• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Android: The Real Androids

"So... that's the... lance..." Android 20 huffed, while at the same time looking up at the fighters that were in front of him, where he was already rethinking leaving his secret base without activating the remaining Androids he had created to kill Son Goku and his companions.

Despite the fact that he knew he was outclassed in this fight, and would likely be killed if he fought all of these enemies in his current state, Android 20 knew that he shouldn't resort to waking up Androids 17 and 18. They were extremely powerful, as Dr. Gero had designed them to be, but the last time he had turned one of them on, to see how they fought for himself, the chosen Android had attempted to kill him, which was why he had turned them off and put bombs in their chests. It was a back-up plan that the dead doctor devised if one of the pair, or both, decided to go rogue and attack him or Android 19 again, but even then he knew that he was going to have to risk the consequences of waking them up. They were the only Androids, besides No 16, that were left in the arsenal that Dr. Gero had left behind... and unfortunately he knew that they might be the only ones to carry on the dead doctor's plans.

He mentally brought up the map to the lab that the two Androids were resting in and calculated the distance between the lab and where he was at the moment, knowing that the first chance he got to run, even if it meant bringing the Z Warriors to the Androids, he was going to take... because it was either stay here and die, or head to the lab and die.

As he thought about what he was going to do, and what was going to happen depending on which path he was going to take, he noticed the arrival of someone else. The new arrival was a young man that somewhat resembled Vegeta, which was interesting considering that the Saiyan had no children, but that didn't help Android 20's chances at the moment. With another addition a large number of things changed, in the favor of the Z Warriors to be exact, so he patiently waited for them to become distracted before he tried to run.

"Sorry I'm late," Xeno said, looking at the others for a moment, knowing that they had been hoping that he would have joined them for the fight with the Androids, "I arrived a little later than what I was originally planning, but when I felt Goku's ki I can flying immediately... and then went faster when I saw the explosions a few minutes ago. It seems that I missed Rainbow throwing her lance, but that's not important at the moment, as I have a more important question that needs to be asked; who is that?"

"That's one of the two Androids that attacked the city you sent us to," Tien commented, though at the same time he wondered if the question meant that this wasn't one of the, which could mean that there was another pair out there, waiting to be activated.

"That's not one of the Androids that kills all of you and decimates the world." Xeno replied, to which he noticed that everyone seemed shocked, though at the same time he glanced down at the mysterious Android he had never seen before, "Android, what are the numbers that you and your partner were given?"

"I am Android 20," the Android shouted back in return, not understanding the point of identifying his number, but decided that it might be best to go along with it so he could survive a bit longer and awaken the other two Androids, "my now dead companion was Android 19."

"Dang it, they aren't the Androids I warned you guys about," Xeno said, annoyed that his coming back to warn the Z Warriors about the Androids had changed history, though when he looked around and didn't see Goku anywhere he knew that there was a major change that had happened as well.

"Is that so?" Vegeta asked, though while he was disappointed that Androids 19 and 20 weren't the ones that were supposed to kill them all, thus putting up a good fight, he knew that 'Xeno' had something more to tell them now that he knew how much history had likely changed, "So which Androids are we looking for?"

"Androids 17 and 18 are the ones that kill everyone and basically destroy the world," Xeno replied, letting out a sigh as he remembered everything that he had seen in his timeline, before shaking his head and turning to the rest of the group, "They are really easy to distinguish from ordinary people; Android 17 is a young man with shoulder length black colored hair, who wears a black shirt, blue pants, and has an orange colored bandanna around his neck. His sister, Android 18, has blond colored hair that is shoulder length, wears a blue denim vest and skirt with dark blue tights, along with a black shirt that has white and black striped sleeves. They are never far from each other, so once Android 20 activates them they'll stay side by side until they complete Dr. Gero's vendetta against Goku... speaking of which, where did he go?"

The group discovered that, while Xeno was telling everyone about the real Androids that they were supposed to be fighting, Android 20 had taken the chance and ran while they were distracted. Vegeta looked annoyed that the Android had decided to flee instead of fighting them, but then when he considered that none of them had any idea where the real Androids were located, and that the fleeing Android would likely be heading to that location right now, he smiled a little bit. Applejack and Rainbow seemed to be thinking the same thing that he was, though as they prepared themselves to leave the area they were in, and followed in the possible direction the Android was going in, they noticed that Bulma was flying their way in her Sky Car... which landed nearby.

