• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: Babidi's Spaceship

Nappa smiled to himself as he flew over the sea that rested between where the World Martial Arts Tournament was being held and the landmass that Babidi's spaceship was located on. He was pleased with how well things were turning out for him, as he had been paired with Vegeta and discovered that his former partner's pure heart was still intact, meaning that he could use Vegeta's power to help awaken Majin Buu. His original plan was to have Yamu and Spopovich battle some of the Z Warriors and draw out their power, so they could harness it and run off to Babidi to begin the awakening process, but this was one of those rare instances where he was okay with one of his plans being ruined... as this time he would be able to bring Babidi's desire to life all that much faster.

Thinking about Babidi reminded him that he would need to have to check in with the evil villain that had resurrected him, to which he emptied his mind for a moment and let his body fly on autopilot... while his mind established the connection that he had been taught how to use.

Babidi-sama, are you there? Nappa mentally asked, the question surging towards the destination that Majin Buu's ball was being held in, It's Nappa speaking.

Oh, I was not expecting to hear from you so soon. came the response a few seconds later, though at the same time the small warlock had no doubt walked over to his crystal ball so he could see what Nappa was doing, Tell me, what happened at the World Martial Arts Tournament? I would hate to think that i resurrected you, only to have you turn tail and flee without gathering any energy.

I have something much better than Yamu's empty container, Nappa remarked, to which his grin widened as he felt Vegeta following him, as it appeared that the other Saiyan hadn't realized that he and his friends were walking into their ultimate trap, Vegeta and I were paired up as the first match in the tournament and I had a chance to sample his full power.

Well, it sounds like you had some fun before leaving the island. Babidi commented, his tone making it appear that he was actually interested in what was happening, but Nappa knew that he was focusing on one thing at the moment, So what made you change your plans?

Vegeta's pure power should be enough to awaken Majin Buu, without needing any additional energy from anyone else. Nappa replied, to which he could almost imagine the look on Vegeta's face when he realized that he was responsible for awakening the dreaded Majin Buu, I couldn't allow his energy to go to waste, so I called off both the match and our operation, before starting the journey back to your spaceship.

Good thinking. Babidi said, knowing exactly what Nappa was planning, as it had been one of his last ditch efforts to gather the necessary energy, but it appeared that it would be the main plan after all, Which Stage would you prefer to fight on?

The Fourth Stage. Nappa immediately answered, as he had considered the possibility of this plan being put into action and already knew what to do this time around, Being on the Fourth Stage will allow me and Vegeta to fight one on one without having to worry about anyone else interrupting us, as they'll be busy dealing with the other Gatekeepers. Since Vegeta's friends are not far behind us I have an idea on how to keep them busy; we have Yamu and Spopovich stand guard with Pui Pui on the First Stage. I'm sure that the guardian of the Second Stage will have to deal with being alone, until someone comes to challenge him anyway.

Yes, Yakon should be able to stall anyone that makes it to the Second Stage. Babidi said, though his tone made it clear that Nappa's plans seemed to be having a good impact on what they were trying to do, And what about the Third Stage?

Simple, Nappa commented, to which his grin widened for a moment, as this would be the perfect way to test a certain member of the party that was following them, we have Dabura enter the Meditation Chamber and prepare himself before I arrive with Vegeta. If I know the Z Warriors they might be able to make it through the First and Second Stages, but Dabura will be able to stall anyone who makes it that far... giving me enough time to siphon all the energy we need from Vegeta.

I must say, I am impressed that you managed to piece together such a plan after your last one fell apart by chance. Babidi said, though there was some hint of praise in his voice, as he didn't want to turn Nappa against him, Very well, seeing how you managed to orchestrate the destruction of multiple planets, without anyone catching on, I shall trust you with the task of draining Vegeta dry. I will inform Dabura and have him ready to go when you and your 'guests' arrive at our front door.

Nappa chuckled as he opened his eyes and continued flying, because it appeared that everything was going his way this time around, and nothing appeared to be leaning in Vegeta's favor. He was sure that if it wasn't for those two pony girls he would have beaten Vegeta all those years ago, along with the Z Warriors for that matter, and would have killed off the planet's population before selling the planet to Frieza. Such a thing was no longer possible for him, so his new dream was to destroy everything that Vegeta cared about, erase this pitiful planet with Majin Buu's power, and then find his way to Asgard... just to show the dead Saiyans that he wasn't to be underestimated.

