• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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What is it? Pirates?

Author's Note:

This chapter is also Dungeons and Discords.

Ponyville. The Pokemon Festival. 9:00.

It was time to take things slow. The Pokemon Festival can certainly tire anyone out especially considering this year's festival was longer than the first, beating it out by 2 weeks this time.

The amount of excitement they've all had can be seen as clear as day. So far, many experiences in this year's festival have varied in unique ways.

From battling and meeting with old rivals and friends, getting surrounded by Pokemon thanks to a powerful Sweet Scent, enjoying some curry, befriending the Changelings, Contests, Gym Battles, the Pokeathlon, taking part in an Arceus-based play and so on.

Point is, there hasn't been a single dull moment.

But with all that excitement, it was inevitable that exhaustion would come their way. Sometimes, it's good to take things slow and steady. And that's exactly what they were going to do today. And what better place to take things slow than Ponyville.

"Kicking back is pretty good too, ya know," Ash said as he and his Pokemon were laying on the ground.


"Mhm..." Rainbow Dash nodded. "But you know, I'm itching for some action later on. You know what I mean, Ash?"

"Sure do."

"You two just can't stay out of a battle, can you?" Applejack went up to Ash and Rainbow Dash.

"Nope!" Ash sat up. "Gotta get stronger for the World Coronation Series. So I can beat Leon!"


"And I gotta get stronger for the Equestria League! And become the first Champion in Equestria!" Rainbow Dash flew up.

"Alright, alright. I hear ya." Applejack replied.

"But right now...we can't just sit around and wait for the right time for some action, right?" Rainbow asked Ash.

"Hm..." Ash began to ponder. There was obviously something they could do in the meantime whilst still taking things slow and steady. Then it hit Ash. "Well, there's the PokePark..."

"Oh, right!" Fluttershy zipped over. "We never got to fully explore the PokePark. I wonder what else we'll find in there?"

"It's mostly Unova Pokemon, isn't it?" Rarity turned to Applejack.

"Mhm." AJ nodded in response.

"Well, you guys can head to PokePark. I'm just gonna stay here." Ash decided to stay in Ponyville instead of heading to PokePark.

"Yeah, I'm with Ash here. I wanna spend some more time with my family. And uh...this guy." Applejack looked back at Golett who was still attached to her.


"That Golett still came along with you?" Rarity said.

"All the way from Canterlot...I told him he can only stay until the festival's over. Which means 2 whole weeks of him being stuck to me."


"Hm." Ash took out the boardgame from his bag as he was curious about something. "Wonder how Dusknoir and Kathleen are doing? Might have to check up on them."


"I think everything's still peaceful in that world." Fluttershy flew over to the board game. "All the people inside of the game were freed, weren't they?"

"But what if they're lonely?!" Pinkie screeched. "They've probably got nothing left to do!"

"No need to worry. I promised I'd return to them after all." Ash opened up the cover. "Plus, the world's pretty relaxing to look at."

"Ooh!" The CMC jumped up at the board game. "Can we go there?!"

"Sure thing!" Ash nodded. "It's gonna be fun heading back in there. Last time we were sucked in, things almost got pretty chaotic in there."

"Did someone mention chaotic?" Once Ash mentioned anything regarding chaos, the Lord of Chaos himself appeared above them all, Discord. "What was that you were mentioning, Ash?"

"Discord?" Fluttershy looked up.

"Of course you'd show up via a single word mention." Rarity lowered her eyes.

"Actually, how come you didn't show up when other chaotic stuff was going down?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"Oh. I was occupied then. But not this time. So what was that you were saying just 7 seconds ago, Ash?" Discord appeared behind Ash, looking at the board game.

"It's just this board game over here. We were planning on heading back inside of it."

"Inside of it? This thing?" Discord's eyes multiplied as they scanned the game. "Looks like just a standard and mundane boardgame."

"It looks like that from the outside. But on the inside, there's an entire living and breathing world." Fluttershy explained. "All made possible by Dusknoir."

"Is that so? Well, that's actually impressive." Discord nodded.

"Sure is. Kinda makes me curious if there's more of these out there." Ash spun it around. "Or is it just this one with Dusknoir?"

"Whatever it is, let's head in already. We might get up to a new adventure." Pinkie hopped on Ash's shoulder.

