• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Cell: Perfection

"Okay, that really hurt," Cell commented, to which he gently picked himself up with his left hand, as his right arm had been completely obliterated by Vegeta's sudden attack, before bracing himself and allowing Piccolo's cells to do what they were supposed to do, which was followed by his arm and hand regenerating, "and that was his base power. Makes me wonder what his Super Saiyan power is like."

"So, you do have Piccolo's cells inside your body." Vegeta stated, causing Cell to look up at him, though at the same time he landed on a plateau and beckoned for Cell to come up to where he was standing, "I am interested in seeing what you can really do... before we put you down."

"You managed to wound me by a surprise attack," Cell replied, though at the same time he decided to oblige his opponent and floated into the air, to which he landed near the Saiyan Prince and smiled at him, "but now that I have had a taste of your power, even if it meant sacrificing an arm in the process, I know that I can still beat you in a battle. You wont be able to do the same thing to me again, even if you ascended to your Super Saiyan form."

Vegeta smiled for a moment and allowed his ki to flicker around his body, to which he immediately powered up and took on his Super Saiyan form, but that was only the beginning of his transformation. As he powered up bits of ki energy broke off of him and surged into the ground all around them, to which he heard several of them bust out of the rock wall in a small sort of explosion. He kept going from that point, to which his ki started to increase the size of his muscles a little bit, as the new form he and Trunks had developed involved pushing ki into their muscles to increase their mass, which increased their strength. Sure, he lost a small fraction of his speed, but he would gladly sacrifice that small fraction in exchange for the power that the empowered Super Saiyan form granted him.

There was also the third state of the Super Saiyan form he and Trunks discovered, but they had discovered that while the power it granted them was great the price it demanded wasn't worth paying... unless they were training or had a special plan in mind. When the transformation was finished he let out a breath and faced Cell, where he discovered that the Bio-Android was shocked by what he was feeling at the moment.

"What... what is this that I am feeling?" Cell asked, though he took some effort to contain his emotions, because he knew that if he showed any weakness the Saiyans, as he was counting Trunks in all of this, would come at him and beat the stuffing out of him, "How did you get so powerful, in such a sort amount of time?"

"I trained with Trunks all day yesterday." Vegeta explained, knowing that if he didn't mention the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and the possibilities that it presented, that Cell would be confused about what he was saying, which might reveal a weakness for him to exploit.

"Oh you think your being cute?!" Cell demanded, knowing that no one, not even Son Goku, could gain such an increase in power in only one day, which meant that Vegeta had to be lying to him at the moment, though at the same time he slammed his tail into the ground.

"Actually, in the words of Bulma, I'm being adorable," Vegeta stated, smiling as he remembered the conversation that he had just mentioned, though he kept his eyes focused on Cell so he could watch out for any tricks that the Bio-Android might have up his sleeve, "Though you asked what you were feeling at the moment. Trunks and I have taken to calling this form 'Super Saiyan Second Grade', which is an empowered version of the original Super Saiyan form... though allow me to demonstrate this power."

Before Cell could reply Vegeta flew at where he was standing and threw his fist into the Bio-Android's chest, which was followed by his opponent gasping as pain exploded throughout his entire body, as Vegeta stood there with his fist lodged deep in Cell's chest. They remained in that stance for a few seconds, allowing Cell to understand the situation that he was in at the moment, before Vegeta tore his hand free and allowed his opponent to stagger backwards for a few steps. Vegeta then followed that up with dashing in front of his opponent and slammed his fist into Cell's chin, sending him up into the air, where he immediately followed after him and kneed him in the chest.

As Cell staggered under the intensity of the first few blows he had received Vegeta went on a rampage, to which he punched Cell's head a few times, delivered a few additional blows to his chest, and another to the back... though when Cell attempted to punch him in return Vegeta merely dodged the attack, moved under Cell's body, and then grabbed his exposed right foot. That was promptly followed by Vegeta using his new power to swing his arm and send Cell flying down towards the plateau they had been standing on a few minutes ago, which was when he collided with the ground and left a small crater in his wake.

