• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Prelude: Planet Vegeta

Beerus looked around the mountain range where he and his daughters trained at least twice a week, his eyes slowly moving as he scanned the area around him as he searched for something. He was teaching Rainbow and Applejack how to hide their energy from him, because this scenario was him playing the role of someone that wanted to find them and they had to stay hidden for a certain amount of time to be declared the winners. The first few times they had played one of these scenarios Beerus had found Rainbow and Applejack easily, to which Shin reminded them on how to hide their energy so they could remain hidden longer. Every time he found them they seemed disappointed that they couldn't remain hidden longer, but he was beginning to notice some small improvement between each of their sessions, indicating that the girls were slowly learning the skills that he and the others wanted them to learn.

Speaking of skills that the girls were learning he silently thanked Whis, Chronoa, and even Shin for giving the girls some teaching in certain aspects of life that he hadn't bothered to touch yet. Whis was fond of teaching the girls about psychology, where he imparted knowledge on how to read how someone will act in a certain situation and how people behaved, as well as sociology, so that the girls might know more about certain societies that they might visit one day. Chronoa was overjoyed to help teach the girls, though she dived into the world of history and culture, something that Beerus was immediately bored with the moment she started talking, but she seemed to hold Rainbow's and Applejack's attention without driving them to boredom as well, so he guessed that she knew what she was doing. Shin and Whis also took turns teaching the girls about the various customs that were scattered throughout the universe, though for the moment they focused on the Saiyans and the Kais.

As Beerus flew around the mountain range he reflected on the about of time that had passed since the girls had arrived on his planet, because it seemed hard to believe that six whole months ago it was only him and Whis living in his temple... until Chronoa came and stopped him from blowing the asteroid that was carrying the girls to pieces on accident. He had never actually thanked Chronoa for stopping him from what he had been about to do, because he actually enjoyed having the girls in his life, as they made things more interesting for him. Sure, some of the things that Whis, Chronoa, or Shin taught didn't grab the girls' attention, but at least they were learning more than just how to fight, which was something that he had been talked to about.

After the second whole month of the girls living in his temple, and doing nothing else besides meditate and learn to fight, Chronoa had told him that it was time that the girls learned more about their universe and the various people that called it home. Because they had no idea when the God of Destruction for Universe Thirteen would awaken, and thus opening the way for the girls to return home, Beerus had been told that it was time the girls learned something other than fighting. He had simply decided to allow the three to do what they wanted and they set up a new schedule that included what they wanted with what he wanted, which was what they had now. He had, however, requested that a certain day be left blank on their schedules, because he had some business he had to attend to on that day.

That was the day he was supposed to be visiting Planet Vegeta and meet with the King, also called Vegeta, though he had the feeling he'd be meeting the son as well, though from what he heard the son was also called Vegeta.

Beerus let out a sigh as he shook his head and got back into the hunt, to which he glared down at the rocks around him and tried to find where either of the girls were hiding this time. He was actually mildly assumed this time around, because this was actually the first time that either of them had managed to go thirty minutes without him finding them. The time limit was set at an hour, though if the whole time went by and he had either found one of them or neither of them then an alarm would sound, indicating that time was up and that the girls were to return to the area where they first practiced manipulating their ki.

Shin had built something in the area where they first started practicing, a building that he called a dojo or something along those lines, though it was a small building, with enough beds for all six of them in case they ended up spending the night there, with an area where they could sit and relax. It also led outside to where the girls practiced their moves, though whenever they used something like Rainbow's lance they always fired the ki blast away from the building. There was even a table or two so that whoever wasn't in the middle of training could sit and watch the others, which was what Beerus assumed that Shin and Chronoa were doing at the moment.

Beerus stopped for a moment, thinking that he saw a flash of Rainbow's hair, though after a few seconds he decided to take a look and descended down to where he thought he had seen her. When he came to a stop he found that there was nothing around him at all, nothing that would suggest that Rainbow had been down in this area to begin with, though that made him smile. Recently Rainbow had developed an interesting habit of adding a rainbow colored trail to her whenever she was flying between two locations, as if she wanted people to know it was her. She had actually added that to this training session, effectively making it somewhat harder for him to find her if he only caught sight of the trail at the last second, though the same would be true if he spotted it while she was just beginning to pass by him.

