• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Battle: Revealing the Truth

Beerus, Shin, Rainbow, and Applejack flew through the air and made their way back to where the rest of the Z Warriors and the Saiyans from Asgard were waiting for them, though at the same time they observed the changes that had happened to the planet beneath them. Beerus was surprised to see that all of the damage he and the others had done to the planet had been repaired by the life energy that Applejack had called upon, as he had next to no experience in Shin's aspect of keeping the universe in balance. He preferred destroying things, as was his role as the God of Destruction, but just seeing what happened to Planet Meka, with the life energy pulsing out of the large Tree of Life that Applejack had grown, actually took his breath away for a moment... while at the same time making him wonder what sort of lifeforms would call this planet home in the future.

When they returned to the temple Beerus found that everyone was gathered outside, though that was before he noticed that all of them were staring at the large tree that appeared in the distance.

"What... is that?" Krillin asked, as while he knew what trees were, which everyone in their group knew about, he had never seen this sort of tree before and had never seen the type of energy it was emitting.

"A Tree of Life." Shin stated, though at the same time his group landed on the ground, where he noticed that Chronoa was glad to see that all of them were safe, "Not only was Applejack able to hear the voice of Planet Meka, something that not even I could do, she was able to draw upon the other planets to give this one life... in more ways than one. Now that a Tree of Life has grown on this planet, and its life energy is radiating into the planet around it, life will eventually start growing on this planet in a few hundred years or so."

"I see," Bulma said, as she was slightly curious about the Tree of Life and wondered if there was a way to get a sample of the energy, or do something else with the power that the tree held, before she glanced at Applejack, "Also, why is Applejack wearing the same clothing that you are wearing?"

"Because she's currently into her newly acquired Avatar of Creation state," Beerus answered, to which the group turned and looked at him, though that was when he gestured to the clothing that he and Rainbow were wearing, before doing the same to Shin and Applejack's clothing, "Like I said earlier, I am the God of Destruction for this universe, so the Avatar of Destruction allows the user to take on a form that is similar to mine, meaning that their clothing changes to match my godly attire and they gain the ability to tap into the power of a Destroyer God, which is the dark purple energy you have all seen Rainbow use quite a few times. The same can be said for the Avatar of Creation, as it allows the user to change their clothing to the same clothing that Shin is wearing, while at the same time granting them the ability to tap into the power of a God of Creation."

"You know, I've been meaning to ask this since Rainbow first manifested the Avatar of Destruction," Vegeta said, to which he glanced over at his friends for a moment, finding that they seemed interested in something and were eagerly awaiting a different conversation to start, "but can anyone, with enough training and determination, acquire the same form that she's been using since the Cell Games?"

"I'm afraid that such a thing would be impossible." Whis stated, drawing the attention of the group to him, while at the same time Chronoa set something down on the table that rested in the middle of the temple grounds, where he and the others had tea whenever they visited this planet, "Only those that are destined to become a God of Destruction one day, and a God of Creation as well, are the only ones that can manifest one of the two Avatars. If such a person didn't exist than a Destroyer God would search his or her universe for a mortal that was able to actually best them in battle, or by whatever method they so desire, to find a suitable replacement."

"Wait a second," Rainbow said, though at the same time the group could see that she and Applejack were shocked by the news, as they had believed that their Avatar states were only a power up of sorts, "are you telling me that Applejack and I are going to become gods one day?"

"Yes, though we'll get into that after we explain some... other things... to you and Applejack," Beerus answered, though at the same time he had to prevent himself from saying more for the moment, as he already knew that when his beloved daughters received a certain piece of news they were going to freak out.

Rainbow and Applejack seemed eager to hear what he and Chronoa, as well as Whis and Shin, wanted to tell them, to which they eagerly took a seat around the table, or rather tables, as several more had appeared while they were talking with their father and Whis. Beerus had known that they were going to have to spill the beans at some point in time, though he never anticipated that they would have to do so in front of so many people, but it made things much easier in the long run, as they would only have to explain everything one time. Chronoa, being the Supreme Kai of Time, had likely seen that they were going to need all these tables and chairs, as the temple grounds looked more like Bulma's party with a large crystal ball, about the size of Whis, was set on a stand near the entrance of the temple... allowing everyone to sit around it and observe whatever they were being shown.

