• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Android: Evil's Return

By the time a year had passed since the events of Namek, and everyone had a chance to calm down after everyone had been brought back to life and the Namekians had been sent home, Rainbow had to wonder when Vegeta was planning on returning. Applejack was busy tending to her apple trees, which was what happened in the mornings before they got busy doing anything else, but Rainbow had stopped reading her books as she thought about their friend. They both knew that he had gone off to find his brother, the mysterious Tarble that they had only learned about thanks to their visit to the Saiyan afterlife, though that had been almost a year ago at this point. They were both curious as to when Vegeta would return, and if he would return with Goku, but until then all they could do was continue on with their lives and wait for him to make his return.

Rainbow let out a sigh and picked up the book she had been reading, which was one of the ten new Daring Do books that their mother had given her back when she visited them, after they had returned from Asgard... though Chronoa did visit them at least twice after their new place had been completed. Those visits had been more about having an evening alone with the two of them and maybe exploring the area around their new home, though she did bring some food with her, which she told them she had cooked herself. That had prompted Applejack to ask when their mother had learned to cook, considering that she had never done it during the three years they had been living with their father and had all of time to learn the skills... to which they learned that Chronoa had started taking lessons shortly after they had been put in their enchanted sleep.

Chronoa had admitted that she was still learning how to cook, which was really her trying to improve her existing skills, but she was pleased with her progress, especially when the girls liked the food that she had brought them.

Rainbow smiled as she remembered that memory, though before she could actually open her book she noticed that Applejack was entering the house once more, though she seemed to be excited about something. Instead of asking Rainbow simply looked up at the calendar, which her sister insisted that she keep track of so they didn't miss any important events, where she noticed that there was something about heading over to Bulma's and having a small get together with her and some of the others. Applejack walked into the washroom and took a quick shower, giving Rainbow time to get herself ready before she walked out, though she was wearing more relaxing clothes than the work clothes she had been wearing a few minutes ago.

Once the two of them were ready they walked out of their house, and Applejack locked the door because Rainbow always forgot to do so, before they levitated into the air and started the small flight they would need to take so they could reach the Capsule Corp building. It didn't take them long to reach their destination, considering the distance between their place and Bulma's place, though after a few minutes they landed outside the building. They looked around to see if anyone else had arrived, as they didn't see anyone else from above, but after a couple of seconds the door opened and Bulma's mother welcomed them, to which she pointed out where her daughter was waiting with the rest of their friends. The only person that had arrived at the moment was Yamcha, his small blue animal creature that happened to be his best friend Puar, and a small pig humanoid creature that was called Oolong.

"Its good that you guys showed up," Bulma said, passing them some drinks while they waited for everyone else to show up, which happened to be some sort of juice drink that they had grown used to drinking at their place, "we're just waiting for a few more people to show up before we put the food on the grill."

"Its also good to enjoy the peace we have earned," Yamcha stated, drinking at least half of his drink before he started speaking, "especially after what happened when Vegeta and Nappa landed on the planet a year ago."

"Speaking of which, when do you think Vegeta will come back?" Bulma commented, knowing that the girls had to be wondering the same thing, because she knew that they were friends with the Saiyan that had helped them take out Nappa and save the Namekians.

"Well, he said that it would take him about half a year to reach the planet his brother is living on," Applejack replied, sipping from her drink as she noticed that Rainbow was staring into the sky, as if she was looking for their friend, "and another half a year to get back. I suspect that he's already on his way back to the planet, no doubt with a tale of what happened when he found his brother, so I think that we'll see him in the near future."

"You know, Goku's been missing for a whole year," Yamcha said, apparently coming up with something that everyone else might have overlooked, "Maybe Vegeta is looking for him and that's why its taking him so long to come back? I mean King Kai said that the explosion of Planet Namek had knocked Goku's ship off course, which your father verified before the connection cut off, so I think its a thought that we can't ignore."