Just as he was about to move out of the area he spotted the rainbow trail again, though this time he knew that Rainbow was taunting him to come and find her, but this time he was ready for her. He closed his eyes for a moment and sensed the energy that was radiating from the trail, to which he grinned as his eyes snapped open and he resumed his search. It didn't take him long to find Rainbow after sensing her special trail, because this time she was hanging at the top of the mountain he would have passed had she not flown by underneath him, causing him to descend into the valley he had been in a few moments ago. He silently floated down behind Rainbow and tapped her shoulder, letting her know that she had finally been found out and that she was out of the game for the moment.

"You did good, but I still found you in the end." Beerus said, rubbing Rainbow's hair for a moment, knowing that she liked that type of affection more than everything else, "Now tell me, do you have any idea where your sister is hiding?"

"Nope, she and I went our separate ways once the game started," Rainbow replied, though she smiled when the sound of an alarm echoed through the air, "not that it matters, we finally beat you."

"Did you now?" Beerus said, beckoning for his daughter to follow him, to which the two of them took off and headed in the direction that would take them to where Whis and the others were waiting, "Well, I guess you would be correct; I was supposed to find the two of you in an hour and I only managed to find you this time, so I guess this time around you girls actually beat me."

"You were still going easy on us though," Rainbow commented, her grin not leaving her face at all, "Don't worry, one day you won't have to go easy on us when we train... and then we can see how well my lance fares in battle."

Beerus, having seen the attack in action, had to wonder how it would fare in an actual combat situation as well, though at the moment Rainbow could only use it once before exhausting herself. She was constantly trying to improve how much ki she had access to, so she could use the attack more frequently and experiment with it, but Beerus had told her to take it one step at a time. There would come a day where she would be able to use it more than once per battle, but until then she was stuck with picking and choosing when to use it, which was something that Whis had been trying to tell her ever since they first discovered the move.

The two of them rapidly made their way back to Shin's dojo, where they immediately spotted Whis, Chronoa, and Shin all sitting at the table and drinking some tea... though sitting with them was Applejack.

"No wonder dad couldn't find you Applejack," Rainbow said, her grin widening as she and Beerus landed near the table, though she sat down across from her sister, "you were hanging around the dojo and not flying around the mountains like I was."

"Actually, I've been sitting here for the last hour," Applejack told them, leading to a confused look appearing on Rainbow's face, "What? We were told to hide our energy and make sure that our dad couldn't find us by sensing us, but no one ever said anything about hanging around the dojo while he searched for us. As long as he couldn't sense my energy, and know where I was hiding, then I was basically invisible to him until he either found me or time expired."

Beerus was actually impressed by how well Applejack had thought about the rules of their practice session, because he knew that there was no rule about coming back here and hiding away in the dojo. He knew that it would have been a little difficult to find what little scraps of her energy remained when they were hidden by Whis's, Chronoa's, and Shin's respective energies. It was a smart move to come here, as it gave her the opportunity to remain hidden while keeping an eye on where he was located, as both Chronoa and Shin agreed to have a crystal orb on the table whenever practice was in session, allowing them to keep an eye on him or the girls. He was also somewhat shocked that Applejack had willingly given up the information, as if she wanted them to know that she had thought about what she was doing while knowing that he would step up his game the next time they did this sort of training.

Beerus smiled as he sat down with the rest of the group, because he was pleased that his daughters were making such great progress thanks to all the training they were doing... though he also accepted the cup of tea that came his way while snatching one of the sandwiches that happened to be sitting out.

"So, are you girls excited for tonight?" Chronoa asked, though in reality she wanted to get the girls to stop thinking about all the training they had done and switch mental gears before they visited another planet.

"Isn't tonight the feast that the King of Planet Vegeta was throwing for our dad?" Applejack asked, to which Chronoa nodded for a moment, though that was followed by her turning to Beerus, "You've got some 'business' with their King... does that mean that you'll be blowing their planet to pieces, just like you did with Planet Lu'zar all those months ago?"

"What? No, I won't be doing anything like that this time around," Beerus replied, somewhat shocked that Applejack would even ask such a thing, but then remembered what had happened on Lu'zar and knew why she had asked the question to begin with, "The King and I have a little... matter... that we need to go over, alone I might add, though somehow he caught wind that I'm raising you and Rainbow. Normally it would just me and the King sitting at his table, but he's insisted on at least introducing his son to the both of you, which was why he offered to throw a feast for all three of us. Then, once the feast is over, you two and the Prince can go off and explore the palace while the King and I discuss why I was visiting in the first place."

