• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Combination of Arceus and the Rift! A Pink Tide

Within an unknown realm.

Face to face, Ash and Twilight are met with an entity that was made by both the power of Arceus and the Rift, standing in front of the Cosmic Wall which spread so far it reached the edge of this universe within the vast forcefield.

It was an obscured variation of Dialga, one of Arceus' creations, emerging from the Cosmic Wall as a response to Ash and Twilight attempting to interact with it. All they knew about this entity was that it was a combination of two powerful forces. and with the appearance of Dialga, it would be a force to be reckoned with.

"We should be careful, Ash! We could end up harming everyone else within those walls if we get carried away. Or it might durable enough to take it. I don't know."

"No need to worry, Twilight. This is all for Hoopa and now it's for them. I'm not gonna let the Rift keep me away from my friends and lock away their freedom. No matter what." Ash's eyes intensified as Pikachu's red sacs let out a flare of electricity.


The Rift-Dialga gave off a signal that it was ready to attack, by letting out a divine flare from its body before using its wings. Its wings shot out golden feathers that looked to be razor sharp, having cosmic energy all around them as they were sent in droves.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!"

"Eve, use Psychic!"

"Pika...Chuuu!" Pikachu and Espeon retaliated. Pikachu pumped up his body before unleashing a crackling burst of electricity, powered by 100,000 volts as they intercept the golden feathers, stopping them in place.

"Espeon!" Espeon used her mental strength, holding the feathers in place. After doing so, she managed to crush them with her mind via an invisible blast. The feathers didn't reach them at all but this Rift Dialga had other options. Such as the sword that it was levitating.

The Rift Dialga approached with its ethereal sword, swinging it violently as it let out a trail of golden sparkles with blue and purple stardust.

"Iron Tail!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu would counter with Iron Tail, hardening his tail to match that of iron as he then lunged into the air. The Mouse Pokemon swung with all his might, clashing with the astral sword. The impact let out cosmic sparkles from how hard they clashed as many of them came from the sword. Pikachu jumped back before going in for another swing, only to be blocked by the ethereal shield. "Pika?"

"Eve! Quick Attack, now!"

"Espeon!" Espeon would join Pikachu. Once the shield had blocked Pikachu's Iron Tail, the Rift-Dialga swung its sword downwards on Pikachu, only for Espeon to tackle it at lightning speeds. However, thanks to the armour, Rift-Dialga barely nudged and Espeon felt some recoil. "E-Esp!"

"Pika!" Pikachu received a cosmic slash as he had been blown back by this. Gold and purple sparkles trailed out of him once he was hit while Espeon was then bashed away by the shield. Pikachu recovered on the starlight path, shaking is head and the same went for Espeon.

"Are you doing okay, Pikachu?!" Ash asked, worried about how that sword had been swung.


But they couldn't take their eyes off this version of Dialga for a second. Immediately, Dialga sent out a crackling orb of what looked to be a spherical version of Dialga's signature move. Roar of Time. Out of its mouth, this ball came flying out, having a clockwork texture and pattern within it.

"Quick Attack!" Both Ash and Twilight shouted, aiming to use the speed of their partners to their advantage.

"Pi!" Pikachu and Espeon split up, running to different sides at lightning speeds, leaving behind white afterimages. They managed to evade the sphere of time, however, once they did, it suddenly split up into four different smaller orbs. "Pika?!"

"They're coming this way!" Twilight noticed that two of them were headed for her and Ash. She quickly put up a barrier, protecting Ash and herself from these time spheres.

"Thanks, Twi! Pikachu! Make those orbs hit that Dialga instead!" Ash came up with something that would damage this Rift-Dialga, even if with all of that armour.

"You too, Eve! Go under!"

"Espeon!" Espeon and Pikachu would do just that. Together, they were fleeing from the orbs while heading for the Rift-Dialga too. In response, the Rift-Dialga had used its massive wings once more, curling them and increasing their sharpness. It did have the Steel-nature of Dialga even if it wasn't the actual Dialga.

