• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Saiyan: Son Goku

"You know Krillin, you could have warned us about that attack before they unleashed it," Piccolo commented, though he kept his eyes on Nappa, who was trying to keep himself standing after all the damage he had taken, "I would have hated to get caught up in something like that... especially considering how much damage it caused."

"Warn you? I had no idea that they even had that move to begin with," Krillin replied, looking at his companion for a moment, shocked that Piccolo believed that he knew about such an attack ahead of time, before turning to Applejack, "We could have saved Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha if your sister had loosed that attack much sooner."

"Neither of us even knew if Rainbow was even capable of pulling it off after twenty-three years of enchanted sleep," Applejack stated, keeping her eyes on Nappa the entire time, making sure that he didn't pull any funny business while they were talking, "the lance is an incredibly dangerous attack, as you just witnessed, and it places a lot of stress on Rainbow's body at the moment. Look, we can go over the specifics of the attack later... for now we should focus on taking Nappa out before he does something else."

Applejack knew that Nappa wouldn't be able to stand much longer, not with that wound in his shoulder slowing him down, so it was a simple matter of taking him down before Vegeta bothered to lend him his aid. That was the fight that she was concerned about, because there was no way of telling how much stronger their friend had become since the last time they had seen him. She had to admit that she was nervous about fighting Vegeta, especially considering that he knew all of her tricks and tactics, but she was going to have to try her hardest to beat him when the time came.

"You know, I was having a great time beating all of you weaklings, and then this happened," Nappa growled, tapping his wound for a moment, before expanding his energy and cracking the ground around him, "Now I'm mad, and now that means that all of you are going to die... starting with that rainbow haired girl."

That was seconds before Applejack rushed Nappa, sidestepped the punch that came her way, and threw her left leg into his chest, knocking the wind out of him and forcing him to take a step back. Before he was able to regain his footing, and throw an attack her way, Piccolo appeared right behind him and punched his jaw, throwing him off balance. That was rapidly followed by two bursts of ki energy, from Krillin and Gohan, closing in on his location and detonation on impact, though at this point all they were really doing was building on the wound that Rainbow had dealt. They all knew that it would still take some time for them to stop Nappa, without Vegeta interfering with the fight anyway, but now that he had been taken down a notch it made the fight much easier for all of them.

Even Gohan, who had been passive for most of the fights, landed a blow on Nappa, as he burst into the space in front of the Saiyan and slammed his foot into the man's head, knocking him into another of the pillars around the area, though that only served to infuriate Nappa more than he already was.

After receiving a few more hits, and realizing that he was out outnumbered and lacking in power, Nappa spotted Rainbow moving towards one of the stone pillars, though she was slow from the amount of power she had poured into that strange and overpowered attack. He looked at the four people who were coming his way, each apparently going to play a part of whatever plan they had constructed behind his back, and decided to remove the pest before she managed to regain enough power to use that ki attack again. Ki danced around his hand as he ignored the pain in his shoulder and dodged the attacks that were coming his way, though he knew that he couldn't give them another opening or he was finished.

At one point he jumped into the air and flew away from the fighters that were chasing him, to which he locked his gaze onto the exhausted girl and summoned his ki into his hand, before loosing a large ki blast that raced right towards her. Rainbow looked at the ki blast as it came at her, as if she was preparing for its eventful arrival, though before it could touch her something appeared between her and it, which was followed by the ki blast being diverted from its path and connecting with a rock pillar to the left of where Rainbow was currently standing. The pillar was quickly destroyed the moment the ki blast came into contact with it, though everyone stopped moving and waited for the smoke to clear, to which they noticed that there was a new arrival on the battlefield.

Rainbow noticed that the new arrival appeared to be as tall as Piccolo was, not counting the spiky black hair, and happened to be wearing an orange colored gi with a dark blue undershirt. At first she thought it was another human, like Krillin, but then Piccolo and the others came over and smiled at the newcomer, telling her that this was the person that they had all been waiting for the entire time. She even noticed that the man happened to have a pouch of some kind on his belt, which meant that whatever was inside of it had to be important for the man to carry it in such a manner.