Some of his ki must have been put into throwing Cell to the ground, because the entire plateau cracked into pieces and collapsed after Cell was thrown into it, though at the same time Vegeta didn't mind the power that he was displaying at the moment. He was also pleased to find that Trunks was happy with what they were doing to Cell, though as he looked at everyone else he spotted Gale shaking her head, indicating that she wasn't too happy with them taking their time in defeating her brother. He already knew that Gale had to be extremely pissed off, as Android 17 had already been absorbed, but he hoped that the second Bio-Android would show off what she was capable of at some point, because he knew it had to be boring sitting on the sidelines.

"Cell, I'm going to say this one time," Vegeta said, though at the same time he noticed that the Bio-Android was picking himself up so he could get back into the fight, "either bring out your full power and fight me at your full potential, or I'll just destroy you where you stand."

"Why not let me hunt down Android 18 and reach my perfect form?" Cell asked, though while he knew that Vegeta wasn't the type to seek an overly strong opponent, and had no sort of ego that he could detect, he still had to play his hand and see if he could catch his target out of the corner of his eye, "I could always give you a much better fight in my perfect form, as it will be leagues above my semi-perfect form."

"Not going to happen," Vegeta replied, to which he glared at Cell, because he was somewhat surprised that the Bio-Android believed that he would allow something like that to happen, before letting out a sigh, "We Saiyans exist to fight evildoers and villains, such as yourself and Frieza, and defend innocent civilians from any sort of destruction that might befall them. You have destroyed cities, consumed and killed a large percent of the population of the people you have come across, and seek the power to basically destroy the world... so no, you will not obtain your perfect form."

Instead of replying Cell flew through the air and attacked Vegeta, to which he threw a punch at the Saiyan's face, but that was seconds before Vegeta merely moved out of the way and let the attack pass by him. Cell growled and tried again with his other fist, intending to do some sort of damage to his opponent, though that was before his opponent dodged his attack once more. He tried again and again, trying to hit Vegeta and do some damage so he could turn the tide of this battle around, but he found that every time he tried to hit his opponent his attacks missed completely. It was like he was fighting Rainbow in her War Cry form, as she had moved almost like lightning, which only annoyed him as he tried to do something, anything really, to slow down Vegeta.

That was before Vegeta ducked under his attack and slammed the back of his fist into his chest, sending Cell flying into the rock wall that was behind them and cracking the area around where he landed... though that the same he went flying through the rock formation and collided with the water behind it.

"So this is the extent of our training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber," Trunks commented, to which he actually smiled as Cell got the stuffing beaten out of him, because if his father followed through with the pattern he was laying down, and it appeared that he was, Cell would be dead in a matter of minutes.

"It appears that training in that special room of yours is well worth the reward," a voice said, to which Trunks noticed that Gale was now standing next to him, though he could tell that her eyes were on her brother and that she was focusing on making sure that he died before obtaining his perfect form, "I wouldn't mind seeing what's inside that room at some point in time, especially if Rainbow was able to create two new abilities while she was in there. Vegeta's sudden increase in power is also something to take into consideration, though it appears that my brother is completely screwed."

"Listen, you may want your brother dead like everyone else, but that doesn't change how I feel about you," Trunks replied, to which he turned his eyes to Gale for a moment, where he noticed that she didn't seem to care about what he was about to tell her, "You are just as bad as your brother is, which means that the moment you turn against us, or even side with your brother in this fight, we'll destroy you where you stand."

"I understand that you'll never fully trust me, and I accept that, but I want nothing more than my brother's defeat," Gale stated, never taking her eyes off of where her brother was resting, because she knew that she was getting tired of watching and was itching to join the fight, which she blamed on her Saiyan cells, "so keep your eyes on Cell and watch out for any tricks, because I'm sure that he's thinking of pulling one out soon."

Trunks started at Gale for a few more seconds, to be sure that she wasn't going to try anything while she was standing next to him, before he let out a sigh and returned his gaze to his father and Cell... where he hoped that his father could beat Cell without requiring any of their aid.

