be called that, that was necessary to summon the Eternal Dragon from the Dragon Balls, "and grant my wish!"

Beerus watched as the Dragon Balls started to glow brighter than they had been a few seconds ago, though that was quickly followed by them being consumed by a flash of light that ascended into the sky, while causing everyone to hold their breath in anticipation. At the same time the sky turned darker than it had been seconds ago, the common sign that the Dragon Balls were being used, before the light coiled around itself as the head of the light surged down towards the area they were all standing in. Beerus then watched as the light changed form and took on the appearance of Shenron, who first made sure that he was coiled around himself, like he usually was whenever he was summoned, before he got to saying the phrase he said whenever he was summoned.

"I am the Eternal Dragon. I shall grant thee..." Shenron called out, though as he spoke he glanced down at the group that had summoned him, to which he noticed a certain someone that was standing at the head of the group, and near the Dragon Balls no less, "B... B... Beerus-sama, its a pleasure to meet you."

"Its a pleasure to meet you as well, Shenron," Beerus replied, though at the same time he offered the Eternal Dragon a friendly smile, while noticing that, despite the fact that he was being friendly, Shenron was definitely scared of him.

"Now then, what wish can I grant for you?" Shenron asked, though this time he was all business, because he didn't want to push his luck and ruin Beerus' mood, as he was in a great mood today.

"First, I have a question," Beerus said, knowing that he wanted to be sure that he wasn't freaking out over a dream and chasing a fighter that didn't exist, "Do you know what a Super Saiyan God is?"

"Yes, I do," Shenron replied, though at the same time he nodded his head, using the motion to confirm what he was telling the God of Destruction.

"Well that's good to know," Beerus stated, to which a smile appeared on his face, because he knew that his dreams hadn't mislead him, before he got serious once more, "Is it possible for you to call one to Earth, or to tell me where this fighter is located so I can find him for myself?"

"I cannot do either of those things, because a Super Saiyan God does not exist at the moment." Sheron answered, though at the same time he noticed a slightly confused look appear on Beerus' face, to which he held back his fear and spoke again, "Super Saiyan God is a deity that can only be formed by Saiyans temporarily, though I shall explain what I mean. A Super Saiyan God is a savior created by chance by a handful of righteous Saiyans, who long ago questioned the evil actions of their fellow Saiyans, and lead a revolt against them. This savior had immense power, and dispatched the evil Saiyans in no time at all, but shortly thereafter, they returned to normal, as their power had been used up. This legend was erased from history and the few that knew about it were slain in the destruction of Planet Vegeta... though I will tell you how this vanished legend goes."

Beerus' eyes widened for a moment, as the prospect of actually fulfilling the prophecy excited him to no end, though at the same time he could tell that everyone else, even his daughters, were excited to hear what Shenron had to tell them about the ancient legend.

"The legend goes like this; 'Five Saiyans who possess righteous hearts join hands, and by instilling light into another righteous Saiyan, they shall become a Saiyan God.'" Shenron said, recalling the legend with ease, while at the same time offering the group a smile as he faced the Destroyer God, "I have given you the method. Farewell."

The group watched as Shenron gathered the seven Dragon Balls, flew into the sky, and disappeared as the seven wish granting orbs scattered like they did whenever someone used them, though as the sky cleared up Beerus was pleased that he had gotten an answer from the Eternal Dragon. Since Tarble was in a nearby star system, he could have Shin pay him a visit and see if he would be willing to spend some time on Earth, giving Beerus the chance to fight a Super Saiyan God, just like the prophecy and his dreams had said he would. Though the question remained; would he fight Goku or Vegeta... or would they ask the Saiyans of Asgard for assistance and come at him as a pair. Beerus honestly had no idea what the two Saiyans were going to do, though at the same time he was excited to see what they decided to do in regards to the situation they had found themselves in.

Beerus smiled as he faced the group, because it appeared that this party was going to be even more exciting than he originally thought it was going to be.

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