• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Interlude: Chronoa's True Power

During the journey towards Planet Aytera, which was where Goku and Vegeta had fought Frieza after his resurrection, Goku insisted on Chronoa telling him something about her powers that she hadn't already told him and the others, while at the same time Beerus insisted that it would be better for him to discover her abilities on his own. That was the way it was against Hit, only that time Goku had been given knowledge of the Time-Skip before hand and had used that to great effect while he fought against Hit. At the same time Chronoa could tell that both Vegeta and Frieza were actually interested in seeing what she was able to do and were clearly considering sparring with her as well, since she had stated that anyone who wanted to spar with her was welcome to do so. She could also tell that Rainbow, Applejack, and Gale were curious as to what she was doing, as she had never fought before and hadn't trained with them in the past, but she was sure that all of them were going to be surprised by the time this fight was over.

Still, she stood by one of the edges of the cube they were all riding in, the same one that Whis happened to be standing above, and simply stared out at the stars that were passing them by... though a few moments passed before Beerus walked up to where she was standing and repeated what she was doing, even though she knew what was going through his mind at that moment.

"Are you absolutely sure that you want to go through with this?" Beerus asked, though he asked because he was concerned for her safety, as he knew that Goku alone could do some serious damage if she was caught off guard, and that was without throwing Vegeta and Frieza into the mix.

"It has been seventy-five million years since the last time I fought someone," Chronoa commented, remembering the last time she fought someone, a being that would have destroyed the timelines if he had become the Supreme Kai of Time instead of her, before sighing, "besides, Goku issued the challenge and would have only continued to ask me if I had said no. Accepting the challenge means that he'll get the fight he's looking for and that he'll stop asking for one, while showing everyone the true power of the Supreme Kai of Time."

"Well, I'm sure that he'll be surprised by what you show him." Beerus stated, though he realized that the reason Chronoa had changed so much, going from someone who was absolutely terrified of him and became the love of his life, was because of their daughters as well, just like they had changed him... which brought a smile to his face as he wrapped his left arm around Chronoa for a few moments.

Chronoa nodded and gazed at the stars that they were passing by, though this time around she noticed that they were slowing down at last, which meant that they were finally closing in on Planet Aytera and called for Whis telling everyone to settle down as he brought them out of the space they had been traveling through. Everyone turned towards the front of the cube as Whis had them exit the stream and flew them down towards the planet's surface, where he looked around for a suitable area for a fight to be held in. Fortunately they didn't have to search for too long, as there was an undamaged plain resting near where Goku and Vegeta had fought Frieza, while in the process of surprising everyone by how pristine it looked at the moment. Once the cube touched down Chronoa and Goku jumped out of the container and flew towards the middle of the plain, while Vegeta, Frieza, and Beerus stood on the edge of the hill that Whis had parked the cube on... allowing them to watch the fight from their own place of choosing while Whis created another platform for Bulma and the others to rest on while they watched the fight.

Of course Chi Chi was still upset that Goku wanted another fight, especially so soon after the end of the tournament, but she simply kept her mouth shut and waited for the fight to begin, as she had no idea what was going to happen this time around... which was what everyone else was thinking as Chronoa and Goku landed on the ground.

"So, how do you want to go about this?" Goku asked, though at the same time he stretched his arms for a moment, as they were still sore from his usage of the Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-Ken that he used against Hit.

"Just do what comes naturally," Chronoa replied, as she knew that Goku likely had a plan of attack in mind and was only asking so he could determine whether or not he had to change what he already had happened, but this way allowed him to keep his plan or discard it if he desired.

Goku grinned as he finished stretching and charged towards Chronoa, though when he got close he bounced over to the area behind her and attacked her with a kick that was aimed directly at her back, as he figured that if she could see Hit's Time-Skip, when no one else could, that she might have it as well. Chronoa, on the other hand, moved to the side and let the attack fly by her, where Goku grabbed onto the ground and stopped himself before he turned around and flew right back at her. Goku followed that up with some rather weak punches, nothing like the ones he had used against Hit earlier, as he was trying to gauge the power that Chronoa had before he got serious, while Chronoa parried the attacks that were coming at her with ease. A few moments later Chronoa surprised Goku by slipping by his defenses and kicked him in the side of the head with her leg, knocking him to the side and causing him to regain his footing before he faced her with a smile on his face.

