• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Android: Desert Fighting

As Applejack, Rainbow, and the others followed after Goku, who was leading them to a suitable area for them to fight in without hurting innocent bystanders, Applejack noticed that the Saiyan was in some sort of pain, as he occasionally touched his chest for a few seconds before continuing to fly normally. She recalled that Xeno had told them that Goku was supposed to have been struck down by some sort of heart disease that didn't have a cure in the present timeline, which explained why they had been given the cure ahead of time. She had to wonder if the constant chest pain that Goku was experiencing at the moment was the disease that Xeno had warned them about, though without any idea what the symptoms were they had no idea if this was the one that would kill him or if this was a short burst of pain he was feeling.

While they flew she also detected the flare of Vegeta's ki appearing on the planet again, which meant that their friend had returned from the Saiyan afterlife and was on his way to wherever they decided to land... though she knew that Rainbow had felt it as well and knew that she was excited to see him again.

Tien and Piccolo seemed interested for battle, which was understandable when she took into consideration all the training they had gone through over the last three years, while Yamcha seemed concerned for their chances after the damage that had happened to the city they had left behind. Krillin was calm and collected, which wasn't too surprising considering that he had fought against Frieza and knew about the power that the tyrant had wielded, while Gohan seemed focused on bringing justice to the two Androids that were in front of them, despite the fact that he was further behind them at the moment. Rainbow, of course, was pissed off that the Androids didn't want to fight her, which anyone could determine by the red lightning that was coursing around one of her hands.

The Androids, on the other hand, remained silent during the entire trip, which meant that they were focused on killing Goku and then fleeing before either Rainbow or Applejack could take them apart. Applejack would have found it shocking that the two Androids knew about them, but when she took into consideration that someone must have seen Rainbow's lance she knew that the thought was easily explainable. It also made her wonder how much Android 19 and Android 20 knew about her and her sister, especially if their creator had programmed them to run away if they encountered either of them when they went out to test themselves.

It was some time before someone said something, though when it was revealed that the Androids were the ones that had spoken, or more accurately the one known by the number 20, they knew that they had likely gone far enough.

"Enough is enough, Son Goku!" Android 20 called out, to which both he and Android 19 stopped in the middle of the air, forcing everyone to stop and causing Goku to come back towards them, "How far were you thinking of going? We're no longer near any innocent bystanders or anything that someone would care about, so it's about time that you chose where you want to die."

Goku glanced down at the area beneath them, to which he noticed all of the rock formations that were scattered everywhere and decided that it was better than anything he could have chosen at the moment, though that was followed by him nodding and beckoning down to the area beneath them. The two Androids looked down at the area for a moment before Android 20 smiled, to which they descended towards the ground and forced the Z Warriors to follow after them. It didn't take them long to reach the ground level, though as they did so they noticed that the Androids stopped just before touching the ground, to which they levitated above the stones for a few seconds before landing.

That was followed by everyone landing in front of them, though at the front of the pack was Goku, which was understandable considering that they wanted to fight him first, while everyone else landed behind him.

"So, before actually start fighting, why don't you explain how you know us without ever having met us," Goku stated, though at the same time he was staring to pant, which made him wonder if the disease was starting to eat at his body or if he had pushed himself too hard in his training and this was his punishment.

"Very well, I will tell you what you want to know... though at the end you'll regret even asking," Android 20 said, taking a moment to enjoy the pain that Son Goku was feeling, despite the fact that they hadn't started fighting yet and he was already almost out of breath, "You have been under constant surveillance by the usage of miniature grub-like spy robots. We watched you during the Tenkaichi Martial Arts Tournaments, as well as your fights with Piccolo and the Saiyans known as Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta... though it was during the Saiyan invasion that we discovered the raw power that young Rainbow uses, hence why we were programmed to flee if we ended up fighting her.

Our research has been ongoing since the day that you destroyed the Red Ribbon Army, determining how you could be defeated and what type of Android was necessary to beat you, until Dr. Gero created the two of us... though now our creator is dead and our directive is clear; Kill Son Goku."

"Wow, so you even followed him all the way to Namek as well?" Piccolo asked, though at the same time he was hoping that the answer was no, because then they could reveal something that the Androids might not be expecting.

