• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Cell: Trickery

Rainbow looked at Cell, who was calmly standing near her and Android 16, though she had to resist the urge to let out the largest sigh that was currently building. She had been expecting so much more from the Bio-Android that was supposed to know pretty much all the attacks that Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo knew, especially with the power that was resting inside his body. She and Applejack had trained in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to obtain a level of power that would put them on equal ground with Cell, after he had absorbed all the people that he had taken into his body, but she was disappointed with her opponent at the moment. Sure, the others were likely glad that she had turned his attempt at the lance away and destroyed it, but she already knew why Cell's lance had failed as it had... he forgot to charge it for longer than he had.

She already knew that if Cell had bothered to hide himself, or attempt to anyway, and had actually put some time into charging his lance, then she would have actually been in trouble when he threw it at her... but instead all she got was a lot of disappointment in return.

"So, are we going to do this," Cell commented, breaking into Rainbow's thoughts and returning her to the present, though at the same time it was clear that he was getting impatient and wanted to fight someone, "or are you two just going to stand there and stare at me all day long?"

"Sorry, I was debating which technique I should use on you," Rainbow said, though at the same time both she dropped into her battle stance, while noticing that Android 16 was standing straight, which made her wonder if he was going to join the fight immediately or wait for an opening, "but, if you are so eager to meet death, than I shall oblige."

The moment the final word left her mouth Rainbow flew through the air and slammed her fist into Cell's chest, sending him flying through the air for a few seconds, though before the Bio-Android could recover she slipped under him and slammed both of her hooves into his back. The force of that blow sent Cell flying into the air, to which Rainbow followed after him and launched a few kicks and punches at her target, allowing the force of each blow to send him a little higher into the air. Once she had forced Cell to a certain height she appeared behind him and slammed both of her fists into his back, sending him flying down towards the ground, where he collided with the plateau she and the others had been hiding in and created a hole in the rock.

Before Cell could recover Rainbow allowed her ki to dance around her body, though that was followed by her bringing both of her hands together by the right side of her body as she charged the attack she had chosen.

"Ka... me... ha... me..." Rainbow said, allowing the sphere of blue energy to phase into existence between her hands, while at the same time noticing that Cell had started to pick himself up, "HAAAAA!"

Rainbow leveled her hands with the plateau and released the energy she had been gathering, to which a beam of ki energy raced down towards where Cell was standing. She expected an immediate explosion and some damage to the island, but what she got was Cell pushing her attack back with his own Kamehameha, though considering how much time he had to charge it she knew that he wouldn't be able to keep her at bay for long. Instead of allowing her opponent to potentially gain the upper hand, and turn the tide of this battle, Rainbow ended her attack and flew down to where Cell was standing, though as the rest of her energy dissipated around the Bio-Android she slammed her hooves into the side of Cell's body... sending him flying for a few seconds.

Instead of chasing him this time around, and beating him more than she had done already, Rainbow landed on the ground and watched Cell, who carefully regained himself and flew back to the area they were fighting in, though it was clear that he was annoyed with her.

"I'm not going to lie, but you are definitely much stronger than the last time I felt your energy," Cell said, to which he wiped off his beak mouth for a few seconds, indicating that she must have hurt him a tiny bit, "I guess that would explain why you were able to overpower my lance a few minutes ago, because you are much stronger than I originally anticipated. It just means that I'll have to be extra careful around you... just in case you have something up your sleeve that I'm not aware of at the moment."

"Pardon me, I do believe you are forgetting someone," a voice behind Cell said, to which Cell turned around to face whoever had approached him and was greeted with a fist to the face, which sent him into the ground.

Rainbow grinned for a moment as Android 16 slammed his fist into Cell's face and sent the Bio-Android flying for a few seconds, because she couldn't believe that her opponent had forgotten that the Android was there. She would have understood if she had dominated Cell's attention, but she had barely gotten started and knew that Cell must have lowered his guard, which was why Android 16 was starting to wreck him. Rainbow let out a sigh and crossed her arms, because if Cell was going to let this happen then she was going to wait for him to get serious, as there was no reason to use any of the new abilities she developed in the time chamber if her foe wasn't going to pay attention to her.

"Okay, that was a low blow," Cell commented, to which he picked himself up and faced the Android that dared to fight him, because now he was pissed, as Rainbow seemed to be standing where he had left her, but he was going to cut 16 down before doing anything else, "I'm going to enjoy dismantling you."

Android 16 frowned and charged at Cell, to which the two of them started to exchange blows with each other as they floated above the air, though neither of them landed a blow on each other as they kicked up dust. After a few seconds Cell moved higher into the air and forced Android 16 to follow him, though even as that happened the two of them repeated the same thing that they had been doing near the ground. They fought there for several minutes, carefully exchanging punches and kicks with each other while dealing no damage to each other, much to the amazement of everyone standing around the island.

