• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: Plans and Action

It took Rainbow and Vegeta some time to reach the cave that Bulma had decided would be their base of operations, though it was somewhat easy to find with the large amount of Namekians that were currently hanging around the outside of its entrance. It was easy to pick out Piccolo, as he was wearing his cape still, and Gohan and Krillin, as they were off to the side with one of the children that they had saved from Frieza, Zarbon, and Dodoria. By Rainbow's count there had to be at least thirty Namekians gathered around the entrance of the cave, though most of them were currently hiding their power so Frieza's soldiers didn't find them again. She even spotted her sister standing by the entrance of the cave as well, though her arms were crossed, telling Rainbow that she was annoyed about something.

Once the two of them were close enough they landed outside the large group of Namekians and cut off their ki, to which they walked up to the assembled group, all of whom were pleased to see them, indicating that they knew something about what was going on, while at the same time Applejack approached them.

"Rainbow, Vegeta, its good to see that the two of you are safe," Applejack said, a slight smile on her face, though it was clear that she had been worried about them, before she turned her full attention to her sister, "Krillin and Gohan told me that you kicked one of Frieza's top ranking soldiers and had him chase you so the Namekians could escape with their lives. While that was very brave of you, it was also quite foolish to launch a shoddy assault on our enemy like that."

"I wasn't actually planning on hitting the tyrant... not yet anyway," Rainbow remarked, a little annoyed that her sister was pissed with her, but she was used to Applejack being the one who calmly approached everything while she hit people with her fists, "besides, we managed to save a bunch of villagers and secured one of the Dragon Balls. What did you and Piccolo do?"

"We told another village of the threat that's attacking their planet and convinced them to leave with us," Applejack stated, to which she turned and nodded to one of the Namekians, who nodded his head in return, before she looked back at her sister, "and they brought their Four Star Ball with them. Now we have two Dragon Balls, as you, Krillin, and Gohan managed to save the Six Star Ball from falling into the hands of Frieza, though according to what I've heard the only one left untouched is the One Star Ball."

"So Frieza has the Two, Three, Five, and Seven Star Balls," Vegeta commented, letting out a sigh as a smile appeared on his face, "Good. As long as we keep these two away from him, and maybe grab the other one while we're at it, we'll be able to prevent that bastard from gaining immortality."

"May I ask why you are gathering the Dragon Balls?" one of the elder Namekians asked, coming forward and approaching the group, though at the same time another elder stood beside him as well, "What wish are you trying to have granted?"

Vegeta stared at the two Namekian elders for a moment, wondering why they were even asking that at the moment, but before he could say anything he noticed that Bulma, the lady from Earth he had seen before his departure, was walking their way.

"Can we continue this discussion inside the cave?" Bulma asked, beckoning to the cave in question, before turning to the other Namekians that would be left in the open, "Hiding everyone is going to be a nightmare..."

"Worry not, there are a few more caves in the surrounding area," the second elder replied, stepping away from the group for a moment, "I shall take the other villagers to one of the larger cave systems near this location and we'll hide there until this... Frieza, as you call him, as been dealt with."

Bulma nodded and the group watched as the second elder gathered the majority of the Namekians and moved towards the larger cave he knew about, leaving them and the elder to walk into the cave they had originally been using as their base of operations. Inside the cave they found a house of some kind, one that Bulma explained to be a capsule house that she created for such an occasion, though when they went inside they found that it had enough room to fit at least ten people. Bulma moved to a container on one of the walls and pulled out some containers, to which she passed some food to Gohan, Krillin, Rainbow, Vegeta, and Applejack, while passing over some containers of water to Piccolo, the little child Namekian that insisted on talking with them, and the elder.

Before they said anything they went through a round of introductions, to which the group discovered that the elder was called Moori and that the child was called Dende, allowing them to call them by their names and not what they knew about them.

"The answer to your earlier question is quite simple," Vegeta commented, though while some of the group started eating he left his untouched, as he felt it was best to tell the Namekians why they had come here in the first place, "we're here to stop Frieza, the worst tyrant in the history of the universe, from using the Dragon Balls to gain immortality. Gohan and Krillin here desire to see some of their dead friends brought back to life, which is why they came here, while I came here for... more personal reasons."

"Is your wish also immortality?" Moori asked, though at the same time Dende stared at them, wondering if they were about to get into a fight over the Dragon Balls.

