• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Cloudsdale, night.

It's a quiet night at Cloudsdale. All the pegasi were sound asleep. The clouds had been cleared to make sure that they all get a peaceful and uninterrupted rest. Rainbow Dash was in her home asleep as well. And like everypony else, she was dreaming. Her dreams at the current moment were about Pokemon. More importantly, being at the Pokemon League and becoming a champion. She was imagining having her team blaze through the competition with ease, easily climbing up to the top.

But that's when her dream was met with an unidentified pony who was nothing but a silhouette that she was facing at the league. This pony had their own Pokemon that were formidable. Rainbow had a dream battle against this unidentified pony, and to her surprise, she was losing. This pony and their Pokemon were proving to be too much for Rainbow Dash's team. This turned from a dream into an unexpected nightmare. Her Pokemon were being absolutely overwhelmed by the opposing team as they had all fainted. Rainbow Dash saw herself lose the league to this unidentified pony, unable to become champion. The multi-coloured maned pegasus gasped as she woke up from her nightmare, catching her breath.

"That was horrible!" She exclaimed. She laid back on her back, looking up at the ceiling. "I can't afford to lose to anypony else...especially at the league. So I can't let my fears get the best of me." Rainbow Dash quickly discarded the memory of that unidentified pony and her losing the league. She then put herself back to sleep, waiting for tomorrow to arrive.

The next day had come. Which means it's time to start fresh as always.

Rainbow Dash didn't have much to do today. All of her friends are in the same boat. It's another one of those days where there's not anything important going on. So, the best option for her is to train her Pokemon. She wants to make sure that her next Gym Battle goes smoothly without too many bumps. She brought out her Braviary and Altaria to practice against the upcoming weather based Gym Battle.

"Okay, you two. If we're going to win against that weather gym, we need to know how to fight back against weather effects. I'm already a veteran at the weather thanks to years of experience, and soon you two are gonna be the same in the no time. And find this Castform Pokemon. Whatever Pokemon that is."



The trainer and her Pokemon left Ponyville to continue their endless training. Down at Ponyville, the town was going to be met by another trainer who was also seeking to get stronger.

This pony was a unicorn who resembled that of Sunrise Sprint. He shared his colour scheme of orange but a bit darker, that same crimson mane that was slick back but on the smoother side instead of the wild messy one Sunrise had and those exact same green eyes. In fact, the reason why he and Sunrise looked similar was that they are in fact related. And also because Sunrise Sprint came along with him. This pony went by the name Daylight Blazer. A perfect identical twin to his little brother. Daylight came equipped with a saddle bag that had all the essential Pokemon equipment, just like every other trainer in Equestria.

"So, the Pokemon House is right up ahead?" Daylight spoke to his little brother.

"Yeah. There's a lot of cool Pokemon you can catch there. I'm telling ya. I've been there a lot." Sunrise grinned. "I bet it'll go great with your team."

"I hope so. Finding a good Pokemon isn't easy. Although, I've yet to travel to the other world."

"But you've already found some awesome Pokemon, bro. You've caught 17 Pokemon!" Sunrise exclaimed.

"Yeah. Still pretty low in comparison to Princess Luna's 28. Now come on. All I need are some good Ice and Bug-Types." The two brothers made their way towards the Pokemon House, located at Fluttershy's cottage.

Speaking of the Pokemon House, it was pretty crowded today. The usual group were here. The rest of the Mane 6, Ash, Pikachu but with the addition of the CMC, Goh, Jade Skies, Cold Colt and even Sonata and Aria. A few more to add to the party. Sonata and Aria were here mostly because Sonata wanted tons of Pokemon and she dragged Aria along. The CMC were just here to play with the Pokemon.

"How about this little guy here?" Fluttershy held a Horsea up.

"Nah. Pass." Sonata shook her head.

"Okay." Fluttershy placed Horsea back in the lake. "Then how about this Pidove here? Flying-Types are always a good choice for any trainer." Fluttershy held the Tiny Pigeon Pokemon.