Rainbow and Applejack glanced at each other for a moment, knowing that Vegeta would have likely helped out Goku if the two of them had crossed paths while in the vastness of space, but there was no telling what was correct until their friend came back to the planet. Oolong didn't seem to like Vegeta too much, which they assumed was because Vegeta was a warrior and that his partnership with Nappa had upset Oolong. The girls had told Bulma and the others what had happened to the Saiyan home world, because Bulma had asked the question and they had helped their friend answer the question, but that didn't seem to make a difference to Oolong. They did, however, hope that time and good deeds would show that Vegeta was really on their side and that he didn't abide by evil villains winning, which was why he joined them when they attacked Nappa.

Applejack started to open her mouth to say something, as Rainbow turned her gaze back to the sky, but before she could actually say anything she noticed that Bulma's mother was coming their way... and from what she could tell Mrs. Brief was looking at her daughter.

"From what your father tells me Vegeta should be nearing the planet any moment now," Mrs. Brief said, though she was carrying a tray that apparently had more drinks for all of them, as if she was preparing to replace what they were drinking before they were even finished, "and, if what I heard is correct, he'll be landing with a tiny bit of fuel left."

As soon as Mrs. Brief finished her sentence Applejack felt a ki flicker in the sky, to which she and Yamcha joined Rainbow in looking at the sky, though both of the girls smiled when they felt who the energy belonged to. They thought it was a little ironic that Mrs. Brief would mention the return of Vegeta, in the near future no less, and not a few seconds later the girls could feel his energy. Bulma and the others looked into the sky as well and watched as a spherical ship, the same one that Vegeta had used to depart from the planet, descended from the sky, extended its landing gear, and came to a stop in the same position that it had been launched from all those months ago. The girls set their drinks down on the table and jumped down to the area that the ship had landed in, to which Yamcha followed them and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

A few moments later the door to the ship opened and lowered into place, creating a ramp that someone could walk across, before Vegeta walked out of the ship and stretched his arms.

"Vegeta!" Rainbow and Applejack said, to which their friend turned to them as they jumped onto the ramp and embraced him, as they were glad to see him again.

"Rainbow, Applejack, its good to see the two of you again." Vegeta replied, a smile appearing on his face as the girls pulled back, to which he nodded his head towards the rest of the group, "Its also good to see you two as well, Bulma and Yamcha."

"Did you find the planet that your brother was on?" Bulma asked, as she knew that most of their circle of friends would be more interested in the Saiyan's brother, "Also, did you shower before your arrival?"

"Did you find Goku while you were traveling through space?" Yamcha asked at the same time, as he was more concerned about their friend, who had saved the world multiple times in the past, than he was about the Saiyan finding his brother or taking a shower.

"Yes, I found the planet my brother lived on," Vegeta replied, deciding to give the group the answers to their questions for the moment and then get into the story behind the visit later on, as he was noticed that some of his new friends were missing, "No, I didn't see Kakarot while I was in space. And yes, I took a shower about thirty minutes ago."

"And yet you are still wearing your armor," Bulma noted, though at the same time she noticed that the armor in question looked like it was starting to fall apart, making her wonder what sort of fight the Saiyan had gotten into while he was traveling through space, "Oh yeah, Chi Chi took everything she had piled onto the ship and took it home when she discovered that she didn't need to go to Namek... I might have something more casual for you to wear, until we can figure out how to make something similar to what you are currently wearing."

"Some casual wear would be appreciated," Vegeta said, surprised that she was willing to go through the clothes that she had and find something for him to replace his armor for the moment, but he wasn't going to complain about her generosity towards him.

The clothing that Bulma was able to find for him, that wasn't too over the top or ridiculous for a Saiyan warrior to wear, was a pair of yellow pants, a white undershirt, a pink shirt to wear over the white one, and, oddly enough, a pair of green colored shoes with white socks. Vegeta knew that Bulma had put his armor in the wash, mainly to get the stink out of it, but he knew that it would withstand the washing it was about to go through and then be subjected to whatever experiments Bulma and her father had. Truth be told Vegeta didn't mind them studying the armor and trying to recreate it, especially when he could easily get a replacement from Asgard when he next paid the Saiyan afterlife a visit, but he didn't say a thing to Bulma as he joined her and the others.

