• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Equestria. Far beyond the Frozen North. Hyperborean Island. Afternoon.

Chrysalis, Ribombee and Mellifera had taken a quick venture to find the location known as Magehold. Mellifera knew of its location, guiding Chrysalis and Ribombee here to the Hyperborean Island. A place where the Wendigos reside.

Beyond there laid the nation of Magehold. It was still a fairly long trek there. However, amidst this journey, they had been met by one of the first vampires that had appeared before them.

A vampire pony by the name of Fractured Note.

"Hm?" Fractured Noe observed the trio before him. He didn't recognize what Ribombee was but Mellifera was easy to notice and to an extent Chrysalis. "Changelings?"

"Indeed. You recognize me, don't you? The former Changeling Queen, Mellifera. hen again it's been centuries and you seem new."

"Oh, I am. But I know about you, Mellifera. You're quite notorious here in Magehold when you came around here long ago. I didn't think I'd see you ever. A pleasure to have you back. And who's that one?" Fractured asked.

"This is my daughter. Chrysalis." She introduced Chrysalis. "A constant disappointment."

"Ah!" Chrysalis gasped after Mellifera's comment. "Hmph." But she didn't try and give a rebuttal.

"What brings you here to the Hyperborean Island and near Magehold?"

"I figured that since it has been so many years since I have last been here, revisiting it wouldn't hurt. Besides, there might be something I could learn still. Including my daughter over here."

"Oh! Come here to learn the magical arts from the Dread League? Nice choice." Fractured approved even though that was not the reason for Chrysalis arriving here.

"That's not why! My only objective was to know where Magehold was! For a close friend of mine. After that, I'd report back and let him know. I'm not here to learn anything else."

"Hmph. Missed opportunity if you asked me." Mellifera scoffed. "You're practically wasting your chances of racing greatness."

"For your information, I've already found something beyond that. The love I have for everyone near to me is far past anything I could learn here."

"Oh my. Family squabbles?" said Fractured with a little chuckle. "Well, you two won't have to worry about anything. Chrysalis. Or should I say Queen Chrysalis? You are free to experience our nation without having to worry about much."

"I don't?"

"No-no. A simple visit and tour will do. That's all that matters. And I'm sure that our ruler, Rosa Maledicata will be fine with it. She is fond of bringing everyone together."

"Rosa Maledicta? What happened to the previous ruler?" Mellifera asked, unaware of this new individual.

"Mm. Perished." Fractured shrugged. "It is what it is, anyway. Come along. I can save you the trouble of making through the horrifying obstacles that this forest offers. Unless you've already seen most of them, haven't you?"

"Just the mist. What else would we have had to go through?" Chrysalis questioned. Fractured would gladly show them what they could avoid to save them the trouble.

Sentient trees with moving branches, a horrifyingly massive hole that had an array of sharp spikes, ice thunderbolts with clouds that could also cause a flash-freeze and many other intimidating forces within this island.

"Oh my..." Chrysalis gawked at the various hazards that would've probably given her a lot of trouble.

"It gets worse when you try and leave the island. But we won't put you through any of that all. Especially not for our old friends the changelings." Fractured bowed his head. "Your species is still welcome here at Magehold."

"Excellent. Take us there then, vampire."

"Well...I suppose it wouldn't hurt. I'd know more about it tell Ash." Chrysalis went it as well.

"Will do. But, the Wendigos are not as easy to avoid. We won't be able to reach our desired location...if there's any conflict between you two." Fractured smirked with his eyes glowing red.

Just as that happened, thunder boomed into the sky, startling Chrysalis. The thunder had ice within it, freezing anything that it crashed down. The Wendigos could also be seen within the clouds with their faces poking out. Indeed, they were the biggest obstacle standing between them and Magehold.

"Hah. Even to this day, those Wendigos do not bother me." Mellifera chuckled. "It also helps that I see many as my enemy, doesn't it?"

But then, as Mellifera radiated her cockiness, the sound of the Weindigos howling echoed through the island. An in an instant, the mist had returned, forming into those claws once more. This time, multiple of them with an even greater chill.

"Those again?!" Chrysalis was made alert of them as they were coming this way as her horn was glowing. Mellifera wasn't bothered by them at all. But she soon would be as the chilling mist had grabbed both Chrysalis and Mellifera, ignoring Ribombee and Fractured Note.