"Hmm...nah." Sonata denied Pidove as well. The Tiny Pigeon Pokemon didn't take too kindly to Sonata's response as it flew out of Fluttershy's hooves, pecking Sonata in the face. "Ow! Ow!"

"Pidove!" Fluttershy grabbed Pidove, stopping its attack. "It's rude to just attack somepony like that. Even if they don't choose you. Shame on you. Say you're sorry." Fluttershy was cross with it.

"Pido..." Pidove lowered its head apologizing.

"Pidove says she's sorry." Fluttershy translated.

"Ow...Fine I guess I accept your apology." Sonata had her hoof on her face as Aria actually found some amusement from that.

"Choosing any Pokemon can be difficult. You just have to find that right partner." Fluttershy commented.

"How'll I know?"

"You'll know when you'll know." Fluttershy nodded.

"Oh! Jade! You can have a Pokemon too!" Pinkie looked over to her deadpan friend.

"...Me? Do I have to have one?" Jade responded in her usual monotone voice and accent.

"Well...you don't really have to have one. But they're always a great buddy to have around. They're your friends, pets and family members rolled into one!" Pinkie Pie said.

"I guess if it teaches me more about friendship...I'll have one."

"Great! I betcha that every Pokemon fits you, Jade! What type do you think would be your goto?"

"I don't know. I'm not really a Pokemon pony."

"That's why this is a perfect place to start off. I'm thinking Fire-Type. Ooh! Here comes Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie waved over to her pegasi pal who had just arrived.

"Fluttershy! Have you seen a Castform yet?" Rainbow Dash asked, still keeping an eye out of this Castform Pokemon.

"Sorry. But it hasn't come by the house yet."

"Seriously? There's no way it's THAT rare." Rainbow Dash sighed.

"Oh, no. Castform are pretty common Pokemon. It's just that they tend to be all over the place depending on the weather." Fluttershy explained.

"Well, when I find one, it better be capable of giving me my victory at the fifth gym."

"It won't. I can tell you that much." A voice responded to Rainbow Dash. Daylight was the one who spoke as Sunrise was right behind him. "You're gonna need more than just an extra Pokemon if you want to get past that gym."

"Huh? What makes you say that?" Rainbow Dash flew over to him. "And you know how to get past it?"

"Because I've already completed the fifth gym. Take a gander." Daylight used his magic to take out his badge case, showing the badges that he had. He had also completed and earned the same badges as Rainbow Dash, except he has one extra. The fifth badge.

"No way! You've already completed the 5th gym?!" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"That's right. I hear you're the first pony to ever take on the Pokemon League. Congrats. But looks like you were kinda on the slow side. I managed to complete my gyms much quicker. And it seems I'm already one gym ahead."

"Well, I'm getting there okay? If I'm gonna ace the gyms, I need enough time for my Pokemon to improve. The same can be said for you, I bet?"

"No way!" Sunrise spoke up. "My big bro here managed to get through the first 3 gyms, no sweat! And he did it all in 3 weeks!"

"3 weeks?!" Rainbow Dash pulled back. "That's quicker than me..."

"In a short amount of time too. I did take some time for the fourth one, but after that, the fifth one was mine in no time."

"Talk about an impressive trainer." Pinkie joined in as did the others.

"I am. And I'm gonna above and beyond, and become Equestria's first Pokemon League Champion." He declared. Those words he said made them all perk up suddenly.

"Pfft! Hah! You? Become Champion?" Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Sorry to tell you this, but it's going to be me that becomes the champion. The very first one too. And I'll be just like Leon. Unbeatable."

"Oh? You? I mean you're tough but...I don't think you're champion level yet honestly." Daylight shook his head.

"Huh?! And what makes you think you're qualified to be champion before me?!" Rainbow Dash poked her hoof at Daylight's chest.