The wings were sent towards Pikachu and Espeon as if they were swords, prompting the two of them to lunge over the wings. Rift-Dialga's wings hit the starlight path instead, stabbing through it. And once Pikachu jumped over Rift-Dialga while Espeon slid under it, the orbs came back and hit the entity instead of the pre-determined targets. That managed to push it back even with the armour on, causing the Rift-Dialga to stagger.



"Pika...Chuuu!" Once Rift-Dialga had staggered, Pikachu and Espeon unleashed 100,000 volts and a barrage of rainbows, crashing them all on this entity. With great coordination, the two of them were able to push back this cosmic entity, almost forcing it on its back.

"Yeah! That's the stuff!" Ash pumped his fist up, applauding Pikachu and Espeon.

"Well done, Eve!"

"Well, I'll be." The man inside of the wall was amazed that they could hold their own against such an enigmatic and ethereal being, especially since it was a creation of Arceus and the Rift's power but mainly the Rift since it was hostile towards Ash and his friends.

It prompted the other people stuck in the walls to gaze and marvel at the scene before them. Ash and Twilight continued attacking while the Rift-Dialga would retaliate by forming a golden and blue barrier to protect itself. Thunderbolt and Shadow Ball crashed into the barrier while the people watched Ash and Twilight face off against this entity.

There was hope. Ash did promise to get them out and he was living up to that promise already by dealing with the hostility of the Cosmic Wall.

"Ash! It's made out of both the Rift and Arceus' power! So maybe you can use your Aura to weaken parts of it!" Twilight suggested, targeting the crucial weak points of any Rift Creation. Aura.

"Gotcha! Pikachu, hold it with Electroweb!"

"Eve, Psychic, now!"

"Pika-Pika! Chu-Pi!" Pikachu then summoned an orb of electricity on his tail as the goal was to restrain this astral entity. The orb soon turned into a web that was large enough to hold it while Espeon would use her mental strength to hold it down.

However, the second the web reached the Rift-Dialga, it suddenly let out steel spikes that were surrounded by cosmic energy out of its body, piercing through the web. It even used its wings of pure light energy to blow away the incoming Psychic energy, forcing Espeon to lose control as the cosmic steel spikes almost hit Pikachu.

"Pi?!" Pikachu was narrowly hit by them, descending to the back and running back before any more could touch him. But right afterwards, the Rift-Dialga unleashed cosmic rays from its body, using the reflectiveness of its armour to send out some more.

"Yikes! Look out!" Ash held Twilight down, evading one of the incoming rays that came flying by. Pikachu and Espeon did the same as these rays went wild. "Pikachu! Counter Shield!"

"Pika...Chuuu!" To counter the abundance of rays, Pikachu got on his back, using Thunderbolt. A flare of electricity had emerged, fighting back against the rays in a fierce clash.

"We're gonna be here for a while," said Ash as this cosmic entity was already proving to be a handful. Ash and Twilight wouldn't be leaving this realm swiftly as expected. There was this major obstacle to deal with before anything else.

Kalos. Dahara City. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

"Hello? Are you guys done in there?" Meanwhile, back outside, Ash, Twilight, Pikachu and Espeon were practically statues at this point, stuck within this new realm. Hilbert waved his hands in front of Ash and Twilight but there wasn't an inkling of a response.

"I don't think they'll respond. I think they're in another world right now." Sci-Twi asked. "Not sure for how long...or even what's happening in there."

"I didn't think Aura would get so deep." Hilda crossed her arms. "Kinda makes me wish I caught that Lucario a while back if stuff like this was possible. But boy, was it stubborn."

"There's no telling how long they'll stay like this," said Bertha. "But Ash is more vulnerable with how targeted he is by the Rift now. Twilight told us to keep them safe, so that's what we all can do now at the moment."

"In that case, let's get them inside." Hilbert went to touch Ash, putting his hand on his shoulder. Immediately, Ash fell over from that reaction, dropping face first to the ground as the impact was surprisingly hard, sounding like stone. "Gaaaah!" Hilbert and everyone screamed once they heard Ash hit the ground hard.

"Hilbert, you blockhead!" Hida bellowed, baring her fangs with a burning fury while Hilbert got on his knees, apologizing to Ash.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It was a mistake!" Hilbert bowed his head constantly, only to then realize that Ash couldn't hear him. It looked like he didn't even feel it. His Aura was still active too.

