• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Prelude: Uncle

A week had passed since Beerus and Whis had started training Rainbow Dash and Applejack, though they had been true to their word of not training every single day to allow the girls time to relax and recover. They used some of the hours and tasked the girls with running some laps around the planet, usually in a competitive manner because it helped them improve, while the rest of the hours were spent honing their existing skills. Applejack showed an affinity for kicking her opponents, as she seemed to focus on honing that more than punching, though she understood that she needed to know both styles of fighting and always included her fists. Whis was always impressed with her skills, because one time when she kicked her dummy they all heard the wooden post that it was strapped to snap under the pressure, though the following kicks were nothing like the previous one.

Rainbow, on the other hand, was nothing like her sister, because she appeared to be quick to anger and it took some time for her to cool off, exactly like her father, though that wasn't mentioning the destructive power she had used the one time. Considering that Rainbow had already started down the path of manipulating her ki, accidentally anyway, Whis knew that a lesson or two would be good for her, though he also included Applejack in them so they were learning at the same pace.

Chronoa came by every now and then to check up on the girls, though she had missed two days in the last week because she was busy with the Time Nest. She wouldn't say what was bothering her, as she usually kept things to herself unless she needed the help off someone or needed to stop Beerus from doing something stupid, but neither Whis nor Beerus decided it was worth the effort to rip the information from her. She was quite pleased that the girls were picking up the basics of what they needed to be taught, though there was so much more for them to learn and they all knew that it would take longer than a week to get any substantial growth in their learning. Rainbow and Applejack both seemed disappointed that they couldn't move at a much faster pace, but decided that their father, his attendant, and Chronoa were right and didn't fight them over it.

Of course on the seventh day of their training, one that Chronoa happened to have free, she returned to Beerus' planet and found the girls training like usual... though this time they were trying, in vain, to hit Whis. The three of them were standing near the lake, with Beerus sitting on a chair nearby, and the girls were staring at Whis as if they were trying to figure out how to land a blow on him. From what Whis had told her this was the method he had used to teach Beerus all those millions of years ago, back when he had just become the God of Destruction. If her memory was right, and she knew that it had to be, she was ninety-nine percent sure that Beerus had never once touched his attendant while they were practicing, though she always kept the one percent around in case she ended up being wrong.

As the girls stared at Whis, and he stared back at them, Chronoa let out a sigh as she made her way over to where Beerus was sitting, who moved his head a tiny bit as she approached him, which was usually how he acknowledged her existence when he was focused on watching the girls train.

"How are they doing?" Chronoa asked, taking up a seat beside Beerus, though there was some space between them as there happened to be a small table nearby with a cup of tea sitting on it.

"Considering that they only have three days of training behind them," Beerus said, picking up his cup for a moment and taking a few sips of it, before returning it to where it had been sitting a moment ago, "they are doing as well as anyone can expect. Whis is a hard opponent to land a hit on, even if he lowered his abilities to allow such a thing to happen, but they seem to be holding their own quite well at the moment."

"So when will they start practicing against you?" Chronoa asked, knowing that at some point the girls were going to want to fight against someone that they could actually hit, though right now they wouldn't even put a scratch on the God of Destruction.

"We have yet to decide on when we should do that," Beerus immediately answered, as if he already had an answer prepared for the question ahead of time, "I've been thinking that we could try it when they have a year or two of training behind them, but Whis says that we should wait until they are older, like ten or something. Who knows, by then the God of Destruction for Universe Thirteen might have been chosen and could demand that they return home immediately... then we'd never get to have a sparring match."

Chronoa wondered if Beerus was starting to care about the girls now that he have been living with them for the last week, or if he was more interested in sparring partners. Normally people would argue that it was the sparring partners he was more interested in, but she was beginning to notice some small changes in the God of Destruction. The most noticeable one was the fact that he actually let her visit his planet when she asked for his permission, which meant that she didn't actually have to ask Whis for permission anymore. He still put up with her whenever she came to visit, and she was okay with him treating her that way, though she would take whatever victories she could get and leave it at that.