"God dammit Nappa," Vegeta shouted, causing Nappa to look back at him for a moment, where he found that the other Saiyan appeared to be growing impatient with him once more, which brought back some fond memories, "We've gone far enough. Just land already so we can pick up where we left off!"

"But Vegeta, we'll be at our destination in a few minutes," Nappa replied, knowing that they were actually an hour or two away from the spaceship, which would definitely give Dabura all the time he needed to reach his full power, "just suck it up and wait... we'll be fighting again in no time."

Vegeta growled as he followed after Nappa, though in order to conserve his strength he had dropped back down to his base form, as flying through the air in his Super Saiyan 2 form would have burned him out. He planned on unleashing his full power the moment they landed in whatever area Nappa wanted to fight in, though he had the feeling that it was going to be close to where Majin Buu was being held. His primary objective was to stop Nappa while the others dealt with Babidi and his forces... then he would join them and make sure Majin Buu never woke up.

Two hours later Nappa arrived at the location of Babidi's spaceship, which was currently buried underground so they could remain hidden from those that were looking for Majin Buu's ball. Nappa could tell that Vegeta was pissed off, which was a good thing as it would blind him for the most part, though he could also detect that the other Saiyan was pleased to find out that they had actually arrived at their destination. Once he passed by the small peak that was in front of the buried spaceship, and spotted the entrance he had been heading towards, Nappa descended towards the ground... where he noticed that the door was opening and Pui Pui happened to be walking outside.

Nappa smiled as he touched the ground in front of Pui Pui, who wasn't surprised to see that he was the first to arrive thanks to the information that Babidi had told him, before they both noticed that Vegeta landed a few steps behind them.

"The Fourth Stage has been prepared for your arrival," Pui Pui commented, not even bothering to look at Vegeta at the moment, as he was more interested in telling Nappa that his arena was ready, "Make sure you take his energy."

"Don't worry, I plan on taking everything from him." Nappa replied, though his voice was much lower, so only Pui Pui could hear him, before he turned and faced Vegeta, "Come inside Vegeta. I have an entire arena prepared for the two of us to fight in."

Vegeta growled as he followed Nappa into the entrance of what appeared to be a buried spaceship, to which the two of them descended down to the lowest level of the ship, before landing on what he assumed was the Fourth Stage. The entrance they had passed through closed before his eyes, though before he could question anything the room shifted until they were standing in what appeared to be a mountain range... exactly like one of the ones they had passed to get to the buried spaceship. He spotted Nappa dropping into his battle stance and he did the same thing, before the two of them charged at each other and started throwing punches and kicks.

At the same time, however, Babidi and Dabura looked down at the crystal ball that Babidi was holding, as he was surprised to find that the other fighter could even match Nappa's moves... but he was expecting great things today.

"It's a shame that there's no evil in Vegeta's heart," Babidi commented, to which he set the ball back on its stand and made his way towards the door that would allow them to reach the First Stage, where they could greet the corrupted humans and tell them about the change in plans, "but that doesn't matter at the moment. Soon Majin Buu will awaken from his slumber... and I will finally get my revenge on the Kaioshin."

As the pair walked outside another group arrived at their front door, though this time it was Yamu and Spopovich, which meant that the Z Warriors weren't far behind.

Shin, noticing that their targets had descended towards the ground, called for everyone to slow down and descend as well, to which the group landed on the peak that overlooked the area the two men had flown down into. He immediately spotted what appeared to be the tip of Babidi's ship, which meant that the rest was buried under the ground, and that some of the guards were already gathering around the entrance. Once everyone had landed Shin called for them to hide their ki for the moment, as he was sure that some of Babidi's minions could sense energy and he didn't want to give them away, in the off chance that Nappa hadn't warned anyone about him and the others.

He also didn't see either of the two Saiyans anywhere, which had to mean that they were already inside the ship, no doubt fighting with each other and trying to kill their opponent. He was glad that Gohan had asked Videl to head back to the tournament grounds, as she would be much safer there, and he was thankful that Goku had acquired a bag of Senzu Beans while they were flying, as he suspected that they might need some in the near future.

