• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Cell: Period of Rest

Rainbow let out a sigh as she and Applejack stopped their training for the day, where they joined King Vegeta and Mizuna in the palace for something to eat, as three of them had worked up quite the appetite due to everything they had been going through. She already knew that she and her sister had gained quite the increase in power over the last two days, as they were able to train with both the living Super Saiyans, their friend Vegeta and the future version of Trunks, and the long dead Super Saiyans, Mizuna and Bardock. She remembered when Trunks, as the suggestion of his father, showed off the Second and Third Grades of the Super Saiyan form, where they discovered that both of the dead Saiyans already knew about the 'new' transformations... and that neither of them really cared for them, which made sense when they considered how long they had been training with their transformed state.

Rainbow chuckled for a moment, because at one point during their training Mizuna showed off the same form that Goku and Gohan were using when they exited the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, the 'Fourth' Grade of the Super Saiyan form... which in turn made Vegeta want to learn how to do it. Mizuna had told her son, and by extent her grandson, how to unlock the next Grade form that their friends had been using, so when their training was done Vegeta told the girls that he and Trunks were heading back to the Lookout. Of course they had been offered a chance to go back to Earth as well, to which both of the girls said that they should all return to the Lookout after getting something to eat... though before they went back to Earth Vegeta wanted to ask Mr. Popo about the status of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, which was why he wasn't present in the palace at the moment.

Applejack had explained that it was mainly to see how much time they had left before the chamber would be open for Vegeta and Trunks to head back in for their second day of training, as it was clear that Piccolo and Gale fully intended to use their full two days of training. It had been two days since they had originally left the Lookout, so they were sure that their friends were about done with the chamber, but there was no way of telling until they made sure that they were either standing outside the chamber or were finishing up their training.

"It is good that the four of you came to train with us again," Mizuna commented, though at the same she stretched her arm, indicating that the training they had gone through had been tougher than what they normally went through, "especially when you two have all of those interesting abilities that you have created. It makes me wonder what sort of power this Gale Wind has at her command, though something tells me I might not find that out for some years to come."

"Considering that both Cell and his sister Gale have the cells of the greatest heroes in their bodies, I'm sure that one of them could master the powers that Rainbow and Applejack use." Trunks added, voicing the concern he had been feeling since Rainbow had used the Lightning Lance on the Bio-Android, because if he was right, and he sincerely hoped that he was wrong, Cell likely had the knowledge on how to use the technique, "Besides, Son Goku is a genius when it comes to seeing techniques and quickly learning the ones that he deems the most useful in battle, such as the Kamehameha, the Kaio-Ken, and the Spirit Bomb. It would be extremely fortunate for Cell, and unfortunate for us, if he had the same genius that Goku has... especially when you consider the powers the two of you have developed."

Did Rainbow make a mistake when she used the Lightning Lance against Cell? In her mind it was hard to say she had made a mistake when they had no idea whether the Bio-Android was trying to harness the full power of her technique or if he had given up after she had gotten rid of his attempt at creating a lance. She also knew that Trunks was fond of blaming everyone else for what was going on, be it verbally slamming Gale into the ground for allowing her brother to acquire his perfect form, throwing blame at Krillin for not destroying Android 18 when he had the chance, or growling at her for handing Cell the knowledge that would allow him to use her technique. Rainbow honestly wished that Trunks would stop blaming everyone, especially since it was actually his fault that Cell had come back to this timeline in the first place, but she didn't want to get into an argument with the future warrior.

Rainbow mentally chuckled at that statement, because while she didn't want to argue with Trunks she was more than willing to fight him, which was why some of her training was going up against the future warrior... which allowed her to calm her mind and ignore all of the blame that Trunks was throwing around.

"About that," King Vegeta spoke up, causing the others to turn towards him for a moment, though his tone told them that what they had been talking about might have changed without them knowing about it, "King Kai told me that a large asteroid had been making its way towards Earth for some time, and he had been planning on telling Goku when it was closer for him, all of you, and the rest of the Z Warriors to deal with. However, the asteroid exploded in a blinding flash of light while Cell was training up in space shortly after you started your training two days ago, but we are unable to determine if it was caused by Cell's own power or one he stole during your last battle."