Their conversation was interrupted as both Rainbow and Applejack rushed Whis at the same time, though they both appeared to be aiming at Whis' sides and decided that he could only truly defend one of them, thus in their minds he would have to sacrifice one side to block an attack and that would free the other sister to hit him. Of course they didn't know Whis like Beerus did, because he merely moved his arms out and stopped their attacks before they could hit him, though that didn't stop the girls from trying with their legs and hooves. Chronoa and Beerus watched as the girls tried again and again to hit Whis, while all Whis did was simply dodge the attacks or catch them before they reached him as he moved further away from where Beerus was sitting.

Chronoa then noticed that both Rainbow and Applejack were beginning to look tired, which told her that they were either spending too much energy while fighting Whis or they had been at this for quite some time.

"They've managed to reach the hour mark this time," Beerus commented, indicating the amount of time the girls had spent training with Whis, "This will either end with Whis putting an end to it, or with Rainbow trying to blast him before he has a chance to say anything."

What actually happened was that both girls tried to punch Whis again, using their tactic that meant that they attacked from both sides, but this time Whis summoned his scepter to him and blocked their punches with the orb that rested at the scepter's peak. Beerus immediately knew what that meant, because Whis only did it when he and his brother Champa were fighting, be it over food or actually trying to hit each other.

"I'm sorry, but we'll have to stop our training early today," Whis said, much to the disappointment of both Rainbow and Applejack, "Let's head back to your father."

Both of the girls seemed happy to return to where their father was sitting, especially once they noticed that Chronoa was sitting beside him, so the trio left the pathway they had been training on and grouped up with the others.

"You two were doing quite well out there today," Beerus said, rubbing both of their hair for a moment, before turning his full attention to Whis, "So, what's happened this time?"

"It seems that we have some uninvited guests," Whis answered, beckoning to the south for a moment with his scepter, "though I doubt your going to like who it is."

"Oh by the God of Gods not him," Beerus said, though his tone told the girls that he didn't like the individual that Whis had mentioned, before he stood up straight once more, "I was hoping that he'd wait a few years before coming here, or just plain avoid me altogether, but it seems that I cannot catch a break anymore. Whis, let our guests in and let's get this over with."

Whis nodded and tapped his scepter on the ground once, though that was quickly followed by something rushing though the air and landing on the pathway that the girls and Whis had been practicing on a few minutes ago. Rainbow and Applejack recognized the style of transportation, as it looked like the method that Whis had used to get them to Planet Lu'zar and back. That made them wonder if whoever was arriving was one of the other eleven Gods of Destruction, as only their attendants used such a form of transportation, though it also made them wonder why their father disliked whoever it was.

When the smoke cleared the girls spotted two figures standing before them, though their sizes were definitely different than what either of them were expecting. The figure on the left happened to look a lot like Whis, though one of the differences was that this figure was definitely female, her robes were green colored, and instead of the diamonds that were on Whis' and their father's clothing the new figure had circles in their place. The other figure was a purple cat-like humanoid, similar to their father, but he definitely had more fat on his body, exactly the opposite of how skinny their father was, and he had a much shorter tail. He also wore the same style of pants as their father and had a collar wrapped around his neck, though his pants had a pinkish color to them, while the collar had the color red in place of where their father's collar had the color blue.

Rainbow and Applejack looked at each other for a moment, to which they realized that they were meeting another God of Destruction, before turning their attention back to their guests.

"Champa, what an unexpected surprise," Beerus said, though it was plainly clear that he didn't like the person in front of him and was trying to hold himself back, "What brings you, the God of Destruction for Universe Six, to my planet in Universe Seven? Something big must have happened."