This time, when Goku came flying at her again, Chronoa watched as Goku started firing ki blasts at her, to which she crossed her arms for a few seconds before pulling them apart, which was followed by a prismatic rainbow colored shield appeared in front of her and stopped the ki blasts from touching her. Goku seemed surprised by that, once more revealing that no one really knew what her powers were like since she never fought, though Chronoa took advantage of Goku's momentary shock by dispelling the shield and rushed at her opponent. Before Goku could hit her, however, she disappeared and appeared right behind him, but this time around he dodged the incoming attack and jumped away as he kept his eyes on her. Chronoa tilted her head for a moment before she rushed at her opponent once more, though this time around she went on the offensive and started throwing punches at Goku, who went on the defensive as he tried to fire out exactly what her attack pattern was and form a plan of attack in his head.

Goku, however, noticed that some of Chronoa's initial movements seemed to be the same ones that Beerus used when he and Vegeta fought the God of Destruction, which made some sort of sense considering that Chronoa had walked Beerus fight for a good amount of time over the years.

"Big Bang Attack!" Vegeta called out, though Goku barely had enough time to jump backwards as the ball of energy slammed into Chronoa and exploded, but a few seconds later Goku discovered that Chronoa had a shield in front of her and that she was perfectly fine.

Goku glanced back and found that Vegeta was now standing behind him, along with Frieza, but he smiled for a brief moment before he turned back towards Chronoa, where the two warriors floated over to him and stood beside him, with Vegeta on the right and Frieza on the left.

"I see that the two of you wanted to join the fight," Chronoa said, though at the same time she waved a hand and the shield broke apart, indicating that she didn't need it anymore and that she was openly inviting them to do battle with her once more, even if two more warriors had come to dance with her.

"Well, you did say that it was open to everyone," Frieza replied, though he smiled as he spoke, because this was his first time actually fighting someone that was on Beerus' level and he wanted to see how powerful Chronoa was for himself, even if that meant barging in on Goku's fight, before he glanced at his companions, "Gentlemen, I believe that we should take this to the next level and not play around... not when our opponent is the Supreme Kai of Time."

Goku and Vegeta glanced at each other for a moment before they braced themselves, to which their auras flared to life and they pushed themselves into their Super Saiyan Blue forms, where they stared at Chronoa as they waited to see what she did. Frieza followed them up by tapping into his own inner power and transformed into his Golden form, though once his transformation was complete the three of them dropped into their own individual battle stances and prepared themselves for what was coming next. Chronoa held a hand up and beckoned for the three of them to come at her, to which the three warriors flew through the air and raced towards her, though they separated from each other and forced her to really focus on what they were doing.

This time around Vegeta was the one that attacked her first, to which she moved around the punches and kicks that he was sending her way, though she also had to separate from him when Goku and Frieza tried to hit her with some small ki blasts. Chronoa waved a hand towards the ki blasts and loosed a wave of her own ki blasts at the ones that were coming towards them, where the two sets of attacks collided with each other and destroyed each other, allowing her to focus on what Vegeta was doing. Vegeta seemed more interested in throwing punches at her while trying to figure out where to actually hit her, to which she simply dodged some of the attacks that were coming her way and blocked some of them with her hands. That was quickly followed by Goku and Frieza flying up close to them and joining in the assault, causing Chronoa to be attacked from three different directions, where she picked which attacks she should parry and which ones she had to dodge... before the three of them punched her at the same time and sent her flying into the cliff behind her.

Despite the fact that they were using their empowered forms Chronoa knew something that they might not be aware of, they had fought long and hard in the tournament against Champa's warriors and were still slightly exhausted, but at the same time they were doing fine with the level of power that they were using... to which she determined that it was time to kick things up to the next level.

