• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: Zarbon's Folly

Zarbon let out a sigh as he flew in the direction of Frieza's spaceship, his mind constantly returning to the unconscious Saiyan that he was carrying and the statements he had made before forcing Zarbon to transform into his uglier, and much more powerful, second form. Vegeta had mentioned that he had been planning on taking the Dragon Balls that Lord Frieza had already acquired, as well as taking the one that had been stolen from them by that rainbow haired girl. As Zarbon thought about that he quickly realized that Vegeta had no doubt followed the girl to wherever she and her comrades had taken the Dragon Ball they stolen, so he knew where to find it once he had the other six. That was assuming that Vegeta hadn't already found one of the remaining two Balls that Zarbon and the others would have been searching for had the pesky girl not interfered with their raid on the village.

The more he thought about the rainbow haired girl, Rainbow Dash he recalled her saying before leaving and causing Dodoria to chase after her, the more he realized that she was an odd creature. She appeared to be humanoid, like most of the creatures that Zarbon had seen during his many years while serving Lord Frieza, but what he found odd was the fact that her legs had ended in hooves, she had pony ears sticking out of her hair, and she had a tail that matched the color of her hair. Zarbon had never seen a creature like her before, which meant that there might be a nice planet out there that they hadn't discovered, packed full of creatures that looked and fought like Rainbow Dash. He had to wonder if Lord Frieza would even consider allowing such creatures to be a part of his army... or if he would just exterminate them for what one member of their race did to him.

For a moment or two he actually wondered if Rainbow Dash and Vegeta knew each other, but then decided to toss that idea in the trash the instant he finished thinking about it. Vegeta hadn't said anything about having any friends, as he had indicated that he preferred the 'lone wolf' type of lifestyle, which meant that he didn't want any friends or comrades anymore. Zarbon did, however, think it was a shame that Vegeta hadn't become an emotionless killer like Nappa had, because they could have used someone like him to further Lord Frieza's empire to the ends of the universe.

His thoughts were interrupted as he spotted someone else flying in the same direction as he was, though after a few seconds he realized that it was just Appule returning to the ship with his findings. Zarbon noticed that Appule seemed shocked or surprised about something, so after a few seconds of thought he changed his course and flew up beside the lower ranking soldier.

"Did you find a village?" Zarbon asked, hoping that Appule had some good news that would make Lord Frieza happy, as he had no idea what mood his Lord was going to be in once he told him about Vegeta.

"Yes, but it was attacked by someone else," Appule replied, glancing at the unconscious body of Vegeta for a few seconds, but decided not to say anything about the Saiyan at the moment, "I would have asked one of the survivors what happened to them, but there wasn't anyone left in the village."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Zarbon inquired, though he had the feeling that he knew exactly what Appule was talking about, which made him reconsider what Nappa had told him in their private discussions.

"Besides the damage to the buildings, I counted twenty to thirty holes in the ground," Appule stated, indicating that it was a large village that had been attacked, "Whoever attacked the village obliterated every single Namekian that was there, so its impossible to tell who attacked the village at this point."

"I think its safe to assume that Vegeta did the deed himself," Zarbon commented, recalling what Vegeta said about knowing where the other Dragon Balls were located, "He may not have made a comment about attacking a village, but he did say that he knew where we could find more than one of the wish granting spheres. Lord Frieza will be happy to have this information brought to his attention, but Vegeta needs some healing before he's ready for interrogation."

"Seriously, what happened to him?" Appule asked, noticing that Vegeta looked like he was about to die, which meant that he must have gotten into an intense fight with someone before Zarbon had found him.

"He caused me to transform," Zarbon stated, glaring at Appule to indicate that they weren't going to talk about it any further, "Let's get him back to the ship and tell Lord Frieza the good news."

Appule nodded and together the two of them continued towards the spaceship they had use to reach this planet, though they were both unaware of the person that was following behind them. Rainbow looked out from the plateau she had been hiding behind, as she had to hide before Zarbon's companion had spotted her, but she had remained undetected the entire time. She was thankful that none of Frieza's forces seemed to have the ability to sense ki, one of the basic lessons her father and Whis had taught both her and Applejack so many years ago, otherwise she would have been found out for sure.