A few seconds later one of Cell's hands broke out of the water and reached for the sky, to which it was followed by Cell pulling himself out of the water with a look of anger on his face. He stared at Vegeta as he floated into the air, making sure that none of his friends were coming into the fight and interrupting them, but it appeared that he was alone with the Saiyan Prince at the moment. Cell wasn't stupid, he knew that he was in trouble if he couldn't deal any sort of damage to his opponent, but at the same time he was thankful that he had Frieza's cells inside his body, because thanks to files his father had left him he knew one thing that might take the attention off of him.

He called his ki into his right hand and formed a red energy sphere between his palm and his fingers, though instead of leaving it in the small size it was in at the moment he held his hand up and enlarged it. He already knew that Vegeta might recognize this attack, and Trunks for that matter, but he wasn't intending to drop this on an island, because if he played this right he might succeed in escaping. While he charged the attack he made sure to lift himself higher into the air, because this would be something he wanted to be some distance from before it went off.

"This is the end of all of you!" Cell shouted at all of his opponents, allowing both Vegeta and the observers to understand he was attacking all of them, before he threw the sphere down at the ground.

Vegeta, instead of attacking the sphere on his own like a madman, flew down to where the his son and Gale were standing and nodded to them, to which he and Trunks moved their hands into the form of the Galick Gun while Gale seemed to take on the form of the Kamehameha. After a few seconds the three of them loosed their attacks into the air and allowed them to collide with the sphere, though all of them were surprised when the sphere shattered into a large number of smaller spheres. Cell seemed to be laughing at them as the smaller spheres went flying at literally every island that was surrounding the one that they were on, detonating with enough power to completely obliterate the island that they made contact with... though at the same time the three of them noticed that a second sphere was being dropped on their heads from above.

Before it could make contact with the island, however, it slammed into a barrier of some kind and was destroyed upon impact, causing Vegeta, Trunks, and Gale to look around for a few seconds, as they were a little confused as to what had just happened.

"Its annoying that I had to pull this ability out in this manner," a voice said, to which the group noticed that Applejack was standing near them, though at the same time they all noticed that there was a faint silvery aura wrapped around her body, "and, before you ask, this is one of the skills I developed while training in the chamber. Its similar to how Goku calls upon the energy to use his Spirit Bomb, but I call upon the energy of the Earth itself and can mold it however I see fit, meaning I can either empower myself or create a temporary barrier. I can feel the planet's anger at Cell blowing all those islands up, so its high time I got into this fight... and I hope all of you would join me as well."

Vegeta would have been surprised by the sudden power that Applejack had pulled out, even if it was to save them all from the attack that Cell had dropped on their heads, but he wasn't too shocked by it. What he was surprised by, however, was how Applejack spoke of feeling the power of the ground around them, or rather the Earth below their feet, making him think about what Rainbow did. From what he knew Rainbow called upon the power of lightning and could, sometimes, understand the very weather around her, though he and the others had already determined that Rainbow had an affinity for the element of lightning... so if he took what Applejack said into consideration, which he did, he could tell that her own affinity had to be for the element of earth.

If that was the case, and he was sure that he was correct in his thinking, he had to wonder what Gale's elemental affinity was, because she was built with the cells of both Rainbow and Applejack... and Dr. Gero, her father, had mentioned that their cells were so potent that they had been behind the creation of Gale's form.

"Yeah, I'm getting tired of letting my brother destroy things and take the lives of innocent people," Gale said, to which Vegeta was sure that the wind around them had increased for a few seconds, as if it was actually reacting to her anger, but he couldn't be sure that his mind was playing tricks on him, "Come on, let's go finish this once and for all."

Vegeta couldn't agree more, to which he and Gale immediately raced into the air and flew at where Cell was standing, in shock over the fact that his surprise attack had been stopped so easily, while at the same time Trunks decided to power up into the Super Saiyan Second Grade form while Applejack accessed the second multiple of the Kaio-Ken. To everyone else that was watching it would appear that they were pretty much going to overpower their opponent with sheer force until there was nothing left of Cell to fight, though they weren't wrong in thinking that. As they all flew into the air, however, Cell glared at all of them and targeted Vegeta at first, to which he pulled his arms back and charged up the Galick Gun, knowing that he had one chance to get the attack off before his opponents were on top of him.