It was then that he discovered that Krillin, who he had witnessed the death of back on Namek, had been successfully resurrected and was currently sitting at a large table that everyone else was gathered around.

"Oh, hey Vegeta," Krillin said, a smile appearing on his face as the Saiyan walked out of the building, though it was more because he was glad to see him than the fact that he was wearing a pink shirt, "When did you get back?"

"About ten to thirty minutes ago," Vegeta replied, offering the Earthling a smile in return as he took a seat, while at the same time taking one of the drinks that Mrs. Brief offered him, "I just got back from visiting the planet that my brother is living on."

"Oh yeah, I had forgotten why you left Earth to begin with." Krillin commented, recalling what the Saiyan had said before his departure almost a year ago, "So, I take it that you found your brother?"

"Yes, though unfortunately I wasn't able to spend much time with him." Vegeta said, noticing that the group was looking at him as he started to tell his tale, "Despite the fact that he was banished by our father, as a safety measure to ensure that Frieza didn't know of his existence, I discovered that Tarble has been fighting evil in his own way. Apparently my brother has been infiltrating evil organizations and bringing them down from the inside, making the lawless sections of the universe much more safer for everyone else. In fact he's already brought down several units claiming to be a part of Frieza's empire, who have been brought to justice and punished according to the crimes they had committed.

When I found his planet I had to engage in a fight with some troopers, who happened to be wearing the armor of Frieza's empire, that were attacking a nearby planet. I had to suggest that my brother move to another planet, to avoid being discovered by his enemies, and he said that he would consider it, though he did give me a brief list of possible planets he might move to in the future. I also suggested that he come back with me and leave Frieza's empire to fall apart on its own, but he said he was close to uncovering something massive and said that he would reconsider coming here once he had finished his work. Once I determined that he was set on his path, and wouldn't back down until he completed his task, we spent a few days as brothers before I bid him farewell and came back here."

Rainbow and Applejack suspected that there was more to the tale than what Vegeta was telling them, but for the moment they were more than willing to enjoy his company and not argue with him.

As the day slowly passed Vegeta told Bulma, her father, Rainbow, Applejack, and even Krillin about the various planets he had passed on his way towards the planet his brother lived on, where he mentioned whether or not they were allied with Frieza's empire. If they were allied with the tyrant he refused to stop on the planet and moved onward, though if they weren't allied with the tyrant he would stop and see if there was anything to do. That meant he went out of his way to be sure that planets were safe from any tyrants or evil villains, which was what the rest of the Saiyans would have done if they were still traveling across the universe. He admitted that he didn't have to fight many villains on the way to Tarble's planet, but he made sure to take out whatever came his way to ensure the universe was a much safer place for everyone.

It wasn't until that afternoon, however, that Vegeta, Rainbow, Applejack, and Krillin felt the presence of a pair of extremely powerful beings, if their ki was anything to go by, approaching the planet, though at the same time Vegeta was confused when he noticed how familiar one of the energies felt.

"That... that's impossible!" Vegeta stated, turning his gaze to the sky for a few seconds, which was followed by Rainbow, Applejack, and Krillin following his lead, "He's dead. Kakarot and I killed him before we left Namek."

"Th... that doesn't change the fact that Frieza is rapidly approaching the planet." Krillin said, who was desperately trying to keep the fear out of his voice, which wasn't really possible considering what had happened to him on the dead planet, "Nor does that explain who the other powerful ki belongs to."

"How is this even possible?" Applejack asked, not understanding how Frieza could be approaching the planet, especially when Vegeta and Goku had used their combined powers as Super Saiyans to defeat the tyrant.