"Its good to see you Goku," Piccolo said, turning his gaze back to Nappa, who seemed concerned for his chances at this point, "Its a shame you didn't arrive sooner, because we could have used your help in dealing with he Saiyan that killed your friends."

"I know... Mr. Popo told me everything while we watched that attack go off," Goku replied, causing everyone that knew him to turn to him in shock for a moment.

"Wait... you were here the whole time?" Krillin asked, annoyed that their friend could have been standing around the area they were in and had been watching them all fight and die at the hands of Nappa.

"No, I arrived a minute or two before that massive explosion happened," Goku explained, looking around the area for a moment, his eyes looking at the damage that had followed the attack, "I was halfway down Snake Way when Mr. Popo arrived on his magic carpet and told me to get on, and then the next thing I knew we were on one of the nearby plateaus, watching some sort of ki attack cause, well, this."

Goku was referring to the Lookout sized hole in the ground, where Nappa had been laying a few minutes ago, though it was clear that he was somewhat surprised by the scale of destruction that had been caused. Piccolo had to admit it, but he, along with everyone else, were still shocked about the fact that all of that had been caused by one simple attack, while at the same time he was surprised that Nappa was still standing. After a few seconds everyone turned back to Goku, who was apparently looking for someone, though that was before his eyes landed on Rainbow, who was still staring at him.

"So, I take it that you are the one that created that hole?" Goku asked, his eyes once again darting to the crater, though he was still showing his surprise towards the damage that had been done.

"I will not be ignored by the likes off you!" Nappa shouted, causing everyone to look at him for a moment, though all they saw was a wounded fighter that was trying to impress his superior at this point, "I've got more than enough energy left to slaughter all of you... and then we'll take your precious Dragon Balls and wish for our immortality!"

"Wait, that was why you came to Earth? Just so you could make a wish on the Dragon Balls?" Piccolo asked, though it was clear to Rainbow and Applejack that he knew more about the mysterious crystalline spheres than they did.

"Well, that's not the only reason," Nappa remarked, grinning as he stared right at Goku, "I also came to this planet to have some fun, beat up some weaklings, and then avenge Raditz's death... before making our wish, killing off the rest of the survivors, and then sell the planet to a galactic tyrant for mass profit."

"And you were trying to kill Piccolo the entire time?" Goku inquired, one again informing the girls that the warriors of Earth knew something that they didn't.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Nappa replied, though his tone definitely made it seem like he was somewhat curious about their line of questioning, while at the same time Vegeta raised one of his eyebrows as he listened to them.

"Well, if you killed him then Kami would have died as well," Goku said, though that was followed by Piccolo holding up a hand to stop Nappa from interrupting the explanation, "and if that happened then the Dragon Balls would be unusable by anyone, be it you or me. So basically, if you had killed Piccolo neither of you would have been able to get your wish. Besides, no one can use the Dragon Balls for another year anyway, not when some of my other friends gathered them to wish me back to life... so I could beat the two of you and save this world."

Vegeta was, once again, annoyed with Nappa, because in the oaf's haste to have 'fun' he had almost brought about the destruction of the Dragon Balls, to which he would have likely snapped and killed Nappa outright without a second thought. Even if such a scenario had happened, and this world's set of Dragon Balls had become useless stones, there was always Planet Namek, where the Namekians and the legend about their wish granting spheres resided. It was at this point that he was glad that he had turned off the communicator function of his scouter, because handing over such a valuable piece of information to Frieza would likely be the death of hundreds of additional worlds and the loss of billions of lives.

The thought of handing Frieza the keys to immortality chilled Vegeta to the bone, because he had already seen several different horrors that the tyrant visited upon the various worlds that he controlled... and he had the suspicion that he was definitely the one responsible for the destruction of his home world.