"Of course we followed him to Namek." Android 20 stated, sounding confident in his answer, though the group smiled a bit when he turned to the other Android for a few seconds, "19, what is this Namek that he is referring to?"

"Scanning data," Android 19 replied, to which they heard the sound of the Android humming as he searched through all the data he had been given, before a frown appeared on his face, "Data not found."

"What do you mean 'data not found'?!" Android 20 exclaimed, surprise appearing in his voice for a few seconds, indicating that something had gone wrong.

"All spy robots were destroyed during the Saiyan Invasion," Android 19 answered, recalling the information with ease, which meant that Dr. Gero either hadn't noticed all the robots were dead or he had died shortly before or after the destruction of all of the robots.

"So I guess that means neither of you know what a Super Saiyan is, do you?" Piccolo continued, though at this point everyone was smiling at the Androids, because they knew that the two artificial humans had no idea how much trouble they were in at the moment.

"19?" Android 20 asked, though by the tone of his voice the Z Warriors could tell that he had no faith in their data at the moment, as he now believed that they might be outclassed.

"Data not found." Android 19 stated, which only seemed to add to the worry that was on Android 20's face for a few seconds, which disappeared when he turned back to the group.

"Then no... though I have the feeling that you're about to show us what that is anyway." Android 20 replied, staring at Son Goku as he wondered what was coming their way at the moment.

"Goku, if you would." Piccolo said, though at the same time he and the others moved backwards, giving Goku room so he could access his full power and show the Androids how outclassed they were.

Once the others were out of the way Goku released his ki and pushed himself, allowing the golden aura to wrap around him as his eyes shifted to their new green color and his hair flared upward as it took on the golden hue that came with the Super Saiyan form. He knew that, thanks to the three years he had spent training under both his father and Vegeta's mother, in order to master this form to the best of his ability, his power had to have increased by a tremendous amount, which explained the dust that was being pushed away from him at the moment. He was interested in finishing this as quick as possible, because it appeared that the Androids were after him and would be fleeing if they fought anyone that wasn't him... which meant he needed to kill them quickly.

"It seems that you have achieved quite the increase in power," Android 20 commented, though this time his tone seemed indifferent, making it hard to determine if the Android was scared or if he believed that they could win the fight that was coming.

"Android 20, this appears to be a completely different technique from the Kaio-Ken." Android 19 added, indicating that he had been studying Goku as he powered up, meaning that the overweight Android might be the first one that was going to be fighting.

"Agreed... and it changes all of our calculations," Android 20 said, though that was when Goku and the others determined that the Android believed that they had a chance at beating their opponent, "However, he is still not powerful enough to overcome us. Son Goku, at your current level I doubt you can beat me in battle... much less Android 19."

"Is that so?" Goku replied, though as he huffed for a few seconds he was annoyed that the Androids believed that they were stronger than he and the others, which was going to piss off Rainbow to some degree, "Then I had better show you how strong I really am... and I'll start by taking about Android 19."

Goku charged at Android 19 and vanished as the Android reached for him, though a few seconds later he appeared behind him and blocked the kick that was coming his way, to which the two of them exchanged a large number of blows with each other, where Goku would occasionally block some attacks before throwing one that was blocked in kind. That was followed by 19 jumping backwards, in the direction of a tower of rocks that happened to rest behind him, before jumping into the air. Goku followed after his target until the two of them were moving through the air, though that was when 19 moved behind the peak of the rocks, gathered some energy into his hands, and released a blast of ki energy that tore the top of the pile to pieces.

The Android followed that by a release of a beam of ki energy, one that could be a one handed Kamehameha or something, but Goku remained unscathed as he appeared above the Android, who noticed him and immediately moved out of the way once more. When the Android landed on the ground Goku followed suit, though he appeared behind him and avoided the attack that was coming his way, before putting his elbow painfully in 19's back... though that was accompanied by enough power to send his target back into the rock pile and destroying the rest of it.

A few seconds later 19 appeared among the rocks and flew head first at where Goku was standing, though that was when Goku caught the Android by his head and kicked him into the air. When Goku followed after his opponent the two of them went back to exchanging blows with each other, just like they had been doing a minute or two ago, before Goku scored a lucky blow by uppercutting 19, opening him to a kick that sent him flying backwards. When 19 regained himself he came flying back at Goku, though that was followed by Goku avoiding the attack and elbowing him in the face, knocking him away from him once more.