Once Chronoa was finished setting up the sphere, and making sure that everything was attached right, Whis took up a seat near the crystal and gently placed the end of his scepter into a slot that had been prepared for this occasion, to which the sphere sprung to life and images started flowing across the screen... until he settled for an image of the original 12 universes, which was twelve spheres that formed a circle. That was shortly followed by a thirteenth sphere, this one possessing a flame like color that was vastly different from the colored spheres that represented the other universes, of which there were two red spheres, two blue spheres, two green spheres, two yellow spheres, two purple spheres, and two cyan colored spheres.

"Rainbow, Applejack, back when you were four years old we told you that there were only 12 official universes," Beerus explained, to which Whis highlighted the original twelve spheres, before he zoomed in on one of them and several more images appeared, "before we discuss the other sphere, you must first know the names and appearances of the other eleven Gods of Destruction, even if one will be a reminder. First up is Iwen, the God of Destruction for Universe 1."

What appeared on the screen was what appeared to be a human shaped person, though they were much shorter than Whis, likely around Shin's size, and had a large amount of fur that covered the majority of his face, as all the girls could see was his eyes and his ears. They could just make out the form of Iwen's collar, which was buried under his fur, while at the same time noticing that he wore a white shirt and his belt that labeled him as a Destroyer God, to which they also spotted a small hat of sorts on his head.

"Next up is Heles," Beerus said, though that was followed by him lightly nodding his head to Whis, who nodded in return and caused the image of Iwen shifted and transformed into the next God of Destruction he had named, "she is the Destroyer God for Universe 2."

Heles was a very slender human-like woman who had light brown skin, large green eyes, which happened to have dark turquoise colored eye shadow surrounding them, while at the same time having some red lipstick on her lips, and black hair with gold beads at the end. The girls noticed that Heles looked like an Egyptian goddess or something, as Chronoa had given them books on certain cultures that existed throughout the universe, or did depending on what their father did to them before they arrived on his planet. They also spotted what appeared to be a headdress on Heles' head, a dark turquoise sash, and a white skirt, completing the look that she must have been going for.

"After Heles is Mosco," Beerus stated, though at the same time he had to push down the memory that Applejack had stirred up during their fight, about him being grabbed by Mosco's metallic hands, before the image changed shape, "the God of Destruction for Universe 3."

Rainbow and Applejack discovered that Mosco was a green hulking humanoid robotic being with a single orange eye, though they had never actually seen anything like him before and were actually slightly interested in meeting him one day, if only to sate their own curiosity. Mosco was, of course, dressed in a similar fashion to the other Destroyer Gods and his attire was white-trimmed black, green, and gold colored, though his possessed two triangles on his sash and a diamond on his collar. One thing they noticed, however, was that Mosco's attire lacked the belt that most of the Gods of Destruction, those that the girls had seen anyway, wore to complete their godly appearance. On Mosco's mid-section was a circular grey panel with a small blue screen and what appeared to be a red button, though oddly enough he was also wearing a pair of brown shoes with golden braces around the heels.

"After the God of Destruction for Universe 3 comes the God of Destruction for Universe 4," Beerus said, though this time he had to resist the urge to growl in annoyance, as this was one of the few Destroyer Gods that he disliked with a burning passion, despite the fact that they were rivals in a sense, "Quitela."

The girls noticed that Quitela happened to be a small yellow furred anthropomorphic mouse with large round ears, a thin tail, and had a black outline around his eyes. Unfortunately there wasn't much else for them to stare at or notice, other than the fact that he wore a green striped variation of the typical God of Destruction attire, those his sash had one white triangle facing the north position, an orange circle beneath that, and a second white triangle facing the south direction. One thing they did notice was that their father didn't much like Quitela, which meant that they had to be bitter rivals or something, but at the same time they hoped that he could put his past feelings of him aside... just like he had done for Whis, Shin, and their mother.

