• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Namek: Fastest in the Universe

Rainbow had been expecting the members of the Ginyu Force to put up a good fight, considering what Vegeta had told them before the five men had arrived, but she had to admit that Gulo had been the least impressive of the bunch. Recoome, on the other hand, was the type of fighter that could hold his own until he was either told to back off or decided to call someone in to help him, making him more impressive. For a few moments Rainbow mentally wished that she could have fought the massive man, but she was more than willing to settle for who had earned the right to fight her. Even now Burter was making his way towards where she was standing, though she could tell that her opponent had this air of confidence around him, as if Recoome's fight illustrated that the Ginyu Force was incapable of losing.

She smiled as she left her opponent draw closer to her, while at the same time she made sure that her ki was ready to go at a moments notice as it flickered over her body for a second or two, because she had the feeling that this was going to be an exciting fight.

"So Guldo had physic abilities and Recoome has some monstrous endurance," Rainbow commented, noticing that Burter was raising one of his eyebrows when he finally came to a stop, with some distance still between the two of them, "tell me Burter, what's your special skill?"

"My special skill is my speed!" Burter proudly stated, indicating that he was quite pleased with his abilities, while at the same time keeping his eyes on Rainbow, "I am Burter, the Blue Hurricane of the Ginyu Force... and I am the Fastest in the Universe!"

"Is that so?" Rainbow asked, her smile changing to a grin, because now that she knew what her opponent excelled in, the same thing sh excelled in, she knew for sure that this was definitely going to be an exciting fight, "Well then, show me this speed of yours and let's put it to the test against my own speed."

Burter let out a laugh before charging a ki blast and firing it at Rainbow's hooves, close enough to create a tiny cloud of smoke, indicating that he wasn't trying to do any damage to her at the moment. Before anything else happened Rainbow made sure that her ki ability was ready, because she wanted to see just how fast her opponent was before she attacked him. That was followed by Burter appearing behind Rainbow and swinging his left hand into her side, to which he cut her in half and sent the two pieces flying. He wasn't the only one shocked, because he could tell that the rest of his companions, while not even mentioning all of Rainbow's friends, were shocked by what he had just done.

In fact the only person that didn't seem shocked by what was going on was the one that called herself Applejack, though she appeared to be shaking her head at the moment.

"Oh my Frieza... I killed her," Burter said, already knowing the horrible fate that was going to be his when they told Lord Frieza that he had accidentally killed her while trying to knock her out, "and I just got myself killed as well."

Before anyone else could say anything, or even shout at Burter for what he had done, Rainbow's body parts turned white before breaking apart, though he could have sworn that his opponent looked like she was made out of the clouds that were around them. That was immediately followed by something slamming into Burter's back and knocking him forward, though as he prevented himself from hitting the ground, and regained his footing, he noticed that Rainbow was standing before him without a cut on her body. While Burter was actually thankful that Rainbow wasn't dead, as it meant that he was going to live to see another day, he was still confused as to what had happened, because he had been sure that he had sliced her in half.

"Wh... what was that ability?" Burter asked, wiping off some sweat from his forehead, as he was trying to wrap his head around what had actually happened to Rainbow.

"That was a Cloud Copy," Rainbow replied, watching the rest of the cloud version of herself break apart until there was nothing left, to which she turned her attention back to Burter, "basically I made a decoy for you to hit so I could gauge how fast you actually are. Its something I recently came up with, like a day or two before my sister and I came to Namek, so its not as perfect as I would like it to be, but it served its purpose well."

"Okay, but when did you have the time to make it?" Burter inquired, because he had barely seen her energy appear on his scouter before he had launched his distraction attack, which meant that she had either created it before hand or had created it the brief few seconds there had been before he had struck her... which was insane to even consider.

"My ki flickered for a few seconds before you launched your attack," Rainbow stated, to which she held out a hand and manipulated the air around her, to which a miniature version of herself appeared for a few seconds before breaking apart and forming another small cluster of clouds, "I used the opportunity that you gave me, by walking towards me and not flying like the others had done, to create a copy of myself that I could change places with. The copy would take the damage and then you would leave yourself open to an attack, which means that my technique worked as well as I had intended... so you have my thanks for helping me get one step closer to perfecting it."

"That doesn't make any sense at all!" Burter countered, because he had noticed a flaw in Rainbow's reasoning, which he was more than willing to point out, "You are much slower than I am, so there is no way you could have exchanged places with your dummy without taking some sort of damage in the process... and I'll prove it to you right now!"