"W-What?!" Mellifera gasped after being carried by the mist. Chrysalis already her magic to blow some of it away but there was more than before. "Impossible!"

"Not impossible." Fractured Note shook his head. "Eventually, the Wendigos will get you no matter what. And it seems you and your daughter are the catalysts for this."

"I told you!" Chrysalis exclaimed at Mellifera. "We just had to argue, didn't we?!"

"Ribom! Ribombee!" Ribombee attempted to help free them.

"I wouldn't do that." But Fractured stopped her. "The only way to stop those Wendigos is with the victims. No way you can do that."

"Bee...!" Ribombee growled as she was going to try either way. The Bee Fly Pokemon took flight, chasing after the mist. Fractured Note decided to stay around and see how this would turn around.

Chrysalis and Mellifera managed o push back some of the mist with Chrysalis using her magic and Mellifera relying on her locusts. However, the locusts had been consumed by the mist, freezing instantly upon their clutches. The mist then grew more violent, whacking both Chrysalis and Mellifera.

"Ah!" They both cried out after being whacked by it. However, due to her old age, Mellifera got the worst of this for having a fragile body. Chrysalis managed to recover herself midair, but not Mellifera.

Mellifera tried using her wings which were also showing signs of their age. She couldn't get enough time to recover. But that didn't matter as the mist returned, grabbing her once more and pulling the old changeling away.

"Mother! Chrysalis gasped. She quickly pursued Mellifera with Ribombee following afterwards. Fractured Note simply trotted, wanting to see more of this before he brings them to Magehold. If they make it out that is.

The mist had dragged Mellifera across the ground, bringer her to the darker parts of the island. At the same time, it was freezing her body as well, making sure she would be placed within an ice prison. Mellifera tried summoning her locusts, only to witness them freeze instantly.

The darker parts of the island were full of nothing but harsh ice ditches that only made the chill worse. Mellifera could feel her wings freezing as the former Changeling Queen knew how far she had fallen. Before, she could've broken out easily at her prime. But that was not the case anymore.

"Curses...!" She thought to herself, seeing how deep she was going. Her view was even changing as all she could see was an icy mist with the face of the Wendigos peeking through. "This can't be...! Not like this...!" Mellifera hated that this could be her end.

And seeing that she never reached that pinnacle of greatness she so desired, having her old hive wither in life, she pinned the blame on one changeling. Her daughter Chrysalis. "This is all her fault...".

All of it was directed to Chrysalis as Mellifera believed her actions from the past would lead to her end. She would've preferred to go out majestically. Not in this way. All she could see was the mist now and nothing else.

But following after her were Chrysalis and Ribombee who were aiming to free her. "Ribombee! Use Moonblast!"

"Ri...Bomb!" Ribombee put her arms together, drawing upon the power of the moon. She formed that power into a pink sphere. Multiple of them. The Bee Fly Pokemon then hurled them at the mist.

The spheres of Moonblast crashed into the cold mist, damaging it and leaving gaping holes as well. Chrysalis also used her magic to slice up the mist. Parts of it scattered due to their team effort.

But Mellifera was still deep down, being pulled into the holes of the island. Chrysalis growled, taking a moment to stop her movements. She began charging her magic for maximum effectiveness. As for Ribombee, she then used Psychic to control the mist. She managed to move it with some telekinesis, however, the mist fought back, causing Ribombee's mental prowess to be tested. The Bug-Fairy-Type strained as her mind was fighting against the mist.

Fractured Note showed up to see Chrysalis and Ribombeein action. He was impressed by what he was seeing. As Ribombee was fighting back against the mist, keeping it from going any further, Chrysalis was concentrating all of her love into her horn. She was emanating a blue, pink and green light simultaneously.

And with Ribombee on the verge of losing focus, Chrysalis unleashed her magic with those three colours. And they were highly effective. A beam considering those colours came flying out, crashing into the mist. The properties of the Wendigo mist had been overpowered by the love of Chrysalis, blowing it away with a multi-coloured explosion following afterwards. Ribombee took a deep breath as she was free from the struggle.

"Well, I'll be..." Fractured was impressed that the mist had been overpowered. Afterwards, Chrysalis descended, heading straight for her mother.

Mellifera would've almost lost consciousness if a few more seconds went by. Her squinted eyes witnessed the approaching visage of her daughter, who came to her rescue.