"Hopefully Cell doesn't have the power of the Lightning Lance at his disposal, otherwise we might be screwed," Trunks commented, to which he let out a sigh as he took his seat at the table, though at the same time he didn't look at the food that was waiting for them, "If Cell does have the lance, however, I know of one target he'll use it against, his own sister... and there's no telling whether or not her training will allow her to survive a direct hit from the Lightning Lance."

The thought of anyone else using the Lightning Lance, her own special technique that she had developed and had spent years perfecting thanks to the amount of training she had done through, and killing someone with it made Rainbow mad, especially since it was designed to kill evildoers and no one else. About the only villain she had managed to kill with the lance, if she had been the one to deal the final blow, was when she used two of them against Nappa, back when he tried to take over Earth and sell it to Frieza. She wasn't sure if the fallen Saiyan had been killed by her attack or by the wounds that had been dealt to him prior to being hit the second time, so she wasn't sure if she should count his death towards a point for the lance or not... though she shook her head and pushed the thought away.

"Even if Cell knows the Lightning Lance, he's likely never going to use it in an actual battle," Applejack spoke up, already knowing exactly why Cell would never us it, which was understandable considering that her sister had created the attack and she had studied it over the years, "Remember, the lance has a five minute charge time if you want to unleash all of its destructive power, which can easily be overcome when the user's opponent has no idea the attack even exists. Seeing how most of our enemies allow us to attack them in groups of two or more, due to their arrogance thanks to the amount of power they have, its easy for Rainbow to pull back and charge it without them knowing its coming... but seeing how we know of its existence Cell's not stupid enough to use it against us."

"Which is also why you don't use it against Bardock and I when we're training," Mizuna added, to which Rainbow nodded her agreement, because that had been the same reason why she had refrained from using it against the two Saiyans, "Though, while we're on the subject of training, you should bring this Gale Wind to Asgard before the start of the Cell Games... I would like to meet her and judge her power for myself."

"I don't know why you would want to meet one of Dr. Gero's monstrous creations," Trunks said, though that was followed by Rainbow and Applejack glaring at him for a few seconds, because they both wished that he would get over his hatred for the second Bio-Android, "Gale is like her brother; she secretly desires to see the world burn and will stop at nothing to make sure the horrible future I mean to prevent comes to pass. She's the one that hit Cell into the area that Android 18 was resting in and didn't kill him when she had the chance... so I think it is safe to say that she is deceiving us, and that allowing her to train with Piccolo was a mistake."

"Trunks, no one shares your opinions on Gale," Rainbow snapped, as she had reached her breaking point and her ki flared around her for a few seconds, to which everyone, save for Mizuna and Applejack, moved back in their seats as small bits of lightning snapped out of her aura, "I don't know why you won't accept that Gale made a mistake when she was tricked by Cell, or why you won't accept that it was an accident that allowed Cell to obtain his perfect form... but I am growing tired of hearing you blame Gale for everything that's happened so far. If you really want someone to blame, for everything that has happened so far, then go look in a mirror and you'll understand what I'm talking about."

Trunks appeared to want to argue over how he wasn't the cause of this timeline's woes, especially since the future versions of Cell and Gale were running around, but he glanced at his father's parents and noticed the glares that his grandmother was giving him... to which he pulled his gaze away and stared down at his plate. It was clear that he was a little disappointed in himself, as if he actually might understand his part in all of this, but before anyone could speak up they turned their heads as Vegeta entered the room.

"We've got another hour or two before Piccolo and Gale are done with the Hyperbolic Time Chamber," Vegeta said, to which he smiled at his parents for a moment, though at the same time he noticed how annoyed Rainbow looked and the fact that Trunks was looking down at his plate, "Okay, I can tell that something happened while I was on Earth... though we should relax before we get started on trying to explain what occurred here."