"A few days ago I heard an interesting rumor." the person, Champa, simply said, "I heard that something from Universe Thirteen made its way into one of the twelve universes... or more accurately a pair of girls that landed on your planet. At first I thought it was ridiculous that something from the unofficial universe would come to your universe, but then I started hearing rumors that you were training two young girls after an incident on another planet. So I decided to come and investigate for myself."

"Oh, is that all? Because I was expecting something else besides that." Beerus said with a grin, to which he moved his hand towards the girls, "Allow me to introduce my daughters, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Girls, this is my twin brother Champa and his attendant Vados."

Champa and Vados stared at the girls for a moment, to which the two of them wondered if they had done something wrong, before the chubby God of Destruction started to laugh. They had no idea why Champa thought it was funny that they were the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer, or the fact that the were being trained by their father and Whis, but they had the feeling that they were going to find out soon enough. The laughter died as quickly as it had started, because not a few seconds after it finished Champa was standing straight and was staring at the girls once more, before turning his attention back to Beerus and Whis.

"So, these are the girls that I have heard so much about?" Champa asked, though Rainbow and Applejack knew that he wasn't very impressed by them at the moment, something that they both decided that they needed to work on, "It doesn't look like they can hold their own against you, much less against your attendant. I'm pretty sure that I could throw any warrior from my universe at them and they would be beaten to the floor in a matter of seconds."

"Oh, they can hold their own against Whis just fine," Beerus replied, staring at his brother for a moment, as if he was trying to figure out the real reason behind Champa's unannounced visit to his planet.

"Wait a second, I thought you said that there were only twelve universes," Applejack commented, cutting into the conversation for a moment as confusion washed over her face, to which both she and Rainbow looked up at Whis, "why are you suddenly saying that there is a thirteenth universe... and what's this about calling it an 'unofficial' universe anyway?"

"The reason Universe Thirteen is called an 'unofficial' universe is because it has no God of Destruction," Vados said, walking over to where the girls were standing and gave them a smile as she rubbed Rainbow's hair, "All 'official' universes have three things; a God of Destruction that destroys planets, an attendant that watches over the previously mentioned Destroyer, and a number of Supreme Kai that watch over the planets and ensure that more eventually replace the ones that the God of Destruction erased. Universe Thirteen has none of those three criteria, which is why we have taken to calling it the 'unofficial' universe... until they acquire all three of those aspects."

"I... guess I can follow that logic," Applejack slowly said, though if someone took a look at either her face or Rainbow's face they could tell that the girls were kind of lost at the moment, "So, when will its God of Destruction be chosen?"

"No one knows," Whis replied, staring down at the girls as Vados looked into the sky above them, "We have all been watching that universe for any signs that might indicate that its Destroyer is about to be chosen, but so far we have come up empty each time one of us checks it out. All we know is that whenever the God of Destruction for Universe Thirteen is chosen, on whatever day it happens to be, all twelve Destroyers and their attendants will feel their worlds shake. Then, and only then, will we know that the unofficial universe will have taken its first steps to becoming an official universe."

Rainbow and Applejack looked at each other for a moment, because while they were excited about the fact that there was another universe out there they were also a little disappointed. From what they could tell the attendants of the Gods of Destruction made it possible for the Destroyers to move around their universe and travel to the other ones, but the thirteenth universe didn't have either of those. That meant that there was no way for any of them to get to that universe at the moment, which basically meant that there wouldn't be any adventures in an unknown universe or any new people to meet.

They had to wonder who the thirteenth God of Destruction would be one day, because they both knew that they would likely be long gone before he or she was eventually chosen.

"I believe that's enough talk about Universe Thirteen for now," Vados commented, tapping her scepter on the ground and causing a box, one that came up to Whis' knees, to appear out of thin air, "I took the liberty of packing up a few snacks before we left our universe, mostly because I wanted to give you something in the form of an apology for coming by unannounced. Next time we decide to come by I'll be sure to call ahead... whenever Lord Champa desires it anyway."