"So, when's the feast?" Rainbow asked, setting down her cup for a moment, though everyone could tell that she was eager to meet someone that might be their own age for once.

"Well, its about one in the afternoon right now," Chronoa said, though she didn't pull out a clock or anything to even check the time, "and, from what I've heard, the feast isn't until seven tonight. That gives the three of you about five hours to prepare for the feast, though I would recommend heading back to the temple, take a quick wash to get rid of all the sweat you've built up, and then change into some fresh clothes. Then you would be free to relax until six, seeing how its a thirty minute ride to Planet Vegeta."

"Yes mom," Rainbow and Applejack said, both grinning as Whis tapped his scepter on the floor and sent them all flying through space, racing back towards Beerus' planet.

At first when the girls started calling Chronoa 'mom', as she was the only female figure that they had at the moment, the Supreme Kai of Time had been a little shocked and surprised by he notion. Beerus had originally thought it was weird as well, but after a few moments of watching his daughters and Chronoa he knew that it was a perfect fit for her. Beerus knew that Chronoa didn't need to stick around after she had made sure that he didn't blow the girls to pieces, yet she stuck around and helped them settle into the temple with their own rooms and new clothes. Even now she made sure that they were well fed, which would never be a problem considering how much food gets put on the table, and that they had a proper education, which she, Whis, and Shin were currently working on.

Chronoa was, for all intents and purposes, a mother to Rainbow and Applejack, a role that she had seemed shocked by when they had first uttered the word mom when addressing her, but she quickly grew to like it... just like he had grown to enjoy being known as their father.

When they finally returned to the temple Shin bid them all farewell and returned to his own world, leaving Beerus and the girls to get cleaned up for the big feast later that afternoon. Instead of heading for the washroom immediately Beerus beckoned for the girls to go first, to which they nodded and headed into the washroom, which had remained in its divided state ever since the first day they had used it. Once they were inside, and he could hear them washing up, Beerus let out a sigh and returned to the living area of his temple, where he sat down on the couch that he usually sat on and stared at the wall.

"Well, I had best return to the Time Nest," Chronoa commented, though she gave Beerus a small bow, "I hope the feast goes well tonight... and hopefully the girls make a friend or two."

"We shall see," Beerus replied, letting out another sigh, though in truth he was hoping that the girls and the Prince would get along, "I'll see you tomorrow Chronoa."

Chronoa nodded and bid Whis farewell as well, before walking outside the temple and leaving the two to their own devices, which she knew was going to be some waiting before Beerus bothered to clean himself up. Whis didn't say anything as Beerus stared at the wall, his mind focused on his 'business' with King Vegeta and what Applejack had asked him before they had returned to the temple. According to what Chronoa had told him a few days ago, Planet Vegeta was critically important to the timeline and stressed that he shouldn't destroy it, a notion that would have annoyed him half a year ago. He had no idea why Planet Vegeta was so important in the grand scheme of things, but considering everything that she had already done for him and the girls over the last six months, and taking some time to really think about it, he had come to the conclusion that he might as well humor Chronoa.

He also reflected on the fact that he had stopped calling Shin and Chronoa by their official titles and was actually calling them by their names, something that wouldn't have happened if Rainbow and Applejack hadn't been in their lives.

When the girls finally emerged from the washroom they were wearing a clean pair of their gi, though Beerus had decided not to put the symbol for destruction on their clothing, allowing them to discover what was important for themselves. Seeing how the girls were finished, and no longer needed to wash up, Beerus walked into the washroom and left the girls alone with Whis, leaving them to converse or ignore each other. What actually happened was that Applejack went to her room, collected her notes on the Saiyans, and refreshed her memory on them, so that she could be prepared for whatever happened on the planet. Rainbow, on the other hand, simply pulled out one of the books that Chronoa had given her, another in the strange set she had found, and picked up where she left off.

Whis was proud that Applejack was making sure she knew what to expect from the Saiyans, while at the same time he was disappointed that Rainbow didn't seem to care as much as her sister did, though he decided that they would do things their own ways and didn't raise his voice at either of them.

