• Published 26th Jan 2017
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Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction - Blackdrag-rose

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are transported to a strange world, where they are raised by Beerus the Destroyer and his attendant Whis.

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Prelude: Birthday

Beerus stood outside the dojo that Shin had constructed on Planet Meka, staring at the various mountains that surrounded him while he thought about everything that had happened in the six months following his daughters' first visit to Planet Vegeta. He had originally taken them there to meet Prince Vegeta and see if the three of them could become friends with each other, something that Chronoa said they needed to learn for the future. Rainbow and Applejack got along quite well with the young prince, as they were occasionally invited back to the palace for a sparring session every now and then, though Beerus knew that the young Prince saw a potential rival in Rainbow. He also noticed that Applejack would spend the majority of her time on the planet watching her sister when she sparred with the prince, while occasionally taking a turn to give her sister a moment to relax. Prince Vegeta didn't seem to mind having two different people to fight, because there were slight differences in how Rainbow and Appleejack handled themselves in battle.

At one point, when the girls were asleep, he had questioned Whis in order to see if his attendant had noticed whether the girls had formed any habits, though from what Whis had told him there were times where Applejack wanted to be alone and had him drop her off on Planet Meka so she could, as she called it, get in touch with the earth around her. That either meant that she was tending to the large apple tree that Shin had planted shortly after their visit to Planet Vegeta, a strange choice if Beerus were to voice his opinions on it, or she was simply meditating and feeling the earth around her, as if she was trying to make herself more aware of her surroundings. Rainbow, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy the friendly rivalry between her and the Prince, as well as trying to increase her speed for some odd reason.

Prince Vegeta, from what Beerus had seen of him during his first visit and what he heard from his daughters, was exactly what Rainbow and Applejack needed, because now they had someone that they could relax with, who happened to be around their age. Despite the amount of times that they fought, before being interrupted by one of King Vegeta's soldiers, a General Nappa if his memory was correct, neither the girls nor the prince ever sustained any serious injuries. At the moment they were merely fighting to have fun, to blow off some steam and show off the various moves that their teachers had shown them during their respective training sessions. Beerus could also tell that Prince Vegeta had this look in his eyes whenever he looked at Rainbow and Applejack, as if he longed for the connection that the girls had, leading him to wonder if the young prince secretly wanted a sibling or something.

Beerus smiled as he thought about the relationship that Prince Vegeta had forged with his daughters over the last six months, because they had definitely become close friends over that amount of time, something that he, Whis, Chronoa, and Shin had been hoping for before the feast on Planet Vegeta had happened.

Despite the fact that Prince Vegeta was his daughters' only friend, for the moment anyway, he couldn't actually visit Beerus' home planet, but he had actually resolved that by having Whis bring him to Planet Meka for his visits, though his father either sent General Nappa in his stead or let his son go alone. Beerus could only wonder why the King sent one of his highest ranking officers and not someone else, though his personal opinion of the General wasn't that great. General Nappa was always interrupting his daughters whenever they were fighting against Prince Vegeta, likely to keep the heir to the throne safe, though he was sure that he had heard the man mention something about the girls being half-breeds. He still wasn't sure if the comment was about half-breeds being weak or inferior, as he hadn't heard the whole comment, but Chronoa had suggested that he wait before doing anything rash.

Normally Beerus would take something like that as an insult towards his daughters and would have blown the man to pieces in an instant, but the only reason he held himself back, again for the first time in his long life, was because killing the man would ruin his 'relationship' with King Vegeta and tear apart the friendship his daughters had made.

"Well, it looks like we're just about ready," a voice behind Beerus said, to which he turned around and found Whis standing there with a small smile on his face, "We've got some party games set up, all thanks to Chronoa studying a certain planet for the last few weeks and learning about them, and Vados said that she would be arriving in the next ten minutes with the cake. Chronoa and Shin should be arriving a minute or two after my sister, with their own presents, though once they're here I'll depart for Planet Vegeta and pick up the girls."

"What about Prince Vegeta?" Beerus asked, though he wondered if the King would even allow his son to attend what they had planned for his daughters.

"I'm sure that he'll be waiting with them when I arrive," Whis replied, his smile never leaving his face while he spoke, "I doubt that he would want to miss his friends' birthday."