Burter flashed behind Rainbow once more and threw his fist at her, though this time she merely moved to the left a little bit, to let his fist move passed where she was standing, before planting her right elbow in his chest, though before she could follow up on the attack he moved out of the way. As Rainbow shifted her stance, no doubt to get into a better position to fight him head on, Burter flew back into her face and started kicking at her while using his intense speed, unleashing his Mach Kick attack as payback for her making a fool out of him. Rainbow, on the other hand, raised her hands and blocked the kicks that were coming her way, though that was followed by Burter throwing a kick from the side and hitting her head, sending her flying for a few seconds.

Burter then followed that up with flashing to where Rainbow was and throwing a barrage of punches into her chest, before grabbing onto her shoulders and throwing her at one of the intact boulders that was still sitting around the area... though he waited to see how much damage he actually did before beating her up some more.

"There, now you understand that it is impossible to match the Blue Hurricane in terms of speed," Burter stated, staring at Rainbow as she pulled herself from the boulder and go rid of the dust that was clinging to her body, "You might as well give up now and surrender to Lord Frieza... maybe he'll make your death quick and painless once you tell him where the Dragon Balls are."

"Oh, I'm just getting warmed up," Rainbow replied, to which her ki flickered around her body as she released all of it, just like what Gohan and Krillin had done against Guldo, "Go ahead and check out my power level with your scouter... I'm sure you'll be in for a surprise."

Burter stared at Rainbow for a moment, wondering if the blow to her head was making her think that she actually stood a chance at beating him, before he let out a quick sigh and decided to humor her before he knocked her out cold. He tapped his scouter and watched as her original rating, which had been ten thousand, started to steadily increase towards twenty thousand before passing it completely. He stood where he was standing for a few minutes as Rainbow's power passed the thirty thousand mark and stopped at thirty-five thousand, right on the dot. Burter was sure that his opponent was only seven years old, but he had never heard of someone so young having so much power backing them, but in the end he had nothing to worry about, as his own power level was at forty thousand... which meant that he was still going to win this match.

Though before he threw another fist, or blasted her with his ki, Burter decided to praise Rainbow's power and see if he could use her ego to his advantage for a few seconds.

"It seems I was mistaken in believing that you were some ordinary fighter," Burter said, dropping into a battle stance while he waited for his opening to reveal itself, "No mere seven year old has ever had a power level as high as yours, with maybe the exception being Lord Frieza himself, so you must be pretty proud of whatever training you went through to get that power."

"Well, I am pretty awesome," Rainbow replied, stretching her arms and legs for a moment, as she was eager to test out her full potential against someone like Burter, "Now then, let's see how your speed compares to my own."

Burter smiled as he flashed through the air and closed the distance between where he had been standing and where Rainbow was currently standing, as she had yet to move an inch. Bruter then brought the back of his right leg down on where his opponent's shoulder was, intending to knock her into the ground and then unleash a barrage of attacks that left her unable to move, but right as his attack was about to make contact Rainbow vanished. As he began to turn his head, and see if he could find where she had gone, something collided with his chest and sent him flying into one of the plateaus that the others had broken quite a bit. When he started to pull himself up, however, he noticed that Rainbow was standing in front of whee he had moved to so he could hit her, though she was facing his way and was returning her right leg to the ground.

He was impressed by her speed, which was apparently something that she had a lot of pride in, like he was in his own speed, but he was also shocked that his scouter hadn't followed her exact movements, which was odd considering that all of the Ginyu Force scouters were designed to keep track of him and anyone that was remotely as fast as he was. He knew that it was impossible for there to be someone faster than him, because Lord Frieza would have told him about such a person and then Burter would have either put them down or surpassed their speed... yet here was someone whose speed at least rivaled his own.

Burter picked himself up and stared at his opponent, silently pleased that Lord Frieza ha said to bring Rainbow back to him alive, because that meant that he could beat her to within an inch of her life and their boss wouldn't care at all. Before either of them could do anything, however, Rainbow tilted her head to the side and stared at something behind Burter, to which he turned his head and spotted a perfectly spherical orb land on a nearby plateau. He estimated that it was about ten minutes away by flight, or a matter of seconds for him considering how fast he was, but he also noticed that the strange ship was positioned in a place where no harm would come to it unless someone specifically aimed at it.

