• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Celebration and the Future

When the Z Warriors and their friends returned to Earth at long last, after witnessing the fight between three of the toughest mortals in the entire universe and the Supreme Kai of Time, several things happened in rapid succession, though most of the group saw them coming. The first was that Mizuna had to return to the Other World, as the group had spent the majority of the day traveling through space, though she did spend some time with Vegeta and his family before Baba came to take her back to the Other World. The second event that occurred was that Bulma declared that in two days, at noon, she was planning on throwing a party for their victory over Champa's team of fighters, to celebrate the fact that they kept their home in Universe 7. Jaco stated that he fully intended to purchase something special for the party, something that would be rush delivered but would be worth the price, but he refused to say what it was and didn't want to ruin the surprise, to which everyone, save for the children, stopped bothering him about it.

Beerus, Chronoa, Whis, and the girls returned to Beerus' planet while Shin, Kibito, and the Old Kai returned to their planet, promising that they would come back at the specified time to partake in the celebration, though Beerus intended on spending his time with Chronoa. That left Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale to do whatever they wanted, though since night was fast approaching when they returned to their father's temple the girls simply relaxed for an hour before heading to bed, as they knew that training would come in the morning and that they should be prepared for it. Beerus and Chronoa, however, moved into Beerus' bedroom and stayed there all night long, though Whis left them along and didn't bother them until the following morning... where the two gods overslept again, much to his amusement when they finally did get up and head downstairs to meet their daughters for breakfast.

Sure enough the day was spent teaching Rainbow and Applejack about the various roles that their specific roles would be, whenever they were chosen to take up being a God of Destruction and a Kaioshin, but the girls were happy to continue their learning. Chronoa knew that the girls longed to go back to Universe 13 and reunite with their friends once more, but it appeared that they were taking their studies seriously and wouldn't stop unless someone told them that they were taking the day off. What surprised her, however, was the fact that neither of the girls wanted to spare with her now that they knew she was much stronger than they originally thought she was, but she kept her eyes open in case they surprised her at some point in the future.

Rainbow and Applejack, however, were likewise surprised to discover that their mother was still using her more mature form, indicating that their father must have convinced her overnight to wear it for longer so she could get a good feel for it or come to a decision based on something they said. When they thought about it they both decided that it wasn't their business to say what their mother looked like, because they liked their parents being happy and if their father could make their mother happy, by liking a form she admitted that she didn't like all that much and change her opinion on it, then they were perfectly fine with what was happening. It still felt strange for them to look at their mother for a few, as they weren't used to this new form of hers, but they did their best to not interfere with what their father was doing and smiled at their mother as she walked by.

What really surprised them, and not their father or Whis, was when training started and Chronoa stepped forward to battle them, though the rule was that they would all fight on the same level and, if both Beerus and Whis deemed it necessary for further advancement, they would all use their full power at the same time. Chronoa had designed her specific training methods to let the girls see the various fighting techniques she had seen over the seventy-five million years she had been alive, just in case they encountered someone that used one of them, and was pleased to find that they were quick to study her movements. They couldn't accurately hit her, since they had next to no experience fighting her and she was taking this much more seriously than her battle the previous day, but it still proved to be a good challenge for the girls and their various skills.

Chronoa had also devised this method to make sure that she didn't face Rainbow's Lightning Lance, as that thing had to be hard to contain with her powers, but she didn't want to test that theory out at all, just in case something went wrong and she got really hurt in the process... though even as the girls agreed with that point she knew that she could heal herself quickly, but kept that to herself as well.

The greatest surprise Chronoa had for the girls, however, was when their training for the day was finished and they took a seat in the shade to relax, only to glance up at the sky above them as both their mother and their father started sparring with each other. Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale couldn't believe what they were seeing, as their mother usually never helped in the battle aspect of training before and she never, not even once, lifted a fist or hand towards their father, and yet she was sparring with him while they watched. Since Chronoa admitted to knowing the battle techniques of a good number of warriors and fighters, drawn from her vast experience, the girls weren't surprised to see their mother fight using their father's style... what they were surprised by was the fact that she was so skilled in mimicking his movements, making it seem like two Destroyer Gods were fighting each other, especially when the reality was different than what was happening before their eyes.

