• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: Jeice's Rage

"I'm going to make all of you pay in blood for what you did to my friends," Jeice said, glaring at Applejack, who was still waiting for her opponent to do something besides talking, "and then, once Lord Frieza has his immortality, we'll find wherever you and your sister came from and burn your home to the ground!"

Applejack, still standing in her battle stance, was getting a little annoyed that her opponent was still standing where she had thrown him, as if he was frozen in time and could only speak to her at the moment. Truth be told she knew that Jeice was a good as beaten, not because she was overconfident in her abilities or anything, but rather because she and her sister were equal in terms of power. If Burter and Jeice were as strong as Recoome, and Rainbow was able to beat Burter with her power level being below his own, then she knew that the same would happen for her at Jeice. Even with that fact in her mind she wanted to at least give her opponent a fair fight before the day was over, though they would never reach that point if he continued to shout at her and did nothing but stand there.

Eventually, after what she assumed was ten minutes of listening to Jeice say that he was going to make her, Rainbow, Vegeta, and the others pay for what happened to Guldo and Burter, Applejack let out a sigh and flew at her opponent... where she planted her fist in his chest and sent him flying into the rock wall behind him.

"I'm sorry about that, but it was getting rather annoying listening to you go on and on about making us pay," Applejack said, swinging her arm for a few seconds, silently admitting to herself that it felt good to be able to fight again, before turning back to Jeice as he pulled himself from the rock wall.

"Your definitely full of surprises," Jeice commented, tapping his scouter for a moment, which meant that he wanted to see her power level once more before they really got started, "Ha! Your power level is only ten thousand! This is going to be a cakewalk for me."

With that said Jeice flew at Applejack and punched her in the chest, using enough force to push her backwards a tiny bit, but before his opponent could recover he went into a series of punches and kicks that continued to push her back. At first his attacks seemed to have quite the effect on his opponent, but after about ten seconds Applejack started defending herself, parrying most of what Jeice was sending her way. There was still the occasional blow that slipped through both of their defenses as they switched from Jeice beating Applejack with his fists to them parrying each other's blows, similar to what Burter and Rainbow had done, before it was swiftly brought to an end when Applejack ducked under an incoming punch and brought the front side of her left leg into Jeice's chest.

The force of the blow knocked Jeice backwards for a moment, to which he coughed for a few seconds before glaring at Applejack, though there was still a look of anger in his eyes... as well as a brief flash of confusion that quickly disappeared.

"You really shouldn't rely on that scouter to tell you everything," Applejack replied, holding her hands by her side as she started to repeat the same thing that everyone else had done when they had engaged their opponents.

Jeice stared at Applejack for a few seconds, wondering what she was doing by standing there with her ki flickering around her body, before he let out a quick sigh as he realized that she was another one of the rare type of people that could hide their true power until they were ready to release it... just as his opponent was doing at that very moment. He tapped his scouter and watched as Applejack's original power level, which Jeice knew had been ten thousand, started to steadily increase towards the twenty thousand mark, though he stood there for a few more seconds as Applejack's power level stopped at thirty-five thousand. Jeice was surprised to find that this strange pony girl was as powerful as Rainbow was, but when he thought about his own power level, which was around forty thousand, he remembered what had happened to Burter.

It pissed him off even more when he realized that the scouters had to have malfunctioned or something, because there was no way someone with a power level of thirty-five thousand could beat someone who was at forty thousand... but all he had to remember was Burter's arrogance in the same fact and knew that there was more to these pony girls than what his eyes could tell him.

"So what, you're as strong as your sister," Jeice said, removing his hand from his scouter and dropping into his own battle stance, his eyes locked on his opponent, "which means that you are weaker than me. I'm going to enjoy putting you in the ground and obliterating your body until there is nothing left."

Jeice flew at Applejack and increased his speed to a level that was pretty close to Burter's, which was why he had been partnered up with him in the first place so they could attempt to be the same speed when they unleashed their combination attacks, before planting his fist in Applejack's jaw and knocking her into the air. As Applejack was knocked backwards Jeice flew after her and landed in front of a rock wall, where he assumed his opponent was heading towards, before raising his fists and trying to damage his target. Before he could make contact, however, Applejack spun around and threw her fist at him, causing Jeice to rapidly switch tactics as he defended himself, though the force of the attack knocked him into the rock wall as Applejack landed on the ground in front of him.