Beerus didn't emerge from the washroom for a good thirty minutes, though he had spent most of the time relaxing in the warm water before bothering to clean off the sweat that had attached to him from the training he and the girls had done. Once he was finished with the washroom he returned to where he had left Whis and his daughters, finding that Rainbow was reading another one of her books while Applejack was studying her notes. He had expected that they wouldn't ask Whis any questions before their departure, so he wasn't too surprised by what he saw, though he didn't say anything as he sat down and relaxed with them. He decided that it was easier to relax with his daughters and let time fly by until it was time for them to leave for Planet Vegeta, knowing that Whis would tell them when it was time for them to depart.

Eventually six in the afternoon was upon them, which was signaled by Whis letting out a light cough and beckoning for them to follow him outside, though Beerus and his daughters were definitely eager to meet with the King of Planet Vegeta, though they had different reasons for being eager. Once they were all outside the temple, and they had gathered around the scepter, Whis tapped it on the ground, summoned the bubble around them once more, and began the journey to Planet Vegeta. Flying through the stars gave Whis a chance to ask the girls if they spotted any planets that they were familiar with from their various studies, excluding the one they used to train on and their home world.

At first Beerus believed that this exercise was a waste of time, considering how many planets there were in the universe, but occasionally either Rainbow or Applejack would point at a planet they were passing and say a name, one that happened to be correct, so he decided to keep his mouth shut on the matter.

After twenty-nine minutes, and several successful planet guesses later, Whis started the descent to the surface of Planet Vegeta, giving the girls a good view of the planet and its cities as he took them towards the palace. As they made their way down to the ground both Rainbow and Applejack noticed several spherical pods shooting off into the sky, in the exact opposite direction that they had come in from, but decided that the pods weren't important at the moment. The city they were heading to appeared to be a medieval city that was made almost entirely out of stone, save for some specific metallic structures here and there, ones that appeared to be locations where something could land.

It didn't take long for Whis to get them to their destination, as he brought them down right in front of the main entrance for the palace, though the guards seemed wary of them the moment the bubble was removed. It was at that point that both Rainbow and Applejack noticed that the gravity on Planet Vegeta was heavier than what they were used to, but they were still able to walk just fine and decided not to bother questioning it at the moment.

"The King is expecting us," Whis told the guards, though he did beckon with his scepter to Beerus, who cast a look at them and got them to move without saying a single word.

The guard that beckoned them to follow him took them to where Beerus and his daughters would be sharing the feast with King Vegeta and his son, though it was clear by the way he walked that he was scared for his life. The walk gave Rainbow and Applejack a chance to check out the building and its support columns, which seemed to be made out of stone, though after a few seconds they both came to the conclusion that the palace had its own charm to it. The large room that they were led to had a large table that was could easily seat eight people, though there were only going to be five people sitting at the table.

They found the King standing before his throne, as if he had been busy before the group had arrived, though both Rainbow and Applejack could tell that he was a tad bit smaller than their father. The King's hair was spiky and was firmly pointed upwards, though he had something that the girls knew was a widow's peak, while his hair was light brown, and he also had a short beard that was the same color as his hair. He happened to be wearing some sort of white armor, though he was wearing a black undersuit, and he had a white pair of gloves and a blue pair of boots. On the armor was some sort of emblem, likely the family crest, and the King was wearing a cape that was red on the inside while being blue on the outside. The girls even noticed that there was some sort of belt wrapped around his waist, though it was hairy and they had no idea what it could possibly be at the moment.

Standing next to the King was a young boy that almost seemed like a complete copy of him, though the girls knew that this had to be the Prince of Planet Vegeta.

"Lord Beerus, its an honor for you to accept my invitation and grace our planet with your presence," the King said, bowing his head in respect for a moment, though he had to smack his son's head to get him to repeat the gesture.

"If you say so," Beerus commented, his eyes locking on the Prince for a moment, before a small grin appeared on his face, "I take it that this is your son?"

"Y... yes, this is my son Vegeta," the King replied, though his eyes drifted to the girls, who happened to be standing behind Beerus, "Are those your daughters?"