"I've been learning about Pokemon ever since the league was first established here. My little brother Sunrise gave me information from his classes. Since then, I've learned about every Type matchup, every area of effect, every status move, so on and so on. Because of this, I've managed to catch Pokemon that are suited for high-level competitions. And that's what helps me blaze through the gyms. I've got a cut-throat team of 17 Pokemon that'll make sure I become champion. What do you have?"

"Well, I...Darn, I don't have that many actually." Rainbow Dash sighed.

"Don't worry about it. I did say you can't become champion...YET. If you can grow like me then I'm sure you'll be able to catch up to my level."

"Oh yeah?! How about this then?! I prove that I'm at your level or even above you...with a Pokemon Battle!" Dash declared.

"Rainbow Dash. You're seriously gonna start a battle like that?" Twilight said. "Not even a practice one."

"You wanna go against my Pokemon? Hmm...I don't know..." Daylight placed his hoof on his chin.

"Do it, Daylight! I wanna see!" Sunrise hopped. Daylight then looked back at Sunrise and then to Rainbow Dash. He figured that a battle wouldn't hurt? Plus it's always good to get a reminder on how skilled your team is.

"Alright. Sure. Let's battle." He agreed to it. This was to be her third pony vs pony trainer battle without it even being a Gym Battle.

Both of them took their sides. Daylight was bouncing his first Pokeball up and down as Rainbow Dash was eyeing him down. The others sat back from a distance to see how this could possibly go down.

"You think maybe she's getting a bit heated?" Applejack whispered to Rarity.

"More than usual. That champion bit really got to her didn't it?" She replied.

"I've seen this before." Ash said.

"You have?" Fluttershy looked over to Ash. "What does it mean?"

"Just keep watching and you'll see."

"I've only got 4 Pokemon...so you'd better use 4 Pokemon only as well!" Rainbow Dash yelled at him from a distance.

"Fine. I'll use 4 only. But these 4 are just enough, I'll tell you that." Daylight replied with a smirk. Just that confident smile was enough to rile Rainbow up.

"Then I'll start with this! Let's go Altaria!" Rainbow threw her first Pokeball, sending out her Altaria.


"An Altaria, huh? That's pretty good. I'll go for this then. Out you come!" Daylight sent his Pokemon out next. It was revealed to be a Medicham.


"What is that?" Rainbow Dash pulled out her dex to see this odd-looking Pokemon.

"Medicham. The Meditate Pokemon. It is said that through meditation, Medicham heightens energy inside its body and sharpens its sixth sense. This Pokémon hides its presence by merging itself with fields and mountains. Through yoga training, it gained the psychic power to predict its foe’s next move. It gains the ability to see the aura of its opponents by honing its mind through starvation."

"Another freaky Psychic-Type huh? But I don't need to worry. It's part Fighting. So all I gotta do is make sure Altaria keeps her distance."

"You gonna start or do you want me to?" Daylight spoke, waiting for the battle to begin.

"I always love to go first! Altaria! Fly up and use Dragon Pulse!" Rainbow made the first move. The Humming Pokemon took the skies, charging up that formidable Dragon Pulse. She let out a shockwave of draconic energy that raced down towards its opposing foe.

Medicham however, managed to simply avoid this pulse by just simply sliding its body to the right. It didn't even take orders from Daylight, showing that its sixth sense is incredibly useful to a point where the trainer doesn't have to worry about saying the word 'Dodge' all the time. "Bring Altaria down to our level. Use Shadow Ball." Daylight finally made a command. The Meditate Pokemon conjured up a ball of shadows that was shot upwards at Altaria.

"Dodge it!" Altaria barely managed to avoid the Shadow Ball as it grazed its fluffy wings. "Now use Ice Beam!" Altaria went for another long-distance attack. Rainbow Dash was doing her best to make sure Medicham doesn't get anywhere near Altaria.

