• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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We'll meet you there!

Unova. Aspertia City. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

Aspertia City. A city at the foot of high mountains where anyone can see all of Unova.

"Morning everyone!" Celestia's voice rang strongly as she was the first one to be awake despite going to bed later than everyone else. Her melodic cry woke up her friends and family, causing them to roll out of any positions they found themselves in.

"Man...Good morning." Ash yawned as Victini was currently using his head as a bed. On his shoulder, Hoopa could be seen before dropping off, bumping into Cloudchaser's head. "What week is it?"

"I think we're closing in on the third week." Fluttershy sat up, shaking her messy mane which was then sorted out by an already awake Leavanny. One of Rarity's Leavanny managed to wake up before most of them, choosing to fix up everyone's hairstyles the moment they woke up. "Did it all really go by that fast?"

"All that time in space didn't even last a day," Twilight added. "So, what's the plan for today? Which region are we heading to this time?"

"The plan for today? Well, glad you asked." The Sun Princess rubbed her hands together in excitement. Since she was already awake, her mind was brewing with ideas. "Which one do I start with? Ah, it doesn't matter. I'd like to hear what you all think. Who's up for sightseeing and who's up for battling?"

"I am!" Some of them chose battling while some of them chose sightseeing. Either one was entertaining no matter the situation. If it involves Pokemon, it's guaranteed to be enjoyable.

"Right, right. Guards." Celestia held her hand out before receiving two maps from the Canterlot Guards. She then stylishly spun the scrolled maps around before then revealing them to everyone. "Ta-dah! Here we have two maps for you sightseers to view. One of them should look familiar while the other is brand new."

These two maps had specific locations. The first one was easy to figure out. The layout of this map mainly possessed floating islands and an abundance of clouds. It was clear which spot this was. Pegalysium. The other one was brand new as it seemed to resemble something. Or rather, someone.

"Hey...Isn't that map..." Ash stood up, narrowing his eyes before a hodgepodge of his friends all gathered together to squint and even put on some glasses, observing the image before them. This map had a specific shape. A shape of an individual that everyone here knew about.

It was in the shape of Arceus.

"Isn't that Arceus? Is Arceus on the map?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"It does look like Arceus, doesn't it? Figure and all." Rarity nodded in agreement. Anyone could easily make it out to be Arceus. No one here could forget that shape. Although, there was one exception. Despite having Arceus' pendant, Sci-Twi had never seen the figure of Arceus before. Thus, this was her first look at what the Alpha Pokemon looked like.

"What kind of map is this? Where'd you find it, Princess Celestia? And how'd you find it so fast in the first place?" Twilight questioned.

"She gave it to me," Celestia revealed that Bertha was the one who gave her the map. The Sinnoh Elite 4 Member waved at them once she received some glares. "This right here is known as the Ransei Region. Looks a lot like Arceus and probably has something to do with him. Much like everything in this world. So, we can either head to this region or take a journey through Pegalysium. King Paramount and Queen Luminary already picked out a location for us to explore."

"If I were you, I'd recommend Pegalysium first," Bertha added. Despite how Ransei was new to most of them, she chose a familiar nation instead. "For you see...it's not that easy to get into Ransei."

"Why? What's up with that place?" Applejack asked.

"Long ago, Ransei was ruled by powerful warlords who each had 17 Kingdoms, each with their own castle." Cynthia was the one who started explaining it instead of Bertha, showing that she had knowledge of this place as well. The region of Ransei is said to have been created by Arceus himself, which the shape of the region itself resembles. Legend says that conquering all 17 kingdoms will bring forth the return of Arceus."

"Bit too late for that. We've beaten them to it." Rainbow Dash proudly said. She and her friends have seen Arceus a few times. Mainly during the earlier days of both worlds crossing over. After that, Arceus only appeared in certain instances while watching over both worlds.