"Oh, I didn't know you were here Vegeta," Bulma commented, while at the same time everyone noticed that Yajirobe was in the vehicle as well, which was understandable considering what happened to his own Sky Car, "Do you want to hold your son for a few minutes?"

"I would like that," Vegeta replied, to which he sat on one of the rocks for a few minutes as Bulma handed young Trunks to him, where he smiled and made sure that his son was calm while the others explained the situation to Bulma... including giving her a description of Android 20.

"That sounds like Dr. Gero," Bulm stated, to which she reached into the Sky Car she had been riding in and pulled out a picture book, though that was followed by her opening it to a page she had bookmarked and handed it over to Xeno, "Yeah, take a look at this."

Xeno looked down at the picture book that Bulma was showing him, while at the same time everyone else that was standing took a peek at it as well, to which they all discovered that Dr. Gero did look like Android 20, which shocked some of them for a few seconds.

"That's definitely Android 20," Applejack said, though even as she made the comment she had to wonder if the doctor had done the same thing to any of the other Androids.

"I guess he wanted revenge against Goku so badly that he converted himself into a powerful Android to do so," Bulma stated, though as she said the words she seemed to think about something else, "though if I were a betting girl, I would wager that he's likely on his way towards his laboratory to turn on the Androids you trained to fight."

"You wouldn't happen to know where that laboratory is located, do you?" Rainbow asked, because she was itching to actually get into a real fight with something that could challenge her, especially the Androids if they were activated before any of them found them.

"Its somewhere in the mountains surrounding Metro North," Bulma answered, though at the same time she closed the book and collected Trunks, who looked a little sad to be taken from his father, "I heard a few rumors about that laboratory, but they all say that he converted one of the caves into a secret lab... which is likely one of the locations he stored his Androids in."

"Then that is where we'll go," Vegeta said, though as he opened his mouth Bulma held out something that resembled a watch that went on someone's wrist, "um... why are you handing me a watch?"

"It has a system installed on it that will give you directions to wherever you want," Bulma replied, catching a glimpse of the watch that Xeno was wearing, which had been the inspiration behind the creation of her own device, "just click the button in the middle, speak your desired destination, and it will bring up the directions... and its designed to keep the directions until you either reach where you want to go or verbally tell it to erase the search. It will help you reach Metro North, just in case none of you have ever been to the city and had no idea where it was located... to save you time in your search for the Androids."

"Thanks for the assistance," Vegeta said, to which he slipped the item onto his wrist for a moment and went through the required steps, where he smiled when it gave him the exact directions to the city Bulma had told them about.

"No problem." Bulma replied, to which she handed young Trunks to Yajirobe, who carefully held onto him, before she turned back for a moment, "I'm heading home... so the next time I see all of you I hope you have good news about the Androids, the real Androids, being defeated."

Vegeta waved his hand towards the Sky Car as Bulma climbed into it and took off, leaving the Z Warriors alone once more, though instead of immediately taking off Vegeta turned towards Xeno for a few seconds. There was something that the rest of their group needed to know before they went off in search of the real Androids; Xeno's true identity and whose son he was.

"So, Xeno," Vegeta said, turning to the future warrior for a few seconds, who seemed surprised for a moment, "should I tell them the truth, or will you have the honors?"

"No... I'll do it." Xeno replied, to which he faced the rest of the Z Warriors and sighed, "Everyone, as you know I told you my code name the last time we crossed paths, but my real name, on the other hand, is Trunks Briefs... and I am the son of Vegeta and Bulma."

"Your kidding me." Krillin said, though even as he said the words something in his head seemed to click, as he went from shocked to agreeing with the future warrior, "You know, that makes sense considering you can turn into a Super Saiyan, which means that one of your parents had to be a Saiyan as well... and you do have some of Vegeta's looks. I'm kind of shocked that most of us didn't figure that out when you first came to our aid."

"I can agree with that statement," Rainbow added, indicating that she felt a little annoyed that she hadn't figured out that Xeno, or rather Trunks, was actually Vegeta's son.

