• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Android: The Stranger

Frieza and his father stared at the young man that had taken out three of his soldiers, who he really didn't care about at all and would have killed at some point if they failed to carry out his orders, though he was more annoyed by someone who assumed that he could just show up, kill a few soldiers, and then proclaim that he was going to kill the strongest beings in the universe. What made the situation worse was that the young man had the nerve to tell his soldiers that they would be spared if they went back in the ship and departed from this planet, when in reality they were either going to die by his hand or by the hand of the young man. For a moment he actually considered obliterating the entire planet in a single attack, and then catching Son Goku in space before he could return, but he felt the need to show the young man just how wrong he was in assuming he could command him and his father around.

The thought of killing someone with his bare hands excited him, though he already knew that he would settle for the Saiyan and the pony girls that were standing behind the young man.

"What did he just say?" King Cold asked, though at the same time he crossed his arms and glared at the young man that was standing between them and their targets, which made him a little irritated at the moment.

"I said I came to kill you, your son, and any of your men that choose to follow you," the young man replied, though if he was surprised by having to repeat himself he didn't show it.

"The same nonsense every so called hero spouts at us; that they want to kill us," Frieza stated, already labeling the young man as a hero, which it appeared that he was considering that his ideals seemed to match up with Vegeta's own ideals, "You know, it must be nice to live in such ignorance, where you have no idea who your talking to."

"Oh, but I do know you." the young man replied, causing Frieza to glare at him for a few seconds, though his expression was caught between surprise and anger, "Your Frieza, aren't you? There's no reason for you to be surprised, I already know everything about you."

"What an honor! To think that my name is so well known on a planet that is as far removed as this one," Frieza replied, though at the same time he moved one hand to his side and looked away from the young man, "Unfortunately you must not have heard that I am the strongest being in the entire universe..."

"And how many times do I have to tell you that you're wrong?" Rainbow called out, glaring daggers at Frieza the entire time, while the young man kept his attention on the tyrant, "Our father is Beerus the Destroyer... and you'll never be as good as him!"

Frieza growled as he glared at Rainbow Dash, as he was sorely tempted to just skip over the young man in front of him and go for the pony girl that should have died on Namek, but had apparently been brought back to life some time after his defeat. He guessed that he could correct the mistake and ensure that she died for real this time, but he had the feeling that he would have to go through Vegeta before being able to reach her... which he was fine with.

"I also know that you are going to die here." the young man stated, causing Frieza to shift his gaze towards him, his earlier anger towards him returning in a matter of seconds.

"Such foolishness," Frieza said, to which he turned to his soldiers for a moment, "Do take care of him... and when your done you can go slaughter the rest of the Earthlings, while my father and I deal with the trash standing behind him."

"With pleasure sir," one of the soldiers, who happened to be a swampy green scaled creature with a fine on his head, said, to which he tapped his scouter and grinned, "His power level is only five... this should be over in a matter of seconds."

The soldier readied his blaster and loosed a shot at the young man, who simply caught the attack in the palm of his right hand and flung his hand backwards, sending the shot into the nearby rock formation that was to his right. The soldier, somewhat surprised by what had happened, pressed the trigger three more times and sent three more shots at the young man, to which the same thing happened as the three attacks went into three separate rock formations... without touching Vegeta, Rainbow, or Applejack. When the soldier gulped the young man rushed through the space between them and elbowed him in the chin, sending him flying into one of the legs that was the ship's landing gear, causing Frieza to growl while the rest of the soldiers stared at him.

At the same time Vegeta had to admit that the young man was definitely skilled, because he had restricted his entire power level down so far that the scouters couldn't even get a good read on just how strong he was... which made him a little excited to see what sort of tricks the newcomer had up his sleeves.

"Let that be a final warning to the rest of you," the young man said, though this time he was addressing the rest of Frieza's soldiers, "Either leave this planet or die here... though I suggest you leave so we can avoid some unnecessary bloodshed."

"That's your ultimatum; leave or die?" Frieza asked, as he was a little surprised by the level of unoriginality the young man had, though he turned to the rest of his soldiers for a moment, "Here's my ultimatum; either kill him or I'll kill you myself!"

That appeared to kick his soldiers, those that enjoyed working for him and those that didn't, into a frenzy as they charged at the young man, who dropped into his battle stance and pulled out his sword. What happened next was that the young man closed his eyes and literally hacked and slashed his way through the soldiers, as if he could tell where they were standing without seeing them, before coming to a stop when he was between them and where Frieza was standing. All the soldiers had stopped moving at that point, as if they were shocked that the young man's speed, before the boy stood up and slipped his sword back into its sheath, though the sound of it coming to a stop caused all of the soldiers to fall into a heap of bodies... indicating that he had slain them all before they even knew that they were dead.