Beerus still couldn't believe that a whole year had passed since Rainbow and Applejack had landed on his planet, but they had landed in what Chronoa referred to as Age 736, though she continued to remind them that it was currently Age 737. Truthfully he had never bothered keeping an eye on time, considering that he usually slept through anything interesting or was simply bored of time itself, but he also had to admit that it was nice that someone kept track of the days. Today the girls would be turning five, which was why he, Whis, Chronoa, and Shin had prepared a party of sorts for them and their friend to enjoy. He had even called up Vados and gave her, and by effect his brother, an invitation to come and have fun with them, but it seemed like Champa didn't care about the girls as much as his attendant did, which was why Vados was coming without him.

As much as Beerus disliked his brother, a feeling that was definitely mutual on Champa's end, he had to admit that it actually hurt that his brother wasn't going to be here for the girls' first birthday party... though he knew the girls would be preoccupied with their friend and their presents to really notice Champa's absence.

"Whis, I never thought that we would actually make it to this point," Beerus said, though he turned back back around stare at the mountains again.

"Oh, you mean Universe Thirteen," Whis stated, letting out a sigh, because he knew that his Lord was constantly thinking about when that universe's Destroyer was finally chosen, "Lord Beerus, Chronoa has assured me that any such awakening for that universe is in the future, so there's no reason to worry about sending the girls home just yet."

"During the first few days I wanted nothing more than to send them home," Beerus admitted, though he was happy to say that he no longer thought that anymore, "but something changed. The thought of actually being a father had never occurred to me, but the girls have actually awoken a compassionate side of myself that I never knew existed. The thought of something happening to them makes me think of Planet Lu'zar and how I can better my reactions toward what happens... though all these changes happened the moment my daughters entered my life."

"And now you worry that you might not want to send them home when the time comes," another voice said, though that was followed by Vados appearing next to Whis, though there were several small boxes with her.

"I believe you mean 'if' the time comes," Beerus replied, though he turned his head back towards the pair of attendants and nodded to Vados, "but we shouldn't be focusing on Universe Thirteen and its non-existent God of Destruction. We've got a party to finish putting together, a cake to lay out, and then surprise the birthday girls once Whis brings them back here."

Whis nodded and tapped his scepter on the ground, to which he disappeared in a flash of light as he traveled to Planet Vegeta, leaving Beerus and Vados alone for a moment. Not a few seconds after Whis left the planet there was another flash of light, though this time Chronoa and Shin appeared with their own wrapped packages. Beerus eagerly welcomed them as they moved to finish setting up the surprise party that they had been planning for the last few weeks, something that was sort of hard considering all the time they spent with Rainbow and Applejack. He also knew that both of the Supreme Kais were glad that the three of them were on friendly terms, as he had stopped calling them by their titles after the visit to Planet Vegeta, though they continued to use his so they didn't anger him.

Vados carefully pulled the cake she had prepared out of its container and gently placed it on the table in the middle of the dojo, while Beerus and the Kais made sure that the area would be dark enough to hide everything for when the girls arrived. While they made sure that everything was in its place, and that they had everything they could possibly need, Beerus hoped that the girls would enjoy their first actual birthday party. From what Chronoa had told him the first birthday is usually special for the parents, though he guessed that he would simply have to wait and see what he felt once the day was over.

"So Whis," Applejack asked, turning her attention to her father's attendant while she, Rainbow, and Vegeta traveled through space inside his safety bubble, "Why wasn't our father with you when you picked us up?"

Whis knew, from prior experience, that Applejack liked to ask specific questions when she noticed something odd, whether that something happened to be the unofficial Universe Thirteen or the fact that Beerus didn't come with him when he picked them and the young Prince up. He already knew how easy it would be to let it slip that there was a surprise waiting for them on Planet Meka, but then that would ruin all the hard work that he and the others had put into planning the event. He suspected that the young girl knew that something was up, considering the fact that Prince Vegeta happened to be carrying two small wrapped packages with him, but she had yet to put all the pieces together and figure out what was happening.

He also knew that Lord Beerus would be very cross with him if he, or anyone else for that matter, ruined the special day he had planned for Rainbow and Applejack, so he decided to simply tell the girls the lie he had come up with before even arriving to pick them up.

"Your father was busy wrapping up some unfinished business when I left him," Whis simply said, keeping his eyes focused on what was ahead of them and not turning to look at Applejack, "though he asked me to bring you two and your friend to the dojo on Planet Meka, where we are to wait for him, Chronoa, and Shin to arrive. He also told me that he's got something special planned for the both of you today... something that you'll be really excited about once you realize what it is."