The moment that Rainbow thought about her sister, and recalled what they were doing, she sensed that the ki of Krillin, Gohan, and Applejack had suddenly shot up out of nowhere, indicating that they had all received a decent power boost while they were visiting the Grand Elder... and that Applejack was the strongest of the three at the moment. Rainbow quickly decided to see if she could get the same power boost the next time she and the others were in the same area, before returning her attention to the task at hand and followed after Zarbon once more. She was going to have to be careful and keep an eye on Zarbon's companion, but with their attention solely on getting back to their spaceship she knew that she was safe.

She followed the pair for what seemed like an hour, as she discovered it was hard to tell the time on Namek when the planet had three suns that only moved when it was time for one to be replace by another one, but eventually they reached their destination; a large circular spaceship that reminded Rainbow of the one that had landed on Planet Meka during one of their birthday parties. Rainbow carefully landed on a nearby plateau and watched as Zarbon flew into the ship, carrying Vegeta while his companion followed him not a few seconds later. With nothing else to do until Vegeta fully recovered from his fight with Zarbon, besides stare at the ship, Rainbow made sure to position herself where someone wouldn't find her while still giving her a good view of the ship.

Once that was done she closed her eyes and started to meditate, which would allow her to pass the time while focusing on the ki of the various people in the ship, allowing her to keep an eye on her friend until he was ready to begin his part of the trick.

"How long do you think it will take for Vegeta to recover?" Zarbon asked, after having placed the unconscious Saiyan in the healing tank and ensuring that he was all ready to go, which was followed by the healing chemicals filling the pod as it was completely filled with water.

"An hour or two at the least," Appule replied, checking the controls and screens to be sure that Vegeta's vitals were okay, "He won't be at full power if he's given such a short amount of time in the healing tank, which will allow Lord Frieza to interrogate him without having to worry about being attacked in return."

"That is good to hear," Zarbon said, turning to make his way to Lord Frieza's personal room, where his Lord was no doubt thinking about what to do with the Dragon Balls once he had them all, "I shall deliver both of our reports to him... you just keep an eye on Vegeta until he's ready to be pulled from the tank."

"It will be as you command," Appule said, taking a brief moment to bow to his superior before returning to his work, to which Zarbon made his way outside the room they were in and left him to his work.

Zarbon was always surprised that Appule never aspired to be higher on the food chain, as he always did what he was told and never questioned any orders he was given. The man always looked death in the eyes and did what Lord Frieza asked of him, even if it sometimes meant that he might die to achieve whatever his Lord desired, yet he always came out on top. Zarbon wondered if Appule even had the potential to take the place of Dodoria, the now vacant third in command position that the fat bastard had filled, but in the end he decided to stop thinking about it. If Appule was happy where he was, near the bottom of the food chain, then Zarbon knew he couldn't complain, because sometimes he wished that more of the soldiers were as loyal as he was.

After a minute or two of walking Zarbon came to the door that would take him to his Lord's room, to which he stopped in front of it as he calmed his nerves down, before raising a hand and pressing a button on the keypad that was next to the door.

"Lord Frieza," Zarbon said, knowing that his Lord would be happy to hear the report he was about to give, while at the same time dreading what his reaction could be, "it is Zarbon."

"Come in." was all that followed Zarbon announcing that he was outside the door, to which he pulled his hand back as the door opened, allowing him to walk into the room.

Lord Frieza was currently floating in the air, staring outside the ship through the large dome that had been placed between his room and the exterior of the ship. He was wearing the same armor that everyone that worked for him wore, expect his chest plate was purple colored, indicating that he was the boss and that everyone else followed his orders. He had two horns coming out of the side of his head, one on the left side and one on the right side, while also having some sort of purple stone where his forehead was. He had the same number of fingers as everyone else on the ship, five on each hand, though he only had three toes on each of his feet for some reason, one that Zarbon wasn't willing to kill himself in order to learn.

Zarbon knew how imposing his Lord could be at any given time, which was why he bowed the moment his Lord turned in his direction, giving him the respect that he deserved.

"You may rise Zarbon," Frieza said, landing on the ground and watching as his second in command stood straight once more, which was much better suited for the conversation they were about to have, "Has a village been located?"

"Yes sir, Appule discovered one about an hour and a half from our current position," Zarbon replied, bracing himself for the reaction that would come with the bad news, "but when he investigated the village, to see whether it had a Dragon Ball or was just an ordinary settlement, he found that the village had been attacked by someone else."