What ended up happening was that the conversations they had immediately changed from Cell, who was the main topic they had been discussing since they started training, to ordinary things like exploring the Earth, the things they had done that weren't related to training, and discussing what happened to the various souls that entered the Other World after being killed by Cell. The group ate while they talked with each other, allowing them to enjoy themselves for a few moments and take their minds off of what they had been talking about... though once they were done eating, and they noticed that an hour had passed, they all knew what was coming next. Vegeta pulled himself from his chair and hugged both of his parents, where he told them that he would be back once Cell was defeated, before he walked over to where the others had chosen to stand.

Once they were gathered together, and had some sort of contact with each other, Vegeta pulled out the medallion once more and pressed the button, to which they vanished from Asgard and headed back towards the Lookout... where they would be able to see Piccolo and Gale once more.

When they arrived at the Lookout they found Mr. Popo, once more, standing in front of the main building with his arms crossed behind his back, though Rainbow and Applejack knew that he was no doubt waiting for them, or the other Z Warriors, to return so he could tell them to wait before their friends came out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. As much as Rainbow liked to train in that room, however, she was sort of glad that there were some strict rules about the number of uses, because if she could go in their more than twice, and for longer periods without really aging, she would have jumped at the chance to use it again. Cell was out there, in his perfect form, and they still had no idea what his full power was at the moment, which meant that they might not be ready for what was coming their way.

Still, despite the fact that they could only train in the chamber twice in their lifetimes, both she and Applejack had agreed to hold off on using the second day, as they had no idea if they might need the chamber at some point in their futures... so they could empower themselves to beat someone even stronger than Cell, if such a creature happened to show up after the Cell Games.

"Piccolo and Gale should be out in a few minutes," Vegeta commented, though at the same time he let out a small sigh as he slipped the medallion back into the area he kept it in, where it would be safe despite the damage he usually took while he was fighting, "once they are out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and we have a chance to see their full power for ourselves, Trunks and I will head back in and use our second day of training to our advantage. We should be able to obtain the form that Kakarot and his son are using at the moment, which should put us on equal ground with Cell and give him enough warriors to fight before one of us puts him in the ground.

That's not taking into consideration any of your ultimate attacks, such as the Lightning Lance or whatever else your hiding, because I noticed that neither of you wanted to show them off while we were training in Asgard."

"Truth be told, the Wrath of the Thunder God is just like my lance," Rainbow stated, though as she spoke she called over a nearby cloud with her ki and sat on it, causing the others to chuckle for a moment, "they both require about five minutes of charging before I can unleash their full destructive capabilities, though the Wrath has a slightly different method when it comes to charging its power."

"And what about you Applejack?" Vegeta asked, turning to the other sister for a moment, who was simply standing near where he and Trunks were, though she happened to be staring at the building in front of them and only turned her head when he said her name, "What sort of ultimate move do you have? And when are you planning on pulling it out?"

"Oh, I have an ultimate move in my arsenal," Applejack said, though her tone immediately told Vegeta that she wasn't going to spoil the surprise until she was sure that she needed it, which meant that it had to be really powerful if she refused to use it in battle, "I'm just... waiting for the best time to use it, that's all."

"I figured as much," Vegeta replied, though at the same time he smiled, because Applejack was the smarter sister and it appeared that she was mentally planning on when to use her ultimate attack, though he did have to wonder if Cell even qualified as someone she could use it against.

Applejack didn't appear like she wanted to say anything else about her ultimate technique, one of the two hidden techniques the girls had at the moment, but Vegeta wasn't about to pry into what she and Rainbow were planning, because he had seen what had happened when one of their plans worked. He remembered what had happened when they planned the downfall of Nappa all those years ago, or when they had a plan of attack when they trained against someone that wasn't his mother or Bardock. He knew that they were the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer, and their destructive capabilities agreed with what he was seeing, but he was glad that they were smart in keeping their parentage a secret... otherwise the other Z Warriors would have questioned them immediately upon learning the truth.

He could imagine the questions that his new friends would ask if they learned who the girls' father was, as he could already see one of them asking why the God of Destruction didn't come and aid them when Frieza had come to Earth to exact his revenge against him and Kakarot... though he couldn't wait to see their faces when they finally met Beerus, as he was sure that all of them would be shocked by the discovery.

