• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Great Holon Pyramid

Holon Region. Holon Desert. Day.

A scorching, dry desert just past the Holon Grasslands. This was the Holon Desert and it lived up to its name. Venturing through it was Ash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Heike and their Pokemon. But soon, they met up with Twilight, Espeon and Starlight who were also walking a similar path.

"So you saw other universes that aren't related to ours?" Fluttershy spoke as Ash and Twilight brought up the events they witnessed last night.

"Sure did. Man, we saw some pretty neat looking guys there," said Ash. "I wish I could see what their worlds were like. It'd probably be so cool.."


"That's one heck of a story." Heike scratched his hair. "I don't know if I could do with the whole alternate world and everything. Sounds too overwhelming."

"You'll get used to it." Applejack shrugged in response. Multiple universes and an array of characters was something that was becoming more common as time went on. Mainly with both worlds.

"But I can't believe you managed to do that to the Rift, Ash. I think that's the biggest progress anyone has made with it. Isn't that a milestone?" Starlight joined in the conversation. "Oh but...it's probably going to hold a grudge against you now, huh?"

"Having a powerful cosmic force hold a grudge against you is beyond risky." Heike leaned in close to Ash. "But you look so calm about it. Most of you do. What's up with that?"

"We've gone up against our fair share of powerful forces." Twilight used her wing feathers to make a finger-shaped wag. "But, none as big as the RIft. But still. Plus, Ash wants to try helping the Rift since it's two...It's a long story. Which is why this trip is long enough to share it!"

"Right..." Heike chuckled after being overwhelmed by this information. The Xtransceiver of Ash started ringing as the rest of their friends wanted to get in touch with them. Ash saw that Spike was calling as he quickly answered.

"Hey, Spike. What's up? How's your side of the journey with you and Goh?"

"Uh...We ran into some things but...going good so far. For me at least, Goh's not having the best luck right now." Spike chuckled, showing Ash and the others Goh's current condition. He was rocking in the corner, surrounded by an armada of Poke Balls while sulking. "He hasn't caught a single Delta Pokemon. They're hard to come by."

"Why is this so hard...?" Goh's voice came through the Xtransceiver despite not facing it Dread filled his voice. His goal to catch some Delta Pokemon was a rut so far.

"But it's all good here so far! We're at someplace called Holon Lake, right now. Just checking up to see if you're all doing good since it's been a day since we split up." Spike gave a thumbs up with his claws.

"Yeah. Take care of Goh, okay? We're heading for something called the Holon Pyramid right now." Ash replied. "And uh...we were gonna meet up at Settlement Oscar, right?"

"That's the place," Twilight confirmed it. "Getting to it is taking longer than I thought. They said it was a small region but there are some long parts."

"All the more fun. See ya soon, Spike. Goh." Ash bid farewell as the Xtransceiver call had finished. The winds of the desert suddenly blew, catching them off guard with grains of sand pelting them. It felt as if the desert was telling them to get a move on.

Settlement Oscar was still somewhat far. After the desert, it would be the Holon Marsh and Lake. Although, some secret routes were up for debate. But that pyramid sparked a great interest to stop by. It was off to the pyramid to see what could be found there. Most likely either Delta Pokemon or treasure. The Holon Pyramid was located at the centre so that much was easy to understand. It was still odd that its stellar size couldn't be seen in the distance.

The weather here in the Holon Desert was surprisingly mild instead of being scorching hot. The answer could potentially lead to the magnetic storms that were once again seen fluctuating within the skies. Either from Holon's natural weather or the machines from the Holon Research Tower in the main city.

But, despite the weather being mild, the desert wasn't without something to make it stand out. Mainly, in an area such as this, certain Pokemon would be found. It started small with the appearance of Marowak, popping out of the deep sand.

Marowak in the Holon Region gained the Fighting and Steel Type. The Marowak popped their heads out of the sand before diving back in, evading the nearby presence of Gliscor, which had gained the Dark-Typing along with Steel at the end. And after that, Ash and the others were greeted with a Delta Pokemon that had a different appearance.

In the distance with Ash squinting his eyes, he could spot something approaching them. It looked like a tumbleweed. The usual object that could be found in deserts. No big deal. Until it came closer and was soon to be revealed as something else.

It was a tumbleweed still. Rather, a familiar Pokemon with the appearance of a Tumbleweed. A Delta Tangela. Its whole appearance matched a tumbleweed and was simple to understand, much like its Kantonian Counterpart.