"Did he question the survivors and find out what happened there?" Frieza asked, already not liking where this conversation was going, an this was only the beginning of the report.

"No sir, it appears that whoever attacked the village killed all of the villagers and obliterated their bodies," Zarbon answered, though at the same time he found a small smirk had graced his lips, "but while I was making my way back to the ship I was attacked by Vegeta. He made some rather bold claims at first, about killing Dodoria and knowing where to find the remaining three Dragon Balls, but he was able to back up those claims by pushing me to transform for the first time in almost thirty years."

"Is that so?" Frieza stated, as he remembered the last time he had actually seen Zarbon willingly transform into his other form, "If my memory is correct the last time you were forced to transform, when I wasn't watching anyway, was when you and Dodoria attacked and killed King Vegeta's wife."

"Y... you knew about that?" Zarbon said, though at the same time he instinctively gulped, because now he was definitely scared for his life at this point.

"Of course I did. Nothing happens in my empire without me knowing about it," Frieza replied, though he made a motion with his hands, one that told Zarbon to calm himself, "You saved me quite a bit of time by killing her when you did, because her death stopped King Vegeta from doing anything else while he dealt with his grief. Originally I had planned to take her out at the same time as her husband, but by weakening the King you made it so much easier for Nappa and the rest of our forces to work against the Saiyans. I shall overlook you going behind my back this one time... so if I catch you doing something like this again, without my approval, well, you know what will happen..."

"Y... yes sir," was all Zarbon as able to say, because after all this time he had thought that it was a well kept secret between him and Dodoria, but in the end he was glad to be alive.

"Now then, you were talking about your fight with Vegeta?" Frieza commented, indicating that it was time to get back on track, otherwise someone was going to die in the most painful way Frieza could think of.

"While Vegeta was overpowering me he mentioned how he killed Dodoria, learned the truth behind his mother's death, and taunted me with the location of the missing Dragon Balls," Zarbon replied, calming himself down while he spoke, "Once I had overpowered him, and nearly killed him, I picked him out of the crater that had been created around his fallen body and came back to the ship, in the off chance that there was some validity to what he had told me. I encountered Appule along the way and learned of the ruined village that had been discovered, to which I determined that Vegeta had to know about the missing Dragon Balls."

"Then am I correct in assuming that our little rogue is being healed at this very moment?" Frieza asked, to which Zarbon merely replied with a slight nod of his head, "Good, then in a few hours we'll have all seven Dragon Balls and I can wish for immortality. Did you, by chance, happen to encounter that insufferable Rainbow Dash while you were searching for any remaining villages?"

"No sir, it seems that she is either currently hiding from us," Zarbon replied, thought a second thought came to mind for the reason why he hadn't seen the strange girl since she had hit Dodoria, "or Vegeta could have killed her before dealing with Dodoria."

"Then until I see a body I'm going to assume that she's still alive," Frieza stated, before letting out a sigh, something that he didn't do very often, "Maybe she was the reason behind the odd foreboding feeling I've been having, before and after our arrival on this pitiful planet. In any case I have already called for the Ginyu Force to come to this planet and assist us, so they'll deal with this Rainbow Dash and anyone else that stands in my way."

"H... How soon until they arrive?" Zarbon asked, because while he thought that it was unnecessary for the Ginyu Force to come to this planet, considering most of their enemies had already been taken care of, he wasn't about to argue with his Lord over the decision.

"They should be arriving either by the end of the day or the beginning of tomorrow," Frieza said, waving his hand as if he was dismissing this part of the conversation, "Your only concern for the moment should be restoring Vegeta to a point where we can interrogate him and obtain the information we require from him."

"Yes sir," Zarbon replied, though he knew that this latest mission would simply be mostly sitting in his chair, walking around the ship for some exercise, and staring at Vegeta's unconscious body until Appule said he was ready.

With Lord Frieza up to date on what was going on, and Zarbon was made aware of the fact that the Ginyu's were on their way towards the planet, Zarbon made his way out of his Lord's room, pausing to take a look at the four Dragon Balls they had already claimed for a moment before leaving his Lord to his own devices. He was shocked to hear that the Ginyu Force had been called on before they had even touched down on Namek's surface, which meant that Lord Frieza's foreboding feeling must have unnerved him quite a bit. He also knew that if Vegeta didn't recover from the beating he had given him, and tell them where he hid the other Dragon Balls, then both he and Appule were as good as dead... and neither of them wanted that to happen to them.