Chronoa pulled herself out of the cliff face she had been thrown into and brushed off the dust that had gathered on her clothing for a moment, though once that was done she cast a glance at the three fighters and rushed towards them, but this time around she had a different attack in mind. The first target she went for was Goku, where she shifted through time and appeared behind him, though several punch marks appeared on his chest for a moment before she kicked him back towards the ground. Vegeta and Frieza, seeing this happen in a matter of seconds, reacted immediately and started to prepare a ki attack that would hit her, though she jumped backwards and made their attacks miss, while at the same time forcing them to move to avoid the other's attack. In the opening that revealed itself Chronoa moved in and punched Vegeta in the side of his face, sending him hurling towards the ground where Goku was resting, before avoiding a Death Beam and repeating the same attack on Frieza... though instead of following them she stood her ground and lifted a hand towards the sky above them.

That was followed by a mass of pink and purple energy forming above her head, though a few moments later she leveled her hand with the area that all three of her opponents were resting in and a bolt of energy raced down toward where they were laying... to which the bolt exploded upon impact and kicked up some dust in the process, while at the same time the cloud of energy dissipated.

"Ka... me..." Goku said, though Chronoa's eyes widened as she realized where it was coming from, because Goku had Instant Transmission and could teleport wherever he wanted, as in some distance behind her and leveled with where she had sent him moments ago, "ha... me... HAAAAA!"

Chronoa quickly spun around and swung her hand as another rainbow colored shield formed between her and Goku, stopping the Kamehameha in it's tracks, but at the same time she could feel the pressure that the attack was putting on the shield and knew that Goku was as strong as Beerus had told her. As she held the attack at bay, however, she heard the sound of two more attacks coming from below her, to which she glanced back at the hole that Vegeta and Frieza had been sent into and found a Galick Gun and a Death Cannon coming her way. This time around Chronoa frowned as she shifted control of the first shield into her right hand and turned so she could accurately face the other two attacks, where she swung her left hand and called a second shield into existence to stop the Galick Gun and Death Cannon from reaching her... while at the same time silently applauding the trio for working together in such a manner.

A few moments passed before the three warriors loosed another burst of energy that caused their attacks to crack the shields she had thrown up, to which Chronoa dropped them and used her powers to move out of the way... though that was apparently what Goku was expecting, because the moment she reappeared he appeared above her and kicked her so hard that she went flying into the same crater she sent the three of them into. As she collided with the crater, however, all three of the warriors gathered together and formed their beam attacks once more, though when they fired them in unison the three different colored beams rolled around each other and merged into a solid being. A few moments later the beam struck the crater and exploded, blasting an even larger crater into the planet's surface while at the same time causing them to look around for Chronoa in case she escaped the attack again... though when the dust cleared they found that she was still standing in the crater, and was dusting herself off again, despite the few scratches she had sustained in the process of taking the attack.

"You know, despite how easily we're keeping pace with Chronoa, I cannot help but feel that we're missing something," Vegeta commented, as he knew that their opponent had to be much stronger than this, which meant that they were either walking into a trap or she really didn't want to show them her full power.

"I'm not surprised that you came to the same conclusion that I did," Goku said, as he and Vegeta had fought several opponents that hid their true power and only revealed it when they deemed it necessary, just like Frieza had done when they battled him on Namek, "but we must be careful... there's no telling what Chronoa will do now that we've backed her into a corner that she can't easily escape from."

"If she's anything like Lord Beerus, she's hiding her true power still," Frieza added, as he had seen their God of Destruction fight a few times, less than the number of times Goku and Vegeta had seen him fight, and he already knew that Chronoa might be falling into the same pattern that Lord Beerus used, "Keep your guards up and your eyes open, because she's likely to change this fight in a matter of seconds."

"You know, I was thinking of taking this nice and easy, but it's clear that my original plan won't work," Chronoa said, causing the three warriors to glance down at her, while at the same time she rubbed the side of her face and removed the scratches that were there, before staring up at the warriors she was fighting, "Originally I planned on fighting you like this, testing the water and seeing if I actually needed to take it a step further or not, but it's pretty clear to me that I can't keep fighting you like this. At this level of power the three of you will eventually beat me, so it appears that I have no choice in the matter... it's time I showed you the true power of the Supreme Kai of Time."

Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza, along with the rest of the observers, watched as Chronoa took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment, though as she did that her body started to glow in a bright yellow light, which wasn't the same color as the original Super Saiyan form that Goku and Vegeta had unlocked so long ago. The three warriors, each having gone through their own training in order to acquire these forms and gain the ability to sense the godly ki that belonged to Beerus, Shin, Chronoa, and the other gods they had encountered, could easily feel Chronoa's power rising. A few seconds later, however, the ground started to shake in response to Chronoa apparently calling forth the entirety of her power, which made the three of them prepare themselves for what was coming next... though what actually happened, however, caught them completely off guard.

Chronoa's energy gathered around her and enveloped her, similar to what happened when Goku and Vegeta first used the ritual to become Super Saiyan Gods to fight Beerus, though the sphere that shrouded her from their eyes was yellow colored, like her own ki. A few more moments passed before the energy of the sphere began to unravel, though as the trio gazed upon Chronoa again, thinking that she would just have a hair color change like most fighters in their universe did, they were surprised by what they saw. Chronoa's clothing had undergone a color change, as her leggings had taken on a more golden yellow color, opposed to it's original color, while the main color of her robe had turned pure white and her undershirt, that reached her neck, had turned golden yellow as well. In fact the only parts of her clothing that hadn't changed were her yellow colored sash, her white colored boots, and her yellow colored potara earrings.

What surprised everyone, however, was the fact that she had grown since being enveloped by the sphere of energy, as she looked more like an adult than what everyone was used to seeing, as she now stood as tall as Beerus did, coming up to the top of his head instead of the top of his ears. Chronoa's hair had changed as well, though it was more in the sense that it now reached the middle of her back instead of barely reaching her neck, while at the same time she had two bangs that rested above her chest, one on the right and left sides of her head. There was also a v shaped tiara of some kind that was mostly hidden by her hair, though it did rest against her forehead and was clearly visible to anyone that was looking at her. The last thing that had changed, about her physical appearance, was that her chest had grown a few sizes as well, something that was caught by two specific members of the observers.

The only odd thing that Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza weren't expecting was the circular shaped halo, which rested behind Chronoa's back and seemed to be shaped like a clock with two spikes pointing at the two and ten areas of an actual clock, that appeared moments later... though once the transformation was complete, and her energy had settled down, Chronoa opened her eyes and stared at her opponents.

"Chronoa can transform?!" the Old Kai exclaimed, as he, Shin, and Kibito had followed the group to this planet when they heard that Chronoa was planning on fighting Goku, and potentially other fighters as well, though that was before he started to drool when he noticed her chest area, "She's become a total babe!"

"Amen to that," Master Roshi said, though that was followed by both Bulma and Chi Chi slapping him in the back of the head, while at the same time Shin, of all people, did the same thing to the Old Kai, to which the two elders fell to the ground and rubbed their heads as the others returned to watching the battle.

"Since the three of you are fighting me with your full power, I thought it would be fair if I did the same," Chronoa said, though at the same time she stretched her arms for a moment, because it had been so long since she had used this form that her body felt a little off, while at the same time noticing that she sounded more mature, another side effect of her using her full power, "So, what do you three think of my 'final' form?"

"I think Lord Beerus is lucky to have someone like you," Frieza replied, though at the same time he dropped into his battle stance, which both Vegeta and Goku repeated on their own as they faced Chronoa, "and, if I'm being completely honest here, we might actually be in trouble."

Chronoa smiled as she took a step forward, though that was when time seemed to slow down for everyone else as she rushed through the air and zeroed in on where Frieza was floating, where she unleashed a fury of punches into his chest, arms, and legs before backing away from him. That was followed by her moving over to where Vegeta was frozen and kicked him in the chest several times in a row before delivering a kick that, when time resumed, would send him flying towards the ground below them. Goku, on the other hand, was where Chronoa focused on the area around his chest and let her punches hit their targets, before delivering a kick that would knock him into the cliff behind him, the same one she was sent into earlier. Once she was satisfied with her handiwork she jumped back to where she had been standing before she activated her power and let time resume, though for everyone else this would seem like a second, just like what Hit did during all of his matches.

Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza remained floating where they had been and shook as all of Chronoa's attacks caught up with them, before Frieza went flying diagonally into the ground beneath them, Vegeta crashed into the same familiar crater, and Goku collided with the cliff that Chronoa had been thrown into earlier.

