• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Battle: Duel of the Destroyers

Beerus and Sunset stared at each other for a few seconds, while they slowly moved to an area that hadn't collapsed after they had released their full power, knowing that all the other Gods of Destruction were interested in what was going to happen next. Beerus wondered, for a few seconds anyway, if the Grand Priest was going to have the other Destroyer Gods watch them from Zeno-sama's palace or if he was going to have them watch from a special spectator area, but at the moment he was more focused on his soon to be opponent. From what he knew about Sunset she had only had four years of experience backing her, but thanks to the fight he had seen earlier she knew that she had enough raw power to overpower Raijack, after ascended to her full power for a few seconds anyway. Just from all of that, and what he had seen, he knew that this fight was going to be even greater than anything he had participated in over his long life... and he was sure that the same could be said for Sunset.

As the two of them prepared themselves, however, they both noticed that the Grand Priest had followed them into the area they had chosen, a rocky mountain range, and was floating above them, though they didn't see anyone else at the moment... though they were more interested in their opponent.

"Are the two of you ready?" the Grand Priest asked, to which he looked down at the two of them, who were already in the process of raising their arms, indicating that the battle would start soon.

"Anytime." Beerus and Sunset replied, speaking at the exact same time, though neither of them let their eyes wander from their opponent, even though they both let their destruction auras surround them for a few seconds.

"Begin!" the Grand Priest declared, though the moment the word left his mouth his platform rose into the air and departed from the area that the two Destroyer Gods were standing in.

Beerus and Sunset, hearing that the battle was to be started, flashed through the air and only reappeared when they reached the area that had been between them, to which Beerus raised his fist and punched Sunset in the face, who crossed her arms and blocked the attack before it could reach her face. The resulting collision of their energies caused the mountains around them to shake as the closest one started to crate, though that was followed by Sunset grabbing onto Beerus' fist and spun around. Beerus found himself flying through the air a few seconds later, indicating that Sunset had thrown him, to which he flipped around and let his feet touch the mountainside he had been heading towards, though that was followed by him propelling himself forward and causing a crater to form where he had been standing.

When the two of them came into contact with each other again they started throwing their fists and legs at each other, though several of their punches and kicks collided with each other and the air shook under their power, something that Beerus had forgotten about since it had been a long time since two Gods of Destruction had battled each other. After a few more attacks were exchanged between them, however, Beerus managed to slip a punch passed Sunset's defenses and struck her face, causing her to stagger backwards. He immediately seized the opportunity that presented itself and grabbed onto her outstretched arm, to which he spun around and sent her flying towards the ground, before pulling his arms back and started throwing several ki blasts in her direction.

Sunset, seeing the attacks coming her way, corrected herself so she could be descending towards the ground while she faced Beerus, though once that was done she gathered her own energy and launched a few blasts into the air as well, to which the two sets of blasts collided in the air and exploded. The moment the smoke appeared in the air between them, and prevented them from actually seeing each other for a few seconds, Sunset flipped backwards a few times and came to a stop against one of the peaks. When she stopped, however, she gathered her energy as she brought her hands together, though the moment that the smoke started to dissipate she seized the opportunity and released a stream of flames into the air. This time the attack was wider and even hotter than what she had used in her fight against Rainbow and Applejack, as this was the 'Dragon's Breath' she had told the girls about.

Beerus, seeing the attack coming, raised a hand and used his energy to try and destroy the flames as they reached for him, though while some of the flames were consumed by his power to negate certain attacks he could tell that a fair number of flames remained. He had actually never used this skill against another Destroyer God before, so he guessed that while he could negate the attacks of someone like Goku and Vegeta he could only negate a fraction of a fellow God of Destruction's attacks. Another thing he had never experienced was the heat of a dragon's breath, as this was definitely much stronger than any mortal flame he had felt in the many years he had been alive, though after a few seconds he threw his arm to the side and cast the flames to the side... though he moved before the rest of the breath came towards him again.