"Mother! Are you alright?!" She cried out, holding her mother in her hooves.

"Ugh...!" Mellifera groaned with her eyes being fully opened. "Chrysalis...I-I'm fine. Just a bit chilly, that's all."

"Let me warm you up then." Chrysalis then used a spell to warm Mellifera's chilled body. "The Wendigos and their mist aren't too troublesome. It seems that my love can fend them off. That is what we need to go against them."

"I see..." Mellifera responded, not saying much. Seeing how her daughter saved her made her realize that the blame she put on her for potentially ending her life was countered by how she had saved her life.

"Wow. Impressive." Fractured spoke. "Not many can deal with the Wendigos and their mist. "Queen, Mellifera. You have an amazing daughter here. Such potential."

"A shame I couldn't yet bring it out when I had the change." Mellifera scoffed before standing up. She acknowledged Chrysalis saving her life and yet, she still went on about the same topics.

"This again...?" Chrysalis groaned afterwards. "When will it end?"

"What a fun group." Fractured chuckled. "Well, let's not have you be caught by more of the Wendigo and everything else the island has to offer. It's about you entered Magehold and met with our queen."


Finally. Due to Fractured Note guiding them, they had arrived at Magehold, leaving the Hyperborean Island. There were no other buildings aside from the palace. It was the main and only building located here in Magehold. But it was massive enough to hold an entire town or even a city.

As for the palace, just as enigmatic as the skies it was surrounded by, it had a jet black appearance with highlights of green and purple here and there. Being almost as tall as Canterlot Castle, this building had sharp areas everywhere. On the spires, the very top of the palace, the various towers and even some of the banners.

Four solid, square towers were high low and set firm for a great defensive line and were connected by lower, heavy walls made of black marble. Dull windows were scattered generously around the walls in seemingly perfect symmetry, along with holes of various sizes for archers and artillery.

All of this was placed right below and beside sharp rocks that were dangerous to tread upon including sharp hills that cluttered the landscape.

Chrysalis and Mellifera had also seen those that inhabit this area. And they certainly weren't all ponies. Indeed, ponies could still be found here, however, they were all wearing hoods with symbols all over them. Their faces were even shrouded in darkness. Whether it from the hood or the ambience of Magehold. Some of them didn't wear hoods, most likely the vampire ponies.

Aside from that, there were also skeleton ponies. Having the skeletal appearance of a pony but walking across the land instead of staying still. Chrysalis and Ribombee still couldn't believe what they were seeing. Ribombee stayed close to Chrysalis, scared of all of this.

"The queen should be in the Garden of Thorns by now," said Fractured Note, leading them to the garden where the queen could be found.

"If you're scared, turn back now if you wish to." Mellifera taunted Chrysalis. "This is one of the many reasons why I never brought you here. You were so easily scared as a child."

"I'm not a child anymore, mother! Besides, I've witnessed far more terrifying things. You have yet to know who Ghetsis is, honestly."


"Exactly. You wouldn't want to run into him at all. You can rest easy knowing there's something I dislike more than you." Chrysalis taunted back, giving a cocky smile in the process. Mellifera grumbled after that response.

"We're here. Queen Rosa!" Fractured Note came to a halt as the garden wasn't as far as Chrysalis and Ribombee thought it was. One there, they saw a disordered field of black-grass was accompanied by rare shrubs with poison oozing out of them. A crooked tree stood at the centre as its leaves rose high into the sky. The flowers here were unidentified by Chrysalis but she could feel the horrifying Aura coming from them.

And standing there, touching the flowers was the queen.

She turned to face them, not wearing the usual regalia any royalty would wear as she was revealed to be a unicorn. But not one who resembled a vampire. Just an average unicorn. But she certainly had an intimidating presence to her.

"Behold. The Lich Queen, Rosa Maledicta. Our exalted ruler."

"Hm. She's younger than the previous one." Mellifera observed the unicorn, seeing how unimpressive she looked.

"Queen Rosa may look young but the magic she wields ages her at a slower rate than many. I mean, she's no vampire but..." Fractured chuckled.

"Hello. I've heard about you. You're Mellifera, aren't you? Sorry if I don't appear that formal right now. I was just out here admiring this garden."

"Greetings to you too. It feels wonderful being back here. If you know about me then you must know about the connections I made with the Dread League centuries ago, correct?"

