• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Arceus Pendant

Kalos. Dahara City. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

A pendant of Arceus had been found by Twilight.

The symbol of the Creator Deity was right here in Dahara City, found at a jewellery stand. The lady at the stand revealed the pendant to Twilight as that symbol was all too familiar to the eyes.

"An Arceus Pendant...beautiful." Twilight admired the pendant as her eyes were sparkling just by looking at it. But the further she looked at it, it seemed to be more than just your average pendant. She froze there for a moment as the Princess of friendship had witnessed a divine golden glow that was slightly emanating from it.

There was something resonating with her. Twilight gasped as this faint but soothing light felt familiar. She looked in her bag, gazing at the Twilightium Z. Her personal Z-Crystal was also glowing, mainly because it was connected to Arceus as well.

"My crystal's also glowing?"

"That much is obvious." The lady said, adjusting her hood. "You can feel it too, can't you, my little pony? Arceus' light."

"Yeah..." Twilight took out her crystal, holding it out to the jewellery. She noticed how the Twilightium Z and the pendant resonated with each other, intensifying the glow. Twilight was amazed that she made this developing discovery.

"Espeon..." Espeon gazed into the light as it was mesmerising.

"Hang on! Could this pendant be from Arche Valley? Oooh, is this a clue?!" Twilight gasped.

"Maybe. Or perhaps, the light of Arceus resonates with another semblance of Arceus' light. Your Z-Crystal and this pendant. Although, you could put some pieces together by just looking at me, right?" The lady giggled.

"Well...you do dress nicely. White and gold are colours that are synonymous with Arceus. So you must be from Arche Valley, right? That's the only explanation. And this pendant comes from the valley too, doesn't it?"

"It comes from there. Yes. But you could see it as a normal pendant." She held it out to Twilight.

"Why would I? My Z-Crystal's resonating with it so well. I can feel it. , This pendant is too similar to the crystal for it to be a coincidence." Twilight took the pendant, choosing to purchase it.

"Clever choice of words...Of course, that would make sense since Arceus shared its power with you." The lady then said, raising her head as her hood slid back a few inches. Making another appearance after appearing in Alola was none other than the mysterious lady so little knew about.

The Witch.

Green hair, crimson eyes and all. Her words had an eerie tone to them once she replied to Twilight. The moment Twilight and Espeon looked away, her hair was poking out of the hood along with the revelation of her crimson eyes, which she had kept closed for a while.

"Say what?" Twilight looked back at the Witch, who had instantly gone back to her previous appearance, hiding her hair and keeping her eyes closed. That response was shocking to Twilight as not many would know about how Arceus shared his power with the Z-Crystal. "How did you know...?"

"Perhaps it's the fact that I know Arceus well. Why else would I have the pendant? So, would you like to take it? Even though it's not your size."

"It's not my size but...my human counterpart might like it." Twilight decided to share this with Sci-Twi. It was her size and would certainly look good on her. Twilight should know. She was her counterpart after all. "Oh and since you gave me this, could you tell me where Arche Valley is?" Twilight asked before looking up at the Witch. However, she was gone.

Once more, she vanished without a trace, stunning Twilight and Espeon. They looked away for a while and she was gone. There wasn't even a sound or anything. Not even the sound of the wind came by. It was like she was never there. She only left the Arceus Pendant to Twilight.

"Where did she...Eve, did you see her?"

"Espeon." Espeon missed her as well, shaking her head. They each looked around, only to see that she was nowhere to be found. Twilight was reasonably uneasy by this. She then looked at the pendant, watching it dangle before shaking her head.

"A-Anyway...let's head back with the others and see if we can still find Arche Valley with this." Twilight would walk off but she couldn't help but ponder about the lady.

Meanwhile, Victini was chasing another invisible entity who was staying hidden just like him, trying to get his revenge on this mischievous trickster as it continued to laugh.

"Tini!" Victini followed this invisible force through an alleyway, using his signature move, V-Create. He charged right in, igniting the V-insignia on his head and going in for a full-force tackle. Only for the invisible force to fly right over, causing him to crash into the walls. "Ti!"

"Too slow!" The force finally spoke before revealing itself. It was none other than the Mischief Pokemon Hoopa. He laughed at Victini after he crashed into the wall.

"Victini...!" Victini growled at Hoopa, getting a full look at the one who tried to take his cupcake. "Tini!" Victini flew over, yelling at Hoopa with visible anger. If Fluttershy were here, the things she would translate from Victini would not be pretty, that much is true.