"Tangela?" Ash took out his Pokedex.

"Delta Tangela. The Tumbleweed Pokemon. This Pokemon is a master of one disguise by blending in with normal tumbleweeds. It lures prey towards its home in the earth before grabbing and pinning them. A group of Tangela normally gather in one spot to try and avoid predators."

"Tangela!" Delta Tangela went on with its day, passing them by. Ash and Starlight swayed their bodies to the side, allowing the Ground-Type to pass without any collision.

It didn't seem like much. Just a normal sight of a Delta Tangela. At least, it seemed to be that way. That was until Audino heard something. Her amazing hearing allowed her to be the first to notice something prominent on the move.

"Audino?" The Hearing Pokemon slowly turned her head as she heard not just one Tangela rolling this way, but two more. Another two more. It soon reached numbers past the usual two, according to what Audino was hearing.

Soon, everyone would notice a massive sand cloud approaching in the distance. The various rolling that Audino heard were indeed many Delta Tangela. And those Delta Tangela were all doing what the Pokedex specified. Rolling in a group. A massive one as they had made a large dust cloud from their movements alone.

"W-What in tarnation?!" Applejack was the first to shout in utter shock.

"That's more Tangela that I've seen in the Holon Desert!" Heike backed up. The dust cloud made by the Delta Tangela then expanded before travelling across the sandy terrain. Soon, Ash and the others were shrouded by this dust cloud, forcing them to squint their eyes.

"I can't see!" Starlight cried out while also feeling her hooves slowly leaving the ground from this cloud. Not only that, but the Tangela managed to do more than just something this aggressive. One Tangela had ended up crashing into Ash. But it didn't knock him over. Instead, the Tangela stuck to Ash. Right on his elbow.

"Ow!" Ash felt something prickly on his elbow. He raised it to see Tangela. "Eh?!"

"Tangela!" And it wasn't just him. The others were given similar treatment. Due to them being thrown off guard by the sand cloud, this allowed the Tangela to collide with down.

"P-Pika?!" Pikachu received one Tangela on his ear. There was no point in shocking them since they were immune to Electric. So, Pikachu just ran around screaming.

"Eeep!" Twilight squeaked as a Tangela ended up on her horn while another was on her hoof. She screamed some more, making a terrifying grimace.

The rest of her friends received the same treatment Applejack and Sceptile had the side of the bodies prickled by the Tangela, causing them to scrunch their mouths, trying not to scream. Tears formed in their eyes afterwards. Starlight had been pinned down by one Tangelia which resulted in a stampede of them coming her way. Thankfully, most of them missed, but a few managed to roll over Starlight

Heike took some Tangela to the knee. Both his knees as his backpack had also been poked through by the rolling Tumbleweed Pokemon. "My backpack!" He bellowed, caring more about this giant backpack instead of his knees. His Delta Treecko tried removing the Tangela, only to have himself be caught by one of them. Now he was stuck next to Heike's knees.

"Audino!" Audino received the worst of it. Aside from Sceptile, she was a big target. And this was shown when a majority of the Tangela managed to latch herself onto her. But she mainly took all of them to protect Fluttershy, standing in front of her trainer and keeping her safe.

Audino had no time to use Protect due to the speed these Delta Tangela were approaching at. But even if she didn't have the time, she had the durability to take all of them. Audino closed her eyes. Ash managed to reach for one of his Poke Balls, summoning his Dragonite to the fray.

"Dragonite!" Dragonite roared cheerfully before noticing the ferocious sandstorm. "Dra?"

"D-Dragonite, Hurricane!"

"Go! Dragonite...!" Dragonite quickly flapped her wings, seeing the severity of the situation. It wasn't that it was hyper dangerous. It was both a nuisance and still painful at the same time. By flapping her wings, Dragonite caused the massive dust cloud to be blown away. Once it was gone, the Tangela felt some push back as their momentum had been disturbed, causing them to tumble elsewhere.

The Tangela stampede had ended thankfully.

"Hah...Thanks, Dragonite..." Ash thanked the Dragon Pokemon. They could now take a break. At least, after one other issue was solved, getting the Tangela off of them. "But man, these guys sure can stick." Ash looked at the Tangela on his elbow.


"A-Audino..." Audino muttered as she stood there, completely immobile due to all of the Tangela that had covered her front body. It was a good thing she was a durable Pokemon otherwise this experience would be far worse than it already is.