"Someone is coming out of the ship." Kibito commented, though his statement caused everyone to look at the spaceship's entrance and focus on it, allowing Shin to leave his thoughts and return to the task at hand.

A few seconds later a large muscular person with red skin, who happened to be wearing a blue suit with a white cape, stepped out of the entrance, though in front of him floated a small person that had a wicked smile on his face. Shin immediately recognized Babidi, as he looked so much like Bibidi, though he was a tiny bit shocked to find out that Dabura was here as well. If it hadn't been for the fact that he had prepared for this day, and trained for six years with Beerus teaching him how to be a better fighter than he had been, he was sure that the sight of Dabura would have sent shivers down his spine... but he didn't feel scared at all, which meant that part of his training had been successful.

"Dabura, King of the Demon Realm." Shin said, looking down at the evil duo as Babidi questioned his men about what actually happened at the tournament grounds, which meant that he partially knew what had happened and likely knew that he and his friends were on their way to this location, "I was not expecting Babidi to have such a strong and evil person serving as his right hand man... this makes things slightly more complicated for us at the moment."

"I'm not even going to ask what the Demon Realm is," Krillin commented, though at the same time he felt much safer in the company of Rainbow and Applejack, as the two pony girls were incredibly powerful and could likely take this Dabura down in a matter of seconds.

Shin was sure that Krillin didn't want to know about the Demon Realm anyway, to which he and the others focused on the people that were standing in front of the spaceship's entrance. It appeared that Babidi was scolding the two men for allowing Nappa to run off without allowing them to gather any energy, but Shin suspected that something was up. He knew that Babidi had to be acting, as if he was truly displeased he would have blown either Yamu or Spopovich up in some manner, before doing in the other human. The fact that Babidi hadn't done that meant that they were potentially walking into a trap, to which he beckoned for everyone to give themselves a little space between them and the rest of the group, just in case Dabura decided to attack them or something.

Some time passed before Yamu and Spopovich, as well as some guy that was wearing a white colored chest piece with a black suit covering the rest of his body, walked into the entrance of the buried spaceship and disappeared... though a moment later Babidi followed after them, leaving Dabura alone outside. A few seconds passed before Dabura rushed through the air and stopped when he was right in front of where the group was standing, though his left hand was pointed in Kibito's direction. Before anyone could actually react to what was happening, however, Dabura let a wicked grin appear on his face as his energy gathered around the palm of his hand... to which he released a burst of energy that consumed Kibito in an instant, killing him without giving him the chance to fight back.

"KIBITO!" Shin shouted, to which he turned towards Dabura with a look of pure anger in his eyes, though at the same time he was sure that Beerus had felt the same way when one of the girls was killed.

Dabura chuckled as he floated a bit higher into the air and studied them, as if he was determining who was the weakest of the group, before grinning as he focused on Krillin and spat at him, where the bit of spit landed on his cheek. Piccolo, being the first one to react, charged at Dabura and threw a punch at him, but the Demon King dodged the attack and spat at Piccolo's chest, causing him to return to the top of the peak they had been standing on. The group watched as both Krillin and Piccolo's bodies started turning the color of stone... and that the parts that were stone colored stopped moving, indicating that they were turning into stone statues.

Once the two of them had stopped moving, however, the group turned towards Dabura, who was chuckling as he returned to the spaceship's entrance... though he did so in a manner that was meant to provoke them into following him into the buried ship.

"I had heard that Dabura's saliva could turn people to stone, but I have never seen it in action," Shin commented, though at the same time he glared down at the entrance of the spaceship, knowing that if it weren't for the fact that Majin Buu's ball was somewhere beneath them, as well as Vegeta, he would have asked Rainbow and Applejack to combine their powers and obliterate the entire place, "but there is a way to return our friends to their original state; we kill Dabura."

"Then let's follow him inside and take care of business," Gohan said, already feeling angry over the fact that they had lost one member of their group and two more had been turned to stone in the process.