"Don't be too mad. Hoopa will give you more cupcakes." Hoopa would show off his speciality. By removing one of the rings from his arms, Hoopa held it up, instantly connecting to a random place in not just this world but the other world. "Alléhooparing!"

"Tini?" Suddenly, Victini paused after hearing this. He looked up, wondering what this ring would do and how it would give him some more cupcakes.

Equestria. Ponyville. SugarCube Corner. Afternoon.

"Everyone dig in!" Mrs Cake held out a plethora of cupcakes with varying designs and flavours to a crowd of people, ponies and Pokemon, especially Bea, who had a sweet tooth.

Bea felt like melting after seeing all of these cupcakes, her hands wiggled over them as everyone would have a chance to experience this wonderful taste.

If they had the chance.

Hoopa's ring had shown up right above SugarCube Corner, grabbing everyone's attention as they looked up. The ring was massive as it had the right size to suck all of the cupcakes up. Immediately, Hoopa's ring had taken the cupcakes, bringing them through the portal with great power.

"Ah!" Bea gasped as all of the cupcakes were gone. In a matter of seconds, they entered the ring blindingly fast. The ring had also closed off by shrinking, fizzling out of existence as if it was never there. Everyone could just look stunned as their cupcakes had been taken from them so quickly. They left as fast as they had arrived.

"Oh...W-Well, there's always more." Mrs Cake shrugged, revealing the positives. But everyone was still stunned by what they had witnessed.

Kalos. Dahara City. Afternoon.

"Tini?!" Back at the Pokemon World, all of those cupcakes came raining down on Victini once the ring hovered over him. Victini received a mountain of cupcakes.

"Were you surprised?" He giggled once the cupcakes had dropped. "Here you go! And some for Hoopa too!" Of course, Hoopa would grab some of the cupcakes for himself. He only had a few of them earlier. Victini poked his head out of the mountain of cupcakes, stunned by what he had witnessed. "Mmm!"

"Victini...Tini?" But, Victini wasn't thinking about the cupcakes right now. Instead, he was thinking about Hoopa himself. Hoopa constantly referred to himself in the third person, making it clear that this was the Pokemon that Ash and the others were looking for.

Instead of heading to Arche Valley to find Hoopa, Hoopa came right to them. Victini gasped, seeing as this was a major chance and opportunity. "Tini!"

"Hm? What?" Hoopa asked as Victini burst out of the mountain of cupcakes.

"Tini! Victini!" Victini started flailing his arms, moving around rapidly and explaining everything he could to his fellow Psychic-Type. Hoopa took it all in as all he started hearing was babble out gateways, the Rift and Arche Valley. Nothing too important to him. But the thing that really mattered was how Victini brought up Ash and Pikachu.

"Ashkan and Pikan?" Hoopa's eyes widened as he quickly grabbed Victini, shaking him. "You know them?! Where?! Show Hoopa!"

"V-V-Victini!" Victini jittered before telling Hoopa that he could show him where they were. All Hoopa had to do was follow Victini. "Tini!"

Victini would lead Hoopa to Ash and Pikachu, leaving the alleyway and the many cupcakes that Hoopa had spawned. The moment they left the alleyway, a group of children alongside their parents passed by it. The children spotted the cupcakes, , instantly rushing over to them to fill their stomachs.

"Look, mom! Free cupcakes!"

"Don't eat those! Some of them are on the ground!"

"Here you go." Back with Twilight, she ended up giving the Arceus Pendant to her human counterpart. "It fits you more than me. Literally."

"Wow, thank you." Sci-Twi received the pendant, putting it on. It was a perfect fit as the pendant complimented her exceedingly well.

"Looking good, Twilight!" Hilda patted her on the back. "And you just found this at a jewellery stand."

"Yes. A lady gave it to m, but she vanished mysteriously. Not sure how and it still bugs me." Twilight replied. "She must've definitely been from Arche Valley."

"Maybe it's that witch again..." Hilbert shuddered. "Is she here?!"

"I doubt she's here anymore since there's not a trace of her left." Twilight shrugged as Sci-Twi giggled, playing around with the pendant for a bit.

But while playing around with it, unexpectedly, a faint voice had come through. A voice that was hard to hear and was difficult for Sci-Twi to even pick up.

"Seek out all Pokemon..."


"I still didn't get anything about Arche Valley though. Wish I could still speak with her. But maybe this pendant can help us. It exudes a similar light as the pendant."