When he released the attack Vegeta took it head off, as if he could overpower it on his own, but instead of actually colliding with the attack Vegeta simply smacked it to the side with his hand and sent it flying towards the water to the immediate right of the island they had been standing on.

The instant the attack failed, and Cell realized that he might not be up to par with his opponents at this point, he barely had time to move away as Applejack was the first to reach him, which made sense considering who she had been training with before coming here. The instant she was in front of Cell she slammed her right fist into his arms, which were currently crossed at the moment because he was using them defend himself from any attacks that were aimed at his chest, but Cell could have sworn it felt like a giant made of stone was hitting him based on the strength behind the attack. He was forced backwards through the air, though as he regained himself he found both Vegeta and Trunks rushing at him, to which the two of them started throwing punches at him and kept him on the defensive... though at the same time he noticed that their attacks were designed to work together, as they never hit each other while throwing their attacks in his general direction.

Sometime during their attacks he failed to notice the addition of a third opponent that was hanging back, though the only reason he noticed her was because Vegeta and Trunks pulled back as Gale moved in and struck him in the chest. As Cell staggered to keep himself stable, however, Gale wasted no time in releasing a barrage of attacks in his direction, which told him that his sister was definitely trying to kill him. Of the attacks that were thrown at him, and dealt damage to his body in the process, Cell noticed several that stood out; one being that Gale brought in the wind around her fist and released a blast of energy in his direction at speeds that could rival Rainbow's own, the second being when she swung her arms she would occasionally release some wind power and cut into Cell's arms and legs, and a third that involved her calling on a gust of wind that prevented him from fleeing from her.

As he studied the attacks that were coming his way, however, he once again failed to account for everyone else around him, as Applejack managed to lock him in the Harvesters Barrage and slammed him back into the island he had been trying to escape from the entire time... leaving another crater in the already ravaged island.

"Incredible." Piccolo commented, watching Vegeta, Trunks, Applejack, and Gale fighting Cell as if they were a squad that knew each other's movements, as they seemed to be working in perfect unison with each other without any flaws emerging in their attacks.

"I would have to agree with you," Tien said, though at the same time he was smiling, because at the rate things were going the four combatants could easily defeat Cell without him absorbing Android 18 and ascending to his perfect form, "I also noticed something interesting, it seems that each of the pony girls have a certain element that they had an affinity for. Even Gale seems to have one as well, even if her father didn't mean for that to happen."

"We already know that Rainbow has the power to control the lightning, if anything we have seen is to go by," Piccolo stated, remembering everything he had seen of the destructive pony girl, though at the same time he thought about what the other two could go, "and it appears that Gale's element is literally in her name, as she appears to command the power of the wind around her. Applejack, on the other hand, is much harder to gauge the element of, because I really haven't seen anything that announces which element she has an affinity for."

"I can tell you which element Applejack has an affinity for," a voice said, to which they noticed that Rainbow had appeared near where they were standing, though it was clear that she was staring up at the fighting that was going on and wanted to be involved in it, "my sister's affinity is for the element of earth."

"Is that so?" Tien commented, though at the same time he guessed that such a thing made sense, considering that the orange pony girl appeared to enjoy farming and other activities that involved spending time with the ground, "I wonder if she's developed anything like what you have... you know, like the lance or that strange lightning that gathered around you hand before you wounded Cell."

"You mean the Lightning Blade," Rainbow said, telling them the name of the attack she had used, though at the same time she knew that she could easily use the Senzu Bean they had given her to rejoin the battle, but this time she was planning on using it at the moment Cell opened himself to a major attack, so she could end this if the others failed to kill the Bio-Android, "Look, I'll tell you that Applejack's affinity is definitely earth, though I wont tell you anything about the skills that she's developed... I want them to be a surprise when she shows them off."

