• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: Legend's Fury

Chronoa had been watching the group fight Frieza in his final form, which quickly devolved into Goku being the only one to challenge the tyrant in battle while everyone else watched what was going to happen. She witnessed the preparations of the Spirit Bomb, Goku's special attack that took some time to charge, and winced every time Frieza hurt Applejack while he patiently waited for Goku to finish what he was doing. She was surprised that the tyrant even bothered to let Goku have the time to prepare his attack, something that the group hadn't given him in return, but she did, however, smile a little bit when the tyrant realized that there was something massive above his head. She was somewhat happy to see the attack hit its target and detonate with its explosive charge, though her smile vanished when Frieza emerged from the water few minutes later.

Her happiness turned to horror as Frieza blasted Rainbow in the chest with a Death Beam, who in turn collapsed on the ground and stopped moving... which was followed by Applejack's cry as her sister died in front of her eyes.

Chronoa slowly turned her head towards Beerus, finding that both Whis and Shin were equally shocked by what had happened in front of their eyes, but she wasn't worried about what they were thinking at the moment. She was worried about what the God of Destruction would do to sate his rage over Rainbow's death, or rather how long it would take before he snapped and went to Namek. She knew what was going to happen if Applejack died as well, Zen-Oh would likely obliterate their entire universe in a single instant, so she couldn't fault the Destroyer if he wanted to leave and claim his vengeance on Frieza.

The look of rage on Beerus' face nearly stopped Chronoa's heart, because while he appeared to be the Destroyer that everyone in the universe feared, with good reason, she could also see the pained expression of a parent that just lost a child.

"I'm heading to Namek," Beerus stated, gripping the arm of his chair so hard that Chronoa was sure that she saw claw marks in the fabric, while at the same time his right hand shattered the drink glass that he had been sipping from for the last few minutes, "I'm going to show Frieza the error of his ways."

Chronoa knew that this was going to be the case, that Beerus was going to punish Frieza for what had just happened, but at the same time she knew that Goku meeting Beerus at this point would rewrite the entire timeline. Part of her wanted to preserve the timeline, even if such a thing was stupid of her to think about when their existence was in jeopardy if Applejack died as well, but there was one thing that Beerus was overlooking at the moment. The Eternal Dragon of Earth, Shenron, was still alive, which meant that Kami and Piccolo were alive, though at the same time she knew that Mr. Popo was almost ready to summon the dragon and make his wish. All she had to do was stop Beerus from leaving the planet and convince him to stay here, though she had some ideas that could potentially work... and one that she really didn't want to use if she could help it.

She honestly didn't want to do something like this, but she needed to make sure that Beerus stayed here with her, Whis, and Shin, because she trusted that Goku and Vegeta could overcome what was going to happen next.

"Lord Beerus," Chronoa said, though as she said the God of Destruction's name she could tell that Whis and Shin had turned their eyes to her, as if they were curious as to what she was going to do next.

"Not now Chronoa," Beerus growled, though as he prepared to get off of his seat he locked his eyes on the crystal he and the others had been watching the entire time, but he was focusing on Rainbow's still body and absolutely nothing else, "I have some business that I must..."

Beerus was cut off as Chronoa leaned forward and pressed her lips against his, though the shock of the fact that she, the Supreme Kai of Time, was kissing him, the God of Destruction, was enough to make him forget what was happening at the moment. A few seconds later she pulled back with a slightly embarrassed look on her face, as if she had been planning on doing something like that at a more appropriate moment and not when one of the girls had died.

"Lord Beerus... do you trust me?" Chronoa asked, because while she knew that he trusted her in regards to raising the girls, as they had done for three years before the prophecy had been made, she didn't know if he trusted her judgement with the events that were currently happening on Namek.

Beerus was quiet for a few seconds, shocked by what Chronoa had done, but eventually he let out a sigh as he felt his anger subside for the moment... though he knew that a kiss wasn't enough to make him forget the pain he was feeling, or his plans for getting back at Frieza at some point in the near future.

"Of course I trust you Chronoa," Beerus finally replied, though at the same time he cast a glance at the crystal and felt his anger return for a moment when he looked at Rainbow's body.

"Then let Goku and Vegeta punish Frieza in your stead," Chronoa said, though a small smile appeared on her face, "besides, if you are unsatisfied with the punishment he is given you can always visit him yourself... once the Saiyans are done with him."