"So we're still iffy on where we can find Arche Valley. That's a bummer." Hilbert sighed as they still had no way to reach Arche Valley. But there was a way. The Pokemon that could go anywhere he wanted was nearby.


"Pika? Pika-Pika!" Pikachu had spotted Victini nearby, wondering where he had been. But it wasn't Victini who caught his attention. Rather, it was the Pokemon that was trailing behind him

Victini spotted the park that Ash and the others were sitting at in the distance with Hoopa right behind him. "Tini! Victini!"


"Huh? Hey isn't that..." Ash stood up once Pikachu nudged him. He stepped forward, looking past the crowd of people. Victini was familiar to the eyes and so was Hoopa. "Hoopa!"

"Hoopa?! Seriously!" Twilight looked over, poking her head along with Hilbert and the rest. Ash and Pikachu wasted no time, approaching one of their many Mythical friends.

"Oh! Ashkan! Pikan!" Hoopa would see them both as well, thrilled to spot some old friends and reunite with them. Both sides were moving as fast as they could. However, the closer they got to the park, that's when something shocking happened. "Ough!"

Hoopa suddenly crashed. His body smashed into something while Victini went ahead. The Victory Pokemon turned around, witnessing a forcefield of some sort that pulsated for a few seconds.

"Hoopa?" Ash came to a screeching halt once he saw that Hoopa suddenly crashed. And it was a direct one too. Hoopa was pushed back from this impact, holding his head.

"Ow...!" Hoopa groaned, holding his head after crashing into this invisible forcefield.

"So that's Hoopa?" Upon seeing Hoopa, both Twilight and Sci-Twi had to gather this information, holing out their Pokedexes.

"Hoopa. The Mischief Pokemon. In its true form, it possesses a huge amount of power. Legends of its avarice tell how it once carried off an entire castle to gain the treasure hidden within. This troublemaker sends anything and everything to faraway places using its loop, which can warp space. With its power sealed, it is transformed into a much smaller form."

"Hoopa, are you okay?!" After seeing Hoopa crash into the wall and hold his head, Ash went to his friend's aid. But the second he approached Hoopa, Ash received the same treatment, crashing into that same forcefield. "Gah!"

"Ash!" Twilight and the others cried out as Ash fell to the ground.


"Oh, man..." He held his head, feeling a crackling force of energy around him as it faded away.

"Tini?!" Victini came to Ash's aid as he was able to reach Ash with no problems. But when Hoopa tried flying forward, he came across another forcefield.

"Hey, Hoopa. Are you alright?" Ash got up, thinking about Hoopa's well-being instead of his own. He did just crash into a forcefield after all.

"Hoopa's fine. A bit dazed though."

"Was there always a forcefield here?" Hilda asked, holding her hands out, trying to see if she could touch this invisible forcefield. However, her hands didn't touch anything. It was only when she went towards Hoopa that she ended up feeling something from a different side, causing her to move back. "Ouch! What gives?!"

"Hoopa. Are your rings still working?" Ash asked. "Can you still go places?"

"Hoopa's rings still work after you helped, Ashkan. But Hoopa doesn't know what this is." Hoopa then ascended, trying to see if he could take a different route. He threw one of his rings into the air, flying through it so that he could appear next to Ash.

He could successfully pass through his rings. Previously, he had been restrained from doing so but that was no longer the case. However, a new limitation had emerged. He passed through the ring, appearing on the other side, only for another forcefield to appear, hitting Hoopa once he showed up on the other side behind Ash. Hoopa rolled through the air after being pushed back.

"Oh...Hoopa can't reach Ashkak and Pikan!" Hoopa groaned as he was blocked from reaching Ash.

"It's the Rift." Twilight already deduced why this was happening. It all had to do with how the Rift planned to keep every chance of the two worlds staying connected forever absolutely non-existent. From Jirachi to Phione and also Hoopa along with other Pokemon. "Hoopa is one of the Pokemon that the Rift made sure to deal with first when it started all of this."

"So this forcefield is made by the Rift too?" Sci-Twi asked.

"Without a doubt. The Rift knew that Ash would've gone for Hoopa. So to prepare for this, it probably blocked Hoopa's chances of getting close to Ash and it definitely kept Hoopa from reaching Jirachi from what we know."

"That's horrible!" Hilda exclaimed.

"It is. And it's all too familiar to me." Ash closed his eyes as this kind of scenario was very familiar. In a double sense. Mainly because both Victini and Hoopa had been in a similar scenario to this, especially Victini.

