• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Majin: An Evil Reborn

Raijack patiently waited for Vegito to show Super Buu a small measure of his power, in such a manner that meant that he understood that she only had a set amount of time left and that he was rushing things, before Super Buu decided to make the move that Vegito had been waiting for. When Super Buu attempted to absorb Vegito, and used a large ball of goo to get him from behind, Raijack noticed a small barrier form around the fusion warrior, one that someone like Super Buu wouldn't have noticed immediately. A few seconds passed before the mass of goo had completely covered Vegito's barrier and obscured him from view, to which the goo shrank into a smaller shape and surged towards Super Buu... where he took the fusion warrior into his body, like he had done when he absorbed the others.

Raijack watched as nothing happened to Super Buu, meaning that the barrier had been designed to prevent him from actually absorbing Vegito, though it appeared that either Super Buu was unaware of what had happened or he was too focused on fighting her to notice what was wrong.

"Now then, let us continue!" Super Buu shouted, to which he burst into the air and flew towards where Raijack was floating, indicating that he was eager to resume their battle now that Vegito was out of the way.

For a brief moment Raijack considered tossing Vegito's plan to the side and simply use her finishing technique, the one ability she hadn't actually used in battle yet, to end Super Buu's existence, but then she decided that she might as well honor her word and stall Super Buu for as long as she could. She hadn't been joking when she told Vegito that she had twenty to twenty-one minutes remaining before her fusion expired, because she had seen Gogeta and Gotenks defuse and had kept a mental count on her own fusion after it had occurred. She could stall Super Buu for a decent amount of time, but if Vegito didn't save their friends than she was going to simply obliterate her opponent once she was down to five minutes... exactly like she had promised the fusion warrior.

When her opponent reached her Raijack held her arms up and blocked the attack that was coming her way, using her arms and her legs in the process, before she and Super Buu started exchanging blows with each other. Their fists connected with each other and the air around them shook, though at the same time Raijack still moved Super Buu further away from where Dende was hiding. She wanted to be sure that, in the event that Super Buu launched an attack at her, that Dende would be safe from harm, as if he died than everyone else was pretty much dead as well and couldn't be brought back to life. Super Buu seemed fine with the continuous change of location, as it appeared that he didn't care too much about that and continued coming at her with everything he had, while she purposely lowered herself back to his level to give him a chance.

"What's wrong?" Super Buu asked, though at the same time one of his punches slipped passed Raijack's defenses and went by her cheek, though it didn't do enough to actually wound her, "Where did all of your power suddenly go?"

"You'll have to excuse me if I'm on your level for a few minutes," Raijack replied, coming up with the perfect excuse for why she had lowered her power, one that would make sense to someone like Super Buu, even if he had absorbed Piccolo and his smarts, "after all, I did show off four different attacks in rapid succession. Trust me, in a few minutes I'll be at my previous level and you'll be pleased to have a strong opponent back... and maybe I'll show you my final attack."

Super Buu grinned like a kid in a candy shop when Raijack said that, though she took the opportunity that was presented to her and spun around, to which she brought the side of her leg against Super Buu's head and sent him flying into the distance. Raijack then flashed through the air as she followed her opponent, though when she caught up with him she punched him hard in the chest, sending him straight down towards the plateau that was below them. The earth around Super Buu shattered as he connected with the plateau, though before he could recover Raijack gathered a small bit of her ki into a ball and sent it flying down towards the crater, causing the entire area to explode. Not even a few seconds later Super Buu emerged from the wreckage and flew back up to where Raijack was floating, though he still looked happy over having such an opponent to fight.

For a moment Raijack wondered if Super Buu was slightly insane, because at this point she expected him to be foaming at the mouth and declaring that he was the strongest creature in the universe... but she was fine with him keeping his mouth shut for now.

"I think that its time I show you something!" Super Buu said, to which he raised himself to a height that was higher than where Raijack was floating, where he held his hand into the air and his ki started gathering above his head.