"Would you like to join us, Discord?" Fluttershy suggested. Once she said those words, the others suddenly grimaced with their manes and tails standing up as they aggressively shook their heads.

"Me? Join? Oh, well I don't know about that. I mean, I do enjoy myself some games but..." Discord made Pokemon cards of different values appear in his paw.

"It'll be a blast!" Ash gave a thumbs up.


"Ash...Pikachu...Fluttershy...Please, for all that is good in this world..." Twilight winced as she closed her eyes.

"Oh, alright. I was curious anyway." Discord agreed to join in, which immediately made the rest of the gulp. They knew that they couldn't convince Ash and Fluttershy to leave Discord out, no matter how hard they tried, so they were stuck with him.

"Awesome!" Ash exclaimed.


"But I know of a way we can spice things up." Discord raised his paw as his finger suddenly elongated, stretching into the sky. Discord's elongated finger then came down, stretching all the way down as it touched the board game. Once his finger connected with the board game, everyone was suddenly sucked in without Dusknoir having to do it himself.

It was time for Discord's chaos to finally show itself once more. This time in the form of another world inside of a game.

The Boardgame World.

"Ugh..." The sound of Twilight groaned was emitted. At first, she saw nothing but darkness. But soon, once she opened her eyes, she was able to witness the vibrant blue sky.

Waking up, she felt that something was off. Something was definitely not right here. However, strangely enough, Twilight also felt something very familiar. As if she's experienced this before.

"A-Are we in the game?" Twilight stuttered as she sat up on the bright green grass. Once she did, that's when she noticed the oddity as she looked at her hooves.

Or rather, her paws.

Not just any paws, Espeon paws.

She was an Espeon yet again. This time, it didn't take Manaphy's Heart Swap to make this possible.

"Huh?! This again!?" She screeched before sighing. It wasn't too surprising to her since it had already happened before. So Twilight just went with it.

But seeing herself as an Espeon once more in the game world made Twilight realize something. Obviously, this was Discord's doing. That much was clear. However, this meant that all of Twilight's friends had been affected themselves. Coming to that realization, Twilight immediately turned around to see what had happened to her friends.

And her eyes didn't tell any lies.

They had all become Pokemon themselves.

Ash was a Lucario, Rarity was a Pheromosa, Applejack was a Sceptile, Fluttershy was an Audino, Rainbow Dash was a Braviary, Spike was a Salamence, Scootaloo was a Ponyta, Sweetie Belle was an Espurr, Apple Bloom was an Emolga and Pinkie Pie was surprisingly not Slurpuff or Spinda, but instead a Mew of all things

"Oh, sweet!" Ash looked at his new form. He noticed that Pikachu was still here on his shoulder. Even as a Pokemon, Pikachu would still be there with Ash. Then again, this isn't the first time Ash has been turned into a Pokemon.

"Sweet is right! Look at this!" Spike gushed. "Wings! This is amazing!" Spike took to the skies, enjoying his new wings.

Surprisingly, no one was upset by this despite them being fearful of what Discord could've done. It turned out fairly neat in the end.

"I'm not complaining actually. I like this. Is this what it feels like to have fingers?" Rarity looked at her hands. She also noticed that she was the tallest of the group here thanks to Pheromosa's size.

"Not bad at all." Applejack crossed her arms together as she nodded.

"I've always wanted to be a Pokemon! Next to a tree of course!" Fluttershy was hyperventilating. "This is the best day ever...!"

"As long as I can fly this time, I'm cool with it." Rainbow Dash took to the skies.

"I don't really feel too different," Scootaloo said as she was still just a pony in this form. "But it is cool to have a flaming mane and tail!"

"Doesn't that hurt?" Sweetie Belle asked as she looked up at Scootaloo due to her being the same size as an Espurr.

"Nope." Scootaloo shook her head. "It's actually pretty warm and comfortable."

"Looks like we're all our partners." Apple Bloom flew over. "How neat is that?"

"Very neat!" Pinkie bellowed as everyone turned to her. They all noticed that while they were all their partner Pokemon, Pinkie Pie was a different story.

She came out as Mew instead of Slurpuff or Spinda, which everyone was expecting since she owns those species of Pokemon.

"Pinkie Pie? How come you are Mew, exactly?" Rarity asked.