While Sunset finished expelling the rest of her Dragon's Breath, however, Beerus gathered his energy and summoned small spheres of energy, to which he rained them down on where Sunset was standing and caused the ground around her to fall apart as she dodged the attacks to the best of her ability. As the attacks hit the ground Sunset moved back up into the air and appeared behind Beerus, to which she spun around and kicked him in the side, sending him flying towards one of the other peaks in the area. Instead of allowing him to correct himself she followed after him and made sure that they descended towards the ground, to which the two of them crashed into the ground at the base of the nearby mountain and created a crater around them... to which they separated from each other and landed on opposite sides of the crater.

"I must say, this is an interesting start to our fight," Beerus said, though at the same time he allowed his aura to return once more, while noticing that Sunset happened to be doing the same thing, meaning that they were both preparing for something bigger than what they had just done.

"Agreed," Sunset replied, to which she dropped into her battle stance once more, though at the same time Beerus raised an eyebrow, as her stance matched his own stance, "Let's pick up the pace, shall we?"

The two of them stared at each other for a few moments, trying to determine what the other was going to do when they decided to break the stalemate, before the two of them sprung into action and flew towards each other again. Mere moments later their fists collided and the entire area around them shattered under the collision of their energies, to which the two of them exchanged several more attacks with each other as the ground broke apart. As Sunset pushed the next attack away from her she gathered her flames into her right hand and held the palm of her hand towards Beerus, to which she loosed a stream of flames at her opponent. Beerus, on the other hand, moved out of the way and let the stream of flames pass by him, to which he watched as the forest behind him was set on fire in the process, once more demonstrating Sunset's innate connection to the element of fire.

Sunset, seeing that the attack had failed, withdrew her hand and cancelled the elemental attack, though that was before she continued throwing punches and kicks at Beerus, who remained on his guard while they moved away from the flaming forest. During the exchange Sunset also summoned some fireballs into the area and tried to hit Beerus with them, though he expertly avoided the small spheres and let them set fire to whatever they hit, which was mostly just bushes and more trees. As the last one passed by her target, however, Beerus dodged the punch that was coming his way and kicked Sunset in the chest, sending her flying backwards through the air, though before she could correct herself Beerus appeared above her and started punching her in the chest for a few seconds... before kicking her and sending her right into the ground.

He then appeared on the ground nearby and waited, because he knew that Sunset wouldn't go down that easily, though that was before the flames behind him started to move with a mind of their own, to which he watched as several large cat like creatures jumped out of the flames and touched the ground around him.

"Right, I remember the flames becoming a small serpent from your fight with my daughters," Beerus commented, recalling what he had seen earlier, though at the same time he figured that Sunset could change the nature of the flames into whatever form she desired, "and, if I had to bet on this, I'd wager that you have a fire dragon as well."

One of the cats growled and charged at Beerus, who simply dodged out of the way and allowed his body to start dodging the attacks while he studied them, because there had to be a trick of some kind that gave Sunset control over the six cats that were surrounding him. Based on what he knew, from Rainbow's lightning dragon and Applejack's four elemental dragons, an elemental being only existed to do whatever their creator desired, which was generally the dragons heading towards their target and detonating their payload. Considering that Sunset was on a different level than his daughters, and possessed an even greater level than they did, he knew that there was no way to determine what sort of command Sunset had given these creatures.

A few seconds passed before one of the cats tried to jump and bite him, to which he spun around and kicked the flaming cat in the face, sending it into one of its allies and knocking them both to the ground, before he focused his energy once more and his aura came to life. As the cats started coming towards him he dodged their attacks and delivered his own in return, beating them into the ground and into each other, causing them to growl at him for a few seconds before charging at him without a care in the world. Only one cat managed to land a hit on him, landing a very light cut into his right arm, but that was followed by him blasting the cat into the ground with enough force to blow the entire area around them to pieces. When the smoke cleared he noticed that the cats were still sticking around the area, including the one that he had targeted earlier, to which he wondered what was causing them to exist despite the damage he had done to his first target... before he remembered the flames that Sunset had created with her earlier attack.

An idea formed in his mind, to which he turned his attention to the burning forest and threw a energy sphere at the middle of the area, causing the entire place to explode... though when the smoke cleared he found that the flames had been eliminated, to which the cats fell apart and left him alone with Sunset once more.