"Oh my! Is everyone okay?!" Fluttershy asked as she was the only one untouched by the Tangela, thanks to Audino's protection. Everyone started helping each other remove the Tangela accordingly. But removing them was just as painful as having them stick to them.

The group twitched once the Tangela were removed from them one at a time. Heike's knees trembled while Twilight held onto her horn trying to comfort it and nullify the pain. Audino managed to soothe this pain by using Heal Pulse on them all. She was also soothing her own pain with the mystical green aura that surrounded everyone. Soon, they all managed to get the Tangela off of them as some had bruises from the stampede.

"Tangela!" The Tangela then went on with their day as if nothing happened. Then again, they do this naturally on a daily occurrence so it was all normal for them.

"My backpack..." Heike looked at his backpack, seeing the hole that had been made via Tangela's puncture. Disappointment and imminent sadness filled his heart.

"Sceptile." Thankfully, Sceptile had fixed this by using one of his vines as per Applejack's order. The vines had been wrapped around that part of the bag. It had been patched up thanks to Sceptile's efforts. "Tile."

"There. Better?" said Applejack.

"Much better! Thanks, you two!" Showing how grateful he was, he ended up grabbing both Applejack and Sceptile, giving them powerful hugs that caught them off guard.


"Y-You're welcome, partner..." Applejack grinned while also feeling strained.

"Glad that's over with." Twilight sighed. "In my mind, I knew there'd be a Tumbleweed Pokemon that would exist out there. But they were too aggressive."

"They did look kinda cute." Starlight giggled, finding some adorable factor in the Tangela although they had mildly injured them. Twilight looked over with lowered eyes, surprised that Starlight found them cute after all that has happened.

"Let's not slow down in case another one comes along," Ash replied, continuing to the centre to find the Holon Pyramid. "That Pyramid's' all ours for the exploring."


Holon Pyramid.

Finally. The Holon Pyramid. They had approached it after going through a Tangela stampede. Ash and his friends stood before 481 feet tall structure of concentrated limestone and carved stone. Its size was just as intimidating as other large structures in both worlds.

"How does no one see it...?" Starlight spoke with an open jaw. The pyramid cast a shadow over her and her friends while also touching the clouds, almost reaching the heavens. "It's massive!"

"How come you've never been here before, Heike?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm not that experienced with the Holon Region..." The Gym Leader in training scratched his hair. Not wasting any time, they had finally approached the Holon Pyramid in all its glory.

But as they entered, standing at the very top of the pyramid within the clouds, unseen by them and not even heard by Audino was a mysterious figure. This figure had a familiar stance to a familiar Pokemon. But not of the same type. Emerald eyes shined through the clouds an even faintly in the ground as the figure which seemed to wear some sort of ancient garment had faded once the clouds continued to move and the group had fully entered the pyramid.

Inside the pyramid, it wasn't what they expected. Usually, pyramids are said to be ancient for a reason. They were made centuries ago by an ancient civilization. However, it wasn't so ancient once they found out that it was still full of life. Mainly with some Pokemon running around. And the first Pokemon spotted was an Espeon.

"Espeon?" Espeon noticed the arrival of Ash and the others before spotting Twilight's Espeon nearby. It had glanced at its fellow Psychic-Type with a short staredown before running off.

Venturing through the pyramid and following the path that Espeon had taken, the group found themselves faced with different pathways. Far too many to count. But these pathways were sparse with statues Mainly, monuments of a Pokemon that looked familiar to many.

Golden statues of this strange Pokemon were on the sides of the pathways, plastered onto the walls. Espeon could also be seen in the distance at one of the pathways, entering elsewhere. "What Pokemon is that...?" Applejack wondered.

"It looks like Lucario." Ash noticed the familiar head structure. Indeed, the heads of these statues resembled Lucario very clearly as they were built in a sitting position. There was also another statue right underneath them when glancing at the downwards pathways. A statue of another familiar Pokemon. "That looks like Blaziken too."

"All of this reminds me of Somnambula..." Twilight uttered, bringing up a name that Ash and the others hadn't heard about before. At least not yet. "But it's strange. They look brand new instead of ancient."

"It's like they were cleaned like...weeks ago." Heike placed his hand on one of the statues, seeing how squeaky clean it appeared to be. Not a single scratch or dent could be found on these statues. Usually, the passage of time would reveal flaws, but not for this.

This time, they chose to stay as a group instead of splitting up. And by sticking together, they came across something next to the statues on the walls. Twilight zoomed over, locking eyes on this new point of interest. Odd visages could be found. Twilight found out that numerous walls of hieroglyphics. Among these walls are a few that appear to have purple inscriptions on them.