Raijack watched as Super Buu started to form a large ball above his head, one that reminded her of her own Orb of Devastation, but this attack was made out of pure ki energy, indicating that he intended to hurt her or destroy a good portion of the ground around them. She wasn't sure which outcome Super Buu was aiming for, but she knew that he wasn't about to destroy the world, not when they had barely started their fight, so she patiently waited for her opponent to finish preparing his attack. A few moments later, when Super Buu was sure that his attack was ready, he pulled his arm back and sent the ball of energy down towards where Raijack was standing, intending to crush her into the ground and wipe her out in a single instant.

Raijack, on the other hand, simply raised her hands up and allowed them to touch the incoming ball of energy, to which she purposely allowed herself to be pushed backwards towards the ground, so Super Buu wouldn't detect that something was wrong... though when she reached a certain point she activated one of her abilities. In that instant she called upon her power and used her Celestial Push to force the attack back through the air, where it reversed the path it had taken and went flying back towards Super Buu. Raijack watched as her opponent moved to the side and allowed the ball of energy to fly off into space, though once it passed the edge of the atmosphere it detonated immediately, though Raijack was pleased to have gotten it off the planet before that happened.

Once the light from the explosion cleared both Raijack and Super Buu stared at each other, each silently daring the other to make the first move, while everyone else simply watched from their hiding place.

Meanwhile, deep inside Super Buu's body, Vegito carefully landed somewhere safe while he kept his barrier up, as he suspected that he was in a hostile environment and wanted someplace safe before he considered what to do next. So far it appeared that, thanks to Raijack distracting Super Buu, his plan had been successful and the creature that had 'absorbed' him hadn't noticed that anything was wrong. He also had to pat himself on the back for Goku and Vegeta coming up with this plan as quickly as they did, and that it worked as well as it did, otherwise he was sure that Super Buu would have wrecked Raijack in the end. That thought alone made him a little sad, because in reality he wanted to see what would have happened had he and the pony fusion fought each other, but he had a mission to carry out before Raijack started tearing apart Super Buu.

He eventually landed on the floor, whatever the floor happened to be considering that neither of the people that had fused to make him knew anything about the body, and sighed, because that was only the beginning of his plan... though he could also feel the area around him shake, another indicator that Super Buu was fighting Raijack.

"I had best dispel this barrier and get to work," Vegito commented, to which he focused his ki for a moment and watched as the barrier that surrounded him broke apart before his eyes... though once it was gone a strange blue haze surrounded him for a few seconds.

Not even a second later Vegito was engulfed in a blue light as he was severed in half, to which Vegeta and Goku were flung a few steps from each other and looked at their friend in confusion as the light faded.

"H... how come when we dropped the barrier we defused as well?" Goku asked, though at the same time he looked around him, because this wasn't something that either of them had planned on when they put the Potara Earrings on.

"I... I honestly don't know," Vegeta replied, as that was something he had never expected to see happen, though at the same time he pulled his earring off and pocketed it, because it had come from a Kaioshin and it didn't feel right to break something given to them by such an important figure, "Maybe Super Buu's body dispels the type of energy that the Kaioshin possess, rendering the earrings useless and their effects void?"

"That sounds like a strange ability for a body to have, but I guess anything is possible considering that its Super Buu we're talking about," Goku said, to which he removed his earring and pocketed it as well, before he stood up and walked over to where Vegeta was standing, "So, do we want to walk through Super Buu's body and maybe get lost in the process, or should we form Gogeta and do things the easy way this time around?"

"Raijack gave us fifteen minutes," Vegeta answered, though at the same time he started moving down the passage that was behind him, figuring that they might be able to get a better idea of where they were in the body if they found something that one of them recognized, "let's do a little recon before we decide on anything... because I'm sure that the slightest misstep will tell Super Buu that we're inside him."