Only one soldier was left standing at that point, but after a few seconds his scouter and his armor separated into a large number of pieces, indicating that the young man had somehow stopped himself from killing the man and simply settled on cutting the armor apart... though that was followed by Frieza puncturing the soldier's chest from behind, killing him within a few seconds, before pulling his arm out of the dead soldier's body.

"You're not so bad after all." Frieza commented, as he was actually impressed that the young man could easily cut his way through his soldiers, without using his eyes no less, and kill them before they even knew that they were dead, "What did you say your name was?"

"I didn't say, nor am I allowed to give you my real name," the young man said, causing Frieza to raise an eyebrow for a moment, "but if you want to call me something, then called me by my code name Xeno."

"Xeno? What an odd name you have chosen," King Cold replied, as he was honestly surprised for a moment, before he shook his head and looked down at his son, "Frieza, I would say that the lives he has taken from your empire is worthy of death."

"I would agree, father." Frieza said, to which he turned his full attention to the young man, or Xeno as he preferred to be called, "Very well then, you should be honored that I will be your executioner... and I will ensure that it will be a slow death, for threatening to kill both me and my father, Earthling."

"Before you go any further, allow me to clarify something," Xeno replied, causing both Frieza and King Cold to frown at him, at the same time no less, "You keep calling me an Earthling... I'm actually a Saiyan, just like Vegeta, Son Goku, and Gohan. And that's not all, there is another Super Saiyan that you don't know about... and that Super Saiyan is me."

"I admire that you are able to hold a bluff for so long," Freza said, taking a moment to laugh at his opponent, because of all the things that he could have said he had to mention that he was both a member of the Saiyan race and had obtained the Super Saiyan form, "though in the end it doesn't matter... I will enjoy killing you."

Xeno smiled as he stood straight, letting both Frieza and his father laugh at the idea that he was a Super Saiyan, though at the same time he started raising his ki to the point where small bits of rock were flying through the air. After a few seconds of doing that he really raised his power, which caused the corpses around him to fly into the air as the ground around him cracked, while at the same time his hair flowed upwards. With one final push of his energy his hair was locked in the spiked up fashion of the Super Saiyan, while the golden aura wrapped around him at the same time, where he stared at his targets... and mentally smiled when Frieza took a step backwards.

"So this is a Super Saiyan?" King Cold asked, though he didn't sound too impressed with the legendary transformation that the Saiyan race had, in fact he sounded disappointed by what he was seeing.

"Im... impossible." Frieza said, his eyes glaring at both Xeno and Vegeta, as he found it unlikely that another Saiyan could have survived the explosion of Namek, "There shouldn't be three of you. Why are there THREE of you!?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you that either," Xeno replied, though he found it amusing to see the most feared tyrant in the universe so terrified of his presence, "Seeing how I've come to kill you and your father, you had best attack me with everything you have... otherwise you won't live to see another day."

Frieza, not enjoying being told what to do by a Saiyan, gathered half of his power into his right hand and loosed a blast that connected in the Saiyan's chest, causing an explosion that rocked the entire area they were in. As the smoke moved everywhere he found that Vegeta and the pony girls had moved to the top of a nearby rock formation, but he decided to pay them no mind at the moment so he could focus on making sure that his current target was dead.

"Frieza, are you trying to blow up the planet?" King Cold asked, though based on the attack he already knew the answer, he just liked to make sure that his son knew exactly what he was doing.

"No father, I barely put enough power into my attack to do something on that level," Frieza replied, though he smirked at the thought of the Saiyan that he had just killed, but before he could turn away he noticed that his target was still standing... without a scratch on his body.

"You really shouldn't think so low of me," Xeno commented, though at the same time he kept his gaze locked on Frieza, as if silently challenging him to try again, "because if you ration our your power like this then your never going to win."

Frieza growled and summoned more of his energy into a larger attack, which was raised over his head for a few seconds, though the moment his father commented on the attack he threw it at his target. At first it seemed like Xeno was going to bite the dust immediately, but then he grabbed the attack and shattered it into a large number of fragments that struck the area behind him, while at the same time he had barely been pushed backwards. He could tell that his opponent was going to say something that would encourage him to unleash a larger attack than what he had just thrown, so instead of waiting for it to happen Frieza floated into the air and circled around the area until he was higher than his target... who was smiling at him the entire time.

Frieza frowned as he extended his right hand and gathered his energy above his pointer finger, to which he started gathering energy into a sphere that was the same as the one he used on Namek, though this time he intended on obliterating the entire planet within a few seconds. He knew that the blast would kill Vegeta and the pony girls in the process, but he knew that he could always have his revenge on Son Goku when they crossed paths in space later on. After a few seconds he held his finger above his head and the ball of energy expanded, increasing in size until it was large enough to obliterate the planet the moment it touched the core.

