• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Basement

Canterlot. 12:30.

"Skyblue Shine, was it?" Celestia spoke. Currently, she was looking at the ranking board for the Equestria League, searching for the unicorn known as Skyblue Shine. They eventually found her under Rank 750. "She's the one apart of the Umbrage Thieves, correct?"

"Right." Luna nodded. "Thanks to Dusclops's time with her, we were able to find out who she was and where she resides. Vanhoover. Darkrai and I are heading there to find Skyblue Shine immediately."

"We'll make this quick and simple once we get to Vanhoover," Darkrai said.

"You, mother and father can continue enjoying the festival. We just have to clear up this little issue first."

"By yourself? Luna, sweetie. Are you sure?" Sunlight asked.

"I'll be fine, mother. I have my Pokemon beside me after all. So there's no need to worry."

"Saying that just makes me worry the most..." Sunlight sighed. "But alright. You catch yourself a criminal and put an end to this whole Umbrage Thieves nonsense."

"I certainly will. Let's go. Darkrai."

"Wait. I could just take you there with instant teleportation." Eventide suggested.

"Thank you, father. But we've decided to come up with a plan whilst on the train. "Heading there now might make Skyblue Shine spot us and recognize Darkrai."

"Very well. Go on." Eventide stepped back.

"Right. We can catch the train to Vanhoover on time." Luna began to walk off. "We will meet you all back here at Canterlot very soon."

"Good luck, Luna!" Celestia and her parents waved goodbye to her, wishing her and Darkrai good luck on their short mission to catch the Umbrage Thief Skyblue Shine.

Along the way, Luna and Darkrai were devising a plan. Rushing in blind wasn't an option they usually take. They had to carefully plan it out. After all, Darkrai himself knows how cunning Skyblue Shine can be, even if he was able to overwhelm her and the Umbrage Thieves.

The train to Vanhoover. 1:00.

"Musha..." Musharna was currently asleep on Luna's head, resting away until they reach their destination. In the meanwhile, they could discuss their plan along the way before they get to Vanhoover.

"So. The Pokemon she owns are just for her own personal gain, correct?" Luna said to Darkrai.

"Not all of them. Just like Dusclops, some of the Pokemon aren't hers. Yet she'll use them for advantages either way. Who knows how many she has currently."

"However many she has, we'll retrieve them all and find their original trainers."

"If some of them are still there. The Umbrage Thieves sell some of them for a profit. Remember?"

"Oh. Right. But where would they even sell them? Does Equestria have a black market that we're not aware of?" Luna grumbled as she worried about the Pokemon who had already been sold off.

"You don't have to worry about that. Your mother and father have been overseeing Equestria for so long, haven't they? They've probably seen where they've gone."

"Probably. Oh, I should have asked them about that before leaving!" Luna groaned before realizing something. "Although...Adagio Dazzle mentioned that she found the Magic Siphoning Jar from an old sales pony." She started reminiscing the Fourth Day.

"Oh. Some old sales pony gave this to me. I guess it makes sense on why it would be lost now that I think about it..."

"Could they be with that old sales pony by any chance?" Luna was shooting for the stars with assumptions and theories at this point. But she truly was unsure of where the sold off Pokemon could be at this point.

Luna's plan involved all of her Pokemon. In fact, she created multiple plans for each of them. If one plan fails, her other Pokemon can initiate the next plan. And if that plan fails, more of her Pokemon will just go onto the next one.

Her major players for these plans were Darkrai, Musharna, Xatu and Frillish since Psychic, Dark and Ghost Pokemon are excellent when formulating plans due to their deceptive and unpredictable nature.

Darkrai's Dark Void is always a go-to move and an excellent way to immobilize an opponent. However, since Skyblue Shine knows about Darkrai and his Dark Void, the same trick might not work twice. But it was worth a shot.

Vanhoover. The Pokemon Festival. 1:40.

They had finally arrived at Vanhoover. The home of Skyblue Shine and where all the captured Pokemon are currently being kept at.

Luna and Darkrai exited the train with Musharna waking up after the ride. Now that they were here and had enough time to plan, they could get down to business to retrieve the Pokemon and find Skyblue Shine.

"Alright. Now we just need to locate her home." Luna's eyes began shifting around. " I'll ask the citizens here. That will save time. Out you come, Frillish." Luna sent Frillish out.


"You can get to searching as well."