"What? No, my wish isn't for that," Vegeta replied, somewhat surprised that Moori would even suggest that, but he couldn't fault the elder for thinking that, "If I ever had the opportunity to wish upon the Dragon Balls... I would wish for my home planet, which had been destroyed by Frieza so many years ago, and the Saiyan race to be brought back to live. But before I even think about doing that I want to make sure that its impossible for Frieza to gain immortality... by any means necessary."

"And how do you plan on stopping someone that can blow up a planet?" Bulma asked, surprising both Moori and Vegeta with the question, though she was definitely standing her ground on the matter.

Vegeta was half tempted to answer with the power of the God of Destruction, as he was sure that Beerus would come swooping in if he knew that his daughters were about to get into a fight with the tyrant known as Frieza, but he didn't say a single word. There was no reason to mention Beerus, not yet anyway, because there was another answer that was much better than that staring at him from across the table. Most of them knew the power that Rainbow could pack into her lance, and there was no telling what Applejack had up her sleeves, so the two of them were the best back up plan they had.

"Easy, we carefully break apart his army and steal the other four Dragon Balls," Applejack stated, setting down her container for a moment, before looking over at Moori and Dende, "If we can get all seven of them away from Frieza, and use them in whatever manner is necessary, we might actually be able to stop Frieza without him being able to get back at us. We'll have to be careful in dismantling his army, but his rage will blind him to the danger and maybe give us the opening we need to take him out... if such a thing is possible."

Moori and Dende looked at each other for a moment, as if they were silently weighing their options, before the two of them let out a sigh and turned back to the group.

"Dende here will take a few of you to the Grand Elder and explain the situation to him, just in case he isn't aware of what is happening," Moori said, to which Dende got out of his seat and touched the floor, "He might be able to help you... in more ways than you might know. The question is how are you going to find this tyrant's main ship?"

"Zarbon!" Vegeta stated, the thought coming to him almost immediately, because he knew that the right hand of Frieza was likely looking for him at this point in time, "Thanks to your stunt he will have left the Dragon Balls he was carrying at Frieza's main ship, where they will be guarded by Frieza and his remaining soldiers, but I do know a way around that. By now one of them will have discovered the village that the other Namekians came from, and that there was no Dragon Ball there, so they'll be looking for any clue as to where the Ball is located. I'll find Zarbon and fight him, though to be honest at this point I'm sure that he can still overpower me, but he wouldn't dare kill me when I reveal what I know, where he'll have no choice but to take me to Frieza's ship and heal me to the point where I can be interrogated.

Rainbow, you'll follow me once Zarbon has beaten me, and together we'll sneak the Dragon Balls out from under Frieza's nose... and we won't give them back to him at all."

Applejack knew what Vegeta was also thinking about, using the Saiyan ability to give himself a power boost from coming back after near death, which meant that he was planning on taking Zarbon out once they had the four remaining Dragon Balls.

"Very well then," Applejack commented, to which she pulled herself up as well, "Gohan, Krillin, and I will follow Dende to this Grand Elder and get his help, while you and Rainbow play your trick on Zarbon. With any luck we'll have all seven Dragon Balls in a matter of hours and Frieza will be forced to give up on this foolish venture of his."

Vegeta, apparently eager to get revenge on Zarbon for something that he refused to tell Applejack, walked out of the capsule house and moved outside, though when he was outside the cave he stopped and sensed for Zarbon's ki, to which he burst into the air the moment he felt it. Rainbow let out a sigh, as she knew exactly why her friend was so pissed off at the moment, before following after him and leaving the others to their devices. Dende beckoned the trio forward and they also left the house, allowing the remaining people to talk to their hearts content while everyone else risked their lives, before they went off in a different direction at their full speed.

"Do you think we should have told Applejack about what Dodoria said?" Rainbow asked, following after her friend, though she knew that she would have to separate from him when they landed so Zarbon wouldn't see her.

"No, its better that she doesn't know what happened," Vegeta replied, glancing around the area they were flying over, as if he was making sure he was on the right track to where their target was located, but made no move to change his course, "If it wasn't for the fact that we need to get the other Dragon Balls, without Frieza finding out until its too late, I would kill Zarbon for what he did... but I guess I can contain some of my rage for the moment."