A few seconds passed before Jeice was able to pull himself from the rock wall and face his opponent again, though it was clear that he was annoyed with how the battle was going, despite the fact that they had barely started.

"Alright, no more mister nice guy!" Jeice declared, glaring at Applejack as he prepared to strike her down so he could turn his attention to the rest of her group, "Prepare to feel the wrath of the Ginyu For..."

That was promptly followed by Applejack slamming her fist into Jeice's face, or more accurately his nose, with enough force to send him flying back into the rock wall he had pulled himself from. When Jeice pulled himself free a second time he charged at Applejack, only to have the same thing happen for a second time, and then again for a third and fourth time. This went on for a few seconds, where Jeice would pull himself free and charge at Applejack, who would simply dodge whatever attack was coming her way and then slam her fist into his face again, knocking him back into the wall and repeating the whole process again.

"Stop it! Stop it right now!" Jeice shouted, only to receive another punch to the face for leaving himself open, which resulted in him crashing into the rock wall yet again, "Oh what did the Captain tell us to do in this situation?"

As he pulled himself free from the rock wall once more, and landed on his feet, he remembered Captain Ginyu mentioning that sometimes some of Frieza's men would take the same blow in the same location, like him constantly being punched in the face. Of course this was back when he first joined the Ginyu Force, but he learned that if he ever found someone that could lock him in a state such as this, were he was repeatedly being punched in the face, the best course of action was to...

"Ah, you cut off the captain that time!" Jeice shouted, right after receiving yet another punch to the face, which only served to piss him off more than he already was as he pulled himself free again.

"So are you going to dodge any of these punches?" Applejack asked, as she was getting a little annoyed that her opponent was this stupid, as dodging should have been easy for such an experienced fighter to even... as their father had been able to teach her and Rainbow the benefit of dodging attacks before they were even five years old.

"Oh that's what the captain sai..." Jeice started to say, but because he, once again, left himself open, Applejack slammed her fist into his face and knocked him into the rock wall once more, "Burter! Support!"

Applejack stared at her opponent for some time, as she suspected everyone else was doing as well, because she was shocked that Jeice had forgotten the reason he was pissed off in the first place, if he was calling on Burter for help anyway. For a moment Jeice seemed confused as to why he had said that, indicating that he usually said those words when he was in trouble like this, before his eyes landed on where Burter's body was laying.

"Oh right, he's dead..." Jeice said, though this time when Applejack swung her fist at him he seemed to remember his training, as he loosed a ki blast at her and forced Applejack to back away, to which he broke out of where he was and fled from his opponent.

Captain Ginyu, leader of the feared Ginyu Force that served Lord Frieza whenever he called upon them for aid, could not help but raise his palm to his face as he watched Jeice fight. He had expected such behavior from Guldo, who had been the newest member of the force, but seeing his second in command act in such a manner, one that was opposite of his normal character, annoyed him to no end. It reminded him of the time when he was originally one of the lesser soldiers that worked under Lord Frieza, back when his planet had been added to his Lord's growing empire, and of how other soldiers acted been they were pissed off or annoyed about something. Or, as Ginyu mentally added, apparently too stupid to remember that dodging was an essential part of battle that no one should ignore, which was why his hand was pressed against his face at the moment.

First Guldo got his head cut off and his entire body blown to pieces, then Burter was overpowered in terms of speed and power, and now Jeice was acting as if he had lost his mind... leading Ginyu to ask a very important question to the only other surviving member of his once feared squad.

"Recoome," Ginyu said, to which the large man turned his way for a moment, while allowing him to see the large smile that was on his face at the moment, "since when did Guldo, Burter, and Jeice become so incompetent that it hurts to even associate myself with them?"

"Recoome does not know sir," Recomme replied, though his tone and choice of words told Ginyu that he was still stuck in his 'combat' mode, which was him speaking in the third person, though that mode only ever came out when he was finished with a battle or when he was forced to stop himself from killing someone, "Recoome does, however, suggest that such incompetence stems from them having fought inadequate opponents for the last few years... or maybe they were just overconfident in their abilities. Wait, if Jeice dies as well, doesn't that make Recoome the second in command by default?"

Ginyu had to hold back the urge to moan as he returned his gaze to the fight that was happening before his eyes, because he had no idea how such a good day had done downhill so quickly... and it didn't look like it was going to be getting better anytime soon.