"No idea. But I'm not complaining!" Pinkie flew around. "Oh! I bet I can transform! Watch this!" She was able to tap into the genes of Mew who can transform into any Pokemon. By doing so, Pinkie transformed into a Tyranitar, immediately roaring at her friends before turning back. "Nice."

"See? Doesn't this feel more immersive and appropriate for your Pocket Monsters?" Discord appeared above them with his hands detaching and latching onto Ash's shoulders.

"Sure does. Thanks, Discord!" Ash thanked him.

"Yeah!" Pikachu suddenly spoke.

The words that came out of Pikachu's mouth immediately prompted everyone to freeze and turn their attention towards him. Out of everything that surprised them from Discord's Chaos Magic, this topped them all. They all jerked back with unified gasps as Pikachu just looked at them with confused faces.

"What? What is it?" Pikachu asked.

"Is that what he sounds like...?" Rainbow Dash whispered.

"His voice certainly matches what we constantly hear, doesn't it?" Rarity replied with her own whisper.

"Alright then." Discord gave himself a Trainer hat, bag and Poke Balls, resembling a Pokemon Trainer. "Let's get this going already. Where exactly are those gyms you speak of?"

"Oh, it's not that kind of world Discord. This world's a bit older than the one we have. Like in the way past." Ash explained.

"Hm. That's less interesting." Discord made the trainer gear disappear. "I'm more fond of modernity after all. So where do we exactly begin?"

"Well, we can go ahead and visit Kathleen and Dusknoir first. Their castle is just up ahead." Pikachu pointed over at the castle in the distance. They noticed that its usual dark and grim colours had changed for something much brighter and vibrant. Mostly Kathleen's decision.

"A reunion? That's no fun. Where's the excitement? This is a fantasy world, right? Something fantastic should be happening!"

"Well...we're kinda just here to catch up with old friends." Pinkie Pie squeed. "But Ash and Rainbow Dash are gonna have some action later. Whenever that is."

"Maybe when we get to Kathleen and Dusknoir, they'll have something new planned for us. Kathleen does enjoy games. So in the meantime, you can explore this world for yourself." Fluttershy recommended.

"Yeah. And when we do get something, we'll go wild!" Ash exclaimed.

"Hm. Fine. I'll see what I can find here." Discord created a Rapidash in his own image as he got on it. "I'll call you when I find something interesting!" He whistled as he made Rapidash gallop along, only for him to just disappear in a blaze of fire.

"But uh...How are we gonna explain to Kathleen and Dusknoir that we're Pokemon now?" Rainbow Dash looked at her wings.

"They'll understand. Let's go." Twilight responded as she led the group along. Everyone would have to get used to their new walking methods.

Although, for some of them, it was fairly easy. Lucario is a humanoid Pokemon so that was no problem for Ash and Ponyta, despite being a completely different creature was still at the end of the day, a pony, so that was no issue for Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash could get used to it because of the obvious wings, but as for everyone else, that's where things end up being a problem.

Most of their Pokemon stand upright. Rarity was stumbling and struggling the most due to her very long legs as a Pheromosa and supple and thin body as well.

Fluttershy took baby steps as an Audino. She was waddling about, trying her very best not to fall over. The same can be said for Sweetie Belle and Applejack. All they could do was waddle until they got used to it.

Pinkie didn't have to face these obstacles since she could just fly as Mew. Or even better, she could choose to become any Pokemon who stood on four feet. If anything, she had the best Pokemon option out of all of them since she was now every Pokemon in one.


Journeying through this world once more felt nostalgic. It had undergone some changes when they were last here. Many familiar locations remained. The rock cave, the maze, the underground and the Joltik-Durant lair were still here.

The real major changes were that there was now an ocean with what seemed to be a pirate ship in the distance. Pirates are always fun. When they're not pillaging anyway. This pirate ship was massive. It took up a majority of the ocean as it had a colour palette that was similar to a Bisharp.

With the addition of an ocean, more Pokemon can be found. Before the amount of Pokemon in this world was very limited to a few types. Very little Water-Types existed with only some of them being Dual-types.

Along with the inclusion of deserts, a labyrinth, jungles, marshes and an entire colosseum. A lot has happened since last year, that's for sure.

Dusknoir has been busy. And it really shows how much variety was here. With this world being under his complete control, he can make anything he wants.

They had arrived at Dusknoir's castle by opening the gates. Once they opened up, the interior gained some colour as well. It still had the familiar eerie nature of Dusknoir looming around, but with Kathleen's influence, the whole castle went through a bit of an overhaul.