"I don't know. He should be dead." Vegeta replied, to which he noticed that Krillin was going into the building, no doubt to inform anyone else of the threat that was coming their way in case they weren't aware of it, "Even if he survived the combination of both my Super Saiyan power and Kakarot's Super Saiyan power, and being blasted into the ground in the process, there's no way that he would have survived the explosion of Planet Namek. I also don't like the sinister feeling of the other person that's with him, because it feels like he or she is just as evil as Frieza... if such a thing is even possible."

"Then let's go make sure he stays dead," Rainbow said, slamming her right fist into the palm of her left hand, indicating that she was looking to get some payback for what happened on Namek.

Before Vegeta or Applejack could say anything Rainbow burst into the air and headed in the direction that Frieza's energy was coming from, trying to determine where he and the other person were going to land so she could ensure that she gave the tyrant a proper welcoming party with her lance. A few seconds later she felt Vegeta and Applejack following after her, though she knew that they were going to try and stop her before something terrible happened, but she knew better than to blindly charge into the battle. She wanted to know where Frieza was landing, how many soldiers he was bringing with him, and who the mysterious ki belonged to, before she unleashed her ultimate move on them.

It didn't take long for Rainbow to land in a wasteland like area, exactly like the area where she and the others had stopped Nappa a little over a year ago, but when she landed she immediately started looking for the most appropriate spot where Frieza and his soldiers would land a ship as large as theirs. As she looked around the area she noticed that Vegeta and Applejack had landed shortly after she had, though she could tell that her sister was annoyed with how she had acted while Vegeta was more concerned for her well being, which was understandable considering what he knew about their parents. A minute later Yamcha joined them, though he appeared to be in a state of distress, where he was followed by Bulma landing in one of her flying vehicles, where she indicated that she desired a glimpse of Frieza before Vegeta and the girls tore him apart.

That was swiftly followed by both Krillin and Gohan appearing in the area as well, though before anyone could comment on their arrival both Tien and Chiaotzu arrived as well, to which they took off the heavier clothing they were wearing and prepared themselves.

"A word of advice before our enemy arrives; you might want to mask your power," Vegeta commented, to which he and the girls did just that, though they left enough for them to jump up the rocks with some ease if the ship landed in another area of the wasteland, "I have no doubt that Frieza and his soldiers have scouters on them, so they'll be able to search us out... though they'll be hard pressed to locate Piccolo, considering how good of a job he's doing of hiding his power. I'll admit that I had no idea he was here the moment we landed, which means he's been doing a lot of training since we last saw each other."

"I've been here for the last four hours," Piccolo said, crossing his arms as he walked over to where everyone else was standing, as they still had some time before the enemy ship came into view, "doing the same thing I always do when I'm not training; meditating."

"You sure do meditate a lot Mr. Piccolo." Gohan commented, walking up the his mentor with a smile on his face, because it was good to see him again after they had wished everyone back to life and the other Namekians had moved themselves to their new planet.

"I need to get to the next level." Piccolo absently said, as if he actually hadn't thought about what he was saying and had said the first thing that came to mind, though he didn't seem to be aware of what he had said.

"Huh?" Gohan said, tilting his head to the side for a moment, because while he was sure that his mentor was referring to meditating when mentioning the 'next level', there was something about the way he said the words, and the look in his eyes, that told Gohan that he might be seeing a different side of his mentor.

"Of my training." Piccolo replied, waving his hand for a few seconds, as if he had noticed that he had said something odd and was making it seem like it wasn't important, "I need to get to the next level of my training... that's what I meant."

Gohan raised an eyebrow for a moment as he looked at his mentor, as if debating whether this was an appropriate time for them to discuss whatever Piccolo was really doing in his spare time, but then decided that the answer to that question was basically that he should put it in the back of his mind for now. There would be time in the future, when they weren't busy defending the planet from an evil tyrant that was supposed to be dead, though he knew that with Vegeta's Super Saiyan abilities, and both Rainbow and Applejack's powers, that they would be able to make it through the day without harm coming to any of them. Besides, he was worried about the other large ki that was with Frieza, because based on the look on Vegeta's face he knew that none of them had any idea who was coming their way.