Goten and Trunks, who had watched some of their friends turn to stone, were tempted to touch the statues, but Shin asked them not to, as if they destroyed the stone statues they would be unable to return either of them to how they had been before Dabura had turned them to stone. With that in mind the group leapt into the air and headed towards the entrance that was in front of them, leaving the two statues behind for the moment. When they reached the entrance they noticed that there was a long tunnel in front of them, to which they took turns heading into the tunnel... though when one of them reached the end of the tunnel they moved to the side to allow the others some room when they reached the end.

The room they found themselves in was a decent sized circular room, one that had a single door with the same emblem that Nappa, Yamu, and Spopovich had been wearing on their foreheads... though once they were all in the room the entrance they had passed through sealed itself a few seconds later.

"So, it appears that we'll have to fight our way down to Vegeta and Nappa," Applejack commented, realizing exactly why the spaceship had been designed in this manner, though at the same time they all had gathered that much from what Shin had told them so far, "I wonder who our first opponent will be."

"That would be us." a voice said, to which the armored person they had seen earlier stepped into the room, from the closed door that had opened while they weren't looking at it, but he was accompanied by Yamu and Spopovich, "Welcome to the First Stage of Babidi-sama's spaceship. Normally we would send a single warrior at you and keep you from moving forward, but with the large amount of people you have brought we thought it was best to bring some of our greatest warriors to this Stage... which will be as far as you go. Now, bring forth your first group of fighters and bare witness to the power that Babidi-sama has given us."

"You know what, I actually feel sorry for the three of you." Goku commented, to which he beckoned to Goten, Trunks, and Gale for a moment, though while the trio of villains had no idea what he meant the rest of the group knew what he was going to say, "The three youngest fighters in our group, who happen to be children, could easily take all three of you out on their own... even if they split you up and fight you one on one."

"Please, don't make me laugh." Pui Pui said, to which he and his companions laughed for a moment, as they couldn't believe that Goku had made that claim without even seeing their strength, before he grew serious, "I have fought and defeated plenty of children while serving under Babidi-sama... but if you want them to be taken out first we can do that, though don't come crying to me when they're beaten into the ground."

"Are you sure that you want to fight here?" Trunks asked, as while he was fine with the room being their arena he felt it was a little small, especially with their entire group standing near the wall that was opposite of the door that their opponents had walked through, "We'll end up destroying the entire room if we go all out... and maybe the entire floor beneath us while we're at it."

Before Pui Pui could say anything the room shifted, quickly becoming one of the many wastelands that he and the others had seen while they were scouting out the planet for a prime place to land and hide the ship. He, Yamu, and Spopovich already knew that the fight between Nappa and Vegeta would produce the necessary energy to resurrect Majin Buu, which meant that they were going to try and hold the group here with the best of their abilities. He suspected that both of the corrupted men were hoping to battle someone with a decent power to them, so that the damage they inflicted would be turned into additional energy for the ball that Majin Buu was locked inside, but it appeared that they would have to deal with some children first.

Pui Pui had to chuckle for a moment, as Babidi-sama had shifted them to an area where their fighting wouldn't damage the spaceship, thus allowing all of them to fight at their full power.

"Now you don't have to worry about wrecking the rest of the ship," Pui Pui said, to which he faced the fighters with a smile on his face, before he raised a hand and beckoned them to step forward, "So, which of the runts will step forward first and do battle with me?"

"I will, just so we don't have to listen to you anymore," Trunks replied, to which he stepped forward and approached Pui Pui, while at the same time those that weren't fighting leapt up onto the plateaus around them and eagerly waited to see what happened next, "Though I will tell you one thing... I'll be finished with you in two to three minutes."

With that said Trunks opened himself to his full power and went Super Saiyan, as he already knew that he would need to be in his transformed state if he wanted to quickly beat his opponent. Pui Pui didn't seem to concerned by Trunk's transformation, as he started jumping around the area they were in and posed every time he landed, which reminded Trunks of the story his father told him, about the Ginyu Force and their strange poses. He briefly wondered if his opponent had been a potential recruit for the evil force, considering that he was now allied with Babidi, but then tossed that thought away... as his father and his friends would have destroyed him if he was in Frieza's army.