Rainbow knew that her friend was in pain after discovering what happened to his mother, though she was surprised that he was containing his anger as well as he was at the moment. She expected him to be more pissed off about what Dodoria had told him, but she guessed that he was holding it at bay until he crossed paths with Zarbon... where she assumed it would be released like a dam. She wanted to punch Zarbon as well, but right now she knew that, when the time came, she was going to have to stand back and let her friend fight, all so they could get the Dragon Balls that Frieza had in his possession.

An hour or two of flying passed before Vegeta found what appeared to be the perfect place for him to fight Zarbon in, as well as providing a decent hiding place nearby for Rainbow to use until he was taken to Frieza's ship.

"Yes, this is the perfect place to fight," Vegeta commented, coming to a stop in the middle of the air for a moment, to which Rainbow did the same behind him, before pointing at the small plateau nearby, "That should serve as a nice hiding place, where you can watch the fight and wait until Zarbon is carrying me away."

"Are you sure that he'll take your unconscious body back to Frieza's ship?" Rainbow asked, because if Dodoria and Zarbon were willing to kill his mother she had to wonder if he would be willing to do the same to Vegeta.

"If I tell him I know where the other Dragon Balls are he'll have no choice but to spare my life and drag me to Frieza," Vegeta replied, though his tone indicated that he didn't like his plan at all, but was willing to roll with it because it was the only way to get aboard Frieza's ship and get at the balls, "that would be the only reason he'd have for sparing me. If we attack Frieza's spaceship head on... well, the tyrant will kill us and then we'd have to rely on everyone else to finish the job."

Rainbow started to open her mouth, so she could say something else, but Vegeta's attention shifted to something that was flying near their location, though that was followed by a smile appearing on his face. It appeared that Zarbon had been sent out to either find another village, and the Dragon Ball that he felt that it might hold, so while Vegeta flew at the passing soldier, and got his attention, Rainbow moved to her hiding spot and waited for the fireworks to happen. She did, however, get a decent look at the alien, to which she noticed that Zarbon had light blue skin and was wearing a very long blue cape, as well as some sort of cultural leg and arm-wear on his arms and legs.

Vegeta, on the other hand, flew through the air and slammed into Zarbon, knocking him off his course and causing him to stall in the air, to which Vegeta did the same as he stared at the other person responsible for the death of his mother.

"Zarbon," Vegeta growled, already feeling his anger course through his body as he said the man's name, "its been a long time since we last fought each other."

"Oh please, the last time we 'fought' was on Lord Frieza's orders, so you could see just how strong Dodoria and I were," Zarbon replied, almost as if he wasn't interested in fighting Vegeta at the moment, "besides, you barely have the power to deal with Dodoria, much less myself. So you had better surrender and come with me peacefully... I'm sure that Lord Frieza will have some questions for you."

"I disposed of Dodoria some time ago," Vegeta stated, a small smile appearing on his face when he noticed the shocked expression that Zarbon was wearing, "and now its your turn. Though you should know better than to tell a Saiyan to surrender... considering what you and the fat bastard did to my mother."

Zarbon stared at Vegeta for a moment, allowing his shock at Dodoria's death to be replaced by annoyance that he had told Vegeta what had happened to his mother, as it was supposed to be a secret they had promised to take to the grave without telling anyone. He may not know much about the Prince of the Saiyans, considering he kept to himself and used an attitude that presented a challenge for anyone that wanted to become his and Nappa's partner, but he could tell when Vegeta was angry. He didn't need to have a scouter to tell that Vegeta was pissed off after discovering the truth, though he was surprised that the Saiyan was keeping his focus and not charging at him in a blind rage.

"Well, I guess that cat is out of the bag," Zarbon said, raising his arms as he prepared himself, because if Dodoria was dead than that meant that Vegeta had gained quite the power boost while he was fighting Nappa, "Tell me something before we start fighting; what made you suddenly decide to go rogue and start killing your former comrades?"

"You? One of my comrades?" Vegeta stated, though he couldn't help himself as he laughed for a few seconds, but once he was done he grew serious as he stared into Zarbon's eyes, "I never considered any of you my comrades; not you, not Dodoria, not Cui, and not even Nappa. I never even considered Frieza to be my 'boss'... I actually considered him to be one of the worst tyrants in the entire universe. Come now Zarbon, you were the one talking with Nappa all the time, so you must have known that I was always going against Frieza's orders and doing things my way."