When the sparring match was over Chronoa admitted that the only way she could possibly beat Beerus in a fair fight was if they both used their full powers, even though she knew that she would have a hard time doing what she did the previous day to the love of her life. Sure, she could stop him by kissing him and then blasting him, but she hated such a tactic and said that a fair fight would be what Beerus deserved, if the two of them ever got serious about such a thing, but the two of them laughed and the rest of the day quickly passed by them. That was because after their training sessions the girls were free to do whatever they desired, though they spent the day relaxing as a family, as the following day they would all gather with their friends and celebrate their victory.

When the day of Bulma's party arrived Beerus called off any training he and the girls had planned, let them relax for the first few hours of the morning, before they gathered together near Whis and surged off into space, where they began their journey back to Earth. It took them the same amount of time that it took them to reach the Earth, but they spent the time simply talking about Hit and the other fighters that Goku and the others had fought, giving Rainbow and Applejack a chance to discuss what they had seen since they never had a chance to do so. Beerus did it so he could hear what the girls thought about the Universe 6 fighters, especially since he knew that at some point in the future they might have to act on Zeno-sama's promise of a universal tournament.

Truthfully Beerus dreaded such a thing, because there was no telling what Zeno-sama would do to the universes that were knocked out of the tournament, as he could easily erase those that lost, but he didn't let his worry show and smiled at his daughters as they arrived on Earth... or, more specifically, outside the Capsule Corp building.

Once they arrived at their destination they discovered that the majority of their group of friends had arrived, where Buu was sitting by himself and was already chowing down as the others waited for the party to start, though that was followed by Beerus noticing that Goku was absent at the moment. According to Chi Chi, who had been asked the question by Bulma shortly after Beerus and his family arrived, Goku was still working in the field with Vegeta, who was trying to experience what Goku went through when he was younger and was learning from Master Roshi. Apparently the two of them would come when they finished with the work that Chi Chi had left them, though before they got the party started, as the Saiyans could easily catch up with them, Jaco looked into the sky and noticed a space vehicle coming towards where they were all gathered... to which he smiled and left his seat, indicating that this was the special order he had placed a rush order on two days ago.

"The most popular sweets in the entire universe have arrived!" Jaco said, to which Beerus glanced over at the vehicle as it landed and the driver disembarked from it, though he raised an eyebrow as he recognized the person who owned the vehicle and the content's of Jaco's delivery, "I got this arranged for the party."

The person in question was a short and slender red skinned alien that hailed from Planet Wagashi, one that he hadn't told Rainbow and Applejack about because they hadn't reached that planet in their studies yet, but he planned on informing them about Wagashi in the future. The person had a wide and chubby head with pointy ears, a small, upturned nose, and large nipples that Beerus preferred not to talk about, because it was odd to begin with, but fortunately no one was focusing on that, as they were more interested in the snacks Jaco had bought. This was Monaka, one of the galactic deliverymen that took orders and delivered whatever items had been bought to the location on the order, and Beerus had maybe one interaction with him in the past... but he decided to let Monaka go about his business and not bother him.

Monaka, dressed up in his work uniform, pulled off his hat and bowed towards Jaco for a few seconds, indicating that he knew who the delivery was for, before standing straight once more as he and Jaco finished the paperwork and started moving the sweets into a pile, where they can be accessed later.

While those two were busy Goku and Vegeta appeared nearby, thanks to the Instant Transmission again, and Goku was wearing his gi, as it was his casual clothing, while Vegeta had a bag that Bulma had designed slung across his back while he was wearing real casual clothing and not his armor. Before doing anything else Vegeta headed into the building and made sure that the work clothes he had worn were put somewhere where the sweat wouldn't be smelt until he was ready to deal with it. He then returned to the party and the group got started, where Goku insisted that, at some point in the future, he and the girls spar, as he desperately wanted to see how much stronger Rainbow and Applejack had become, as well as insist that Vegeta would be with him to make it the ultimate sparring match between them. The girls stated that they would be most eager to fight them at some point in time, just to test their skill against them, which made Goku happy as he went about enjoying the party.

