• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: Counterpart, my counterpart

The Human World. Out in the big city. Juvenile Detention Centre. Nightfall.

Things have slightly settled down now. Many of the rogue and escaped Pokemon had been defeated and sent to their Poke Balls. And Ash and Sunset Shimmer's Human Counterpart had made peace. Now, there was only one issue left. Cloyster.

The centre was an ice location at this point. Cloyster had a majority of it frozen. Many guards were trapped in ice prisons while the inmates were freezing, eventually being placed in ice prisons due to the increasing chill.

The only three left to stop Cloyster were Sunset Shimmer whose innocence has recently been proven, Warden Tempest Shadow and Shuppet.

"Cloyster..." The Bivalve Pokemon observed its surroundings, seeing that almost everyone had been frozen. It continued to float with no clear direction so far. Peeking from the corner were the remaining trio. It started with Shuppet from below, then Sunset in the middle and Tempest at the top.

"How are you not cold, exactly?" Tempest noticed how Sunset Shimmer was resisting the cold. Realistically, she should be in an ice prison much like the other inmates.

"I live with Fire-Type Pokemon. This is nothing." She shrugged. Sunset Shimmer, while still feeling chilly, could resist the cold thanks to her owning primarily Fire-Type Pokemon. The perks of being a Gym Leader. "Okay. Cloyster's a durable Pokemon. It can take some hits. Not even a bomb can break through its harder than diamond shell. But its endurance is normal. Tiring it out is what we need to do."

"Tire it out, you say? Simple enough. All I need to do is free Noctowl and Dartrix."

"Shuppet. That's where you come in. Do what you can to tire Cloyster out. Some of that resentment you've absorbed should be strong enough to let you outlast it. Use that same trick you did with Shadow Sneak."

"Shu-Shu." Shuppet was on it. The plan had been initiated as Shuppet phased through the walls, hiding for the meantime. And even when hiding in the walls, she had used Shadow Sneak, manipulating the shadows of Sunset Shimmer and Warden Tempest Shadow.

They had been moved across the hallway as they themselves didn't need to do much moving. All that was needed was Shuppet's actions. Shuppet brought them near Cloyster, alerting the Bivalve Pokemon as Cloyster swivelled to see the few remaining people within the centre. "Cloy? Cloyster!" Cloyster took action upon seeing them. It had used Ice Beam, aiming to freeze them in one go.

But that didn't happen as Shuppet had separated them both, causing the beam of ice to completely miss. Afterwards, Shuppet slid the two of them away from the area, entering somewhere else. This prompted Cloyster to chase them down.

Cloyster dashed through the chilling air, moving around the corner. It had then spotted the shadows of Sunset and Tempest, focusing on them while increasing its speed with Tackle. Cloyster bashed its body through the doors, entering a new room. However, Sunset Shimmer and Tempest Shadow were not seen. Only their shadows as they had moved once Cloyster entered this room.

"Cloyster!" Cloyster continued its pursuit, following mainly the shadows. Following the shadows led it to crash through another door, only to find more shadows. Cloyster frowned before carefully following the movements of the shadows as carefully as it could.

But even with precision, Cloyster was unable to find its targets It kept moving across rooms and hallways, flying upstairs, trying to pursue the shadows. But it wasn't getting anywhere. Cloyster hovered over many of the frozen victims that it had affected, zooming rapidly while the victims still had their pupils move. They could just barely see.

Shuppet was cleverly staying inside of the walls, not exposing herself at all. Not even for a second. This approach of stealth allowed Shuppet to trick Cloyster, making it chase shadows that were always further from it. Cloyster was starting to get irritated chasing the shadows down.

It had chased them through different floors for minutes on end, making zero progress. And with this constant pursuit, Cloyster was feeling some fatigue as its movements were noticeable slower. "Cloy...Cloy..."

"Worked like a charm!" Sunset Shimmer pumped her fists, looking through a window and seeing Cloyster's fatigue. "Great job stretching our shadows, Shuppet."

"Shuppet." Shuppet giggled. It was revealed that Shuppet was merely extending the shadows of Sunset and Tempest, making them seem closer than they were, giving Cloyster the illusion that it would eventually catch up. But in reality, it had been entering rooms and areas that the two of them had already passed.

"Now! Use Flash!" Sunset Shimmer pointed at the Bivalve Pokemon, striking while it was exhausted and low on energy.

"Shuppet!" Shuppet came flying out of the walls, revealing herself to Cloyster. Cloyster groaned before raising its head, noticing the Puppet Pokemon approaching. Shuppet flashed her body, generating a vibrant light that had punished Cloyster's eyes.