Goku paused for a few seconds, to catch his breath and wonder why the pain in his chest wasn't going away, before appearing in front of 19 once more and sending his knee into his chin, which he followed by kicking him to the side and engaging in a series of blows that the Android couldn't guard against at the moment. That went on for several minutes, where it was a one sided fight where Goku basically had the Android at his mercy, before he hit him so hard that he went flying towards the ground. This time he remained in the air and wondered if he should head back home with his Instant Transmission skill and pick up the medicine, which would likely put him out of commission until the disease was taken care of, or if he should ignore the pain and test his luck.

A few seconds later Android 19 emerged from the rocks and stood up, to which Goku decided that it was time to end this fight and get out of here so the others could deal with the remaining Android. He gathered his ki into his hands, which were resting by the right side of his body, before he had formed the Kamehameha, to which he leveled his hands with the Android and released a beam of energy at his target. Oddly enough the Android simply stood there and let the energy come towards him, though at the last possible second he raised his right hand towards it, to which everyone watched as 19 absorbed every last drop of the attack.

"They can absorb ki?" Rainbow asked, though while she thought that something like that should be impossible she found it annoying, because it made her worry about her chances if she busted out the lance and used it on Android 20.

"It seems like it." Piccolo replied, to which he stared up at Goku for a moment, who was huffing from either the exhaustion of using so much energy or something else, "Goku, don't use any more ki based attacks. These guys apparently have the ability to absorb ki through their hands, so don't let them touch you with their palms either."

As Goku came to terms with what the Androids were able to do, which cancelled out a good deal of their abilities, 19 went on the offensive and started wailing on Goku, indicating that the energy he had absorbed had increased his own capabilities to the point where he was now overpowering his opponent. He delivered several blows to Goku, knocking him around like he was a rag doll of some kind, before sending him flying towards the ground... where Goku used a little of his remaining energy to stop himself and land on the ground.

At the same time he felt the pain in his heart grow, to which he gripped his chest as he willingly dropped out of the Super Saiyan state, though he made sure he was near his friends as he waited... because there was a surprise he wanted to share with the Androids before he disappeared.

"So Xeno was right, Goku's getting sick with a deadly heart disease," Piccolo commented, sweat rolling down the side of his face for a few seconds, though if he was reading the look on Goku's face he had felt the same thing that everyone else had to have felt.

"The medicine is back at our house," Gohan said, remembering that his father had left the container behind, "at least there he'll be safe from the Androids, in case any of them survive what's coming their way."

"19, take the rest of Son Goku's energy and kill him!" Android 20 shouted, while at the same time he stepped in front of the group and held his hands out, indicating that he was going to block them as his companion dealt with Goku.

Goku glared at the Android that approached him, with his hands held out so he could drain his energy, though before 19 could reach him something struck his face, a white boot by the looks of it, and sent the Android flying... to which Goku smiled when he noticed who was standing in front of him again. Vegeta had finally caught up with them, though he was wearing a suit of armor that had his family emblem on it, which most people wouldn't know about until he explained what it meant, but he felt great having it near him again.

"I'm going to stop you right there Android," Vegeta said, smiling as he looked at the Android that was laying on his back, before turning to Goku for a moment, "I take it that the heart disease that Xeno warned us about has finally reared its ugly head?"

"Yeah... and my medicine... is at home," Goku replied, huffing for a few seconds, though at the same time he held his hands to his head, indicating that he intended on using the Instant Transmission to leave the area, "I was... wait for you... to show up... before I left."

"Then go home and beat this disease," Vegeta said, though at the same time he patted Goku's shoulder for a moment, "Don't worry, we can handle the Androids... especially with all the training we went through."

"Be careful... they can absorb your energy," Goku stated, which caused Vegeta to raise an eyebrow for a moment, but then he nodded, indicating that he understood that it was wise to watch out for anything unusual.

With the information delivered Goku carefully walked over to where the others were standing, bid most of them farewell for the moment, and used his Instant Transmission skill to move himself back to his house, where he would take the medicine and recover from his ordeal.

"Wait, I thought that you hated Son Goku with a passion," Android 20 commented, surprised that his target was able to disappear without a trace, though he knew that he and 19 could find him with some ease, as they knew where Son Goku lived these days, "Why spare him?"