"Well then, its a good thing that the Namekian is alive," Nappa stated, dragging Vegeta out of his thoughts once more, "I guess that means that I'll just have to knock him out while I'm killing the rest of you!"

That was quickly followed by Goku appearing above Nappa's head and swinging his leg into his face, delivering a powerful kick that knocked the Saiyan off of his feet and set him soaring into the plateau that was behind him, where he was buried by rocks as Goku returned to the others.

"I will fight you in a minute... once I have finished talking to my friends," Goku called out to where Nappa was buried, before turning back to the new faces, "Sorry about the interruption, but we would never have gotten anywhere with that guy talking. My name is Son Goku, I am a Saiyan that lives on Earth an I'm also Gohan's father."

"A pleasure to meet you, Son Goku. This is my sister, Rainbow Dash," Applejack replied, beckoning to her sister for a moment, who seemed to be in awe of how quickly Goku had moved a few seconds ago, before she tipped her hat towards Goku, "I am Applejack."

"You know, I'd comment on your weird names, but I won't." Goku said, a smile appearing on his face as he pulled off the pouch he had been carrying, while as the same time he turned to face Rainbow, "I know a fair amount of people that have weird names, so I'm already used to it. I take it you used up all of your ki to use that attack earlier?"

"Y... Yeah, the lance takes a few minutes to charge while gathering a large amount of my ki," Rainbow replied, surprised that the Saiyan wanted to talk to her at the moment, "In my current state I won't be of much use to you... though it seems that you might not need our help with Nappa, not with how strong you are."

"Well, you should take one of these anyway," Goku firmly said, to which he pulled a green colored bean out of the pouch and placed it in her hand, before turning to the others, "Who else needs a Senzu Bean? Mr. Popo and I stopped by Korin's before we came here and he gave me this pouch, which had seven when he gave it to me. He also gave me another one to for myself, so I could recover from my run down Snake Way and be prepared for the fight with the Saiyans."

"We should all take one anyway," Piccolo said, turning to Applejack, Krillin, and Gohan while he spoke, "We have used up quite a bit of energy while fighting Nappa and I'm sure that we'll need everything we have in order to defeat Vegeta."

"So what do these do exactly?" Applejack asked, though she stared at the bean in he hand while she spoke, knowing that she and Rainbow weren't about to eat them until they knew what they wee getting themselves into.

"Senzu Beans are mystical beans with immense rejuvenation properties," Krillin explained, tossing his bean into his mouth and chewed on it for a few seconds, though once he swallowed it he seemed completely energized and ready to take on the world, "basically they can heal your wounds and restore your stamina."

Applejack and Rainbow shared a look with each other, as if they didn't buy into the whole thing, but then decided that there really wasn't much reason for Krillin to mislead them... save for the fact that he believed that they might have known about Nappa and Vegeta's arrival ahead of time. Applejack tossed her bean into her mouth and chewed on it for a couple of seconds, though once she swallowed it she could definitely feel all of the energy she had lost return, allowing her to fight at one hundred percent again. She looked back at Rainbow and found that her sister had already eaten her Senzu Bean, because she was standing straight and didn't seem to be in any sort of pain.

"You know, they may taste like a cross between an uncooked bean and a celery stalk," Rainbow commented, stretching her arms and legs to be sure that the effects were real, to which she smiled as her ki danced around her body for a brief second before disappearing, "but I have to admit that those rejuvenation properties are the best I have ever seen... despite the fact that they are the only item I have seen with those properties."

Vegeta, who had been patiently waiting for Nappa to erupt out of the ruined plateau and charge the group of fighters again, watched as everyone, save for Kakarot, ate what appeared to be some sort of bean. His scouter indicated that all of them were returning to how they had been when they started fighting Nappa, which was actually great news for him. Now they could finish off the oaf and rid the universe of his existence... and then Vegeta would stop them from attacking him and explain why he had come to this planet. Nappa had been right about fighting Kakarot, because Vegeta was actually interested in the level of power that he had obtained since his encounter with his brother Raditz, but it was merely for curiosity at this point.