Zarbon, having read the various reports and spoken with Nappa a few times, knew that Vegeta only ever targeted people who were tyrants and the people that followed said tyrants. He never killed innocent people, even going as far as to stop Nappa from killing them himself, and occasionally helped some of the people rebuild after the tyrants were taken care of. At first Zarbon had assumed that all of this was a ploy by Vegeta to gain the trust of the various planets he had been sent to, but now he was beginning to understand the truth behind Vegeta's actions... and even Nappa's recommendation that Vegeta be taken out at some point.

"I see that you finally understand my true motives," Vegeta commented, getting ready to fight so he could put his plan into action, "I kept an eye on Frieza, learned all I could about him and his forces, and now its time to put all of you down and restore some needed peace to the universe... starting with Namek."

Vegeta flashed behind Zarbon, who instinctively swung his fist behind him in self defense, but Vegeta caught the fist before it could make contact and threw Zarbon towards the ground. Zarbon managed to correct himself about halfway towards the ground, allowing him to stand straight again, though that was followed by him flying above Vegeta and releasing a large ki blast that was sure to wound the Prince. Instead of moving out of the way, like he knew Applejack or Rainbow would have done, Vegeta let loose his anger and swung his arm at the ki blast, to which the attack folded under his anger and was redirected towards one of the plateaus that Rainbow wasn't standing around. The moment the ki blast hit the plateau it exploded, detonating with enough force that the entire ground beneath them shook between the clash of their ki's.

Once that was done Vegeta flew up to Zarbon and smacked him in the face with his fist, to which Zarbon retaliated with a series of kicks that were designed to hurt his opponent, but in the end Vegeta dodged them all until he flipped over the last incoming kick and planted his foot against Zarbon's shoulder, sending him flying towards the ground. That was immediately followed by Vegeta appearing behind him again and delivering another kick to Zarbon's back, sending him flying fare first into the ground.

"Truth be told Zarbon, I was expecting more from you," Vegeta said, glaring at Frieza's right hand as he picked himself off the ground, "at your current level neither you, nor the fat bastard Dodoria, would have been able to kill my mother. So either show me your true power, and fight me in the same manner as you fought my mother, or just stand there and die while I go gather the Dragon Balls... including the one that was stolen from you."

"You have made some marvelous progress Vegeta, and I'm sure your mother would have been proud of you," Zarbon said, grinning as he stood up and faced Vegeta, while at the same time wiping the blood from his face, "but in gaining this power you have awakened my true power. A power that has been dormant for many years... ever since I last used it on your mother."

Before Vegeta could even say anything Zarbon unleashed his true power, his muscles expanding quite a bit as he went from a normal looking body into one that rivaled Kakarot when he used the Kaio-Ken. In addition to all the muscle growth Zarbon's face pushed out as well, making him look like a buffed up lizard of sorts, though all that was missing was the tail. Vegeta could feel the power coming off of Zarbon at the moment, indicating that he had been right about the man having a transformation ability that changed his shape and increased his power. He had to stop himself from grinning, because this was the perfect way for him to get aboard Frieza's ship and activate the plan that he had come up with earlier.

Vegeta raised his arms to defend himself from the incoming attack, because he knew one was coming, but what really happened was Zarbon rushed up to where he was standing and put his knee in Vegeta's chest, knocking the wind out of him and cracking his ribs a tint bit. That was then followed by Zarbon grabbing Vegeta's head and throwing him towards the ground on his right, where he kicked Vegeta back into the air, grabbed his foot before he had a chance to do anything else, and then slammed him into the ground. As Vegeta attempted to pick himself up, and at least have a chance at putting up a fight, Zarbon grabbed the sides of his head and started headbutting him, almost as if he was trying to break Vegeta's skull.

After a few seconds of doing that Zarbon, no doubt getting bored of how easy the fight was, tossed Vegeta into the air and followed after him, though Vegeta regained himself and collided with Zarbon in the middle of the air. There they exchanged blows, kicking and punching each other, though while they did so Vegeta noticed that their ki was definitely causing the ground to crack and the water to shift. The instant Vegeta managed to land a hit on Zarbon's face they separated from each other, though that was roughly followed by Zarbon flying up to him and planing his knee back in Vegeta's chest, adding to the cracked ribs that the Saiyan had. That was before he smacked Vegeta in the chest and sent him flying through one of the surviving plateaus, one that was close to where Rainbow was hiding, though Zarbon gave Vegeta enough time to stand up before coming at him again.