"Hoopa will handle this!" Along came Hoopa, believing he had the best solution for this. He held up one of his rings, interacting with space once more. And in this case, Hoopa would try and carry Ash by summoning an army of Machamps. Out of the rings, multiple Machamps came jumping out, swarming the park

"Machamp! Machamp!" The Machamps all cried out as some of them performed stylish landings once emerging from Hoopa's rings. Hilbert, who was still on his knees, was knocked over by the Machamps and their knees.

"Ow! Hey!" Hilbert cried out as the park was overtaken by an army of Machamps, surprising the people and Pokemon nearby.

"Uh! Isn't this a bit much?!" Sci-Twi asked, almost being knocked over by the abundance of Machamps and their mighty muscles. Just a nudge could knock any of them over.

"With this, Ashkan, Pikan and Twikan will be carried anywhere!"

"That's great and all but this is way too many Machamps!" Hilda cried out as she was already smushed together by the Machamps who were obscenely plentiful. "We can handle this ourselves!"

"It's also highly excessive." Bertha was away from all of the danger along with Victini and Meloetta. "We appreciate your assistance but this is a bit overboard.

"Overboard? Alright. Hoopa will send them back." Understanding Bertha's sentiments, Hoopa would reverse what he had done. He held out his ring once more before moving it close to Machamps. "Everyone! Back where you came from!"

"Champ! Machamp!" The Machamps could see a way back home. Once Hoopa held out the ring, they all started running and lunging back inside the ring, knowing that this was the mystical object that brought them here. Hilbert had been trampled on, lying on the floor with a dazed face while Sci-Twi and Hilda were still in one piece instead of being crushed.

All the Machamps returned to their respective homes in their respective regions once they all passed the ring. The park was absent of any Machamp out there.

"T-Thanks..." Hilbert gave a thumbs up as there was an imprint of a Machamp's foot on his face. A very visible red imprint as well.

"We'll just carefully do this." Sci-Twi went to pick her pony counterpart up, holding her. They would all have to head indoors to keep them safe, just in case something terrible were to happen. Ash was already a target for the Rift after all.

"Melo." Meloetta would use Psychic, holding Ash, Pikachu and Espeon up. And right at this moment, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had shown u to witness this bizarre sight.

Ash and the others were currently being carried away with the utmost care, making sure not to drop them. Sci-Twi was holding her pony counterpart as if she were a child, confusing the duo.

"W-What's going on here?" Rainbow Dash asked once she and Pinkie Pie.

"It's some funny mind thing going on." Hilbert shrugged as he stood up, recovering quickly from the trampling. "Don't worry about it. Whatever it is, I'm sure they've got it under control. Right now, we're gonna keep them safe."

"Apparently, Ash is a target," Hilda added. "A target of the Rift itself, so that's why."

"But don't worry!" Hilbert exclaimed. "I, Hilbert, the number one trainer in the world, will keep them safe from some freaky cosmic threat. Count on it."

"Ooh. And who's this?" Pinkie Pie glanced over at Hoopa who greeted Pinkie Pie. "Never seen this Pokemon before."

"Mew?" Mew popped out of Pinkie Pie's mane upon spotting Hoopa. He could already tell he was staring at another Mythical Pokemon with Psychic capabilities.

"Hoopa! That's me!" Hoopa greeted himself as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie had finally met with the Mischief Pokemon. Mew was on the right page with who this was.

"Mew!" Hearing that he was Hoopa, Mew flew out of Pinkie Pie's mane to greet his fellow Mythical Pokemon, hoping that he had some relation to the rest of the Mews.

"We can get to know Hoopa later. Right now, how goes everything?" Rainbow Dash interrupted Mew, asking for details on what was happening with Ash and Twilight.

"Hoopa here is restrained from getting close to Ash. There's this massive forcefield from every angle that was made by the Rift. Right now, I guess Ash is trying to break that forcefield since his Aura's still active, even though he's unconscious. My other self went in to try and help him." Sci-Twi explained everything before looking down at her pony counter. "Aw. She's cute when she's resting like this."