Piccolo and Tien turned their gaze away from the fight and looked at each other for a few seconds, because the way Rainbow said that statement made them worry that Applejack's powers would be as destructive as her sister's. Piccolo, however, knew who their father was and understood why such a thing could be a reality, because they were the daughters of the God of Destruction. If Rainbow's affinity was lightning, and she was able to use a move such as the Lightning Lance, then he guessed that Applejack having the affinity of earth made sense... which only worried him about the power that could be lurking inside the pony girl's body at the moment.

He suspected that he and the others would find out about Applejack's affinity in the near future, which was when he and Tien turned their attention back to the sky and watched as Cell was tossed around once more... and the two of them waited to see what happened next.

Cell attempted to dodge the attacks that were coming his way, but with four enemies wanting him dead, and working in what appeared to be perfect unison with each other, he knew that it was only a matter of time until they got what they wanted. His only hope was to somehow find Android 18 and figure out a way to absorb her without the Z Warriors getting in his way, but at the moment he had nothing in mind that would allow something like that to happen. Gale and Trunks, being from the future like he was, knew about the destruction that could be caused if he obtained his perfect form and were trying to prevent that from happening. Applejack and Vegeta, on the other hand, had heard that his power would surpass everyone should he get his perfect form, which was why they were busting him up with the intent on stopping him from doing that.

His thoughts were interrupted by his sister appearing in front of him and slamming her fist into his chest, knocking the breath out of him for a few seconds, though that was followed by her sending him flying towards the ground. As he fell Vegeta and Trunks delivered a few more attacks at his chest and forced him into the ground beneath them, but instead of continuing they backed off as Applejack landed in front of him... apparently giving him a few seconds to pick himself up.

"So, what overpowered abilities do you have?" Cell asked, taking a moment to wipe off the blood that had been on his lip, which was just one of the indicators that could tell anyone watching them that he was being overpowered by four ridiculously powerful opponents.

"Pardon me?" Applejack replied, though at the same time she already knew what Cell was talking about, but she was merely stalling for a few minutes to let him speak before she seriously damaged their opponent.

"Your sister has that lance of hers, and I have no idea what destructive ability my own sister has up her sleeves," Cell stated, easily recalling the pain that his own sister had caused him, along with the pain that had occurred when Rainbow had pierced his lung earlier, "So I will ask the question again; what overpowered abilities do you have?"

"Well, I could tell you all about my new ability and install some fear in you," Applejack said, though at the same time she raised her right hand up for a few seconds and balled it into a fist, to which she accessed her ki and started to gather a good fraction of it around her fist, "but, as my sister would say, sometimes its better to just show you what my ability is and let you draw the connections for yourself."

Cell had to wonder what Applejack meant by that, more about the fear part considering he could determine that she was going to show him the power that she had gained while she was training with her sister, so he focused on her fist. He could tell that she was preparing something big, maybe not on the scale of Rainbow's lance, but he could tell that whatever Applejack was preparing caused the ground around her to break a little bit. It made him wonder, for the briefest of seconds, if Applejack's elemental affinity was for the earth itself, though before he could actually say anything he watched as the ki around his opponent's hand solidified into a blue translucent sphere... one that appeared to radiate with a power that made him worry for his chances.

The instant the sphere was fully prepared, and Applejack was pleased with it, she charged at Cell with the speed she had been using the entire time, to which she appeared in front of her target and slammed her fist into Cell's chest... though at the same time he could feel part of his body crack under the pressure of Applejack's attack.

Vegeta, Trunks, Gale, and everyone else that was watching the events unfold watched as the ground behind Cell cracked under the pressure of Applejack's attack, where some parts actually separated from each other, leading to some small fragments of the island splitting off from the mainland and sunk into the water. That was followed by the water around the entire island shaking, as if the power of her attack was transferring into the area around her, but everyone watched and waited to see what else happened. After a few seconds Vegeta noticed that one of the few islands that had actually escaped Cell's rampage, which was a fair distance away from the island they were fighting on, happened to be shaking at the same time... but then when all of the quakes stopped he turned his attention back to the island below him, where he watched as Cell staggered backwards.

