• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Saiyan: Arrival

The following morning resembled what Rainbow and Applejack were used to, back when they lived with their father and his attendant, as the moment they woke up they used the washroom and then went to the dining room to share the morning meal with the rest of the Z Warriors, Mr. Popo, and Kami. They quickly discovered that they would have to be quick in the washroom, considering the fact that there were seven other people that needed to use it in the morning. The morning meal was generally a large number of breakfast foods, pancakes, eggs, bacon, something they called french toast, hashbrowns, and a whole variety of foods they hadn't seen before. It was during that time that they discovered that Mr. Pope usually liked to explain what type of training they would be doing that day, just so everyone knew what to expect when they go started.

While they ate, however, Yamcha started to stare at both of the girls, as if he was looking at something that didn't make sense to him, though after a while Applejack decided enough was enough.

"Is something wrong Yamcha?" Applejack asked, knowing that they would never get around whatever was bothering the man as long as he kept quiet about it.

"No... why do you ask?" Yamcha replied, though with as fast as they reply came Applejack knew that something was definitely bothering him, otherwise she was sure he would have taken his time in deciding if something was actually wrong before answering her question.

"I was just wondering why you keep staring at me and my sister," Applejack said, to which Rainbow turned her head towards the man, while at least Krillin did the same so he could see the reaction, "its a little creepy, which is why I brought up the question in the first place."

Yamcha looked around the table and saw that everyone, including Mr. Popo and Kami, had stopped what they were doing and had paused to look at him. It was now clear that everyone was curious as to why he was still hung up on staring at them, seeing how they had all spent an afternoon either training with or watching the girls. Eventually he let out a sigh and decided that it was best if he told them, though he silently admitted that it was a little stupid of him for staring at them for as long as he had been.

"I was studying the colors of your gi, that's all," Yamcha replied, pointing at the clothing that both Applejack and Rainbow happened to be wearing at the moment, "I mean, I have never seen a gi that's colored blue and has a purple undershirt, as well as there being a pair of purple wristbands and a purple sash. It was unusual and I was just stunned by it, that's all."

"Our mother gave us these gi a few years ago," Applejack started to say, but then caught herself when she realized that it was more than a few years ago, "or rather more like twenty-six years ago at this point. The colors actually mimic the colors of our father, so that the people who knew him, and saw that we bore his colors, would think twice about messing with us."

"Your father must be a really awesome guy," Krillin commented, though he was more excited about the fact that Applejack and Rainbow were considered dangerous by their own father, because it meant that they could survive what was coming their way, "Do you think that we'll ever get the change to meet him one day?"

"I don't know, he's been sleeping for the last twenty-three years," Rainbow said, though she looked down at her plate for a moment, remembering some of he things they had done with their father before they had been put in their enchanted sleep.

"Oh..." Krillin said, noticing how said both of the girls looked for a moment, though both he and everyone else, save for Mr. Popo and Kami came to the same conclusion, "I am so sorry for you loss."

Rainbow looked up for a second and wondered why Krillin would be saying that, considering she had never said that their father was dead, as he was merely sleeping in his temple at the moment. She wanted to immediately correct the assumption that had been made, but the moment she looked over at Applejack she noticed that her sister was shaking her head. She was basically telling her not to bother correcting what Krillin and the others were thinking, because it would lead to too many questions, most of which they didn't have any answers for at the moment. That also told Rainbow that they were just going to have to play along for now and hopefully correct it one day in the future, though the thought of lying left a slightly bitter taste in Rainbow's mouth... and she was sure that Applejack was feeling the same as she was.

Neither one of them enjoyed the thought of people thinking that their father was dead, but at least it meant less questions for them to answer in the long run... despite how much it hurt for them to go along with it.

A few minutes later, after eating breakfast in silence, Mr. Popo took them all outside the building and returned to the courtyard where they had been training the previous day, to which he told them exactly what he wanted them to do while he got the dining room cleaned up. That involved fighting each other in a one on one fight or a two on one fight, running laps around the Lookout, or working with their ki in whatever method they desired. Despite the restrictions on their ki training Rainbow went nowhere near the weapon she had created all those years ago, mostly because she could only use it once per day at this point and wanted it on hand in case today was the day the two Saiyans landed on Earth.