"Learned every one of them. When I became Queen, I studied the Dread League and Magehold's history as a whole. Including all about the changelings. I was wondering why Magehold stopped having connections with them?"

"Blame her." Mellifera shifted the blame onto Chrysalis once more. Chrysalis could only give an unamused face with a slight pout afterwards. "In any case, I came here to revisit Magehold and see if I can still have my connections with it. Is that possible with you as the ruler?"

"Oh certainly. I never once considered abandoning it. After all, we were aware of the changelings and their existing hive that was less secretive than the previous one. And we even heard there's another out there, apparently."

"That would be my hive." Chrysalis stepped forward. "I'm currently the present Changeling Queen. Chrysalis. And this is my partner, Ribombee."


"Chrysalis? Here I thought you looked more like your mother? Why the appearance change?" Rosa went up to Chrysalis, observing her purity form. "Not as vicious as I heard you were either way."

"A lot has happened." She replied. "I and many changelings have taken a new form."

"A putrid one if you ask me..." Mellifera commented, looking away from Chrysalis.

"I do not want any trouble, Queen Rosa. I just came here to know about Magehold's location. Hopefully, this isn't meddlesome for me to have it and pass it on to a friend."

"Oh no. It's quite alright." Rosa backed away "Besides. I do love visitors. Not many come by to Magehold. At least without any knowledge of it. Sometimes, they can accidentally wander in here by accident. But I'll accept them either way."

"You will?"

"Of course. Everypony is welcome in Magehold. At least, does that have already left this world." She looked at the skeleton ponies. "Our civilization is 50% vampires and 50% those who have passed away. A nice balance, don't you think?"

"Uh...S-Sure..." Chrysalis slowly nodded.

"You're free to leave if you wish to, Queen Chrysalis. Or perhaps venture around for a while before you do so. I'm not too busy at the moment. But your mother here, I can tell she would like to be here some more."

"Wait." Chrysalis halted Rosa, looking at Fractured. "I was told by you that leaving the island was harder than entering it, correct?"

"That's correct." Fractured Note nodded. "It becomes a greater challenge with each departure."

"So then I can't leave until my mother comes with me."

"Huh?!" Mellifera gasped, pulling back after what Chrysalis had just said. That caught her off guard.

"It's too dangerous. You were already attacked by the mist of the Wendigos and if we kept walking, we would've potentially become involved with the rest of the hazards. Unless you're safe, I won't leave. Ribombee won' either."


"Y-You don't have to worry about that!" Mellifera stuttered. "This vampire can simply just return us since it was so easy for him to bring us here. Can't you?" She then turned to Fractured.

"Sure. I can do that. But it is still a dangerous trek either way when leaving the Hyperborean Island."

"There!" Mellifera cleared her throat. "And since you will turn down the amazing magical arts in Magehold, you can leave right now if you so please."

"I guess so." Chrysalis sighed. "Let's go Ribombee. Everyone back home is probably worried about us."


"You'll be out of here without any injuries at all." Fractured Note said, opting to guide Chrysalis and Ribombee out of Magehold and the Hyperborean Island as well.

Their visit was short-lived. But this was all that Chrysalis wanted to do. Know where Magehold was. And now she knows so passing this information to Ash was due. However, Chrysalis then remembered the extra reason as to why Ash wanted to know about Magehold.

While he didn't tell Chrysalis to do this, Ash wanted this knowledge to see if he could prevent anyone else from gaining the same disease that Lofty Skies' mother gained. She even recalled his sentence.

"I've gotta find a cure from there. It's one way I think of so that no one else gets that same disease Lofty Skies' mom had. But I can ask your mom if she knows one."

"Hold on!" Chrysalis shouted, stopping in her tracks. "I do have another reason, well, my personal reason now for being here. Do you have a library?"

"We certainly do. Oh, so you are curious about learning some of our arts, aren't you?" said Rosa.

"It's not that...It's for learning about diseases. Apologies if that sounds off..."

"Oh, you mean our curses? You see, our magic is more along the lines of Curse Magic since you're curious. Diseases are correct too in a sense." Rosa corrected.

"Right. That."

"Fractured will show you where to go. Your mother and I will be busy."