"Next is Arack," Beerus continued, wanting to get away from looking at Quitela, because there were some aspects of his former life that weren't going to change by the presence of his beloved girls, "who is, of course, the God of Destruction for Universe 5."

Arack was a tan and somewhat wrinkly humanoid with large purple eyes and an emaciated frame, though at the same time the girls knew that looks could be deceiving, especially when a God of Destruction was involved. Arack had a red mohawk on the top of his head, but while he didn't possess a nose he had some nostrils, making him one of the stranger Destroyer Gods that they had seen. The girls also noticed that he had some whiskers on his face and large purple lips, while at the same time spotting that the color of his attire was yellow, instead of what they had seen earlier.

"Next up is someone that you two should recognize," Beerus said, though while he was happy that his brother had given him, and by effect Rainbow and Applejack, some space he was actually disappointed that Champa didn't want anything to do with his daughters, "my twin brother, Champa, whose the God of Destruction for Universe 6."

Rainbow and Applejack stared at the screen as the image of their uncle flashed onto it, making Goku make a slight remark about there being a fat version of Beerus running around, though they were pleased that their father wasn't upset over the entire thing. Rather he seemed to stare at the image of his brother, as if wondering what he was up to and if he was spying on him again, but he shook his head and had Whis change the image again. One other thing that the girls noticed was that Bulma had a tablet out, no doubt taken from her spaceship, and was making her own notes on the various Destroyer Gods that they were being shown. They had to wonder if she was looking for something specific or if she was noting down her observations, though they decided to push the thought away and focused on who was up next.

"As you all know I am the Destroyer God for Universe 7..." Beerus started to say, though that was before he stopped when he noticed his own image appeared on the screen, one that was of him sleeping in his favorite bed with Chronoa at his side, to which he turned to Whis, who was resisting the urge to chuckle, "Really Whis?"

"Just having a little fun," Whis replied, though at the same time he calmed himself down and shifted the image once more, indicating that he was ready to move on to the next universe.

"After my universe is Universe 8," Beerus said, to which he turned away from where Whis was sitting and glanced at the image of the god that was up next, before he turned his attention to his daughters, "and this is Liquiir, the God of Destruction for Universe 8."

Liquiir happened to be a golden yellow furred fox humanoid with black tipped ears, with yellow sclera surrounding his black colored eyes, and had three tails. His godly attire was red colored, though while his collar had two orange colored diamonds, as opposed to the one diamond their father had, his sash had a circle followed by a second circle, then a pair of diamonds, and then a final diamond near the bottom. Liquiir seemed to be a powerful God of Destruction, just from them looking at his image, to which the girls wondered what he would be like if they had the opportunity to meet him.

"Next is Universe 9 and its God of Destruction," Whis said, giving Beerus the opportunity to step back for a moment, while at the same time making sure that the image he wanted to show the girls was the correct one, "Sidra."

Sidra was a short and pudgy olive green skinned individual with long orange hair that flowed halfway down his back, while at the same time leaving a bald spot on the top of his head, though he also had a mustache and a beard. According to the various books and studies they had gone through Applejack was able to determine that Sidra's appearance seemed to resemble something called a Viking. It was another term that she was unable to decide if the culture still existed or if it had been blown away before their arrival at their father's planet, but at the same time she focused on the remaining three universes and their Destroyer Gods.

"After Sidra comes Rumsshi," Whis continued, to which the image of Sidra shifted for a moment, before settling down into the image of the next Destroyer God, "the God of Destruction for Universe 10."

Rumsshi happened to be a thin and pink skinned humanoid elephant with wide ears, with sharp blue colored sclera surrounding his black colored eyes, and had a pair of short tusks resting near his mouth. His godly attire came with a black and orange colored collar with white lining on both edges and a triangular symbol, which happened to rest in the center of the collar. Rumsshi also wore a blue colored belt that his sash was connected to, with his sash having three triangles, facing the south position, lined up in the middle of it, while at the same time wearing an orange colored pair of pants that matched what most of the Gods of Destruction wore. The girls stared at the image for a few seconds, knowing that he had to be a fearsome opponent if encountered in battle, but they nodded and let the image change once more.