The first hour passed quickly, as Zarbon busied himself by checking on the squad that was scanning the nearby planets and determining what they would be used for in the future. Some planets, according to the scans, had decent materials that the rest of the empire could use, while other planets were either deemed as housing to sell further down the line or worthless junk to be obliterated. Occasionally they found a 'worthless' planet and removed it from the universe, which always excited Lord Frieza when he had the opportunity to end an entire planet in one swift motion.

When the clock drew close to the two hour mark, and Zarbon was bored of watching the squad rate planets they hadn't been to yet, he withdrew from the room they were in and headed towards the healing pods, where he found Appule working the controls and keeping an eye on Vegeta's vitals. After a minute in Appule's presence, and staring at the unconscious Saiyan, Zarbon learned that Vegeta would soon be waking up, which meant that it was time to give Lord Frieza the good news. He bid Appule farewell for the moment and quickly made his way towards his Lord's room, repeating the command sequence to gain entry to the room before he stood behind his Lord.

"So, how is our traitorous Saiyan doing?" Frieza asked, though he remained standing with his eyes locked on the sky, as he knew that the Ginyu Force were on their way and he was looking forward to putting them to work.

"Appule says that Vegeta will be regaining consciousness shortly," Zarbon replied, though secretly he was pleased to hear the news himself, as it meant that neither of them were going to die.

"Good. Then its almost time to ask him where he's hidden his Dragon Balls," Frieza stated, to which a grin appeared on his face as he thought about sending Vegeta to Hell, where he was sure the other Saiyans were rotting after he blew their planet to pieces.

Zarbon opened his mouth to say something, mostly to voice that he was pleased to have this whole ordeal behind them, but before he could actually say anything the entire ship shook, as if an explosion went off... though it immediately made him think of Vegeta.

Rainbow's eyes snapped open the moment she felt Vegeta's ki flare to life, to which she had enough time to see the spaceship shake for a moment, indicating that he was ready to go. She jumped into the air and carefully positioned herself near the exterior of the large ship, where she waited for a blast to tear through the metal and reveal where her friend was. After a few seconds a hole was blown in the side of the ship, one large enough for a person to step through, though she didn't waste a second as she flew towards the new opening. There she found Vegeta, covered in water for some odd reason, standing on the opposite side of the new hole, though she also noticed that there were some strange pod like structures in the room.

"Vegeta, are you alright?" Rainbow asked, floating down until she was parallel with her friend, who seemed ready to get the rest of their operation underway before they were discovered.

"I feel much better," Vegeta replied, before glancing back at the door that was behind him, "Look, you need to fly around to the room that Frieza usually stays in, as it will be the one with the Dragon Balls in it, and wait for me to blow it open. I don't want Frieza or the others catching wind that you were here as well."

Rainbow nodded and flew away from the opening, though Vegeta, on the other hand, carefully hid himself near the door that Zarbon, and hopefully Frieza, would be coming through. He chose to stand near the lockers on the left of the door's opening, which was great because anyone who entered the room would be too occupied on the destruction he had caused on the right half of the room. It should, in theory, give him the opportunity to slip out of the room before the door closed, which would prevent anyone from hearing him while he made his escape.

After a minute or two the door opened and Zarbon, accompanied by Frieza, charged into the room and ran up to the hole that he had made, though while they were distracted Vegeta slipped into the hallway and started running towards Frieza's room. He pressed his hand against the panel that would grant him access to the room, silently pleased that none of the soldiers on the ship had bothered to remove his name from the people who could open this one door. The instant the door opened he slipped inside and let it close behind him, though that was followed by him noticing the four Dragon Balls that he and Rainbow had come to collect.

He spotted Rainbow floating outside the glass dome, a grin on her face as she stared down at the crystal spheres, though when Vegeta waved a hand to get her to hide herself she quickly moved out of the way, though there was a look of confusion on her face. Vegeta, knowing that Zarbon would be flying outside the ship in an effort to look for him, decided that he was going to damage the ship, which was why he gathered his ki into his right hand, jumped out of the room for a moment, and took aim at his target. Thanks to his knowledge of the inner workings of Frieza's ships, and knew where the more important pieces were located, he aimed at the engines and released the ki, to which he loosed a beam of ki energy that blew up on impact.