Nappa had also been completely wrong about the wish he wanted to make on the Dragon Balls, though Vegeta wouldn't lie about the temptation of immortality always being an option. Vegeta's wish, if he ever got the change to make one on the spheres, was to try and bring back his home world... along with the rest of his race, including his father. If there was one thing in the universe that Vegeta hated, even more than Nappa and his idiocy, it was the fact that his race was dying, with him, his brother Tarble, Kakarot, and Nappa being the only pure blooded Saiyans left in the entire universe. What Vegeta wanted as to see if the Dragon Balls had the power to bring back his home world and his race, though it seemed like it would be some time before he got around to answering that question.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the sound of stones shifting, to which he turned to the shattered plateau and watched as Nappa finally pulled himself from the wreckage, before he bothered to walk up to where Vegeta was standing. It was clear that the oaf wanted another change to kill all of his enemies, save for the Namekian considering what would happen if he died, but Vegeta knew that his idiotic companion had no idea what had transpired while he was knocked out.

"You know you won't survive if you attack them again," Vegeta commented, causing Nappa to turn towards him for a moment, to which he tapped his scouter, seeing how Nappa's was either destroyed or missing at this point, "All of them are at one hundred percent again... so to fight them now would mean your death."

"I've still got one last trick left up my sleeve... if the situation requires it anyway," Nappa replied, though that was followed by the end of his tail, which was still wrapped up like a belt, twitching for a bit, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some weaklings to kill."

As Vegeta walked Nappa walk towards the group, and likely get himself killed in the process, his mind turned to what the oaf had said about having one last trick up his sleeve. It didn't take Vegeta long to determine that Nappa had been referring to the Great Ape transformation, though he actually had to smile when he realized that their opponents had already removed their own moon. The celestial orb was no longer in the sky, and he was sure that he hadn't seen it when they breached the planet's atmosphere, so that meant that Nappa would never be able to change form without using the special technique that would create an artificial moon... and Nappa had no idea how to even use the technique.

This time Nappa was going to die a very painful death, at the hands of some Earthlings, a Namekian, another Saiyan, and two girls who were part pony... and Vegeta was going to be mentally laughing the entire time.

"So you still want to fight us, after everything that's happened to you," Goku commented, watching the injured Saiyan approach them, to which he handed the pouch to Krillin and stepped forward, "Very well then, I accept your challenge."

"I'm going to hit you so hard your little brat is going to feel the pain," Nappa growled, though his ki was flickering all over his body as he prepared himself, "I'm going to go full on now, no more holding back. I'm going to hit you with everything I have... and then I'm going to send you to the Next World so you can rejoin your friends!"

Nappa charged at Goku and swung his fist at him, though Goku chose an odd response to that attack when he jumped over the arm that was coming his way and landed, with both feet no less, on top of Nappa's head. Nappa, annoyed and pissed off, tried to grab Goku, who simply jumped forward and moved to the side, basically forcing his opponent to follow him as he moved away from his friends. He didn't want the bald Saiyan to take advantage of anyone while they were fighting, though he expected his opponent to have something tricky for when he was truly desperate.

Due to his weakened nature Nappa left himself open several times, though Goku, who could have finished the fight instantly by using any of them, didn't touch those openings at all. Now that he was actually fighting the man responsible for the deaths of his friends, as it was clear that his companion had yet to dirty his hands, he felt his earlier anger returning to him. It didn't help that Nappa was constantly mentioning their deaths to him while they exchanged blows, in an effort to make him slip up and get himself hurt, though that was eventually followed by Goku slamming his fist into Nappa's jaw and knocking into the ground. As Nappa pulled himself out of the ground, and flexed his arms and legs in an effort to show none of his attacks had phased him, Goku landed nearby and stared at the Saiyan.