Goku decided that Vegeta was right about them being careful, because it wouldn't do for them to be found out so quickly after their daring stunt, so he quietly walked behind Vegeta and walked into the same passage that his friend had chosen to go into. What they found were some veins, pulsing organs, and a number of other body parts that they didn't recognize, though they both agreed that someone like Dr. Gero, who had created Cell and Gale, would know exactly what they were looking at almost immediately. Another thing that shocked them was that there was a clear pathway for them to follow, almost like Super Buu's body was designed to be some sort of maze for the people he absorbed, so he could tire them out or something.

Their advance stopped when the two of them stepped onto what appeared to be a normal part of the walkway, but in reality it was actually more like quicksand because the more they struggled the more it consumed them... though when the floor finally got them they were dropped down towards an orange colored river that had a large number of food items, a lot of it candy, floating everywhere. Instead of allowing themselves to touch the strange colored river both Goku and Vegeta flew down to the floating pieces of candy, where they landed and observed the area that they had found themselves in... and look for potential exits.

At the same time, however, Vegeta noticed a bar of chocolate being devoured by the orange river they had nearly fallen into, which immediately told him exactly where they were located.

"It appears that we're in Super Buu's stomach at the moment," Vegeta commented, though once he determined that he started looking for a way out of here, but it was beginning to look like the only way out was if they made one, "which means that we were right to avoid landing in the river... because that's his stomach acid."

"Gross." Goku replied, as he was already beginning to dislike their decision to do this in the first place, but before he could say anything else he noticed that the pieces of junk food they were standing on were being pulled down the river, towards some sort of swirling vortex.

Due to the fact that the current was picking up, and the various pieces of candy were violently reacting to what was happening around them, both of the Saiyans were knocked into the river of stomach acid. Fortunately the acid was slow to react, because the moment they righted themselves Vegeta pointed at the wall on the right of where they were swimming, to which both he and Goku gathered a small amount of their ki and blasted a hole, large enough for them to pass through, into the wall of Super Buu's stomach. They were both sure that Super Buu was going to notice something like that, but it was better than being digested by the creature they were inside... though they both hoped that the fight didn't stop because of what they had done.

Thanks to the hole in Super Buu's stomach they were able to slip out without being digested, though when they landed somewhere safe both Goku and Vegeta watched as the hole sealed itself up and stopped spraying stomach acid everywhere. They were happy to get out of that part of Super Buu's body, as it meant that they were one step closer to finding their friends and family, but at the same time they were slightly disappointed, because they had been forced further downwards. Since they were just in the stomach they had to assume that they were close to the bottom of Super Buu's internal organs, which meant that they needed to go back in the opposite direction if they wanted to make any progress in regards to their mission.

In addition to them escaping from the stomach area they noticed some bits of candy that landed near them, to which a legion of green blobs advanced on the junk food and started dissolving what was in front of them... though that helped both of them determine that now wasn't the time to be holding back.

"Kakarot," Vegeta said, glancing over at his companion for a moment, knowing that he had to be thinking the same thing that was going through his mind, while at the same time noticing that his friend was smiling at him, "I changed my mind... let's just fuse into Gogeta and get this over with."

"You got it," Goku replied, to which he jumped to the side and landed where he was supposed to, before both he and Vegeta raised their arms and started the steps necessary to perform the Fusion Dance.

A few moments later, with them correctly performing the Fusion Dance, Gogeta stood where Goku and Vegeta had been standing a few seconds ago, though he already knew what to do next so he could carry out the plan that had been created. Gogeta wrapped his aura around him and flew into the air, though as he did so he sent several small ki blasts down at the ground, knowing that this might help keep Super Buu distracted for some time. Once that was done, and there were some holes in the ground, Gogeta flew into the air and started breaking his way through the ceiling, as he intended to reach the one place that Gohan, Gotenks, and Piccolo could possibly be held in; Super Buu's brain.