"We can go other all of this once the world is safe from the Androids," Trunks said, to which he surrounded himself in his ki and floated into the air, where he found that his father was already thinking the same thing, "So, who wants to go save the world from the creations of a madman?"

The rest of the group smiled as they flew into the air and headed in the direction that Vegeta's new watch was pointing them in, where they vowed to find the Androids and bring them to justice... while making sure that Android 20, or Dr. Gero, paid for the destruction he caused earlier.

It took the group some time to reach their destination, though when they reached Metro North they discovered that there were a large number of potential caves where Dr. Gero could have built the secret laboratory. Trunks found it annoying that they had no idea where the laboratory could be located, which would require them to separate until they spotted the entrance. His annoyance came from the fact that they might not find the hidden laboratory before the other two Androids, the ones he had warned the Z Warriors about, were awoken from their slumber and sent on their deadly rampage across the world.

"We'll have to split up and search for the laboratory," Piccolo commented, to which everyone around him nodded, including Vegeta, Rainbow, and Applejack, "Whoever finds it first should signal for the others to join them, that way we can overcome whatever Dr. Gero set up to deter trespassers and take out those Androids."

"It would be humorous if Android 20 showed up and revealed where the laboratory was located," Rainbow added, knowing that they could shadow their opponent to the laboratory without revealing themselves.

The others nodded and the group separated as they began their search, knowing that the signal would be to suddenly raise their ki, just like they had done in the last city they had been in. Applejack and Rainbow were the only two to remain together, mainly cause Applejack wanted to make sure that nothing happened to her sister, but she would be looking in a different direction to ensure they covered the same amount of ground as everyone else. As the two sisters moved around the area, and kept their eyes on everything around them, they spotted one small explosion near the area that they and Krillin had traveled to, though that was followed by another one some distance away from the first one.

A few moments later the two of them felt Krillin's ki flare, indicating that he had either found the laboratory or had found Android 20, to which they flew into the air and raced towards the location that their friend was in. It took them a minute or two to reach where Krillin was located, to which they discovered that he was overlooking a hole in the mountainside that had to be what they were searching for.

"It was... annoying easy to find this place when Android 20 was firing energy blasts at hunters and innocent animals," Krillin commented, though as he pointed at the cave he was looking at Piccolo landed next to them, "I mean I had to rescue an innocent hunter who had been blasted into a tree and suffered some injuries when the Android noticed me, but he made a mistake in allowing me to survive. I then spotted Android 20 as he entered that cave, the one in front of us, though I'm willing to bet that he's in there right now, preparing to awaken the other Androids for battle."

"Then we should bust down the door and take them all down," Rainbow said, smiling as she moved into the air and flew over to the cave, as she was eager to see what the real Androids were like.

Android 20 let out a sigh as he stepped into the secret laboratory, grabbed the control switch that had been sitting on the wall to his left, and waited for the power to turn all the lights on. He couldn't believe that he was here, in the place where Androids 17 and 18 were sleeping, but fate had forced his hand and he had no choice but to resort to awakening them. Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien he could have handled without 19's assistance, and could have dealt with Piccolo or Gohan as long as he was careful, though Vegeta made him rethink his chances and forced him to flee... while at the same time he shuddered when he thought about the damage that the lance had done to him.

He was thankful that he hadn't been programmed to fight the pony girls known as Rainbow Dash and Applejack, otherwise he was sure that they would have killed him before he was able to escape.

He walked over to the containers that the two Androids were sleeping in, numbered so he knew exactly which one was in which container, before he sighed and pressed a few buttons on the side of the container that was the closest to the steel doors he had passed through. A few seconds later the container with the number seventeen opened up as the lid moved towards the ceiling, though he held his breath as he waited to see what happened when the Android inside it finally woke up. That was swiftly followed by Android 17 coming online as he pulled himself out of the container, though he didn't look at Android 20 as he studied his surroundings.

"Android 17, how are you feeling today?"Android 20 asked, because if anything strange appeared in the other Android's response he knew that they were as good as dead, as he thought that he had seen one of the Z Warriors close to the cave and didn't bother to take care of him, not with how many enemies were swarming the area.

"Actually, I'm feeling fine. No systems damaged or corrupted," Android 17 replied, though at the same time he turned to look at the person that had awoken him from his slumber, "Good morning Dr. Gero."