"Hello! Dusknoir! Kathleen!" Ash called out their names. "You here?"

"Ash! Everyone!" With a response as fast as lightning, Kathleen came running through the doors of the throne room, recognizing the voice of her friends in an instant. But even when recognizing her friends, she was surprised to see a bunch of Pokemon instead. "Oh. Huh? I thought I heard Ash here..."

"Sure did. I'm right here." Ash spoke once more, giving Kathleen clarity that it was indeed him.

"Oooh!" She gawked. "You're a Pokemon now?! Then does that mean..."

"We're all Pokemon," Twilight answered. "Every last one of us."

"And it's great!" Pinkie flew in circles.

"Oh well...It's great to see you all again!" Kathleen hugged Ash.

"Great to see you too." Ash patted her on the head.

"But you all came at the right time. Things aren't really peachy so far." Kathleen pouted.

"Why? What's wrong darling?" Rarity asked.

"Is somepony bothering you?" Rainbow Dash flew over.

"No, not really." Kathleen shook her head. "They're actually sorta bothering everyone else in this entire world. And they're really good at making a scene."

"Well, who is it?" Applejack asked.

"Pirates!" Kathleen raised her arms.

"Oh! Pirates?!" Ash and Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up. They found pirates to be fairly interesting.

"Mhm! Pirates! They're super scary...but they're the best part of this world so far! They make things super fun every single day!" Kathleen jumped up and down.

"Uh...That's a good thing?" Applejack scratched her head as she looked outside of the window, spotting the pirate ship.

"Bothering everyone here doesn't exactly sound fun..." said Rarity.

"No. It's not. But it's just so much fun seeing new things happen. But I don't want anyone else in this world to be sad because of them. And I was really hoping you all would encounter them someday since I wanna see you go against the pirates! That'd be so fun to watch! And you can save everyone!"

"Well...We were gonna take things really slow today but looks like some help is needed." Ash said.

"Are they pillaging?" Twilight asked.

"Yep!" Kathleen nodded ferociously. "They go across the entire world and pillage everywhere! Even the new locations aren't safe from them."

"Pillaging...are we all up for that? This is brand new territory we're stepping in." Twilight turned to her friends.

"Yes please!" Pinkie exclaimed. "I'm up for some extra adventure!"

"I've come across some pirates myself." Ash grinned, recalling Phantom. "So this isn't new to me."

"Wait. We actually get to experience this?" Scootaloo gasped. "Awesome..."

"We're not seriously going up against pirates, are we?" Sweetie Belle gulped. "I've heard a lot about them. They're pretty scary..."

"Oh, they're scary for sure! But some of them are super cute too!"

"They are?" Fluttershy turned to Kathleen. "Who exactly are these pirates?"

"They call themselves the Bisharp Pirates! They ride on a super big ship called The Dark Steel! And their crew members are gigantic in numbers! I think there's like... a hundred?"

From how Kathleen described these pirates, they were a big deal. Everyone looked outside as they saw the Bisharp-themed ship outside the window. Seems they were fairly close, so the journey wouldn't take too long.

"Bisharp Pirates, huh? Alright. We'll get on it right away!" Ash nodded. "I know it's gonna be a real blast!"

"I was afraid you'd say that..." Rarity sighed. "Oh, well. There's no turning back now that you've made up your mind."

The decision had been made. So much for a slow and relaxing day. Pirates were a big enough drive to get into some action. But it was mostly to make Kathleen happy. They hadn't seen her for a while and they would do anything to make this little girl smile.

"By the way...where's Dusknoir?" Twilight asked Kathleen.

"Oh, Dusknoir got captured by the pirates." She grinned.

"Oh, he's playing along? How cute!" Fluttershy gushed.

"Nope! They just barged in here and captured him! He seemed pretty scared though, so can you get Dusknoir back please?"

"Sure will. Alright! Let's go find us some pirates!" Ash raised his arm in the air.

"Yes sir!" Pikachu jumped up.

The Dark Steel Ship of the Bisharp Pirates was just sitting out in the ocean, completely stationary. It was unknown if there were any crew members on board at the moment.

But even still, Ash and the others decided to approach it. At first, it seemed close, however, because of its gigantic size, it gave off the illusion that it was near. In truth, it was actually far away. Walking there would take an hour or more.