"Who told you that I hated Kakarot?" Vegeta asked, to which he looked back towards the Z Warriors, who shrugged in return, before locking on the Android again, "We're actually friends and really good training partners."

"I do not understand. Didn't you arrive on Earth with the sole intent to murder Son Goku as well?" Android 20 asked, though it was clear that he was missing something, because he was trying to make sense of everything that was happening and was failing to do so.

"No. I landed on Earth to search for the Dragon Balls and see if I couldn't get a personal wish granted," Vegeta replied, letting out a sigh, because he had known that something like this would have happened when Nappa crashed into that city and obliterated it in a few seconds, "Now, however, I have no wishes that need to be granted... though now I'm more interested in beating the two of you and making sure that you don't kill anymore innocent civilians than you already have."

"Android 20," Android 19 said, having gotten back on his feet and bowed slightly to the thinner Android, "allow me to fight and finish off Vegeta."

"What a selfish pest you are at times," Android 20 commented, to which he turned and look at his companion, though if he was pissed he wasn't showing it, "very well, if that is what you want... but I will take out everyone else, except for the pony girls. We would need to beat everyone else before standing a chance at beating those two."

"Agreed," Android 19 said, to which he turned around and faced Vegeta, while dropping into the battle stance he had been using while fighting Goku, "Vegeta, I know all of your techniques and strategies... you have no hope of beating me."

"And I will gladly show you how wrong you are," Vegeta replied, to which he raised his fists into the air and grinned, "Tell me something... do either of you feel fear?"

"No, but we are programmed to run from certain opponents," Android 19 stated, but he remained in the stance he was in, as he was waiting to see what Vegeta was going to do next.

"Well then, allow me to show you what fear feels like before you die," Vegeta said, to which he allowed his ki to flare around him, where the ground cracked and sunk around him as he pushed his ki outwards.

As Vegeta took on the Super Saiyan form once more he noticed that Android 19 had fallen on his back for a second, though at the same time Android 20 was shocked by the fact that he was also a Super Saiyan. Android 19, finally recovering from the fall he had taken, loosed a pair of eye beams at the ground in an attempt to blind Vegeta, though he chose to dig through the ground and fire a second volley from the back. When 19 landed in front of where Android 20 was standing he watched as the smoke cleared and revealed that Vegeta hadn't taken any damage from the attack, which seemed to only worry 20 at the moment.

Android 19 then charged at Vegeta and started attacking him, where the Saiyan allowed the Android to land several hits before taking a step backwards, which caused 19 to smile as he landed on the ground... though the smile quickly faded when he noticed that Vegeta was standing straight without much damage on him at all. Vegeta smirked as he threw his foot forward, striking the Android hard enough that he was sure his foot could be seen from the other side, before elbowing him in the face and then kicking him so hard that he went flying into the ground. When Vegeta approached the fallen Android, and looked at the damage he had already done, the Android got to his feet and attacked him, to which Vegeta flipped backwards and braced the bottom of his boots against the Androids chest.

The kick sent the Android flying into the air, forcing him to correct himself as Vegeta appeared above him and started delivering a few blows to his target. A few seconds passed, where the Android tried using his eye beams to damage him once more, but Vegeta moved around the attack and hit 19 hard with his fists, sending him flying down towards the location that the other Android was standing in. 19 crashed into the ground and created a decent sized crater in the ground, though as everyone watched what was happening Vegeta merely flew down to the hole and landed in front of the Android, who wasn't moving at the moment.

Vegeta briefly wondered if these weren't the Androids that they had been warned about, because they didn't appear to be too touch to defeat... which meant that there could likely be another pair of the destructive Artificial Humans located somewhere else on the planet, just waiting to be activated. That was swiftly followed by 19 opening his eyes and bursting forward, to which he grabbed Vegeta's wrists with his hands and tightened his grip, though at the same time Vegeta didn't seem too annoyed by the fact.

"I've got you!" Android 19 proclaimed, letting out a laugh, almost as if he believed that victory was his, "I won't let go until I have absorbed every last drop of your energy!"

"Is that so?" Vegeta remarked, to which he jumped into the air and moved backwards, to which he pressed the base of his feet against the Android's face and started pulling, "Well then, I'll be sure to take your hands from you... or you can keep them and fight me like a man. Your choice."