"To this day, they seem to be owned by descendants of those families. So entry there is strict and harsh. The only way to enter is by going through trials. Trials that I can't be bothered to do honestly." Bertha finished Cynthia's explanation. "Even then, that would take some time."

"Hmm..." Hilbert pondered for a moment. "A whole new region that's tough to enter...or a nation in the sky. That's tough...but the skies are way cooler!"

"Pegalysium's what I'm going for." Ash chose to go to Pegalysium. "Then, I'll see what that Ransei place is all about."

"Same here." Twilight chose to go to Pegalysium as well along with many others. Celestia looked back and forth at both maps, surprised that everyone chose the first option.

"Mmm..." Celestia eyed down the map of Ransei before shrugging. "Oh well. It is what it is. A lot of you said yes. I think all of you did, actually. So...we can think about the rest later and focus on explorations. What say you, Luna?"

"I'm still wondering where my Pokemon are." Luna still missed her Pokemon. Darkrai and everyone else were still absent. "I wish I had something they used to own for Slurpuff to track down. But...there are no accessories."

"I know of a way we can call for them, sister. Pegalysium might be the place to do it. Of course, they also have to be in our world for that to work, but it's worth a shot."

"Um...I believe you may not have to do that at all, your majesty. Look." However, Mayor Mare had something else to share. Her Stoutland came over with a newspaper, passing it over as Mayor Mare opened up a page. On that page, something crucial to Luna could be seen.

It was Luna. Or rather, it was Nightmare Moon. She could be seen in the news, not necessarily being the headline despite how similar she looked to Luna but important enough to receive her own page. And on that page, Nightmare Moon was seen with Luna's Pokemon along with Team Rocket, making food for customers.

"WHAT?!" Naturally, Luna shouted at the top of her lungs from this. Her scream was so powerful, it nearly knocked everyone down while damaging Fluttershy and Audino's ears. Her eyes flared with a raging fire as she even bared fangs. "So it was her the entire time?!"

"Who's that?" Ash leaned in, noticing Nightmare Moon's appearance for the first time. "She kinda looks like that Nightmare Rarity pony."

"I should've brought this up...Thanks to a Pokemon named Mespirit, Nightmare Moon had been split from my body, becoming her own separate being." Luna sighed. "Unfortunately, it seems I missed her previous actions, probably when I was unconscious. She's now out on her own, with my Pokemon...and cooking as well?!"

"Those do look tasty. Maybe she gets it from you!" Pinkie Pie was more focused on the food that was shown in the newspaper.

"I doubt it. Nightmare Moon doesn't take after all of my new skills. I was a horrible cook in the beginning but I've grown ever since then. Seems she's getting lessons from Team Rocket who've started a cooking business. While having my Pokemon!" She growled yet again.

"At least we know they're safe." Celestia calmed her sister down. "And they're very successful too. They've been in the Kalos Region recently, selling all the food they can. Their next destination is Sinnoh for some warm pastries in such a cold region. Mmm...Pastries. I wonder if there's cake involved? There has to be."

"Sinnoh, eh?" Luna then used her magic to squish the newspaper, startling Mayor Mare. "Very well then. Sinnoh, it is. You all can head to Pegalysium. This one's mine."

"You're not going at it alone." However, Celestia would object to Luna taking it solo. "I'll come with you if you don't mind. We'll find her together and reunite you with your Pokemon. Plus, it'd be great to have another sister in the family."

"I beg your pardon?!"

"Isn't it true? She's you. But at the same time, she's not. I'd like to consider that both you and Nightmare Moon are separate entities. So...I now have two sisters. Three, since I see Philomena as a sister with the bond we share."

"Gardevoir?" Passion wanted to know if she was the fourth, slowly sliding in and nudging Celestia with an impish pose.

"You're like my own daughter, Passion. That'll have to do." But Celestia gave her a second option which was just as good as a sister. Passion had no complaints there.


"She's way taller than you too." Ash pointed out. "The same thing was true for Nightmare Rarity. What's up with that?"