Vegeta could feel the ship shake in response to the engines being destroyed, which was followed by black smoke filling the entire ship while blasting an even bigger hole through the exterior. Now that Zarbon was likely heading inside the ship, and was coming to get him with Frieza in tow, he slammed his fist into the panel and broke it, preventing it from being used again. He then grinned as he gathered a little ki in his right hand, aimed a the glass dome, and then released a small blast that tore open the hole he had mentioned earlier.

"I thought that this was supposed to be a stealth mission?" Rainbow asked, flying into the room with a frown on her face, because she had been looking forward to taking the Dragon Balls without anyone noticing.

"Look at it this way, they can't use the ship anymore," Vegeta said, picking up the Seven and Five Star Balls, while Rainbow picked up the Two and Three Star Balls, "Now let's get out of here, before Frieza spots us."

The moment they had their hands on the Dragon Balls both Vegeta and Rainbow jumped out of the opening he had created, though before going anywhere he had them hide behind some nearby rocks. Rainbow wondered what they were doing this time, but again decided that now wasn't the time to ask questions, as her friend did know more about what was going on than she did. After a few seconds they heard Zarbon ask Frieza if Vegeta was still inside the ship, to which the tyrant angrily ordered Zarbon to look for Vegeta and the missing Dragon Balls they had taken. Ten more seconds passed before Zarbon flew out of the ship and headed in the direction that Vegeta had been planning on using the entire time, to which he and Rainbow followed after him at a safe distance.

Rainbow understood what Vegeta had been hoping would happen; he had been banking on Frieza staying in the ship and sending Zarbon out to recover the Dragon Balls, which would allow him to finally avenge his mother... and it seemed like he was about to get that particular wish granted.

They carefully followed after Zarbon, who paused every now and then to look at a certain hole or crack in one of the plateaus, clearly searching for Vegeta and the missing Dragon Balls. Rainbow was amazed that their enemy hadn't bothered to turn around once the entire time he was flying, because neither her or Vegeta were even trying to hide themselves at this point. She also heard their enemy talking to himself, mentioning how it was hard to believe that Vegeta had gotten away with all of their Dragon Balls and how he was planning on killing him the next time they crossed each other. It was highly amusing to hear as Zarbon searched the area, heading further and further away from Frieza's spaceship, because he seemed to be getting more frustrated with himself over his failure.

The flight continue like that for what Rainbow guessed was thirty minutes, where she again marveled at the fact that he never turned around once, before both she and Vegeta felt the presence of Krillin, Gohan, Piccolo, and Applejack near where they were. Despite the fact that Zarbon couldn't sense ki, like all of his enemies, he did spot the group as they made their way towards Bulma's hidden base, though his eyes were focused on Krillin and the Dragon Ball he was holding. That was followed by Zarbon picking up speed and heading right for Krillin, though before he could punch the bald man and take the Dragon Ball he found himself heading towards the ground, which he impacted just a tiny bit and carefully picked himself up.

That was when Zarbon discovered that Vegeta and the rainbow haired girl had been following him the entire time... and that the entire group of enemies he was facing how had five Dragon Balls between them all.

"Its good to see you guys again," Krillin commented, his eyes drawn to the Dragon Balls that Vegeta and Rainbow were carrying, before glancing at Zarbon for a moment, "and it seems like your operation was a success."

"Indeed it was," Vegeta replied, though a the same time he handed the two Dragon Balls he was holding to Piccolo, who seemed a little surprised that he was being handed them but made no comment about what was happening, "Now then Zarbon, shall we exchange blows again? Because trust me, this time you won't emerge victorious."

"Wait a second... you know these people?" Zarbon asked, though at the same time he had to wonder if he even had a chance to survive encountering this many enemies at the same time, while also noticing that there was another girl that looked like Rainbow Dash standing with the group.

"Are you blind?" Vegeta asked in return, as he was a little surprised that Zarbon would even ask such a stupid question, "Of course I know them, that's why we aren't trying to kill each other for the Dragon Balls..."