Beerus looked at Chronoa for a moment as he wondered what knowledge she had thanks to her position as the Supreme Kai of Time, as that was the only reason she wouldn't be seeking Frieza's blood like he was. She knew something about what was to come, of that he was sure, but it was almost like she was trying not to spoil anything before it actually happened, in case history was changed. He suspected that the timeline had already been altered by the arrival of Rainbow Dash and Applejack, though the look on Chronoa's face told him that he shouldn't expect anything to happen to Applejack just yet.

Eventually Beerus let out the sigh he had been holding and leaned back in his chair, to which he stared at the crystal as Chronoa allowed it to continue showing them what was happening... while at the same time hoping that he was right to trust her judgement, otherwise he knew what fate awaited them if Applejack died as well.

"Ah, the deaths of those two shall always have a special place in my heart," Frieza commented, looking at the smoke cloud that had once been the bald one, or Krillin as Applejack had called him, before shifting his gaze to the corpse of Rainbow Dash, "Now then, who shall I kill next? Maybe I should just kill the rest of the children first, just to see the looks of fear that will be on your faces before I kill the rest of you."

Vegeta knew the pain that Kakarot was going through at the moment, where the two of them had lost their best friends, or one best friend in his case, to the tyrant that was standing before them. Kakarot was facing the area where Krillin had been blown to pieces, his rage no doubt filling his body, while Vegeta stood near him, his eyes locked on Rainbow's body as Applejack cried over her sister's death. Just seeing one of his best friends, the one he had considered his rival before they went to sleep, die in front of him was enough to bring all of his painful memories back to the surface. Frieza had taken his mother, his father, his race, and even his planet from him, though now he was taking apart everything else he cared for... which was enough to remind him of the rage he had felt when Zarbon had mentioned how his mother had died.

"You're going to pay for that!" Goku said, anger and pain filling his voice as he struggled to keep his rage in check, though at that exact moment both he and Vegeta turned their heads towards the ground as they felt their anger burning inside their bodies.

Applejack looked up for a moment, surprised to find that the two Saiyans were even standing near each other, but as she wiped some of her tears away she noticed that the sky had gotten darker and that lightning was occasionally flashing around the small island that they were standing on. As waves moved away from the island she noticed that the loose rocks around both Goku and Vegeta were being lifted into the air by the sheer amount of rage that was coursing through their bodies, while at the same time their rage was pushing their hair upwards in the air. A few seconds later, as the ground started to crack around their feet, Applejack noticed that both of the Saiyan's hair, along with their eyebrows, were flashing between their normal black color and some sort of golden color, almost as if their rage was doing something to their bodies.

When a golden bolt of lightning struck the ground around them the two Saiyans loosed a scream that told everyone around them about the rage that was coursing through their bodies, though at the same time their hair was pushed upwards as it took on the golden coloration Applejack had seen... while at the same time their eyes changed to a greenish-blue color and their bodies were surrounded by a golden aura.

"Piccolo, take Gohan and the others and go back to Earth," Goku said, though it was painfully clear that he was trying to keep himself in some sort of reasonable thinking and not let his rage completely blind him, but it was clear that he was failing.

"You got it," Piccolo replied, because at the moment he was shocked by what was happening in front of their eyes, as he had never witnessed anything like this before, but he could tell that something big was going to happen soon.

"Applejack, take your sister's body and go with them," Vegeta added, though his tone told everyone that he was feeling a lot more rage than what Goku was feeling, which was understandable considering that he had cared for his people before his planet had been destroyed.

At first Applejack wanted to say something about staying, but before she did so she thought about the pain that her father would be going through if he was watching them at the moment and had seen Rainbow's death. She could only imagine the destruction that would follow her father discovering that her sister was dead, though that in turn made her shudder when she thought about what might happen if something happened to her as well... which was what Vegeta was trying to get through to her before he lost himself to his own rage. A few seconds later she nodded her head and followed after Piccolo and Gohan, making sure that she was carrying Rainbow's body in case someone used the Dragon Balls on Earth to bring the people Frieza killed back to life.

Applejack did look back once and found both of the Saiyans staring at Frieza, who was shocked by what had happened, to which she hoped that they would pay him back for everything he had done to the universe.

"At least you are being good sports about your friends dying," Frieza commented, trying to regain his cool as he aimed at the group that was moving away from the island, "I rather enjoy having moving targets..."

Before he could do anything both of the Saiyans disappeared from where they were standing, though Goku appeared in front of him and grabbed his outstretched hand with his left hand, while at the same time Vegeta appeared to his left and grabbed onto his other arm, preventing him from aiming it at the group.

"We're going to break you," Vegeta said, though it was easy to hear the anger behind his voice, almost as if it was actually oozing out of his body at this point.