It was at that point that Vegeta knew that Rainbow had been telling the truth about her sister's affinity, which meant that Applejack had to have created something more than a punch that causes the ground to quake around the user.

"Wha... what was that?" Cell asked, though at the same time he managed to take some steps away from Applejack, while inducing some pain from the strange wound she had inflicted upon him.

"That was my 'Tremor Punch' attack," Applejack explained, to which she let out a sigh as she looked at the cracked and missing ground that rested behind Cell, "I can call upon the power of the earth, similar to how I used my Spirit Barrier technique to stop your earlier attack, and create a sphere around my hand that allows me to either shake the area around me or transfer all the damage into my opponent's body. Sadly this attack is still incomplete, as I had intended to keep the destruction contained in this one island and it appears to have stretched a tad bit further than I had originally intended, but it gives me something to work on in the future."

"A punch that can induce earthquakes, a lance that's made of lightning and creates massive crates in the ground, and the ability to use wind as a weapon to cut and maim your enemies," Cell commented, his eyes moving over all three of the pony girls, though at the same time he was beginning to understand how outclassed he was by them, because all of them commanded the power of a powerful element, "the three of you are monsters with all of the powers that you have used against me so far... powers that I clearly have no hope of replicating to the same extent their original users use them to."

Applejack flashed in front of Cell and slammed her fist into his chin, sending him up into the air, but instead of following after him she floated into the air and watched what happened next. Gale, on the other hand, appeared to know what was happening, which was why she charged at Cell with a gust of wind wrapped around her right fist. This technique of hers was designed to use the power of the wind itself to throw an enemy through the air at speeds that would prevent them from escaping, effectively making it impossible for them to avoid being damaged when they collided with the ground at high speeds. Gale did aim at a plateau that had no one around it, to which everyone watched as Cell collided with the plateau and kicked up smoke into the air as a crater appeared around him.

It had been some time since she had to last use her Tempest Punch technique, but she was pleased to discover that it had worked as well as it was supposed to have, which meant that Cell wouldn't be getting up anytime soon and that they could now simply gather their power into one attack and blow her brother to pieces.

"This is the end of the road, brother," Gale commented, to which she leveled her hand with the smoke and started gathering her ki, because the moment the smoke cleared she was going to kill her brother and save this timeline, "I truly don't want to kill you, but you have forced my hand."

"Let's put an end to this together," Applejack said, to which she, Vegeta, and Trunks floated up to where Gale was standing and leveled a hand with the smoke, as they intended to help her save this timeline from Cell, though each of them had their own reasons for wanting this to be over.

Gale nodded and prepared herself, because the moment the smoke cleared they were going to release their attacks and bring an end to Cell's life... no matter how hard she silently wished that her brother had turned over a new leaf and didn't go down this road.

"Is... is he dead?" Krillin asked, as he had been surprised when Cell had been sent flying into the rock wall behind where he, Android 16, and Android 18 had been hiding, because he knew that no one would willingly send Cell to where they were hiding.

Sure, the smoke was currently keeping the others from seeing that they were standing near Cell's seemingly lifeless body, but he was sure that Cell had died in the collision with the rock wall, because his body hadn't moved since he had crashed into the plateau. Both Android 16 and Android 18 told him to be careful, and he could even tell that there might be some part inside 18 that wanted him to be safe from harm, but he wanted to make sure that their opponent was dead or alive before they ran away from the area. Either way he knew that his friends were going to blow up Cell's body, just in case he could regenerate from a death like state, but he wanted to know what the situation was like before fleeing.

"After all the damage the others have done to him, I'm sure that the Bio-Android is dead." Android 18 commented, though she smiled as she left Android 16 sitting next to the rock he was leaning on, as she wanted a glimpse of Cell before they retreated once more, "Still, it was pretty brave of you to come over to us and help us escape from Cell... maybe we should hang out or something after this entire ordeal is over with."