"It's because those forms take on the appearance of what we desire," Luna explained. "And well...I assume you can guess what one of my desires is."

"Wanting to grow as big as her big sister." Celestia winked, making Luna scrunch her face in embarrassment. "Ah, don't worry, Luna. It'll happen eventually. One day."

"And I'll be honest. I do wish to be taller myself." Rarity added. "Some say that height correlates to beauty. And I can say they're right about what I've experienced over these past years. She may be evil, but she's me."

"Oh. That makes sense. Man...Equestrian magic's pretty sweet. If I could do that..." Ash started daydreaming about that possibility. He could see himself appearing taller in his human form. Though, he could always wait for Father Time to do his thing.

After they all said what they needed to say, most would head to Pegalysium while Luna and Celestia would head to Sinnoh, hoping to meet with Nightmare Moon's group soon. They bid the other group farewell but would promise that they'd meet up again. Mainly up in the skies at the nation that was united with the clouds.


The truth is, Nightmare Moon's group was still in Kalos, searching for Aurorus, who left their sight. They hadn't yet left for Sinnoh at all for two days now. Aurorus was the top priority. They searched high and low in the wilds of Kalos, believing that Aurorus would be there instead of populated civilizations.

"Too tired to keep searching...but I still can't sleep." Jessie said, driving her van as her bags were getting even more bags at this point. It was a miracle she could still survive at this point without receiving any sleep. "Where's that Aurorus anyway?!"

"Even she will have to tire out eventually." Nightmare Moon replied, being the only one with stable energy. "Either that, or she's already passed out somewhere. We shall find her, no doubt about it."

"Just make it quick, please." James smashed his head on the table. "I'm not sure if I can keep this up. And why can't you just put us to sleep."

"Incapable. I only have to power to keep everyone awake. Sleeping is not my style, especially with what Luna envisioned. You will never catch me yawning, stretching, tilting, stumbling or even daydreaming."

"That blows..." Meowth groaned. "Ain't there anything else you can do? Nightmare's in your name after all."

"Hmm...Anything else?" Nightmare Moon pondered, wondering what else she could theoretically do. "Well, I suppose the only way for you to be free of my effect would be to distance yourself from me. Potentially."

"Good idea!" Team Rocket were all for that idea.

"But that won't be happening at all~" The alicorn then wrapped her hooves around them each with a menacing smile. "My group shall not be separated. We're staying together."

"Ugh..." Disappointing news for them indeed. As it stands now, Team Rocket was stuck with Nightmare Moon. They certainly didn't have the energy to do anything about it.

"Besides...you should be grateful to the point where you can't leave me." Nightmare Moon flipped her mane. "For it is I who ended up popularizing your food!"

"She has a point there." James nodded in agreement. "You made our food popular so quickly. Now it's being mentioned in the news."

"It's only because she looks like Princess Luna, that's all," Jessie added, refusing to give Nightmare Moon too much credit.

"Or! It could be because I know how to interest others. My way of speaking can't be ignored, especially with the charm that it brings. That is the voice of a ruler, as you can see."

"Can't say no to that, Jess."Meowth shrugged. "We could be richer than expected."

"Mrrgh...I guess. I still want to sleep. I haven't felt the joy of dreaming for days now. And for what? Just because Luna was feeling extremely jealous that one night? That's not far..." A frustrated Jessie groaned. "At least let me take a break from all the work..." But she wouldn't receive a moment to take a break at all. From within the van, something started ringing.

A powerful ringing sound went off, shaking the van while also jump scaring Jessie. Nightmare Moon surrounded her horn in magic, staying on guard and being highly cautious.

"It's the boss!" James cried out, rushing to the origin of the sound. By moving some plates off of a table, James revealed that there was a secret device underneath the table. All it took was him removing the cloth just to activate it. And from this table that appeared to be wood, a holographic projection showed up. Alas, it was not Giovanni who was calling. It was his secretary Matori of the Matori Matrix.