Fractured then guided Chrysalis and Ribombee to the library. That was where Chrysalis could learn about Curses. A form of magic she was not aware of it. In the meanwhile, Rosa Maledicta and Mellifera made their way towards the indoors of the palace and mainly the throne room.

Throne Hall.

And as for the throne hall, it complimented the theme of Magehold completely. Tremendous green-lit braziers at the bottoms of each of the eight marble columns light up most of the throne hall and their light wraps the hall in a warm yet uncomfortable radiance.
The black marble stone of the askew ceiling dance in the flickering light while marble icons and statuettes look down upon the maple floor of this luxurious hall.

Massive sharp bones could also be found laying near the pillar as they were even moving. Mellifera and Rosa sat down around a roundtable to have their discussion.

"It's been centuries. I assume there are other curses that I can learn. And also how we can continue working with each other." Mellifera started the conversation.

"I've been thinking of that myself as well. The current changelings don't exactly have that same drive from what I can see. But you still do, Queen Mellifera. Changelings and the Dread League have always gone well with each other, haven't they?"

"That daughter of mine...Even when I was disappointed in her, she showed much promise when starting her own hive. And then she later goes ahead and alters. Talking about true love. Nonsense. If I could, I would bring many changelings into this world and start a new and larger hive."

"You figure that out. But I've already figured something out myself. For my nation." Rosa did a pompous laugh before leaning in. "My status as the Lich Queen has one purpose. Do you remember what it was before I came along?"

"Obviously I do. The lich has the power to control those that have long since passed. Hence the skeleton ponies. I remember how back then, the previous ruler, Lich King Undermane controlled a great ordeal of them. The abundance was just as large as my hive."

"That's right. But I plan to go above and beyond." Rosa sat up. "My goal is to make sure that everyone is a part of Magehold. Of the Dread League. Beyond Equestria. You, of course, will be exempt along with the changelings. They're needed after all."

"Above and beyond King Undermane? Hah!" Mellifera scoffed before drinking some poisonous cider. "I highly doubt that. You seem young still. And King Undermane was a king like no other. A shame he's no longer ruling."

"Oh but I can..." Rosa's eyes then flared. "For you see...there's a Pokemon that can make that goal of mine become a reality."

"Huh?" Mellifera placed the drink down, looking over at Rosa with open eyes. "Even you're into this Pokemon Craze? I feel older than I usually feel. How will a Pokemon help you at all?"

"My vampires blend in well with everypony else. They look normal after all so they can freely roam the world without attracting any attention. And they brought over some wonderful information. During something known as a Pokemon Festival, Fractured visited the Pokemon World and learned of a Pokemon that takes life."

"A Pokemon that takes life...?" Even Mellifera was surprised by this. She didn't expect to hear about such a force. On the surface, she saw Pokemon as just cute creatures with some intimidating factors.

"Yveltal. The Destruction Pokemon." Rosa revealed it to be the Dark-Flying-Type and a member of the Aura Trio, Yveltal the Destruction Pokemon. "A Pokemon that is said to absorb the life force of living creatures. A Pokemon with that much power is what I need."

"You're joking, right?"

"I thought it was ludicrous as well. But these Strange and Wonderful creatures are something special. With Yveltal on my side, I will be able to cause a massive wave of destruction that will take the life of many ponies...no...every species in the world. Soon, once their lives come to an end, they will be mine to revive and control and I will have a potentially endless league of skeleton ponies, dragons, yaks and even Pokemon on my side. If I take a stretch, I might even say humans."

"My. You're far more terrifying than King Undermane was." said a surprised Mellifera. Rosa was proof that looks can be deceiving. Such a plan was on a global scale. "But do you know where you can even find this Yveltal?"

"My vampires are already working hard to see what they can gather. Certain Pokemon seem to be more elusive than the majority. But perhaps..you can help me, Mellifera. Help me find, Yveltal?"

"Me? Find this Yveltal creature?" Mellifera pointed her hoof at herself.

"It would be of great help. Granted, I don't expect it to be flawless, but anything to find that Pokemon and use its destructive power."

"Hmph. Sounds like a hassle if I'm being honest." Mellifera went back to drinking the poison cider. "But I suppose I could chime in and give whatever assistance I can gather. And when you find Yveltal, when do you plan to use it?"

"However long it may take, I will be sure to use its power to the fullest potential. I will start something known as the Black Crusade. If it turns out successful, then I won't need to go to war against the entire world. A more peaceful and silent approach that leads to me total conquest will do."