Once the attack was ready Frieza threw it down at the Super Saiyan that was standing below him, though the moment it started sinking into the ground he landed on the ship and grinned as his father beckoned him inside the ship... to which they both stopped the instant they noticed that the sphere was being pushed back into the air. A few seconds later Frieza jumped off the top of the ship and landed on the ground, to which he discovered that the Saiyan he was facing had stopped his attack in its tracks and was holding it above his head, which only annoyed him.

"What's the matter Frieza?" Xeno asked, though he was fully aware of the fact that he was smiling a little bit, while at the same time understanding that said smile would annoy his opponent into making a mistake, "Is this all that you've got?"

Frieza growled and pointed his finger at the sphere that was above the Saiyan's head, to which he loosed a small amount of energy that would force the detonation and kill his opponent for sure, though as the small sphere entered the larger one Xeno noticed the change. A few seconds later Xeno let the sphere explode above his head, to which he was covered by both the explosion and the smoke that would come from the detonation. At the same moment he moved himself to someplace that would allow him to look down on his targets and make sure that their guard was down, which would be what he was looking for.

"You did it Frieza," King Cold said, a smile appearing on his face when the smoke cleared and revealed the large circular hole that had been put in the ground, with no trace of the Super Saiyan in sight, "It looks like he was no match for you at all."

"Yes, though Xeno provided me with some decent exercise for our other targets," Frieza replied, though he was pleased to have killed the first Saiyan, because this meant that he could easily take out everyone else before Son Goku returned.

Xeno grinned as he stared down at the two unsuspecting targets, from atop the rock formation that allowed him to have the perfect view of his opponents, before he moved his hands through a series of movements before bringing them together, with a diamond resting in front of his face, before he gathered his ki. He knew that this attack would bring about the end of one of his targets, he just needed to be sure that they were distracted enough before attacking them with his sword once more.

"Hey Frieza!" Xeno shouted, already knowing ahead of time that this would give away his position, but that and the following attack were supposed to be a complete distraction.

"WHAT!?" Frieza shouted in return, to which he and his father turned towards the sound of the voice, both enraged by the fact that he hadn't killed the Super Saiyan that had killed all the soldiers that had come to the planet with them.

"You should split!" Xeno replied, to which he loosed the ki blast he had been preparing and let it fly, to which it struck the ground and forced before Frieza and King Cold into the air.

"If your trying to be clever you're sorely lacking..." Frieza started to say, though that was before he noticed that Xeno was above where he was floating and had his sword drawn.

Xeno brought his sword down on his target and cut Frieza with it, to which he slowly separated into two halves as his life was finally extinguished, while at the same time he cast a look upwards and noticed that King Cold had a look of pure agony on his face. Before anyone could stop him Xeno swung his sword a few more times, cutting the halves into more halves until they were small enough to be blasted to ash without leaving a trace. A few seconds later he loosed a burst of ki energy and obliterated everything that was the tyrant once known as Frieza, to which he stood straight once more and sheathed his sword, before turning his gaze towards King Cold. Xeno then beckoned for a few seconds and lowered himself down to one of the rock formations that was near the ship, where he wanted his target follow him.

When the two of them landed he knew that King Cold was pissed off and that his anger would cloud his judgement, which was what he was hoping for so he could end this fight quickly.

"That was wonderful, Xeno the Super Saiyan," King Cold said, a fake smile appearing on his face, though at the same time he was trying to contain his seething rage, "your power is even greater than what I was expecting. To think that you were able to effortlessly kill my son Frieza in such a short amount of time... so, how would you like to take his place as my son? Having the greatest strength in the universe makes you especially qualified to join my clan. You will be able to do as you please with both this world and so many other wonderful worlds, just as Frieza did before his death."

"King Cold, I'm going to have to respectfully decline," Xeno replied, to which he cut a quick glance towards Vegeta, who was watching the exchange with the two pony girls, before turning back to his target, "I'm proud to be a member of the Saiyan race, who once defended the universe from evil tyrants like your son and saved innocent civilians at the same time, just as my father and his parents did before me. I'm not interested in joining someone who is the polar opposite of my father and grandparents."

"Is that so?" King Cold said, though while his face said that he wasn't disappointed Xeno could tell he was by the tone of his voice, "Well then, do you mind if I see your sword for a moment? I mean, it sliced through the tempered body of my son without any difficulty, so I would like to study it for a few seconds and then I'll return it."