Before anyone could say anything else, and open up a new conversation that wasn't focused on ultimate attacks, the four of them felt a change in the air around them, though when they determined that it wasn't Cell they turned their attention back to the building in front of them. A few seconds passed before Piccolo and Gale walked out of the building, though instead of their clothing being ruined, like everyone else's, their clothes seemed to be in pristine condition, which meant that Piccolo had rebuilt them before they left the chamber. Rainbow, Applejack, and Vegeta grinned as they felt the power that the two were giving off, because it meant that they had succeeded in boosting their power thanks to the two days they spent inside the chamber.

Trunks, of course, was frowning at Gale, telling them that he still believed that it was a mistake to allow her to obtain the power that was now coursing through her veins... to which Vegeta determined that he would have some words with his son while they were inside the chamber for their second round of training.

"It seems that you had a productive training session," Vegeta said, though at the same time he shook hands with both Piccolo and Gale, where he noticed that they were happy to see someone else after two days in the chamber, though he knew that they had been in there for two years.

"That we did," Piccolo replied, to which both he and Gale smiled at the group, which told everyone that they were pleased with the progress they had made, "Gale here is like a Saiyan, in the regards that her power rapidly grows when she recovers from a defeat, but I guess that it makes sense considering that she has your cells and Goku's cells inside her. She is going to be a valuable ally in the fight against Cell, that much I can tell you right now... and her elemental affinity, which is wind, is almost as strong as Rainbow and Applejack's affinities."

"That is definitely good to hear." Vegeta said, to which he glanced over at the second Bio-Android, who seemed more confident than she had been when she and Piccolo had entered the chamber, "We have seven days before the start of the Cell Games, so whether you spend your time relaxing or training is up to you... because once the final day is up we'll be going to war with Cell."

"Has anything changed since we went inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber?" Gale asked, though everyone knew that she was referring to her brother, because that was the only thing she could think about these days.

"Well, some of the planet's military tried to engage Cell an hour or so ago," Mr. Popo spoke up, causing everyone to turn towards him, as most of them had no idea that he could look down upon the world like Kami could, though Piccolo did thanks to the knowledge Kami gave him, "Cell slaughtered all of them without mercy, leaving nothing but craters and pieces of their weapons behind."

"All those innocent lives, taken in a single instant," Vegeta said, balling one of his hands into a fist, because this was the sort of thing that he and his people fought against with all of their might, to which he turned to his son, "Trunks, we need to head into the chamber and start the last leg of our training... because we're going to need all the strength we can muster before the start of the Cell Games."

Before Trunks could say anything, and tell his father that he was ready to head inside the chamber with him again, they were all interrupted by the sudden appearance of Goku, as he used the Instant Transmission to reach the Lookout, though it was clear that he was serious about something. Sure, he was wearing normal clothes and not his gi, which the girls were used to seeing on him at all times, but that didn't mean he couldn't be serious about anything... and it seemed like he wanted to do something that would change the world for the better. Even Vegeta detected the hint of change around the other Saiyan, which was why he was holding off on going inside the chamber, as he was curious as to what was going to happen next.

"Hey Piccolo," Goku said, though at the same time he lowered his hand, indicating that he wasn't going to teleport somewhere else once he was finished up here, "Can I have a word with you?"

"Sure, but let me ask you something first," Piccolo replied, to which he faced Goku for a few seconds, though everyone could tell that he was smiling about something, "With the power I have gained from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, am I powerful enough to beat Cell?"

"Unfortunately not," Goku answered, though his answer didn't seem to shock Piccolo, as they all knew that Goku had caught a brief glimpse of Cell's true power when he went to the arena and stared at him for a few seconds, "you may have become more powerful, thanks to Gale being your training partner, but you don't possess the power to stop Cell."

"I thank you for being honest about it," Piccolo commented, though at the same time he crossed his arms and kept his smile on his face, which was generally odd for someone like him, "So, what sort of insane plan do you have this time?"