"I must say, its impressive that you found out about the trick so quickly," Sunset commented, to which she jumped out of the crater that had formed around her and dusted off her shoulder, before she turned her attention back to her opponent, "but that's what I would expect from the person that raised Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Now then, allow me to show you my true power."

Sunset extended her hand for a moment and her energy gathered around it, forming the energy blade she used in her earlier fight, to which Beerus prepared himself for whatever attack his opponent decided to use next by entering his battle stance once more. A few seconds later Sunset swung her hand and a wave of energy rippled through the air, the exact same type of attack she had used against Rainbow and Applejack, to which Beerus moved himself to the side and let the wave cut through the ground like butter. Before he had a chance to fight back Sunset continued to throw more waves at him, indicating that she was either testing him or was actually trying to hit him, but at the same time he allowed his body to avoid the attacks.

As he dodged the attacks, however, he noticed that long gashes were being cut into the ground behind him, while the mountain behind him was being carved into pieces at the same time, where the pieces collapsed on the ground and kicked up some smoke in the process. This attack, the Crescent Fang, was another interesting attack that his opponent possessed, as it appeared that if Sunset charged her swings they did an extraordinary amount of damage, though at the same time he did his best to keep her from doing that. Liquiir was the only other God of Destruction that actively used this type of attack, though Sunset's was more like she was actually holding a blade made out of energy while Liquiir's was energy extending from his hand... though he had to observe her movements before throwing some attacks back at his target in a response to what she was doing.

He was so occupied with dodging the attacks that were coming his way, from the front of him, that he hadn't noticed that Sunset had gotten above him, to which he had enough time to move out of the way as a stronger Crescent Fang collided with the ground and blew a massive hole in the ground. Beerus rode the wave of destruction away from where Sunset landed and floated into the air, where he looked down and stared at the massive hole that had been carved into the earth they had been fighting on. Once again he had to admit that Sunset's raw power was impressive, especially since she could have easily carved the world in half if she so desired, but he also had to admit that she had some decent control to avoid doing that... meaning that she likely had a secret technique, one that she didn't show him and the others when she was fighting Rainbow and Applejack.

Sunset remained floating in the air as she extended a hand towards the crater that she had created, to which the entire diameter of the crater sprung to life as flames danced around the edge, though not a few seconds later she started to raise her hand and put her spell into motion. Her magic weaved itself into the ground as the flames started to piece themselves together, though that was quickly followed by the top of the sphere forming in the crater, which caused Beerus to back up and stare at the mass of flames. A few more moments passed before she started pulling the sphere out of the ground and raised it into the air, just like she had done back when she fought Rainbow and Applejack... to which she raised her hand into the air and the massive fireball rose into the air, before stopping above her head.

A few seconds passed before she targeted Beerus and threw the Flame Emperor down towards her target, though at the same time Beerus, seeing the attack coming, brought his hands close together and gathered his own energy, before summoning his Sphere of Destruction above his head. He then followed that up with throwing the sphere into the air, where it collided with Sunset's sphere and the two seemed to battle for superiority, though what was interesting was the fact that the two different spheres seemed to merge together as their energies battled each other. Beerus had to admit that it was interesting to watch their two spheres forcefully merge into a single being, doubling or even tripling its size and destructive capabilities, while at the same time making them battle with their energies... though at the same time the air shook as the entire area literally started to fall apart around him.

What happened next was another demonstration of Sunset's raw power, as she was starting to force the sphere back down to where he was standing and the entire ground around him started to sink as the sphere slowly came down towards him. At the same time, however, Beerus knew that his experience would help him win the day, because so far it appeared that Sunset was relying on her full power and was rapidly using her magic to send a fair number of attacks in his direction, meaning that if he avoided any additional damage he could force her to surrender at some point due to her collapsing from exhaustion. The moment that thought came to mind he focused on keeping the sphere away from him, where he forced it back towards where Sunset was floating for a few seconds... though not a few moments later she regained control of it and changed the sphere's path once more.