"And if we're being honest here, Vegeta and his friends would totally win anyway," Krillin spoke up, to which he earned a glare from Piccolo, "What? You saw what Rainbow did to Nappa. None of us stand a chance against that kind of power."

"Can we not talk about this at the moment?" Applejack said, staring at Zarbon, who hadn't taken the small opportunity to flee when everyone had been distracted for a few seconds, "We should focus on getting rid of him and getting back to the others, before Frieza comes looking for us or the Dragon Balls."

"She's right, we don't have much time left until the tyrant decides to come after us himself, instead of sending his soldiers to die," Vegeta said, dropping into a battle stance as he turned his full attention back to Zarbon, while the others moved out of the way and gave the two of them room to fight, "Come on Zarbon, transform into your hideous form and come at me."

"To someone like myself, who prefers beauty, those words are the greatest insult!" Zarbon said, though this time he made no effort to hide the anger in his voice, "Vegeta, you have gotten me genuinely angry, for both your words and your actions of late, and for that I shall take great pleasure in putting you back in your grave."

The moment the words left his mouth he engaged his transformation, allowing his muscles to grow to the size they had been when he and Vegeta had last fought, followed by his mouth pushing out and completing the change from beauty to beast. He could tell that several of the people that were watching seemed shocked by his transformation, though some didn't seem phased at all, which meant that they were excited about fighting someone of his level. Zarbon truly had no idea if he could take them all out and secure the Dragon Balls, but he wasn't about to give up just because his enemies outnumbered him.

Zarbon charged at Vegeta and swung his foot at him, causing the Saiyan to jump into the air to avoid the attack, to which he jumped up and readied his fist to strike his target in the chest, but Vegeta caught the attack before it could hit him. Vegeta then growled in anger and threw Zarbon towards the ground, where he slammed into one of the hills and created a small crater around him. He looked up at Vegeta for a moment, wondering where his strength and anger was coming from, before he charged at his foe and prepared to knee him in the chest again, only for Vegeta to dodge the attack completely.

Zarbon growled and brought his foot down on where he thought that Vegeta was going to land, only to end up missing him once more and cracking the ground around his boot for a moment. Vegeta then appeared to the right of him and slammed his fist into his side, knocking bits of his armor off in the process, before dodging Zarbon's fist and backing away. Zarbon raised his hands and started tossing ki blasts at Vegeta, who dodged some of them and knocked others into the ground around them, though the ones that ended up heading towards the group behind him were smacked into the air by Applejack, who was now standing between the two combatants and the rest of her group.

Vegeta managed to turn Zarbon around quite a few times, dodging attacks, forcing his opponent to follow his every move, and even smacking a few ki blasts out of the air as well, but eventually the moment he was waiting for came when Zarbon shot some blasts around him and kicked some dirt into the air. He knew that his opponent was doing, as temporarily blinding an opponent like this was something he disliked using, but he smiled as he used the dirt cloud to bypass Zarbon's incoming attack. That was then followed by Vegeta gathered some ki into his right fist and slamming it into Zarbon's back, blowing a hole in his armor that caused his opponent to stagger for a second.

"That was a dirty blow," Zarbon growled, glaring daggers at Vegeta, who calmly stood where he was standing, making Zarbon wonder about the anger he could see in the Saiyan's eyes.

"You only brought it upon yourself when you created that dust cloud," Vegeta replied, raising his fists as he prepared to attack again, which Zarbon copied not a few seconds later, "just like this punishment was brought on by the fact that you killed my mother... and this time I'm going to put you down and avenge her."

Before Zarbon could move Vegeta appeared in front of him and kicked him in the chin, sending him into the air as Vegeta followed him, where they exchanged kicks and punches with each other. Once they reached a certain height Vegeta moved slightly ahead and slammed his fists into Zarbon's head, knocking him into the small body of water that happened to be below them, before loosing a barrage of ki blasts that exploded the moment they touched the water. When Zarbon emerged from the water it was revealed that his cape had been blown to pieces, his armor was pretty much shattered, save for part of his chest piece, and bits of the clothing he had been wearing on his arms and legs had been ripped off as well.

Zarbon huffed as he landed on the small island that Vegeta was standing on, not believing that he was now having trouble against the same Saiyan he had beaten into the ground just a few hours ago.

"I... I don't understand how you can be so much stronger than me," Zarbon said, glaring at Vegeta, trying to figure out what had caused the Saiyan in front of him to suddenly become so powerful.