Before anyone could say anything else Vegeta held up a hand and everyone quieted down, indicating that it was time for them to see where the ship was descending from, though a few seconds later they watched as Frieza's ship tore through the air and appeared in the most dramatic way possible. They watched as the ship passed over their heads and headed towards a different area of the wasteland, where Vegeta beckoned everyone forward with the intent on sneaking up on their opponent so they could figure out how many soldiers they would have to fight this time. As they did so Yamcha grabbed Bulma and followed after everyone else, where they carefully made their way over the tops of the rocks as they followed after the ship, while keeping their power levels down where the scouters wouldn't detect them until it was too late.

"King Cold, Lord Frieza," one of the soldiers said, looking up from his terminal and facing his bosses for a moment, to which he offered them a small smile, "the landing sequence is complete."

Frieza smiled as he flexed both his organic hand and his metallic hand, because now that they had found the planet known as Earth, and had successfully landed on it, he and his father could slaughter everyone that lived on this planet before the Saiyan known as Goku returned. He also knew that Vegeta had to be on this planet somewhere, so he had his eyes set on breaking that traitorous worm as well, just like he had done to his father so long ago, which also meant that the two pony girls wouldn't be too far behind. He despised Rainbow Dash, for the fact that she had nearly killed him while he was in his first form with her lance, and her sister Applejack, whose barrage of attacks had hurt and locked him in place so the other worms could team up on him.

As he and his father walked towards the middle of the ship he grinned as he thought about killing the two pony girls that dared to declare that they were the daughters of Lord Beerus, who his father agreed had no known daughters and hadn't been seen for the last twenty to twenty-five years. When they reached the middle of the ship a blue sphere of energy wrapped around them and pulled them into the air, to which they floated outside the ship and landed in front of where they landed, where he noticed that their soldiers were standing at attention and waiting for their orders. As the bubble broke apart Frieza looked at the landscape around them, though he found that the wasteland was a perfect place for them to land while they waited for their targets to arrive... and it would give him the opportunity to send their soldiers out to have some fun before Goku returned.

"So, THIS is Earth?" Frieza commented, founding that there was nothing interesting about the landscape around them, despite the fact that this was the perfect place to land without being discovered for some time, "I will enjoy transferring the unbearable pain of my injuries, as well as the pain to my damaged pride, and return it to those Super Saiyans many times over."

"The Earthlings don't matter to me," King Cold said, a smirk appearing on his face as he gazed at the area in front of him, because he was imagining the deaths he and his son was about to visit upon the people that had harmed his son, "but I'll be sure that we snuff out the life of the two Super Saiyans... no matter what steps need to be taken. The being with the greatest power in the universe, under Lord Beerus and Majin Buu that is, must be from among our clan."

"Father, the two of us should be able to beat Vegeta before Goku arrives," Frieza stated, knowing that his father hated fighting when there were other options available, but this time he already knew that his father would be willing to fight as well, "with your power, and my enhanced form, we should be able to take them out in no time."

"So we have three hours to kill before this Goku arrives," King Cold commented, to which his gaze turned towards his son for a moment, but he made no effort to turn his body at all, "where would we find this Vegeta... along with those pony girls, the ones called Rainbow Dash and Applejack?"

"I honestly have no idea," Frieza admitted, as he wasn't sure if the two pony girls had come from this planet or if Vegeta had picked them up from another planet before his arrival on Namek, "though I do have an idea for how we can entertain ourselves until we find one of our targets; we simply start killing all the Earthlings until one of them comes out of hiding. Soldiers, spread out and..."

"Stop right there Frieza!" a voice shouted, to which Vegeta, Rainbow, and Applejack dropped down in front of the group, though there was enough distance between them so they could hear each other without having to shout all the time, but Frieza knew that it was the Saiyan that had spoken first.

"I'll admit that I wasn't expecting this from any of you," Frieza said, a slight smile appearing on his face, because the three people he had been looking for had arrived of their own accord, "We were thinking that we would have to kill the Earthlings to get the three of you to come out of hiding, but it seems that you have saved us the trouble of having to look for you."