"He arrived sooner than Bulma said he would." Vegeta commented, already feeling Kakarot's energy from where he was laying, though a smile appeared on his face as he looked over at Ginyu, "Though now maybe we'll have someone that can beat Ginyu."

A few seconds later the surviving members of the Ginyu Force watched as a new challenger flew into the area they were all fighting in and landed near where Vegeta and his friends were resting. Ginyu noticed that the newcomer was dressed in the same type of outfit that the bald man was wearing, though when he noticed the look in Vegeta's eyes he realized that there was a second Saiyan in front of them. He and Jeice quickly tapped their scouters, leaving Recoome as the odd man out considering his scouter was now broken, but they were disappointed to learn that the newcomer's power level was only five thousand. Ginyu was disappointed, because the look on Vegeta's face had indicated that the newcomer was powerful, but his scouter was saying otherwise... but if he was like the others, and was hiding his true power, then he had to be a weakling that didn't want others to know the truth.

Ginyu let out a sigh as he crossed his arms, because it appeared that he was going to have to deal with the newcomer once all of his men had finished fighting... and he'd have nothing to brag about when they finished their mission.

"Hey guys, it seems like I made it in time for the big event," Goku said, undoing the bag that was tied around his belt, which all of his friends were familiar with at this point, "So, who beat the three of you up?"

"That would be Recoome," Vegeta answered, carefully lifting a finger to point at the damaged member of the Ginyu Force, to which he pointed at Jeice and Ginyu after Kakarot had nodded, "Applejack has the honor of fighting Jeice, the second in command for the Ginyu Force, leaving their leader without someone to fight... unless you would like to take him on when Rainbow and Applejack are done with their respective opponents?"

"That sounds like a plan." Goku replied, reaching into the pouch and pulling out three beans, which he handed to Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta, "I'm eager to see what Rainbow does to her opponent... and the same goes for Applejack when its time for her to fight. Seriously, when I landed I almost thought that they were enemies and got worried... though I wouldn't mind fighting them in the future."

Vegeta let out a chuckle as he, Gohan, and Krillin ate the Senzu Beans that they had been given, because it was refreshing to be around the other Saiyan again, even if all Kakarot was interested in was fighting at the moment. A few seconds passed before all of their wounds were healed, their bones were mended, and their stamina was restored, to which the three of them stood up and stretched for a few seconds... much to the disbelief of the Ginyu Force.

"What in the world is going on?" Burter asked, staring at the three fighters that Recoome had almost killed, all of whom were now back on their feet like nothing had happened, "What did he do to them?"

"Nothing you need to worry about," Rainbow replied, already knowing what the Saiyan had given to the others in order to restore them to how they were before they fought Recoome, though her eyes were on Goku until he finished what he was doing.

"Sorry to interrupt Rainbow," Goku called out, waving to Rainbow as he took a seat by his friends and his son, a smile on his face as he was eager to see what happened next, "You can resume fighting now."

Before Burter had time to understand what was going on, or even properly defend himself, Rainbow appeared to the right of where he was standing and kicked him in the side with her leg, sending him flying back towards the area that they had stated fighting on. As he attempted to correct himself, and get a better lock on Rainbow, something hit his chest and knocked him to the ground, though even as he fell he noticed his opponent floating above where he had been hit. He jumped backwards the moment he landed and avoided another attack that would have hit him, leaving Rainbow with her hoof stuck in the ground for a few seconds.

Burter flew at Rainbow and started throwing punches and kicks at her, all of them in his barrage style whenever he was fighting someone alone and didn't have the benefit of calling on backup. The odd thing was that Rainbow managed to pull her hoof free from the ground and either parried the attacks coming her way or received a few hits when she missed an attack, though she also managed to slip in a punch or two through the barrage and hit Burter in return. After a minute of that not working, and not even being able to land any really damaging blows on Rainbow, Burter jumped backwards and put some distance between him and his opponent.

Oddly enough he noticed that Rainbow was remaining where he had left her, though that only told him that she was interested in seeing what he was going to throw at her next. Burter gathered his energy and started loosing small balls of energy at his target, which all soared towards where Rainbow was standing and exploded when they came into contact with either the ground around her or when a few touched Rainbow herself. Over the next thirty seconds Burter unleashed a hail of energy balls on his target and created a smoke cloud that rivaled one of Recoome's lower powered attacks, though at the same time he started laughing as he thought about how hurt his opponent had to be at the moment.