"Seriously?" Vegeta asked, kind of caught off guard by the statement, "Nappa told you about our strengths and weaknesses, of both the military and our people, but he never told you that a Saiyan's power level can rise after we recover from the brink of death?"

"N... no, he didn't," Zarbon stated, though as the words left his mouth he realized that, by healing Vegeta until he was better again, he and Appule had given Vegeta the power he now possessed... the same power that Vegeta was going to kill him with.

Vegeta let loose a roar of anger, no doubt fueled by the anger of learning the truth behind his mother's death, and charged at Zarbon, where the two of them exchanged a series of blows with each other. Whenever Zarbon landed a kick or a punch on Vegeta, and thought he was doing good, the Saiyan merely shrugged off the damage and continued fighting as if nothing had happened. Whenever Vegeta landed the same type of attack, however, Zarbon could feel his bones crack a little bit as his body was being beaten under the intensity of his opponent's anger and rage.

The fight came to a swift end as Vegeta loosed a powerful uppercut into Zarbon's chest and shattered the middle of his armor, as well as puncturing his chest and his vital organs at the same time.

"V... Vegeta, you don't have to kill me," Zarbon coughed out, fully aware that at this point it was either die to Vegeta, hide himself until death claimed him, or die when he reported his failure to Frieza, "We could... team up... and stop Lord Frieza..."

"Of course I'm going to kill you Zarbon," Vegeta replied, cutting him off as he ripped his hand free from Zarbon's chest and knocked him backwards, "Dodoria told me that you two killed my mother, and I, in turn, killed the fat bastard, but not before promising that I was going to hunt you down and do the same thing to you. We Saiyans are a warrior race, as you have no doubt learned from your discussions with Nappa, and we never surrender, even if death was waiting for us... yet all you asked of me was to surrender and accept whatever fate Frieza handed to me. I like to imagine that my mother said something similar to you, or maybe something much more grand, before she died... but I will settle for killing you and avenging her."

Zarbon struggled to move, but with the gaping hole in his chest he knew that he wasn't going anywhere, so all he could do was stare at Vegeta as he gathered his ki, forming a ball of energy between the palms of his hands, which were pointed back at the ground behind them. A few seconds passed before black lightning gathered around the ball of energy, which had turned purple the moment Vegeta had started charging the attack. Zarbon had never heard of Vegeta using such an attack before, which meant that Nappa either didn't see it in action or the Prince hid it in case his companion was spying on him.

Zarbon suspected that this was the end of the road, but even if that was the case he finally managed to push himself to his feet so he could at least look Vegeta in his eyes before he died.

"Even if you kill me now, Vegeta, you and your friends will be following me soon enough," Zarbon said, a faint smile appearing on his face before he met his demise, "the Ginyu's are coming... and so to is your death!"

"We'll see about that," was all Vegeta said, though that was followed by him leveling his Galick Gun with Zarbon and releasing all of his rage and all of his anger, which resulted in a beam of energy surging towards Zarbon and consuming him.

The following explosion tore apart the piece of ground that they had been fighting on, kicking up dirt and smoke as Vegeta was forced backwards by the amount of power he had put into the attack. As the smoke cleared Vegeta gazed upon the ruined piece of ground that was resting before him, a large crater having formed where Zarbon had been standing when he loosed his attack. He was conflicted over the victory he was able to achieve, because on one hand he was able to finally avenge everyone that Zarbon and Dodoria had killed, including his mother, but on the other hand Zarbon had said that the Ginyu's were coming... which meant that they were in serious trouble.

Vegeta let out a sigh as he flew over to the rest of the group, noticing that some of them were happy to see Zarbon bite the dust while others were concerned for what he had said before his death.

"So Vegeta, who are the Ginyu's?" Applejack asked, knowing that they were going to need every bit of knowledge they could get their hands on at the moment, especially if Zarbon had said that they were all going to die.

"I... I'll tell you back at the base," Vegeta said, to which he and the others resumed their flight towards the location that Krillin had been heading to until Zarbon had interrupted his flight.

Applejack and Rainbow shared a look with each other as they followed the group back to their main base, because if Vegeta was worried about something, or a group of someones as the case was, then they knew that they had to be concerned for what was coming their way.

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