After another minute or two Beerus decided to change tactics and abandoned the sphere, to which he rapidly moved out of the way as the sphere collided with the ground, causing the entire thing to detonate and swallow the entire area that he had been standing in moments ago. When the smoke cleared this time around there was a massive area missing from the planet, though the crater looked like a massive chunk of the planet had been ripped out of the ground and cast into the sky or something. If Beerus had to wager what the size of the massive crater was, with any accuracy, he had to guess that it was at least ten times the size of the Lookout and at least ten times as deep as the building... something that would likely make the other Destroyer Gods think twice about Sunset's abilities.

While Sunset stared down at the crater, however, Beerus flashed through the air and appeared behind his opponent, to which he unleashed a barrage of blows and attacked her from behind, something that she clearly didn't anticipate after the collision of their spheres. Beerus grinned as he struck Sunset in the chest and knocked her backwards, before placing a hand in front of her and blasting her with a point blank ki blast, sending her flying down towards the massive crater that was below them. As Sunset went flying towards the ground Beerus summoned his ki and wove them into a large amount of spheres that rested around him, before he started throwing them at Sunset and watched as they collided with her chest, though when she hit the ground she was covered by a wave of explosions that tore the area around her to pieces.

As the smoke cleared Beerus noticed that there was a significantly smaller crater in the middle of the massive one, though at the same time he could tell that Sunset had stopped moving... though whether that meant that she was beaten or if she was biding her time he didn't know, but he wanted to see what she was planning nonetheless.

"It seems that Sunset couldn't stand up to Beerus' true might," Quitela commented, staring down at the ruined planet that the two Gods of Destruction were fighting on, though he was somewhat shocked that the two were able to combine two conflicting energies into a single mass.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that," Liquiir replied, though at the same time he crossed his arms as he stared down at the planet, because he had the feeling that the fight was far from over, "Sunset isn't like the rest of us, there is something different about her power that I find fascinating... and I am slightly regretting not testing her out for myself."

"Then maybe you should ask the Grand Priest and Zeno-sama if you can interrupt the fight that is going on and trade places with Beerus," Belmod said, to which he grinned as he glanced over at the fox God of Destruction, as if he was daring him to do so anyway, before staring down at the fighters.

Liquiir glanced over at Belmod for a few seconds, wondering if he was insane after what Quitela had done when Sunset had first been introduced to all of them, before shaking his head and walked over to where Celestia and Twilight were standing. The interesting thing about the gods from Universe 13 was that Beerus' daughters, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, stood with the two gods, meaning that they knew each other and likely were sharing notes with each other on the battle that was happening in front of them. Almost forty years ago he remembered hearing that something from Universe 13 had arrived in one of the official universes, which meant that these girls were what he and the others had heard about from Champa.

Since the battle started he and the other gods, as well as the mortals from Universe 7, had positioned themselves on a special circular stand that floated in the atmosphere above the planet, far enough that they wouldn't be affected by the massive amounts of energy that were being displayed in front of them. He guessed that the Grand Priest had created this stand long before Sunset had been chosen, like he knew that someone would be chosen to become the God of Destruction for Universe 13 and that there would be a display of power like this. At the moment he wanted to be away from Belmod and knew that standing near Sunset's Angel, the one called Celestia, would likely give him some insight as to what the powers of the new Destroyer God were... and maybe correct some of the things he had been thinking about.

As he neared the area that the gods from Universe 13 were standing in, however, Celestia turned her head towards him and nodded towards him, showing her respect towards him, to which he smiled at her as he finally came a stop beside her and the others.

"Lord Liquiir," Celestia said, to which she offered the God of Destruction for Universe 8 a smile, knowing that there had to be a reason behind him coming over to visit them, but at the same time she was more than happy to have some communication with the other universes, "are you enjoying the fight?"

"Yes. Your God of Destruction possesses a power that is unlike anything I have ever seen before," Liquiir replied, though at the same time he came to a stop and stared down at the planet once more, where Beerus was waiting for Sunset to get up and fight him some more, "What exactly is this power of hers?"

"All ponies come from a world that is rich in magic, which is essentially the energy you and the other Gods of Destruction use," Celestia commented, to which she gestured to Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack for a few seconds, causing Liquiir to glance over at all three of them in turn, "some are born for greatness, while others are destined to rise to a level they never knew about. On our world Twilight, before becoming the Kaioshin for our universe, was a unicorn and after some special circumstances she ascended to the rank of alicorn, a being that's much stronger than the other ponies, yet we don't hold it over their heads. Rainbow and Applejack have, by their own means, risen to a level that they were both destined to achieve one day, though they needed a specific trigger to awaken their true potential. Sunset is the same way, as I saw that she was destined for something greater than being an alicorn... and here we are, with her as the Destroyer God for our universe."