"Next is Belmod," Whis stated, to which he worked the scepter once more and the image shifted, while at the same time noticing that the group was eager to see the last two Destroyer Gods, "the God of Destruction for Universe 11."

Belmod was a tall pale humanoid who had a scrawny build happened to have a resemblance of a clown, as he had white skin, a mostly bald head with two large puffs of orange hair exuding on each side, a large red round nose, and big red lips. He has a thick vertical blue line running over both his eyes each which have thick black out-linings, making him look a little menacing and fully capable to prepare a plan without someone finding out until he wanted them to know of his plans. He was also wearing a multicolored variation of the attire that all Gods of Destruction wore, as one part of his pants was pink colored and the other half of it was blue colored, though his collar reflected the same coloration.

"And now we come to the last God of Destruction," Whis said, to which the image transformed one more time, causing the group to really focus on it this time around, "this is Geene, the God of Destruction for Universe 12."

Geene was a tall fish, or maybe a merman, like humanoid with red iris eyes and two fin-shaped ears, though his skin definitely had the scales that one would expect from such a person. His attire was purple colored and his belt was dark blue colored, though his sash's pattern was one triangle facing the north direction, a circle below that, and a second triangle, facing the south direction, resting below that. Geene seemed to have the appearance of someone that was bored and was waiting for something interesting to happen, though what that something was the girls had no idea... and they honestly didn't want to know what he was waiting for.

"You are no doubt wondering why we showed you the remaining Gods of Destruction," Beerus spoke up, causing the group to look at him, where he could see that many of them were eager to hear what he had to say, "For the longest time it has only been the twelve of us, watching over our respective universes and maintaining balance in our own unique ways, but now that fact has changed. Four years ago, shortly after the defeat of Kid Buu, my planet shook with such an intensity that could only be the result of one thing..."

"...the awakening of the God of Destruction who watches over Universe 13!" Rainbow and Applejack said, as they remembered what they had been told when they were children, when they asked Whis and Vados about why Universe 13 had been labeled as an 'unofficial' universe.

"Indeed, and that point sort of brings me to my next statement," Beerus said, as he was pleased that his daughters remembered what they had been told, though at the same time he was sure that this news would likely break their hearts to some degree, "Rainbow Dash, Applejack, the two of you aren't actually from one of the many planets that exist throughout the entirety of Universe 7... in reality the both of you are from one of the planets in Universe 13."

The looks of excitement that had been on Rainbow and Applejack's faces immediately changed into a look that appeared to be shock and disbelief rolled together, meaning that they were shocked by his declaration while at the same time couldn't believe what he was telling them. Beerus had known this was going to happen, because he would have been devastated if he had been told that the universe he had grown up in wasn't the one he had actually been born in, though there was nothing he could do but explain everything to his daughters. He could also tell that Vegeta and the others were stunned by that news, as they had all assumed that their friends were actually from a planet they knew nothing about... but while part of that was true,as they were from an unknown world, they were from an entire different universe.

"How... how long have you known?" Applejack asked, though at the same time Rainbow looked at her sister in disbelief, as if she couldn't believe that she was believing what their father had told them.

"Since the day you two showed up on my planet," Beerus replied, though as he said that he pulled a chair over to him and took a seat, as he was remembering the first day he had encountered the girls that would become his daughters, before he looked up at the group, "When you two entered this universe you were surrounded in some sort of energy that Whis, Chronoa, and I had never seen before, though before we could investigate the energy it disappeared and left you two where you woke up. Chronoa, who had seen your arrival coming, told me that you two were from Universe 13 and reminded me of the rule that the Gods of Destruction had been told; if something, or someone, from the unofficial universe landed in one of our universes we were responsible for watching over them until they could be taken back to their original home."

"And why didn't you do that after they arrived?" Bulma asked, because while she knew that Beerus loved Rainbow and Applejack, based on what she had seen and what she had heard, she knew that he must have been a completely different person before their arrival, "Surely you wanted to return them to their place of origin and let them grow up with the rest of their species, not to mention grow up on their home world."