It took him a few minutes to reach the area that appeared to be the brain, but as Gogeta landed and started looking for where the others were located... though when he walked into a passageway he eventually came to an area where he spotted the forms of Gohan, Gotenks, and Piccolo. The only things that that were different about them was that their bodies were surrounded by a light blue aura, and that their eyes seemed lifeless, as their eyes appeared to be void of anything that was normally seen in eyes. Gogeta wondered what was happening for a moment, but when the trio attacked him he understood that these were memories of Super Buu's 'battles' with the three people he had absorbed.

Considering that these were memories Gogeta didn't bother holding his true power back, which was why he was effortlessly tossing the phantoms around the chamber that they were in, while at the same time his attacks left little dents in the walls around them that healed a few seconds later. He was sure that the reason that these memories were here was because Raijack was fighting Super Buu, so his mind was focused on fighting at the moment, and understood that they were likely guarding what he was looking for. He also fired several ki blasts at his targets, knocking them all backwards, though he noticed that several of his attacks hit the walls and blew holes everywhere, which would no doubt tell Super Buu that he was inside his body.

He considered something for a brief moment, even as he tossed Gotenks into the wall and bashed both Gohan and Piccolo into the ground, before he grinned and opened his mouth.

"Hey, Super Buu!" Gogeta shouted, noticing a brief look of surprise on the faces of the memories, as if they were actually tied to Raijack's opponent in some manner, before he turned his full attention to what he was supposed to be, while at the same time praying that it worked, "CAKE!"

Super Buu was starting to dislike how this day was going, because he had thought that Gotenks was the promised warrior that he was supposed to fight, but in reality it was actually Raijack that he was supposed to fight. Then Gohan and Gotenks intended on getting in the way of his fight with the other fusion warrior, so much so that he had to come up with a method to remove them and increase his own power in the process. Then his day started to get better when he and Raijack exchanged blows with each other, because he had discovered that his opponent possessed some of the strongest abilities that he had ever seen... as they were even stronger than Gotenks' skills and he was sure that his opponent hadn't shown him everything yet.

Then, out of nowhere, his stomach ached at the right moment, as he doubled over in pain and avoided an attack that would have knocked his head clean off, even though he could have reattached it easily, and had tried to fight through the pain... only for the pain to increase not a few seconds later. He asked Raijack if she would wait for a few moments and, with her permission, he flew down towards the ground and turned a boulder into a portable toilet, allowing him to do several things at the same time without someone watching him. Two minutes passed before he walked out of the toilet and stared up at his opponent, to which he tore off the clothing that was on his chest and flew up to where Raijack was floating... where he noticed that she was getting a little annoyed.

"Are you finished?" Raijack asked, indicating that she was getting tired of being ignored, reminding Super Buu of the fact that she had a thirty minute time limit on her form and that she was getting closer to defusing with every second he wasted on making sure something wasn't wrong with his body.

Super Buu opened his mouth to reply, as he was definitely eager to continue this battle and show Raijack, but then something radiated through his mind and made his stomach growl... to which he spun around and started flying towards the nearest city.

"CAKE!!!" Super Buu shouted, leaving a confused Raijack behind, who simply watched as he flew towards the nearest city and started searching for something to eat.

Raijack sighed as she followed after her opponent, preferring to keep Super Buu in her sights until he returned to thinking about their fight, while at the same time thinking about what was happening at the moment. The only reason that Super Buu would suddenly change his mind, from fighting to eating, was because something had happened inside his body that demanded his attention. Since her opponent was having a few stomach problems, thanks to the pain and the fact that he made a toilet to use, she suspected that Vegito was running wild inside Super Buu's body in an attempt to locate Gohan, Gotenks, and Piccolo. She was still annoyed that the other fusion warrior thought that this was a good idea, as now his actions were cutting into her fight, which annoyed her to no end... but she followed her opponent and made sure he didn't blow a city to pieces.