A few seconds later Pui Pui charged at him and threw a punch in his direction, though Trunks merely caught the attack and forced his opponent backwards, causing him to growl and lanuch another attack at him. For the next few seconds Trunks did what his father would have done in this situation, dodge the attacks that were coming his way and study his opponent, though he grinned as he caught Pui Pui's right leg when he tried to kick him. Trunks seized the opportunity that was presented to him and started rapidly punching his opponent in the chest, knocking the wind out of him, kicking him in the chest and sending him flying into the rock wall behind him.

When Pui Pui charged out of the smoke he repeated the same movements that had put him in the rock wall a few seconds ago, to which Trunks sighed as he fell back into the steps he had used to sent his opponent flying. It didn't take Trunks long to send Pui Pui into another rock wall, but this time he intended to finish the fight like his father would, to which he brought both of his arms out, almost as if he was getting ready to give someone a big hug. Once he had gathered enough ki he smiled, as he had seen his father use a version of this attack while they were training in Asgard, though his father called his technique the 'Final Flash'.

"Double Buster!" Trunks called out, though at the same time he brought both of his hands in front of him and launched the energy he had been gathering.

A golden beam of energy burst out from where Trunks was standing and raced towards where Pui Pui was resting, though he was unaware of the danger he was in until the last second, which was when he pulled his head free from the rock wall he had been sent into. The moment his head was free a look of shock crossed his face before the beam of energy consumed him, detonating the instant it came into contact with him, which generated a blast that took out the entire wall he had been knocked into. A few seconds later Trunks sighed and powered down, as there was no sign of his opponent's energy and as the smoke cleared it was clear that he had taken out his foe... exactly like he had promised him.

"That little runt... I'll kill him!" Spopovich said, to which he leapt into the air and landed in front of the ruined wall that Pui Pui had been struck into, though that was followed by him pointing at Trunks for a moment, "Say your prayers... because soon you'll be dead!"

"Great, another idiot enters the ring," Trunks commented, to which he turned his back to Spopovich and walked back to where his group was located, though there was one other thing he felt he had to say, "It's your turn Goten."

Goten, who had been watching his friend fight, nodded as he went Super Saiyan and flew down into the area that Trunks had been standing in a few seconds ago, though he did respectfully bow to his opponent. Spopovich, on the other hand, sensed an opportunity and charged at Goten, where he raised his foot and kicked at the young child that had left himself open. His kick was stopped in its tracks as Goten raised a hand to stop it, causing his opponent to sweat for a few seconds before he pushed the leg back and jumped into the air, where he kicked Spopovich in the chest. Goten knew that he was slightly weaker than Trunks, and he was okay with that considering that they were both children and had only started training a few years ago, but he smiled as his opponent staggered backwards after being kicked in the chest.

Despite the damage he had already taken Spopovich went on the offensive, attacking Goten with a rapid series of attacks that would have taken out any ordinary fighter in a matter of seconds, but Goten was no ordinary fighter. Thanks to the training that his father and his friends had given him so far, which was mostly just the basics and some control lessons, he was able to dodge attacks and throw his own in when the time was right. While they fought Gohan, who was watching with the others, determined that Pui Pui had to be the strongest of the trio, as Spopovich was barely doing anything to his brother and couldn't keep up with his speed.

Gohan was able to deduce that allowing Trunks, Goten, and Gale to fight first had been the right move, as the three opponents they were fighting appeared to be the weakest in Babidi's army... meaning that the stronger foes had to be on the Stages below them.

A few seconds later Spopovich was knocked backwards by Goten, though as he started to regain his senses, however, Goten decided that playtime was over and that he needed to finish the fight quickly. That was followed by Goten bringing his hands together by the right side of his body and starting to gather his ki, while at the same time preparing the attack that his father and his brother used all the time when they were training.

"Kamehame..." Goten said, to which his ki flickered as his attack phased into existence between his hands, though he followed that up with leveling his hands with his opponent and loosing the attack, "HAAAAAA!"

The attacked rushed forward and struck Spopovich in the chest, sending him flying towards the rocks behind him with the entirety of Goten's attack baring down on him. When he struck the rocks, however, Goten's Kamehemeha detonated, causing an explosion that rocked the entire area for a few seconds, just like what Trunks had done a few minutes ago. Goten waited for a few seconds before the smoke cleared, though once he saw no signs of his opponent or his ki he returned to his base form and flew up to where his friends and family were waiting. As he and Trunks were praised for their skills in a real battle, however, Gale let out a sigh as she floated down into the area in front of them... to which she set her sights on Yamu, who seemed convinced that this was a bad idea, especially since his allies had been defeated by mere children.