Another few seconds passed before the two of them returned to the ground and separated from each other, where they glared at each other and waited for the other to make the first move... though that was followed by the two of them charging at each other and headbutting each other. They remained in that manner for a few seconds, pushing against their opponent for a few seconds as they rotated around the area they were in, before Cell punched 16 in the face and sent him backwards a few steps. The moment Android 16 fell backwards Cell seized the opportunity and struck 16's neck with the tip of his tail, to which he grinned as he realized that he had won this fight.

"I thank you, for your power will allow me to overpower everyone else that might stand against me," Cell said, to which he started the process his used to drain the life force out of his targets, though as he did so he noticed that nothing was happening, which caused his mind to change about what was happening, "Damn, I thought you were like Android 17 and 18, but your not... you're completely made of pure metal, aren't you?"

"I am," Android 16 replied, to which he was smiled at Cell for a few seconds, because now his opponent knew that he had messed up once more, but at the same time he tightened his grip on Cell's tail to prevent him from fleeing.

Cell had a brief moment to understand the folly of his situation, which was a few seconds at most, before Android 16 swung him around and threw him at the ground, with enough speed to prevent the Bio-Android from freeing himself. Cell ended up creating a small hole in the ground beneath him, though a few seconds later he leapt out of the smoke and charged into the air. He flew around the island, baiting 16 into following him and caused him to crash into the rock wall, though when he attempted to wrap his tail around the Android's neck and blast his target in the face, 16 loosed a pair of small lasers from his eyes and pierced Cell's shoulders... to which 16 released himself and sent Cell back into the hole he created a few minutes ago.

Before Cell could get back up Android 16 landed in the area, or more accurately landed with his foot on Cell's tail, to which he followed that up by pulling on Cell's tail with all of his strength as the Bio-Android begged him not to rip part of his tail off... to which Android 16 tore the part of the tail he was tugging on off and tossed it to the side.

"Now you will no longer be able to absorb anyone else," Android 16 commented, to which he fully faced the Bio-Android that was resting in front of him, as he fully intended to smash his opponent and save the rest of the world from the destruction that Cell could visit upon it.

"Do you have any idea how long it is going to take me to regrow my tail!?" Cell demanded, though at the same time he picked himself up and faced Android 16 with a look of pure anger in his eyes, while the Android in question basically stared at him for a few seconds.

"Never." Android 16 replied, though his response spoke volumes about what he intended to do next, which caused Cell to simply glare at him for a few seconds.

"Actually, the answer is a few seconds," Cell said, to which the part of the tail that had been torn off burst out of the stump, exactly like what had happened when he had drained Piccolo's arm when they first met each other, as the Namekian had ripped his ruined arm off and regrew it in a few seconds, "Remember, I have Piccolo's cells incorporated into my body, which means that I can regenerate parts of my body like he can... and then some, if the situation requires something drastic."

"I see, so defeating you means we must squish the very life out of you," Android 16 replied, to which he dropped into his battle stance and prepared himself, while at the same time wondering if his opponent was going to notice the others were preparing themselves for battle.

"You will try, but you will fail." Cell commented, though at the same time he whipped his tail around for a few seconds and dried it off, to which he returned it back to his back and stared at his opponent, silently daring the Android to come at him so he could tear one of his arms off or do some damage to his body.

"We won't know until we try," a new voice said, to which Cell turned around and noticed that Rainbow had returned to the fight, as she punched him in the jaw and sent him flying into the air.

"Can you quit doing that!" Cell shouted, though at the same time he regained himself, but before he could do anything he noticed that there was a large number of ki spheres floating around where he had stopped himself, to which he noticed that Piccolo was standing on the ground with a smile on his face.

Cell was confused, because he had been sure that this was going to be a two on one fight with Rainbow and Android 16 taking turns with him and taking shots at him when his back was turned. He had no idea why Piccolo was even bothering to join the fight, especially when he had less power than his current opponents, but he was sure that something was going to happen. He also had to wonder why there were a large number of ki spheres floating around him, but as he prepared to blow one of them up, and likely destroy the rest of them, he noticed Piccolo moving his hands... which meant that something was going to happen in the next few seconds.

"Hellzone Grenade!" Piccolo shouted, to which he swung both of his hands at Cell, to which the large amount of ki spheres raced towards his target and detonated with enough force to light up the sky.

When the smoke cleared the group found that there were several bruises on Cell's body, but not nearly bad enough to give them the advantage, though at the same time the three of them prepared themselves for what was coming next.