"I did, but that proved to be impossible." Beerus said, to which he noticed some eyebrows raise in response to his statement, though he remembered his own response to the information that he had been given as well, "Universe 13 was a universe that didn't have a God of Destruction, which meant that it was missing a God of Creation and an Angel to guide a Destroyer God. Since the universe had no God of Destruction, and no Angel, there was no way for anyone to contact someone on the other side and gain permission to enter their universe, making it impossible for us to return Rainbow and Applejack to their home universe. Once it was determined that we couldn't send them home, as it was unlikely that someone would take up the position as the God of Destruction for the universe, I took them in as my daughters and the rest is history."

"Until four years ago," Rainbow stated, recalling what her father said about the defeat of Kid Buu, especially regarding Universe 13, though at the same time Applejack nodded her head in agreement, "You said that Applejack and I were going to be gods one day, thanks to the Avatars of Creation and Destruction, so doesn't that mean that we're two of the three people necessary to make Universe 13 an official universe?"

"No. If you had ascended to being a God of Destruction the planet you ascended on would have been destroyed in the process," Whis stated, causing the group to gasp, as they hadn't known that fact, but before anyone could say anything he shook his head, "Someone else has been chosen to be the God of Destruction for Universe 13, though that doesn't mean that one day, with some assistance from your father and Shin, the two of you just might become a new pair of gods... be it for your home universe, if someone killed the new Destroyer God, or for this universe, whenever Beerus intends to retire."

"What if we consider Universe 7 to be our home, instead of Universe 13?" Applejack inquired, causing the group to turn towards her, especially her parents, before she frowned at everyone, "What? We've spent our entire lives in this universe, even if we were born in Universe 13, so shouldn't we consider this universe to be our home?"

"From what we can determine you weren't just born in Universe 13, you lived there for a number of years before being snatched from your home world," Chronoa stated, to which her daughters looked at her with a look of confusion on their faces, though she couldn't fault them for being confused at the moment, "When we haven't been watching over you, and watching your progress over the years, I've been observing and studying the magical signature that was attached to the two of you went you entered this universe. From what I can tell there was something caused you two to lose all of your memories and age backwards until you were four years old... but there's something about the magic involved that's preventing us from actually reversing the process and restoring your memories.

In order for us to even have a chance at restoring either of your memories there's only one course of action; we have to visit Universe 13, speak with the God of Destruction, and figure out if he or she knows who might have done this horrible thing to you."

"You know, I'm still not convinced that Universe 13 is our actual home universe," Rainbow stated, as a new thought had come to mind, one that everyone seemed to overlook, before she glanced at the crystal that was in front of them, "What if Applejack and I are more like exiles of some kind and this was the most effective way to get rid of us; send us back in time, reduce our bodies to a specific age, and take all of our memories so we wouldn't seek a way back when we returned to this age?"

"That sounds insane!" Gale nearly shouted, beating everyone to the punch, as everyone had been thinking the same thing that came to her mind, before she turned to her sisters, "The two of you are warriors of justice, possessing righteous hearts that could easily rival the Saiyans that reside in Asgard, so the very idea that you could have done something wrong just sounds wrong."

"And I agree with you Gale," Applejack said, to which she and Gale turned towards Rainbow, who gulped and rubbed the back of her head, before she turned to her parents and Whis, "Say Rainbow and I believe that we're from Universe 13 and reverted to being children, not to mention losing our memories... where do we go from there? Do we visit the Time Nest and restore our memories that way?"

"Unfortunately we can't do that," Chronoa replied, though she followed that up by letting out a sigh, as it pained her to be unable to do anything to restore her daughters' missing memories, "one of the magical elements I mentioned is something that none of us have encountered, something that's making it impossible for us to get around whatever happened to the two of you. If we wanted to restore your memories, even if you chose to stay in Universe 7, we would have to go to Universe 13 like I mentioned earlier... its the only way to do this."