Xeno stared at King Cold, already knowing that his target would no doubt try and use it against him, before he smiled and decided that no harm could actually come from allowing him to hold the weapon, especially since he knew that he could catch it if such a thing happened. A few seconds later he grabbed the handle of his weapon and pulled it from its sheath, to which he held it for a moment as if he was thinking of using it on his foe, before he flipped it around and tossed it into King Cold's waiting hand.

"Yes, I can tell that this has been ground very well," King Cold commented, staring at the blade as he held it in front of his face, giving him the air of studying the weapon while he considered what to do next, "but the reason you were able to kill Frieza was not because of your power, but because you had this sword. Without this weapon you cannot beat me... which means that my clan shall be the strongest in all of the entire universe!"

King Cold wrapped both of his hands around the handle of the weapon and brought it down on Xeno's head, who raised a hand to catch the blade and stop the attack in its tracks, much to the surprise of his opponent. Xeno grinned as he pushed King Cold backwards for a few steps, making him stop next to the edge of the rock structure that they were on, before he pressed his hand against his foe's chest and blew a hole in King Cold's chest. The force of the attack sent King Cold flying through the air, while at the same time making him let go of the sword, before he crashed into the rock plateau behind him, which was followed by Xeno landing in front of him.

"P... please, spare my life!" King Cold said, though his tone indicated that he was actually begging Xeno to spare his life and that there weren't any ulterior motives involved in what he was saying, "I know... I'll give you all of the planets in this system and promise not to bother your new kingdom ever again."

"You dare to beg for your life, when innocent people did the same thing and you denied their requests!?" Xeno shouted, his anger rising for a few seconds, because he knew several stories that matched what he had just said, "Every time an innocent civilian was brought before you, or your son for that matter, the two of you would laugh at their request to spare their lives, as they had done nothing wrong towards your empire, and then obliterate them where they stood. You never spared anyone, across the dozens upon dozens of planets that are under your control, and now you dare to ask for the one thing that you never granted anyone else... so King Cold, here's my answer to your request; your request has been DENIED!!!"

The moment Xeno shouted the last word he loosed a beam of ki energy and sent it flying towards King Cold, which exploded the moment it came into contact with his target, though he waited for the smoke to clear and reveal that he was dead before moving on. When he was sure that there was no trace of King Cold left, just like what he had done to Frieza, Xeno turned towards the ship that they had used to reach the planet. A few seconds later he found the location he was searching for, to which he fired another ki blast into the main engine of the large ship, which caused it to detonate and tear itself to pieces. When the smoke cleared, and revealed that the ship was gone without leaving a trace that it existed, Xeno let out a sigh as he sheathed his sword and dropped out of his Super Saiyan state.

That was followed by him turning to where Vegeta and the girls were standing, though he could tell that the rest of their group was on the rock structure behind them and had been watching the entire fight... though a few seconds later he floated over to where Vegeta was standing, who had a smile on his face.

"I'm going to head to where Son Goku will be landing in the near future," Xeno commented, to which he mentally smiled when he noticed that all three of the people that were directly in front of him were shocked for a few seconds, but then their expressions showed how happy they were to hear that the other Saiyan was coming home, "If you want you can follow me to his landing site... and I'll try to answer whatever questions you have for me while we wait for him to arrive."

"Then lead the way," Vegeta said, though while he was pleased to see that Frieza was dead, for real this time, he was also happy to hear that the other Saiyan was on his way home, meaning that he could share something special with him.

Xeno nodded and headed in the direction that his wristwatch was pointing him towards, while at the same time hearing the others following after him as he made his way towards where Goku would be landing. Granted they would be sitting around for three hours, no doubt talking and answering questions, but he had the feeling that the time would pass rather quickly for them. He already knew that some of them would be questioning who he was and if he could be trusted, which he guessed was understandable considering he had shown up out of nowhere and killed both Frieza and his father, but he knew that they would see the truth of the matter.

After a few minutes his watch indicated that he had reached the location Goku was supposed to land in, to which he descended towards the ground and touched down, though that was followed by everyone else landing behind him. As they stared at him, no doubt thinking about whether they could trust him or not, he reached into his jacket and pulled out a container that had three capsules, to which he picked the one with the purple band and pulled it out. That was followed by him clicking the top and tossing it onto the ground, though that was followed by some smoke coming out of it and revealing that a refrigerator was resting before them, while at the same time he put the container back in his jacket.

Once the refrigerator was out in the open he gently opened the door and revealed that he had drinks stored inside the machine, to which he grabbed one of the Hetap's that was in front of him and turned back to the others.

"We have between two to three hours before Son Goku arrives," Xeno said, to which he stood up and moved out of the way, knowing that some of them might want to have something to drink while they waited, "so please, have something to drink while we sit back and talk... I know that some of you have questions for me."