"Lish." Frillish phased through the ground with his intangibility as he played his part as well. Darkrai also did the same by blending in with the shadows. That way, he can move around at a faster pace.

Luna went over to the first pony she saw, ready to ask them about the whereabouts of Skyblue Shine and her domain. If she was home, that is. Darkrai's upper body could be seen right next to Luna as he stuck by her side.

"You there. Citizen." She spoke to the Earth Pony. "Do you by chance know about a unicorn by the name of Skyblue Shine who lives here?"

"S-Sky-" The earth pony suddenly scrunched his face when he heard the name Skyblue Shine. But he scrunched it even further when spotting Darkrai. After that, he just turned around and walked away, ignoring Princess Luna.

"Hm? Wait! You have not yet answered my question!" Luna called out. But the earth pony didn't respond as he kept walking off. "How odd..."

"Was it my appearance that got to him?" Darkrai pointed at himself.

"Don't be ridiculous, Darkrai. It's not you." Luna shook her head. "Let's try somepony else."

Perhaps the other citizens of Vanhoover would have the answer they were searching for as Luna went over to the next pony she spotted, asking about Skyblue Shine's whereabouts.

But the moment they spotted Darkrai and heard about Skyblue's name, just like the first pony, they all just ignored and separated themselves from Luna each time she brought her name up.

"Can you tell me where-"

"If by chance do you know-"

"The pony by the name of Sky-"

"I just need one answer regarding Skyblue-"

One after another, no one wanted to answer Luna at all. Naturally, this was riling the moon princess up as she despised being ignored like this. All she wanted was just an answer or at least an indication of where Skyblue Shine's home could. Aggravated, Luna decided that the only way to really get them to answer was by using her Royal Canterlot Voice.


Her voice echoed throughout Vanhoover and beyond as any nearby glass shattered instantly. The ponies all cowered and froze with their bodies shuddering from Luna's voice. Luna breathed in and out after using her Royal Canterlot Voice. She hadn't used it in the longest. With her anger getting through to Vanhoover, one pony actually decided to fess up out of fear of Princess Luna.

"I-I know where she lives..." A petrified pegasus mumbled.

"You do?!" Luna immediately teleported in front of the pegasus, getting up in her face with a wide smile. "Where exactly?!"

"Mmm!" The pegasus covered her eyes. "She lives in the mansion just near the lake South of here! It's the only house here that's far away from every other structure here!"

"A mansion, eh? That's different." Luna nodded. "Many thanks!" She shook the hoof of the pegasus.

"Y-Y-Y-You're welcome...!" The pegasus squealed.

"Alright. South towards the lake. Now we have our location. But there's something that confuses me..why is it that rest of you evaded my question?"

"We..."The pegasus gulped. "We were told by Skyblue Shine not to speak with you. Or your Darkrai. No matter what."

"Not to speak with us? How come? We won't harm you."

"I don't think that's the reason..." Darkrai interrupted. "It might have something to do with me."

"You?" Luna turned to her partner.

"After what happened back at the Relief Zone, it makes sense as to why she'd be so cautious. Skyblue Shine expects me to come after her since I'm aware of her actions. So the one place where Skyblue Shine resides, she wouldn't want anyone to know that she lives here. So telling an entire populous to stay quiet about her is one of those methods of concealing herself."

"But why exactly? Why hide it from us because of her words?" Luna wondered.

"She said...she'd take our Cutie Marks if we revealed her home to you.

"Steal your..." Luna gasped before growling. "Why that sick-hearted...Darkrai. Musharna. Frillish. Let's go."

"Frill." Frillish popped out of the ground as he didn't have to search anymore.


South of Vanhoover. Near the lake.

The pegasus was right. There was indeed a mansion here. All of it belonged to Skyblue Shine as it was sitting here alone, far from the rest of Vanhoover.

As they stood before the mansion, Luna and her Pokemon could already feel an eerie and ominous aura emanating out of it. But strangely, there was a positive aura coming out of it. It was almost inviting.

"Well. This is it." Luna said whilst gazing at the mansion.

"Is she even home at this time? The Pokemon Festival has everyone moving around the place." Darkrai spoke.

"Only one way to find out." Luna used her magic to pick up a tiny pebble. She used that pebble as a means of knocking on the door without actually approaching it.

With three knocks, she replicated the sound of someone knocking on the door, hoping to get a response from someone. Mainly Skyblue Shine.

The knocking had been received from the inside of the mansion, meaning that someone was indeed home. From within the mansion, a voice passed through the doors. One that sounded like a child.