"Like a kit kat bar," Goku finished, though at the same time he gripped the hand that he was holding so hard that he cracked it a tiny bit, enough to send a wave of pain through Frieza's body.

While Frieza had no idea what Goku was talking about, as he had no idea what a 'kit kat bar' was, he assumed that the basic gist of what they were saying was that they were going to punish him for the deaths he had caused. Before he could do anything, however, the two Saiyans pulled their free hands back and punched him in the chest, hard enough to send him flying into the plateau that was on the island behind them... which was on the other side of the massive hole Goku's attack had created. Frieza stayed there for a moment, wondering what had happened to the two Saiyans, before he pulled himself out of the hole that had been created around him and watched as his opponents landed in front of him.

"How do the two of you have this kind of power?" Frieza demanded, though a few seconds later he remembered what species he was dealing with, which reminded him of the legend that had caused him to obliterate Planet Vegeta in the first place, "No... don't... don't tell me the two of you are..."

"Super Saiyans," Vegeta stated, his mind clearly remembering the legend as well for a second, but then his rage took over once more as he glared at Frieza and remembered all of the deaths that the tyrant had caused.

"And we're going to punish you for all of the people that you've killed over the years," Goku added, to which the memory of Krillin's death flashed through his mind as he and Vegeta started moving again.

Goku burst through the air and delivered a powerful uppercut to Frieza's chin, one that was so hard that it sent him flying into the air, though before he could recover Vegeta appeared above him and delivered a kick to his chest that sent him flying into the waiting hands of Goku. That was followed by Goku bringing Frieza's back down on his knee, causing pain to surge throughout the entirety of the tyrant's body for a few seconds, before he was thrown towards the ground. Before he was even halfway towards the island below them Vegeta appeared above him and slammed his fist into his chest, sending him flying towards the ground at an even greater speed than before. Frieza hit the island so hard that he traveled under the ground for a few seconds, though that only served to annoy him as he debated what to do next.

The two Saiyans floated beside each other as they watched the smoke clear from their attacks, finding that Frieza was laying in a decent sized hole they had created around him, but it was clear that the tyrant was far from finished... if the area around their opponent exploding was anything to go by.

"So your going to punish me for all the people I've killed?" Frieza asked, a chuckle escaping from him as he looked at Vegeta, though at the same time he pulled himself from the crater he was in, "Are you saying that the Saiyans did not deserve the punishment I gave them, for eventually defying me and my rule?"

"We killed tyrants, not innocent people," Vegeta managed to get out, his rage burning through his mind, making it very hard for him to focus on anything that wasn't Frieza at the moment, "We're nothing like you."

"And we'll avenge everyone that you and your men have killed over the years," Goku added, to which he balled his hands for a few seconds, while Vegeta copied as they stared at their opponent, "by destroying you."

"Don't let the current situation go to your head," Freiza said, to which he actually laughed for a few seconds, because he found it hilarious that the two Saiyans thought that they could beat him with their new power boost, "There's still no way you can win against me."

That was followed by Frieza loosing a rapid fire of orange ki blasts at the two Saiyans, intending on making sure that neither of them survived their visit to Planet Namek. After about thirty seconds he stopped firing his attack and smiled as he looked at his work, though when the smoke cleared he found that Goku was still standing there without a scratch on his body. As he started to question where Vegeta went he felt a fist connect with the left side of his face, which sent him flying into another one of the nearby islands around them, though he noticed the Saiyan in question standing near where he had been floating seconds ago.

Before he could make contact with the island both of the Saiyans pointed a hand at him, allowed their new golden aura to surround them for a few seconds, and literally pushed Frieza into the ground that was below him, surprising him that they could hit him from so far away without using any of the attacks he had seen so far. He ripped himself from the ground and floated back into the air, though as he stared at the two Saiyans he had to wonder if this was a fight that he couldn't win... and if he had actually sealed his fate by allowing the two of them to live instead of killing them first.

As Frieza readied himself for the next stage of attacks Goku appeared in front of him and slammed his fist into his chest, knocking him into the uppercut that Vegeta had prepared for him. That was followed by the two of them exchanging blows, which was where Goku would land a strike on him and knock him into whatever Vegeta had prepared, before the attack was launched and he was thrown back to the first Saiyan. That was before the two of them appeared next to each other and slammed their fists into his chest, launching Frieza through the air for a few seconds as he headed towards another island, though this time he was able to correct himself as he stared at his foes.