Vegeta and the girls smiled and walked up to the container, where Vegeta pulled out one of the beers that happened to inside the container while both Rainbow and Applejack pulled out a Hetap. They quickly discovered that Hetap was apparently some sort of soft drink, more like the soda that the girls had drank when they had spent a few of their evenings with their mother. That was followed by everyone grabbing something, to which they took some seats around the nearby area and started sipping from their drinks, while Xeno stood by the machine he had produced.

While they were drinking Xeno noticed that Bulma was staring at him as she sipped on her drink, which meant that she must have noticed something and was forming a question in her mind.

"Have we met somewhere before today?" Bulma asked, to which she tilted her head to the side for a moment, as if she was trying to figure out what her eyes were showing her, "And how is it that you know about Goku?"

"No, we've never met before," Xeno replied, knowing that there was much bigger question coming his way in the immediate future, "and I only know about Son Goku because of the stories that I was told. I've never had the honor of meet him in person before."

"Then how do you know when and where he's going to be landing?" Krillin asked, as he found it odd that the young man could know those things if he had never met Goku before.

"Forgive me, but I'm not allowed to share that information with you," Xeno answered, to which he looked at the ground for a moment, as if he actually wanted to share the information and something larger than him was preventing him from doing so.

"Is that so?" Bulma commented, though it was clear by the tone of her voice that she wasn't pleased with the answer, though she had another question that the young man should be able to answer, "Well then, can you at least tell us your name so we don't call you 'young man' or anything similar to that?"

"I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you my name either," Xeno replied, though he did look up and hold up a hand before someone said something about that, "I can, however, tell you my code name; Xeno."

"Xeno? Now that is an odd name to pick for yourself, even if its a code name," Applejack stated, though she didn't sound surprised by the fact that he was keeping his true name a secret from everyone, "and I can see that your a Saiyan that has acquired the ability to turn into a Super Saiyan."

"That I have," Xeno said, pleased that Applejack had caught that fact, to which he turned to the two pony girls, "though I cannot tell you have I obtained my powers or who my parents are. Though I heard a rumor about one of you, one that mentioned a special attack that is nothing like anything anyone else has used in battle."

"You mean the Lightning Lance?" Rainbow asked, to which she received a nod from Xeno, where she smiled for a few seconds, "Yeah, my lance is so powerful that it carves a path of destruction in the very ground beneath it and when it strikes its target it unleashes a gust of wind that could be anywhere from a small burst to the winds of a tempest. Its so powerful that when I used it against Frieza, who was in his first form at the time, that I nearly killed him in one shot and forced him to transform to his second form just to survive the damage."

"Is that so?" Xeno said, though he actually sounded surprised by that fact, because the piece of information Rainbow had given him wasn't something he had heard about in the stories, "Maybe one day in the future we'll have a sparring match between the two of us... and maybe see that lance of yours in action."

Rainbow opened her mouth to accept the challenge here and now, as they had three hours to kill before Goku arrived, but before she said anything she noticed that Applejack was shaking her head, indicating that now wasn't the time to be fighting each other. Rainbow then let out a sigh as she determined that her sister was correct, that it would be best to put off any serious fighting until they weren't waiting for Goku to show up. As much as she wanted to show off her lance at the moment, and impress Xeno with its power, she knew that now wasn't the time, to which she sipped from her drink before flying into the air, grabbing one of the passing clouds, and brought it back down so she could relax in style.

"I wish I could figure out how she does that," Krillin commented, staring at Rainbow as she relaxed on her cloud, imagining how soft the experience would be.

Xeno was a little shocked to see the cloud catching skill in action, where Rainbow just selected one and seemed to bend it to her will until she was done with it, but decided that now wasn't the time to get carried away with stray thoughts. He guessed that it would be for the best if he didn't start asking questions based on everything Rainbow showed him, otherwise he was sure that he wouldn't understand everything that she had to show off. Even though she was keeping most of her power tied down, like all of the other fighters were at the moment, he knew that both she and Applejack were incredibly strong for being only eight years old... which actually made him happy, considering what was coming in three years.

Two and a half hours passed rather quickly, as most of the Z Warriors spent their time catching up with each other, demonstrating any new techniques they had learned over the last year without firing them off, or just enjoying each other's company once more. Xeno watched from one of the rocks, as he had sat down and enjoyed watching them interact with each other, while at the same time he had to dodge several of Bulma's questions about whether he worked for the Capsule Corp and how he managed to get his hands on the jacket he happened to be wearing. His answers didn't satisfy her at all, but there wasn't much he could tell her without altering something, which meant that he could only give her partial answers until she eventually gave up and sat beside Krillin.