Beerus, upon hearing that a fight might happen in the future between his daughters, Goku, and Vegeta, made him want to actually fight someone again, reminding him of the excitement he had when he fought Sunset Shimmer, because her power was unknown to him and his heart had been racing when they battled each other... to which he wondered if he could convince her to do it again at some point in the future, before turning his attention back to the party.

The days following the celebration party were interesting for everyone, as the day following the party Goku discovered a side effect of combining Super Saiyan Blue with the Kaio-Ken, as his control over his ki was completely shot and that he, along with Vegeta who could do the same thing as well, had to spend the day relaxing to calm themselves down. Vegeta took it as a sign to spend more time with Bulma and Trunks as an ordinary person and do nothing related to ki, which pleased Bulma to no end. Goku, on the other hand, helped Gohan and Videl watch over Pan, where he was apparently attacked by the Pilaf Gang, the three youngsters that apparently had a bone to pick with him and did it while he was sleeping, before accidentally shooting themselves into space with a ship. Apparently, as Rainbow and Applejack learned, Pan was able to save herself and the Pilaf Gang, showing that she inherited something from Gohan, because he was very strong when he was younger and that power was still inside him... waiting to be unleashed again.

Bulma, after having discovered that there was a galactic delivery company, and that she knew someone that worked at it now, she had Monaka deliver something that she had order, though in the process Goten and Trunks snuck onto his vehicle and were taken to a planet called Po-tau-feu. From there things spiraled out of control as some space pirates attacked a village and claimed the key for something called Superhuman Water, which was actually a sentient being that was called Commenson. Rainbow and Applejack learned that the being was capable of cloning and absorbing someone's abilities, something that Beerus told them to stay away from because of their powers, while Vegeta was taken to the planet by Jaco, as he had recovered from the illness faster than Goku had. The girls, however, learned that Goku was eventually called in to help the group defeat the monster that had been unleashed and they succeeded after some time, though because of how long it took them to figure out the creature's weakness they nearly lost Vegeta.

As the dangerous creature was resealed in the prison that the space pirates had broken, however, Goku and his group returned to Earth so they could rest, relax, and figure out what to do next... while at the same time Rainbow and Applejack made sure that everyone, especially Vegeta, had sustained no permanent injuries from their ordeal.

While everyone wondered what was going to happen next for them, however, Chronoa already knew part of what was coming, as she had seen a glimpse of it when she returned to the Time Nest to check the flow of time and knew that something was coming. A distortion in time was coming, she knew that to be a fact, but instead of revealing that it was coming she kept her mouth shut, as Goku and the others had to experience the arrival for themselves, especially with who was involved this time around. Still, she kept herself at the ready, because the moment the event happened another person would appear sometime later, someone that they would have to fight when they arrived... and then they could begin doing what Goku and Vegeta were thinking about at the moment.

Sometimes Chronoa wished that she could personally alter the existing history without consequences, but she couldn't do that and simply waited, because the first person who changed the flow of history was going to make another splash in the pool... and this time it was going to be different from what happened the first time around.

In the future, where Chronoa had seen signs of something coming, a small section of a roof broke off from the rest of the structure and fell to the ground, though that was common these days, especially since the vast majority of the buildings were ruined, if not completely destroyed. It had been some time since a brave warrior and his trusted partner brought down the evil androids that had wiped out a good portion of the planet's population and destroyed the two vile creations of Dr. Gero. The duo had followed that up a few years later with stopping Cell, in his imperfect form, from taking out one of them and stealing the time machine to go back and complete his plans to obtain the power his father promised him, much to the sadness of the other partner. After that there was the invasion of another creature, Babidi, and his henchmen, a being called Dabura, who intended to resurrect a terrifying creature called Majin Buu, but the duo had stopped them as well and brought lasting peace to their future.