As they spoke Whis pulled his scepter out of the slot he had slipped it into and stared at it, wondering if this was one of those times that he should send a message to the person that had been chosen to be the Angel for the God of Destruction that watched over Universe 13. That thought meant that he would have to do so without the others coming to an agreement on what to do, as it appeared that Rainbow and Applejack were eager to see who the new Destroyer God was, but at the same time they didn't believe that they were from that universe and that their memories had been taken from them before they arrived on Beerus' home planet. He had known that the girls wouldn't have taken the news very well, especially since they didn't like the fact that their father had been lying to them for so many years... but it appeared that their were undecided about what to do about Universe 13.

"Do we actually know who the God of Destruction for Universe 13 is?" Vegeta asked, deciding to voice the one thing that everyone seemed to have forgotten about, as the moment Beerus and Whis had stopped naming the other Destroyer Gods they had revealed that his friends were from the other universe, though they forgot to backtrack to the first topic of their conversation.

"No. We haven't had the opportunity to meet the new God of Destruction," Whis said, causing the group to look at him, while at the same time Beerus nodded his head, confirming the fact that they had no idea who the Destroyer God was, "but some time ago I spotted a new contact among the number of Angels that guide the other eleven Gods of Destruction, a thirteenth symbol that hadn't been there before."

"So that means you can contact any of the existing Angels... and yourself?" Goku inquired, though while he clearly understood the point of the symbols he had to wonder why there would be one for Whis to contact himself.

"Not quite." Whis stated, as he was slightly pleased to find that Goku was smart enough to understand part of what he was trying to tell them, while at the same time slightly disappointed that the Saiyan had messed up by thinking that one symbol was for him, "You are correct in thinking that twelve of the symbols represent the other universes I can contact, one per Angel, but the final symbol isn't for myself... that symbol is for my father, the Grand Priest, and we only contact him in the event of an emergency or responding to something that he asked of us. One such instance is when all the Gods of Destruction are called to gather before Zeno-sama, to which Beerus, Shin, and I, along with our counterparts in the other universes, gather before the King of All... which should be happening some time soon now that I think about it."

Beerus would have preferred that Whis not mention Zeno or the Grand Priest, as that could easily open up a whole new can of worms that he wasn't prepared for, though at the same time he noticed that no one in the group seemed interested in that part of the conversation. Rather they seemed more interested in the scepter and the fact that it could allow them to contact the Angel that was guiding the new God of Destruction, which told him that they might be eager to test it out and see if Whis was telling the truth. Beerus glanced over at Whis for a moment and slightly nodded his head, doing so in a way that only his attendant should notice, to which he noticed Whis do the same thing in return... before he pulled his scepter towards him and stared into the crystal, while making sure it was no longer connected to the large orb.

There was only one way to get Rainbow and Applejack to come to any sort of agreement on whether they wanted to stay in Universe 7 or head back to their home universe... and that involved contacting the new Angel and the Destroyer God he or she were watching over.

"Let's see if the new Angel is even paying attention to their scepter," Whis commented, to which he focused some of his energy on his scepter and allowed an image of Universe 13 to appeared on the orb at the top of his scepter, where he watched as the image rapidly searched for the Angel he was searching for, until the image of a new planet appeared in place of the universe, "Angel of Universe 13, this is Whis, the Angel of Universe 7. Can you hear me?"

The group stared at Whis for a moment, most of them wondering what he was even trying to do at the moment, though Beerus, Chronoa, and Shin knew exactly what he was doing, as this had been the plan in case Rainbow and Applejack didn't accept the fact that they were from a different universe. If they couldn't convince the girls that they had been born in a different universe, and had been transported to this universe, then their only course of action was to hope the Destroyer God of Universe 13 and their companions could do the job.

"Yes, I can hear you," a regal voice said, though at the same time Rainbow and Applejack were surprised that Whis had actually gotten through to the new Angel, while at the same time hearing the sound of someone, or a group of people, fighting in the background, "What can I do for the Angel and God of Destruction for Universe 7?"

"We were wondering if you could grant Lord Beerus, Lady Chronoa, Shin, myself, and a few others permission to enter your universe at some point in the future," Whis replied, knowing that Shin and Chronoa would want to be there if the girls chose to restore their memories, so they could see who they used to be before coming to this universe, "It would give Rainbow Dash and Applejack the chance to see their home universe, and their home world, before they came to a decision on a matter they have been discussing."