"C-Cloy!" Cloyster was not only fatigued but was also blinded for a while, leaving it more vulnerable than before.

"Shadow Sneak!"

"Shuppet!" Shuppet then descended into her own shadow, moving at high speeds. The Ghost-Type had then struck Cloyster's shadow while also appearing from behind, knocking the Water-Ice-Type in the back. "Shu!"

"Cloy!" Cloyster went flying from that. It had crashed into a wall before bouncing off of it. The Bivalve Pokemon then rolled, unable to see where it was going thanks to Flash.

"Pet! Shu...!" Shuppet felt successful at the moment. Prior to all of this, she had caused a fire that backfired on her greatly, failing to grab a single key. Now, she was going up against the Pokemon that had frozen almost everyone in the centre and winning. Ad with this sense of success that she was gaining, her body flashed, but via the usage of the move Flash.

Shuppet bellowed as her body gave off an electrical glow. She had lit the room up from this expanse of Infinity Energy flowing from her as sparks of lightning showed themselves.

"W-What's happening to it?!" Tempest gasped.

"Shuppet's learned a new move! And it looks like an Electric-Type one!" Sunset Shimmer noticed. "Okay, Shuppet! Go!"

"Shu...!" The Electric-Type move in question that Shuppet had learned was Shock Wave. She then unleashed the dormant electricity, releasing multiple beams of electricity from all directions. Similar to how Cloyster uses Razor Shell. And speaking of Cloyster it had been hit by the various beams of electricity, feeling those volts punish it.

"Cloyster!" And with those volts plus some damage one previously by Dartrix, Noctowl and now recently by Shuppet, that was just enough to seal the deal. The volts dissipated as it was a super-effective hit. Cloyster had fainted. "Cloyster..."


"She did it! We did it!" Sunset Shimmer exclaimed as she and Tempest gave each other a high-five to celebrate their unified victory. They were ecstatic about this as the final problem had come to an end. Shuppet cheered too, flying around with joy.

After it was all over, Tempest rushed over to deal with Cloyster before it could deal any more trouble when it wakes up. The best way to hold a Pokemon as durable as this would be tricky, no doubt. But Shuppet was there to help. The Puppet Pokemon manipulated Cloyster's shadow with Shadow Sneak, dragging the Bivalve Pokemon.

Sunset Shimmer was just glad that it was over. Her freedom was guaranteed due to her proven innocence and the entire centre was saved from being completely ice. It was still chilly either way.

"Hoh...I'm tired." But after all of that, Sunset Shimmer felt like sleeping. She deserved it more than anyone right now.

"Rest in my room." Tempest patted her on the back She wouldn't sleep in any of the cels since she wasn't a criminal at all. Tempest guided Sunset to her room as the Fire-Type Gym Leader made a prolonged room. "You'll be out of here tomorrow morning."

The next day.

Morning had come. And everything had calmed down. The city, which had recently been attacked was undergoing some repairs, especially the police station.

And during the aftermath of this, the Human Counterpart of Sunset Shimmer, after listening to what Ash had said to her last night, decided to make her choice. She at first greatly ignored the possibility of her coming upfront with her actions. But hearing and witnessing the events caused by her made Sunset Shimmer's choice involve taking responsibility.

But since she was so nervous to do so since this would be a first for her, she had Ash help through it Bringing her here to the Juvenile Detention Centre were the sirens in their van. The van had stopped in front of the centre with Sunset Shimmer trembling.

"You'd better get out there and fess up. We wasted a lot of time just to try and free your counterpart." Adagio turned to Sunset. She was visibly annoyed Sunset Shimmer looked down, crossing her legs.

"Come now, Adagio. It was a moment of weakness." Vivace said. You did something similar, didn't you? A few times, I remember."

"Gh!" Adagio flinched, knowing that her mother was right. "I-I guess so..."

"Tch. I said I was sorry, okay?" Sunset Shimmer scoffed, muttering under her breath.

"Whatever happens next, don't let it get to you too much, okay?" Ash reassured as Vivace opened the door. Speaking of Sunset Shimmer, her counterpart was now getting ready to leave juvie and return home.

She had retrieved her clothes, looking fresh and new as ever. Sunset stepped out in the field, feeling the golden glow of the sun rays beam down on her. They were satisfying indeed. She took it all in, stretching her arms. Absolute freedom. Despite her only being in juvie for one day, it was bliss.