"I shall not make the same mistake that those two made," Yamu commented, to which he held his fists up, indicating that he still wanted to fight, which only made Gale shake her head as she landed on the ground near him.

Not a moment later Yamu flashed through the air and appeared above Gale, to which he brought his right arm back with the intention of hitting her in the head in order to gain control over the situation. What actually happened was that when he swung his arm Gale simply moved out of the way and let the attack move passed her, though once that was done she balled her fist and struck Yamu in the chest. Before Yamu had a chance to correct himself Gale grabbed onto his leg and pulled him through the air, to which she spun him for a few seconds before tossing him towards another rock wall, creating another hole that caused the entire wall to collapse on top of him.

She waited for a few seconds before her opponent charged out of the rock pile and charged at her again, though this time she simply closed her eyes and allowed Yamu to tell her where he was with his movements. Yamu, as she had quickly discovered, was the type of opponent who rushed around the battlefield in an attempt to find his opponent's blind spot and end the fight in a single go. His movements caused the wind around Gale to move ever so slightly, but she was already attuned to her elemental affinity and could tell where he was the moment he appeared... to which she spun around and planted the side of her left hoof against Yamu's face, sending him flying through the air once more, to which she heard him collide with another rock wall.

Once that was done, and she had showed off one of her tricks, Gale opened her eyes and gathered some of her ki around her body, to which the wind listened to her orders and surged around her body. A few seconds later she started to gather the wind in the palm of her hand, though when she had enough of it she locked the wind down in the shape of a spinning sphere of ki energy. The instant that the attack was ready, and she could see that Yamu was only starting to pull himself from the rock wall, Gale raced towards her opponent and slammed the sphere into his chest before he could free himself. The moment the sphere hit Yamu's chest the ki energy inside it was released, to which the ki lashed out and carved a circle of damage in her opponent's chest... though Gale was sure that the attack had also wrecked several of his internal organs in the process.

The instant the attack was finished, and she could tell that the others were shocked by the fact that she had chosen to end the battle like that, Gale pulled herself back and returned to the group... though before anyone could comment on her victory they wanted as Yamu's body expanded for a few seconds before finally exploding.

"Don't worry, that wasn't due to your attack," Shin commented, though at the same time he noticed that the scenery had changed back to the room they had been in and that the way forward was open, to which he and the others made their way over to it and started their descent to the lower level, "Babidi has a habit of exploding those that have outlived their usefulness to him, as his counterpart Bibidi did multiple times while he was alive."

A few moments later they landed in what appeared to be the same room that they had just left, but Shin and Gohan were quick to point out that this was a different room, as the color of the floor was different than the one they had been in a few seconds ago. Once everyone was in the room the ceiling closed, indicating that they were trapped until they defeated their next challenger... to which a large green creature, that happened to walk on two legs and had two hands that had three claws apiece, stepped out with a look of hunger in its eyes.

"Which one of you should I devour first?" the creature asked, though at the same time it was eyeing all of them, as if it believed that it could take all of them down without being defeated by one of them.

"Shin, who is this guy?" Applejack asked, because if Shin knew about all of the other enemies he had named so far, like Dabura and Babidi for instance, then he should be able to tell them who was standing in front of them.

"Maju Yakon, or just Yakon to most people," Shin commented, looking at the creature and feeling only pity for it, because while evil may indeed live in Yakon's heart he didn't deserve what would be coming his way, "He is incredibly strong and is considered to be the most fearsome of all the demon beasts of the universe... though he should be a good opponent for you, Goku."

Goku grinned as he walked away from the group and approached the large green monster, because if the Supreme Kai of the universe said that this opponent had to be incredible that meant that he was going to have a good fight. Yakon, sensing that the battle was about to begin, charged at Goku and swung at him, forcing the Saiyan to jump into the air for a few seconds. Yakon followed that up with flying after his prey and throwing a few punches at him, as well as using his tail to try and deal some damage, though as Goku headed back to the floor Yakon touched the ceiling and followed after him... to which he swung his arm and used the extended blade to cut into the fabric on his opponent's chest, creating a small diagonal slash on his clothing.