"Don't call me cute..." But even when unconscious, Twilight responded to Sci-Twi, startling the human counterpart.

"Ooh. Then you'd better keep 'em in a place with a lot of light. You never know when the vampires might show up..." Pinkie Pie flailed her hooves around, putting on a menacing face.

"The vampires? Yeah, right. They're not gonna be here, Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash shook her head. "And how would you know they would be here actually?"

"Oh. I smelled a vampire back when you were battling Bertha. But she left." Pinkie Pie shrugged, revealing that this entire time, she knew that there was a vampire nearby. And the pony she was referring to was the one who wanted to battle Bertha as well.

Spectrum Shade.

Everyone else dug into their memories, each thinking about that same pony who wore the jacket and the cap, standing with them on the Celestial Tower.

"Wait! Her?!" Rainbow Dash roared before instantly getting in Pinkie Pie's face, holding her and shaking the earth pony. "You knew this entire time and didn't say anything?!"

"She didn't look like she was hurting anyone." Pinkie Pie squeed. "So I just let her be. No big deal, right?"

"It is a big deal! They're after Yveltal, remember? As if we're gonna let them do whatever they want. That means...there are vampires sneaking around in the Pokemon Festival, disguising themselves. Just great. Why can't this festival ever go on without something serious happening?"

"I'd say you made the right choice, Pinkie Pie," Bertha replied, surprising Sci-Twi and Rainbow Dash with that response. "You were right to let her go, I'd say."

"I was?"

"She was?!" Rainbow Dash repeated. This confused her greatly. She didn't expect an Elite 4 Member to say this, let alone just allow Spectrum Shade to run free.

"Thanks, Bertha." Pinkie Pie let out a bright grin that showed her pearly whites, causing them to blind Rainbow Dash in the process. "I didn't think you'd agree with that."

"You made that choice because of your keen senses. I'd say, someone already has a great sense of observation. Or is that just your Fairy Magic going off?" The Elite 4 Member giggled.

"Probably both." Pinkie Pie stood tall, feeling proud of herself. "But yeah. Ash had a run-in with the vampires, so they're gonna want some revenge on him, obviously. That's why we should stay in a place with all kinds of light."

"Then we'll just keep the lights in that hotel on all night." Hilbert aimed at the Dahara City Hotel which housed a colossal building the likes of which were so tall that they could match some of the tallest structures in the Pokemon World. "Man. They're freakishly tall."

"Oh, but before that. Pinkie Pie. Nice to meet you." Pinkie Pie held her hoof out to Hoopa, greeting the Mischief Pokemon.

"Pinkan." Hoopa already had a nickname for Pinkie Pie after hearing her name. He had a nickname for everyone and they all ended in 'Kan'. "Hoopa's happy to meet more of Ash's friends."

"Same here. We heard quite a bit about you, ya know. But, do you think you know any Mews? Aside from the one you just met." Pinkie Pie questioned him, wanting to get more information about the whereabouts of other Mews.

"Hoopa knows all about Mew!" Hoopa replied as he did indeed know about the New Species Pokemon Mew.

"That's great!" Pinkie Pie jumped for joy. A Mythical Pokemon who knew all about Mew. This could potentially lead to more information about locations where Mews can be found. With each passing month, Pinkie Pie discovers something new that thrills her.

However, Hoopa had more than just information about Mew.

"Here! Hoopa will show you!" He held up his ring once more, ready to bring something through. No one was ready for what was coming next. They were about to see just how far Hoopa's powers go and why exactly the Rift wanted to make sure Hoopa could never interact with Jirachi. "Alléhooparing!"

Suddenly, they all heard something. Something big was coming. Or rather, in big numbers, much like the many Machamps that showed up earlier. They all looked at the ring as the next thing they knew, a storm of Mews had shown up, flying through the rings as a pink tide emerged.

"MEW! MEW!" The Mews all cried out as once again, Hilbert was taken down by some of them.

"Not again!" For a second time in a row, Hilbert had been downed by the Pokemon that have been summoned by Hoopa in massive numbers. But to everyone else, this was absolutely stunning. Pinkie Pie and Mew's eyes lit up after witnessing what Hoopa had done.