"Okay, I'm going to say it again; quit doing that!" Cell shouted, to which he glared at the three people who were choosing to fight him, knowing that he could beat Piccolo on his own and that he needed to take care of Rainbow or Android 16 first.

Cell eyed Android 16 for a moment and flew at him, though at the same time he noticed that Rainbow and Piccolo were backing away once more, telling him that they had to be planning something once more. He ignored them and kicked Android 16 into the air, taking a brief moment to note that his opponent hadn't bothered to defend himself this time, before appearing near him. That was when he slammed his fist into his opponent's face and sent him flying into the ground, creating a path in the ground that stopped when Android 16 stopped moving. Cell smiled, because it seemed that, in the face of the combination attack working, his opponent had dropped his guard, to which he flew at where the Android was resting so he could end this part of the fight.

Android 16, on the other hand, quickly turned around and leveled his hand with Cell, to which he loosed his hand, which apparently doubled as a rocket of some kind, and allowed the attack to slam into Cell's face... though as Cell was forced backwards Android 16 reattached his hand and slammed Cell into the ground. A few seconds later Android 16 picked Cell up and slammed him into the ground, creating a small hole that was a little distance down beneath the ground. He could hear Cell moaning in the hole, or maybe complaining about what was going on, but instead of allowing him to regain himself Android 16 crossed his arms and pulled his hands off, keeping the hands under his armpits while pointing his arms at the hole.

He gathered his energy into his arms and prepared himself, because either Cell would remain intact after this attack or he was going to do enough damage to make the Bio-Android reconsider his course of action... though after a few seconds he knew it was time to move on.

"Hell's Flash!" Android 16 shouted, to which he loosed the energy he was gathering and fired upon the hole, to which the ground all around him shook as several beams of light tore out of the weaker points in the island.

Everyone watched as the lights erupted from the ground, while at the same time dodging them so they could avoid being hit by Android 16's attack, but all of them were impressed by what their ally was able to do and the power he was able to call upon, especially Androids 17 and 18. No one dared to say anything until the lights were gone and the ground had stopped shaking, though once both of those things happened they were all pleased to find that the island was still intact... despite the new holes that Android 16 had punched into the ground.

"Incredible," Android 18 commented, looking at all of the destruction that 16 had caused with a single attack, though while it wasn't on the scale of Rainbow's lance she knew that this was still impressive in its own right, "We might actually beat this monster without anyone being absorbed."

"Yeah, but I would have liked to kill Cell with my own hands," Android 17 replied, though at the same time he floated down to the ground and looked around, while the rest of the group stayed where they were standing for the moment.

"Don't worry about Cell too much," Android 18 stated, though at the same time she walked over to the larger Android, as she was interested in seeing whether Cell was dead or if they needed to be on their guard for some trickery on his part, "I'm sure that 16 either killed the Bio-Android or has delivered the message that he can't win this fight, though we'll see in a few minutes."

Android 17 watched as 16 finished his attack and brought his arms back to his armpits, to which he reconnected his hands to the arm they had come from and stared down at the hole, while his sister walked around to survey the damage they had done to the island. It was clear that Cell was still down in the hole that Android 16 had created, no doubt biding his time while he came up with something that might save his hide this time around. He had to wonder if the Bio-Android was hiding, waiting for them to give up on trying to kill him so he could safely flee and go absorb more people to become even stronger, but at the moment all he wanted was for Cell to show himself so they could end this fight.

Little did 17 know that fate had a funny way of granting people's wishes, as the ground beneath him shook for a moment, which he assumed was an effect of Android 16's attack, but when he realized something was wrong it was already too late for him... as the moment he came to realize what was happening Cell burst out of the hole that was sitting behind him and his tail widened to a size that would allow him to swallow someone whole. Android 17 barely had time to do anything before he was caught by Cell's tail, though as he squirmed he started shouting at the Bio-Android and heard the others notice what was happening... though this time they were too late to do anything.

Rainbow, Applejack, and the others were forced to watch as Cell swallowed Android 17 whole, to which Cell started to laugh as 17 was completely pulled into his tail and was pulled all the way through... until he reached Cell's back, where the bulge that was Android 17 disappeared completely. That was followed by Cell shutting his eyes for a few seconds, as if he was enjoying the feeling of absorbing 17 into his body, before he snapped his eyes open and started glowing, which told everyone that he was drawing closer to his final form. As the light increased in intensity the group noticed that Cell's hands became more humanoid in shape, while his weird feet took on the appearance of shoes or pointed feet, while his face seemed to take on a more humanoid appearance.

Those that could sense energy were taken aback for a few seconds, as absorbing Android 17 had allowed Cell to grow to another level of power, one that had the potential to match Rainbow and Applejack in their base forms, which didn't bode well for those that were putting their faith in the pony girls.