"Tini." Victini knew how Hoopa felt. He was once prevented from leaving Eindoak Town and its entirety for centuries, unable to go anywhere else. It was until 10 years ago that he was finally free thanks to Ash.

"The Rift's already sent all the Jirachi somewhere we don't know and now it's done this." Ash's fist tightened as he was visibly upset about this. "It's just not fair to my friends."

"Wait. Then how come Victini can get close to you?" Hilbert asked. "Victini here's a special Pokemon. Infinite power and everything. Plus it came here with Hoopa."

"The Rift probably doesn't see Victini as a big enough threat. Which is frankly just rude and untrue. So many would do anything for Victini's energy." Bertha added. "Most likely, Victini is seen as a wild card or rather someone that is unable to interact with the Rift's effect on the two worlds. Possible. Who knows?"

"I can still reach Arche Valley. Hoopa. Are Baraz and Meray over at Arche Valley right now?" Ash asked.


"They sure are!" Hoopa saluted. "Hoopa can head there, no problem. But it's great to see you again, Ashkan! Pikan!"

"It's good to see you again, Hoopa. A shame I can't interact with you right now. Unless..." Ash held out his hand, looking at it it before intensifying his eyes. "I said I was gonna use Aura to help Hoopa and now might be a good time. But I didn't think it would involve something as wide as this."

"Aura? Hang on, Ash!" Twilight gasped, halting Ash immediately. "This doesn't feel like an ordinary forcefield from what I've seen! The Rift's made it so that no matter where you go, you won't be able to interact physically with Hoopa, let alone get as close as you want to. You'd have to maybe do something special if you want to break the Rift's effect which is everywhere."

"She's right." Hilda nodded in agreement. "Ash, you could very well pass out if you try and break this restraint. It's possibly everywhere you and Hoopa will go. Behind you, below you and over you."

"I know that but..."

"There's a way, duh!" Hilbert suddenly intervened, having a proud grin on his face. "The answer's been in our face this entire time, you guys. Ash can totally break that restraint with his Aura. He just needs the right boost. And we have the ultimate boosting Pokemon here."

"He's right. Victini." Bertha pointed at Victini. The Victory Pokemon.

"Tini?" Victini then pointed at himself once he was mentioned.

"Yeah, that's something that came to mind too." Ash turned to face Victini. "Victini. I want you to help me. Help me break this restraint on us and Hoopa."

"Pretty please, Vikan?" Hoopa ended up giving Victini a nickname, staying in line with the 'Kan' gesture.

"Vi...Victini!" Victini would instantly agree to it. Ash was his best friend. And much like how Ash had helped him in the past, Victini would do the same for him.

"Thanks, Victini." Ash held his fist out as he and Victini did a fist bump.

"Now, Ash. Even though you'll get a massive boost of energy from Victini, you could still pass out from Delayed Aura Ataxia. We won't know what happens next either." Twilight was still being cautious about this.

"Melo." Meloetta agreed as this all sounded serious to her. Seeing Ash harmed wasn't something she wanted to witness.

"If you pass out from this, who knows how long you'll be unconscious?" Twilight shuddered.

"That's why you guys are gonna be there. I know you'll head in when I knock myself out, Twilight." Ash had full faith in his friends. "We already know a way out of Delayed Aura Ataxia, don't we? So come to my aid."

"Oh..I-I will!"

"Alright." Ash held his arm out, closing his eyes before channelling his Aura. "Sir Aaron. I need your help." In his hand, Sir Aaron's staff had appeared, expanding. Ash gripped onto it as the flow of Aura could already be felt. Hilbert and the others would get to witness Ash's spectacular Aura at work. The greatest Aura that has ever existed in this day and age.

Ash's goal was to try and find a way to break the restraints that the Rift had created. A restraint that involved him and Hoopa. This was not a standard forcefield that only had one direction. It potentially went in every direction, blocking Hoopa's ring from reaching Ash.

Ash needed to find a weak spot. And thanks to the guidance of Aura, he could begin searching. Ash closed his eyes, letting his Aura guide him and find that weak spot. Everyone would stand back and watch Ash do what he can. But he would receive some help.

"Victini." Victini put his hands on Ash's back, sharing his Infinite Energy and giving Ash an astronomical boost. This was both a good thing and a bad thing. It would increase Ash's Aura but also endanger his well-being.

Meloetta put her hands together along with Sci-Twi, praying for Ash's success. And as for Ash, he could sense something. He opened his eyes before then feeling his astral body close in on something. A giant cosmic wall

As of now, Ash was once again interacting with the Rift.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 851 End.

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