"Is it possible for you and Kami to separate into two Namekians again?" Goku inquired, though he immediately held up a hand to stop everyone from asking him a thousand questions at the same time, "I only ask because Gohan, Krillin, Chi Chi, and I just heard that Cell killed an entire army of people and left no survivors, if the cutoff of the message was anything to go by. Since you merged with Kami the Dragon Balls disappeared, so I was wondering if the two of you could separate into two beings and bring the Dragon Balls back... so we could revive everyone that Cell has killed so far. And there is always the possibility that there might be another use for them further down the line, in case another foe like Cell shows up and starts killing people."

"I understand your desire, but its not possible." Piccolo replied, knowing that his answer was going to upset someone, though at the same time his knowledge of what Goku could do meant that the Saiyan was going to do something to overcome what he was going to tell him, "We cannot separate into two beings after reuniting with each other, otherwise I would be attempting to do that right now. However, that doesn't mean we can't appoint another Namekian to the position of Kami... though I think you already know where I'm going with this."

"One of the Namekians that we saved from Frieza," Goku said, to which Piccolo nodded, telling him that he had hit the nail on the head, before he raised his fingers to his head, "Maybe, just maybe, I can find Dende and convince him to come back to Earth with me... and then we can bring back Shenron and the Dragon Balls."

A few seconds passed while he attempted to find the location of the Namekians and their new planet, though after a minute had passed he lowered his fingers and shook his head, indicating that he couldn't find them at all. Applejack supposed that it made sense, considering that the wish had been to find a planet suitable for them to live on and that there couldn't be too many planets like that near Earth, otherwise someone would have found them by now. She did, however, have an idea that could overcome the wall that Goku had discovered, one that would allow them to see if finding a new Guardian for Earth was even possible.

"What about King Kai?" Applejack asked, causing Piccolo and Goku to turn towards her for a second, as they hadn't been expecting her to speak up at the moment, "He might know the location of the planet the Namekians were sent to and might be able to give you directions on how to get there... and then you can talk with them about sending someone to become the new Guardian of Earth."

Goku stared at her for a moment, as if he was remembering that she was the thinker between her and Rainbow, before returning his fingers to his forehead and concentrating for a moment. The group watched as a smile appeared on Goku's face as he vanished before their eyes, indicating that he was heading off to visit King Kai and figure out where the Namekians were living these days.

"Well, if you'll excuse us, Trunks and I will be inside the chamber," Vegeta said, to which Trunks nodded, indicating that the two of them were going to leave Goku to his business and finish their training, so they could be ready for whatever happened at the Cell Games, "We'll see you guys in a day... and then we can find out if Kakarot was successful in his quest to replace Kami and restore the Dragon Balls."

Rainbow and Applejack nodded as Vegeta and Trunks headed towards the chamber to begin their final day of training, where they would boost their power to the max they could achieve with one more year's worth of training. No one moved until the ki of the two Saiyans disappeared, indicating that they had stepped inside the chamber, to which the girls let out a sigh as they waited for Goku to come back. It was clear that they were going to have to wait for a few minutes, maybe even half an hour, but they all decided to relax as they waited... though that silence was broken by Rainbow.

"Hey Gale," Rainbow said, to which she looked up from where she was sitting and glanced over at the Bio-Android, who turned to look at her once more, "What do you say, can you beat your brother with the power you now possess?"

"Honestly, there's no way to tell without seeing my brother and feeling his power for myself," Gale replied, though at the same time she flexed her hands, as if she was trying to gauge her power in her mind or something similar to it, but as the girls looked at her they noticed that she seemed determined to bring an end to her fight with her brother, "besides, its clear that Cell fully expected early arrivals to 'entertain' him before the start of his tournament. Who knows, maybe someone will show up before the day of the Cell Games and take out Cell for us..."

Applejack glared at Gale as she started to chuckle, because the way Gale said that someone might arrive to take out Cell, someone that none of them knew about, made her worry that the second Bio-Android was thinking of lashing out at her brother before the start of his games. Gale moved over to where Rainbow was sitting and inquired how to get her own cloud, to which Rainbow seemed to smile and carefully told her how she went about acquiring a cloud to sit on, though at the same time Applejack walked over to Piccolo. She immediately noticed that the Namekian was staring at Gale as well, as if he had noticed something odd about what she had said as well, though Applejack wanted to make sure that someone else was keeping an eye on the second Bio-Android.