Android 19 decided to stick with his plan of trying to take all of Vegeta's energy, which Vegeta could feel the beginning of, though once he determined which method the Android was taking he really went into pulling on the hands that were latched on his wrists. A few seconds later he really pushed himself and tore the Android's hands off, causing the Android to crash into the rock wall behind him while Vegeta gracefully landed on his feet and dropped the pair of hands on the ground... before he stared at his shocked opponent.

"So, before we end this fight, let me ask you the question again," Vegeta said, taking a moment to notice the look that was hanging in the Android's eyes, one that told him what he wanted to know, though he decided to ask anyway, "Do you feel fear Android?"

In response to the question Android 19 climbed up the rock wall behind him, pulled himself up beside Android 20, before charging off into the distance, to which Vegeta floated into the air and stared at the retreating figure. The second Android, sensing what he was about to do, raised his hands to stop Vegeta in his tracks, though as he tried to go through with the motions he found that his hands were stopped by Applejack. Android 20 looked around and spotted Rainbow standing further away from everyone, as she was up on the top of a rock plateau with her hands pressed near each other, though he paid her no mind as he focused on what was happening around him. As Applejack stopped him in his tracks Vegeta rose into the sky and stared at the fleeing Android, to which he leveled the palm of his hand with his target and gathered his ki into a ball of energy.

"Big Bang Attack!" Vegeta shouted, to which he released the attack and sent it flying towards the Android, though a few seconds later it came into contact with 19's back and exploded.

The group, including Android 20, watched and waited until the smoke cleared, though when the smoke vanished all that remained of 19 was his head, which crashed on the ground and rolled around for a few seconds before coming to a stop. That meant that they were done with one of the Androids, to which everyone turned towards 20 for a few seconds, who gulped as he realized how screwed he was at the moment.

"This is but a simple miscalculation," Android 20 stated, clearly trying to play off the fact that he was sure he could defeat all of them, despite the fact that he had already told them that he wasn't supposed to face Rainbow or Applejack, "Sure, you may have beaten Android 19, but I am much more powerful than he was... and I am fairly confident that I can beat the majority of you by myself."

"Is that so?" Vegeta asked, though at the same time he turned off his Super Saiyan form, though it was more because it wasn't needed at the moment, not when one of his friends was planning on ending this in an instant, "Well then, let's see how well you stand up to the strongest attack in our arsenal."

Android 20 turned his attention back towards Rainbow for a moment, witnessing the movement she made with her hands as she summoned the attack Vegeta had mentioned, to which a blue colored lance phased into existence. He remembered the data they acquired when the lance first made its appearance and the red color it had taken on, which he assumed had meant that Rainbow had been pissed when she was firing it at Nappa. Applejack, sensing the change in the air, dropped 20's hand and backed away, though that was followed by her sister loosing the lance and tearing up the ground around them.

Android 20 barely had time to move as the lance struck him in the chest and sent him flying towards the large amount of rocks that were hanging behind him, while at the same time the Z Warriors gathered near Rainbow to watch the fireworks. When the Android's back struck the rocks around him the lance detonated its charge, which was followed by the massive explosion that rocked the entire area and forced the group to shield their eyes as they waited to see what the damage Rainbow had dealt to her target. When the tempest winds died down they removed their hands from their faces and watched the dust die down, to which they carefully walked towards the large crater that they knew they would find on the other side.

When the smoke cleared they found Android 20 standing in the middle of the crater, though as they took in all the cuts and tears that were on his chest, as well as the fact that his hat had been completely obliterated, they noticed that the majority of the Android's right arm had been destroyed, as everything under the upper half of his right arm had been taken by the lance. A few seconds later the Android fell to one knee and started to huff, though at the same time Rainbow growled, as she wanted to at kill something with her lance at some point, but she would definitely settle for vastly wounding their opponent at the moment.

All they had to do now was take out Android 20 and the world was safe, though Rainbow suspected that if the Android escaped he would unleash the true terror that Xeno had warned them about, because these two Androids couldn't be the monsters he told them about. She sighed as they stared at the Android, as she had been hoping for something more and had been given nothing in return... though she hoped that the current situation would change, otherwise she and her sister would go back to training with Vegeta and the other Saiyans until another threat showed up.

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