"Coming!" The child-like voice rang out. Hearing that made Luna and Darkrai narrow their eyes as they shook their heads. Luna was expecting a mature voice. But Darkrai didn't expect a voice such as that, since he's encountered Skyblue Shine twice and he knows what she sounds like.

"My, her voice is...lighter than I would expect..." Luna laughed nervously.

"That's definitely not her." Darkrai shook his head.

"Oh? Then who?"

The question that Luna gave was answered as the door was opening. Quickly, Luna and Darkrai's attention was glued towards the door as they were ready to tackle whatever shows itself.

However, the pony who opened the door wasn't Skyblue Shine. Instead, it was the popular and well known Pokemon Contest Coordinator.

Premium Polish.

"Hm?" The little filly spotted Luna and Darkrai. Immediately being recognizable, Premium's eyes lit up with her pupils shrinking as she let out a prolonged gasp. "Oh! Princess Luna? Here at my home?" She then let out a bloodcurdling fangirl scream that was powerful enough to shatter eardrums. "Aaah!"

"W-Well, it's nice to meet you, little one. I hope we're not intruding at this time but...We want to ask you something."

"You're not intruding at all, Princess Luna!" She shook her head. "You're free to ask me anything! What is it anyway?"

"Thank you. I want to ask you about somepony. Is there a unicorn by the name of Skyblue Shine present in this mansion at the moment?"

"Hm?" Premium tilted her head. "You mean mother?"

"Mother?!" Luna and Darkrai both exclaimed.

"She's not here at the moment. Do you need her for something?"

"Hmm..." Luna and Darkrai both looked at each other for a moment before nodding in unison. "Give us second, little Premium." Luna and Darkrai went into a group huddle together. "Well...This might be hard to tell her..."

"Right on that." Darkrai nodded. "I didn't expect her to be a parent...Should we tell her the truth about her mother's night-time activities?"

"That's difficult to decide on...She's just a little filly but...perhaps she already knows about her mother's occupation."

"Maybe...If she's in on it then I'll put her to sleep instantly." Darkrai held out a Dark Void.

"Darkrai...! She's a child...! Let's just ask her something else before jumping to conclusions." Luna and Darkrai separated from their group huddle. "Ahem. So she's not here is she?"

"Not at all. She said she was going to keep on enjoying the Pokemon Festival and that's it. I was about to head out too. Did you need something from her?"

"Well..." Luna bit her hoof. "May we come in for a while?"

"Oh yes!" Premium jumped up for joy. "You can always come inside Princess Luna!" The little unicorn dashed into her mansion, allowing Luna and her Pokemon to enter. And once they did, they were given the scope of this mansion and how wealthy Skyblue Shine and her daughter appeared to be.

Having six different floors with a balcony at the very top, this interior was already giving off an empyreal and aristocratic feeling. The mansion was all smooth marble and tall glass windows that gave a view of the lake and the rest of Vanhoover in the distance.

The furniture, while a bit too much, was appealing to the eyes with how there was a soft elongated couch that looked like it could wrap around someone with their length like a snake. Solo chairs that work well with all ages, especially the rocking chair for any grandmas and grandpas out there.

The way the marble shined thanks to the sun made it look as if it was otherworldly. Marble isn't usually this smooth and bright. But this one certainly is as the chandelier on the ceiling complemented its shine without even being on.

The outside that was left to the mansion and behind it was no different. The grounds have multiple spacious areas to relax among the gardens, fountains, and pools. There are fountains and tall well-kept trees along the back entry path.

With all of these six floors, there were many rooms that each served their own purpose. Whether for luxury or more practical reasons.

"My...This is..." Luna was stunned. It was almost as impressive as Canterlot Castle. Perhaps even on par. The fact that Skyblue Shine lived here was just as surprising.

"It's great isn't it?" Premium smiled. "It's so wonderful, I rarely leave the house. And my Pokemon think so too. Isn't that right, all of you?"

"Swanna!" Premium's Swanna was on the outside, resting in the fountain along with her Masquerain in the trees.

She had more Pokemon than those two. Pokemon that she obviously uses for Pokemon Contests. An Inkay, Smeargle, Steenee and a Flareon.

"Is my mother being chosen for something important, by any chance?" Premium hopped on the couch.

"Not quite..." Luna shook her head. "It's for more pressing matters."

"Hm?" Premium rolled off the couch. "Like?"