"Trying to keep your distance, are you? I see. Meditate." Medicham had suddenly got into a meditative state with peace surrounding its mind. This peaceful fashion was enough to let Medicham avoid the Ice Beam, shocking Rainbow Dash. The Meditate Pokemon was awakening the power within with its meditate, biding its time.

"You're seriously just gonna stay there? Works for me! Keep using Dragon Pulse!" Altaria began a barrage of pulses towards Medicham. But every single time, they just kept on missing. Medicham's sixth sense and meditative state were helping it avoid the assault of pulses with ease. And it didn't even move from the spot it was on. "Are you kidding me?! How is that possible?!" Rainbow Dash didn't know what to make of this.

"Now it's time for us to make our move. Medicham. Hidden Power." Medicham's eyes finally opened up. All that focus was transformed into potent psychic energy as it unleashed a unique attack full of nothing by Psychic Energy. It acted as sort of a wide area move that was enough to reach the skies. Altaria was hit with Hidden Power, feeling all that Psychic energy make physical contact with it.

"Tari!" The Humming Pokemon was taken out of the skies, bringing her down to Medicham's level.

"Now use Thunder Punch." Medicham spread its arms out as lightning surrounded its left hand.

"Get up and stop it with Disarming Voice!" Altaria quickly got up from the ground, unleashing a sound wave of fairy magic towards the Meditate Pokemon. Medicham blocked out its sense of hearing, only needing to rely on its other senses. The Meditate Pokemon ran through the sound waves, not being affected by the voice as it struck Altaria with Thunder Punch, hitting its fluffy wings and dealing a considerable amount of damage. Thanks to Meditate, this attack was much more powerful, sending Altaria flying back as it also left a paralysing effect on her. "Oh no, Altaria!"

"Let's finish this with a bit of style, Medicham. Use Hidden Power once more." Medicham was ready to seal the deal with the next attack.

"We won't let you! Ice Beam, quick!" Altaria was about to unleash Ice Beam, but due to the paralyse, it couldn't fire fast enough. Which prompted Hidden Power to hit its mark. All that power was enough to make Altaria faint.


Rainbow Dash was perplexed. Her Altaria was defeated so easily. She barely even got a single hit in. Medicham had avoided everything thanks to its sixth sense easily surpassing its other five. "Return Altaria..." Rainbow sighed, returning her Pokemon. She didn't let that one loss get to her. She still had other Pokemon left that could make it through this. "In that case...let's see you avoid my attacks with your 'Sixth Sense' when I get up close and personal! Go! Whirlipede!" Up next was Whirlipede. Her first Pokemon and the one that gradually gets faster as it goes without losing any momentum once it starts rolling.

"A Whirlipede huh? Hmm..stay in Medicham." Daylight was going to keep Medicham in for this as well. "And I'm guessing you're gonna make the first move again?"

"You bet I am! Rollout! Head on!" Whirlipede kicked up dust by spinning rapidly on the spot. The Curlipede Pokemon was headed straight for Medicham.

"Stop it with Zen Headbutt." Daylight made the command without having to rely on the sixth sense. Medicham's head was being filled with pure willpower as it headbutted Whirlipede the moment it got too close to it. Thanks to Whirlipede's Bug-Typing the knockback wasn't too great, but its Poison-Typing still made it feel the heavy damage from Zen Headbutt. Whirlipede's momentum wasn't stopped though and thanks to Speed Boost, it was much faster now.

"Move around and use Pin Missile!" Whirlipede took a turn by drifting its body. The Curlipede Pokemon then fired missiles of pins towards Medicham. The Fighting-Psychic-Type easily caught the pins with its bare hands, tossing them aside. Rainbow Dash and Whirlipede were taken aback by what they just saw, along with the others watching. "How did the...is its sixth sense really THAT good?"

"Medicham's sixth sense allows it act on both impulse and instinct. You're gonna need to do better if you ever hope to catch it off guard." Daylight explained. "I mean, the Pokedex kinda already told you that, Dash."