"You know, you aren't as great as the rainbow haired girl," Nappa commented, staring into Goku's eyes while he spoke, "I mean, she was able to harness a power the likes of which I have never seen before... once that was able to blow most of my armor to pieces in one attack. You, on the other hand, are nothing but a pest that I need to get rid of... just like all of your worthless friends."

Goku, deciding that he had heard quite enough from the Saiyan, decided to let his ki mix with his anger, which surrounded his body and let the earth shake around him for a few seconds, kicking some loose stones into the air while he did so. Nappa seemed surprised by what he was doing, though at the same time Vegeta merely focused on his scouter, reading whatever it was showing him and appearing to not care about the fight anymore. After a few more seconds of his energy surrounding his body Goku let out a small scream, one of anger, and cut off both his ki and his rage, to which the stones stayed in the air for a moment before finally falling back to the ground.

Everyone who could sense energy, which happened to be Goku's friends, Rainbow, and Applejack, were amazed by how strong he was, in comparison to what had happened earlier anyway, while Nappa seemed to be a little confused, as he turned to look at Vegeta for a moment.

"Vegeta!" Nappa declared, as if he was trying to be as dramatic as possible, which was the only way he could get his companion's attention at this point, "What does the scouter say about his power level?"

Vegeta actually grinned as Nappa asked the question, because his scouter had actually recorded a high power level coming from Kakarot before he stopped, though he could give Nappa some fear before his existence was finally erased.

"Its... over NINE THOUSAND!!!" Vegeta shouted, though to add to the drama he pulled off his scouter and crushed it, but the amount he said definitely worried Nappa.

"What... nine thousand? That's impossible..." Nappa said, though he could hear Goku's friends declaring their joy in discovering how powerful their friend had become.

"If you think that's hard to wrap your head around, and I'm sure it is for someone like you, then you'll love this next bit," Vegeta replied, wiping the scouter bits off of his hand before pointing a finger over at Rainbow, "You remember the lance that pierced your shoulder and destroyed your armor? Her power level was between eight to ten thousand right before she loosed that attack... so in other words Nappa, you are completely screwed."

"No, I refuse to go out like this!" Nappa growled, glaring at Goku while he and his friends watched what he was doing, though at that exact moment an idea came to him, "Well, I guess that I really don't have much of a choice this time... I think its time to let loose the Great Apes and just kill them all."

"You can't do that Nappa, there's no moon," Vegeta told his companion, though now he crossed his arms and resumed his previous posture, before Nappa had interrupted his thoughts on the fight, "and no, we can't use the pods either, not with both of our scouters reduced to nothing more than pieces."

"What about that Power Ball technique you've got?" Nappa asked, knowing that they were running out of options to access their true power, which he desperately needed if he wanted to survive this fight.

Vegeta already knew that the technique was the only way Nappa was going to be able to access his Great Ape form, which would likely kill all of their opponents and destroy the Dragon Balls at the same time. All of the people that Nappa was fight had a power level that was below four thousand, so if Nappa accessed his full power, and multiplied by ten due to his Great Ape form, the only one that would be able to stop him would be Vegeta in his own enhanced state. As far as he could tell Kakarot didn't have his tail or any power boosting technique, and his son definitely didn't have his tail either, so loosing the Great Ape would ensure both victory and defeat at the same time.

Nappa was so caught up in finishing the fight, and surviving it, that he had forgotten that they had come here for the Dragon Balls, though it only pissed Vegeta off, because the oaf was planning on destroying them by killing the Namekian.

"Nope, not going to use that either," Vegeta finally replied, beckoning to the fight that Nappa was trying to get out of, to which the oaf started walking towards his opponent, "now why don't you go fight Kakarot... and at least die with a small amount of your honor intact."