"Wh... what just happened?" Krillin asked, because no one had seen Chronoa move from her spot and suddenly all three of her opponents went flying in different directions, almost as if she had hit them in some manner.

"It's the Time-Skip again," Beerus commented, while at the same time Whis nodded his head, as he understood the basics of the technique, even if he had no experience fighting someone who had access to it, before he chuckled, "only this time around there's no way to beat it. Chronoa appears to have complete control over time, meaning that she can either chose how long to use the Time-Skip for, or she's so strong and fast that mortals can't keep up with her."

"That really hurt," Goku moaned, though at the same time he and his fellow fighters pulled themselves free from where they had been sent, while also looking at Chronoa as she flew down to where they were resting, "That was the Time-Skip, wasn't it?"

"Yep, that it was," Chronoa replied, though she knew that there was no way for any of them to catch up with her at this point, not when she had full control over time, before she looked down at her body again, "Do you know why I don't use this form all that often? It's because I liked how I looked before I became the Supreme Kai of Time, which is why when I sealed away the majority of my power I took the form I did, because it was the one I was the most familiar with. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that I was chosen to become the Supreme Kai of Time, but most of the people who see me like this always want me because of my body and no because of who I am... which is why I'm happy to have finally found someone that cares about me as a person, and who who I came because of my role."

"So in essence you're a little like me, expect I had a different reason for sealing my power away," Frieza said, to which he leveled his arm with Chronoa as his ki flared to life all around him, where he braced as he prepared to fire a really powerful Death Cannon to knock her out, "I'm eager to see just how strong you really are."

The moment Frieza fired his attack, and it came barreling towards his target, Chronoa slowed time down once more and moved out of the way, though just to show them how good her control over time was she picked Vegeta and Goku up from where they were resting and moved them to where she had been standing moments ago. When time resumed the two Saiyans were shocked to find themselves in the middle of Frieza's attack and barely had time to do anything before they were hit, knocking both backwards. As Frieza realized what had happened, and started to rush over and check if they were alright, Chronoa appeared in front of him and let him attack her, though this time around she simply blocked the attacks that were coming her way... especially when Goku and Vegeta got up and rejoined the fight.

The three warriors moved around her, aiming their attacks like they would if they were fighting Beerus or someone near his level, though at the same time Chronoa blocked each and every attack before they could even touch her, which made them wonder just how strong she really was.

"So how long are you three going to continue to play around?" a familiar voice asked, to which they turned towards the nearby boulder that was sitting nearby and found Chronoa sitting on it, though she was smiling at them like she found something to be funny, before the Chronoa they had been fighting disappeared.

"An afterimage," Goku said, as he realized what he and the others had been fighting the entire time, while at the same time understanding that this wasn't going to be easy for any of them.

"Good guess," Chronoa replied, though at the same time she shimmered and disappeared, only to reappear behind the trio of fighters that she had been sparring with, who froze when they realized that she had moved to a new location and was standing behind them, "however, knowing my attacks won't help you at all... not like all of the other opponents you have fought over the years."

This time around the three fighters did something smart, they separated from each other and landed on three different places throughout the plains, intending for Chronoa to come to one of them and have the other two come in as backup in order to hit her while she was distracted by her target. Chronoa, on the other hand, simply waved a hand into the air and the swirling mass of energy from earlier returned, which was actually her Time Judgement attack, but instead of preparing a single blast she made sure that there were more than one. Once she was ready she focused on Goku and flew over to where he was standing, though as the Saiyan prepared himself Chronoa appeared behind him and kicked him in the back, sending him into Vegeta, who had been trying to sneak up on her. As the two of them fell towards the ground, and she sent a bolt of time Judgement at them, Frieza appeared some distance above them all and held a finger above his head... where he threw a Supernova down towards Chronoa.

Chronoa, on the other hand, raised her hand up and snapped her fingers, to which both the Supernova and Frieza froze where they were, much to the emperor's surprise, and kept him that way for a few more seconds, before sighing and pushed the Supernova back the way it came... to which Frieza took the full force of his own attack and hit the ground hard, where he reverted back to his base final form and moaned for a few moments.