"This will be hard to say, Luna..." Darkrai said.

"I know." Luna cleared her throat. "Little Premium. This might be an odd question but...does your mother have a certain occupation?"

"Occupation? Hm..." Premium looked up at the ceiling as she laid on her back, thinking about her mother's role. "Well...She's apart of the Equestria League but...is being a Pokemon Trainer an occupation?"

"Yes. It is." Luna nodded. "But I suppose I need to be more specific. What is her job?"

"Oh her job." Premium stood up. "She doesn't really tell me what she does but...she's got a job for sure. I just don't know what it is."

"...I see." Luna scrunched her eyes. "What would you possibly suppose it may be?"

"Well, her job is super late at night, so I have a chance to spend time with her in the afternoon but..."

"But?" Luna leaned in.

"I never get that chance. Even though her job starts at night, she does a lot of planning in the afternoon. So it's only the morning I get to be around her."

"Oh really?" That caught Luna's attention. "Might I ask where she plans?"

"Well, In the afternoon, my mother goes down into the basement all the time but...that's all I know."

"Basement eh? Premium. Can you take us there?"

"Ah! I can't do that!" Premium shook her head aggressively. "Mother says that I'm forbidden to go in there! Only she's allowed. And some of her friends she brings over."

"She won't allow you in yet her friends are guaranteed access?" Luna raised an eyebrow.

"Well, they're friends from work. So it's related to her job. But that's all I know."

"Hm. Very well then. Since you're not allowed inside...we'll enter the basement ourselves. There is some rather important investigation that we need to clear."

"You'll enter? Oh...mom's not gonna be happy about that...if she finds out, she might take away my Contest Ribbons! Or worse!"

"It will be short and simple, little Premium. Please. It is crucial that we investigate." Luna still wasn't revealing the truth about Skyblue Shine to Premium since she feared breaking the little unicorn's heart.

"Well...If it's important Canterlot business then sure. I can at least show you the door."

It was decided. Fearful of her mother's response, Premium Polish decided to instead, lead Luna and her Pokemon to the door of the basement that dwelled in this large mansion.

Compared to the grand, luxurious and dazzling appearance of the mansion's interior and exterior, the staircase to the basement was the complete opposite of all of that.

Frugal, plain and murky with an unsettling aura. The stairs to the basement didn't help as they weren't as smooth as the rest of the stairs in the mansion. They were rough and clamorous. They even looked like they were on the verge of breaking at any moment.

Naturally, Luna and Darkrai were highly cautious of this. This could be where many of their questions get answered very soon, depending on what lies inside that basement.

"Here we are." Premium stopped by the door that led to the basement. "My mother's basement. It's a bit creepy so I don't wanna stand by it for too long."

"We'll be quick and finished up before your mother returns."

"Um...Princess Luna. Just a quick question. All of this about investigating...Is my mother in trouble for something?"

"Oh." Luna shifted her eyes to the side. She was still hesitant on revealing the truth to Premium Polish. It would be so easy to do so but to Luna, Premium is still such a young foal who might not be able to take it. "Well...We'll give you the confirmation after we're done."

"A-Alright. I'll be in my room." Premium walked off as she left everything to Luna and her Pokemon, hoping that things would turn out alright in the end.

Now it was just Luna, Darkrai, Frillish and Musharna, standing before the basement door. They weren't sure what they were about to witness inside of this basement. But they were more than prepared to tackle it as teammates.

Luna took a deep breath as she used her magic to unlock the door. Once the door had been unlocked and opened, they were given the sight of the basement for the first.

Immediately entering, it was incongruously plain and bare. There was barely any light in this basement as there was wet moisture in the corner. The walls resembled that of a castle. A fairly ancient and abandoned one at that. It was almost as wide as the upstairs of the mansion despite it being located on the lowest floor of the mansion. It was not a tight space at all like most basements.

The basement had numerous desks, chairs, and several shelves containing an array of books. Most notably, Pokemon-Based books. In fact, the whole room was filled with Pokemon related books and a few of them being magic related.

Already, this entire basement was just dismal to be in. It felt like the joy and happiness was being sucked out of Luna and her Pokemon. But there was nothing too suspicious, other than the Pokemon books laid out here.

"Nothing too out of the ordinary. Does she really do all her planning in this room?" Luna spoke.

"Seems secluded enough for that." Darkrai went over to the bookshelves, gazing at the Pokemon books. Luna flew over, standing beside Darkrai. Luna used her magic to grab one of the books that went over certain moves. It was a bit odd that the Pokemon books would be here of all places and not in her own room or anywhere else in the mansion.