Nappa stopped in mid step when he heard Vegeta mention his death, because that meant that no matter what he did in this fight, save for becoming a Great Ape, he was going to die and that was apparently what his companion wanted. Nappa stared at Kakarot for a moment, though his mind was flashing back to every fight that he and Vegeta had taken on, where he was always the first one to fight. He recalled some battles where he could have died had he not saved himself with some great thinking, all while Vegeta stood there and watched with a frown on his face. All this time he had assumed that Vegeta had been displeased with the people that Nappa was fighting, as if he was disappointed in how weak they were... but now he understood the truth; Vegeta wanted him dead.

He knew that Vegeta could call upon the Power Ball and was denying him access to his full power, but then Nappa grinned as he remembered that he had learned the ability behind Vegeta's back, just in case there ever came a time where he wasn't around Vegeta when he loosed the ball into the sky.

"You know, I've been going easy on all of you," Nappa said, finally setting his foot on the ground, while he held his right hand up and started gathering some of his ki into a ball, "but now I'm going to definitely go all out and kill all of you... and this time I'm going to crush the rainbow haired girl under my boot until she is nothing but a broken corpse."

That was seconds before a boot came into contact with the right side of his head, effectively sending him flying into one of the plateaus while also dropping the Power Ball he had been forming, allowing it to roll for a few seconds. Vegeta then extended a hand towards the ball and loosed a ki blast at it, destroying it before it could be used to induce the Great Ape transformation. Nappa erupted from the stone and stared down at his companion, who was now standing closer to the people he had been fighting the entire time, before growling and scanning the surrounding area for someplace where he could be uninterrupted until he loosed his Power Ball. He noticed what appeared to be a desert like area, with plateaus like this area, off in the distance and grinned, because it would prove to be the perfect place for him to hide until he was ready to destroy them all.

Nappa then took off and left the people behind, knowing that they would try and track him down, so they could stop him and end his existence, but this time he would be ready for them.

"Dammit, he's still going to try the transformation," Vegeta commented, keeping his eyes on Nappa as he flew away from the area, "Kakarot, is there anyone here that is familiar with the Great Ape transformation?"

"That's when a Saiyan becomes a massive ape by looking at the full moon right?" Piccolo stated, causing everyone, save Vegeta, to look at him for a moment, "What? It happened to Gohan while I was training him for the arrival of the Saiyans... and I'm pretty sure Goku might have some memories about what happened afterword when it happened to him."

"Wait, you can transform into a massive ape?" Applejack asked, looking at her friend for a moment, though she was shocked to hear this piece of information, "Why didn't you tell us about that when we were kids... I mean when you were a kid and we were training with you?"

"To be honest I kind of forgot to mention it," Vegeta said, though this was the one time he decided to lie to his friends, as he hadn't told them out of fear of being rejected by his only friends at the time, "but at least some of you know what we are dealing with. I know most of you hate me, and I can guess why, but if we don't stop Nappa soon he'll use that Power Ball of his and become a Great Ape... though we could always cut off his tail if he managed to change forms."

"Why are you telling us this?" Krillin asked, knowing that anything they learned from dealing with Nappa, about the Great Apes anyway, could be used against Vegeta when it came time to fight him.

"Because as much as I dislike weaklings, of which you are one of them, I hate Nappa even more than you," Vegeta replied, though this time he lifted himself into the air and kept his eyes on Nappa, "Look, we can go over my hatreds and dislikes until the end of the world, or we can follow Nappa and hopefully stop this before he transforms... though I have the feeling I know who will come with me without me even having to ask them."

Rainbow and Applejack grinned as they levitated up to where Vegeta was currently floating, somewhat glad that they were able to fight alongside their friend once more, before the three of them turned in the direction that Nappa was heading in and followed after them. The others, however, looked at each other in confusion, each wondering if they should follow after the group or if they should stay put and tend to their friends' bodies.

"Are we sure that we can trust him?" Krillin commented, because at the moment he was worried that this was all a trick to lower their guards, so the two Saiyans could kill them all.