Champa, however, wasn't even looking at the group anymore, as he was now standing with his back turned towards them as he waited for his attendant to finish speaking with them all. Vados offered them a smile that was supposed to be some sort of apology for the chubby God of Destruction's poor attitude, before she returned to Champa's side and tapped her scepter on the ground once more. Not a few seconds later the duo departed from the world as swiftly as they had arrived, leaving Applejack and Rainbow with more questions than answers. Their uncle's attendant was definitely a lot nicer to them than their uncle was, though he didn't seem too interested in them the moment he saw them.

"Finally, I was beginning to think that he would never leave," Beerus finally said, as the moment the conversation had shifted to Universe Thirteen he had stopped talking to his brother, though now that Champa was gone he could finally relax again, "I was planning on introducing you to my brother in a year or two, once you had gotten used to living with us and were comfortable with your abilities, but it seems like he's ruined yet another plan of mine."

"His attendant was nice," Applejack said, turning back to her father and Whis, "a lot nicer than he was anyway."

"Indeed," Beerus replied, before turning his attention to the box that Vados had left behind, "Now then, who wants to see what delights they brought from their universe?"

"Um... where did Chronoa go?" Rainbow asked, looking around where they were standing and realizing that the person in question was currently missing.

"She must have gone into the temple when Champa arrived," Whis commented, a light smile appearing on his face for a moment, "I'll go find her and inform her that our guest has left the planet... and I'll be sure to bring some plates and silverware with me."

As Whis went off to find the Supreme Kai of Time, and the materials needed to eat whatever Vados had left for them, Beerus decided to reflect on what Rainbow Dash and Applejack had just learned because of his brother's visit. They now knew that there were thirteen universes out there, not the twelve they told them about a week ago, but he was somewhat glad that they had missed one vital piece of information. They seemed obvious to the fact that Champa had said that they came from Universe Thirteen, which would have raised even more questions that none of them would be able to answer. He was glad that they were excited about the idea of one day visiting that universe, even if they knew nothing about it, but decided that he would have to keep the truth of their origins to himself for the moment.

Maybe one day they would be ready to know that they came from the only universe that didn't have a God of Destruction and the fact that they wouldn't be able to go home without one being present... which meant that he would have more time with them.

When Whis and Chronoa returned to them, with the items that Whis had said that he was going to pick up, Chronoa told them that she could handle being in the presence of one God of Destruction, namely Beerus, though when two were involved she always left the area. She also told them, namely Rainbow and Applejack, that Beerus and Champa were known to hit each other every now and them, usually breaking something when their energies collided, and that she didn't want to be around them in case it happened. She was, however, pleased to find out that nothing bad had happened while the Destroyer from Universe Six had been on the planet, which she guessed was because his attendant had been focused on the girls the entire time.

With everyone in attendance once more Whis opened the lid of the box and revealed what Vados had left for them, which turned out to be a small selection of treats like ice cream, candy bars, and some sort of drink that Beerus had never seen before. He carefully picked the small container up, to which he found that it had some instructions on it, and wondered what sort of snake required directions in order to enjoy it. He shrugged and shook it for a few seconds, noticing the looks of confusion on everyone else's faces, before bringing it to a stop and pulling open the top of the container. What happened next was a rush of brownish colored liquid that sprayed him in the face, though everyone around him couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

Beerus should have expected something like that from his brother, because he was pretty sure that it was Champa that had put the container in the box to begin with, but he eventually let out a sigh, crushed the container with his fist, and made his way back to the temple so he could quickly get rid of the liquid before it dried.

As their father went to dry himself off Rainbow and Applejack sampled some of the items that had been left in the box, finding that there was enough inside the box for ten people to snake on at least, which meant that Vados took their father's appetite into consideration while she had been packing everything up. As they ate their samples they asked Whis what some of the stuff was, considering that he knew the other God of Destruction and his choice of snacks as well as their father did. Of course that meant that he didn't know everything that was inside the box, though Chronoa was able to supply a few names here and there, to which she admitted that she had been watching a certain number of worlds a little too frequently lately while letting one of their names slip out on accident.