"Hieroglyphics. A lot of them too," said Twilight as Starlight and she pressed their faces together when observing the hieroglyphics.

"Oooh. Can you read them, Twilight?" Fluttershy leaned in.

"I don't think so..." Twilight, unfortunately, could not. Pokemon Hieroglyphics were not her forte. However, this was where a massive shocker and surprise came to them.

"I think I can..." Ash was the one who could potentially read them as Twilight and Starlight shifted their heads towards the Alola Champion.

"You can?! How?!"

"Well...I don't know how. But I can feel some Aura from it." Ash approached one of the hieroglyphics, kneeling and placing his hand near it. Upon getting close, the hieroglyphics and their purple inscriptions son radiated a familiar colour. The colour of Aura.

"Aura, huh?" Applejack spoke, looking at her hoof. She knew that she had potent Aura as ell as revealed by Brawly and Gardevoir a while back. Seeing as Ash's Aura managed to make the hieroglyphs glow, Applejack tried the same, putting er hoof near other hieroglyphs.

Indeed, it reacted to her as well. The two powerful Aura wielders could make the Aura appear from the walls, giving everything a nice azure tint to it. "I still can't read it...

" Twilight grumbled. "It's so tiny." Deciphering them would be difficult considering the hieroglyphics were too tiny to properly observe, much to Twilight's annoyance.

And once the Aura showed itself, arriving here by running up the stairs was a Pokemon closely tied to Aura. A few of them to be exact. Lucario.

"Lucario!" They cried out as their dreads were shaking, responding to an Aura Signature. And they found that signature. Thanks to his high Aura, Ash was a magnet for the Lucario species as they had arrived before his friends.

"Oh! Lucario!" Starlight pointed out, alerting her friends. Ash moved his hand away as the Aura faded as well from the hieroglyphics. Other Lucario had tracked Ash's Aura down as their numbers increased. This pyramid housed more than just Espeon. It was indeed full of life, housing Lucario. That would explain the recency of the statues.

Ash and his friends stood before the Lucario as thankfully, they had nothing to fear. Lucario was a generally calm and respective Pokemon in all forms. And they certainly showed their respect by getting on their knees and facing not just Ash for his massive Aura but also Applejack. She had a high level of Aura within her that had yet to be unveiled.

"Uh, what's going on?" Applejack asked, scrunching her face while Ash just chuckled."

"It's your Aura, you two." Twilight explained. "Lucario respect those with high Aura, after all. It's how Ash found his Lucario when it was a Riolu. The same thing's happening here."

"You've got high Aura?" Heike looked at the earth pony. "Lucky...I know a lot who would do anything to have a lot of Aura. Mainly at Sinnoh and Kalos."

"Aw shucks...I didn't know I had that much in me before it all..." Applejack felt flattered with her face turning red. Ever since his notable Aura presence gained some traction, its potential has been better shown. Applejack did like some praise but it was likely that her Aura praise would exceed everything that she's done before.

"Rrr. Luca. Lu." The Lucario then spoke to Ash and Applejack respectively. They aimed their paws towards the passageway and stairs they came from. Essentially, they were inviting them to fully explore the pyramid. They were free to do so along with their friends as per the honour of having such high Auras.

"It looks like we're not intruding. Thank goodness." A relieved Fluttershy said. "Nice place you all have here."


"Guess that means we're free to go around. Let's check there," said Ash, walking ahead. The Lucario would also choose to guide them. Right now, they were on the first floor as an upwards stairway could be found. With something of this scale, they had yet to discover everything.

They soon advanced to the ground floor via the downwards stairs, going through some turns while also spotting more Pokemon along the way. More Lucario had been found just living here, roaming the pyramid. Some more Espeon could be found as it wasn't just the one. They lived alongside the Lucario in harmony.

The Lucario felt the Auras of Ash and Applejack, stopping what they were doing to take notice. The Lucario promptly bowed their heads, getting on one knee to show their respect. Espeon decided to run off, wanting to interact with her fellow Sun Pokemon.

Pikachu, Treecko, Audino and Sceptile did the same, meeting with the many Lucario and Espeon that lived in this lavish and fancy pyramid. The beauty it gave off along with the decorations overwhelmed the limestone that it was built upon. But the limestone was just was gorgeous.

"This what it's like to be King of the Sea back at that temple, Ash?" Applejack asked.

"Sorta. I just get called majesty, excellence and other big stuff a lot." laughed the Trainer from Pallet Town.