"Oh, it's just you." James was let down by Matori's appearance. Jessie simply groaned at the sight of her.

"You three. For once, you're going to prove your worth." Matori spoke. "You've been ordered back to headquarters immediately by the Boss."

"We have? Really?" James and Meowth collectively said. "How so?"

"Well, for the first time, your existence is somewhat acknowledged. Mainly because of that pegasus you're living with. News about the Pokemon House isn't too small considering how it's apparently a luxurious and relaxing place for all Pokemon. Mainly Wild Pokemon."

"Ah, the Pokemon House. Well, Fluttershy does her best for everyone there. Obviously, it's as popular as it appears. I mean, I'd live there. I practically do most of the time." James chuckled.

"Under our wonderful teacher, Zecora too. She rhymes more than we do." Meowth crossed his arms, nodding in agreement with James' statement.

"Mhm. Which is exactly why you're needed back. This is a massive steal that's staring us in the face." Matori ordered. "So many Pokemon can be found there. More so than any other place we know of currently. Even that Frenzy Forest is packed with Pokemon."

"You want us to haul Pokemon from the Pokemon House and Frenzy Forest?!" James gasped.

"Not you three. Anything but. Instead, Team Rocket will come there. We'll be the ones who'll show up to Equestria for this massive haul. The Boss already saw this opportunity but needed some time to strike. You've done we'll be making friends with that pony, now leave it to the professionals. You'll be sent back while other Team Rocket Members head there. Then, you'll go back to whatever pointless cooking you were doing."

"Hmph. Why can't you do it?" Jessie questioned, noticing how Matori didn't mention herself.

"I have something more important to take care of. I've been tasked with finding a Cresselia that's been spotted recently. It's only reasonable that I get the Legendary while you get the normal ones." Matori smirked, causing Jessie to bite her lip and hiss at her. "By the way, those bags really suit you. Now hurry on back and-"

"Hold it!" Nightmare Moon suddenly interrupted Matori, stomping her hoof while standing tall. "I'm afraid they won't be heading back to headquarters at all."

"..And who are you?" Matori questioned before noticing Nightmare Moon from the newspaper. "Oh, you're that pony. Apparently, royalty."

"I am royalty. And as royalty and the headliner of this group, these three won't be coming back with you at all. In fact, that haul that you spoke of won't be happening."

"And why's that?" An unamused Matori questioned.

"All those Pokemon from the Pokemon House will soon work for me instead of being stolen by you. I plan to form a massive group and I refuse to let anyone else take that away from me. And besides, I'm now a Team Rocket Member, thanks to these three assigning me."

"You?! A Team Rocket Member?!" Matori gasped. "As if! Even if you are, you can't issue orders to me!"

"Hah! But I can!" Nightmare Moon snapped back. "I am royalty!"

"Royalty or not, that's not how it works!" Matori could be seen standing up from her table, slamming her hands on her desk in retaliation. "You're not the boss of me! I'm your senior!

"Oh, but very soon, I will be. Given that I will soon rise to the throne and oversee both worlds as the penultimate ruler. And I can guarantee that possibility, so it's best that you start seeing me as your superior. Plus, I'm also thousands of years older than you are. So I am your senior, little girl."

"Grrr...!" Matori growled as she instantly grew to dislike Nightmare Moon. Jessie was loving this. Despite their differences, she and Nightmare Moon shared some similarities.

"Uh, if it makes you feel better...she has all of Princess Luna's Pokemon!" James tried calming Matori down. "She's a powerful asset to Team Rocket, no doubt!"

"You have Princess Luna's Pokemon?!"Matori was shot back by this revelation as her anger subsided. Princess Luna and her team were very well known. Especially her Darkrai. The Team Rocket secretary pondered for a moment.

"Precisely. So if I were you, whatever your name is, I'd be quiet."