Jeice, at this point, had resorted to flying away from Applejack and was now firing ki blasts at her, in some foolish attempt to actually hit her when her vision was covered by smoke, but he wasn't actually doing any damage. Every time she got close to him, close enough to actually hit him, Jeice would pick up his speed and leave her behind, before trying the same thing again and again. He already knew that attacking Applejack head on wasn't going to work, not if his sore nose and face were anything to go by, but he had noticed that she wasn't using any ki related attacks against him. He suspected that she didn't know anything that her sister might know, which was followed by him glaring at Rainbow for a few seconds, but he decided to be on the safe side this time around.

"Why! Won't! You! DIE!?" Jeice shouted, sending another ki blast at Applejack, though this time she dodged and avoided the attack, blowing another hole in the ruined ground beneath him.

This time Jeice had been expecting his opponent to dodge his attack, as that was what she had been doing the entire time, which was why he had prepared a second ki blast that was aimed at where he thought Applejack was heading... though right before the attack could hit her, and do some damage, Applejack loosed her own ki blast and forced the two attacks to explode in midair. Jeice stood there, waiting to see what was on the other side of the smoke, but before he could move he noticed something surge out of the smoke, which was followed by Applejack appearing above his head and slamming the back of her right leg into his left shoulder. Jeice felt his shoulder bone crack as he was sent back down towards the ground, where he created a small dent in the ground, but he was smart enough to roll to the side as his opponent came down where he had been laying, where the ground around her hoof cracked a little bit.

For a moment Jeice remembered thinking about Applejack not having the powers that her sister had, which seemed to be correct considering that Applejack's abilities seemed to be focused around melee fighting... if the cracked ground was anything to go by.

"You know, for being the second in command of the Ginyu Force you aren't very good at fighting," Applejack commented, pulling herself to a standing position, while dust fell off her fist without leaving any sort of damage on her knuckles, "I was under the assumption that you guys were supposed to be terrifying warriors, capable of striking fear into the hearts of your enemies in one way or another... but I have to say, I'm really not impressed with what I've seen so far."

"Okay, I've had enough of you!" Jeice shouted, rising into the air until he was high enough where he had a decent view of everyone, be it Applejack, her entire group, or the remaining members of the Ginyu Force, "EVERYONE DIES!"

Jeice lifted his hand into the air and began charging his ki, while at the same time noticing that Applejack was standing where he had left her, but after a few seconds he started splitting the red ki sphere he had created into multiple spheres that were a little bit smaller. This was his ultimate skill, where he created a staggering amount of Crusher Balls all around him until he had enough to send down a large volley of them to send at his opponent, which would be followed by a much larger Crusher Ball for the finishing blow. The last time he had used this technique it was against an opponent who had really pushed him to the limit, back when he had first joined the Ginyu Force and was as powerful as Guldo, though he had grown much stronger since that time.

Jeice hated the fact that he was having to use this technique against a little girl, a little pony girl he mentally added, but this would even the score and kill Applejack for sure. With a wave of his free hand the large number of Crusher Balls surged towards Applejack, exploding the moment they came into contact with her, but to be on the safe side he continued firing them all at her while charging the final piece of his attack. Once the larger Crusher Ball was ready, and he had used up every smaller one that he had created, he sent it flying down towards his opponent, where it promptly exploded upon impacting the ground and created an explosion that rocked the entire area.

"How do you like that Applejack!" Jeice shouted, taking a moment to laugh as he thought about all the damage he had done to his opponent, "That was my Crusher Volcano, the strongest move I have in my arsenal!"

"Eh, I give it a six out of ten." a voice to Jeice's left said, to which he turned and found Applejack standing on the island, completely unharmed from all the ki blasts he had sent at her, "I think you should have used that attack after damaging your opponent, but that's just my personal opinion on that sort of move."

"What the...? How did you evade my attack?" Jeice asked, as the last time this move had been used his opponent had failed to avoid the entirety of his assault, destroying he and the land around him.

"I didn't move until you threw the larger Crusher Ball at me," Applejack replied, to which she extending a hand and summoned an orange colored ki sphere, one that was a bit smaller than the Crusher Ball, "I stopped myself from taking damage by loosing a skill I picked up from my friend Piccolo, something he called a Scatter Shot, which was almost what you did with the Crusher Balls. Once there was enough smoke between the two of us, and I was satisfied that you wouldn't see me until I had already moved, I simply moved out of the way and let you finish your attack."