Rainbow and Applejack kept themselves busy all throughout the day, pushing themselves to regain the control over their abilities that they had before their mother had put them in the enchanted sleep, though they both knew that it would take some time to get back on that exact level. They paused for lunch and dinner like everyone else and took several breaks so their bodies could used to moving again, though during their breaks they listened to whatever story was being told at that exact moment, knowing that they wouldn't be able to do the same without raising too many questions. What little they actually told the Z Warriors gave all of them the idea that their father was a great warrior, which actually wasn't a lie when they considered what he did for a living, and that he had passed on his own skills to the both of them.

The girls had to admit that the Z Warriors were right about their father passing on his knowledge and skills to them, though they were far away from being able to produce anything on the scale that he could do with his innate abilities.

Eventually night fell upon the planet, to which the girls looked up at the moonless night sky and stared at the stars, knowing that their mother, Whis, and Shin were likely either keeping an eye on them or were leaving them to their own devices. They had spent the entire day training, either fighting against each other, fighting against one of the Z Warriors, or punching an imaginary opponent seeing how there weren't any dummies on the Lookout for them to practice with. The girls had to admit that they were impressed with the level of power that the Z Warriors had, as it provided them with the perfect assistance to getting back as much of their former power as they possibly could, but even so they had no idea if all of them were enough for the Saiyans.

As the group relaxed for the rest of the night, after just having a light dinner, Kami made an announcement that shocked the Z Warriors, while leaving Rainbow and Applejack surprised the moment they realized exactly when their mother had set their alarm for.

"I sense that the two Saiyan warriors will be landing on Earth sometime tomorrow," Kami told them all, though his eyes lingered on the stars for a moment, though it was clear that he was keeping his eye on the invaders, "After breakfast tomorrow I suggest that you all leave the Lookout and go find Piccolo and Gohan, who have been training after the death of the last Saiyan, and group up with them, because I have the feeling that the incoming battle with require the strength of every one of you... including young Rainbow Dash and Applejack."

According to everything the girls had heard, from the Z Warriors and the deities that controlled the Lookout, the two Saiyans that were coming were supposed to be a lot tougher than the one that the world's greatest hero had sacrificed himself to stop, though that was if what Raditz had said before his death was actually accurate. Neither Rainbow or Applejack knew if they would actually be of any help when the Saiyans arrived, but they also knew that they would never really know unless they went into battle with the rest of the Z Warriors. They also found it odd that Mr. Popo didn't seem worried about anything, though that was understandable considering the fact that he knew who their father was.

The girls spent some time talking with the Z Warriors, where they discovered that the plan was for everyone to head to their homes for the night, where in the morning they would all head to wherever this Piccolo and Gohan were waiting, group up with them, and then wait for the two Saiyans to arrive at their location, so the fighting didn't damage any of the cities scattered around the world. The girls didn't have any other ideas, since this was the first time they were actually getting into a fight like this, so they kept their mouths shut while they listened to the group, to which they also learned that Gohan was actually the son of Goku and that he was actually around their age.

Once the plan was set in place the Z Warriors departed from the Lookout, so they could finish their preparations for the arrival of the Saiyans, leaving Rainbow and Applejack to stand outside the building they had been training in front of all day, where they could talk to each other without having to worry about someone learning something they shouldn't.

"So what do you think?" Rainbow asked, staring up at the stars for a moment, her mind focused on the friend that the two of them had left behind so many years ago, "Who are the Saiyans that are coming to this planet?"

"Hard to know," Applejack replied, crossing her arms as she looked at her sister, "Before we went to sleep there were at least a good hundred, if not more, Saiyans living on Planet Vegeta, so there's the possibility that they might be people we've never met before. Or maybe we'll see Nappa or Vegeta again... though there's no telling if either of them would even recognize us after twenty-three years of having no contact with us."

"I'd like to see Vegeta again," Rainbow commented, before turning to face her sister for a moment, "I mean the Prince, not his father or the planet they lived on."

"I knew who you were talking about," Applejack said, pulling her arms apart for a moment before she patted her sister on the shoulder, "Don't worry, we'll figure out what's happening and who's coming to the planet tomorrow... after we've had a good nights sleep and get something decent to eat in the morning."

Rainbow let out a sigh before nodding her head, to which the two of them returned to the room that had been lent to them for the duration of their stay at the Lookout, though they knew that at some point they were going to have to find better accommodations in the future. It would be some time before their father woke up from his slumber, which meant that they were on their own until their mother, Shin, or Whis felt it was necessary to help them out. As they slipped into their beds they continued to wonder who was coming to the planet, though they didn't give it much thought as they quickly fell asleep and left the waking world behind for the night.