"I'll find a way past that sense! I've come back from much worse! Whirlipede! Iron Defense!" Rainbow Dash took the defensive side this time. Whirlipede's body was hardened like steel, greatly increasing its defence. "Now we can get physical without having to worry about too much damage. Rollout!" Whirlipede went towards the opposing Pokemon with its defence greatly increased.

Daylight wasn't too worried about this though. As he had a plan to deal with that Iron Defense. "Alright. Meditate." Medicham once again went into a Meditative State. Rainbow Dash thought that since the attack was more up close, Medicham was bound to get hit. But to her surprise. Medicham avoided Rollout by simply staying there. It was bizarre to the eyes. What everypony saw was unreal. Whirlipede had missed Medicham by moving past it and it didn't even move. They thought for sure that Rollout was going to be a direct hit.

"Woah! That was freaky!" Pinkie Pie rubbed her eyes.

"I'm not crazy am I? Right?" Rarity uttered.

"Aren't my bro and his Pokemon the coolest?" Sunrise chuckled, feeling cocky. And to be honest...he had every right to be. So far, Daylight was proving to be a trainer like no other.

"W-Wha-How-Wha? I thought it.. it looked like it..." Rainbow Dash's words were stuttering, she couldn't even finish her sentence. That one instance managed to mess with her head.

"Focus, dash. Thunder Punch." Daylight took advantage of Rainbow Dash's mind malfunction as Medicham backflipped towards Whirlipede, striking it from above with thunderous hit. It managed to bypass the defence that Iron Defense created thanks to Meditate increasing its attack. Whirlipede was knocked back, feeling dizzy from the hit as it was struggling to keep its balance.

Rainbow Dash snapped back to reality, realising that she needed to get her head in the game. "Gotta focus! Venom Drench!" Whirlipede had just recovered from the Thunder Punch, no longer feeling dizzy. It drenched out toxic venom towards Medicham, hoping for it to hit.

"Hidden Power." Medicham simply blew away the venom by letting out a wave of psychic energy that reached Whirlipede, knocking it back into Rainbow Dash as she caught her Pokemon.

"Whirl..." Whirlipede had also fainted. Rainbow Dash looked down at her Pokemon, realising that she had lost another one so easily.

"No way...How am I gonna get past that thing?" Rainbow Dash was getting backed into a corner. If anything, this was much worse than Sunset Shimmer. Her toughest battle yet.

"I told you. My Pokemon are built for competitive play. I've been learning about Pokemon for a long time now. If you can't get past my Medicham...then I don't think you'll ever catch up to me." Daylight shook his head.

"Oh, I'll catch up to you. And I'll surpass you too!" Rainbow Dash returned Whirlipede as she stepped forward. She held out her next Pokeball, ready to cut loose for this next one. "Not even your sixth sense can avoid lightning! Luxio, go!" Next was Luxio. Rainbow Dash believed that since lightning is a frantic and speedy force, it's bound to hit its mark most of the time.

"I see what you're planning. I'll switch things up a bit. Return, Medicham." Daylight finally returned Medicham, swapping it out for this next Pokemon. "Maybe you might do something against this guy right here. Out you come." Daylight tossed the Pokeball, revealing his next Pokemon to be Blaziken.


"Woah...what is that? It's so cool looking." Dash pulled out her dex.

Blaziken. The Blaze Pokemon. In battle, Blaziken blows out intense flames from its wrists and attacks foes courageously. The stronger the foe, the more intensely this Pokémon’s wrists burn. Blaziken also has incredibly strong legs—it can easily clear a 30-story building in one leap. This Pokémon’s blazing punches leave its foes scorched and blackened."

"That thing's so wicked! But I can't let its awesomeness distract me. Luxio! Let's give it our all."


"Use Discharge!" Luxio unleashed a discharge of lightning that spread across the area as the more potent lightning was heading towards Blaziken.

"Block it." Daylight gave off a simple command. The Blaze Pokemon put up its arms, blocking the Discharge. It still felt the volts, but not too much.