"Piccolo, she's planning on attacking Cell," Applejack whispered, knowing that the Namekian had to have sensed something while he was training with Gale, but at the same time she didn't want Gale to hear them and take off before they could actually determine who would fight Cell first when the Cell Games started.

"I know. I could sense her intentions when we were training," Piccolo replied, lowering his voice so only Applejack could hear him, though at the same time he brought his left pointer finger to his mouth and told her not to say anything else, "Don't worry, I plan on keeping an eye on her until the start of the Cell Games. The only way she'll get at her brother is to go through me... and I'm sure that she won't do something like that."

"Just be careful around her," Applejack said, because they all knew that Gale wanted to stop the future from repeating itself and this would be the best chance she would have to stop her brother before that future came true, "she came back to fight Cell... and I have the feeling that she'll stop at nothing to bring him down."

Piccolo nodded as the two of them turned their eyes towards Rainbow and Gale, though they noticed that Rainbow was perfectly sitting on the cloud while Gale seemed to be having trouble with taming the same cloud, which was causing Rainbow to chuckle. Applejack didn't want to believe that Gale would do something foolish, such as attacking Cell without any reinforcements or plan in mind, but she guessed that the future would reveal its hand to them in time.

When Goku returned to the Lookout an hour later he didn't come alone, as Dende was standing next to him, though the young Namekian seemed happy to be on Earth, as if he had been hoping to come back here at some point in time. Most of the group seemed happy when Goku informed them that Dende had agreed to be the new Kami, which would restore the Dragon Balls to their former glory, though at the same time Mr. Popo didn't seem too interested in the new face. The group knew that the strange man only grew attached to people over time, but he seemed to have enough power to protect the Lookout when the original Kami was gone, so they decided to say nothing about him.

Once Dende had let go of Goku, however, the Saiyan said that he would be right back with Gohan and Krillin, to which he disappeared and left them to their own devices for a few moments... though not a few seconds later he reappeared with his son and his closest friend. Both Gohan and Krillin seemed happy to see Dende again, and the young Namekian seemed happy to see them in return, though once they settled down Dende gave them a piece of news that none of them were expecting.

"It will take one hundred days to make the Dragon Balls," Dende said, though at the same time he rubbed the back of his head, because he noticed how shocked everyone, save for Mr. Popo, was by the news, but he smiled as well, "though if we had the model that was used to create your previous dragon we could wake him back up."

"I'll be right back," Mr. Popo stated, to which he turned around and walked into the building that was behind them, where the group waited for a few minutes before he returned, though that was when they discovered that he was carrying a glass case that contained the model in question, "Here it is."

Dende nodded and took the model from Mr. Popo, where he told the group that they could have three wishes, just like the dragon of his home world, and that they could bring a large number of people back, which would use a single wish and leave them with two more. Applejack thought about that and considered that the Eternal Dragon of Earth had suddenly become overpowered, as it could now had the best of both worlds, but she didn't say anything as Dende set the case on the floor and started to speak in his native language again. The group watched as golden strands moved from Dende and wrapped around the model, which meant that he had to be communing with the spirit of Shenron or something similar to that... thought that was followed by a burst of energy surging out of the model and separating into seven stands that flew down to the Earth.

When the light faded, and Dende lowered his arms, the group discovered that the model had disappeared, though the look on Dende's face told them that he had to have succeeded in resurrecting the Eternal Dragon... which meant that they could undo everything Cell had done, after they had defeated him in his own arena.

With the deed done Goku bid everyone farewell and said that he was going to start gathering the Dragon Balls, so they would be ready for use once Cell had been defeated, before he vanished before their eyes once more. That left Gohan, Krillin, Applejack, and Rainbow to introduce Gale to the young Namekian before they caught up on what happened since they last saw each other. They had a week left before the start of the Cell Games... and all of them, including the other Z Warriors, were getting anxious for the day of the tournament to arrive.

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