"Cordiality towards me? That is definitely new," Android 20 commented, though at the same time he knew that it was better than the last time these two had been awoken, "but not unpleasant."

"Of course I would greet you in such a manner," Android 17 stated, though because he never moved his eyes Android 20 seemed a little concerned for his own safety by the stare he was being given, "You created us, Dr. Gero."

"Indeed." Android 20 replied, remembering full well what the real Dr. Gero had done before creating the body that would become him, before turning to the other container next to him, "Now to awaken Android 18."

He waited for a few seconds, allowing the lid of the second container to open and reveal the sleeping terror waiting inside it, though he allowed himself a small smile when he noticed that 18 was online as well. A few seconds later she reached out with her hands, gripped the sides of the container, and pulled herself out of it, though as she did so she noticed who was standing around her. That was swiftly followed by her turning towards Android 20 and giving him a smile, which immediately told him that something had to be wrong if the two deadly Androids were acting friendly towards him.

"Good morning Dr.Gero." Android 18 said, surprising the person in front of her, again she noted, for a few seconds, though she suspected her brother had surprised the doctor when he had spoken a minute or two ago, "I see that you turned yourself into an Android as well."

"Yes, in addition to getting revenge on Son Goku I wanted immortality as well," Dr. Gero replied, to which he walked towards the doors for a moment, knowing that their foes would soon be knocking on them, "besides, every time I set out to find the Dragon Balls someone would find them and activate them, robbing me of my chance... this was the best solution I could come up with. Though now I wish I had actually bothered to gather them, because my luck was bad today when Android 19 and I ran into those annoying pony girls."

"So that's where all the damage came from," Android 17 commented, indicating that he had noticed all the damage that was on Dr. Gero's body, "you got hit by that lance that young Rainbow uses."

"Unfortunately, I was caught off guard and paid the price," Dr. Gero said, gesturing to the damage to his body and his missing arm, before turning his attention back to the two deadly Androids, "Now then, I have a deal for the two of you; I want you to take care of the Z Warriors that are coming to this laboratory and make sure that none of them survive. This means that I desire the deaths of Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien Shinhan, Son Gohan, and Vegeta... along with a mysterious young man I have never seen before and both of the pony girls."

"And what would we be receiving in return?" Android 18 asked, though it seemed that she was actually curious as to what the former doctor could offer them that would be a suitable reward for taking out so many powerful enemies.

"Freedom." Dr. Gero replied, to which he held the control switch up so the two Androids could see it, "I know that you know exactly what this is, so my offer to you is the destruction of this switch and freedom from ever having to listen to my orders again. Granted I would have to make a change or two to your programming, which would take about ten more minutes and require a small nap on your part, but once the procedure was complete you wouldn't have to obey me at all."

"You know, that is a really tempting offer," Android 17 said, indicating that he was actually considering accepting the deal that was being offered to them, but as he opened his mouth to say something he noticed that someone was pounding on the steel doors at the moment.

"They're here," Dr. Gero commented, though even as he said the words he noticed that the brief pounding had ended and that the door was heating up, indicating that one of the Z Warriors was blasting down the door.

A few seconds later the pair of doors were blown off their hinges, which resulted in them falling on the ground in front of Dr. Gero, though that made all three of the Androids turn towards their guests. Android 17 and 18 quickly identified the majority of the Z Warriors, excluding the mysterious young man that was standing beside Vegeta, while raising an eyebrow when they spotted both Rainbow and Applejack. They could understand how Dr. Gero lost to the people in front of them, while losing the Android that was his companion, though at the same time they knew that they shouldn't underestimate the two pony girls that were waiting nearby.

"Those are definitely the Androids I warned you all about," the mysterious young man said, though he said the words in the sense that he was worried about something.

"Well then, you two know what to do," Dr. Gero said, the commanding tone returning to his voice, because he now knew that the two deadly Androids would be able to kill everyone that was standing in front of them, allowing him to claim some revenge for how this day turned out, "Kill all of them and I will give you the freedom you deserve!"

Android 17 grinned as he stepped forward, though instead of going after everyone in front of him he turned to Dr. Gero and stole the controller that he was holding, causing a look of confusion to cross his face as he realized that something was wrong... along with some looks of confusion appearing on the faces of the Z Warriors.