"Well, that will be an issue. My daughter will be against that. She's already made friends with ponies and one human named Ash Ketchum."

"Oh, I know about Ash Ketchum." Rosa walked away from the roundtable, heading for her throw. She then sat on it, summoning her regalia as it materialized around her body as the bones started making noises. "Equestria's Golden Boy and Legendary Hero. Along with that mouse named Pikachu. Rest assured, even they won't stop the Black Crusade that is coming. But about your daughter...What will you do about her when it all approaches? I hope that she and the changelings would be at our side once more."

"About that..." Mellifera paused for a moment as Rosa raised a good point.

"Think about it for a moment, Mellifera. Because for all we know, there is a high chance that it could all come crashing down for her. Will your daughter be with us just as you will be?"

Grimoire Library.

Chrysalis was sent to the library, having the honour of gaining the book she needed. A book about curses. Aside from that, many of the skeletons felt uncomfortable around Chrysalis due to the magical presence she emanated. Mainly love. But the vampires were fine with it.

"So this is Curse Magic." Chrysalis started reading. "All magic comes from one source. And from that source they all developed into many different kinds of Magic, however during that period of development and expansion, there was a deviation. A different route that Magic could take and thus created Curses. With its power rooted in the negative emotions set forth by every species."

"We've had our fair share of those. And they help greatly." Fractured said.

"Also, like Magic, Curses come in a wide variety, including various diseases of unknown nature. This is it!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "This is the book I need! If it isn't too much of an issue, I would like to bring this book with me for a moment. I will return it as soon as I can."

"Unfortunately, they cannot leave the library." Fracture shook his head. "They must stay, Queen Chrysalis."

"Oh. Alright. I understand."

"But from how it sounds, you seem to want to know how to negate the diseases, don't you?"

"My friend Ash does. Is there possibly a way for that to be done? Anything to deal with them?"

"Not sure." Fractured could only shrug. "Us vampires and skeletons have never been in any sort of peril with diseases so we wouldn't know of any spells that could cure them. They could exist. Magic is boundless after all. But you may not find it here."

"Right. It was worth a shot." Chrysalis sighed. "But that means there is a way. And I know that Ash will never give up on it as well. And if he won't then we won't either. Right, Ribombee?"


"Well, it was nice having you here, Queen Chrysalis. Quite different from what I was expecting, honestly. Come back at any time to Magehold. You are welcome here. Especially as a changeling."

Hyperborean Island. Near the entrance. Afternoon.

Fractured led Chrysalis and Ribombee through the Hyperborean Island with no trouble. Mellifera was still at Magehold but she would be fine. Fractured then bid farewell as they had passed through the mist.

Thus they were out of the Hyperborean Island and within the Frozen North. Chrysalis and Ribombee felt relieved in a sense. Even though she was not afraid of what just occurred, apart from Ribombee, she still felt a sense of dread just being in there. To make everyone know she was alright, Chrysalis had used her Xtransceiver to call for Ash. It ranged for a bit before being answered.

"Hey, Chrysalis. How goes the search?" Ash asked.

"It went well, Ash. I now know where Magehold is but...I don't feel like returning there anytime. Aside from that, I have knowledge about diseases. They come from something known as Curse Magic."

"Curse Magic?"


"Right. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything about a cure for them. But even the ponies at the Dread League weren't aware of one either. So, there is a chance that one exists. Wherever it may be or how it could be done."

"That's good to hear. Sorry if I made you go through some trouble, Chrysalis."

"It's fine. As intimidating as it was, I had some enjoyment. Even if my mother was a bit of a killjoy. I'll be returning soon. But I think I'll stop by for some food in the meanwhile."

"Ooh, get me something, please, your majesty!" Thorax's face came into view.

"I'd like some gems please!" So did Spike as a few others wanted some food as well. Thankfully, Chrysalis would get some for everyone.

The knowledge about Curse Magic. The pursuit of the Legendary Pokemon of Destruction Yveltal and something known as the Black Crusade. All of that had happened in one day and a few hours. A threat that affected the world on a global scale was coming.

From vampires and skeletons of all things. Led by a Lich Queen. While many were unaware, soon, Magehold and the Dread League will decide when to show themselves to the world as the journey continues.

Chapter 639 End.

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