When morning arrived the girls were eager to meet it, though they contained their excitement while they ate the morning meal Mr. Popo and Kami, but a few moments after they had finished eating Krillin showed up outside the building. The girls took a moment to thank the deities that had been watching over them for the last twenty-three years, who wished them good luck in their upcoming battle, before they followed Krillin outside, levitated into the air, and flew in the direction that Krillin indicated their friends were in. The girls had no idea how the man knew where the other two members of their group were located, but they decided that now wasn't the time for questions as they followed the group, knowing that they could get the answers once they had dealt with the Saiyans. Even as the girls thought about the Saiyans they knew that the pods would be landing somewhere on Earth any moment now, though the thought excited them while also worrying their new companions.

The girls had no idea who was going to be landing on the planet sometime today, but if whoever was coming wanted to destroy the world then Rainbow and Applejack were going to give them a piece of their mind... though that didn't help them get over the fact that they both felt that something interesting was going to happen in the next few hours.

Space was usually the one place were Vegeta could relax and forget about his troubles, be it whatever Frieza was ordering him to do or his companion's level of stupidity. That was generally true if he could turn off his communicator, go to sleep in his pod, and ignore the planets around him until he got close to his destination, though at the moment he was far from relaxed. Apparently after stopping at Planet Arlia, which had been destroyed shortly after their departure, Nappa didn't bother putting himself under again and had stayed up the entire time. According to him he had spent the entire time researching a way to help Vegeta get over his 'imaginary' friends, though at some point he deviated from that and watched videos of creatures fighting each other.

Vegeta still had no idea why Nappa had his pod outfitted with a receiver that picked up on something Nappa called the 'Internet', but i had kept him busy and out of his hair until he had been roused from his slumber... to which Nappa started bothering him with all of the shows he had been watching during their flight. Eventually he had gotten through his companion's thick skull and told him the plan, after coming up with one before they reached their destination, though he still had the feeling that his plan would be messed up at some point.

"Are we there yet?" Nappa asked over the communicator, his annoying voice piercing Vegeta's thoughts and bringing him back to the reality that they were in at the moment.

That was another habit that Nappa had developed while Vegeta was asleep; he would occasionally ask if they at their destination, though once he was told 'no' he would wait between five seconds to a minute before asking again, almost as if he was intentionally trying to piss Vegeta off.

"No Nappa, we're passing by Saturn," Vegeta replied, trying to keep calm as he stared at the planets that they were passing, knowing that they were almost to Earth.

"Are we there yet?" Nappa followed up, as if he believed that this was a game for the two of them to play until they arrived at their final destination, though all it did was made Vegeta mad.

Vegeta cast a glance at his ship's map of the planets they were near, seeing that they were now passing by Jupiter, to which he quickly told Nappa no and went back to his own thoughts. The third time the question was asked Vegeta could feel his anger rising again, though they were passing by the field of asteroids that rested between Jupiter and the planet known as Mars, to which he gave another no while trying to ignore his companion. The fourth time the question was asked they happened to be passing by the red planet known as Mars, though the same answer left Vegeta's mouth as he prepared himself for what was coming. Even when their pods entered the planet's atmosphere, and began their descent towards the ground, Nappa still asked the question, though this time Vegeta gave him a different answer.

"Yes Nappa, we have reached our destination," Vegeta replied, though he had to tear off his communicator for a few seconds when Nappa started screaming 'yay' at the top of his lungs, though once the noise was gone he put it back on and resumed talking, "Now remember the plan; we land out the outskirts of one of the cities, find someone that might be able to help us, and then we can get the Dragon Balls and make our wish."

Instead of responding to Vegeta, like he was supposed to whenever they entered a planet's atmosphere and were about to land, Nappa's pod went flying towards the nearest city, to which he crashed through one of the taller buildings before hitting the ground, creating a crater around his ship. Vegeta, on the other hand, angled his ship towards the area outside the city and landed outside, with the crater following his landing, though he pulled himself out of his pod and faced the city, to which he got a small glimpse of it before a flash of light erupted from where Nappa's pod had landed. The moment the light faded Vegeta turned to where Nappa had landed once more and found that the entire city that had been surrounding Nappa's pod had been destroyed, erased from existence in one attack.

Even the ground around him and his own pod was gone, which was understandable considering he landed outside the city, but all that did was piss Vegeta of, because the seemingly brainless oaf had forgotten his entire plan and went forward with his own idea. Vegeta growled as he flew into the air and raced towards the center of the destruction, where he found Nappa grinning like a little boy that was pleased with himself.