"Finally. I can get some hits in! Get in there with Wild Charge!" Luxio ran forward with electricity surrounding its nimble body. Blaziken stood there, watching the Spark Pokemon charge towards it.

"Blaze Kick." Blaziken pulled its leg back as fire erupted around it. With a swift swing, it kicked Luxio right in its face, stopping Wild Charge. The sheer power behind the kick was so immense that it not only knocked Luxio back, making him roll on the ground, but it also made him faint. In one hit.

Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped. One hit is all it took. This proved that Blaziken was a much more heavy hitter than Medicham.

"One hit? That's rough." Sonata slumped.

"I actually kinda feel bad for her a bit." Aria spoke.

Rainbow Dash looked down on the ground, returning her Luxio. She looked like she was about to break into tears a bit, but she didn't. She still had one Pokemon left. Braviary. Her strongest Pokemon. And the one that has Bond Phenomenon laying within it. She was betting all of it all on Braviary. She felt unstoppable whenever Braviary battled. "I've got one Pokemon left. Braviary. We can do this!" Out came Braviary to make sure that its trainer wins this no matter what.


"A Braviary? Awesome." Daylight thought Braviary was a pretty cool Pokemon. And a good choice to have on your team at all times. "You picked a pretty good Pokemon."

"Yeah. My strongest and best Pokemon. With Braviary on my side, I can't lose!" Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof down.

"We'll see."

"Braviary! Brave Bird!" Braviary made the first move. Brave energy engulfed its body as it soared towards its opponent at high speeds.

"Oh, I can already feel the intesity of this one. Blaziken! Blaze Kick!" Blaziken was about to go for the same move that took Luxio out in one hit. But Rainbow Dash wasn't worried about it this time. Both Brave Bird and Blaze Kick made contact with each other. The clash of both attacks pushed the two avian-like Pokemon back as they seemed to equals in strength. "Nice. Head in with Acrobatics." Blaziken ran forward as it got to Braviary's level, moving about with agile skills.

"Look out and use Steel Wing!" Braviary's wings became hard as steel as it was watching Blaziken come towards it. The Vailiant Pokemon swung its wins towards the approaching Blaziken, however the Blaze Pokemon avoided this thanks to Acrobatics. It delivered a leg stomp on Braviary's wings, sending it downwards. "No! Braviary!" Braviary was hurtling down, but it quickly recovered, shaking its wings.

"Use Acrobatics once more." Blaziken landed down on the ground, front-flipping towards Braviary.

"Use Superpower!" Braviary raised its wings up, swinging them towards Blaziken. This time, Braviary hit its mark. Superpower managed to overpower Acrobatics as it made Blaziken jump back.

"Not bad. You and your Braviary are tough." Daylight nodded.

"I told you! Braviary and I are a force of nature." Rainbow Dash stood up, crossing her hooves. "And together, we're gonna become the strongest trainer and strongest Pokemon, without a doubt!"

"I see. Then...how will you do against this?" Daylight raised his mane up, revealing a mega ring on his horn along with the keystone. The Blazikenite.

"M-Mega stone?" Rainbow Dash pulled back. Blaziken revealed that its mega stone was hidden behind the flames on its wrists. Its was in the shape of a ring as well.

"Oh yeah. Got this the day when Mega Stones were shipped to Equestria. Check this out." Daylight used his magic to activate the stone. It was time for Mega Evolution as the golden lights erupted from the ring. "Can you feel the intense flames building up across you? Get ready. Because that won't compare to the burst of flames that are coming your way. Mega Evolve!"

Blaziken's body was engulfed in that same blue light as the golden lights were travelling towards it. The intense heat that Daylight spoke off was surrounding the entire Pokemon House. Blaziken's body was morphing into a more intense and aggressive version of itself. And just like that, its Mega Evolved form was revealed. Mega Blaziken.