That was, however, until an even stronger foe showed up out of nowhere and started destroying everything they had worked so hard to rebuild, driving the survivors underground so they could survive the destruction while the two heroes tried to figure out how to save their world... until they realized that neither of them were strong enough to finish the job and that they needed help from the past to save the future, opposite of what they did the first time around.

Trunks and Gale carefully ran down the street that they were following, being extra careful to do absolutely nothing with their ki in case their foe could sense them, but after a few moments of being out in the open they felt their enemy surging through the clouds above them and quickly hid behind a ruined wall. From there they watched as the person that had ruined the future moved around the area, apparently making himself look like a bolt of lightning, when he left the clouds, and a demon with red colored eyes, which he used when he was inside the clouds. They knew that their foe was looking for them and the remaining humans that had survived his initial attack and the attacks that had followed it, as he was fully committed to wiping out everyone on Earth for some reason... and he was also fully focused on killing the two of them, as if they were sinners or something.

Neither of them had changed much since they returned from the past, save for the fact that there were small cuts in the fabric of their clothing and gi, along with the fact that Trunks had died his hair blue for some reason, one that Gale honestly didn't care to know... but they pushed their thoughts aside as they observed their foe's movements, where he stopped and loosed a burst of shots at the ground, tearing it and the ruined buildings apart.

When their foe seemed pleased with his work, or disappointed in the fact that he hadn't found his targets yet, he moved out of the area and headed towards his next destination, where he was either going to search for them by hand or start obliterating everything again. Trunks and Gale waited for a few moments, to be absolutely sure that he was gone, before they turned and headed in the opposite direction, as there was something important they needed to collect and someone they wanted to talk with, especially considering what she was working on. Still, because of the nature of what she was working on, and the fact that they weren't completely sure of their foe's abilities just yet, Trunks and Gale went without their flight abilities and refrained from using their ki, which made the journey longer than it needed to be... but it also meant that the person they were heading towards wouldn't be found out as quickly, making them much safer in the long run.

The two of them carefully made their way through the city, stopping to either catch their breath or to pause when they felt their foe return to demolish another part of the city that he had attacked several times over already, before they arrived at the building that also served as a lab... where they walked inside the building and found Trunks' mother working with some old machinery, which was producing a special blue substance that they needed.

"Mom!" Trunks said, making sure to keep his voice loud enough so his mother could hear him, while at the same time keeping it low enough so that the echo didn't go outside the building and reach their foe, if he was still in the area, to which his mother turned around and smiled at them.

"Trunks! Gale!" Bulma said, though she was happy to see that the two of them were alright, especially since they were the only ones that could actually fight the monster that was terrorizing their world, "I'm glad that the two of you are safe, especially given the circumstances. You both look well."

"We've been taking precautions to make sure our enemy doesn't find us," Gale replied, though at the same time she smiled as she and Trunks walked down the steps and approached Bulma, before she locked her eyes with the canister that contained the blue substance.

"It's enough for a one-way trip." Bulma commented, to which she let out a sigh as she turned back towards the controls, as she knew that if she had her true equipment she could have easily made much more of it in the amount of time that she had been given, "I'm sorry that I could only make this much of what we needed, especially since you two fought valiantly for the last year to buy me the time to make what's in front of you. Though I'm betting that there's a way for the two of you to come back, once you reach your destination and explain the situation to your friends."

"Mom, we know you've been working hard lately," Trunks stated, knowing that since his mother was the only person left in this world that had the means to make this substance, even if it took a year to make this much, she must have worked herself to the bone to get even half the container full, "Please, rest for a few minutes and then we'll be on our way to our next destination."

"Trunks, I don't mind working... it's good for me," Bulma replied, to which she pressed a few buttons and sealed the container, before pressing a more important button and powered the entire machine off, where she turned back to her son for a moment, "We should get this to the Capsule Corp, our home, as fast as possible, before that monster blows the entire place to pieces and ruins our plans."