"Goddammit Nappa," Vegeta shouted, causing his companion to look at him in surprise, "I told you that we were supposed to land outside a city and ask the residents if they knew how to find the Dragon Balls, and yet you wan ahead and blew the entire city to pieces. Not only could you have potentially destroyed one of the seven spheres, and ruined our chances at making our wish, you just made us public enemy number one. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I was just celebrating our arrival," Nappa replied, looking around at the destruction he had caused, while at the same time finding that there were a few decent power levels near their location, "besides is not like it matters if one city gets destroyed. The people of Earth could always wish the city back with the Dragon Balls... once we've made our wish on them. Come on, my scouter has picked up the power levels of some decent fighters and I've been itching for a good fight... especially after the bug planet we landed on."

Before Vegeta had time to tell Nappa to settle down and stick to the plan, or let him come up with a new one, the man levitated into the air and went flying in the direction of the people his scouter had detected. Vegeta watched his companion fly off without him for a moment, though he took the opportunity to wonder if there was anyone on this planet that could remove Nappa from his life, before he let out a sigh and followed after the oaf. He just hoped that none of the Dragon Balls had been destroyed in the energy blast Nappa had just used, otherwise this entire venture would be a complete waste of time.

As he followed Nappa he let his own scouter check the surrounding area for the high power levels that his companion had found, though he discovered that there were at least half a dozen people that had a power level that was over Raditz's power level, meaning that any of them could have taken out Raditz. He found it stunning that Nappa was heading towards a pair of fighters that were the closest to their current location, when in reality he should have been heading towards the pair of fighters that were at least twice Raditz's level. Those were the fighters that he was interested in meeting the most, because he was sure that the pair could take Nappa down and finally relieve him of the oaf's stupidity. The odd part was that the two fighters he was keeping an eye on seemed to be following someone that was half of their own power levels, though why he had no idea.

In the end Vegeta let out a sigh before following after Nappa, watching him fly through the air and break through the clouds that surrounded him, though it only made him miss Rainbow Dash and Applejack more than he already was... though his anger doubled when he spotted Nappa taking out some sort of plane, killing more innocent people, before resuming his flight towards the power levels he had chosen to target first. Regardless of what happened on this planet, be it them winning or being beaten by the planet's warriors, Vegeta silently swore that today marked the end of Nappa's life... even if he had to do it himself.

Rainbow and Applejack turned in the direction of the energy blast that they had felt, because they were surprised by the amount of power they had felt, but that wasn't the only reason for them stopping in midair. They were both positive that the energy belonged to Nappa, the Saiyan general that had been assigned to their friend, though they had seen the man fight with his ki several times and were sure that the energy belonged to him. The Z Warriors had said that there were supposed to be two Saiyans arriving, though they were somewhat shocked that the second one had yet to use his or her ki, making it impossible for either of them to figure out who else had come to the planet with Nappa.

They shared a look with each other for a moment, knowing that they were unsure of what Nappa had done to the planet, before they resumed their flight and followed after Krillin, who had brought them to what appeared to be a cross between a desert area and a grassy area, with several hills and pillars of earth scattered everywhere. It didn't take them long to find the people that they were searching for, as they happened to be standing in the middle of an area that didn't have anything immediately around them, though they were somewhat surprised by what they saw. One of the people happened to be a little kid, maybe a year or two younger than they were, while the second person looked like a younger version of Kami, who the girls had to assume was the person called Piccolo, though the two of them were definitely ready for a fight.

"Hey, do you guys want some help?" Krillin asked the pair, though Rainbow and Applejack landed behind him and looked around the area that would soon become a battleground, wondering if anyone else was going to show up.

"Yeah, sure, why not." Piccolo replied, though both he and the kid, who the girls assumed had to be Gohan, looked at the girls for a moment, "And where did you find these two?"

"Up on Kami's Lookout," Krillin answered, not even trying to hide where he had met the girls, "Allow me to introduce Rainbow Dash and Applejack... and yes, they are both part pony. Girls, this is Piccolo and Gohan, and we're supposed to be helping them deal with the Saiyans once the other Z Warriors show up."

"Too late, we're already here," a voice above them said, to which all five of them looked up at the sky and found a lone warrior floating there, though it seemed that he wasn't aware that he was alone at the moment.