"Awesome, we're going to get some special training today," Rainbow said, though it was clear that she was excited about the possibility of learning something new, "Hey Applejack, do you think we'll be able to learn one of our father's special moves?"

"I doubt we'll ever be ready for something like that," Applejack replied, shaking her head, as if she couldn't believe that her sister was focused on training and her rivalry with Vegeta, especially when they had no idea what was waiting for them on Planet Meka, "though I guess we'll find out when we arrive at our destination. Hey Vegeta, how does it feel to be away from your home planet?"

Whis looked back at the young Prince and found him staring at several of the planets that they were passing, though it was clear that this wasn't the first time he had off world before.

"Truthfully, it makes me a little homesick," Vegeta replied, staring at one of the planets that they were passing for a moment, before turning to look back at his friends, "but its better than the other times my father sent me off world. Whenever my father sends me out on 'missions' I'm always accompanied by General Nappa... though he's always doing something stupid all the time."

"Really?" Whis asked, because this was definitely something interesting that he hadn't heard before and he knew that Lord Beerus would want to hear whatever he heard later on, "Anything in particular you want to share with us before we reach our destination?"

"Well, there was that one time we were supposed to do some recon on a planet," Vegeta replied, letting out a sigh as he remembered what had happened, because it was two weeks after meeting Rainbow and Applejack for the first time, "We were supposed to land outside one of the settlements, on a plateau maybe ten minutes away, but the moment I landed at the designated landing point General Nappa's pod flew over my head and landed in the middle of the city. For a moment I thought it was just a failure in the pod's controls and that he would radio in for us to retreat, but not ten seconds later the entire city was erased from existence. I threw caution to the wind and flew into the city, where I found that the General and his pod were untouched, which told me he attacked them for no reason.

When I landed near the General I asked him what the locals did that provoked him into destroying their entire city without a second thought, though all he told me was that there was an 'awkward silence' after he landed. I had no idea what he was even referring to, but the destruction of the city made it harder for us to do recon, so we were forced to return home and report our failure to my father. I know he wasn't pleased with General Nappa, though I have no idea what sort of punishment he suffered for ruining my training mission like that. Considering how badly my father needs all his officers at the moment, why I don't understand, I think its safe to assume that General Nappa is safe for the time being... provided nothing changes in the near future."

"I'm just going to say it, but I still don't like him," Rainbow said, shaking her head as she faced her friend, to which she placed a hand on his shoulder, "Look, one day you won't have to worry about him ruining your missions or our fun... though until then you've got me and Applejack to keep you occupied."

Whis smiled for a bit as the three young kids agreed on their shared dislike for General Nappa, though Applejack added that she and her sister really shouldn't say that until they knew him better, before they went back to looking outside the bubble as they drew closer to their destination. After a few more minutes Planet Meka appeared before them, to which Whis took them down to the planet's surface as he zeroed in on where the dojo was located. As they descended towards their destination Whis spotted something in the distance that looked like a ship of some kind, but decided that it wasn't worth delaying the special event they had planned.

It took them a few minutes to reach the dojo and land outside it, though the moment the bubble was gone Rainbow, Applejack, and Vegeta walked towards the open door and found darkness waiting for them. When they walked into the dojo, however, the lighting seemed to come back on as Beerus, Chronoa, Shin, and Vados all jumped out from wherever they had been hiding.

"Surprise!" the four of them shouted, though it didn't take them long to discover that neither of the girls seemed to know what was going on at the moment, while Vegeta obviously knew what was happening.

"Um... can someone explain what's going on?" Applejack asked, though she noticed that there appeared to be some items that appeared to be a variety of games, while noticing that there was a cake and some wrapped packages nearby, "Because Rainbow and I have no idea what's going on at the moment."

"Its your birthday," Vegeta said, causing the two girls to turn towards him for a moment, both wearing looks of confusion on their faces, "What, you've never heard of a birthday before?"

"No, we haven't," Applejack replied, shaking her head for a moment, "We were four years old when we woke up on our father's home world, but we have no memories of the years leading up to our arrival. What is a birthday?"

"Its a celebration of the day you and Rainbow were born," Chronoa answered, a slight frown appearing on her face for not remembering to tell them about what a birthday was earlier, but removed the frown before it ruined the mood, "Since we have no idea what day either of you were actually born on, we decided to use the day that you landed on your father's world... which was one year ago today. It means that the two of you are a whole year older than when we first found you, which means that the both of you are officially five years old now."