Trunks nodded, as he understood that many lives had been lost to provide his mother with the chance to make this energy and that both he and Gale needed to be ready to sacrifice even more to accomplish the first part of their mission, heading back to the past and finding allies. Neither one of them liked the idea of sacrificing anyone else to the monster they had been fighting, especially since he was so strong, but they understood that sometimes sacrifices needed to be made and hoped that such a time would never come. Bulma, on the other hand, nodded her head and picked up the container, to which she carefully activated the last security measure, the think metal plating that extended out and covered the length of the container, before she handed it over to Gale for safe keeping until they reached their destination and got underway.

Before they could do anything, however, part of the ceiling exploded and caught them all by surprise, but in the same moment Trunks and Gale jumped backwards and pulled Bulma with them, though when the smoke cleared the three of them discovered that the equipment had been destroyed... though that was followed by Bulma realizing that someone was standing in the doorway that Trunks and Gale had come from and told them to go as another blast tore the entire area around the door to pieces. When part of the smoke cleared this time around they discovered that their foe had caught up with them and had grabbed Bulma while everyone had moved during the explosion, though before either of them could do anything their foe obliterated Bulma as she told them to run. That was followed by Gale growling as she extended a hand towards her side and called a swirling sphere of energy, complete with four blades, into existence above her hand... before she hurled it towards their foe as she and Trunks dived for the open window that was behind them.

As the two of them hit the ground the rest of the building exploded, but they didn't have time to mourn the loss of Trunks' mother and kept moving, for fear that their foe would recover from the attack, if he had been caught it in, and chase after them once more. Fortunately it appeared that their foe might be growing tired of them, as he didn't chase after them immediately, like he used to do, though at the same time that worried them that he might be observing them as they moved from place to place. Trunks was worried that their foe was trying to find the survivors and that the two of them might be walking into a trap, but while Gale was thinking the same thing she knew that it was also likely that they had lost their foe in the explosion, if he couldn't sense energy like she believed... but, to continue playing it safe, the two of them went without their ki once more as they raced to where their ally was waiting for them.

When they finally reached the somehow still intact apartment building, which was only two stories high and was easily missed if someone was flying overhead, and paused to catch their breath for a few seconds, to be sure that they hadn't been followed this time around, before heading inside... before they approached the specified door and carefully knocked on it, so they didn't repeat what happened last time.

"Trunks. Gale." a voice to their right said, to which they turned and smiled when they noticed that their friend and ally, Mai, was just fine and that she hadn't suffered any injuries since the last time they had seen her, "Welcome back."

"Mai, it's good to see that you're alright," Trunks said, though at the same time he noticed that Mai was looking at the canister that Gale was carefully holding onto, the very one that they had collected hours ago, "My mother... that bastard Black killed her..."

Gale, however, knew what was coming next and did what a certain someone did to the love of their life, she kissed Trunks and stopped his anger from spreading, calming him down and letting him refocus on what was important at the moment... though that didn't stop Trunks from touching her right cheek for a moment as they separated.

"Trunks, we'll avenge everyone that's been killed by that monster," Gale stated, because if this plan worked as well as they thought it would, and they were all sure of that fact, then Black would be defeated and the remaining people would be allowed to prosper once more, "but for now, let's keep our tempers in check and not do anything reckless."

"R... Right," Trunks replied, though at the same time he noticed that Mai was giggling, because she admitted several times in the past that he and Gale made a cute couple with how they acted and calmed each other down, even though they had been on a date when the first attack happened.

Mai opened the door to the apartment room that she used whenever she was in this part of the city, where she kept the door locked even though she was one of the few people who ventured to the surface anymore, and the three of them went inside the room. There Mai pulled out several of her findings, where the majority of the food and water had already been dropped off at the shelter before she came here, out of the bag she carried and they made sure that all of them had a little from each container, equally sharing everything that they had at the moment. This was likely going to be the last time they could break and rest before they made the final run to the Capsule Corporation building, where Trunks had lived until the androids attacked, so they intended to rest for a small amount of time before making a run for it... while avoiding their ki again, since it appeared that Black might have the power to sense Trunks and Gale if they released their powers.