"What are you even aiming at?" a voice behind Burter said, though the moment he recognized Rainbow's voice he stopped his attack and turned around, to which he spotted her floating behind him.

"I... I was aiming at you," Burter replied, though he was shocked to find that none of his attacks had done any harm to Rainbow, because there wasn't a single new scratch on her from any of his shots, "Okay, how in the name of Lord Frieza did you get behind me without me even noticing that you were there?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Rainbow asked, crossing her arms for a moment while a smirk appeared on her face, "I AM the Fastest in the Universe... though I'd say that you are more like the second or third fastest."

"Oh no, I'm not about to let someone like you upstage me and proclaim that you are faster than me," Burter snapped, clearly annoyed with what Rainbow had told him, though at the same time he moved backwards for a few seconds to get some additional distance between the two of them, "I was holding back because Lord Frieza wanted you brought to him alive, but I should at least show you that I am truly the fastest in the universe before you die."

This time when Burter flashed towards Rainbow, in an attempt to get around her and deliver a blow that would finish this fight, Rainbow easily matched his speed and they met in the middle of the area that had been between the two of them. Burter was surprised that the seven year old girl was able to match his maximum speed, which he prided himself on all the time, with some little effort on her part... though it also pissed him off that someone so young had the nerve to proclaim that they were faster than he was. He threw several punches and kicks at her, in an effort to distract Rainbow, before jumping backwards and unleashing another hail of energy blasts as his foe, hoping that she wouldn't have enough time to react.

He failed to account for Rainbow appearing behind him and slamming her fist into his back, which ended up breaking a piece of his armor off, which caused him to consider that getting away from her was likely the best idea at the moment. A few seconds later Rainbow caught up with him and started throwing punches at him, forcing him to stand his ground and parry her attacks while he thought of a way out of this nightmare. For a moment he actually considered calling on Jeice to come help him, so the two of them could perform many of their special combo attacks on Rainbow, but then immediately discarded the idea when he realized that Applejack was still waiting for her turn to fight... which meant that he couldn't call on Jeice without allowing Applejack to join in as well.

While he was lost in his thoughts for a moment, and wasn't paying attention to the fight, Rainbow grabbed onto his head with her hands and sent him flying towards one of the plateaus, before sending a volley of small energy balls Burter's way. He barely had enough time after refocusing on the battle to dodge the attacks that were heading at him, though at least the last two managed to nick his armor and blew the right shoulder piece apart. As a cloud of smoke enveloped Burter, and covered where he was standing, he decided to wait and see what Rainbow did before he made his move against her... though that was followed by her appearing behind him again and breaking off another piece of his armor in the process.

"Vegeta, did you see that?" Goku asked, his eyes following Rainbow and Burter around, though he was impressed by the fact that Rainbow was actually this fast, which made him wonder what it would be like to fight her in the future.

"Yes Kakarot, my eyes are following them," Vegeta replied, watching Rainbow slam her fist into Burter's chest and then back off before her opponent had time to hit her back, to which a smile appeared on his face.

"Wait, you can actually see them?" Gohan inquired, because due to his inexperience in higher leveled battles, which his father had many of before Raditz and Nappa happened, he couldn't see either Rainbow or Burter, "How about you Krillin? Can you see them?"

"Nope, I'm totally lost," Krillin answered, though the only way he knew where either of the combatants were was whenever they appeared out of thin air when Burter was hit enough to throw off his concentration.

Their conversation was put on hold as Rainbow and Burter appeared in the sky again, though that was also when Rainbow landed a third strike on her opponent's armor and knocked a piece loose. She then followed though with another series of attacks, to which she flew around Burter and either kicked him in the chest or punched him somewhere else, almost as if she was trying to loosen more of his armor before bringing an end to the fight. After two minutes of flying around her opponent, and damaging his armor, Rainbow finally decided to bring about a quicker end to the fight, to which she appeared above Burter's head and slamming the back of her right leg into his shoulder. The force of her attack sent her opponent flying towards the ground, where he creating a small crater around him the moment he hit the dirt... which was followed by Recoome and Jeice letting out some loud gasps in surprise.