"I get what you're telling us," Rainbow said, her eyes turning to the packages and noticing that there seemed to be an even number of them, "So what's with the packages?"

"Those are presents," Whis commented, just as Vegeta walked forward and added the ones he had been carrying to the pile, "parents, family members, and friends are known to give presents to whoever's birthday it is. So, in keeping with the practice, everyone got you both something, which is why you'll find an equal number of presents; half are for you, Rainbow, while the other half are Applejack's presents."

"Okay... so what does a group do when a birthday party is happening?" Applejack asked, though judging from the various game like activities scattered around them she could gather that they were supposed to have fun and enjoy themselves."

"They get together, have some fun, eat cake, and open presents," Chronoa replied, her smile widening a tiny bit, "I spent some time studying the nature of parties, so this should resemble what parents do for young children, but we'll just have to roll with it and experience this for ourselves."

While the group was talking Whis looked outside the dojo and noticed the flying ship enter the sky about two peaks to the east of where they were currently standing. It was a large ship that seemed to be completely round, though there appeared to be a large number of blue and yellow bubbles scattered around the entirety of the ship in a circular pattern. There was also a slightly larger purple circle above the ring of blue bubbles, though Whis could have sworn that there was also some sort of opening on the top of the ship, while there was a square opening directly below the purple bubble. It was plainly clear that they might have some party crashers before the party even started, though he hoped that the ship didn't come any closer to where they were located.

He wanted to keep the ship's appearance a secret until the party was over, but before he could turn back to the group he noticed that the young Prince had returned to his side for a moment and noticed the ship as well.

"That's... one of Frieza's spaceships," Vegeta said, causing everyone to turn towards him and Whis for a moment, "He must have gotten word, no doubt from one of his various scouts, that there's a vacant world in his region of space and sent someone to take stock of what materials the planet has. He's always looking to hoard materials and further empower his soldiers..."

"You there!" a voice above them said, to which the entire group looked up at the sky for a moment and spotted two guys pointing at them with their right arms, though they both happened to be wearing blue armor that resembled what King Vegeta had been wearing and holding something in their hands, "Your planet is now under the command of Lord Frieza, so stay right where you are and we'll give you the welcoming package he gives to all of his new slaves."

"Well, that definitely kills the mood," Shin commented, cracking his knuckles as he looked up at the two soldiers, "Why don't you go take care of the main ship Lord Beerus, I've got these two idiots."

"It would be my pleasure," Beerus said, though he could already feel his anger rising as he looked back at Whis, where he found that the girls and Vegeta were already missing, "Whis, where did they go?"

"I detected that all of the soldiers on the main ship are either on par with the girls and the prince or are weaker than them," Whis replied, though he pointed in the direction of the ship with his scepter for a moment, "Chronoa is following them, so you shouldn't have to worry about them too much."

"Then I will leave these two in your capable hands Shin," Beerus said, to which both he and Whis lifted themselves into the air and flew after Chronoa and the children.

"HEY! I SAID STOP..." one of the soldiers started to shout, though that was before Shin flew in front of his face and slammed his elbow into his chest, stopping him dead in his tracks before delivering a kick and knocking him backwards.

Shin was definitely the type of person that preferred to not dirty his hands in a fight, but considering how weak these enemies were he guessed that fighting them was okay... especially considering the fact that they had ruined what was supposed to be a special event for both Rainbow Dash and Applejack. He knew that he could hold them here until Lord Beerus decided what to do with them all, so he decided to focus on them and let the rest of their forces worry about what they had unleashed.

It didn't take Rainbow, Applejack, and Vegeta long to find the main ship, especially because it was actually in the process of landing in the middle of a grassy area at the bottom of the mountain. The trio watched as several of the soldiers moved out of the ship and helped it come to a stop on the ground, to which at least ten more exited the ship and began to take in the sights around them. One of the soldiers noticed them flying in the air above them and shouted at his allies, though that was when Rainbow flew down and planted her hooves in the middle of his chest. The force of her kick knocked the soldier off his feet and sent him flying into the side of the ship, where he left a small dent as he collapsed on the ground. Once the first soldier was taken care of she beckoned for Applejack and Vegeta to join her, to which she dodged the punches that one of the other soldiers threw at her.