Though it quickly became clear that Bulma had only moved away from Xeno so she could get some answers from someone else, or rather an extra opinion on something she had noticed when Xeno and Vegeta had been standing close to each other when Vegeta had grabbed the beer earlier.

"There's some sort of resemblance between the two of them," Bulma commented, her eyes locked on Xeno the whole time, though at the same time Krillin looked up at her, "I know there is... but its hard to tell what that resemblance is."

"You might be right," Krillin replied, not even bothering to make a decent effort to give her a proper reply, "but we'll likely never know, seeing how Xeno won't tell us anything about himself."

Bulma opened her mouth to say something, but before she did she noticed that Xeno was checking something on his wrist, which had been hidden by his jacket, though that was followed by him getting off his rock and stretching his feet for a few seconds. Most of the group noticed the sudden change in Xeno's stance, seeing how he went from sitting to standing, so they gave him their attention once more, as they were all eager to see whether or not he was telling the truth.

"Times' up." Xeno said, to which he noticed that everyone in front of him were smiling, which made him smile as well as they started looking up at the sky, "Son Goku should be landing any moment now."

As everyone turned to look at the sky they could feel Goku's ki once more, which was one of the reasons that they were smiling, though before long they noticed the Capsule Corp ship that he had used to reach Namek was coming into view. A few seconds later the ship flew over their heads and landed in a clearing to the left of where they had been sitting since Xeno had brought them here, to which everyone got moving immediately. It didn't take them long to reach the location that the ship had landed in, though they stopped in front of it as the systems stated that they were finishing the landing sequence... to which the door opened and Goku stepped out of the opening.

He looked the same as he had before everyone had departed from Namek, though he was wearing some sort of blue colored armor, with a white shirt underneath it, and some sort of collar around his neck... though as he looked at who was standing in front of him he seemed surprised for a few seconds, before a smile appeared on his face.

"How... how did you guys know I was going to land right here?" Goku asked, staring at the faces of his friends and his son, while at the same time noticing that there was someone new among them, "I was told that the communication systems were broken..."

"That would be because of Xeno here," Bulma said, beckoning to the young man that was standing behind her for a moment, who was staring at Goku at that exact moment, "He told us when and where you were landing.You wouldn't happen to know him, would you?"

"Sorry, but I've never seen him before in my entire life," Goku replied, noticing how shocked some of his friends were, though oddly enough Vegeta wasn't among them, "You know, I came here as fast as I could to stop Frieza and his men, only for all of them to suddenly disappear in rapid succession. Was it you who defeated them... or was it Vegeta?"

"I'm sad to admit that I wasn't the one to finish of Frieza," Vegeta spoke up, though as he turned his gaze to Xeno he smiled, because despite what he was thinking he knew that the young man had already earned his place in Asgard, "and, like you and I, he can become a Super Saiyan as well."

"But Vegeta, I thought you said that you, Gohan, and I were the last living Saiyans." Goku pointed out, remembering something that he had been told back on Namek, though had pushed to the back of his mind due to the fight they had with Frieza.

"That's what I thought back when we were on Namek, but it turns out that there is another hybrid child standing before us," Vegeta said, though when he said 'hybrid' he didn't say it with any mocking tone or anything, because from what he had seen Gohan and Xeno were stronger than he had expected when he first laid eyes on them, "and then there's my brother, Tarble, who I thought had been dead for all these years... so there's at least five living Saiyans at this point."

"I had no idea you had a brother," Goku commented, though while he was surprised by that fact he was still caught off guard by the fact that everyone had known where to find him, even with the help of the young man they called Xeno.

"Son Goku, Vegeta," Xeno said, causing the two Saiyans to turn towards him for a moment, "There's... something I need to tell you. If the two of you would follow me for a moment..."

Goku and Vegeta looked at each other, both wondering what the young man wanted to tell them that would require them to move away from everyone else, before they nodded and followed Xeno over to a rock formation, one that Goku knew was within distance of Piccolo's hearing abilities. When they touched down Goku could hear Bulma rushing into the ship to see if any damage had befallen it, though he knew that she wasn't going to be pleased with what she found on the inside.

"First off, I want to apologize for making you deal with Frieza and his men," Goku said, to which he rubbed the back of his head for a few seconds, "I was pushing my ship so I could get in range of Frieza's ship, where I could use my new 'Instantaneous Movement' technique, which I learned from the people of the planet called Yardrat, to get aboard and take care of them, but then they slipped out of my range. I'm still fairly new to using this technique, so while moving across a planet is easy for me, thanks to the practice I had, moving through space is much more difficult at the moment."

"That sounds incredible," Xeno stated, though while he was impressed by such a technique he was somewhat glad that he had stepped in anyway, because even with the new ability Goku would have been unable to reach Frieza in time, "though before we go any further I have a request for the two of you; can you show me your Super Saiyan forms?"