"That is most interesting," Liquiir said, to which he stared at the two girls that had come with Beerus, along with what appeared to be their sister, and understood part of what he had been told, "but that doesn't really answer the question about what her powers are."

"The simple answer is magic," Celestia replied, though at the same time she glanced down at the planet below them and felt the slight change in Sunset's energy, one that she had felt when they were training sometime after she and Twilight had taken up their new roles, "and it appears that she's pulling out her trump card... one of the three Aspect forms she created during our training."

"Aspect forms?" Liquiir asked, because based on what he knew there were only two forms mortals could take on if they were destined for something greater, the Avatars of Creation and Destruction, though this sounded like something completely different, "What are those supposed to be?"

"The Aspects of Destruction, Darkness, and the Dragon," Twilight spoke up, remembering exactly what she had seen while Sunset and Celestia had been training, though at the same time she was aware that Liquiir was turning his attention to her, "During her travels, before becoming the God of Destruction she is now, Sunset once had to separate her body, mind, and powers into ten different versions of herself, which she called her 'Aspects'. She did this because her raw power could have destroyed a good portion of our universe due to how unstable her emotions were at the time, so by conquering the other nine aspects the Sunset you see before you came into being. These Aspect forms represent three of the greatest versions of herself that were created during that ordeal... and the Aspect of Destruction is the strongest of those forms."

Liquiir opened his mouth to say something, and ask what the forms even looked like as he assumed that the three forms changed Sunset's appearance to some degree, but before the words could come out of his mouth he felt the sudden shift in the air. It seemed like Sunset was starting to make her move once more, to which he and the other Gods of Destruction turned to face the planet, as they were all curious as to how this battle would end.

Beerus raised an eyebrow as Sunset burst out of the crater he had blasted her into and rose to where he was floating, though as she came to a stop Beerus noticed that Sunset's skin tone had darkened to a crimson red color and the sclera of her eyes had turned pitch back, which surrounded her cyan colored eyes. He didn't see anything else that looked out of place, though it appeared that whatever this transformation was supposed to do was simply change her form a little bit and maybe increase her power a tiny bit as well.

"I take it this is the height of your power?" Beerus asked, because while he had suspected that Sunset might have held one technique back from him, in order not to show her hand to the other Gods of Destruction, he didn't say anything because he wanted her to show him everything she had in her arsenal.

"Yes, and this will result in the end of our fight," Sunset replied, to which she flexed her arms for a few seconds, as the last time she had used this technique was when she was training with Celestia, before she glanced over at Beerus, "Come, let us bring an end to this fight."

Beerus nodded and the two of them flew through the air as they raced towards each other, though when they neared each other their fists came into contact with each other and the air around them shuddered under the collision of their powers. Instead of backing away from the other, and coming in for a second wave of attacks, Beerus gabbed onto Sunset's arm and sent her flying down towards the ground, though he followed after her and started wailing on her, where he found that she was more than able to block his attacks. While the two of them exchanged blows the ground around them shattered and was sometimes entirely obliterated in the process, though Beerus did force Sunset into a second forest that had remained untouched during their previous battle.

As they moved to the middle of the forest, however, Sunset latched onto Beerus and reversed the situation, which involved slamming Beerus into the ground before she flashed into the air and readied her magic into the form of a blade once more... though this time around it was black colored. The moment she was ready Sunset waved her arm and sent the wave of energy down towards where Beerus was laying, though this time the wave was much larger than anything she had used during the rest of the battle. A few seconds later Beerus jumped backwards and avoided the attack, though at the same time he watched as the wave cleaved open the ground in front of him... though a few seconds later he watched as the ground in front of him shifted upwards while the ground he was standing on started sinking.

It quickly became clear to him that Sunset might have actually cleaved the world in half, though at the same time Sunset flew down towards him and punched at him, to which the ground around them shattered as he blocked the attack and threw her backwards.