Applejack, on the other hand, merely landed near her sister and let some of the soldiers come at her, though when she kicked them her hooves cracked and shattered the middle of their chest pieces. While she did that Vegeta swooped in and knocked one of the soldiers off their feet, allowing him to follow up with some punches to the face to knock out the poor soldier that he had chosen to fight. One of the soldiers, seeing his comrades getting trashed by children, tried to run back to the ship, but was soon stopped in his tracks when Beerus landed in front of him, preventing him from even entering the ship at the moment.

"So tell me," Beerus said, staring into the soldier's eyes for a moment, while trying to keep his anger under control, "how many soldiers did you bring to this planet? Are you expecting reinforcements or is this the only ship coming here?"

"It... its just us," the soldier replied, though the tone he gave made it pretty clear that he was definitely afraid for his life, "We're the... only ship that's supposed to come to this planet."

"Well, you picked a bad day to come here," Beerus stated, punching the soldier in the gut and knocking him out cold, before he turned to Rainbow, Applejack, and Vegeta, "Don't worry, Chronoa, Shin, Whis, and I will figure out a way to get rid of them that doesn't involve destroying them, because I'm willing to bet that if we kill them then Frieza will show up in the next few months. None of you are ready to face such a foe, so we'll figure something out... though we really should get back to the dojo."

Rainbow and Vegeta seemed somewhat disappointed in the fight that the soldiers gave them, though they both looked at Applejack and sighed when she beckoned for them to follow. The four of them then flew to where Whis and Chronoa were waiting, to which the entire group flew back to the dojo, arriving in time to see Shin knock out the second soldier that he had been left with. With his enemies taken care of Shin collected them both and flew in the direction of the ship, where Beerus and the others merely landed outside the dojo and waited for his return. Not a few minutes later Shin landed outside the dojo and rejoined them, allowing them to pick up where they had left off before they had been rudely interrupted by the soldiers.

In order to get back into the party mood Chronoa suggested that they blow out the candles on the cake and dig into it while the girls opened their presents, though it was clear that she was a little sore about the entire event being interrupted. Rainbow and Applejack didn't seem to care about the interruption as much as the adults did, but they were definitely eager to see what the cake tasted like. The two of them gathered around the cake, which happened to be completely white on the outside, and waited for Vados to light the candles, which both of the girls noticed there happened to be five of. Before they blew them out Vados told them that people generally made wishes when they blew their candles out, though if they told anyone then they wouldn't come true.

The girls nodded and proceeded to think about whatever they could use their birthday wish on, before blowing the candles out with a smile on their faces. With the candles out Vados pulled out a small knife and cut the cake into pieces, after removing the five candles, allowing the girls to find that the inside of the cake was made up of two red layers. As Vados passed out pieces to everyone, and put one off to the side for herself, she explained that the cake was a simple red velvet cake, though she smiled when she noticed that both of the girls seemed to be enjoying the cake.

Once the cake was finished off the girls turned to Chronoa and asked what the next part of a birthday party was, to which she merely pointed at the small pile of presents and said that they should see what everyone got them. As it turned out Chronoa got them both some new books, Rainbow's being more in the adventure series she had given her so long ago while she gave Applejack one on how to properly care for specific trees. Shin gave them both a small Kai outfit, the colors matching the girl they were intended for, because he knew that it was better to show up for some sort of occasion in a more 'official' uniform and not the gi that they wore almost all the time. Beerus had, at Whis' suggestion, went out of his way and obtained some more casual clothing for his daughters, so that when they had a day off or something they wouldn't have to wear their gi that day at all.

When they finally got to Vegeta's gifts they found that the packages were much smaller than the packages that Chronoa had used to package the books she had gotten them, though that still made them excited to see what might be waiting inside. What they found were two small pendants, one for each of them, though Rainbow's happened to be a red lightning bolt that was as big as her hand while Applejack got one in the shape of an orange colored apple. After a few moments they noticed that they were attached to a chain that would allow them to wear them as necklaces, to which they slipped them on around their necks, before walking over to their friend and embraced their friend for a few moments, before the three of them turned to Chronoa and asked about the party games.

Beerus watched his girls as they enjoyed the party with their friend, a smile appearing on his face as he watched all of their hard work finally bear some fruit. There was still more to teach Rainbow and Applejack, more for them to learn about the universe and themselves, but for now they had earned a day off to relax with their friend and enjoy themselves to the fullest.

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