Goku and Vegeta, once again, looked at each other for a few seconds, as if they were wondering whether they should do so or not, before they both nodded and braced themselves. Goku, while he was busy learning from the people of Yardrat, had spent some time trying to master his new transformation, because he knew that it would be to his benefit to have it on hand if he ended up fighting someone like Frieza. Vegeta, on the other hand, hadn't been idle when he was traveling between Earth and the planet his brother lived on, as he had spent some of his time mastering his new form, which he was happy to show off for a few seconds. The two of them gathered their ki and several bits of rock and dirt floated into the air, just like what had happened back on Namek a year ago, before their hair was pushed upwards and took on the golden sheen that they had seen, while the golden aura wrapped around them.

Xeno was surprised, because despite the fact that they hadn't been near each other for a year the two Saiyans in front of him had transformed at the same time, almost as if they shared some sort of bond that he wasn't aware of.

"You two are definitely amazing." Xeno commented, silently approving of the smiles that appeared on both Goku and Vegeta's faces, "Now that you have shown me your transformations, allow me to show you mine."

Xeno already knew that Vegeta had seen his transformed state, but seeing how Goku didn't he accessed his ki and followed the same steps that the Saiyans in front of him had used, which he finished when he was surrounded by the aura and his hair was spiked up again. Before either of them could say anything Xeno pulled out his sword and swung at them, randomly choosing which one of them he wanted to swing at, though he found himself amazed when the two of them were able to stop the attacks thrown at them with one of their pointer fingers. After a few seconds of trying to bypass their defenses, and failing on all his attempts, he finally stopped and allowed their energy to settle down, to which he landed and powered down as he threw his sword into the air.

"I see that the stories about the two of you are true," Xeno said, to which he leaned to the side and let the sword fall into its sheath, before he stood straight as Goku and Vegeta powered down as well, "no, the two of you are even better than any story or rumor I could have ever heard. Now I know that I can trust the two of you with my secrets."

Vegeta raised an eyebrow for a moment, because he was somewhat shocked that the young man would willingly give them his secrets just like that, after Kakarot had arrived, but he guessed that the young Saiyan had his reasons for not wanting everyone to hear what he was about to say.

"Now this may be hard for you to understand, but I have traveled back nearly twenty years from the future with a time machine," Xeno said, causing a look of confusion to wash over Goku's face for a moment, while at the same time he was surprised that Vegeta wasn't as shocked by the information he was sharing with them, "though what the two of you are likely wondering at this very moment is why I have Saiyan blood. Allow me to explain, I am..."

"...my son." Vegeta finished, causing both Xeno and Goku to be shocked by the statement, to which he smiled for a moment, "Look, there are some features you possess that remind me of myself, and we all know that a pure-blooded Saiyan has black hair, instead of the lavender hair you have. I can hazard a guess as to who the mother is, but you shouldn't spoil that future for me, as I would actually like to form my own relationships and opinions for myself. Oh, and you were saying things that only a Saiyan would say, or rather the manner of how you presented your words tipped me off as to whose son you really were."

"I... wasn't expecting to be found out like this," Xeno admitted, once he had gotten over his shock at his father finding out that he was his son, "forgive me for not being able to tell you my name, but its best that you know next to nothing about me for the sake of your future."

"No worries, I understand," Vegeta replied, silently thankful that he had paid attention to some of the things Chronoa had said, because he was sure that Xeno was one of her employees or would be one in the near future, "but you wouldn't have come back in time, and killed Frieza, just to tell us that you are my son."

"True, there is something you both must be made aware of," Xeno said, as he was thankful to return to the main topic, to which he coughed for a few seconds before beginning his tale, "In roughly three years from today, on the twelfth of May around ten in the morning, on an island located nine kilos southwest of Metro South, a pair of villains will appear... villains that are unlike anything either of you have fought in the past. These monsters are called Artificial Humans, though they are sometimes called Cyborgs or even Androids... though they were created by a maniacal scientist that used to work for the Red Ribbon Army; Dr. Gero."

"Not them again!" Goku commented, his palm reaching his face, as if he couldn't believe that this particular piece of his past was coming to haunt him again, "I thought I was done with them when I wiped out their evil army."

"Dr. Gero survived and continued his research, even after you defeated the Red Ribbon Army," Xeno said, knowing that Vegeta had no idea what they were talking about, though he knew that his father was pleased to hear that Goku fought evil people when he was younger, "though he was eventually killed by his own creations. Once the two Androids were free from their master's control they loosed themselves upon the world, bringing death and destruction to every corner of the globe. Even with my power I cannot hope to stand against them in a two on one battle, and it takes all of my skill to even remain alive in a one on one battle..."