"Android 17, what is the meaning of this?" Dr. Gero demanded, knowing full well that if the Android crushed the controller there would be no way to turn them off, which meant that he wouldn't have anything to bargain with.

"This is the controller that you use whenever we're turned on, in order to turn us off in case things go wrong." Android 17 stated, his grip tightening on the controller, indicating that he intended on crushing it, "Let me tell you something, Dr. Gero, we don't need something like this coming into play at the wrong moment."

Dr. Gero and the Z Warriors watched as the Android crushed the controller and dropped the pieces onto the ground, before he and his sister turned to the former doctor, who backed up a step or two. Rainbow and Applejack shared a look with each other, silently wondered what the two Androids were going to do now that the only thing that could turn them off had been destroyed, before turning back to them.

"Well then, I guess all I can do is politely ask that you take out the 'trash' on your way out." Dr. Gero commented, apparently coming to terms with the fact that he was screwed, because if he attacked the Z Warriors they would kill him and if he rushed at the Androids they would do the same thing.

"That's not going to happen, not without us taking Android 16 with us as well." Android 18 replied, though as she said that everyone found that she was actually sitting on the side of another container, to which Trunks felt a bit of fear when he realized that there was a third Android he knew nothing about.

"No! Do not rouse Android 16 from his slumber!" Dr. Gero said, nearly shouting the words at the Android that was sitting on the container, who merely smiled back in return, "He's a failed Android that doesn't deserve to be turned back on, especially after I used him to test some of my more dangerous experiments on. If you turn him on he could go out and destroy the entire world!"

"Really?" Android 17 said, to which he and his sister stared at the container for a few seconds, or more accurately scan the occupant with their eyes for a few brief moments, "You know, for some reason I honestly don't believe that you would have the guts to create an Android that could destroy the entire world, especially since I'm pretty sure that one of your other goals was to resurrect the Red Ribbon Army and take over the world. Kind of hard to take something over after its been destroyed."

Dr. Gero knew that he was exaggerating how powerful Android 16 was, though he knew the Android could, if he ever got over the error in his programming, destroy cities if he ever got into a fight. Still, the fact remained that he was an incomplete Android and wasn't fit to be turned on, as he could turn against himself, the deadly Androids, the Z Warriors, or maybe all of them at the same time. It was a guess as to what the Android would do when he was next awoken from his slumber, if that day ever came, though he didn't want them to wake 16 and doom them all.

"I'm going to take a gamble and see how our friend reacts to being awoken." Android 18 commented, to which she reached down and tapped one of the buttons, which pulled back and revealed the lever that would manually release the lid that was keeping 16 in stasis.

"Don't you dare!" Dr. Gero shouted, turning on Android 18 and leaving his back open to Android 17, though he was more concerned with keeping Android 16 in his container than his own safety, "I am your master, and the two of you will do as I command!"

Android 17 glared at Dr. Gero's back as he approached the container, intending on stopping 18 before she could awaken the remaining Android, before he glanced back at the Z Warriors. They seemed to be watching what was happening very closely, as if they were trying to determine what he and his sister were going to do in regards to the doctor and Android 16. He turned their way for a moment and pulled his hands out, though as Vegeta raised his eyebrows, and raised his guard, 17 made the motion of stabbing someone's back before pointing at Dr. Gero. The more experienced members of the Z Warriors seemed to understand what he was doing, because the majority of them smiled and nodded... to which 17 grinned as he turned around and approached the doctor.

That was swiftly followed by him raising his left hand into the air and attacking Dr. Gero's back, to which he punctured the doctor's chest until his hand came out the other side... much to the doctor's surprise.

"A... Android 17..." Dr. Gero gasp out, feeling the pain course through his body, and then felt another burst of pain as the Android ripped his hand out of his chest, "Wh... what is the meaning of this? I am the one that made you and your sister into the powerful beings you are!"

"Yeah, and you programmed us to kill Son Goku, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack," Android 17 replied, glaring at the doctor for a moment, "If my sister and I went through with your programming, and attacked those sisters with no regard for everything around us, we're sure that it would be mutually assured destruction for all four of us."

"And how could you possibly know that?" Dr. Gero asked, to which he stepped away from the Android that had critically wounded him, while at the same time wondering how he could have come to the conclusion he had made.