Three more times Zarbon kicked Vegeta in the chest with his knee, either following it with a fist that sent him to the ground, a volley of punches that really hurt, or some ki blasts that tore open the ground around them. Vegeta tried to stand his ground and fight back, but at the moment all of his attacks seemed to be doing nothing to the empowered Zarbon... even his rage over his mother's death appeared to be failing him at the moment. It was moments like this that Vegeta wished that he hadn't told one of his friends to stay back and actually assist him when he really needed their help, but it was so he could get the Dragon Balls and had no choice but to play along.

Eventually Zarbon grew bored of overpowering Vegeta, because the next time he kicked him into the air he flew up behind him and grabbed him from behind, to which he sailed up into the sky for a few seconds before turning around and heading right back towards the ground that was beneath them.

"I'm not going to let you die so easily Vegeta," Zarbon declared, sounding overjoyed to be bringing an end to this fight, though when they got closer to the ground he let his ki surround Vegeta and let him go.

Vegeta soared towards the ground, which exploded the moment he made contact with it, though when the smoke cleared there was a large crater surrounding him and his aching body. He carefully turned his eyes towards Zarbon as the man asked if he was done, though at the moment it was impossible for him to answer that question. He barely had time to move as part of the rock wall that surrounded him broke and let water fill the crater he was in, causing him to worry that Zarbon might not have heard the part about him knowing where the other Dragon Balls were located.

"I guess he's finished," Zarbon commented, to which he changed back into his base form with a smile on his face, though that was immediately followed by his smacking himself as he realized something, "I'm an idiot for going all out... he knows where the other Dragon Balls are. Oh Vegeta, you had better not be dead yet."

Before the water completely submerged Vegeta, and possibly killed him, Zarbon flew into the middle of the crater and pulled the Saiyan free, to which he put him on the ground for a moment and checked for a pulse. It was faint, which was understandable thanks to the amount of power he had used during the fight, but he could tell that Vegeta was alive and was likely heading towards death. Zarbon considered letting him die, but if Vegeta had been telling the truth, which meant that he would have attacked another village and taken its Dragon Ball, then Lord Frieza would command him to find Vegeta and bring him forward. This meant that they were going to have to heal Vegeta before they could get any information out of him, which really took he fun out of beating him into the ground like he had.

"You are more trouble than you are worth Vegeta," Zarbon said, letting out a sigh as he picked up the dying Saiyan and moved off of the ground, "though once we've healed you back to a decent level you'll have to answer to Lord Frieza. I hope you know where the other Dragon Balls are located, otherwise your real death will be very painful indeed."

As Zarbon flew in the direction of Frieza's ship, and left the area with Vegeta in hand, Rainbow emerged from her hiding spot, thankful that the plateau she had been hiding behind hadn't been destroyed in the fight, before flying into the air and followed after Zarbon. She planned on keeping herself at a safe distance so the alien didn't notice her coming, while also keeping him in her sights so she could wait for whatever signal Vegeta planned on using once he was fully healed. Now that she thought about it she knew that it would have been best if they had gone over the plan in greater detail before leaving the safety of their hidden base, but it was too late to go back and change what they had already done.

As Rainbow flew after Zarbon she had to wonder if Applejack, Gohan, and Krillin had succeeded in meeting with the Grand Elder that Moori had told them about, but decided that she would only know once they all got together once Vegeta was healed and they had the Dragon Balls that Frieza had taken.

Applejack, Gohan, and Krillin followed Dende as the young Namekian child led the way to the Grand Elder, who they learned was the oldest and wisest of the Namekians that were currently alive. Dende told them as much as he knew about the Grand Elder, telling stories about how he saved the entire Namekian race after a large storm that nearly wiped them out and about how he was the father of the entire race. It was a nice change of pace, as they were able to learn a little about the race they were helping, though Applejack did notice that Piccolo, for some reason, was following behind them. She had discovered that he was following them from the moment they left the cave behind, which was rather easy because she was use to feeling his ki, but the others didn't notice for quite some time.

That had, of course, changed when they all felt Vegeta's ki clash with another large ki, which told them that he had found the one he called Zarbon and that they were currently fighting each other. Thanks to the large amount of ki that was being used, and the fact that their enemies had no scouters to locate them, the group was able to fly at their maximum speeds, cutting what Dende had called a five hour flight down to about a three and a half hour flight. It was around the two hour mark when the fighting stopped, though that either meant that Vegeta had accidentally killed Zarbon, the two of them had tied, or Vegeta had lost and was being carried back to Frieza's ship.