"Don't you have any allies in the future?" Vegeta asked, though at the same time he knew that the answer had to be 'no', because if he did have friends to help him fight he wouldn't have come back here to warn them like this.

"No... in the future I am the only warrior left standing." Xeno replied, shaking his head for a few seconds, as if he was chasing away a bad memory, "In the upcoming battle, three years from now, all of you die in battle... expect for you, Goku, and your son Gohan, who later became my mentor until the Androids got him. Goku, you end up dying due to a viral infection of the heart before you even have a chance to fight the Androids, there at the moment there is no cure for the illness... though in twenty years we found the cure. So here, take this when you first start noticing the symptoms and it will save your life."

Xeno was a little shocked by how excited Goku got at the idea of fighting the Androids, which he saw when he handed over the capsule that contained the cure, but he also noticed a look of confusion on his father's face.

"Xeno... you said that every other warrior, except for yourself, died in battle with the Androids," Vegeta said, to which he glanced back at Rainbow and Applejack for a moment, "what about Rainbow and Applejack? What happened to them?"

"I... I don't know," Xeno replied, to which he let out a sigh as he looked into his father's eyes, "I know that they were both there when you fought against the Androids, and Gohan told me how they screamed when you were killed in front of them, but from what I can piece together the Androids killed them as well... as hard as it is to believe that such a thing is possible."

Vegeta felt sick to his stomach by the idea of something happening to both Rainbow and Applejack, but based on what he was told he knew that neither of them had died. If they had both died Beerus would have obliterated the Earth, in its entirety, before going on a spree of destruction across the entire universe, wiping out anything and everything in his path. It would have been impossible for Xeno to come back and warn them about the Androids if both of the girls had died, which meant that Chronoa must have stepped in to save them, which was enough to calm him down before something happened.

"Anyway, that medicine will allow you to join the battle against the Androids," Xeno said, to which he stepped backwards for a few seconds, noting how strange his father was acting at the moment, "and with the strength the two of you will gain in the next three years, now that you know the danger you are all in, I'm positive that you'll be able to change the future."

"Will we see you for the fight against the Androids?" Goku asked, because based on what he had seen and felt so far he knew that having another powerful ally on their side would help them out.

"I don't know." Xeno admitted, shaking his head once more as he turned to leave, "It takes time for the time machine to gather the power needed to make a round trip, so even if I come back to help you I might arrive once you have finished them off."

"I see," Vegeta said, to which he grabbed Xeno in a hug for a few seconds, which caught him by surprise, before pulling back and laying a hand on his shoulder for a few seconds, "I know that I'm not your father, as this will have changed something anyway, but at least you'll have something to remember him by... and know that I, at least, am proud with what you were able to accomplish."

A blush appeared on Xeno's face for a moment, as if he hadn't been expecting such a thing to be said to him, before he nodded and departed from the area, while silently wishing Goku and Vegeta well for the future. Once Xeno was out of the area the two Saiyans returned to the rest of the group, where Piccolo stated that he knew what they had been told and easily relayed the information to everyone else. They weren't surprised to see that everyone was shocked by the fact that they all were going to die by the hands of a pair of Androids, but the easiest plan of action was to train and prepare themselves for the upcoming battle. While they talked Bulma commented on the fact that they could simply ask Shenron where Dr. Gero was hiding so they could kill him and completely prevent the future from being what Xeno had warned them about.

Vegeta, oddly enough, fully agreed with her plan, considering that Dr. Gero was building a pair of Androids that would wipe out the majority of the human race and that killing him would prevent that from happening, but Goku decided, for everyone, that they were going to train for the next three years and prepare for the Androids.

As they went over their plans for the next three years Goku demonstrated his new technique, where he disappeared for a few seconds and returned, though when he came back he had Master Roshi's sunglasses. When everyone understood what he was capable of now he used the skill again and returned the sunglasses to their rightful owner, before appearing in front of them again. As the group started to separate Bulma pointed into the sky and noticed that Xeno was flying above them in some sort of machine, to which he waved at them before disappearing completely. The moment Xeno was gone, and everyone was ready to get underway with their training, they started to go their separate ways once more, though Goku and Gohan stayed behind when Vegeta had them stop in their tracks.

"Kakarot, I have unique training method I want to show you," Vegeta said, a smile appearing on his face for a moment, though as he pulled out his medallion he noticed the same expression appear on Rainbow and Applejack's faces as well, "and trust me on this, you're going to be thanking me once we reach our destination."

Rainbow and Applejack immediately knew what their friend was thinking when he pulled out the medallion, though oddly enough they were both excited about the possibility of training with the Saiyans that were training in Asgard... especially when Bardock was interested in testing them and both of the Saiyans.

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