This pyramid was decorated with many of those same statues while keeping more hieroglyphics. Twilight wished to know what they meant. And to have this wish, she sparked an idea.

"Ash. Applejack Try putting your hand and hoof on the hieroglyphics again. This time for much longer. I want to see if I can read it."

"Huh? Sure, sure." Ash nodded, stepping by one of the hieroglyphics. Applejack would join him. They looked at each other before nodding in unison. A hand and hoof met with the hieroglyphics, giving that Azure glow once more. This time, they kept their hand and hoof on the hieroglyphics for some extra time.

And just as Twilight theorized, something happened. That glow had to happen for a reason. The hieroglyphics were not only enhanced, gaining a larger size to see them from any distance, but they were also being made somewhat clear.

The hieroglyphics still had their unique appearances as Twilight was trying her best to decipher them. She recognized how they had a distinct shape that was unknown yet familiar to her. "Hang on...I know this Pokemon. Which is it...?" She squinted.

"Oh! That's Unown!" Ash exclaimed, revealing the Pokemon of question. That name rang a bell in Twilight and Applejack's heads as well.

"Unown! Now I remember!" Applejack gasped. "My sis and her friends bumped into them when they went on that journey! That's it?"

"Yep. Makes sense they'd be here." Ash nodded.

"Uh, which Unown make which letters again...?" Twilight puffed her cheeks, thinking hard of the various Unown and the letter formations they gave out. "Okay...That says...Summon up a miracle, with spirit and the will to do right. Stand tall under the starlight. Who is the final opponent to stand in the way? The one to brandish the spirit of justice then bare their fangs. The one who has obtained ultimate power."

"What does it mean?" Heike asked.

"I have no idea." Twilight gave her honest response, shaking her head. "But translations like these sometimes mean a prophecy will happen."

"What about the rest?"

"Uh...Join forces and go forth. An enemy or an ally? As you waver, which will you be? In order to bring an end to this conflict. The planet weeps again Kindness is power. Fight together, Pave the way to the future." She read them out once more. And after reading them, Twilight wanted to know more.

She sat in front of the rest of the hieroglyphics, choosing to read them all out. Starlight tried helping, even if she was lacking in Unown knowledge. "I need to know what they all mean...Uh, can you all give us some time?"

"Sure. We'll meet up later." Ash, Applejack, Heike and Fluttershy went off, leaving Twilight and Starlight to learn more about these hieroglyphics. Their Pokemon soon noticed their trainers leaving before following them to wherever else this pyramid leads to.

Twilight kept reading every hieroglyph there was with Starlight following carefully. "Start from zero. Connect the bonds. Pursue the light. And head towards Infinity..."

Upon traversing the pyramid, they came across a new room. Once that boasted far less beauty than the others. And it showed once Fluttershy set hoof into first before any of her friends. She squeaked, jumping back once feeling a sense of dread.

"Mmm!" Fluttershy landed in Audino's grasp. The reason for this shock wasn't a Pokemon. Rather, it was the fact that they had found themselves in what seemed to be a tomb. "W-What is this place...?"

"Looks like a tomb to me," Heike observed. "Creepy...but fun!"

"You don't put those two together that much, partner..." Applejack uttered. Phasing through the walls were familiar Ghost-Type Pokemon. Only two of them. Gengar and Mismagius. The Pokedex of Ash was taken out to observe the Delta typing for them. Gengar was now a Fire-Type while Mismagius held the Psychic-Typing.

The tomb itself carried the feeling any tomb would. It invoked horror but here, there was also something peaceful about it. Mainly those resting in peace at the moment. The group also saw how there were paintings on the walls of each tomb, meant to represent the individual that had passed.

All of them were Lucario, painting in an ancient style. Lucario that have come and gone. And standing in front of one of the tombs, first noticed by the eyes of Applejack was a familiar-shaped Pokemon with a brand-spanking-new appearance.

"Riolu...?" It was a Riolu. Specifically, Delta Riolu. The newest Delta to be found during their venture through the Holon Region, wearing a unique garment distinct from the others that had yet to be fully revealed as it stood in the shadows of the tomb, hiding its full appearance. The Delta Riolu stood before Applejack and her friends, standing tall with a face of bemusement and abstraction.

So far, many Delta Pokemon have been ventured. Whether in typing or appearance or even their dispositions. Within a town, grassland, lake, desert and now a pyramid, more was around the corner. as the journey continues.

Chapter 701 End.

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