"Ah, this feels so much better than my imperfect form," Cell commented, though Rainbow and the others could tell that his voice had changed slightly, which had to be another addition he had gained by absorbing Android 17 into his body, "though I am still one step away from my perfect form."

"18, come with me if you want to live!" Android 16 declared, to which he grabbed onto 18's arm and started flying off in the direction that Cell's back was facing, knowing that if the Bio-Android absorbed her then he would gain the power to destroy so much.

Android 16 was choosing to leave the fight to Rainbow, Applejack, Gale, and the rest of the assembled Z Warriors, because he needed to protect Android 18 before the Bio-Android could get his hands on her, though before he could get too far Cell rushed through the air and stopped in front of them. The instant that happened 16 put himself between Cell and Android 18, intending to sacrifice himself to make sure that she got out of here without being absorbed by their enemy. One problem he noticed was that Cell's speed seemed to mimic Rainbow's speed, though she had been holding back after watching the 'disaster' with the lance he had used on her... so there was no telling how much stronger or faster Rainbow had gotten thanks to her training.

"Did you really think that you could escape from me with your speed?" Cell asked, though at the same time he landed on the ground in front of the two Androids, while smiling for a few seconds as 16 stepped between him and 18, because he was willing to kill the larger Android before absorbing the one that he was really after, "Of course the increase in my speed is due to absorbing Android 17... though that makes me wonder what my power is like now."

That was immediately followed by Android 16 throwing a punch and striking Cell right in his face, though at the same time he knew that his desperate attack had done nothing, as Cell had barely flinched and basically allowed the attack to hit him. It made the larger Android wonder if his opponent was purposely allowing attacks to slip through his defenses, so he could gauge his new power and determine where he stood on the food chain. A few seconds later Cell lifted his hand into the air and leveled it with 16's head, to which he loosed a small burst of energy that knocked him off his feet and sent him flying into the ground... though at the same time everyone noticed that part of his skull was damaged, as they could see his metallic brain and all the wires that were in there.

At the same time Rainbow smiled for a second, because Cell's power had done up and that meant that she could actually use one or two of her new techniques and not have to worry about using them against a weak opponent that would be easily overpowered.

"Ah, it seems that my power has gone up as well," Cell commented, to which he flexed his hands for a few seconds, as if he was enjoying the power that he had used to wound Android 16, before he turned his full attention back to the Android in front of him, "Now then, baring any further interruptions, its time we brought this to an end."

"Not yet!" a voice shouted, to which Cell turned towards the sky for a moment and noticed that Tien, who hadn't been with the Z Warriors that were fighting him, had appeared out of nowhere, though at the same time he noticed that the new arrival had his hands pressed against each other.

"Get lost Tien, you are only wasting your time," Cell commented, though at the same time he glared up at the man, because he wanted to be sure that nothing else happened while he was trying to absorb Android 18, while at the same time noting that Tien's hands had shifted into a triangle formation.

"Shin Kikoho!" Tien shouted, to which he loosed the energy he had been gathering and sent it flying down towards the Bio-Android, knowing that the best he could do was stall Cell so Android 18 could flee and allow the others to take care of their opponent.

The instant the energy collided with Cell it opened a large crater in the ground and sent him deep into the earth, though at the same time Tien knew that this was all he could do at the moment. He spied Android 18 running to the larger Android so they could flee together, which he was fine with considering that they were allies, before he returned his attention to his target. He could feel Cell coming back up to fight him, and no doubt kill him, but that didn't stop Tien from loosing blast after blast at the hole the Bio-Android was in, as he intended to stall his target for as long as he could. As he prepared to loose the fifth attack in rapid succession he noticed Krillin had landed beside the two Androids and was helping them, to which he mentally chuckled when he noticed how shocked 18 was by the gesture... though instead of focusing on them he returned to Cell and keeping him trapped in the crater.

After he released the sixth blast, and prepared to loose the seventh one, Rainbow appeared near him and shook her head, to which he dropped out of his attack state and weakly floated over to where the rest of the Z Warriors were waiting, where he could be given one of the last couple of Senzu Beans they had, as there was no reason for him to die on them.

Rainbow, on the other hand, faced the crater that had been created and waited for Cell to come out of it, because she was eager to show the Bio-Android how strong her other attacks were. She was still disappointed in the fact that Cell had used her lance, and poorly she mentally added, but Cell wouldn't be expecting her to have some new tricks up her sleeves. There was no telling if Cell was even going to gun for her first, because she knew that her opponent wanted Android 18, but she was determined to make Cell realize that she was a threat to his existence and force him to pay attention to her... even if it meant breaking his new power in front of him.

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