Once the three of them were ready they departed from the apartment building, letting the lone cat that had wandered if out as well, before making their way to the Capsule Corp building... though while it may have taken them a few hours to get there, making it nighttime upon arrival, it appeared that Black hadn't followed them. Trunks and Gale carefully used their own senses to be absolutely sure that Black wasn't near them, though once they determined that he was nowhere near the building the three of them emerged from their hiding spot and rushed towards the main entrance of the building that was their final destination for this leg of the mission. When they reached the entrance, however, they stopped in their tracks as a swirling vortex opened in the sky above the part of the city that they were in, indicating that Black was on his way... though this time around Trunks and Gale made sure Mai had the canister, so she could start the work on activating the time machine, before they charged out to meet their foe.

Black, who was stilling hiding in the clouds that surrounded him, started firing yellow ki blasts, with a dark colored core, at the two of them, though while Trunks used his sword to cut them down and loosed his own ki waves from it Gale called the wind to her side and did the same thing with a blade made from the wind around them. Explosions danced in the area between them and Black for a few seconds, though that was followed by their foe appearing in the flames and swinging his fists at them. Trunks and Gale, however, swung their blades and connected with Black's fists, though they actually hit ki spheres that he had been holding and they detonated, knocking the two of them backwards while Gale's blade disappeared and Trunks' fell to the ground nearby. As the two of them started to pull themselves up Mai rushed over and handed the canister to Trunks before charging into battle with Black, who easily avoided all of her shots from the shotgun she had been carrying with her... before she was blasted with a ki blast that knocked her into the side of a nearby building and crashed to the ground, where Gale knew that she had to be dead.

As Trunks rushed over to check on Mai, to be absolutely sure about her fate, the majority of the fire cleared as Black landed on some of the rubble ahead of Trunks, where he and Gale got a good look at the monster that preferred to hide himself in the clouds until it was time to reveal himself. At a glance anyone would assume that Black was actually Goku, someone who had helped save the would countless times in the past, but in reality Black was a monster that only looked like Goku, despite him having a perfect resemblance that matched what Goku looked like before his death. Black wore a gi, exactly like Goku did, but where Goku's gi was orange with a blue undershirt, Black's gi was dark grey colored with a black colored undershirt that reached his wrists, unlike Goku's undershirt. Black's belt was red colored, as opposed to the blue of Goku's old belt, his pants had the same black color as his undershirt, as opposed to the orange that Goku had worn, and his boots were pure white, unlike Goku's blue colored boots.

Even Black's hair was different, as he had four front spikes and three back spikes, opposed to Goku's five front and four back spikes, while Black was also skinnier than Goku had been, had a slightly darker skin tone, more defined eyes, and two odd items that Trunks didn't understand; a green Potara earring on his left ear and a strange silver ring on his right index finger.

"Finally," Black said, to which he grinned at Trunks and Gale, in the most evil way possible, as he stared at the two of them, indicating that he had been hunting for them since he started his attack, "Today's the you and your precious friend will draw your final breath, Saiyan."

"Correction, I'm his girlfriend," Gale growled, though at the same time she stepped between Trunks and Black, as she had a crazy idea , one that she knew that her brother and Krillin had used in the past, though might let them get away without letting Black follow them.

"It doesn't matter what you are," Black stated, to which he turned away from Gale and focused on Trunks, who was pulling himself up from Mai's body and was glaring at him with rage in his eyes, "Are you done with your farewells, Saiyan? It's your turn now."

"Not so fast!" Gale shouted, though at the same time she brought her hands up to her head, like Cell and Krillin did in the past, while at the same time Trunks understood what was coming and started to turn away, "Solar Flare!"