Frieza then burst into the air and raced towards Goku, who welcomed an exchange of blows between the two of them, though at the same time he had to contend with him changing positions with Vegeta while they fought, effectively making him fight the two of them almost simultaneously. At first they rose into the air and passed through the clouds that were above them, though after some time Frieza separated from them and landed on a stone pillar that was near the island he had been sent near the last time, to which the two Saiyans landed on the pillar opposite of the one that he was standing on.

He stared at them for a few minutes, wondering what it would take to finish them off, before he loosed a ki blast at them, where they dodged it and let the attack hit the small island behind them, which was destroyed seconds later. Frieza was annoyed that they had dodged the attack, like it was nothing, but at the same time he gathered his energy into both of his hands and fired multiple shots at them, using the right hand to target Vegeta while the left hand targeted Goku. He followed them and loosed every shot that he had at the moment, blowing up pillars, islands, and the water in general as he tried to hit his opponents, who were proving hard to hit at the moment. He even caused lava to erupt when he hit one of the island, eventually causing everything in front of Frieza to explode and cover the area in smoke.

When the smoke cleared he found that the entire area around him had been devastated by his attacks, though the Saiyans, his intended targets, were just fine, as if they had avoided every attack, though as he stopped firing they floated up until they were level with him.

"Seriously, what the hell are the two of you?" Frieza asked, refusing to believe that his opponents were Super Saiyans, because it was nothing more than a myth... one that his foes believed was real.

"We are the remnants of the Saiyan race," Vegeta answered, feeling a little joy in his heart to see fear finally appear on Frieza's face, before his rage returned once more.

"We are also legendary warriors, awakened by intense anger," Goku added, staring at their opponent as the lava erupted behind them, though it wasn't close enough to do any damage to him or Vegeta, "We are Super Saiyans... and we're going to destroy you!"

Frieza remained silent as the two Saiyans, or rather Super Saiyans as he mentally corrected himself, stared at him, as if daring him to come at them so they could fight him some more. He remembered what Nappa had told him, by communicating through Zarbon, about the Super Saiyan legend, though one thing that bugged him was that the legend said that one was born every thousand years, yet here were two of them, standing in front of him. He suspected that either Nappa lied to him, or he was unaware that any Saiyan could transform into this state, though at the moment he didn't care which was the right answer... as all he really cared about was finding out how to beat them.

"It appears that you two are indeed Super Saiyans," Frieza allowed, not wanting to admit that all his effort, to stop this one particular legend from coming true, had come back to bite him in such a manner, "but you still cannot hope to defeat me."

Both Goku and Vegeta stared at Frieza for a moment, as if they were waiting for him to move first, before they moved their hands into the positions that were associated with the Kamehameha and the Galick Gun, though instead of charging their attacks they allowed their energy to form a perfect sphere of golden energy around them. At the same time Frieza did the same thing, though his was black and red, indicating that he was pissed off by the fact that the two of them might have a chance at beating him. As the two spheres collided the force of their colliding energies shook the ground beneath them, tearing up sections of the ground while creating twisters that were formed above the water.

After a minute or two of their energies interacting with each other the spheres finally disappeared, though while the Saiyans still looked angry Frieza knew he had two options left; either try and go to his maximum power, or just throw a Death Ball and blow the planet to pieces. At this point, with two Saiyans watching his every move, and one of them knowing all of his tricks, he didn't have faith in either one of them working, not unless he tried to trick them. Only one plan would work, that much he knew, so he brought his hands together and gathered all of the energy he had been gathering so far, knowing that he had one chance to beat two Super Saiyans.

"You know, I've never been backed into a corner before," Frieza commented, though as he said the words his black and red aura was absorbed by what was in his hands, "I hope you'll forgive me if I'm a little sour over this."

"We will never forgive you Frieza," Goku replied, keeping his eyes on his target, who seemed to be looking for something on the islands that surrounded them at the moment.

"I am well aware of that fact," Frieza said, pulling his hands apart and lifting his Death Ball into the air, hoping that Vegeta's rage blinded him for a few more seconds, "though I have found out a way to make sure that the two of you, and the rest of your friends, never make it off of this planet... by obliterating it in its entirety!"

The Death Ball enlarged the moment he said those words, though as a look of recognition crossed Vegeta's face, and the memory resurfaced, Frieza turned around and hurled the ball in the opposite direction of the Saiyans, knowing that it would be impossible for them to catch the attack before it touched the ground. What he didn't think about was the speed that the two Saiyans had commanded since their transformation, because they appeared in the direction of his attack and loosed their own to stop it in its tracks, but then a smile appeared on his face. As the two Saiyans stopped the first Death Ball, and started to push it backwards, Frieza gathered some more of his power into a second Death Ball, so that when the first one was taken care of he opened the second one and threw it at the ground.