"Ah...Much better." She said before noticing the van. But right after noticing it, some familiar faces showed themselves. Ash and the Dazzlings had shown up here. "Huh? Ash?! You three?!"

"Hey!" Ash and Pikachu raised their arms, waving. "You're looking great right now!"


"Guess her innocence was cleared," said Sonata to her sisters. "Looks like we're not gonna cause a jailbreak after all, huh? Bahaha!" As she chuckled, Aria soon placed her hand over Sonata's mouth as Warden Tempest Shadow was standing nearby, having her two Pokemon beside her. "Oh."

And finally, showing herself to the Warden and even her counterpart was the Human world's Sunset Shimmer. She originally hid behind Ash to conceal herself, but she had soon stepped forward, no longer hiding. Tempest Shadow's eyes expanded as she was now seeing double. She knew that the counterpart theory was real ever since the phone call but now it was definitive.

The sirens weren't too surprised to see counterparts since Empress Twilight was their first exposure to otherworld counterparts. But to the people living here, it was a big deal. And the moment she showed herself, an unexpected encounter had come.

Both Sunset Shimmers stood feet away from each other, gazing at one another. The atmosphere stayed still for their encounter. Soon, both of them garnered different reactions. Equestria Sunset Shimmer had an expression that she felt yesterday. Something that Shuppet had soaked up.

Resentment. Absolute resentment towards her Human Counterpart. And the Human Sunset Shimmer was downright shocked and speechless upon seeing her counterpart. But also felt some sort of guilt for putting her in that position.

"You..." Equestrian Sunset growled, closing her eyes before suddenly storming towards her counterpart. "You!"

"Sunset, wait!" Tempest gasped, knowing what was coming next. Equestria Sunset Shimmer then bolted in her direction, immediately gripping her counterparts torso out of anger. But before she could continue holding her much longer, Tempest managed to hold her back, preventing further physical action.

"You! This is all your fault!" She furiously pointed at her Human Counterpart. "You made me take all the blame and put me in there!"

"I..." Human Sunset Shimmer uttered, unable to finish her sentence.

"I can't believe you!" Human Sunset showed impressive strength, almost breaking from Tempest's hold. Her reach had grown as she had almost grabbed her counterpart by the shirt once more.

"Calm down!" Tempest shouted.

"This should've been expected..." Vivace observed. "I can imagine anyone in her predicament would react the same if they ever came across their counterpart."

"Yeah..." Ash could agree on that. Although, he hasn't come across his counterpart as of yet. So he thinks. For all he knows, he might've met his counterpart already.

"Look. I'm...sorry, okay?"

"You're not sorry!" Sunset Shimmer bellowed. "I bet you're only here cause you got caught, huh?!" One thing they both shared in common aside from their hot-headed personalities were their overflowing emotions.

"That's not true!" Human Sunset was getting riled up as well. "I came here to make things right, okay?! I brought myself in!"

"Wait...You?" Warden Tempest Shadow was thrown back by this. This was news to her ears. "You brought yourself in? What is with this week and these surprises?"

"I had some advice from a friend, okay..?" She grumbled, referring to Ash while shifting her eyes at him. "And I kinda mean it. Sorry for putting you in this mess. Wouldn't have been like this if I didn't run away but..." Human Sunset Shimmer placed her hands in her jacket, feeling some guilty while still showing her stubborn side and holding back some of her words. "I was scared. And I now know it's not gonna get any better if I keep running."

"Hmmrgh..." Equestrian Sunset Shimmer grumbled, rubbing her arm. She wasn't sure how to take this. Never before has she shown such disdain for someone. Funnily enough, the one individual she hated the most turned out to be herself. And the fact that Human Sunset only felt some guilt rubbed her the wrong way. But Equestrian Sunset had to accept the apology either way. She could also somewhat understand her counterpart. "I guess. I'd be scared too...Having a moment of weakness like that. You are me, after all."

"Yeah." Human Sunset shrugged. "My bad for all the trouble I caused. But I know one thing...I'd never go around wearing that lame jacket." Just then, she grinned, taking the opportunity to mock her counterpart.

"L-Lame?!" Equestrian Sunset pulled back as she was insulted by herself. Despite the heartful comment she had made, her Human Counterpart, at the end of the day, was still a delinquent. Not much kindness radiates from her as she chuckled. Equestrian Sunset didn't have a clever response at all, crossing her arms and turning her head. "W-Whatever...and I guess I accept your apology."