"Yes, allow me to introduce Rainbow Dash and Applejack," Beerus said, turning to his daughters for a moment, "Girls, this is King Vegeta and his son, Prince Vegeta. And, before either of you ask, yes, I am well aware that they both happen to have the same name as the planet. I'm sure that the Prince would be willing to tell you the tale while we're waiting for the feast to be prepared... as the King and I have some 'business' to take care of before the food is ready."

"Son, maybe you can show the girls around the palace while the feast is being finished," King Vegeta added, indicating that he didn't want his son anywhere near the room while he and Beerus were talking, "Of course that's in addition to telling them about our planet."

Prince Vegeta seemed happy to share the history of his planet with someone new, as the moment that his father mentioned showing them around he beckoned for them to follow him and the three of them walked out of the room. As they walked down the hallway the girls noticed that the guards were watching their every movement, as if they were worried that they might try to harm their prince. The prince, however, didn't seem all that concerned, as he appeared to be focused on the tale that he was beginning to weave for the two of them.

"The story behind our planet's name is simple, it was renamed after my father defeated its former inhabitants," Prince Vegeta explained, though the girls could hear a hint of pride in his voice, "When my race first came to this planet we found it inhabited by another, more technologically advanced, race that was called the Tuffles, though we were enslaved shortly after our arrival. My race was treated poorly, essentially like slaves, and were forced to live in harsh conditions, though that eventually forced them to rise up against the Tuffles... where my father led the assault. He helped defeat the previous owners of this planet and, as the greatest warrior of the Saiyan race at the time, my race decided to rename the planet after him. I, on the other hand, am expected to be a great warrior when I grow up, which is why my father gave me his name, so that I'll always be reminded of my race's expectations."

"A great warrior?" Rainbow asked, though a small grin appeared on her face, "Say, we've got a few minutes before the feast is ready... want to throw some punches and test each other?"

Applejack started to voice her concern for such a thing, considering the fact that they were here to relax and not to fight, but before she could say anything Prince Vegeta swiftly agreed to a small fight and immediately changed course, taking them outside the palace. He brought them to a courtyard that currently wasn't being used at the moment, save for the guards that had to be bored out of their minds, and stood in the middle of the area. Applejack stood near the guards, because she had no interest in fighting the prince and was content to simply watch them... until their father or the King came and stopped them.

Prince Vegeta jumped into the air and rushed at Rainbow, throwing a punch at her side, though Rainbow moved to the side and tapped the fist that would have hit her had she stood still. She then threw her own punch at the prince, to which he blocked the attack that was coming his way, before the two of them separated from each other. Prince Vegeta grinned and threw several ki blasts at Rainbow, who merely dodged the attacks as they left a few small holes in the flooring around them. Rainbow then spun around and kicked Vegeta in the chest, though it was light enough to knock him backwards just a bit, before throwing a punch at his chin. Vegeta smiled as he backed away from Rainbow, though it was clear that he was amused by the fact that she was actually able to hit him several times.

"I expected a decent challenge from a daughter of the person that my father was meeting," Prince Vegeta said, a grin appearing on his face, "Now, show me something interesting."

"You want something interesting?" Rainbow asked, a smile appearing on her face as she formed a triangle with her hands, "Fine then, allow me to show you my special attack..."

Before she could even begin to gather the energy to form the lance she found Applejack standing in front of her, though both of her hands were forcing Rainbow's apart.

"Rainbow, now isn't the time to use that move." Applejack said, staring into her sister's eyes, not believing that she could have been so reckless to use a move that would have damaged the palace behind them, "If you must fight then go ahead and do so, but I wouldn't recommend using that right now."

"Fine... I won't use the lance," Rainbow stated, dropping into a fighting stance as she faced Vegeta while Applejack returned to where she had been standing, "Come then, Prince Vegeta, let's see how well you can stand up to me."

Applejack sighed as Rainbow and Prince Vegeta started to fight each other, throwing punches and kicks at each other while never landing a single hit on each other. It was clear to her that they were merely practicing with each other, occasionally throwing ki blasts every now and then, but she noticed that her sister didn't try to use the lance again. She looked at the doorway they had walked through earlier for a moment, noticing her father and King Vegeta standing there, but neither of the fighters seemed to notice that they had some watchers besides Applejack.

Applejack had the feeling that their father had wanted them to make a friend or two, though it seemed like Rainbow and Prince Vegeta were going to be close friends in the near future.

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