For now, Luna and her Pokemon started searching for one important thing. The other Pokemon Skyblue Shine had stolen. Wherever they may be. The Poke Balls couldn't be seen nearby. But perhaps, they could be found deeper in the basement.

"Nothing important here. Let's advance deeper." Luna pointed her hoof to the north. Musharna stuck herself on Luna's head once more while Darkrai and Frillish just moved in the shadows for faster travelling.

The further they went into the basement, the more the darkness closed in on them. Looking at the walls, Luna could notice that there was a painting hung up.

But not a painting of ponies. Instead, a painting of a human scientist who seemed to be from the Pokemon World. And standing next to that scientist was a little girl who resembled a human. Most likely, the creation of the scientist in the painting. The little girl had yellow hair and blue robotic skin, showing that she was not yet finished.

Why this would be in a basement in Equestria was unknown. But perhaps, the dirty, torn and ancient appearance of it made it fit to be in here. But it was ominous nonetheless as Luna turned away from the painting.

However, the moment she did so, in the painting, the eyes of the scientist moved, staring directly at Luna and her Pokemon with them being unaware.

Darkrai himself noticed something that caught his eye. Over at a table, there was a blueprint of all things. "Luna. Come take a look at this." He called for his partner.

"What is it? Did you find the Pokemon?" Luna flew over.

"No. But I found this." Darkrai pointed his claw over at the blueprint. Luna peered over, getting a good look at the blueprint for herself. Her Frillish and Musharna also set their eyes on it.

This blueprint wasn't for any structures. But instead, it looked to be a blueprint for a pony of all things. And a plus, it was a filly. "A blueprint... for a pony?"



Luna used her magic to lift the blueprint. But once she did, a second blueprint was revealed. This time, it was of a human. Noticeably, a little girly.

"Why would she have any of these?" Luna wondered as she started reading the blueprints to see what they were all about. This was her first time diving into something such as blueprints. She's already dealt with the complexities of magic so now it was time for her to experience the complexity of science.

The blueprints had text on them as the names, information and description were all listed down. Unfortunately, they were covered in what seemed to be oil. The oil had been smeared on the paper for a seemingly long amount of time. Thus, many of the words were lost.

Luckily, there were a few minor words that weren't affected by the oil. Luna was able to read these words as she was working with what she had so far.

"Foal version...20?" She raised an eyebrow. "What does that mean, exactly? Version 20? Darkrai, do you know?"

"Don't look at me. I'm new to this as well." Darkrai shook his head.

"Hm. None of this really relates to the Pokemon. I fear that the Pokemon may have already been sold off..." Luna gulped.

"Let's not lose hope yet. There's still more of this basement we have yet to discover."

"Right. Let's keep moving forward."

And so, they kept on moving through this spacious and seemingly endless basement. The further they went, the darker it became.

Along the way, Luna found a suit. The Umbrage Thief Suit that is. She picked it up with her magic, seeing that it had large ripped holes through it. It was probably here because of its condition and had been replaced by another.

She also found more blueprints. This time it was of a mare instead of a filly, titled Mare V.2. However, there were still no signs of other Pokemon or even any Poke Balls. And yet, the basement still had more to explore.

Strangely, the basement itself was starting to change but with very subtle signs that none of them could notice. It wasn't just the darkness increasing, but it felt like someone was watching from within the shadows. And it wasn't Darkrai.

Eventually, the group came across something that might be the answer they were finally looking for after so long. It seemed to be the farthest part of the basement as there was a single door where blue lights were coming out of it.

"There!" Luna went over to the door, curious about the lights as her Pokemon followed. For there to be a single door in this long and spacious basement with blue lights coming out meant that there was something special in there.

Without hesitation, Luna opened the door with her magic, rushing in to hopefully find the stolen and missing Pokemon. But what she found was something unexpected.

A gateway.

Just like the many gateways that were located across Equestria, leading to different parts of the Pokemon World, there was one right here inside of a basement of all places.

Naturally, Luna was greatly confused as this was the last thing she expected to see.

"A...Rift Gateway?"

A shocking reveal that Luna and her Pokemon were not expecting to see. A gateway that no one else knows about, located in this lone basement. This had transformed from being an investigation to retrieve the stolen Pokemon to something else entirely As the journey continues.

Chapter 337 End.

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