Just as the final word left her mouth Jeice appeared in front of her and swung at her face, likely in revenge for all the time she had punched him, but she pulled herself back and let his fist move passed her face. At the same time, however, Applejack loosed the ki blast that she had been holding right into the middle of Jeice's armor, knocking him backwards for a few seconds, which he took to get some distance between the two of them. When Jeice came to a stop he glared at Applejack as she resumed a straight stance for her body, annoyed that every time he trued to touch her, and do some damage, she seemed to slip away from his grasp, only to wound him in return.

He was beginning to think that he should have let Captain Ginyu take on the new challenger first, because he was having such a difficult time dealing with a girl that had pony ears, pony hooves for feet, and a pony tail... but at the same time he realized that, for all her strength, Applejack still couldn't beat him.

"It seems that we'll have to call this battle a draw in the end," Jeice commented, noticing that Applejack was staring at him with a look of confusion on her face, which only made him laugh at her.

"What makes you think that this fight will end in a draw between the two of us?" Applejack asked, because she was interested in hearing why her opponent thought that a draw might happen.

"Even if my scouter is malfunctioning, which it has to be, we're pretty much at the same level of strength," Jeice commented, not even bothering to look back at Burter's body or glare at Rainbow this time, "It was a fluke that your sister managed to overpower Burter with her level of power, especially when she was five thousand below his own power level of forty thousand. Naturally we would both cancel each other out, meaning that neither of us will win this fight... and that means that my companions will be able to clean up the rest of you with some relative ease."

"Is that so? Then we should wrap this up quickly," Applejack said, to which she gathered her energy around her, though that was quickly followed by a familiar red aura wrapping around her and empowering her, "Kaio-Ken!"

"Kaio-what?" Jeice asked, though that was seconds before Applejack charged at him and planted her fist firmly in his chest, resulting in a large amount of cracks appearing in his chest piece as he staggered backwards.

That was followed by Applejack kneeing Jeice in the chest and sending him into the air, though before he could react she followed him for a few seconds before showing Jeice what she was doing. What followed in Applejack's wake was a series of punches and kicks that landed in targets all over Jeice's body, from his arms to his legs, and from his chest to his back, though each strike had enough power behind them to crack his bones a tiny bit. The fight continued in that way for a few more seconds, giving Jeice enough time to understand the folly of what he had done, before Applejack appeared above his body, which happened to be leaning parallel to the ground, and planted both of her hooves firmly in the center of his chest piece.

The resulting dual kick shattered his chest armor and threw him towards the ground, creating a crater that rivaled the one that Rainbow had created when she beat up Burter, though once the attack was done Applejack powered down before heading towards the ground. When Applejack reached the edge of the crater she found that Jeice was still trying to move, though there were pieces of his armor scattered everywhere and quite a fair amount of blood that her opponent must have coughed up.

"Wh... what was... that attack?" Jeice struggled to say, though he made sure that Applejack knew the question as he coughed up some more blood on the side of the crater.

"Its a barrage of attacks that leaves my opponent too stunned to react until the final blow is struck," Applejack replied, though she let out a sigh as she stared down at Jeice, "I have taken to calling it the Harvester's Barrage. Yes, I know the name is confusing to someone who doesn't know me very well, but I used to tend to a large apple tree some time ago and I managed to get it to produce some wonderful apples in return for my hard work. I don't know how to explain it, but the name just feels right to me."

"I... I see..." Jeice coughed out, though at the same time he turned his head towards where Burter was laying, and going a bit further beyond him, where he knew the hole that had once been Guldo was resting, while at the same time raising his left hand towards both of the craters, "Guldo... Burter... wait for... me..."

Applejack watched as the life faded from Jeice's eyes and his hand hit the ground with a dull thud, indicating that the second in command of the Ginyu Force had also died in honorable combat, though she paused for a moment to close Jeice's eyes, just like Rainbow had done for Burter. Once she was done she lifted herself into the air and flew back to where the rest of her group was waiting, all of whom were impressed with the skill she had shown in defeating another member of the Ginyu Force, with Goku even expressing his interest in the fact that she had learned the Kaio-Ken during her training with King Kai.

Before they got too comfortable, however, Applejack reminded them that Recoome and Ginyu were still left, to which they all noticed how pissed off Ginyu looked at the moment.

"Recoome," Ginyu said, turning to face the large man for a moment, who looked back at his captain with a smile on his face, "I have new orders for you, in both regards to our mission and to our fights."

"And what would Recoome's new orders be?" Recoome asked, though he made it clear that he was eager to rejoin the battle, especially after Jeice had been beaten by Applejack.