"I could just fly super-fast over there. Would save a ton of time." Rainbow Dash suggested.

"And with my amazing speed and powerful kicks, we could retrieve Dusknoir and defeat the pirates in no time." So did Rarity.

"We don't know what these pirates are capable of. So rushing in blind isn't the best option." Twilight restrained them both from acting instantly. "After all, Kathleen said there might be hundreds and she's not even sure how many there truly are."

"I could probably try and hear them from this distance. Being an Audino is so amazing!" Fluttershy clapped her hands together in excitement. "I can hear so much! The sounds of the Pokemon and their tiny feet moving across the ground as they make a squishy noise and-"

"Focus, Fluttershy." Twilight snapped her out of it. "Can you hear how many there are?"

"Oh, right!" Fluttershy began using Audino's amazing feelers to try and sense the sounds coming from the ship. While the ship was far away, Fluttershy was able to at least pick on something, despite her distance.

The sounds she was picking up on were faint and weak. She could definitely hear chatter coming from the direction of the ship. From what she could hear, there weren't actually hundreds of Pokemon onboard.

Instead, there were thousands. Thousands of pirates on this behemoth of a ship. And it made sense. For a ship that large, having a hundred wouldn't be fitting. It needed to have a crew that could populate an entire country.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy stopped walking. "There are thousands of them on board!"

"Thousands?!" Everyone gasped.

"Big and small Pokemon alike. There's probably even Pokemon of all typings on board too."

"...T-Then...if there's so many of 'em, how come we can't see them on the ship?" Applejack looked over at the Dark Steel Ship. "Should at least see a couple of hundred of 'em in the distance."

"What do we do? A thousand's way too much." Scootaloo shuddered. "They're gonna have some Water or Rock-Types that'll crush me!"

"Or even me!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, now that we know how large the numbers are, we're gonna need a new approach." Twilight began thinking. "How do we deal with that many pirates? Actually, how do we deal with pirates in general?"

"Hmm..." Ash got to thinking along with the others. A crew that gigantic is just overwhelming. There is a very good chance that they could easily overpower Ash and the others in terms of number alone. But obviously, there was a weakness to exploit.

However, whilst they were thinking of a plan and approach, the unthinkable and unexpected happened.

The ship suddenly began to fly as it ascended from the ocean. This grabbed the attention of everyone who immediately turned to face the flying ship. It was unlike anything they had ever seen before. It just casually took to the skies as it was hovering. The sheer sight of it was baffling to their eyes. And the icing on the cake was that it even sprouted pitch-black wings, just for show.

"It flies?!" The CMC bellowed.

"So cool!" Ash gawked.

"What happened while we were gone from this world..."? Twilight's jaw dropped.

The airborne ship was clearly going somewhere since it was on the move. But usually, ships move on the water instead of the sky. But then again, this is a fantasy Pokemon World. Anything is possible. Even without Discord's influence.

With a sudden burst of speed, the ship flew off, creating a sonic boom and shockwave all at once as the wind pressure reached Ash and the others, almost knocking them back. The Dark Steel was now long gone from here.

With the ship suddenly flying with wings, heading off into the sky to who-knows-where, the plan had radically changed for everyone. Now they had to come up with yet another approach.

Luckily, some of them could fly. Unfortunately, some of them couldn't and not all of them could be carried by Rainbow Dash and Spike or even Pinkie Pie.

"...Alright. Now, what do we do?" AJ shifted her eyes around.

"We go after them," Ash replied. "All we gotta do is get to the sky like them."

"You make it sound like it's that easy Ash." Twilight turned to him. "That was an entire ship that just sprouted wings and took the to skies! How are most of us going to get up there?"

"And where are they even going?" Sweetie Belle looked up. "And why the sky?"

"Yeah." Scootaloo nodded. "It totally doesn't make any sense to sail a ship in the sky. Unless..." Scootaloo and her fellow Crusaders slowly turned around as they looked at each other.

"There's a Sky Island!" The three of them said.

"A sky island? Seriously?" Spike replied.

"It's not out of the realm of possibility. This world is completely unpredictable. Plus, Cloudsdale exists, so who's to say that a Sky Island wouldn't exist either." Rarity agreed with the Crusaders.