"So Applejack," Krillin said, though despite the fact that there were five of them he still sounded a little frightened, "what do you think the outcome of the fight was?"

"I think that its safe to assume that the plan worked like a charm," Applejack replied, as she could feel three different ki off in the distance, one that she didn't know, one that was definitely her sister, and the faint one which had to be Vegeta, "Soon Zarbon will be dropping Vegeta off at the ship and, once he's all healed up, he and Rainbow will secure the Dragon Balls before Frieza even knows what is going on. Then, provided we get the last Dragon Ball from the Grand Elder, we should be able to use the Dragon Balls to undo the damage that Frieza has caused to this planet... and bring back everyone that Nappa killed."

"Speaking of the Grand Elder," Piccolo said from behind, though they knew his coming question was directed at Dende, "how much further until we reach his village?"

"We are nearly there." Dende answered, pointing at what appeared to be a large pillar made of rock, one that happened to have a single large house at the top of it.

Krillin, apparently pleased that they had reached their destination, smiled as they all slowed down until they were floating near the edge of the tall rock, to which they all touched down and marveled at the size of the Namekian house. While Gohan and Krillin were amazed by the size of the building Applejack, on the other hand, wasn't too surprised, as she remembered the palaces that she and Rainbow had visited before with their father. She might not have been as impressed as the others were, but she had to admit that the Grand Elder's place was definitely larger than any other Namekian structure she had seen so far.

As they started to look for an entrance of some kind, as it was actually a little difficult to see one for the massive building, though before they could get very far in their search the front door opened for them, levitating itself out of the way until it had moved ninety degrees and was hanging out in the middle of the air. The group waited for a few seconds, to which another Namekian, wearing a blue vest and a white scarf around his neck while leaving his chest and stomach exposed, walked out of the building, turned in their direction, and crossed his hands behind his back.

"Nail!" Dende said, giving a name to the Namekian before anyone could ask, while at the same time giving off the vibe that he was pleased to see him, "Thank goodness. You're all right."

"I'm glad to see you too Dende," Nail replied, though his expression didn't change while he spoke, not that it seemed to bother Dende all that much, before his gaze turned to the people behind Dende, "Visitors, the Grand Elder is roughly familiar with the course of events that are happening on Namek. The Grand Elder wishes to see all of you."

"Sweet." Krillin said, just as everyone else followed Nail and Dende into the house, "At least we get to save some time now that we don't have to explain everything that's happened to him."

Once they were all inside the building Nail said the word 'up' and floated towards what appeared to be the second story of the building, to which everyone else repeated the motion and followed him towards the top. When they reached the top level they noticed Nail and Dende bowing to a large morbidly obese Namekian, who was sitting on a massive throne like chair, though Applejack, remembering her lessons, followed suit and politely bowed to the Grand Elder. Directly above the large Namekian's head was the last Dragon Ball, the One Star Ball, which actually made many of them happy to see that it was safe.

"Grand Elder," Nail said, causing the large Namekian to stir and lift his head to look at the group that was standing before him, though his eyes were pretty much closed at the moment, "Dende has arrived with some visitors."

"Ah, welcome," the Grand Elder said, almost looking happy to see all of them, "I sense that one of you is an Earthling, another is the child of a Saiyan, one is also an Namekian, familiar and different at the same time, and then the fourth... the fourth is an unusual race. First, I would like to thank all of you for saving some of my children from the villains that are attacking the planet. I can sense that they are after the Dragon Balls, and that they intend to use them for evil, but in you I sense the desire to use them for the good of multiple worlds. Allow me to make a request; will you safeguard the last Dragon Ball and ensure that it does not fall into the hands of evil?"

"Yes, we will," Applejack immediately replied, to which the rest of the group nodded as well, "We already saved the Four and Six Star Balls from falling into Frieza's hands, and my sister and our best friend are currently enacting a plan to recover the other four."

"I have many questions to ask you, but I sense that you must move quickly," the Grand Elder said, to which he lifted his left hand for a moment and pointed at Krillin with one of his fingers, before pointing at a spot next to his throne, "Gentleman from Earth, could I ask that you come stand beside me for a moment? I wish to probe your past and find the answers myself."