A few seconds later the room changed on them once more, though this time it turned to a nearly pitch dark area that would normally blind anyone, which told Shin that Babidi was hoping that this change would allow his fighter to dispose of all of them without allowing them to move forward.

Yakon disappeared from their view, what little of it remained anyway, and started chuckling to himself as he told them that this was his home world, Planet Ankoku, and claimed that all of them were going to die here. With that he charged at Goku from the ceiling of the area they were in, though at the last second Goku jumped into the air and avoided the attack, before kicking at the ground. Yakon burrowed into the ground and traveled some distance away from where Goku was standing, though as he burst into the air he looked around for his target, who seemed to have disappeared for the moment. A few seconds later Goku appeared behind him and slammed his fists into the back of his head, sending him right down into the ground he had emerged from a few seconds ago.

The next few minutes followed the same pattern, Yakon would run around the area and try to attack Goku from another angle, while at the same time Goku would react to his opponent's movements and hit him accordingly. Shin and the others were able to more or less make out what was going on, allowing them to watch Goku defend himself against Yakon's attacks and deal his own damage in return. Eventually Yakon stopped attacking and inquired as to how Goku was able to see him, to which Goku replied that it was through simple changes in the air current, similar to what Gale had done earlier, before stating that there was a better way to reveal the area around him... to which he went Super Saiyan and illuminated the area around him.

A few seconds later Yakon dropped down on the ground parallel to where Goku was standing and opened his mouth, to which he started to suck in the air around them... and, more importantly, the aura that was created by the Super Saiyan transformation. A couple of seconds passed before the aura around Goku was taken away from him and he was reverted back to his base form, though at the same time Yakon gulped down the energy he had stolen. Goku, noticing something about his opponent thanks to what had happened, smiled as he went right back into his Super Saiyan form, to which Yakon grinned as he opened his mouth and resumed chowing down on his Super Saiyan energy.

As Goku let Yakon feed on his energy he noticed something interesting, the more light energy that Yakon absorbed caused his body to inflate... though when Yakon reached a certain point Goku sent a surge of energy into the creature's mouth, to which he gulped it down and exploded thanks to all of the energy he had consumed.

The group praised Goku for his quick thinking, especially with an opponent that apparently ate the energy of light, while the Saiyan simply powered down and rubbed the back of his head. A moment later the way down to the next level opened for them, meaning that Goku had earned them the right to see who or what was waiting on the level below them. It took them a few seconds to reach the Third Stage of Babidi's spaceship, though as they landed in the room they all noticed that their opponent was already waiting for them this time around. Rainbow and Applejack were surprised to find that Dabura himself would be fighting them on this stage, though they did have to wonder who would be fighting the King of the Demon Realm.

"You have done well to get this far, but you shall go no further." Dabura said, to which he chuckled for a moment, before he stared at all of them and eyed each of them in turn, as if he was considering something, "So tell me, who will be my first opponent?"

Gohan wanted to say that he was going to be Dabura's opponent, because he was confident that he could defeat the Demon King if he put his mind to it, but when he looked at the group he found that there was someone else that wanted a piece of Dabura; Shin. He had known that Shin and Kibito must have been close, if the fury that was in the Kaioshin's eyes when Kibito had been killed by Dabura was any indication, and while his heart burned to free Piccolo and Krillin from their stone prisons he knew that it was unwise to argue with a God of Creation. Once he came to that realization he placed a hand on Shin's shoulder and backed away with the rest of the group, allowing Shin to avenge his fallen friend.

Shin, however, was thankful that Gohan was willing to let him fight Dabura instead of telling him to sit on the sidelines, as he had trained with Beerus for six years and would have hated to see his training been for nothing... to which he turned towards the King of the Demon Realm.

"Dabura, I will be your only opponent." Shin replied, to which he stepped forward and made sure to separate himself from the rest of the group, while at the same time he made sure that his opponent could see that he meant business.

Soon he would avenge Kibito and free both Piccolo and Krillin from the stone prisons that they had been put into... and then they would be one step closer to finding both Vegeta and Nappa, as well as stopping Babidi from reviving Majin Buu and unleashing a creature of pure evil back into the universe.

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