Applejack had to wonder what Whis was planning, as she and Rainbow had made it clear that they likely weren't going to be interested in who they had been before coming to this universe, even if they both chose to believe the story that they were originally from Universe 13 and had been transported to Universe 7. She knew that her parents, Whis, and Shin had no reason to lie to her and Rainbow, but she felt at this universe was her home and she was sure that her sister was going to agree with her. Her thoughts, however, were interrupted and shattered when she heard the Angel of Universe 13 speak again, though she was sure that she wasn't the only one that was shocked by what came next.

"So Discord was telling the truth when he said that Rainbow Dash and Applejack had been flung into an entirely different universe." the mysterious Angel replied, though at the same time the group heard her, and Applejack was sure that it was a lady that was talking, let out a sigh for a few seconds, before hearing an explosion in the distance, "Well, my God of Destruction and I will be wrapping up our training in the next two hours and then we'll be returning to our home world. You and the others are more than welcome to travel to Universe 13 and visit us once we're back home."

"You have our thanks," Whis said, as he was pleased that the Angel of Universe 13 was willing to let them into their universe so quickly, though what really shocked him was the fact that she was apparently going behind her God of Destruction's back.

A few seconds later the scepter's orb went dark and returned to normal, indicating that the connection had been broken, to which he leaned it against his chair and looked at the others, where he discovered a variety of emotions on the faces of everyone else. Beerus, Chronoa, and Shin were pleased that they could visit Universe 13 so quickly, as it was something that they hadn't been expecting, while at the same time Vegeta appeared to be slightly stunned by the facts he had discovered. Most of the Z Warriors were shocked that he had done what he did, or shocked that the other Angel had even responded while they were in the middle of a training session. Rainbow and Applejack, on the other hand, were shocked by the discovery that they might actually be from Universe 13, something they had been trying to deny since they had been told that piece of information... but he could also see that they were thinking of going just to settle the matter.

The only person that was excited, and he had seen this coming the moment he had thought up this plan, was Goku, who was no doubt already imaging fighting a new God of Destruction... despite the fact that such a thing wasn't going to happen while they were there.

"So, who else is going to Universe 13?" Goku asked, though at the same time he looked up at the stars that were barely visible in the sky, as if he was looking for the mysterious universe, "Because I would sure like the opportunity to meet whoever this strange God of Destruction is for myself."

"That's easy to answer," Beerus commented, as he had known that Goku would have said something like that, especially after seeing Rainbow and Applejack fight him, before turning to the group, "As Whis said the first four people are myself, Chronoa, Shin, and himself, though at the same time its obvious that Rainbow and Applejack will be in the group as well. Gale, being their sister, will be joining them for the journey... and I think that you and Vegeta, being close friends with my daughters, should also come along as well."

"What about the rest of us?" Bulma asked, though while she was interested in visiting another universe, and seeing how advanced it was, she was more interested in heading home and finishing her party, but at the same time she wanted an answer before they did anything else.

"We should take you all back to Earth before we depart for Universe 13," Whis stated, causing the group to turn towards him once more, though at the same time Beerus and Chronoa nodded their agreement, as they knew exactly what he was going to say, "The Angel will be expecting the four of us, Rainbow and Applejack, and a few others, so appearing with such a large group may seem like we might be trying to take advantage of them. Despite the timing of the visit, which happens to be in the middle of your birthday party, this is the best chance the girls have at figuring out what happened to them and deciding on their future... and which universe they want to call home."

That statement still struck Rainbow and Applejack, as they still couldn't believe what was happening, but that didn't change the reality that there was something they were missing. They both silently agreed that going to Universe 13 might give them the answers to all the questions that had sprung up in their minds, to which they nodded their understanding to their father and moved to help the others pack up the ship once more. The plan was simple; they head back to Earth with the rest of the group, enjoy the party for another hour or two, and then they would travel to a new universe with their parents, Whis, and Shin... and meet the God of Destruction that had been chosen to watch over everything.

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