"Let me check!" Rainbow Dash decided to check for herself as she ascended into the sky, causing her own shockwave that was similar to the Dark Steel.

Once ascending to the skies and moving at a fast pace, Rainbow Dash couldn't actually see the Dark Steel yet. It was definitely moving faster than her as it was long gone from here.

Rainbow Dash ascended higher as she had never gone this high before in her life, even all the way back at Cloudsdale. Due to this world being larger than Equestria and possibly even the Pokemon World itself, the skies here were insanely vast. Even a ludicrously fast Pokemon couldn't clear it in a short amount of time.

Rainbow Dash broke past the clouds as she was far away from her friends and the ground at this point. Now, she was somewhere else entirely. But she wasn't just in the skies. Not at all. She quickly found out that the CMC's theory on there being an island in the sky wasn't just for fun and jokes.

There actually was an island in the sky.

From 80,000 metres above the ground was an entire civilization of Pokemon, living in the skies themselves. An absolutely gigantic mass of clouds that had constructed buildings of all sizes resting on top of them.

The number of buildings here was equal to that of Castelia City itself. And Castelia City is gigantic. One of the largest cities in the Pokemon World after all.

All of this was floating in the atmosphere itself. Even higher than Cloudsdale.

"Awesome...." Naturally, Rainbow Dash was absolutely stunned by this. This wasn't too new to her since Cloudsdale and other pegasus locations exist but it was still very impressive. In fact, this location resembled a city with how many buildings there were. This was easily above and beyond anything she had seen in the sky so far.

She had to tell her friends, immediately as she returned to the ground in a few seconds.

"Did you see the ship?" Fluttershy asked.

"...No. But I saw something even cooler...There's an island city in the sky!"

"Seriously?!" Twilight pulled back.

"Seriously!" Rainbow Dash replied.

"Knew it!" The CMC bellowed.

"Okay. So there's an entire city in the sky." Spike turned around. "Can we even stand on it? How are we gonna get there?"

"Well, I think I may know of a way." Fluttershy had an idea. And it involved a certain Draconequus who was currently undergoing his own adventure in this world. However, something quickly stopped that idea from taking action.

"Wait!" Kathleen had run out of the castle as she had caught up to her friends, yelling and screaming their names. She had grabbed their attention as they all wondered why she was out here.

"Kathleen?" Ash and Pikachu said.

"I almost forgot!" Kathleen slid on the ground. "Dusknoir left you all something! If you all came back here and dealt with the pirates, he wanted to give you all this to make things more fun!"

"Give us what exactly?" Rarity asked.

Kathleen then ran towards the ocean, stopping near it as she looked at the vast blue sea, holding her breath in as she yelled at the top of her lungs. "You can come up now!"

With that command, from under the sea itself, another absolutely massive ship had emerged, rising from the ocean as it separated the waves. Everyone gawked as they saw that this ship had the colour scheme of Dusknoir.

"Ta-dah!" Kathleen raised her arms. "Dusknoir made this all for you guys! It's called The Noir Pride!"

"Okay...That works too." Fluttershy nodded.

"Do all the ships in this world fly?" Applejack questioned.

"Nope. Just these two. Dusknoir made this for the whole pirate thing. That Bisharp ship was for the pirates and this one's for you all! Now you can go after them to the Sky Borealis!"

"That's the name of the island?" Rainbow Dash looked up. "Alright then. If it can get us up there, then we'll take it."

"Great! Have fun, everyone!" Kathleen jumped up and down.

Now that they had their own ship that could fly into the sky, they could follow the Bisharp Pirates to the Sky Borealis and rescue Dusknoir from them. This supposed slow day quickly escalated to something unexpected.

There was no way they were expecting something like this. They were just going to take it easy. But of course, in the World of Pokemon, excitement is always present, no matter what. Even in a game.

Everyone boarded the Noir Pride as they were ready to take off. They thought to themselves of who would steer this ship. But they didn't have to worry about that. The ship was under Dusknoir's influence, so it could steer itself. Like an autopilot.

Everyone held on for dear life as the ship was starting to ascend from the sea as it sprouted its own wings that were a shadowy violet, fitting for the colour of a ghost.

Just like Dark Steel, the Noir Pride left with a burst of speed, taking off instantly as Kathleen waved them all goodbye, wishing them good luck and hoping that they bring Dusknoir back as the journey continues.

Chapter 329 End.

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