"Blaziken!" The Blaze Pokemon bellowed. Its appearance was basically saying that it was greatly intimidating and it wouldn't be a good idea to get close to it.

"Sweet Celestia..." Rainbow Dash gasped as the other ponies were perplexed by this.

"Get em bro!" Sunrise yelled.

"Wanna keep going?" Daylight said.

"I'm not afraid. I can do this. Braviary! Brave Bird!" Braviary felt Rainbow Dash's drive to win as it was not afraid as well. The Valiant Pokemon flew forward with all that Brave Energy building up.

"Blaze Kick." Once more, Blaziken followed such a simple command by moving its leg back. And this time, Braviary felt what Luxio felt. The power of Blaze Kick has been amped thanks to Mega Evolution as the Valiant Pokemon felt a kick to the beak, sending it flying so far that it destroyed the grass around it due to the flames of Blaze Kick surrounding it. Braviary had fainted.

Rainbow Dash looked down at her fainted partner. It all just clicked to her. She lost horribly and this time, she didn't even manage to take out any of his Pokemon. He didn't even use his entire team so she has no idea what else he had on standby. She took the loss heavily, but after remembering Ash's speech when she first lost to Sunset Shimmer, she didn't let it get to her too much, but she still felt the impact of it. "Return Braviary." She brought Braviary back, sighing.

"Poor Rainbow Dash. I don't think she's ever suffered a loss like that before." Twilight said.

"Yeah. That really WAS rough." Pinkie nodded.

Sunrise ran towards his big brother, ready to congratulate him. "Awesome job! I told you that my big bro was pow-" Daylight stopped Sunrise by nudging him with his hoof. He then pointed his hoof over at Rainbow Dash, seeing how upset she was. "Oh. Sorry.

Daylight walked over to Rainbow Dash to talk to the pony he defeated. "Listen, Rainbow Dash." His voice managed to get her to raise her head. "Don't let it get to you too much. I can acknowledge you as a pretty formidable trainer."

"You can?"

"Sure. You're no slouch to battling I can tell. But you need to change up your style. You're too aggressive and rely too much on speed. Don't you think that you need a new approach against future battles."

"He's right you know?" Ash spoke as they all turned to him. "I remember having something similar to this happen to me. I once lost against a great rival who pushed me to improve myself. I had to change the way I battled for the first time in my life. And it was that change that helped me win against him in the end." Ash was reminiscing about Paul. "It's always the ones that are hard on you that push you to be better."

"Pikachu." Pikachu nodded.

"I guess so..." Rainbow Dash took both their words in as she hung her head.

"But hey. If it makes you feel better...I acknowledge you as my rival."

"You do?" She looked up at him.

"Mhm. I've battled a lot of trainers lately, and none of them really measured up. But you're different. Even when you weren't getting the upper hoof or just failing to land that many good hits in, you never backed away like the others. I like that. So until then, I'll be waiting for the day that you're a great enough trainer that can go hoof-to-hoof against me." Daylight spoke somewhat encouraging words.

"Yeah...Yeah! I'll become an even greater trainer!" Rainbow Dash suddenly exclaimed. "I'll make sure that I surpass you! I'll find a way past that sixth sense and I'll even prove that I'm capable of taking on Mega Evolution! I WILL become the greatest trainer in all of Equestria, and it's gonna be ME that becomes champion!" She declared at the top of her lungs.

"That's what I like to hear. I'll be waiting then for our rematch. And when we meet at the league, I'll bring my all. Let's go, Sunrise."

"Okay!" Sunrise followed his brother as they were ready to head back home at Canterlot.

Rainbow Dash now had a new obstacle she had to overcome. Her first great rival in the form a pony named Daylight Blazer. If she was to make it to the top and become champion, she'll have to get past him and his team. The road to a champion is never easy, as the journey continues.

Chapter 119 End!

Author's Note:

For a better appearance, this is what they look like. It's about time I actually showed what Sunrise's appearance was.

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