"Hang on...we could use those Pokemon. Maybe even steal them from her." Matori realized the opportunities that were staring her in the face.

"What?!" Nightmare Moon turned around.

"Must be our lucky day. Yes...Having a Darkrai on our team could even help catch that Cresselia considering the relationship between both species. Not only that, but she knows other rare Pokemon. And don't they have Legendaries and Mythicals with them? Hm...that's all so interesting."

"Unfortunately for you, that's not a possibility." Nightmare Moon shook her head. "None of those Pokemon from the Pokemon House are coming with you and none of my Pokemon are going anywhere."

"What are you saying? That you'll meet us at the Pokemon House?"

"And Frenzy Forest if it comes down to it. Because as it stands, you'll be within the lands of Equestria. So, you'll have to deal with me. And as the future ruler, I will be the one who protects my lands from swindlers such as yourself. So come here and find out what happens when you interfere. Empresses and Queens have fallen under our power if you must know." Nightmare Moon issued a challenge to her.

James and Meowth gulped in fear while Jessie rubbed her hands in excitement. Matori and Nightmare Moon gazed at each other with sharp, serious eyes before a final sentence was dropped.

"So be it. See you at the Pokemon House, princess." Matori replied before turning off the projection. Nightmare Moon had made a new enemy. Ironically, it was another Team Rocket Member.

"Change of plans, you three. We're turning back to the Pokemon House at once." Nightmare Moon ordered. "Those Pokemon aren't going anywhere."

"I can't believe you said that to her," Meowth said. "We could be in big trouble now when she gets here!"

"That was amazing!" Jessie applauded. "If I wasn't a long-lasting member, I could've never said that to her! Great going, princess!"

"A-At least we weren't the ones talking back to her." James laughed nervously. "So, we'll be spared, right? Plus...that could mean we were going against the boss. Maybe."

"Don't be so cowardly." Nightmare Moon stomped her hoof. "After all, you aren't going to let her take them, are you? I've seen it enough times when I was within Luna. You've grown a bond with those Pokemon back at the Pokemon House. It's a strong one as well."

"It is?" Team Rocket repeated.

"If you didn't, you would've taken those Pokemon a long time ago, wouldn't you? Especially during times when Fluttershy herself and even Zecora were elsewhere. No one would stop you except the Pokemon themselves if it came down to it. So...are you truly aiming to let them go?"

Team Rocket looked at each other for a moment. Nightmare Moon raised an amazing point. None of those Pokemon had been stolen during the entire time Team Rocket lived there. None of those Pokemon hated them and they all felt accepted there. Especially by Fluttershy. If all were to suddenly vanish out of thin air, they couldn't imagine Fluttershy's reaction. Either disappointment, sadness, or anger. Either one is something they wouldn't want to see.

"Well, I'm certainly not letting her get anywhere near those Pokemon," Jessie answered. "She doesn't deserve to be in such a place at all."

"Agreed!" James and Meowth agreed. This was their way of standing up for the Pokemon.

"Excellent answer." Nightmare Moon was proud of their answers. "But...we still have the issue of Aurorus to tend to. Can we get it done before we reach that house?"

"Leave that to us!" Meowth exclaimed. "We've got a way we can find that dinosaur! You said we're geniuses, so we know what we can make."

"Indeed! It might work and it'll have the size to boot." James snapped his fingers. "But, we might need you to chime in on this plan, Nightmare Moon. Uh, Princess Nightmare Moon."

"Me?" The alicorn raised an eyebrow. "Um...very well. I'm not too fond of working but I'm getting used to it recently. Say the word and I will grant your wish."

After they figure out this Aurorus problem, it was off to the Pokemon House. It was somewhat inevitable for the entirety of Team Rocket to know about this. Reuniting with Princess Luna would take more time than expected with neither side getting close. However, it all depended on how things on each side went, considering one group was already heading back to Equestria as the journey continues.

Chapter 933 End.

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