"Of course I would have come searching for you the moment you showed up on my radar," Vegeta said, a frown appearing on his face as he looked at the tyrant, noticing all of the mechanical pieces that had been attached to his body so he could function properly at this point, "but there is something that has been bugging me since I started feeling your energy again; how in the hell did you survive the explosion of Planet Namek? Kakarot and I blasted you close enough to the core that, in the event that we actually failed to kill you, the detonation of the planet's core would have wiped your existence from the face of the universe... so how can you be standing in front of us once more?"

"Truthfully, I would wager that my survival was thanks to your arrogance in believing that I was so easily beaten," Frieza replied, as if he had spent a lot of time thinking about this and had already come up with a believable solution, one that Vegeta deemed as incorrect the moment he heard it, "not to mention my undying hatred for you, your fellow Saiyan Son Goku, and the insolent pony girls that believe that they are the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer. Seriously, once I am through with you, and your body has been obliterated like both of your parents, I am going to enjoy killing both of the girls that are standing beside you... and then we shall slaughter everyone else on this planet, so that Son Goku can know some of the pain I feel before we kill him.

Soldiers, why don't you go out and kill every Earthling that you can find? My father and I will deal with these pests... and then we'll come join you as we wait for Son Goku to show up."

"Sir yes sir!" the soldiers behind Frieza shouted, to which three of them immediately floated into the air and started to head towards one of the cities that was near where the ship had landed.

Vegeta and the girls immediately dropped into their battle stances so they could take on the soldiers that were standing around Frieza, and apparently the large imposing figure that was his father, but before they could even move something strange happened. The three soldiers fell back down to the ground within a matter of seconds, though all three of them had been hacked into four separate pieces that landed in a heap near where Frieza was standing. At first Vegeta and the girls were shocked by the sudden deaths of Frieza's soldiers, as they had been planning on doing that until someone had beaten them to the punch, before they looked around for the culprit... which didn't last long as Applejack pointed out the person she suspected had done the deed.

The person in question was a young man, likely between the ages of fifteen to eighteen, who happened to be wearing a black colored tank-top, a pair of dark gray pants that had a white belt wrapped around his waist, and a pair of yellowish colored boots. He also happened to be wearing an indigo colored jacket that reached his abdomen, though both Rainbow and Applejack noticed that the jacket bore the Capsule Corp symbol on the side, before they noticed that the young man had a broadsword in his right hand and was wearing a sheath on his back. The oddest part about the stranger, besides the fact that none of them could feel his energy, was the fact that he had blue colored eyes and had lavender colored hair, which was cut short and had a few strands hanging in front of his right eye.

Vegeta grinned as he looked at the newcomer, because if the young man was able to take out three of Frieza's soldiers, without anyone noticing he was there until he revealed himself, then he assumed that there was more to him than what they were seeing... though he had to admit that he was eager to see what sort of power the newcomer had within him.

"Is there something we can help you with, Earthling?" Frieza asked, though his tone indicated that he wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone else that wasn't Vegeta, Goku, Rainbow Dash, or Applejack.

"I have come to kill you, your father, and your men," the young man stated, returning his sword to his sheath, as if he was giving them the choice between living and dying, before he turned to the men that were staring at him, "I know that many of you don't want to die, as you only serve in Frieza's empire to survive the destruction of your home planets, so leave this planet or join your leaders in death."

Vegeta was shocked to hear the words come out of the young man's mouth, because it almost sounded like something a Saiyan would say to those that only served in a tyrant's army to survive the hardships of their planet, but he couldn't stop himself from smiling. Even if this newcomer wasn't a Saiyan, or a hybrid child like Gohan, he knew that he and the girls could trust him, because their ideals matched up... meaning that this young man fought to protect the innocent from the wicked. Vegeta resolved to ask the young man about his own beliefs, so he could figure out what race he belonged to and who his parents might be, but before that he knew that it was time for them to take out the trash... and this time make sure that Frieza ended up in Hell, where he belonged.

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