"Do you, by chance, remember the last time you activated Android 16?" 18 commented, causing the doctor to turn towards her for a second, "You were distracted by something and left him online for two whole months while you went off and investigated something, allowing him to do whatever he wanted. His first action was to turn us on and get our opinion on what you might be doing, to which we hacked into your personal computer, which was easy because you never bothered to encrypt it or set a password for any of your files. We learned how to modify the commands you put into us and learned what you wanted us to do... to which we accessed your data on the people you wanted us to kill and ran every simulation you ever created.

Best case scenario was where both my brother and I perished alongside Rainbow and Applejack, meaning that you wouldn't have to clean up the mess that followed our fight... while the worst case scenario was where either we survived or the girls survived. You selected the one that was labeled 'Mutually Assured Destruction' and planned on installing it at the first chance you got... so we figured out how to change the commands and let you install something completely different inside us."

"And that would be?" Dr. Gero asked, though he remembered the time that the Android had mentioned and now understood why he had seen some strange notices when he had returned to the laboratory.

"Freedom." Android 17 said, forcing the doctor to turn back towards him once more, "It took some time, and some learning while you were away, but we managed to input a small code that would erase all the 'Kill' commands the next time you turned us on. Now we have the option to fight Son Goku and the others, for fun I might add, instead of following some insane commands that could potentially get us killed."

"And what would you do with this 'freedom'?" Dr. Gero said, though at this point he knew that he was as good as dead and at least wanted to know what his creations were going to do now that they had, according to what they had said, freed themselves from his commands.

"Honestly, I don't know," 17 said, though he shrugged as he spoke, "I mean, we had planned on overturning all of your orders and getting rid of you, that I guessed we forgot to plan for after finishing the first phase of our plan... I guess we'll explore the world, learn more about ourselves, and have a good time."

Dr. Gero opened his mouth to say something, but as he did so Android 17 jumped towards him and took his head clean off, though once it stopped rolling he leapt over to it and crushed it beneath his boot. Most of the Z Warriors seemed shocked by what he had done, but he was honestly tired of talking to the doctor and really wanted his freedom, though once the deed was done he nodded to his sister. 18 nodded in return and tapped the button that her finger had been hovering above, which started to open up the container that the last Android was resting in, though a few seconds later the Z Warriors were able to get a good look at 16 as he pulled himself out of his container.

Android 16, as the Z Warriors soon discovered, was the tallest android they had encountered thus far, as he was over double the height of Android 18. He had icy blue colored eyes and a red-orange colored mohawk, though his clothing consisted of a dark undersuit, with a lime green vest, a pair of green boots, and green handcuffs. After a few seconds some of the Z Warriors noticed that there was a small Red Ribbon Army logo sewn on the right side of his vest, where they noticed that 17's logo was on the left side of his shirt and 18's logo was on the back of her jacket. That was swiftly followed by 16 looking around and noticing who was around them, to which he smiled when he noticed the two Androids standing near him.

"Good morning friends," 16 said, though at the same time he turned towards the Z Warriors for a moment and nodded to them as well, "Good morning potential friends. Am I correct in assuming that we are now free to do whatever we want?"

"That's correct," 17 replied, to which he turned to the group that was still staring at him and the other Androids, "Hey Applejack and Rainbow Dash... do either of you want to have a brawl outside?"

Rainbow smiled as she nodded her head, because this was what she and the others had been training for, though she was sure that the Androids would bring forth all of their power when they clashed. At the same time she had to wonder what threat Trunks had warned them about if the Androids were suddenly freed from Dr. Gero's control and his orders. Considering how badly the timeline had shifted both she and her sister knew that there had to be something else that they were missing, especially since Trunks had no idea that Androids 16, 19, and 20 had existed in the first place. She knew that Applejack would tell her that there had to be something else that Dr. Gero had created, something that could have caused the destruction in Trunks' timeline that wasn't the Androids... which meant that they would need to talk with 17 and 18 in a couple of hours, after they had recovered from their fight.

Rainbow hoped that the Androids were ready for a decent fight after being asleep for an unknown amount of time, because she was itching to show off how much stronger she and Applejack had gotten over the last three years... and she was sure that the results were going to shock the rest of their friends.

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