She did, however, watch as Super Buu broke into a cake shop, started calling out all the various names of the various cakes that were sitting in front of him, and started devouring every single cake he could get his hands on... all while Raijack hoped that Vegito completed his mission and got out of Super Buu's body soon, otherwise she would blow him and the others away with her final attack.

Back inside Super Buu's body, however, Gogeta blocked the incoming attack from Gotenks and knocked him into Gohan, before spinning around and kicked Piccolo into the wall behind him. One thing he discovered about the phantoms was that they could take all the damage in the world and get right back up, meaning that beating them the old fashioned way was next to impossible. Another thing he found out was that all three of the phantoms used attacks that the original user used in battle, which made sense considering that Super Buu likely had access to every ability and power that Gotenks developed. It was a thought like that, and the consideration of what Super Buu did when he absorbed certain people, that made Gogeta happy that Super Buu hadn't decided to absorb Raijack yet... even if such a thing might be virtually impossible.

He shuddered to think what Super Buu could do with all the power that rested inside Raijack's body, even if it was for thirty minutes, because even then the creature would have access to both Rainbow and Applejack's moves as well.

His thoughts were interrupted as the three phantoms stopped what they were doing and held their heads, almost as if they were in some sort of pain, though at the same time he raised his defenses in case this was a trick. That was quickly followed by the phantoms transforming into different cakes, while at the same time whatever attacks they had been getting ready to use had been stopped. The sudden transformation informed him that his idea to suddenly shout the word 'cake', while he was in Super Buu's brain, had paid off in the end, to which he smiled as he flew over the cakes and resumed his search for his friends and family.

It took him a minute or two to find what he was searching for, as he eventually came to a stop in a section of Super Buu's brain that contained four circular cocoons, where he found the resting forms of Gohan, Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks, meaning that Gotenks' fusion must have worn off already due to his Super Saiyan 3 transformation. Gogeta looked around for a moment, wondering if there were any defenses that he needed to worry about before he started tearing the place apart. What he found, however, was a small hidden walkway that brought him right to where Majin Buu, the first form of Buu that they encountered, was trapped inside Super Buu's brain as well... though despite the fact that freeing Majin Buu wasn't part of the original plan, and never was Vegito defusing, Gogeta decided that he would be the last one to be freed.

"Who would have thought that the good Majin Buu was still around, trapped inside the brain of the evil Super Buu," Gogeta commented, though that was when he remembered that he was alone and that there was no one else for him to talk to, so he went about his work.

Once that was determined he flew back over to where the others were resting and raised his hand, to which he fired small ki beams that tore through the upper and lower support structures that were keeping each cocoon held in place, though he started with the upper one, let a cocoon rest against him, and then destroyed the lower one. The first one he freed was Gohan, because he was the strongest of the bunch, before he moved onto Goten and Trunks, where he carefully placed their cocoons next to Gohan's, before he cut Piccolo down and gently placed his cocoon on the ground. As he worked he knew that Super Buu was going to be in for quite the surprise when he finished eating his cakes... and then, when he was sure that Raijack's opponent was mad, he was going to cut Majin Buu free as well.

The moment the last of the five cocoons hit the ground he turned towards what might as well be the back of Super Buu's skull, or what passed as his skull, and started gathering his ki, because the moment Super Buu started freaking out his defenses would be too weak to stand up to one of his attacks... and Gogeta was banking on that in order to escape.

It took a few minutes for Super Buu to finish eating his cake, to which he had literally asked Raijack to use her Celestial Pull ability to summon all of the cake in the city to one location so he could save time. Raijack simply sighed at the request and tried it out, where she quickly found out that it was easy to take all of the city's cake and pull them to Super Buu's location. Once Super Buu had his cake he started devouring all of it, with Raijack simply floating above him while she waited for him to get serious about fighting her once more, though after a minute or two Super Buu grinned as he finished off the pile of cakes. With his hunger contained, and he was sure that there weren't any more stomach problems, Raijack beckoned him into the sky and they returned to the area that they had been fighting in a few minutes ago... as they were both eager to continue their fight.