"First off, I want you to take care of our uninvited guest," Ginyu replied, beckoning to Goku for a moment, though he caught Recoome's attention when he noticed how annoyed the fighter looked, "he's the weakest of the bunch, so think of him as another warmup round. Once he's taken care of you are free to kill the two small ones, Krillin and Gohan if I caught their names correctly, as well as Applejack, who should give you some excitement. When you have finished killing all of them I will clean up the trash by dealing with Vegeta and Rainbow... then we can head back to Lord Frieza, heal our wounds, and see if we can't find some decent warriors to replace our comrades."

"Recoome understands," Recoome stated, pounding his chest as he jumped into the ruined area that was resting before them, glancing at the craters his comrades had fallen into before pointing a finger at Goku, "Hey you! Get down here and face the wrath of Recoome!"

"If you insist," Goku replied, to which he gave Gohan a quick hug before jumping down into the makeshift arena, which at this point looked like a ruined island with the number of holes that were in it, "My name is Son Goku, and I'm excited to have the chance to fight someone as powerful as you."

"Recoome thanks you for being honest," Recomme said, dropping to one knee as both of his fists touched the ground, as he intended on powering up one of his more powerful attacks to deal with his weak opponent, "and shall reward your honesty with some more honesty. Captain Ginyu is the strongest out of all of us, so you should be excited to face him instead... if you somehow survive against me that is."

"Is that a challenge?" Goku asked, dropping into a battle stance as he brought his hands to his side, to which he charged his ki and prepared an attack that would rival whatever Recoome was preparing, "Ka... me... ha... me..."

"Recoome Eraser," Recoome said, flowing through the motions of his most destructive attack, the same one that would have wrecked Vegeta had the two little ones not ruined his attack, "GUN!"

"HAAAAAA!" Goku shouted in return, leveling his hands with Recoome and releasing the ki blast that he had been preparing, while at the same time his opponent did the same thing.

The two ki attacks collided in the middle of the area between the two of them, the force of their attacks summoning a gust of wind that knocked away any remaining dust that managed to survive all of the previous conflicts the area had witnessed. The struggle between the two combatants informed all of the spectators that the clash appeared to be between two equal fighters, but after a few seconds Recoome's attack was steadily pushed backwards. Recoome seemed to notice that fact and increased the amount of power he was pouring into his move, though despite pouring everything he had into his Eraser Gun he noticed that it was still being pushed back. In the end his strength ran out and Goku's ki attack came at him, consuming him in a massive explosion that rocked what was left of the small island.

The moment Goku noticed that he had bested Recoome's attack, and had struck the man, he cut off his attack and waited for the dust and smoke to clear, while smiling as he watched for his opponent to show himself. When the smoke cleared he found Recoome standing there and immediately dropped back into his battle stance, just in case his opponent was still able to fight, but that was followed by Recoome falling over and going still.

"Huh... I guess I overdid it." Goku said to himself, to which he walked up to Recoome and felt for a pulse, where he discovered that the man was indeed dead.

"Did... did he kill Recoome in one shot?" Krillin asked, though while he was grateful that Goku had taken out the fourth member of the Ginyu Force, he was shocked that it was that easy for him to do so.

"Yeah, he did," Rainbow replied, a smirk appearing on her face, one that told everyone around her that she was eager to fight Goku once they were finished with their quest to stop Frieza, because he had to have gone through some intense training to get that level of power.

"Then maybe we should leave the task of taking out Ginyu for Kakarot," Vegeta commented, keeping calm in the face of such power, though he was pleased to see how much stronger the other Saiyan had become, because it meant that they had a chance to overcome whatever else Frieza could throw at them.

Applejack, on the other hand, remained silent like Gohan, because while she was impressed by what they were seeing she knew that everyone else had already said everything that had come to her mind in the last few seconds. Right now she focused her attention on Ginyu, who was currently radiating an aura of rage for her and the others, which was understandable considering they had just beaten four of the five toughest fighters that served under Frieza's rule. All they had to do now was beat Ginyu, get back to the Dragon Balls, figure out how to use the wish granting spheres, and then use whatever wishes they were given to overcome Frieza... in whatever way Vegeta suggested to them when the time came.

Despite how well things seemed to be going Applejack kept her mouth shut, because right now she didn't want to tempt fate into doing something to them... as the last thing they needed was for something to go horribly wrong.

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