Krillin looked surprised for a moment, but decided that doing what the Grand Elder asked was likely going to get them the Dragon Ball they had come to save, so he walked over to the indicated spot and waited for a few seconds. That was followed by the Grand Elder lowering his hand upon his head, to which Krillin was sure that the elderly Namekian was searching for his intentions and information on Piccolo. His guess on Piccolo was right, as he muttered something about the evil he had committed, but then stated that it was undone with what he was doing now, which confused Krillin.

"Your intentions are pure," the Grand Elder said, to which he lifted his left hand up to the Dragon Ball and lifted it from its perch, though that motion was followed by him placing it in Krillin's hands, "I entrust the last Dragon Ball to you."

"T... Thank you," Killin said, surprised that having his past read was all it took to get them the final Dragon Ball, "We will make sure that it doesn't fall into the hands of the people attacking your planet."

"I wish you luck in getting your wish granted," the Grand Elder commented, though the way he said those words caused Nail and Dende to tense up for a moment, "My life is close to ending, and with my death the Dragon Balls will be no more. You have a few days to get the other Balls from the villain that holds them and make your wish, because after that... well, I know that you know what will happen."

"Yeah... I do," Krillin replied, though he and the others had already known that this was going to be a race against time to stop Frieza, but at least they had a time limit until the Dragon Balls expired, "but don't worry, we'll guard the Dragon Balls we have already gathered with our lives before we allow the people attacking the planet to gain immortality."

"Thank you," the Grand Elder said, to which he frowned for a moment, as if he had thought of something, "Its only a shame that many of you have power that lies dormant inside of each of you. Stand still... I shall awaken your hidden potential."

For a moment nothing happened as the Grand Elder placed his left hand on Krillin's head again, though Krillin wasn't about to argue with someone that was able to peer into the past. Then, just as Krillin worked up the courage to say something about how little power he had to have left, a white aura wrapped around him as his ki shot up, indicating that the Grand Elder had done exactly as he had promised. He grinned as he stared at the rest of the group, who were amazed by the amount of power that had been stored inside him, though as Krillin walked towards them, and brought the Dragon Ball with him, the Grand Elder beckoned Gohan forward. At first Gohan seemed nervous about having whatever his hidden potential was unlocked, but after looking at Krillin for a few seconds he approached the Grand Elder and braced himself.

After a couple of seconds a white aura wrapped around Gohan as well, indicating that his hidden potential had been unleashed as well, to which he stepped back with a smile on his face and rejoined the group. Gohan and Krillin looked at Piccolo, who ended up shaking his head for a moment, to which they let out a small sigh, indicating that they knew something that Applejack didn't know and would have to ask them about later on. Applejack was impressed with the power that her friends had, with their potential unlocked, though as she turned to leave with them she felt a hand touch her shoulder, to which she noticed that Nail was beckoning her towards the Grand Elder.

"Young Applejack, your friends have had their potential unleashed," the Grand Elder said, causing Gohan and Krillin to look at him for a moment, "come forward... I would like to do the same for you."

Applejack stepped forward as everyone else remained near the entrance of the second story, though she knew that the others were curious as to what her power her power would feel like once it had been unlocked. She stopped by the left side of the throne, where Gohan and Krillin had been standing earlier, and patiently waited as the Grand Elder placed his hand on her head. As she stood there she heard the Grand Elder say something about a decent amount of power locked inside her, just like he had said for the others before he unleashed their powers, before the white aura wrapped around her as well.

"Oh my god," Krillin said, his body shaking for a moment, before he calmed himself, "It almost feels like a god trained her or something."

"Come on," Applejack commented, taking a brief second to bow to the Grand Elder before turning to the others, "We need to get back to Bulma and wait for Rainbow and Vegeta to return with the other Dragon Balls. Then we can focus on either saying hidden or using the Dragon Balls to end this quest on a good note."

Gohan and Krillin nodded before the three of them, minus Piccolo because he wanted to speak with the other Namekians without any interruptions, left the building and headed back in the direction of the cave they had been using as their base of operations. Though as they flew towards their hiding place, with the last Dragon Ball in hand, Applejack couldn't shake the feeling that something more terrifying was coming their way... and that their power boost might not mean anything in the long run. She only prayed to her father, or any of the gods that were willing to listen, that her feeling was wrong this time, because sometimes she hated being right and this was one of the few times she would be glad to be wrong about something.

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