Super Buu, having witnessed the other attacks his opponent could use, did raise a hand before they started fighting, to which Raijack simply sighed again and asked what the problem was this time around.

"There's nothing wrong with me this time," Super Buu said, causing Raijack to wonder why he had stopped her in the first place, though that was before a grin appeared on his face, "though I desire a glimpse of your 'final' attack!"

Raijack raised an eyebrow for a moment, wondering why Super Buu suddenly decided that he deserved the right to see her final attack after the stunt he pulled, but she then quickly decided that she might as well do it, especially since she was drawing even closer to defusing thanks to Super Buu's snack break. Once she decided to show off her final attack Raijack jumped into the air, while at the same time her opponent landed on a lone cliff and stared up at her with a look of curiosity on his face. Raijack waited until she was diagonal with where Super Buu was standing before she stopped in her tracks, though when she did so she raised her right hand and leveled it with where her foe was patiently waiting... to which her aura flared to life as a large number of small sized spheres launched themselves into the air around her.

Raijack found it slightly humorous that half of the spheres were cyan blue colored, the same as Rainbow, while the other half were orange colored, more like Applejack... though she brushed that thought to the side as she focused her ki and started calling the spheres together, where they started to form a dark purple mass in front of her right hand. The mass of energy, which was roughly about the size of Raijack's head, stayed that way for a few seconds before shrinking into a much smaller size, forming a sphere that was the same size as the mass of spheres Raijack had launched mere seconds ago. When the sphere locked itself in that size the air around Raijack shook under its power, something that caused Super Buu to smile when he felt it, but she didn't fire it immediately.

Not a few seconds later, when she was absolutely sure that the attack was ready, Raijack fired the energy at her target and watched as the concentrated mass of energy went flying towards where Super Buu was standing. At first Raijack thought that he was going to take the attack head on, but then he seemed to have second thoughts and moved out of the way, though the attack clipped his arm and tore a piece of it off in the process. That was followed by the attack flying off towards the nearby plateau and colliding with it, to which everyone watched as the entire area around it was consumed in a large dome like explosion... one that was accompanied by the need for those observing the attack to cover their eyes with their arms and brace themselves under the intensity of Raijack's final attack.

When the smoke cleared everyone that was watching found a large crater that was almost three times the size as the one that was generated by Rainbow's Lightning Lance and went twice as deep... to which Super Buu looked back at Raijack with a look of glee in his eyes.

"That, Super Buu, was my Hollow Cannon," Raijack commented, though at the same time she lowered herself back down to where her opponent was standing and ignored the sweat that was running down the side of her face, because generating that much power was very taxing on this body and she had been hoping to hit her opponent with it, "Its such a shame that you decided to dodge it at the last second."

Super Buu opened his mouth to reply to her comment, and even say something about the attack, but before he could say anything he gripped the sides of his head and shook for a few seconds. That was immediately followed by Piccolo's clothing appearing on his body, to which he looked down at himself in confusion, as his power had rapidly decreased as well. As Super Buu open his mouth again the clothing disappeared completely, but now he looked more like the Super Buu that had killed everyone on Earth and less like the Super Buu that Raijack had been fighting, which only caused him to wonder what was going on with his body. Raijack, of course, knew exactly what was happening and that actually made her happy to have her attack miss thanks to Super Buu dodging it, because this meant that Vegito's plan had been a success.

Of course that changed when Super Buu went into total shock and started screaming as he swung his arms around the area that he was standing in, or some times just holding his head in general, though it became clear that something else was happening. After a few moments of that happening Raijack watched as steam started shooting out of the holes that littered Super Buu's body, which is what happened when Majin Buu released all of his evil and forced it out of his body, to which she wondered what was happening this time around. This was clearly another transformation of some sort, but she had assumed that Super Buu was as far as he could go on his own, but she kept her guard up anyway... as there was no way of knowing what was going to happen next.