Rainbow and Applejack stared up at the name in disbelief, because despite the twenty-three years they spent in their mother's enchanted sleep, and being moved to a completely new planet, Nappa still looked like how they remembered him. The only difference they could see was that he was wearing a blue scouter on his face, though they both hoped that his personality had changed since the last time they had seen him. They kept their eyes on Nappa as he lowered himself to the ground in front of the group, noting that both Krillin and Gohan appeared to be shaken by his presence while Piccolo didn't seem too concerned.

Before anyone could say anything another person, also dressed up in the armor that Rainbow and Applejack remembered most of the Saiyans wearing, landed nearby and glared at Nappa as he walked forward.

"Goddammit Nappa, what have I told you about killing innocent people?" the newcomer shouted, marching up to the taller warrior with a look of pure anger in his eyes, "Seriously, I tell you to land outside a city so we can make a good first impression when we start our search for the Dragon Balls and you go and blow the entire city to pieces. Then, to make matters worse, you attack and destroy one of the planet's flying machines for no reason, killing who knows how many innocent people in the process. You have made this entire venture much harder than it needed to be."

"Oh come on, I was just testing how to move and fight in this gravity," Nappa replied, indicating that he didn't care how many innocent people he killed, though that was before his eyes locked on the two girls that were standing at the back of the group of fighters, "I told you that we should have taken care of the problem you have with your imaginary friends, because it appears that they have finally left your mind and entered the real world."

"Nappa, what are you... talking... about..." Vegeta started to say, turning to look at the people that were currently holding Nappa's attention, to which he felt his heart skip a beat for a moment when he spotted the two girls standing behind the Namekian, "Im... Impossible... they look like they haven't aged a day."

In Vegeta's eyes both Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked the exact same as the last time he had seen them, the day he and Nappa had left Planet Vegeta to go on a mission for his father... they were even wearing the golden necklaces that he had given them on their fifth birthday, which looked like time hadn't touched them at all. After a few seconds he remembered who their mother was and what she was capable of doing, so he guessed that she had done something to the two girls to allow them to look the same after twenty-three years. He was sure that they didn't recognize him, which meant that they would actually be fighting on opposite sides of this conflict because Nappa was going to make it impossible for him to explain what was going on.

"Hey Vegeta, I know a way we can test how powerful these guys actually are," Nappa said, to which Vegeta snapped out of his thoughts in time to see him using the last of the Saibamen seeds, to which the ground around them shook for a moment before six green humanoid plant creatures emerged from the ground.

The moment the Saibamen were free they dashed around the assembled group, shattering most of the stone structures that were around them, before coming to a stop in front of Nappa. Vegeta knew that Nappa intended on making the remaining six Saibamen they had fight the people in front of them, though judging by the various power levels he already knew that such an action would only result in the death of all six Saibamen. Now that they had been planted the Saibamen would want to fight something, which meant that he was going to have to sit back and watch as Rainbow, Applejack, and their new friends beat the plant creatures into submission.

Rainbow and Applejack, on the other hand, were shocked to hear that the man that was standing beside Nappa was actually Vegeta, because for a moment they thought that it was his father, King Vegeta. Their old friend seemed annoyed by his companion, which they could understand because he annoyed them whenever he was near them, but they had no idea why he wanted to bring about the destruction of this world. The old Vegeta that they knew would never do something like that, rather he would go and scout out planets that had tyrant like leaders, where he would return and take that person out to liberate the planet like his father wanted.

"P... Prince Vegeta, is... is that really you?" Applejack asked, knowing that Krillin, Piccolo, and Gohan were going to ask questions now that she had called him by his title, which Nappa hadn't used at all, but she needed to make sure that it was their friend and not someone that looked like him.

"Yes Applejack, its me," Vegeta replied, a smile appearing on his face for a moment, just because he was glad that they could recognize him after all this time.

"Wait a minute," Krillin said, turning on both Rainbow and Applejack, though it was clear that he was shocked by what he had just heard, "You two know that guy?"

"Can we please focus on the task at hand?" Piccolo snapped, his attention on the six Saibamen that were waiting for some odd reason, "There will be plenty of time for you to ask questions once we have dealt with our opponents... starting with those six creatures that came out of the ground."

"See Vegeta, they're ready for a fight," Nappa said, grinning as he looked between the fighters across from them and the Saibamen he had created, almost as if he was going to enjoy what was coming next, "So, who wants to play a game?"

Rainbow and Applejack prepared themselves, but while they were ready to help defend this new planet they were on they had no idea if they had it in them to beat up their old friend. Nappa, on the other hand, they would gladly fight, but it was Vegeta they were uncertain about... and they were sure that their uncertainty would come back to bite them in the end.

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