Rainbow stared down at the crater that Burter had made and watched her opponent, wondering if he was going to get up an come a her again, but she knew that she had to be patient. Sure, she had broken a few pieces of his armor off, but so far she hadn't actually done anything damaging to her opponent that would lead to his defeat in their battle. After a minute of waiting, and seeing no sign of Burter even attempting to get back up, she let out a sigh and prepared to head back to where the others were waiting, so Applejack could have her turn, but before she moved an inch she noticed some movement from her opponent.

It took a few seconds for Burter to get back on his feet, in addition to the few seconds it took him to actually climb out of his crater, but when he was standing up again he glared at Rainbow, indicating that he was annoyed.

"I will not be done in by someone like you!" Burter declared, ki dancing around his body as he positioned himself in a bent 'L' form with his hands spread out behind his back, "I'm going to hit you with my strongest energy blast and take you down a notch!"

"Very well, if that's how you want to end this fight then I can play along," Rainbow said, pulling her hands to the right side of her body as she gathered her ki, as she knew that using the lance on Burter would be overkill, "Ka... me... ha... me..."

The two of them remained as they were for a few moments, both of them gathering ki for their final attack of this match, while everyone else eagerly awaited the clash of their abilities... though eventually Burter cracked and change positions.

"Blue Impulse!" Burter yelled out, leveling his hands with where Rainbow was floating, to which his large ki blast raced from where he was standing and zeroed in on where his opponent was at the moment.

"HAAAAAA!" Rainbow shouted, to which she leveled her hands with Burter and released the attack she had been preparing, though that was followed by her own beam of ki energy racing down towards her foe.

The two attacks collided in the middle of the air, the force pushing up a gust of wind that informed all of the spectators that the clash of Rainbow and Burter's energies was a fight between two equally powered fighters. For a moment nothing happened, save for the two attacks pushing at each other as both Rainbow and Burter fought for dominance, leaving everyone to stare and watch for some form of movement... thought that was followed by Burter's attack starting to be pushed back just a tiny bit. That was the beginning of the end for Burter, as despite the amount of power he poured into his attack, and how hard he fought against his opponent, Rainbow's attack constantly pushed his backwards.

Eventually Rainbow's Kamehameha consumed Burter's Blue Impulse, pushing the entire attack back down to where Burter was and exploding the moment it came into contact with the man, kicking up a cloud of dust and smoke that made the majority of the spectators cover their eyes as they waited for it to clear. Half a minute later the dust cleared and revealed the outcome of the fight, where they found Burter standing in the middle of a crater with the majority of his armor destroyed, along with quite a number of cuts and wounds. Rainbow flew down to where her opponent was standing, expecting that he was still able to fight, but as she landed she noticed that he was pretty much done for.

"I... I guess... you are... the... fastest... in the... univ..." Burter huffed out, clearly trying to tell Rainbow that she had won in his own way, but before he could finish saying the title he collapsed in the middle of the crater.

"You were a good opponent Burter," Rainbow said, kneeling down for a moment to place two of her fingers on his neck, where she discovered that his pulse was gone, before she moved her entire hand over her opponent's eyes, to which she closed them before standing back up.

"First Guldo and now Burter," Jeice growled, drawing the attention of everyone to him for a moment, to which they discovered how pissed off the second in command of the Ginyu Force was, "As far as I'm concerned all of you are dead!"

Before Ginyu could stop his second in command, and stop him from doing something foolish, Jeice jumped into the air and flew at Rainbow, ignoring everyone else as he intended to at least punch the pony girl and punish her for what she did, but before his fist could make contact he found Applejack standing between him and her sister... and she had caught his fist before he could make contact. A few seconds later she threw him backwards, to which he landed on his feet and stared at her, while at the same time Applejack pulled off her hat and tossed it back towards her sister.

"You've had your 'fun' Rainbow, now its my turn," Applejack said, dropping into her battle stance as she stared at Jeice, who was glaring at her the entire time.

"Have fun Applejack," Rainbow replied, lifting herself into the air and flying back to where the others were waiting, though she was eager to see what her sister was capable of doing with her power up.

Applejack turned her attention back to Jeice, who was fuming with rage at the moment, but she kept a calm expression on her face as she readied herself for battle, knowing that her opponent would be blinded by rage for some time before he calmed himself as well. She cast her eyes towards Ginyu and wondered if he would fight after Jeice or wait until all of his squad members were defeated, but she refocused on the man in front of her and prepared herself... knowing in an instant that this was going to be a fierce fight between the two of them.

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