Goku and Vegeta noticed that Frieza had pretty much dropped out of the battle thanks to his own attack, to which they climbed back out of the hole that had formed around them and separated from each other, while at the same time being thankful that neither of them had that type of attack in their own arsenals. When Chronoa landed in the area between them, however, they rushed at her and started throwing punches at her, where she defended herself like she had done earlier. That was until she vanished and caused both of the Saiyans to punch each other in the face, forcing them to stagger backwards from each other, to which she reappeared between them and kicked them away from where they had been standing the entire time.

This time around the two of them regained themselves and gathered their ki, where Chronoa let them do it without even attacking them, before the Kamehameha and Galick Gun came flying at her once more, though before the attacks could reach her she called down the rest of her Time Judgement attack and directed the energy at the incoming beams of energy. Fortunately that locked Goku and Vegeta in a 'beam struggle', where they pushed against Chronoa's own attack, but at the same time Chronoa moved herself away from the two Saiyans and waited for the struggle to be over. When the struggle was over, and the two were adjusting to what had happened, Chronoa flew in and time slowed down once more, allowing her to loose another fury of punches on Goku before knocking him into the plateau behind him. Vegeta, on the other hand, jumped backwards before he was caught in Chronoa's powers and was subjected to her attacks as well, though when time resumed he flew into the ground behind him and stayed there.

Chronoa watched the two Saiyans for a few seconds, to be sure that they were going to stay down this time around, before they reverted back to their base forms, to which she gathered some of her power and brought all three fighters to her, where she carried them over to where the others were and surprised the group as she restored their energy with a wave of her hand... though once that was over she stood up and faced the one person whose opinion on this form she wanted the most.

"Beerus... this is what I look like when I'm using my full power," Chronoa said, though at the same time she rubbed her arm for a moment, because she honestly had no idea how the love of her life would react to this form, "I know it's not what you're used to seeing, but I can always revert back if you don't..."

Beerus interrupted Chronoa by stepping forward and gently took her chin with his hand, to which the group watched as the God of Destruction kissed the Supreme Kai of Time, just like they did every time one of them needed to stop the other from either doing something stupid or stop them from breaking down over something that made them sad.

"Chronoa, I will admit that you are absolutely stunning in this form," Beerus said, though he pulled back a bit and smiled at the love of his live, while at the same time moving his hand towards her hair and pushed one of her bangs behind her ear, which caused her to chuckle for a few seconds, "but it doesn't matter to me which form you choose to wear, because both of them are who you really are... a sudden growth spurt isn't going to change how I feel about you."

Chronoa smiled as she heard that, because not only had Beerus kissed her in her transformed state, a form she never tried to like in the seventy-five million years she had been alive, but he also said that she was stunning in this form, meaning that he liked it as much as her normal form. For a moment she wondered if this was her opportunity to fix that, since Beerus loved her transformed state in such a way, before she made up her mind and focused her energy on repressing her full power again. This time around she did something different, as the clock halo disappeared and her power decreased to the level it had been before Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza forced her to release her full power... only this time she retained her mature form, instead of reverting back to her child like form that everyone was familiar with.

The other thing that changed was that Chronoa's clothing reverted back to it's original coloring, indicating that the white clothing meant she was using her true power and that the original coloring meant she had powered down.

"Shouldn't you have reverted back to your old form?" the Old Kai asked, though at the same time Chronoa could tell that he wasn't unhappy about her decision to remain in this form, but she had to resist the urge to slap him upside the head and knock him into the wall behind him.

"I can choose which form I retain when I power down," Chronoa commented, though as she spoke she wrapped her left arm around Beerus' neck, something that she wouldn't have been able to do if she went back to her younger looking form, "I thought that, since Beerus seems to like this form as much as my more commonly used form, I would use this one for a little while longer. I can always change back later if I so desire."

Beerus smiled as he wrapped his arm around Chronoa, to which Whis called for everyone to get back in the cube so they could finally return everyone to Earth, though his mind was on Chronoa and her true form, one that she clearly had problems with. He was determined to show her that he meant what he had said, that he loved her regardless of which form she decided to wear at any given moment, while at the same time getting to know the form she was using at the moment. He knew that she would revert back to the other form at some point in the near future, and he was okay with that fact, but he wanted her to know that he supported her and her decisions... and maybe, after some point in time, make her more comfortable with her true form.

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