This was important for Mewie especially to reveal herself as she was also hiding in Pinkie Pie's mane. Mewie flew out of Pinkie Pie's mane before witnessing what she wanted in the beginning. The main reason why Pinkie Pie offered to help her. To find more just like her.

Lo and behold, here they were. Dozens and dozens of Mews, reaching around the hundreds had appeared, flying around with bliss and joy in their hearts. naturally, this garnered the attention of everyone else in the city as they had witnessed an abundance of Mew the likes of which no one else has ever seen before.

But they had seen Legendary Pokemon battle in this city before so it wasn't all too surprising. It was however to Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Hilbert and everyone else.

"We did it...We did it!" Pinkie jumped for joy. "Isn't this great, Mewiei! We found more of you!"


"I've never seen so many Mews in one place. Let alone one." Bertha couldn't believe her eyes as she then put on a smile, glad about one thing. "How relieved I am to be around long enough to see this."

"Mew...Mew everywhere." Hilbert and Hilda stood back to back. "We never even found one of our own, right, Hilbert?"

"Not one bit."

"Were you surprised?" Hoopa giggled as Pinkie Pie nodded her head rapidly. Just then, the earth pony lunged in, hugging Hoopa which made his eyes bulge. "Gouh!"

"I was very surprised! This is the best surprise ever since my birthday! Thank you so much, Hoopa!"

"Huh. So this is why the Rift didn't want Hoopa to meet with Ash. his is incredible. It can just bring anyone over?" Rainbow Dash gawked, understanding the severity of why Hoopa was one of the first Pokemon the Rift went for.

"Mew-Mew!" Pinkie Pie's grabbed Mewie, pulling her towards her fellow New-Species Pokemon. This is what she wanted and she got it. However, Mewie was shy, still feeling the timidness of when she was around during the golden age of the Mews.

"Mew..." She hovered back, slightly intimidated to confront so many Mews. It was just like the past. But Pinkie's Mew encouraged her. After all, she already knew what it was like to speak to another one of her kind.

It was a Mew-Utopia. Much like how it was in the past.

"Wish you guys were her to see it." Sci-Twi looked at Ash and Twilight along with their Pokemon, wanting them to witness this wonderful sight just for themselves.

Within this mysterious realm.

Right now, they were fairly occupied with the Rift-Dialga to return to reality. But they were standing their ground against such a powerful foe either way. Granted, it was taking some time and a lot of coordination.

"We're not getting anywhere with this, Ash." Twilight said, growling at the RIft-Dialga. "We need to defeat it in one go and deal with that wall too. Now's a good time to send out more of our Pokemon."


But before they could do anything, that's when the Cosmic Wall acted once more. Seeing that Ash and Twilight were challenging to face, it would send something to deal with them both. Something to assist the Rift-Dialga.

A shooting star and a quick, bright flash of blinding energy had burst out of the Cosmic Wall, grabbing their attention. A new variation of an Arceus and Rift Creation was arriving as a brilliant being with eyes with a circle of light stood in front of them, appearing next to Rift Dialga. Two massive wings like thunderclouds could be seen, rumbling with its appearance. It carried a weapon of bright energy while surrounded by a pulsing energy, likely a protective barrier. It had a slightly more upwards stance compared to Rift-Dialga but it was the same size. And those eyes were similar as well. This meant only one thing.

"Palkia!" Ash cried out, recognizing this figure. Not only could the Cosmic Wall sent out a variation of Dialga but also Palkia.

The Rift-Palkia had emerged, letting a cry that was similar to Palkia. Ash and Twilight had their hands and hooves full now that there was a second one involved. They were already having some trouble with the first one.

"Why another one?" Twilight lowered her head, letting out a groan and a sigh.

"We'll just stop this one too." Ash kept his spirits up. "We've got more Pokemon to help us out. Let's just hurry and save everyone."

"R-Right!" Twilight stood up tall as now it was a full 2-on-2 battle. They weren't going anywhere unless they defeated what the Cosmic Wall had sent to them.

This fierce battle in another realm world continue while other wild things happen on the outside, such as the emergence of a hundred Mews. And even so, this was still the early parts of the Pokemon Festival. As the journey continues.

Chapter 853 End.

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