The next thing the three of them saw was the blinding light as his Death Ball went for the planet's core, forcing them all to stand where they were as they wanted for the light to stop.

"Well, Frieza just tried to blow up Namek," King Kai said, turning his gaze towards his newest trainees, who had defeated the four members of the Ginyu Force some time ago, though he had called in a favor with King Yemma to have the four members brought here.

He had decided to not invite Ginyu to join his companions, which King Yemma agreed with and sentenced the former captain to Hell as he deserved, though he found it amusing that all five members of the Ginyu Force were now trapped in Hell, trying in vain to escape and claim the planet he and the others were on. Despite the fact that Tien and Chiaotzu had been brought back to life by the Namekian Eternal Dragon, thus their halos were removed and their bodies were restored, the dragon had them remain here, as if knowing something that King Kai didn't know. Now, however, he guessed that the dragon might have sensed that his world would soon be coming to an end, which was his reasoning behind keeping the two here... or King Kai was trying to make connections where there weren't any.

"So I take it everyone is still alive?" Tien asked, which was understandable considering the fact that King Kai said 'tried' and not something like 'succeeded'.

"Well, Frieza did kill Krillin and Rainbow Dash earlier," King Kai commented, though as he did so he had to wonder where the young girl's soul had gone, because she was supposed to have arrived at King Yemma's shortly after dying.

"You must be joking, there's no way that Rainbow could..." Yamcha started to say, though the look on King Kai's face told him otherwise, "Oh... your not joking about this."

"No, but I have some good news," King Kai announced, a smile appearing on his face again, "if all goes as planned we should be able to bring back all the Namekians that Frieza and his men have killed... including Rainbow."

As the trio cheered for everyone to be brought back, and moved away for a few seconds, King Kai focused his powers and connected his mind to Kami's, so he could figure out how much longer they had.

How long until Mr. Popo can summon Shenron? King Kai asked, silently hoping that it was soon, because he knew that Goku and Vegeta were racing against the clock at this point.

Mr. Popo already has six of the seven Dragon Balls, Kami responded, though King Kai could barely make out the sound of the elderly Namekian's walking staff in the background, the seventh, according to Mr. Popo, would have been difficult for a mortal to find, even with the Dragon Radar, but he should be collecting it in the next minute or two. He knows the wish he must make when he wakes the Eternal Dragon from his slumber.

Good, then we can only wait and see how long Goku and Vegeta last, King Kai commented, his mind returning to the planet the Saiyans were on, which was followed by the light disappearing, at least Frieza is finally getting what he deserves.

"Even with all of your speed and your strength I still hit the core!" Frieza shouted, staring at the two Super Saiyans that were glaring at him, a smile appearing on his face, "I may not have had a lot of time to charge that second Death Ball, but with the core taken out this planet has five more minutes before it explodes."

"Vegeta, is he telling the truth?" Goku asked, knowing that his companion knew more about Frieza than he did, though he was hoping that the rage wasn't clouding his mind, as even he found it hard to focus on anything other than his opponent.

"Yes and no," Vegeta growled in response, his eyes locked on where Frieza was standing, feeling his anger return in full force thanks to what was happening around them, "Yes, Namek is pretty much lost at this point... but no, it won't take five minutes to blow the planet up. Based on the time he had, try an hour at max."

For a moment Frieza had forgotten that he was dealing with someone that literally knew the ins and outs of his empire, which had been used to dismantle everything that he had done on Namek, as well as the majority of the moves he used in battle. It was at that point that he realized that he had been underestimating Vegeta the entire time, while at the same time deciding that the Prince of the Saiyan race truly deserved to be called one of the heroes that he disliked. He wasn't annoyed that Vegeta knew most of his tricks and his attacks, he had expected that part, though he was annoyed that Vegeta could tell how long a planet had by the amount of time he had spent charging his Death Balls... which was something that only he should be able to do.

Even though Vegeta thought he could guess the time left Frieza looked down at the massive hole that they were floating over, where his attack had gone right into the core, and knew that either way it didn't matter... he was going to win in the end. All he had to do was stall the two Super Saiyans long enough for the planet to explode and take the two of them out, because he knew that they wouldn't give him the time to unleash his full power, if what had happened earlier was any indication. He even considered flying away and forcing them to chase him, but given their current speed he knew that his only option was to endure a little more punishment before he claimed victory.

Frieza really didn't like the options that he had to choose from at the moment, but considering that the planet was doomed to blow up soon he guessed he could live with his choice... especially since neither Saiyan was going to survive this.

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