As the two halves of the planet started to separate from each other Beerus and Sunset continued their fight, the collision of their fists and energies destroying the ground around them as they moved away from what was the center of the planet. Beerus noted that Sunset seemed more focused on destroying everything around the two of them, and that fact was definitely proven when he kicked Sunset backwards and she didn't come back after him, as she pointed a finger at him and gathered her energy into a small orb in front of her pointer finger. A few moments later she released the attack that she had been gathering and it raced through the air towards Beerus, who moved out of the way and watched as the orb obliterated the mountain that it collided with.

As the smoke cleared Beerus raced towards Sunset and punched her in the face, though this time around she didn't seem phased by the attack, as she continued to fight him despite the fact that the planet seemed to be falling apart around them. Beerus noticed that when Sunset tried to punch him several times she had some energy wrapped around her fists, causing the ground around them to crack and shatter around them, reminding him of Applejack's Tremor Punch, only more successful than his daughter's attack. While the two of them continued to duel, and their energies collided with each other, the mountains of the planet transformed into volcanoes and started expelling lava, though neither of them cared about that as Sunset kicked Beerus over to the second half of the planet that was resting slightly above the one they had been fighting on.

Mere moments passed before the landscape of the second half started to match the first half, as the power of their energies was more than enough to transform the area into an area that was ready to explode, though the two of them ignored the area around them as their fists, arms, and legs collided with each other... until they both punched each other in the face and knocked each other backwards.

"Your raw power is amazing, but you lack the experience of a Destroyer God," Beerus commented, though at the same time he rubbed the side of his face as he smiled, because this had been an interesting fight, even if the planet was literally falling apart around them.

"I knew you were amazing Beerus, but I never expected something like this," Sunset replied, though as she spoke her energy gathered around her one last time, as she had enough power for one more attack, which also verified what Beerus had just said about her.

Beerus, sensing that the fight was coming to an end, gathered his own energy and his aura returned as well, to which the two of them stared at each other for a few seconds as they waited for their opponent to make the first move, though that was followed by them flying through the air. Not moments later they stopped in front of each other and threw their fists forward, to which they both punched their opponent in the face, like they had done a minute or two ago, though this time around neither of them went flying in the direction that their opponent was punching in. They both did stagger backwards for a second or two before something happened, though that something was the two of them chuckling as they stared at each other while they ignored the area around them.

A few more seconds passed before Sunset's skin color and eyes returned to normal, indicating that she had left the Aspect form she had chosen for this fight... though that didn't stop her from chuckling as she laid her eyes on Beerus, who was smiling at her.

"I admit defeat, Beerus," Sunset said, to which she staggered for a few seconds, just like someone would do when they were weakened from a battle like this one, "I may have the power, but I don't have the experience necessary to beat you... you win this fight."

With that said Beerus watched as Sunset toppled to the ground, weakened from the number of attacks she had taken head on and the amount of power she had poured out during their fight, though that didn't stop Beerus from chuckling for a few more seconds.

"You say I won, but the reality is different than what you think it is," Beerus said, to which he fell to a knee for a moment, because in order to counter the intensity of Sunset's raw power he had to pour out an equal amount of power, putting him in the same boat that Sunset was in, "Sunset Shimmer... we tied in battle, though something tells me that if we ever fight again, after you have more experience, the result might be different."

Once Beerus said that he chuckled one last time and collapsed on the ground near where Sunset was resting, though that was followed by the Grand Priest floating down to where the two of them were resting and surrounded them with his energy. A few moments later he moved the two exhausted Destroyer Gods away from the ruined planet and took them to the stands where the others were waiting, where they would travel back to Lord Zeno's palace, though as they did so he cast back at the planet and watched as it finally exploded. He found it slightly amusing that the planet remain in two halves for a few minutes, after being cleaved in half in such a manner, and actually waited until the two Gods of Destruction were done fighting before exploding.

He was sure that the other eleven Destroyer Gods would be interested in talking to the exhausted Destroyers, once they woke up anyway, and he needed to have a small chat with Lord Zeno... especially since the result was something that none of them had actually expected to happen.

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