The resulting surge of blinding light, which Black wouldn't be expecting since Gale had never used this attack before, that blinded Black for a few moments, allowing Trunks to collect the canister and his sword before the two of them headed into the Capsule Corp building and powered down until they couldn't feel each others' ki anymore. Fortunately they found that the time machine was just fine, as were the computers and other components that had been keeping it ready for this venture, to which they smiled as they quickly put the final touches on the machine. Trunks put the blue substance into the indicated slot and jumped into the machine to make sure that it could make the jump to their destination, though once it was confirmed that they had the power to use the machine Gale climbed into the area behind him before the lid closed and sealed itself.

As the time machine started to power up, and they were both ready, Trunks engaged the controls and the machine surged through the ceiling, though as they appeared in the sky above the ruined city Black turned towards them and started to power up what could be called a Dark Kamehameha... though as the attack roared towards them Trunks and Gale smiled as they slipped into the timestream and left their confused enemy behind. The two of them tried to relax as they traveled back into the past, where they could find the allies they needed to come back and defeat Black once and for all, so they could get back to work on rebuilding what had been destroyed. In the end, however, the two of them simply collapsed where they were sitting and let the time machine do it's job, knowing that their friends would find them when they arrived in the past.

Trunks, Pilaf Gang, and Gale, who happened to be there because she wanted to hang with her best friend while her sisters were busy with their parents, happened to be relaxing and were trying to enjoy a meal when something unexpected happened. The air above the place where Bulma held her parties rippled for a moment as they turned to look at what was going on, though that was followed by a machine of some kind appearing out of thin air and landed on the ground. Trunks' teacher, who had been teaching him math that day, fell back in her chair while Trunks and Gale flew to the top of the machine and wiped off some of the dust that was sticking to the glass, where they found a young adult male and someone that looked like an older version of Gale resting inside the device. Trunks, noticing that the machine had 'Capsule Corp' written on the side, had Shu, the humanoid dog of the Pilaf Gang, fetch his mother so he and Gale could figure out what was going on.

When Bulma arrived, however, she seemed absolutely worried about something and immediately recognized the machine that was sitting in front of her, to which she turned towards the kids for a moment and wondered if the pilots were who she thought they were.

"The people who are unconscious inside the machine," Bulma asked, knowing that the kids would be paying attention to what she said, indicating that they were curious as to what was going to happen next, "is one of them a young man with lavender colored hair, while the other is a young lady that looks like she's part pony?"

"Well, the young man has blue hair instead of lavender hair," Trunks answered, though he was surprised by the fact that his mother could so accurately guess who was inside the machine without opening it, making it seem like Chronoa might have talked with her about this or something, "but the lady is definitely a match."

"It seems he must have changed his hair since we last saw him," Bulma commented, though that was before she shook her head and focused on what was important, as Goku, Vegeta, Rainbow, and Applejack were going to be interested in what was happening at the moment, "Trunks, Gale, there should be a button on the exterior of the cockpit that will open the glass container, though once it's open you should carefully extract them. The three of you should set out some stretchers to be sure there's somewhere to lay them before we take them inside the building... and, in the meantime, I'll contact Vegeta and the others. Something bad has happened and they're going to want to know what's happened to cause these two to come back to us, especially after all these years."

Bulma honestly had no idea what could have caused Future Trunks and Future Gale to come back to the past, but considering that they appeared to have collapsed on the journey back to this time period meant that someone must have attacked the future. If that was true then the only people who could help them, save the gods themselves, were Goku, Vegeta, Rainbow, and Applejack, but they would know the full story once the two future warriors had recovered from their ordeal and told them what happened. At the same time, however, she seriously hoped that nothing bad had happened in the future, especially after all the wrongs that she and the others had learned about when the duo had come back to stop certain events from happening, forever changing the course of this timeline in the process.

She knew that it was only a matter of time until Chronoa arrived as well, but Bulma really hoped that this was a social visit and not something else... though she let out a sigh of defeat as she raced to find the device that would allow her to communicate with Beerus and the others, cause it was likely that things were going to be worse than she thought and the warriors likely needed their help, which they were going to get. One thing she knew for certain was that whatever had forced these two to come back in time was going to regret the day it made that decision, especially with the power that would be arrayed against it.

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