A few seconds later she spotted something escaping from one of the holes in Super Buu's head, to which she watched as Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo, all unconscious at the moment, appeared in the area around Super Buu, though they were accompanied by Gogeta appearing as well. Raijack noticed this and helped the other fusion warrior move their unconscious friends over to a safe area, while learning the reason behind why Vegito wasn't the one that was standing beside her at the moment. As they placed their friends down on the ground they felt Super Buu's ki suddenly increase, which was the opposite of the decrease he had been going through the entire time, to which they got back into the air and flew back over to where Super Buu was freaking out.

They watched as Super Buu's body started to bulk up, transforming into a more muscular and angry version of himself... though as Raijack and Gogeta raised their arms to defend themselves, however, they watched as the change reverted before their eyes, changing Super Buu into a smaller version of what he had been a few seconds ago. Super Buu looked like a kid now, one that had the look and aura of someone that was going to obliterate everything around them and not care about the consequences while he had fun. This Kid Buu, for that was what Buu was at this point, seemed stronger than Super Buu, which made the two fusion warriors wonder what was going to happen next.

"When we noticed that Babidi was on the move, I knew that Majin Buu would eventually awaken," Shin commented, looking down at the crystal ball that he and the others were staring at, though at the same time he sweat a little bit when he stared at the person the ball was focused on, "but my greatest fear was that this happened... the return of the original Majin Buu."

"Original?" the Old Kai asked, feeling the same dread that Shin was feeling at the moment, though at the same time he had no idea what the current Kaioshin was talking about, "Explain what you mean."

"Back when this Buu was running around the universe he ended up absorbing one of the other Kaioshin that was living during the time of his attack," Shin replied, to which he glanced over to where Chronoa and Beerus were standing, "that action ended up creating the buffed up Super Buu that we saw for a few seconds. Before Kid Buu did that he ended up killing two of the other Kaioshin that were living at the time, though after his transformation he and Bibidi tried to kill both me and the Grand Kaioshin. In the end Kid Buu ended up absorbing the Grand Kaioshin, creating the chubby Majin Buu that was much easier to control... though Bibidi ended up sealing Majin Buu away, where I killed him in order to prevent this sort of thing from happening again."

"And what were you doing while the universe was falling apart?" the Old Kai further inquired, though this time his question was aimed at Beerus, who had been staring at the crystal ball and the foe that was standing there.

"At the time I was an uncaring individual who simply loved to watch things being destroyed," Beerus replied, remembering why he hadn't gone out to destroy Kid Buu all those years ago, despite the fact that he had no idea that the five Kaioshin were in so much trouble, "Had I understood that my very existence was being threatened at the time... well, suffice to say that none of this would have happened and you would likely still be trapped inside the Z Sword, which is something I am terribly sorry for."

The Old Kai looked at Beerus, not sure if he could believe what the God of Destruction was saying, before he turned his attention back to Shin and the crystal ball, along with the form of Kid Buu. He had thought that Vegito could have destroyed Super Buu, until they discovered what his mission had been, and then silently considered that this Raijack could do the same, but she was nearly out of time. It appeared that the strongest fighters in the universe would soon be killed by Kid Buu, which meant that the only one that could potentially kill this foe was the one God he didn't like... even if he was friends with Shin, which he couldn't understand.

"Shin, what's your plan for this outcome?" Chronoa asked, speaking up for the first time since she had come out of the house, though the Old Kai actually looked over at her in surprise, because he expected her to already know the answer to that question.

"Kibito and I will teleport to Earth, grab everyone that we can, and get out of there before Kid Buu destroys the planet," Shin replied, knowing that the first thing that Kid Buu would do, after being restored to his former glory, would be to blow up the planet he was on, "Once we're back we'll start figuring out an actual plan of attack that will save the universe, without having to resort to using a God's powers against Kid Buu. If all else fails... well, we can always have Beerus destroy Kid Buu."