Krillin nearly stopped in his tracks when he heard that statement, because to him it almost sounded like Android 18 might want some company after what happened to her brother... or maybe find a significant other for the future, now that she wasn't bound to Dr. Gero's orders. He let out a sigh as he approached the crater and stared at Cell's seemingly lifeless body, noticing that none of his muscles seemed to be moving at the moment, to which he smiled as he turned to face the two Androids. What he failed to account for was any sort of trickery from Cell, as the moment he turned his back to the seemingly lifeless body Cell's tail erupted from the ground and wrapped around him... trapping him where he was standing and causing some panic to rise inside Android 18.

A few seconds later Cell picked himself up and stretched his arms and legs, before turning to face who he had captured, which was followed by a smile appearing on his face when he noticed that Android 18 was within his grasp... and that she seemed to be panicking at the moment.

"Well, what do we have here?" Cell asked, though at the same time he coughed up some more blood, as his sister's attack had done a lot more damage than he had originally expected, which meant that it had made the damage from Applejack's even worse for his body, "Android 18... and it seems that your worrying about Krillin, who I have caught with my tail. Today is truly my lucky day."

"Let me guess, you want me to take Krillin's place because my affection towards him?" Android 18 stated, though at the same time she had to wonder if the others even had the power to take on Cell in his perfect form, because it seemed like Cell was going to acquire what he was after.

"Yes," Cell immediately said, a grin appearing on his face, because he already knew that he had won, because with her emotions Android 18 was bound to surrender to his demand, as long as he gave something to her in return, "Gale's attack makes it impossible for sound to pass though the smoke until it disappears, due to the influx of her own power, so you won't be able to warn the others about me. How about this; surrender yourself to me and I'll release Krillin..."

"No. You'll leave Krillin alone and stop killing innocent civilians," Android 18 stated, because if she was going to sacrifice herself, and potentially bring about the end of the world for the sake of some sort of untapped affection between her and Krillin, she wanted to be sure that he and the innocent people were safe in case Cell was defeated.

"I can accept those terms," Cell replied, to which he unfurled his tail and threw Krillin forward, to which Android 18 caught Krillin and made sure that he was behind her when the tail came at her, "besides, with my perfect form I won't need to absorb anyone else... you will be the last one."

Android 18 glared at Cell for a few seconds, as if she was debating just blasting Cell and attempting to run, but then she sighed, as she would get caught regardless of whatever she did and the endgame would be the same. Instead of running or fighting, which any sane person would do, she simply looked down into Krillin's eyes and knew that if he was the Android that could grant Cell his perfect form, instead of her, that he would gladly sacrifice himself for her. She could tell that Krillin didn't want her to do this, especially with the world at stake, but instead of allowing him to ask questions she did something incredibly stupid; she kissed Krillin on the lips for a few seconds... though once Krillin was stunned she shoved him backwards as Cell's tail clamped down on her.

"NOOOOO!" Krillin shouted, though at the same time he felt Android 16 pull him away as Cell started to ascend to his perfect form, just as the smoke started to clear, which meant that the others were going to attack soon enough.

The moment the smoke started to clear Gale and the others heard the shout that came from Krillin's mouth, to which they noticed that Gale had, accidentally, sent Cell flying towards where Android 18 had been hiding with the wounded Android 16 and Krillin. She honestly had no idea that they had been there to begin with, but at the same time they all noticed the one thing that caused some dread to fill their hearts; Cell was absorbing Android 18 into his body. Instead of allowing her brother to completely take Android 18 into his body, and reach the form that would apparently be the death of her if she were to believe anything Cell had told her, Gale released the attack she had been gathering. Sure, she was basically saying that Krillin was someone she was willing to sacrifice for the safety of the future, but she couldn't allow her brother to obtain his perfect form.

An explosion rocked the area that Cell had been standing in, though due to all of the smoke that had been kicked up, from both her attack and her brother's transformation, but she knew that she had failed to stop Cell from acquiring his perfect form... because the power she was currently feeling was unlike anything she had ever felt before. She knew that the Z Warriors were in trouble now, because Cell had reached a power above what they were capable of... and she already knew that Trunks was going to blame her for what was currently happening to them.

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