"He hates Nappa, that much is for sure," Piccolo replied, though he had a smile on his face the entire time, "but those girls trust him... and for some strange reason I am inclined to believe that they are making the right choice. We may not like Vegeta, not after what happened to our friends, but right now it appears that he's thinking about the millions of innocent lives that are at stake if Nappa transforms. I'm going to follow them as well."

"I'm not about to let you have all the fun," Goku added, stretching his arms as the entire group, including Krillin and Gohan, levitated into the sky and followed after the trio that was following Nappa.

It didn't take the two groups long to follow Nappa into the area that he had chosen to hide in, though with all of the caves around the area they all knew that it would take some time to find out where he was hiding. Despite the fact that Vegeta wanted to prevent the Great Ape transformation, and finally get rid of Nappa, he had to admit that this was the perfect place for a transformation if a Saiyan was trying to destroy an entire planet's population. Vegeta knew that some of the members of his race liked to end entire species, and those were the types of Saiyans he disliked, but he knew that this was a spot one of them would have picked.

"Hey Applejack, Rainbow," Vegeta said, causing the two girls to turn towards him for a moment, "Can you still sense energy and possibly trace it back to wherever Nappa is hiding?"

"We're still suffering from twenty-three years in an enchanted sleep," Applejack replied, though it was clear that she and Rainbow were already trying what he had said, "but we'll give it a shot."

Vegeta nodded and turned around, to which he briefly told the others that had followed them what they were doing before they all separated and started their search for Nappa. He wanted to be sure that the oaf was taken care of before something terrible happened, though for some odd reason he had the feeling that they were going to be too late. That feeling left him with the desire to blow the entire area up and just kill Nappa before he had a chance to loose the Power Ball, though at the same time he knew that they could always fall back on Rainbow's lance if they really needed it.

After a few minutes of searching the area, and failing to find Nappa, Vegeta spotted a Power Ball heading towards the sky, to which he loosed a ki blast at it and blew it up, preventing the transformation from even happening.

"What now Nappa? You have failed once again!" Vegeta called out, though the Power Ball gave the area that Nappa was hiding in, where they could end this madness and get on with their lives, "Now, let's finish this song and dance..."

Vegeta stopped before he could complete his statement, as he noticed one of the caves cracked and buckled as something started to tear its way out of its earthy prison. It was impossible for Nappa to have achieved the transformation when the Power Ball was destroyed, but when he thought about it, and the number of balls the oaf had created so far, he wondered if Nappa had actually made a smart move to create a third ball for himself, using the second to stall them while he used the second one to empower himself. If that was the case, and he seriously hoped that it wasn't, then Nappa would have likely shattered the final ball to prevent both him and Kakarot's son from changing as well... which meant that he was planning on keeping them occupied the entire time.

His thoughts were interrupted as the cave shattered as a massive ape tore through the rock itself, though one only had to look at the wound on its shoulder, now healed to the point where a scar was left behind, to know that this was Nappa. The man turned ape was now standing as tall as the building that Nappa's pod had hit when the oaf had landed in the unfortunate city, which he had destroyed seconds later. The brown furred ape stared down at them with its red eyes, flashing them with its razor sharp teeth as Nappa started to laugh, as if he thought he was the king of the world or something.

"Now Nappa is the king of the world!" Nappa declared, turning his gaze on Vegeta and the others as he flashed them a smile with his new teeth, "And my first task is to kill all of you... starting with you, Vegeta."

Vegeta and the others dropped into their battle stances, because now that Nappa had transformed the only way they could possibly beat him is if he did the same thing as well... though Nappa's statement basically told him that he was the oaf's first target, no doubt to prevent him from creating another Power Ball and using it to change either himself or Kakarot's son into Great Apes. They were going to have to be smart so they could avoid being crushed by Nappa, because there was no telling what the oaf was going to do now that he had changed... though Vegeta had the terrible feeling that his day was about to go from bad to worse.

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