"Then I had best head back home until you need me," Beerus said, though his comment was mainly because if his daughters were coming here he didn't want them asking questions, especially since they thought he was still asleep at the moment, "Feel free to contact me if something changes."

Shin nodded as he and Kibito stood next to each other and disappeared, indicating that they had to move quickly, though not a few seconds later the Old Kai watched as Beerus, Chronoa, and Whis stood together and left the planet behind as well... all while he started to wonder why the Supreme Kai of Time was hanging out with the God of Destruction, because he could have sworn that they hated each other. He let out a sigh as he stared at the crystal ball once more, as he had simply missed too much while he was trapped inside that sword and this time period was simply too confusing for him to figure out.

Raijack and Gogeta stared at Kid Buu as he observed the area around him, as if he was looking for something, before their opponent raised his hand towards the ground and fired a fist sized ki blast at the ground, to which Gogeta fired his own blast and knocked Kid Buu's back into the air. Kid Buu stared at the pair of fusion warriors for a moment, as if mentally debating something, before he lifted his hand into the air and started gathering his ki, to which a large ball appeared above his head and started getting bigger. Raijack and Gogeta knew what their opponent was doing, he was planning on blowing away the entire planet instead of fight them, though when Gogeta glanced over at Raijack she shook her head... as she had used a good amount of her power in her final attack and didn't have the strength to use the Celestial Push to repel the attack that was forming above their heads.

Besides, if she had the strength she would have preferred to use the Hollow Cannon once more and completely destroy Kid Buu's attack in the process, but she was going to have to accept what was in front of her... to which she turned towards Gogeta for a moment.

"Dende's nearby," Raijack commented, knowing that Dende had now placed himself, Gale, and Mr. Satan halfway between where Kid Buu was standing and where Gohan and the others were resting, meaning that Gogeta was going to have to make a difficult decision, "We can revive the others with the Dragon Balls, but not if we all die here."

Gogeta knew that Raijack wouldn't suggest such a thing unless it was a necessary thing for them to do, as those were her friends as well, but at the same time he knew that they could always ask the Namekians if they could use their Eternal Dragon if the Earth was destroyed. Once he came to that conclusion he flew away from where Kid Buu was standing and headed towards where Dende was located, to which Raijack kept her eyes on their foe as they made their retreat... especially when he pointed at them and sent the ball of energy flying in their direction. As Gogeta reached the location of Dende, and both Gale and Mr. Satan revealed themselves, both Shin and Kibito suddenly appeared behind the group, though they gasped when they saw what was coming their way. Raijack dropped down next to the group as everyone grabbed onto someone else, though when everyone was ready they disappeared from the area they were in.

A couple of seconds later, however, the assembled group appeared in the area around the Old Kai and carefully landed on the ground, or in the case of Mr. Satan fell face first on the ground, before they noticed the crystal ball flash for a moment... though when the light faded the Earth was gone. A few seconds later, as if timed by fate, Raijack was engulfed in light and separated into Rainbow and Applejack, who blinked for a moment before they embraced Gale, who insisted on running over to them.

"I'm glad that all of you made it off the planet before it was destroyed," the Old Kai commented, knowing that he would have to introduce himself to most of the group, but at the moment that wasn't his greatest concern, "but now the rest of the universe is in danger of being destroyed by this Kid Buu."

"You don't have to worry about the safety of the universe, because Applejack and I have one last trick up our sleeves," Rainbow replied, though she grinned as she took a seat on the ground, while at the same time Applejack accepted her hat back from Gale, "When Kid Buu shows his face again, and we're sure he will, we'll destroy him... just like our father would."

The Old Kai stared at the two pony girls had had made up the warrior known as Raijack, because there was something about the way she said the word 'destroy' that worried him... and he worried that Beerus would take offense if someone went around using that sort of tone.

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