"Alright. I'm ready." Human Sunset then became serious once more, facing Warden Tempest. "I'll be heading back to juvie now. I know that's what I'm getting after what happened at the mall."

"Hm." Tempest touched her chin, still perplexed by this new side of her most popular inmate. Being friends with Ash does show some changes. And Tempest witnessed these changes via an upfront Sunset. "How about I offer you...an ultimatum?"


"Wait. Didn't the judge say three years for juvie on the news? What's the ultimatum for this?" Aria asked. An ultimatum for a three years sentence sounded a bit impossible to her and her sisters.

"The judge has no power here. I do. And I can give you a chance, Sunset." Tempest snapped her fingers. "You'll get only 5 months this time. But. Community Service is what I'm looking at for you and some probation and parole here and there."

"S-Seriously?!" She stammered, feeling almost weak in her knees. "You mean..."

"Actions such as that can get your time reduced. But before all of this, I didn't even consider giving you that possibility. Mainly inmates here have left early due to their hard work. And with how things are now, I'm hoping you can do the same and grant your absolute freedom. Will you take it?"

"Oh...Heck yeah I will!" She bellowed with excitement, pumping her fists into the air. At the same time, Tempest skilfully tossed some hands cuffs, restraining Sunset Shimmer's hands. "Eh?"

"But, some punishment for pinning the blame on your counterpart is needed first before any of that could begin." Tempest adjusted her hat. "And I see that Poke Ball. You won't be having your Pokemon with you for a while, understood?"

"Hmmrgh...Yeah." She muttered before having her Poke Ball taken away from her. Sunset Shimmer would have her chance to reduce her sentence while also learning new things along the way. She would do it without Pyroar constantly by her side, but it would be a start.

Tempest then led Human Sunset to the centre before waving farewell at the others. "Other Sunset. Take care, alright?" Tempest said. "Perhaps soon, we can meet each other randomly."

"Right. Thank you, Warden Tempest." Equestrian Sunset and Warden Tempest had formed a new friendship after last night. It was young and could grow depending on if they would meet again. Speaking of friendship, Sunset made one more friend in the centre.

And that was Shuppet.

"Shuppet!" The Puppet Pokemon stuck around, appearing from the shadow of Sunset Shimmer and floating around her. Shuppet had grown a liking to her greatly." Shu! Shuppet!"

"Shuppet. Good to see you're still around." Sunset held the Puppet Pokemon in her palm. "It's great that you stuck around for me from beginning to end."


"Say!" Then an idea sprung in her head. Since Shuppet was attached to her, much like how a random Aipom from the police station was attached to Sonata, Sunset had one question in mind. "Would you like to come with me?" A request for Shuppet to be one of the newest Pokemon to join her team. "We can-"

"Shu!" Cutting her off, Shuppet immediately accepted. It's why she showed up in the first place as she gave a loving face tackle to Sunset Shimmer.

"Ow! Okay!" Sunset Shimmer flinched as Shuppet nudged her. "That tickles!"

"Speaking of which...here's the rest of your Pokemon back, Sunset" Ash held all of Sunset Shimmer's Poke Balls, holding each of her Pokemon. "Feels good to be back?"

"Oh. It does." Sunset promptly grabbed the Poke Balls as Shuppet landed on her shoulder to rest. "I hope I didn't worry the rest of my friends. It's still gonna be weird knowing my counterpart's uh...not so great. But I'll get used to it. Right now...I just wanna head home."

"Hop in. A quick ride will-" Vivace was ready to suggest the van for a means of quick transport.

"Nope! Ash! You take her! Use Dragonite, okay?!" But Adagio had enough delays. She wanted to find her species already.

"Uh..." The Alola Champion paused for a bit.

"What? Not thrilled to see me back?" Sunset Shimmer smirked at Adagio. Adagio's eye twitched as her relationship with Sunset was far worse than her counterpart.

"Hmph. I'm more surprised you didn't go insane from being in there. I thought you of all ponies- uh...people would do so." Adagio retorted, crossing her arms. "Just don't get yourself in anything worse than that next time?"

"Can't make any promises. The World of Pokemon is weird like that, huh?" Sunset Shimmer stuck her tongue out before laughing with Ash, Pikachu and Shuppet. Aipom started laughing to join in on the fun.

Afterwards, everyone had departed. This little event had come to an end with the sirens using the van to leave and Ash giving Sunset Shimmer a lift with Dragonite. But more events were bound to happen. Whether in this world, the parallel world, the Pokemon World or anywhere in general as the journey continues.

Chapter 686 End.

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