"You said the planet's name was Earth?" Applejack asked, as she was curious as to what was so special about the planet that Chronoa had mentioned, because it meant that she wasn't here with them and their father all the time.

"I did," Chronoa said, though she was glad that she hadn't said the other planet's name, otherwise she was sure that there would be a never ending stream of questions that she'd never be able to fully answer, "Is something bothering you Applejack?"

"I'm just wondering why you like to watch this Earth, that's all," Applejack said, though even as she said it she had to wonder if Chronoa had finally found someone that might actually entertain their father.

Chronoa looked back at the temple for a moment, to be sure that Lord Beerus wasn't around them or coming out of his temple, because this was a surprise that she wanted to keep hidden for as long as she could. She suspected that Applejack had already figured out why she was looking at Earth all the time, though anyone could figure the reason out if they knew Beerus as well as she or Whis did. It was true that there were several people on that planet that had a decent amount of power backing them, though the truth was that the individual that she was watching at the moment was on another planet that was far away from Earth. She was sure that the warrior would be the one to help Lord Beerus with his boredom, but until she knew whether she was right or not she wanted to keep it a secret. She already knew that Whis would keep anything she told him a secret unless she told him otherwise, but she didn't know if it was wise to tell the girls just yet.

In the end she decided that Applejack wouldn't let go of the question until she had answers, so she only hoped that she and Rainbow would keep it to themselves until the time was right.

"Can the two of you keep a secret?" Chronoa asked, though she cast a glance at Whis and caught a brief nod in her direction, which was what she was hoping for.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." the girls said in unison, though then they looked at each other in confusion, as if they had no idea why they had said those words to begin with.

Chronoa was also confused by their statement, so she decided to look towards Whis for some sort of explanation, seeing how he had spent a lot of time with them recently, but he merely shook his head.

"I believe its some sort of binding phrase," Whis simply said, staring at the confused girls for a moment, before turning back to the Supreme Kai of Time, "meaning that they'll keep the secret to themselves or something will happen if they reveal it... though I'm not sure I want to know what that 'something' is."

"Okay then..." Chronoa said, before shaking her head and regaining her composure, "The reason I've been watching Earth lately is because I think I may have found someone that could entertain your father... though the person is only a baby at the moment. Its going to be some time before he's ready to face Lord Beerus, so I need the both of you to not tell your father anything... not until I'm one hundred percent sure that I found the right person."

Rainbow and Applejack shared a look with each other, because if Chronoa was correct than the person that she was watching would eventually grow into a warrior that could entertain their father... and maybe even make him use his full power for once. They understood why she would want to keep this a secret, because if Beerus found out about the warrior he'd go to this Earth and likely obliterate it before the warrior was he required age that Chronoa had seen. In the end the girls decided to keep the secret to themselves, much to the delight of Chronoa and Whis, allowing them to get back to what they were doing at the moment.

Chronoa, of course, was pleased that the girls had bought what she had told them, because it meant that she wouldn't have to answer many questions about the warrior... not that she was going to considering who was walking their way once more.

Beerus rejoined the four of them a minute later, now completely clean of the liquid, and together the five of them spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and digging into whatever Champa and Vados had left for them... though Whis also made them run laps around the planet when they had a little too much of the sweet snacks. Neither of the girls minded the extra exercise, considering that their training had been derailed with their uncle's arrival, so they didn't argue with Whis and ran their laps. They both knew that in a day or two they would be training again to make up for their lost time and they were definitely excited to eventually reach the ki manipulation that everyone was talking about.

Though even as they ran down the pathway that they trained on they couldn't help but wonder who the warrior that Chronoa had seen was... and if they would ever get the chance to face him in battle before he fought their father.

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